MGSV was great and less cutscenes (literally what the fans fucking asked for) and one, ONE unfinished mission will never change that. Get fucked, Yea Forums. I will not conform. Best controls, best gameplay, best missions. Cry about it.
MGSV was great and less cutscenes (literally what the fans fucking asked for) and one...
I played MGS2 about a year before MGSV came out, and that was the only MGS I'd ever played. I admit V is the better of the 2 in gameplay, but it gets so repetitive and boring after 50 hours. And I'm not even into Chapter 2 or whatever it's called. Uninstalled, I never want to play it again.
Too bad those controls and gameplay are wasted in an empty open world with the occasional guard post and convoy. Should have stuck to a linear game.
Chapter 2 is just the epilogue. This misnomer is the entire source of Yea Forumss enormous butthurt
>are wasted in an empty open world with the occasional guard post and convoy.
Good thing 90% of the game isn't set in the open world then.
But isn't it replaying every mission from Chapter 1?
Regardless, I got to the part where you are extracting Code Talker and have to fight the skulls in that airfield. So done with the game.
Yeah, that's why it's an epilogue. Its getting higher scores to unlock extra goodies like the tapes. Its videogamey as fuck and 100% Kojima. Nobody gets mad when DMC & Capcom does it
>same 2 or 3 missions repeated 100 times with different slaps of paint on them
>Best missions
Nope, it's just misinformation.
See, the only missions you need to complete are marked with Golden dots. The repeat missions have blue dots.
So, if you've played Peace Walker and aren't a complete retard, you'll remember how new missions were unlocked in that game's epilogue chapter: by playing two side missions.
>same objective means it's the same mission
Based retard
Like I said, only MGS I've played is 2 and V. But if I'm done with the game and I've not even finished Chapter 1, even if Chapter 2 is super light on the replays, yeah... I ain't going for it.
>every Hitman mission is exactly the same !!!
Each base and outpost in MGSV has to be approached a different way
>Punish players for using lethal approaches
>95% of the weapons are lethal
Hitman has a fuck-ton of variety and lots of different viable tactics, none of which overshadow the others.
MGSV has tranq sniper. If you do it any other way, you're doing it wrong.
Chapter 2 has maybe 5-6 missions.
I'd recommend playing 3 and Peace Walker before it if you ever want to give V another chance. Also keep your save file so you can replay the important Ch1 missions without having to go through all the filler.
>wtf why is this game so easy when I'm abusing an OP method and playing with Baby mode on
The absolute state of retards.
>Each base and outpost in MGSV has to be approached a different way
This right here is the view of someone who's barely played MGSV. Keep playing and you'll see they're all the same. I can use one loadout and take out any base/outpost in both maps the same way, every time.
Needed better bases, and bases to upgrade over time. The old dude's mansion in Africa should have been one of the best interiors every designed in MGS but its dogshit and the camera is super zoomed in when your inside.
I can only recall a handful of cameras in the entirety of MGSV. Players got more defensive options in FOB creation than Kojima put in the actual game
I've done the "only machine gun, no sniper, loud pistol" method of playing the game. Still not fun.
The controls are good, but the game around those controls sucks.
Because you're playing on baby mode.
You really have no idea what you're talking about, do you.
I don't want to join the Kult of Kojima, get off my doorstep.
Seethe more.
>Y-Yuh have to ignore half the weapon options in the g-game to play it correctly!
I hope you aren't pursuing a career in game design, user.
I 100% so i can talk all the shit i want about it.
>Walker Gear
>Equip Shield on the back
>Zip through fucking anything at the speed of Sonic
>>>>>>S Rank
Fuck off.
You're the one pretending it's a good game.
It's not about weapons though.That was always a problem in MGS, you can pretty much complete MGS2 - MGS PW with just the tranq gun.
I don't have to pretend, it is a great game.
Good, keep your eyes closed. Now open your anus and allow Kojima to penetrate your virgin ass.
half the game was sticking balloons to people
quarter was running
quarter was cutscenes
great game
>game bad
>if you dont agree me you idiot kojimbo diksucker!
Based retard
>do a quest line in which you assemble a hover tank
>it's strongly implied it will become a usuable vehicle
>final cutscene plays, tank is released bombastically
>it's nowhere to be found in mission setups
>look it up
>it's cut content
Also if MGSV's purpose to bridge the narrative gap between Peace Walker and Metal Gear it barely does that, but also introduces even more plotlines that are left hanging so it ends up being a net loss in terms of answered questions.
It's a fantastic game but the aspect of the series that I play MGS for, the story, was handled awfully and the Chapter 2 debacle was such a tease, if Kojima couldn't get a second chapter done satisfactorily he should have dropped the chapter shit entirely and made it an epilogue instead. Also his stupid opening titles for every mission completely spoils the surprise for certain villains appearing.
then what the fuck was the point of making it open world
literally just wasted resources that could have went towards the barebones story
Absolutely. When they said MGS5 was going to be a new breed of stealth, they didn't lie. It wasn't like Splinter Cell, Thief, or whatever the hell. It was a cross breed between ninja stealth and tactical shooter (think Ghost Recon/ArmA SOF missions)
>one unfinished mission
Latter third if not half of the game is repeating exact same missions from earlier, byte to byte, only with different "challenges" added to the objective screen, most of the time something as simple as "dont get detected" added to the exact same mission you have already played and they pass it up as a new main mission. It would pass for a very very lazy ng+ or some sort of hard mode, not core game.
>less cutscenes, fans asked
What does it matter if half the plot and flair is in the tapes? It is the same cutscenes, but just the audio without the video, so even worse. Literally feels like they run out of money throwing them at VAs so decided to cut a few hours worth of cutscenes and just shove unlockable audiotracks down your throat so that the background plot would make at least some sense and characters would get at least some characterization. Dont even try to say that its the same old codec talks because its not, codec talks are basically text dialogues with 3d portraits fitted into the gameplay that have to do with things at hand, not separate audiocutscenes you semirandomly unlock after mission and "watch" at your leisure (or dont).
I still very much liked the game but your points are moot. If there is an unfinished game, its this one. It leaks from every corner. Don't know how someone could genuinely not notice this. Hope its just a bait.
>played mgs 1
Too many cutscenes, barely any gameplay didn't bother finishing
>played mgs2
Too many cutscenes, horrible gameplay, my hand was off the controller most of the time. Didn't finish
>played mg5
GAME STARTS OFF WITH BASICALLY AN HOUR LONG CUTSCENE. INTO AN INTERACTIVE MOVIE. And a cutscene every fucking 5 minutes if you follow the story. Didn't finish, it's shit
>played MG RISING
Loved every second of it, cutscenes only right before a boss. Gameplay was actually good and not hot garbage like every MG game.
It's come to my attention that people who like metal gear games are brainless tasteless shits. Thr story isn't even good faggots. Dark souls tells a better story through fucking item description for fuck sake.