What is your opinion on this gen's selection of JRPGs?
What is your opinion on this gen's selection of JRPGs?
hwat aobut ocotphas travenlt
Every single one of those games are shit.
half of them are good
Labyrinth of Refrain is fucking great. No one played it.
I want to try it. It was on sale (actually, it was few times on sale), but it was... I don't know. Maybe 20% off? What can I say, I'm a cheap bastard.
Are you okay user?
All of the ones in your image are mediocre or bad, OP.
same as the last 100 times you made this thread
In order from left to right, top to bottom:
-Highest quality all around Persona experience to date, held back by some pacing issues and the story starting to drag and fall apart towards the last third of the game.
-Unironically the best Dragon Quest game since 8. Anyone who hates the post-game true end stuff is a faggot.
-Ys is still fun to play but it's starting to show its age in other regards. Also the NISA localization was a fucking meme. BIG HOLE.
-Nier Automata is one of the best games this decade, period. Fun, fluid action combat, fantastic soundtrack, and a very solid story. Some visuals get a bit old after a while, but otherwise, a must play.
-Star Ocean needs to just die off at this point. This is the weakest entry in a series that is mostly weak entries.
-Tales of Berseria tells a very straightforward, but satisfying, story. It has a decent cast of characters. Probably the best yet as far as nu-Tales is concerned. The gameplay is kinda simplistic and the game itself is not very difficult though. Soundtrack is meh. Story has its moments, and character development is on point.
Can we stop having this thread now?
I don't like Tales of or Star Ocean, but the other games are really fantastic, honestly. There was a drought of good mainstream rpgs for a while, but I think fans of the genre are getting some good games now. My favorite from that list is probably dragon quest xi.
>only 6 jrpgs this gen
what happened bro's
Where the fuck is Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and or 2, and Sekiro?
>Anyone who hates the post-game true end stuff is a faggot.
I hate the whole game, though.
1 is not this generation by a long shot. Sekiro isn't a JRPG.
>only 6
is this it for JRPG?
That's fine. At least you hate everything equally.
liked persona, automata and berseria.
star ocean was terrible, but who expected otherwise?
ys is ok
dragon quest is overrated as fuck
This thread reeks snoygger.
seething nintentoddler
But 4/6 of these games are on other platform(s).
>Either of them JRPG
One is straight up an action game and the other is an action rpg. Are you retarded OP?
Nier isn’t an RPG
>Highest quality all around Persona experience to date,
>P5babby has shit taste
What a surprise
>liked persona
Try killing yourself
Nier = Xenoblade 2 > DQXI = Ys VIII > P5 = Octopath >>>> Berseria > Shit >>>>>>>> SO5
But it is though. The polish and overall quality is great. I'm not saying it's the best, I'm just saying the series has reached a level of quality we hadn't seen before, and I expressed valid complaints to the effect of it not being perfect. Don't cherry pick.
Once again theyre all great except star ocean. That one was just ok but not anywhere near bad as people try to make it out to be.
Japanese arpgs are jrpgs you retard
Not true. When it comes to DQ, my fav are III, V and VIII. And honestly, I dislike everything after VIII (except for X because, obviously, I never played it, and Builders)
I don't know. XI is just boring. And I still put 60 hours into it. Fucking idiot.
Why are you responding? People like him will never get it. Accoring to them, if you don't have towns to explore, NPCs to talk to and turn based combat, it's not JRPG.
P5, DQXI, N:A, and ToB are good to great. Not sure about Ys even though I played some of the other Ys games and loved them. Star Ocean 5 is terrible.
I really wish SO would make a comeback, really miss that series. I completely disagree that the series is 'cornered by the plot twist of 3" I think they can do a lot with it, but they just choose not too.
Tri-Ace in general is nearly totally a dead company. Rest in peace.
nah, thanks nigger, but life s pretty damm good
>Put 60 hours into a game you weren't enjoying for the previous 59 hours
You can call me an idiot if it makes you feel better, but at least I have the ability to realize when I'm not enjoying something.
I didn't call YOU an idiot. I was saying that to myself. I am that idiot because I though it would get better.
Sorry for confusion.
Oh okay. Yes, I couldn't imagine having experience with this series, finding a game boring at first, and not knowing that it isn't gonna get any better down the line. 60 hours is a lot of time wasted if you weren't getting anything out of your experience.
Star Ocean needs a reboot. That's the only way this series is ever going to be saved from an untimely death.
It's not. The polish doesn't exist the the overall quality is complete fucking garbage. Get over yourself P5babby
P5 isn't close to good. Nice try.
they were all really good, just a bit more games would be awesome.
NieR automata is Arpg though, also cant say anything about dq, didnt play it.
>pretty good
P5, DQ XI, Nier: Automata
Tales of Berseria.
>I haven't played
The rest.
I really enjoyed SO5 despite all the bashing it gets. Anne carried it so hard for me.
not as good as p3, but it was a really good game
>tales of berseria
God tier, single handedly saved tales
>star ocean
was actually good, guess its propably just the trend to hate on it. not quite as star ocean 1 or 2, but miles better than the shitstain that was 4.
>dq, ys
didnt play
overall i like the direction jrpgs are going, theres just not really much choice anymore
>Nier automata
didn't play
>tales of berseria
Great game with fun and stylish gameplay
Great story and fluid combat
Second favorite DQ. My only problem with it is the fact that it is too fucking long. I've finnaly reached the trials 125 hours in
Shit. I hate it. Second worst tales for me. Thank fuck vesperia got rereleased to save tales
>Ys and Star ocean
Didn't play em
Also anyone know any jrpg with an interesting or unique turn based gameplay?
I like Xenoblade 2 Nier Automata and YS VIII, Berseria was disappointing, haven't played Persona 5. Dragon Quest XI was good too.
It has fishing minigame. It's jrpg according to taro.
The hostility is unnecessary but refreshing. You do you.
>Great game with fun and stylish gameplay
Or you can just kill yourself for being a P5babby.
>but it was a really good game
If you think games with bad gameplay and stories are good sure.
It's nothing crazy, but Radiant Historia has fairly fun combat, at least when it's with an enemy that actually complements the combat system, which some of the big bosses don't.
I know p5babbies have retardation. That's why you pretend bad games are good.
Could you stop samefagging so hard? It's getting pretty pathetic. No one cares that you hate Persona 5. Cry about it less.
From the games I played:
Xenoblade X/2
Nier Automata
Dark Souls 3
>needs improvement
Tales of Berseria
Any mainline pokemon game released this gen
The only big ones were FF15 and Nier Automata. The latter will go down as one of the best games ever made while the former is an example of a game that was ruined by its development.
There were tons of small and mid budget ones which is great but there should've been more big budget ones.
>persona 5
I count that as last gen. The ps4 version was an afterthought.
I'm curious to see how they will translate JRPGs into VR form in the next gen.
Maybe you should stop liking a garbage game and being mentally disabled to act like it's good?
Bloodborne is not a RPG
More like the PS4 version was a forced thought. Fuck Sony for making us wait two more years because they forced Atlus to make it for the PS4 too.
Well, I didn't play most of them, but from the games in OP image my opinion is that "JRPG" is clearly a completely meaningless term now with how broad and vague it apparently is
more of an RPG than most games in OP's image
Rpg made in japan you dumbass
Out of the ones I played:
P5 - boring, didn't finish it
Ys - fine, I preferred 7
Nier - boring
I love Xenoblade 2, where is it? Fuck you Eric.
All of those are shit except nier and ys
just having slow ass, terrible combat isnt required to be an JRPG. nier and ys both have more story and other rpg elements than most other "JRPGs"
It's pretty hilarious how open-ended a lot of people consider the term (J)RPG. Remember Monster Hunter World being called an RPG from the Game Awards? The fuck
Now that I think about it, MonHun can't really be called an RPG huh? Doesn't seem to have enough RPG like elements to justify the label.
What exactly did you dislike about DQXI?
Asking because I was planning on playing it this week.
all these cinematic games in OP can fuck off, I spend my money on dungeon crawlers instead
>being this dumb
Octopath sucks tge big penis. Huge waste of potential.
absolutely soulless trash
As much as I dislike the cinematic gaming trend, I have a hard time entertaining the idea that flashing .png image RPGs as being any better.
Why can't we break away from this format that was outdated two generations ago?
The game gets a lot of deserved flak for many issues caused by the poor budget but it has a lot of strong points to it that most gloss over or never even realized. It's a real shame it was developed the way it was since it made huge strides forward in how combat works from 3 (a few too many actually) and had some great ideas. It really needed hard mode to be the default. Anne is indeed best girl.
It's like Bravely Default except without a lot of the qualities that made Bravely Default so charming.
so dark souls is jrgp. cool.
Really happy the genre still gets good games, I love it.
fuck outta here
just because a game was made in Japan doesn't make it a jrpg ffs
the term jrpg exists just to differentiate between crpgs and jrpgs. the term is deeply connected to the time period it was coined.
if these don't make a game a jrpg, then what does, user?
It's true though. They look and play the same for over 20 years now. Genres that cannot reinvent themselves are dated to fall into obscurity.
Examples: MMO, RTS, Shmups, Rail Shooters, etc. Fighting games are the exception to this rule because of their competitive nature.
Yeah but so obviously it's an RPG.
not him. It did nothing nothing new, exceptional or innovative. Instead it fucked up game mechanics that worked in previous games. Pep is the big one, also fucked are crafting and level design among others. And the music was utter shit
>And the music was utter shit
Ah, fuck.
I started to play Ys VIII a few days ago and so far im having a blast with it, then again the only Ys games I played are this one and the one on the Vita, I see people here not liking Ys VIII that much, what's wrong with it? Im not expecting a great story either after playing the Vita one which had a very shitty ending.
>it did nothing new, exceptional, or innovative
Do you realize we're talking about Dragon Quest here? The games have been largely the same since their inception.
>Pep and music being shit
Can't disagree here. The random nature of pep seems weird to me considering you could just harness that effect at will in DQ8. As for the music being shit, well, at least it'll be restored in the Switch release I guess.
I unironically enjoy the crafting in this game though.
If it's not broke.
up to the fifth game, each game surpassed the previous in a grand way. My reaction to the next couple games was mild, but I acknowledge that they improved a few minor aspects (while fucking up elsewhere). XI is the first game that did nothing right. How can you tolerate this dull as hell busywork crafting combined with the "pick up the glowing shit in the overworld" ? It adds nothing to the game.
Nier is made in Japan. It's an rpg. There is even a party member running behind you.
Speaking of which if i want to get into star ocean which one should i get from the psn store? they are all roughly the same price on sale right now
2 and 3 are generally considered the best, I didn't play 4 but it's considered shit and 5 is pretty rough but has some decent qualities some can find.
Spot on opinion user
Is Star Ocean 5 honestly THAT bad to not be even worth 20€ for the Deluxe edition?
I see a lot of people talking about how Star Ocean is mostly a mediocre series with almost no good games, im wondering what kept the series to survive this long then.
>Nier Automata
>Xenoblade 2
>Yakuza 0
I'm pretty happy that I like every JRPG I bought these years.
Fuck Western games btw. Stop making FPS, and use your AAA budget on some other genres.
its a good game, most people hating on it mainly mention things that are not even in the game.l
>xenofags thinks theyre on the same level as nier
That seems like a decent price for it. The game had zero budget but worked around it to an extent to tell a smaller scale story. The level of content is a bit weak because of it but the gameplay is pretty good. However the base difficulty is too easy so most of what's good about it doesn't really show itself. Outside of that there's still cool equipment customization which the series always has, the Role system is really nice and PAs are fun.
So we finally hit the point where we have the p5 contrarians shit posting to their full ability
Does Utawarerumono count as jrpg?
i think because rpgs labels are used to distinct each and every one of them based on gameplay style, narrative and whatnot, not country of origin
try to claim that skyrim is wrpg and you will get ridiculed, despite it being "arpg" made in the west
same goes for something like final fantasy and dark souls
notice how rpgs are the only one that get that type of treatment, you never see anyone calling gears of war western tps while binary domain or lost planet a japanese tps
just tps
>Sekiro is not a JRPG
>but Soulsshit and "press x to advanced text" is
Only good ones are P5 and Nier, all the other ones are absolute dogshit.
>notice how rpgs are the only one that get that type of treatment
yes, because for rpgs its a special case.
Jrpg and Wrpg are both CRPG. it basicly only mean that a Console/Computer is the game master of the adventure. but since their designstyle is completely different you`would call them Wrpg and Jrpg instead, basicly because those types of games were exclusive to their plattform.
you might call those terms outdated, but its basicly what they mean.
action rpg and J/w rpg are 2 complete different genres, just understand it and people will stop correcting you
a waste of time
pretty good, in contrast to all the OP games it has an actual open world to explore and NPC actions that go beyond "talk"
its basicly like someone comparing bioshock infinity and the last of us, while proceeding to call the last of us an egoshooter.
both are shooters, yet they have 2 different names.
its allmost like comparing Crpg and Arpg
It's been like that since a few months after the English release though.
Haven't played any of them.
Ys VIII is the only good game on that list, and it's low budget as fuck and probably developed with 1/10th of the average budget of the rest.
whats that?
This is how you can spot a zoomer. Is Metal Gear Rising a jRPG as well? For fucks sake
That was just a proof of concept, just bravely default team small project to test the waters with switch hardware, they literally teased BD3 after the game was out, that will be the real game
There's also Xenoblade 2 but yeah... Inb4 "”"""japanese humor""""" wemb shitposting
Dana is great game
2/6 played, really liked them
I disagree with your honest statement.
They're mostly good.
Give him a couple minutes, he might be sleeping
>role playing
My opinion is that KH3 is better than half the games on that image.
Excuse me for enjoying multiple things.
>no Xenoblade
>no octopath
>no Disgaea
>no smt 4/A
Persona 5 sucked balls, didn't play the rest
>-Nier Automata is one of the best games this decade
Just no, it's "muh 2 deep 4 you" type of story which just takes itself too serioulsy and is stupidly overrated. The gameplay is probably theblandest shit Platinum has put out, even transformers is a better and more fun game in that regard.
So "okay game", no problem but "best of the decade" heeeeeeell no
>The polish and overall quality
What polish and quality?
The visuals are alright but nothing to spectacular for the ps4 but the gameplay falls well below anything in any other megaten game because of how easy it is to cheese.
brainlet spotted
If you're in Eurrope it's 60% off and it's 20 eurobucks right now
Yeah he should've included it
Unironically better than half of them
Best JRPG of this decade
Ys was great.
Not him but where?
>it's "muh 2 deep 4 you" type of story which just takes itself too serioulsy and is stupidly overrated.
you sure wrote a lot of words here without actually saying anything of substance
Missing Rance X, Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth, and Xenoblade 2
Dragon Quest 11, Ys 8 and Nier Automata are the only good games on your image but Nier isn't even an RPG in the slightest.
Let me guess, you think its bad because they don't interact.
JRPG is a bad genre. No control over the story, so they're not really RPGs. They're tactics games but they're not even very good tactics games. Very simplistic and shallow combat.
>no control over the story
Someone’s never played a megami tensei game
Still technically from this generation.
Whether you actually like it or not, it's still objectively the most technologically impressive JRPG ever made.
No, it's just boring. Although thinking about it it's pretty lame that they don't
So I hit the nail on the head.
Is octopath good or should I just buy bravery default?
Most people who say that only play persona
Wack. I would rather get it on PC but at that price I might have to bite the bullet and get it on PS4.
I legit love kemco
Why can’t retards just play mainline or other spinoffs
Why not both?
They're both good at different things but I would say octopath's story is less of a slog because of a certain part in BD.
>the exception disproves the rule
Bravely Sucked.
Because you also have retards that don't know what a spin off smt game is.
You never actually played any of these have you?
Octo was better, BD completely falls off a cliff in the second half while Octo goes nuts
>draw your sword, Gerhard
Because MegaTen games are varied and someone having an interest in one branch of the series doesn't mean they'll have an interest in the franchise as a whole, and most people who are familiar with Persona, even if they are aware of it being related to SMT, will think of it as its own thing rather than being part of a wider franchise, and as such will not be prone to have an interest in the wider franchise. Probably doesn't help when the people encouraging them to branch out are people who do the play a real chin megoomi tensay game act but they do it completely earnestly, which would be offputting if those were the people you had to try to get you into SMT or any other MegaTen.
Ys 8
Nier: A
These are the best from pic related.
BD plays like some faggots looked at Final Fantasy 5 and then completely missed the whole goddamn point.
I'm finally playing nier right now. It's so fucking good. Deleted my save for the cool title menu now I'm working on actually 100%-ing it.
>no way fag
that actually sums up my thoughts. BD is the lame zoomer version of that game, it even messes up the mechanics. Vampire is a walmart Bluemage.
ys and nier are good
I don't play turn based shit
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.
Imagine actually thinking the story is "muh 2 deep 4 you" buzzword because you didn't pay attention.
What makes it so great?
Way of the Samurai and Steambot Chroncicles have more story freedom than most Western RPGs.
>because you didn't pay attention
Attention to what exactly?
Attention to the fact that i , have to sit through 4 fucking playthrough to even get the full story?.
You fanboys and this game are the epitome of
>"but it gets good after X hours"
People only like this game because of the whole "oh look muh anime tiddies are talking about existential things, it's so deep. What.? humanity was already gone OMG what a reveal"
Fuck off
no way fag
SaGa Scarlet Grace
Metal Max 4
Rance X
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Lord of Vermilion: Arena
Alliance Alive
Oreshika 2
Culdcept Revolution
PSO2 EP1-3
Cladun Sengoku
Stranger of Sword City
Underwater Ray Romano: Mask of Truth
Damascus Gears: Saikyou Exodus
Labyrinth of Refrain
Legend of Legacy
Natural Doctrine
Phantasy Star NOVA
Lord of Apocalypse
Mystery Chronicles: One Way Heroics
Metal Max Xeno
Xenoblade 2
Grand Kingdom
Star Ocean 5
Exist Archive
Atelier Firis/Lydie&Suelle/Lulua
NieR Aux Tomato
Cold Steel
Summon Night 6
Tales of Berseria
Valkyria Revolution
I am Setsuna
Lost Sphear
PSO2 EP4-5
I only played Berseria on that list and it was pretty dope, thinking about getting Dragon Quest next
>Natural Doctrine
>Above anything
Nier is good but it's like a 8/10 at best. The combat is shit specially when you consider that Platinum is responsible for it and that Kingdom Hearts is almost 20 years old and already had better combat than it.
Okami was more story heavy than Nier, was made by the same people who would end up forming Platinum and had better combat than Nier. The maps were really poorly designed in Nier too and were pretty boring to explore, unlike Okami that was a joy to explore.
It really feels like Platinum half-assed Nier, I hope they put more effort in the sequel now that they know it'll sell well.
The gimmick of having to replay the game was awful, I couldn't bear to finish 9s' playthrough. Fuck Yoko Taro for thinking that was a good idea.
In fact, fuck Nier, someone just give Kamiya the rights to make a sequel to Okami already.
Natural Doctrine has a very good gameplay model and offers a good challenge, but it was handled poorly as an SRPG, that's more than I can say for a lot of other stuff.
no u
Terrible shit taste
He doesn't has the same shit opinion as me so must be bait
kys retard
Beresia might tell a straight forward story but doesn't do so in a straight forward way the tales ganes have always suffered with awkward writing and beresia is no different
I also hate how most modern tales games punish you for being too good at it bosses and code red enemies will get iron stances in the middle of a combo just to pull of unlockable full map attack to fuck up your sg and cast it fucking instantly but at least it's better than the bullshit in zesteria where it's no fuck you the enemy is invincible because we say so
Xeno 2 is the best JRPG and also the best game ever made. I don't say this only because I'm in love with Nia, I assess this from an objective standpoint.
garbage and nier is an action game
>80 bucks for a fucking wizardry clone
do you ever stop to think they journo plebs like persona so much?
I don't really like shounen anime/manga though.
I'm a SoLfag and Aria is my favorite anime
Games are too expensive to develop and don't yield enough profits.
>I see a lot of people talking about how Star Ocean is mostly a mediocre series with almost no good games
It's been that way since 4.
Persona 5 is a PS3 game ported to PS4.
Star Ocean 5 is a PS3 game ported to PS4.
Tales of Berseria is a PS3 game ported to PS4 (and PC in the west).
Glad we had this chat about the remaster generation and the so called JRPGs of the PS4 (also on PC and PS3).
Persona 5 was good, DQ11 was a masterpiece. I'm yet to play Ys 8 but I hope to God it's a considerable improvement from Celceta. Haven't played the others and they aren't my thing so I probably won't ever.
What's your point? Popular = bad?
>Persona 5
My second favorite Atlus game. Hope SMT is made as flashy and stylish somehow.
Planning on buying the Switch version.
>NieR Automata
In my top 5 games.
>Star Ocean
After 4, there's no way I am giving this series a try.
Shit game; third worst Tales game. Velvet is a shit character.
Quick question, should I get Tales of Vesparia on flash PS4 sale?
no and it never has been. if you think dks is a jrpg or even an arpg it means you don't know what those words mean
christ what an ignorant faggot
>After 4, there's no way I am giving this series a try.
And boy Oh boy did you dodge a massive .51 caliber bullet. You did well
No, all Tales games are shit, the only JRPG that did well the kind of combat system Tales uses is Summon Night Swordcraft Story.
skyrim is an arpg, dark souls is not
you fuckers need to learn some videogame history and where these terms come fron and stop getting all your info from shitty corporate marketing
souls is not rpg
not sure about neir have not played it
Dark Souls is literally Zelda but worse and with a better combat system.
Zelda and Metroid have almost the exact same gameplay structure and are really only different in theme and viewing angle. If you think Zelda is an RPG, you must also consider Metroid to be an RPG.
RPGs are the genre of games that developed out of mimicking the mechanics and experience of pencil and paper roleplaying games and Zelda doesn't do any of that.
Your example is fucked, Metroid does not really play like Zelda there are a number of important differences. But your conclusion is correct. Slapping an xp/leveling system on an action game doesn't make it an Action-RPG.
I liked it. My only complaints are the obvious missing group interactions and the missing 3rd term which both will be remedied by P5R.
My first DQ. I enjoyed it except for the music. The first RPG where I actually turned the music off except for boss fights.
I liked it. Not much else to say.
>Nier: Automata
I liked it. My only complaint is that enemies are mostly the same.
>Tales of Berseria
It's okay. Far fucking better story and battle wise than fucking retarded Zestiria. The only good thing about Zestiria is half the OST was made by Go Shiina. Too bad morons went with Sakuraba again for Berseria
>Star Ocean
I haven't played this. How was it? All I remember are the doll faces of the previous game.
XC2 > P5 > Nier > the rest are trash
I wish Nier were better. Out of all of those games, it was the one I was looking forward to the most.
P5 was good though.
>No control over the story, so they're not really RPGs.
not critical for the definition of an RPG.
RPGs are games descended from D&D and tabletop wargaming. Various conventions have evolved around that and many games swap out the turn-based gameplay with action gameplay, but even then most ARPGs emphasize planning and tactical decision-making in the gameplay and downplay twitch reflexes and technical skill.
We'll get news...
Any day now...
Ys is an action game
This game’s premise sounds interesting but is it any good?
P5 and Ys8 are pretty damn good.
Nier’s lack of enemy variety and wonky combat killed it.
Srar Ocean was absolute shit.
Never played the rest.
Do it
where the fuck is xenoblade x
In the trash where it belongs
havent played star ocean or ys, persona 5 great, nier great, dragon quest is ok, berseria is ok