Buy a digital game

>buy a digital game
>needs to download 14GB update

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>>buy a digital game

Oh uh it's a video game thread? NO

what's with all the game of reddit spam?

its the same 2 homosexuals. Stop replying to these threads and report them maybe? Stupid.

uhm, no, sweaty. i will respond to every shit thread.

>buying physical as if our oceans aren’t suffering enough

What games have the same aesthetics as this shot from the Cleganebowl?

Attached: cleganebowl.png (1940x994, 1.68M)

God of war 1 and 2

I know everyone is saying the writing is shit, but this Mad Queen storyline is actually kino

>implying you give a shit

unironically great answer. the angle, lighting, and scenery looks very similar to og God of War

>buying games

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let me guess, this episode was even worse than last weeks and more people died because lol final season.

This series is dead.

>Implying I care about a 10 min DL.
Fiberlets btfo

Also name 1 game which does it. I've never seen it on Steam but I don't buy recent games.

No games do this OP is exaggerating

actually this was the best episode of the season

still trash tho

>Buy physical game
>same fucking thing

Modern consoles were a mistake. Releasing half functional games that need 10000 patches was a mistake.

Console games do this constantly. It took longer for my doorstop station to update Bloodborne than it did to download it, and theres fuck all you can do about that except swap the HDD.

Yeah, since the writers turn it into a fanfiction at the start of season 6.

lol 14 gigs, that is peanuts, try GTAV or any Battlefield, fuck 80 gigs, hell Overwatch is huge.

Attached: 2b_bridle2_by_sakimichan-dbl3fsw.jpg (753x1100, 482K)

I thought it was season 5 when that started.

Season 5 ends with Jon dying, literally the end of the book, the last one so far.

Okay, does season 5 adapts the whole book, by the way?

2babies are so annoying

I don't remember a 14 gb update for bloodborne or any other gaystation games I own

He said update dumbass

homosexual gayme of thrones lmao

Let me finish it first

>watching retarded normie shit

>buy a digital game
>soundtrack is sold separately

What's wrong with the new season of GOT? Why does everyone hate it? Give me the run down

poorly written and it feels extremely rushed

^The writers managed to dissapoint and trigger everyone; Showfags, bookfags, both of them, normies, even haters, politicfags on twitter, low iq brainlets who jumped on with the hard marketing of S5 and onwards. It is a trainwreck of monumental scale.

They've basically been throwing away the interesting-but-difficult-to-land qualities of their plots / characters in an effort to push punchy, dumb resolves.

Everyone basically lost their brain at the end of season 5 and no one has done fuck all interesting or worthwhile since besides be parodies of themselves.

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i didn't get triggered by it, but then again i don't really give a shit about the show anymore, bran is based


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Bran is useless

>same fucking thing
Which is only possible because of digital distribution and is only a thing because digital distribution was accepted.
Die of a heart attack already Gabe.

absolute brainlet that doesn't understand how important bran is

No, it has a few bits that are from the book, a few bits that are kind of similar to the book but executed horribly and wrong, and then shit they just made up

>"I don't eat meat because the animal suffers"
>"That why I eat seafood instead!"

Not anymore.

Attached: 1552434950051.png (974x737, 631K)

he is important, regardless of the showing being over


what games were as monumental of a let down as Cleganebowl?

Seafood is vegan?!

Not according to the show. Except when they meme it for their half-asses council.

Twilight Princess.

No Man's Sky

talked about him with a book friend that doesn't care about the show

bran is important

Don't fucking kid yourself, you'll never touch the physical copy for the rest of your life. It's just there for vanity.

>buy a physical game
>inside the case is a code for a digital copy


God of War 2018
No Man's Sky

Of course not.

The show is not following the books, retard. So no, not important anymore. Just "something else"

>he thinks fish feel pain

Attached: 305.png (200x193, 85K)

LMAO people are still "downloading" stuff? Get with the fuckin program, we live in the future user

My trophy list with many games that say "Platinum in 5 years, 4 months" begs to differ.

i am aware that the show is past the books

but bran is important in both

i dont understand your spoiler

>Missing the point
Typical zoomer.

bran is unimportant except for being a cool lore character. the old three eyed raven did shit nothing and bran won't do anything either. the spoiler is referring to how he says he's "something else now"

>but bran is important in both
>i dont understand your spoiler
There's your contradiction, reddit spacing aside. Bran "was" important, now he is not and became a meme character.

he's important to me as a cool character then

Dark Souls 3