Holy fuck why didn't you fags ever tell me about Atelier games?

Holy fuck why didn't you fags ever tell me about Atelier games?

This has been one of the best fucking JRPGs or RPGs in general I have played.

>Great characters
>Good writing/story
>Challenging boss fights
>Awesome item system
>Good battle systems
>Amazing music

I hope sophie isn't the peak Atelier. I would hate to play another and find it shit.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>why didn't you fags ever tell me about Atelier games
Nigga you missed the Totori

Hate to break it to you but everything after Arland is shit.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
is this one good?

Are you retarded? Sophie is terrible nu gust shit. Every single Atelier game before was better. Go play Ayesha. No, no you must be fucking trolling. This is bait right?
Even Totori is better than Sophie yes.

>they didn't put her in her own series because they didn't want to pay Marina Inoue anymore

>Are you retarded? Sophie is terrible nu gust shit. Every single Atelier game before was better. Go play Ayesha. No, no you must be fucking trolling. This is bait right?
Are you serious? Holy shit man, if this is the worst game in the series, this series must be a fucking Gold mine of great games.

Gust was broke and it got sold off to yellow slavers that make them do even shittier games than before. See Blue Reflection, Nights of Azure 2 and Lydie and Cunny.

Is this what your'e talking about? So what other games will I need to play to play this then?

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Yes you retard. Sophie is shit.
Play Rorona Plus. Not the original Rorona. Then Totori then Meruru

Escha and Logy and the third game from the Sophie series were the worst. All of these games are the Madden for fujos that buy em yearly so don't expect too much change outside time management and slight "gameplay" alterations. Graphics haven't advanced in fucking 7 years for those titles.

shit taste

Only good games in the series are pic related

Attached: PS2_Atelier.jpg (500x231, 44K)

Dusk>Arland for its themes and superior music. Also OP will prob hate the "time limit" on these games.

>Male protagonist trilogy

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>muh arland
>muh timelimits

Dusk shat the bed after Ayesha tho

>only series thats not fujobait

Damn right its better.

Attached: nowayfag.gif (320x320, 1.91M)

Almost correct, but you forgot Mana Khemia.

>Good battle systems
>Challenging boss fights
Nice, I've been playing through Totori and was pretty disappointed in these areas. Glad to hear the series will only get better.

What does this mean?

Lightning return time limit which means nothing? Shit gets locked forever until NG+?

I dont get why people decided Escha&Logy was the exact point the series went to shit. It wasn't amazing, but it was still head and shoulders above what came after.

Iris is what fujos enjoyed the most.
Nah Shallie is fine.

>arland themes
>there aren't any lol
>dusk themes
>everything is dying so the entire world is brown
I like Arland better.

Very wrong opinion.

I played E&L and it was so bad it put me off the series. Maybe the later games are worse, but I didn't play them, so it gets the blame.

Arland did have themes though. Be a lesbian.
Dusk had fucking Keithgriff vs what Gio?

The Mysterious trilogy games are kind of unpopular with the fandom because they break away from some conventions of the series. By themselves they are great games though.

If you liked it that much you should play Firis and Lydie&Suelle next, then go back and hit the previous games.

From what I understand, Rorona Plus's new content is spoiler for the two games after it, right? I remember someone saying that you should leave it alone until you've played the whole trilogy and then go back to it.

Also, what did Yea Forums think of Nelke? I thought it was pretty damned good.

Attached: Nelke _ the Legendary Alchemists _Ateliers of the New World__20190425202936.jpg (1920x1080, 366K)

Arland's theme was about growing up.

Why are you people playing little girl games? And how do I get in on this?

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I wouldn't be surprised if the later games are even worse, but after E&L I lost all enthusiasm for the series.

Why wouldn't we?

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>From what I understand, Rorona Plus's new content is spoiler for the two games after it, right? I remember someone saying that you should leave it alone until you've played the whole trilogy and then go back to it.
Totori first is probably best, and its certainly the way the average atelierfag was introduced to the series, but meruru and rorona plus can be played in either order without missing too much on either side.

>From what I understand, Rorona Plus's new content is spoiler for the two games after it, right? I remember someone saying that you should leave it alone until you've played the whole trilogy and then go back to it.
This is correct. You also won't be able to appreciate it without having played Totori/Meruru anyway. You'll be left wondering who the hell these new characters are since they don't get an introduction since the game thinks you know them already.

The new content is post game. So play Rorona, get your ending, go to Totori, then Meruru, then back to Rorona's new content.

Why do some people care so much about time limits? As long as the game records time in some way you can still aim to get the lowest time possible, it doesn't matter if there's some theoretically possible fail state since you'll never fail anyway

If you have a vita
you can play em all
they will be choppy
unless you mod your vita

Time isn't implemented in real time retard.

Except Lydie and Suelle because the vita port is a crime against humanity.

I love how everyone goes "no I'm not a seething yurifag, E&L is pure shit and ruined the franchise" and then defends Shallie which had all of E&L's problems but three times worse.

Because the game's pacing is built around them. The game is always progressing. Sophie literally put me to sleep with it's "do random shit for several hours to progress slightly through the game". If you aren't going to use time limits, at least still make progression fun. Sophie is 90% padding and filler.

I'm getting 30fps with the loli plug in.

Picture related. They weren't even trying.

Does the Arland DX thing contain everything?

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It was so bad it stayed in Japan.

Time limits in atelier is great because it up punishes the player for not learning the system.

>tfw guess I'll have to play on PC

Let's be real here, Atelier games are low budget. It is enough of a workload that they must downport the game to an inferior platform, having to do that to TWO inferior platforms is just unnecessary workload.

Where does all the Atelier budget go? They do so well in sales surely.

>I hope sophie isn't the peak Atelier
you're good it's one of the worst
Go play Rorona DX, Totori DX and Meruru DX for the same kind of sophie
then you can play the ones on PS2, the ps1 port on ps2 are also good

they probably spend the entire profit of one game contracting out artists to make cute splash arts for the next game

we talking about ateliers all the time but peple usually don't listen to us

Ayesha is very good, Escha to Logy reminds me of PS2 ateliers, which was better than new ones, Rorona-Totori-Meruru is bad, PS2 Ar Tonelico games are better that than everything

but Ayesha is really good

Iris 1 is so good, too bad they don't making such games anymore

>I hope sophie isn't the peak Atelier.
It's one of the worse. Believe it or not.

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>but Ayesha is really good
it's worst than the arland trilogy

>people usually don't listen to us

>Meruru is bad
>Ar Tonelico games are better that than everything

yeah no wonder

Logy's game is where it started to go downhill. There was a slight glimmer of hope with Sophie, but Firis was terrible and Shallie was probably the worst Atelier game released. Which really pisses me off because I wanted the Dusk series to continue. Despite the terrible to mediocre characters, its setting was 10/10.

Sophie is actually one of the worst games in the series so you can only go up from here.

Ayesha had a better sense of adventure than the other games. Despite it being its focus Totori didn't come close to Ayesha.

>Gust was broke
Why would they be broke after the best sales they'd seen ever since Atelier Marie?

I love Atelier!

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Can Ar Tonelicofags drop in?

Ninja maid did nothing right.

Delete this.

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>tfw spoiled
When am I ever going to get CGs in this game.

>I dont get why people decided Escha&Logy was the exact point the series went to shit.
Because E&L was full of problems that Ayesha didn't have. E&L had the stupid relic system that turned getting certain ingredients in the endgame into incredibly painful RNG. E&L had a terrible + shaped world map with the only town in the centre and everything going out in four directions from it, so any time you go somewhere you go straight there and back because you can't plan routes around areas like in Ayesha with its huge world map and 3.5 towns. E&L had a poor cast with minimal character development which is just bizarre when Logy himself is handled so well and has a proper character arc and backstory. E&L reworked Ayesha's synthesis with the skills that turned synthesis into a joke where you either never meet your element goal at all or blow way past it easily and you can back out of synthesis at the very last step with no penalty so there's no reason to learn or plan ahead in making items because you can just use trial and error instead. E&L has a terrible story where nothing happens for almost the entire game and then suddenly throws a world ending scenario on you at the last minute. E&L had time limits so lenient that I completed every assignment and task with over a month to spare except for one period in which I had only a week to spare, which meant a lot of wasting time waiting for the next task. And while these are only for English versions of the game, E&L had far more errors in translation than the previous releases thanks to KT taking over, and E&L+ (possibly the original too, I can't say) also broke the final boss' limiter removal system so that destroying those items to power her up doesn't actually do anything. And that's just the things I remember.
The only thing E&L improved was the combat system, aside from that it was a massive tangible step down in quality from the preceding four games.

I have literally never seen this happen.

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i don't understand how anyone can like sophie's battle system


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Sophie is the worst in the entire series.
Even the characters where so boring it couldnt save the mediocre game play.
How the fuck did they fuck up so much after the perfection that was Atelier Meruru?


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it is not as bad as you trying to show, Eska to Logy is neat interesting game, which is nice to play. but it's pretty hard to 100%, at some point challenge log becomes so challengeble

I only liked Sophie due to Sophie desu. The game was hot garbage compared to Ayesha / E&L

Whoa holy shit. I never even used Plachta during Sophie so this is cool to see.
>5k dmg though
The fuck? It's really difficult to do high amounts of damage in this game, so it is impressive.

Totori is the best game in the series and the cutest atelier.

Koei Tecmo bought out Gust between Meruru and Ayesha but their first effects were seen on Escha & Logy with engine changes, though really Blue Reflection and Atelier Lydie & Suelle is when they started going DLC crazy.

PS2 one were better.

I love Firis.

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Attached: godslayer firis.webm (450x253, 2.95M)

Give Totori and Mimi marriage in Atelier Lulua.

firis was so hilariously good in L&S

>Also, what did Yea Forums think of Nelke? I thought it was pretty damned good.
I was really enjoying it for the first half but then over the second half they run out of actual content and it's just going through the motions of the same shit over and over again every turn until the main game ends at turn 100 and then they want you to to just burn through another hundred turns with no actual goals because there are way more events than you can get in the game's 100 turns, so I didn't bother. I was expecting it to be a lot more complicated because I heard people saying that it gets brutally hard towards the end and you'll probably need to start over, but I cleared every goal (except for three of the shop sales ones for task 8 which I missed by one turn) on my first try.
Also the UI was pretty lacking in some areas and while the translation was a huge step up in quality from everything else since KT took over it still had a fair number of errors or unclear wording, in particular the "increases x for all sector" descriptors for buildings which actually means "increases x for this sector". My other big issue with it is how no one between Elie and Rorona is playable in battle or has a 3D model and how some characters like Totori had their characterisation suffer through a lack of complexity. This probably happened to a bunch of the JP-only characters too but I didn't notice with them.
Still, I'd be happy to see a sequel to expand on the concept. Also the character art ended up being great despite me not liking NOCO for Mysterious. Marie looks really sexy. Ayesha's face is terrible though.

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probably because after atelier sophie the games quality dramatically drops.

A KT exec's pockets, probably.

Time limits are not a matter of difficulty, they're a matter of pacing, which Sophie was terrible about.

>Ayesha's face is terrible though.

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She was supposed to be a one-use support bomb, but free updates gave her repeatable support skills if you level her high enough.

Attached: sophie gets penetrated by adult firis.webm (500x281, 3M)

The CG is fine, I'm talking about her portraits.

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Newfag who's only played Arland so far, what do I play after Lulua?

Whatever game is next after Lulua.

Plachta is all kinds of broken because her basic attac (or one of her specials, I don't recall offhand) hits so many times that it just racks up damage super fucking fast if you give her gear that adds flat damage to each hit. It involves getting gear in the post-game dungeon to that retarded crap.

You don't recommend anything in Dusk/Mysterious?

And time limits where all about rushing gathering gloves and travellers shoes and the time limit became a none issue.
And especially after getting the teleport back home item.

Why are you talking about the time limit being a non-issue as though it's a matter of difficulty in response to my post saying that it's not a matter of difficulty?

Are the Atelier games supposed to run at literally 15-20 fps on average, or is there something wrong with my Vita?
This shit is so choppy it's fucking unbearable to play.

I saw how the new game you play as rorona’s daughter
So who is the dad?

Depends on the game but yes in general the Vita ports run badly.

She's adopted.


just picture it

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overclocking the gpu is mandatory

Sophie had very good battle music.

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I can't, Sterk is too autistic.

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doesn't matter, since Totori is doing the raping.

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>take generic knight personality.
>make it an unhealthy obsession.
Gotta love how obsessed with protecting he where in Meruru.

Black pigeons are better.

Its Mimi who will do the raping of Totori.

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I was kinda doubting the extent of Mimi's gayness until this scene where she said she wants to take baths and sleep with Totori. Wew.

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Love me milk. Hate me dad. Love me store.

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New game when? Sue&Lydie was fun asf.

Attached: atelier_lydie_and_suelle_thumbnail_007-890x382.jpg (890x382, 78K)

May 21. Atelier Lulua plays similarly to Lydie & Suelle.

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So where the sequels better than Sophie?
At least better characters abd scenes?
They where so boting in Sophie because no character development at all besided dupe loli and clock guy. And the random scenes where just smalltalk without any real comedy or anything.


Piana-chan looks like THAT?

>This has been one of the best fucking JRPGs or RPGs in general I have played.

Clearly by your opinion you havent played many.

Attached: Atelier-Lulua-Keina-3D-Model.jpg (517x1000, 187K)

Firis and Sue&Lydie are both better and they even feature character development for Sophie&Co.

Post your favorite Atelier tracks.



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Holy shit, I can't wait. Though I've read Meruru doesn't do much in the main game and there's going to be a DLC about her.

Waiting for a series reset to finally jump in.
Hopefully a trilogy entirely disconnected from the current stories

Maybe next year? I doubt they're making an entire second Arland trilogy past Lulua.

Yes. Sophie is one of the worst A games. Pacing is terrible, characters are pretty blah, leveling is weird (I get where they were going with it, but it doesn't quite work). Comfy as hell though, and it's my favorite alchemy system since the PS2 games (though mostly because the others are not good). Firis is way better in every respect (it has a time limit, but it's so ezpz that you'd have to sleep half the time to miss it). Playing L+S now, and it's looking good too, though I'm not so fond of the combat progression (and I liked making weapons and armor, rather than waiting for the blacksmith to unlock crap).

I am only 1% sure, but apparently some reviewer said that Arland 5 is possible, given Lulua's ending. We'll see once we have it in our hands.

Attached: atelier-lulua-12-13-2-1.jpg (966x1000, 146K)

Really wanna get into the series (on switch) but there's too much out there at the moment it's kinda daunting

this is some newfag shit, i've on and off atelier threads over the years
this is not some dead franchise 20 years ago

Why not start with arland? There's three games that just got a rerelease and the new game continues the series.

>good writing

Anyway I might as well as. How is the latest game? Apparently the main object is to build a village or something. I just wanna know if Firis is in it and if I can have her as party member.

about 90% tracks of Iris 1, manakhemina, 100% of Ar Tonelico tracks

70% of all Ayesha tracks

everyone remember Eternal Eyes, of course


Eska to Logy plays better when you changing ost to Ayesha's

Yes Firis is in it, and yes you can have her as an auto-attack bot.

Attached: rorona black dress.jpg (816x1152, 303K)

>on Switch
I suggest starting with Rorona even though it's an old game, unless the idea of there being two (soon to be three) sequels to it already out is what feels daunting to you. You could still start with Rorona since it has no connections to previous games and then move on to the sequels if you like it.

it is a spin off town building game

Yeah don't really like the idea of having that much to catch up on if I start from a released game.
They had a bundle for the trilogy at one point but that cost over $100

That's every trilogy before Lulua happened though.

Reminder that Rorona was padding her chest in Totori so she's most likely still doing it in Lulua.

I hope not

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Imagine if they put Logy into another trilogy haha wouldn't that be interesting

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The timing of the Switch's release and the current state of Atelier means there's not a single Atelier game with no connections to others or a load of sequels already out. There's Lydie & Suelle which is the last in a trilogy (without the previous two), the four Arland games and Nelke which is a crossover. I understand user's point about wanting a new game to start fresh without existing baggage either before or after.

Dusk DX is basically guaranteed. The only thing completely new that Gust could possibly release is Blue Reflection 2.

I'm assuming all of these outfits are DLC? I'm probably biting the bullet regardlessly, but it was satisfying to get costumes as rewards for endings and events in previous Arland games.

Yeah, it's DLC. Don't fall for the obvious jew trap of $80 season pass of literally nothing.

Nigger what? Every game at the start of a new subseries is a game without connections to others. Just fucking start with Marie, or Judie, or Iris 1, or Mana Khemia 1, or Rorona, or Ayesha, or Sophie. What the hell does it matter if there are sequels?

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Yeah that's pretty much it
I kinda hope the next trilogy could be more aesthetically reminiscent of the original games

user said he intends to start the series on Switch and that he'd prefer not to start with something that already has sequels out.

I myself started the series on Switch around three months ago and I played all of Arland so I can get Lulua day one. I had a great time, but it definitely was a big time investment.

He just wants to shitpost about the new games with the cool kids on Yea Forums, having to actually play games to join the fun is too much work

>ctrl+f khemia
>1 result
you are alright my dude
could be worse

That was me. Mana Khemia sucks.

Attached: 1544812550622.png (1070x1008, 932K)

nah, manakhemia 1 was good. what else do you need, you're magic students of magical alchemical academy on magic flying island, with harry-potter vibes and atelier crafting

i'd like more such magic games

>what else do you need
Good alchemy, combat, music, characters, story, and art direction. Mana Khemia had only one of those things.

it starts off pretty slow, it feels like the Arland games get into the thick of it much faster

Music and combat?

music. its music isn't it you faggot

>user in charge of counting to one

It was the combat.

close enough


I have only played the mysterious games, but why does firis and LS feel so fucking janky compared to Sophie? And people say Sophie is the worst? I don't understand.

Find me a more hype boss BGM than Thistle Lotus. protip: you can't.
Too bad the boss fight itself was pretty easy.


i think it has combat, crafting-alchemy system, music, and characters too, and even nice plot twist

come on it had even lots of endings, with every character, like visual novel


>come on it had even lots of endings, with every character, like visual novel
You say that like it's unique to Mana Khemia and not a standard feature of the series.



deleted :(



What are you even talking about? The only thing that was really janky were the cutscenes, because they changed the engine and they could only do certain animations, and pretty much nothing else. Very half-assed.

Why would you give your daughters a love potion for each other?

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Maybe I should play L&S.

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is there any info graph for this atelier? where should I start?

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L&S is pretty comfy. It was nice to watch the two little girls frolic in the lands.

I always wanted to play atelier, but i don't want to be invested with another game that required you to grind for hours right now, i still have't finish DQ11 (it's been almost half a year since i started playing DQ11 now), and i still have lots of backlog of games

Atelier has got to be the least investment required game ever.
The battles are easy as fuck if you're not a complete idiot.
I platinum'd most of the games within 40 to 50 hours, which sounds like a lot but isn't really.

if you're not having fun, drop the game. You're not obliged to play through games, start up whatever you think is fun right now. Do you want fun or do you want a (second) desk job?

Also Atelier games need no grind, hell most are even impossible to grind in if you want to achieve any goals

Because siblings shouldn't fight, they should love each other.

H-hey guys, what about us?

Attached: 465127-mana-khemia-2-fall-of-alchemy-playstation-3-front-cover.jpg (800x800, 159K)

thats not how i remembered mana khemia 2

so should i just start from the beginning then?

it's boring and characters not interesting

I see, thanks

well atelier is easy for "platinum" because those achievement doesnt' require to play on hard modes. this mate platinumed games on easy difficulty, but on hard mode aeliers realy challenging

It doesn't have fucking Nefertiti to back up its otherwise unmemorable track like MK1 did.

MK2 has the best turn-based battle system on the planet.

>implying profit correllates with sequel quality
That's not how corporatism works user

MK1 is a bad game but at least the characters are good (except the MC who sucks).
MK2 isn't any better as a game and nearly all the characters are shitheads who are impossible to like. Kind of a problem.

In the trash can.

40 hours per game is a lot of time.