cyborgs are cool
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto
Mata au hi made
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto
Himitsu wo shiri tai
You're wondering who I am
Machine or mannequin
With parts made in Japan
I am the modern man
I've got a secret I've been hiding under my skin
My heart is human, my blood is boiling, my brain I.B.M.
So if you see me acting strangely, don't be surprised
I'm just a man who needed someone, and somewhere to hide
To keep me alive, just keep me alive
Somewhere to hide, to keep me alive
I'm not a robot without emotions. I'm not what you see
I've come to help you with your problems, so we can be free
I'm not a hero, I'm not the savior, forget what you know
I'm just a man whose circumstances went beyond his control
Beyond my control. We all need control
I need control. We all need control
I am the modern man
Who hides behind a mask
So no one else can see
My true identity
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto, domo...domo
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto, domo...domo
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto
Thank you very much, Mr. Roboto
For doing the jobs that nobody wants to
And thank you very much, Mr. Roboto
For helping me escape just when I needed to
Thank you, thank you, thank you
I want to thank you, please, thank you
The problem's plain to see:
Too much technology
Machines to save our lives
Machines dehumanize
The time has come at last
To throw away this mask
Now everyone can see
My true identity...
I'm Retard! Retard! Retard! Midget Retard!
that's pretty funny.
We are gnome
we will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own
cant believe they finally put a fucking robot race in wow and they fuck it up by making them gay baby robots. jesus christ.
What was wrong with the old Mechagnome design?
Imagine the huge infections these guys have
Pic related is all I can think of when I look at them
that game is shit dummy
>no full body cyborgs
>gnomes but you will literally never notice the difference unless people mog off their ECKSBAWX HUEG pauldrons, helmet and god knows what else
Gnome pls
Why wouldn't they go full robot? surely the people who play gnomes don't care about how weird it gets
this thing just looks vile, who the hell thought steampunk cyborg midgets were a good idea
if they were just a race of automaton robots that would actually have been really goddamn cool too
hell i think there already are full-robot gnomes in canon anyways so theres no fucking excuse
Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
Since when is that in the game?
Since when do the gnomes even have the technology for full cyborgs / brain jars.
I know the warcraft is full of crazy stuff, but i cant remember proper cyborg augmentations ever showing up
Fucking children coming to this website with such shit opinions.
Blizzard hates alliance.
I'm 100% convinced they choose new additions to wow on the basis of the question "what can we add that will take the least amount of work, but still call it new content?"
This isn't real right? This is a mod or something right? This is nightmare fuel
The curse of flesh was a mistake
Is this real? I legit thought it was a joke the first few times it was posted here or just some stupid NPC
This is so stupid.
I mean, you could build yourself a human-sized mecha at this point. Or just some advanced wheelchair.
Why use midget prosthetics?
i was wondering why it was so stupid, and thats exactly why
why the fuck would a midget replace his pathetic little limbs with just-as-pathetic robot limbs? if im making myself a cyborg im atleast going to upgrade from being a fucking manlet
The West is pushing for Post Modern aesthetic to become normal and even respected.
Basically they want people to become fond of and defense of non-harmonious art that should by all means repulse you in its ugliness.
But much like how Snake will start to enjoy even the most disgusting foods in MGS3 if you constantly keep forcing him to eat them, eventually people will be trained to find this kind of garbage like OP, more beautiful than Japan's traditional harmonious aesthetics in art.
>fur fetish
>fat fetish
>now amputee/android fetish
How is Blizzard allowing this shit to be put into WoW?
This. 8 years until augmentations become a common sight. This is just the NWO trying to make us ready for it and normalize it. I don't want it. I never asked for this.
>Lets give Horde a completely unique race. Sure it reuses the goblin skeleton but it has completely different lore
>Ok cool, what should we give Alliance?
>shit idk, just throw some shit on gnome gnuggets
Adeptus Mechanicus
>Mom says it’s my turn on the xbox
literally zero people in the world who wanted junker gnomes
>robotic creatures
>final product
>amputee midgets
I need that webm of the old man with prosthetic robot arms thank you
>open thread
>watch webm
>hover over the spoiler
>explode into laughter
why did v turn me into a retard its hilarious
I bet they also still haven't taken Gnomeregan back
>doesn't want augs
If you wanna make enemies, try to change something. The year is 2027. It is a time of great innovation and technological advancement. It is also a time of chaos and conspiracy. I don't even know whose side I'm on.
Been here since 2006. And been to many wow threads.
This for a fact is a marketing thread...
Very easy to give away.
>there are like ~2% of people who play gnomes.
>none of the people who play wow would switch to the mechagnomes because they look like shit and no one asked for them
>the only people who would play them are gnome players themselves meaning those 2% will just divide between the two
Bravo Blizzard. This is surely a content I was looking for and needed.
where's C'Thun?
>horde get diet orcs, diet night elves, diet tauren and chadalari
>alliance get nigger dorfs, nigger-er elves, fat humans, amputee gnomes and diet draenei
allied races were a mistake
blizzard probably kept the fleshy torso to validate this being a gnome allied clan. Lorewise, I doubt a gnome would want gangly robo-monkey limbs
the big fucking eye one you inbreed 70 IQ brainlette shit.
its not even drawn like him fuck you
>tfw instead of getting two new races that are fully fleshed out we got a shitton of garbage races that we have to grind months to unlock
I'm glad I quit this game before this expac
wow you're dumb
The state of Blizzard.
>gnome fleshlights
Sign me up
literally just looks like a timesplitters character
exact same idle animation with robotic limbs needlessly bouncing, this is a cruel joke
i did c'thun on a private server recently
doesn't even look like him
>he thinks blizzard is making what people want and isn't being instructed to be part of the attempt to make people willingly want garbage instead, by grinding down their spirits and dulling their standards to the point they would enjoy this midget robot shit
It's clear they fired all of the people who were responsible for public feedback. Who even asked for this shit?
Alliance players:
We want Vrykul
We want Sethrak
We want Arrokoa
We want High Elves
Here are the races that none of you have asked for
how are you guys not expectant of this from blizzard by now?
I don't expect much really but with what I see with each passing month makes me a little bit more sad each time.
>this instead of high elves
I'm literally seething.
Get woke, go broke. It sucks but companies probably shouldn't last forever anyway.
Nobody on the alliance was asking for anything except high elves because they are all massive faggots that just want to be alliance blood elves.
Those races would require more work to implement. Easier to reskin
>"Hey guys what kind of new race would you want?"
Naga, ogres, arakoa, etherals
>"Haha thats great, here's some amputated gnomes
>That will be $14 monthly"
It seriously makes FFXIV look like caviar in the presence of a raw potato with mustard on it
>playing WoW
Naga have the slickest animations in game right now and every one is rigged to a player command, but they will never be playable because fuck you.
the most embarrassing part is being surprised by this.
it's a fucking servitor, it's horrifying.
For the horde
>that walk cycle
I would rather Blizzard don't add THIS to the alliance and leave us without one allied race than to see this implemented.
Only thing the little fuckers are good for to be honest.
Well that and footballs.
When is someone going to rip the model and recreate the trailer for Deus Ex Human Revolution?
If you didn't fucking notice none of them look like what they are supposed to except yog.
going to be honest you are dumb. Really fucking dumb.
I was wanting ethereals. Arrokoa would be pretty cool. Vrykul instead of these Kul Tirans would've been the best.
Blizzard just can't not disappoint apparently. High Elves should've been chosen instead of void elves. Doesn't matter if it's the most reskin of reskins, high elves are a major lore race that was fully defined from WC2 and onwards. They also have long been in conflict with Blood Elves philosophically and politically.
I sure prefer that to mechagnomes despite my mine being a gnome mage since vanilla.
This isn't even the worst of BFA's problems.
>drown animation
>tfw we made everyone need a phone to enter the venue so we know for sure they do have phones
At least it's not furshit.
>your will is not your own
old gods should be the villain of every expansion
i never asked for this
>btw the app you need your phone to scan the QR code with is also literal spyware that scrapes your entire phone of all its metadata
>no we will not be giving refunds
Playable vulpera were soft confirmed in the brewfest update
Lich King said that though.
The vulpera have to go to the horde...
Imagine if the alliance get another furry race. Imagine how much more shit the alliance playerbase will get. The horde doesn't want it but for the great natural order horde must take this curse. Alliance rp realms are already cancerous.
Also you alliance players are morons if you think you are getting snakes. It's obvious we are getting tinkers next expansion. We will get vulpera and mecha gnomes as the last allied race in prep for tinkers.
honestly I didn't play past wrath i don't know who the other 2 are besides yogg and c'thun
fuck you!
pretty sure it was yogg that said it. if i'm wrong, i'd like to see some proof.
What's this compilation of forums posts supposed to conclude?
It's amazing how well blizzard is killing their own game.
>all the vulpera point to them going horde
I mean yea, horde is getting to them. But they'll never amount to anything. Like only what 4% of players have created a panda? But like 54% of the Horde is blood elf right now? Blood elves will never be usurped.
This is your old god tonight.
This has never been more applicable
kek blizzfags are literally nintendo fags
>gene editing isn't transhumanism
we are never getting orges as a horde race are we?
So this retard looks at the picture. Only sees yog and then can't notice the one with a big eye is cthun. Literally below 85 IQ.
my fault. yogg said
>your will is no longer your own
so they both said a variant of it
We don't want "alliance blood elves". We want the elves who have been part of the Alliance since the second war.
You mean you want elves that have been sitting in dalaran for years because that's what high elves are.
That themepark MMOs suck as a whole.
They don't and nothing in that images suggests otherwise.
FFXIV is fine. WoW has problems which are easy to fix but Blizzard refuses to do so.
Have always been for gene editing instead of robotic transplants
Yeah, sure. Sitting in Dalaran. Shut the fuck up.
tfw Blizzard will ban those who would dare to take the matter in their own hands and change the void elves models to high elves.
Blood elfs are played by normal people.
Based on my rp experience
Worgen are played by pedophiles and autistic shits
Night elves are played by faggots
Pandas are played by autistic attention whores
Draenei are played by trannies
The alliance can't take another cancer race.
Thats a kino jyggalag
Never played WoW, Give me the quick rundown on this garbage fire about the playable races.
Only From a cursory glance I like the Undead, Goblins and Trolls, Alliance races are boring
I normally enjoy beast races but Worgen seem Mary sue as fuck and Tauren seem meh,There's no Lizard Men and I am highly disappointed.
>Theme Parks aren't bad
Ah you're either a WoW-fag or XIV-fag arent you user? Guessing you can't play an MMO if it doesnt have a Duty Finder can you?
I would normally agree since I despise those "GIVE ME BEAST RACES" vocal minority players, but mechagnomes are pretty awesome
I know Blizzard right now is filled with bottom of the barrel barrel idiots that honestly think they're doing a good job and I know it's kind of joked about a bit, but it wouldn't surprise me if Ion was purposely running the game to the ground. There's just too many mistakes and backwards decision this expansion alone that could have been easily avoided
>I don't like themeparks therefore they are bad!
Ah, you must be a faggot aren't you user?
Give me playable dryads and I might consider playing.
How do worgens equate to pedophilia?
I know, right? We have high elves all over the place in Alliance territory and contested lands, but they refuse to give us elves.
It's not as if they all decided to whore themselves to demons like orcs did.
>expac promises subraces
>basically all of them except dark iron dwarves and zandalari are gay
>they're all locked behind massive reputation grinds, some of which being reputation grinds for the PREVIOUS expac
>don't even start as a higher level because blizzard wants to sell overpriced race changes and boosts
Hey kid wanna yiff
>don't even start as a higher level because blizzard wants to sell overpriced race changes and boosts
If they wanted to sell boosts they wouldn't be preventing you from earning heritage armor if you buy a boost.
looks based to me, don't forget the insane rep grind it is behind though
It's something you have to personally experience on RP servers. Many worgen players got caught for CP and asking for nudes from underage on servers. Mostly wyrmrest accord and moon guard.
If you noticed there is much less worgen players now it's because no one wants to be labeled as a pedophile anymore.
kill all high elf whining faggots, it's been over a decade, give it a rest already
>play on private RP realm
>get to play as every allied race already and ones that will never be playable
Be honest. You only know that tune because The Protomen covered it. You didn't know it was by Styx.
>irredeemable hot mess
why are you surprised?
Ah. I've only ever rp'd on the horde side.
>If you noticed there is much less worgen players now
There's never been many worgen players. I also have doubts RP servers are influential enough to effect things in general.
I play as worgen and never saw something you are talking about.
The only stereotype I've heard about worgen players is that they are bad at the game so I guess this one applies to me but pedophilia?
I think you just make things up or maybe it is strictly US servers thing.
Literally the only reason to invite friends to play this shit pile is going away, Smart move.
Shota bunny fags still btfo
>list two American servers
Are you a fucking moron? He literally listed moonguard for fuck sake if that is enough of a hint.
Drown is just the animation that plays when you die in water, whether or not you actually drowned
Now why would a race of fish-snake people need an animation for dying when surrounded by water...
>blood elves are played by normal people
fuck off
the only valid horde races are orcs, tauren, and troll
There was a rumor going around that all the common requested playable races are getting more animations so it's less work to actually make them playable.
What's more disturbing?
The thought that Blizzard are out of their minds and have no idea how to fix the game or the thought that they know exactly what needs to be done but insist on doing the wrong things instead.
I don't know the name of every server there is.
Servers he has listed are not the ones I play on so I have no idea where are they from.
Yes please go.
the latter.
It means that all decisions are made on a level higher than actual devs who may care about the game and everything is decided by managers who judge things by looking at profit reports.
I want to marry and impregnate a Draenei
lol @ you zoomer faggots pretending to have any experience in the shit-show that was MMOs such as pre-T2A UO.
Here's your new horde race bro.
>No one mentions the best race
>There will never be any skyrim quality sex mods ever released for WoW. Even on private servers
Check your eyes user.
Worgen were already mentioned
They have taken it back
This was never confirmed, was it?
I would have highly prefered Eredar to memeforged, Eredar have been established in the lore since WC3, Lightforged was a Christy Golden asspull, same with void elves.
Is this an early April fool's day joke?
Its Ok. Not everyone has a patrician taste.
I suggest you checking out blood elves they may be more up your valley
The New Rachet and Clank game is looking pretty nice.
They added furry death squads purely so the vulpera will have a lore reason to join the horde. Mechagnomes haven't been confirmed either.
>Mechagnomes haven't been confirmed either
Then why are they showing them in the character creation with options to choose from?
It's not confirmed, but there's hints. Latest update added Brewfast icons for all Allied Races and the Vulpera.
Naga will never be playable because their name is racist
Thank you my naga!
If not Eradar, I was hoping we would have gotten Broken. But no, it had to be the same Dreanei with a Lightbulb
The most of allied races should have been a cosmetic customisation option to begin with.
What they did was just for the reason forpeople to grind more and spend more time doing irrelevant stuff. It is especially dumb when achievments are not shared through acc and you need to grind the same stuff over and over again. It makes it hard to leave old character behind even if he is nerfed to the ground and was not relevant for years.
You ARE using the GEP gun for nonleathal takedowns righT?
you're a colossal faggot.
They're EXTREMELY desperate.
They've started to put an artificial scarcity on everything so people feel like they HAVE to do it/get it now.
They don't realize this doesn't works when no one gives a fuck anymore
Because they aren't showing them off people hacked them in and overwrote another race in the character creator.
They should have been, but then they can't increase their sales of Race Changes/Level boosts or increase their Time-Played Metrics that way
yeah theyre """all over the place""" but in canon theres only a couple thousand "high" elves left
That's why they made leveling take longer
Sure it is better to give Horde a minority of that race so blizzard could take minority of that minority to give it back to the alliance as playable race.
There is no functional difference between High Elves and Blood Elves.
Void makes sense as a compromise since an alliance High Elf race needs something to make it visually distinct from Blood Elves.
But those elves left for the horde.
What the fuck do you think happened in wc3?
That high elves are some thousand year old race apart from belves?
They're LITERALLY the same shit, just that they managed to not be on silvermoon when shit went down
I've never seen so much dev dicksucking over the most bare minimum of effort.
Have you considered you are not a normie??? Sorry I had to use zoomer meme shit to connect to you when I say normal people...
I wouldn't be surprised if they gave Blood Elves blue eyes at some point just so high elf fags will shut the fuck up. They already got gold eyes and could easily do a questline like night elves got and make it about a truce with Dalaran and get a source of arcane magic that way.
They perfectly represent the problem with modern WoW art.
Even the underwear are overdesigned. Why do they need cogs and a belt on fucking underwear?
>Imagine not being able to play murlocks, after so many years.
I've wanted to fuck my knife for two expansion now. Help.
Who are you quoting?
You mean:
>I want to marry and BE impregnated by a Draenei woman.
After all, we all know what the community has done with Draenei girls, don't we?
>I don't know what moonguard is
Either pretending to be stupid or really stupid.
>Imagine user not knowing that you're quoting your self.
You mean Sylvanas's knife.
>yfw she's 3 times bigger than you.
>Yea Forums in such a state you can't even speak English anymore and need to talk through memes for anyone to understand
Kys zoomer tranny faggots
1v1 me fag
Why do you guys still pay attention to that shit game?
Oh right because you are some fucking drug addict who can't move on.
Is that what I think it is in that cup?
I thought wow fanboys on their forum were bad. Boy you can find way more faggotry IN ff14 without touching their forum.
Truly repulsive. I think they did an excellent job here.
>never asked for this
Do you think people will Booo them for it when they announce these mechagnomes as allied race during Blizzcon?
I sure hope so she drinking what i think shes drinking
Can i visit and shop there then?
What's the matter guys ... thirsty?
Nope. Why would they? My honest opinion on what they are going to do. They are going to add a mech option to gnomes already and give alliance a different race.
They have done this already with the eye options for night elves. The mecha gnomes are going to claim they want zero part of this war as horde members also helped them out. Gnomes are actually nice people compared to elves.
They know no one plays gnomes.
unironically this
in all of my time playing vidya online I have never before encountered a bigger group of autistic faggots than the people in ff14, the only people i encountered who weren't cocksucking mouthbreathers were in pvp and even then those people were few and far between
Thanks for the support, user. Fuck children.
Who is the qt in that gif?
Why did they turn Jaina into a dominatrix Elsa straight out of a shadman drawing
>tfw no arrakoa playable race
Official forums for MMOs utterly disgust me. There's no point in them existing because the devs just foster an environment full of passive aggressive posting and blatant dick sucking.
I can't play FF14 based on how faggy the average player is. The tranny memes are not a joke. I honestly have no idea why FF14 attracts these marshmallow people. I love wow pvp server culture. I can shit post and make fun of trannys, call people fools and never get banned or warned.
This culture goes away when you go to a wow RP server. Wow RP severs are similar to the FF14 playerbase. I got silenced on a rp server for saying this in trade chat, I'm not kidding. "LMFAO night elves reduced to second class homeless dirt; sleeping on the streets and begging for food AHAHAHA"
I got several :( and I got silenced in 2 minutes. Same type of players in FF14.
Because it will make the player bases' iron turn in to the big iron.
'Cause her old model was really starting to show its age.
Asuka from WWE
>the utter balls and/or insane stupidity of the mad lad that took this pic
Fuck all the whinging about WoW, this guy is a god damned hero.
Wanna hold her?
It's just a ploy to get all the people who want the mounts and pets you get as RAF rewards to start and pay for a bunch of new accounts themselves. That should help shore up sub numbers for another month or two.
Wont armour just cover up the robot bits on the gnome, save for any headbits if you have a helmet that does not cover it or turn it off.
he didnt ask for it.
>be born a midget
>get to have robot limbs
>dont make yourself taller
It's because it's subscription based. You're basically paying to make yourself a hostage to the game company. You have to defend it as hard and justify your continued payment, otherwise why the fuck are you giving them money every month if it isn't a fantastic game with 0 flaws? Games that you just buy and pay for once don't have this kind of absurd dev fellatio going on, cuz if the game sucks or you decide you don't like it anymore you can just sell the game and get some of your money back. On top of that, the game is probably going to be fun the entire time you're playing it, as opposed to how MMOs typically require you to grind and work until it becomes fun.
You can't do anything like that with a subscription based MMO. It's a time and money sink of the worst kind, so rather than admit you've wasted money on the privilege of basically working a second job, you do everything you can to convince yourself it's worth it and it will only get better and it's not as bad as people say.
The anonymous gangbanger of the 21st century
If it's dead, maybe.
There are some model edits that afaik don't get you banned, but it's just stuff like bigger tits, and it's the same 2006 era texturing and polygon count. I'd do it if I actually played WoW anymore.
What is it?
You could try poking it to find out.
They would just make the prosthetics customization options which override the standard armor, with the options for normal arms or legs if you want to have armor display like usual.
Sure, just give me a stick.
Something you don't want to be playing with bare-handed.
You can hide every armor slot except pants in 8.2.
I still don't understand how she goes from a literal slave to like the high commander of the alliance military or whatever the fuck
What the fuck is that? Is this real?
>venus of eversong
She's the AU draenei leader because they had no one else relevant to do it.
And then she turns evil proving Garrosh right again.
>robo gnomes get robo legs and arms
>can't see the legs because can't transmog pants off
>have to see bare naked gnome chest
Obviously it's going to work the same way troll feet work. When you put a piece of armor on it only goes over certain parts and not others.
Yrel is a really forced character. She quickly becomes the leader just because Velen saw it in her and everyone should just deal with it.
Despite several quests we did alongside her I still wouldn't consider her to be somewhat special.
If you would think that way then our own character should be considered High King of Alliance at this point.
Have to agree with the other user, you're a gigantic homo.
Girl with the biggest horse phallus gets to lead, that's the rule.
I'm pro-choice just so they can abort the failure that is retail WoW.
t. ClassicChad
This post summarizes my experience on RP servers as well.
Obviously there are always exceptions but these generalizations apply to 90% of each category. I wish I was joking or making this up to be a contrarian faggot but I'm not.
Going to be honest, you'll always encounter more absolute fucking weird dorks on an RP server especially if you actively look for it. And no matter the server and even if you avoid goldshire or silvermoon, there is a sexual subtext to fucking everything. Even the military themed guilds on ED have their own cringe ERP issues (and even tho there are actual females playing, most of the drama is almost always dude on dude and of course anime girl discord avatars and "broken mics" are involved, those guilds have more in common with sweaty neet /wpsg/ and /wowg/ guilds than most would realize).
What is worse?
The Horde going all Civil war again, fighting Slyvannas and people like Baine and Thrall cosying up to Alliance.
The Alliance perspective, despite the above have actually very little to do story wise from their own questlines. And getting shit like the OP pic.
>turning shitting on incompetence and laziness into some form of political statement when it's completely unrelated to the complaints at hand
have sex
Get the fuck out of my board.
bitch you can play as a corrupted elf who was part of a random fag's retinue of a few hundred, wow devs obviously don't give one shit for a race's population when it comes to playable races.
Why not a gnome woman where only her mouth, tits, and cunt are flesh? That'd be based AF.
>muh horde
>muh alliance
factions are trash, and ppl like you being into that shit is the reason wow sucks so much
I haven't played in years. Just been looking at updates and watching the trainwreck.
It was old.
Old bad new good
officially, the void elves are both high elves and blood elves that got infused with void juices
>wanting your sex slave to be able to talk
wtf is wrong with you are you stupid go to bed derek
Anyone you've had an "rp experience" with is not a normal person.
Needed girl power moment. She's Blizzard's "Joan of Arc", except without the burning at the stake part.
Why do you have a boner for seeing robo legs?
Gonna concur with the other two anons, you are a massive gay
I see blizzard wants to force people into classic
to the Yea Forumslag with this one
More like they want to make sure Boomers classic walk on memory lane isn't ruined by Zoomers. This is their bait for Zoomers. Zoom.
You think you don't want it but you do.
The only thing I see the thing on the right raiding is the pantry.
>2.5sec gcd
not even once
>Styx is obscure
Styx is immeasurably more popular than the Protomen. They have released at least 4 multi-platinum albums. I genuinely can't comprehend how you would think that people would have heard a cover by a Megaman-themed cover band over the original song.
There arent pvp servers anymore. It's just normal and rp
Probably because it's tied to the Final Fantasy franchise, so it'll draw people who are only there for the world/RP aspects and not the gameplay.
reminder Worgen backward is Negrow and they used to be segregated to a small town before Cataclysm, and they would also loot coton and watermelons.
If classic fails to be a huge success, it'll just prove to Blizzard that they should never give the players what they want ever again.
Well it's not like denying players what they want is working out on retail anyway.
A lot of her story was snipped out because of the rushed development. So in a way she really is the embodiment of the failure that WoD was.
The 2.5 second gcd may be indefensible, but at least that game has more than 6 buttons for each class. I want more abilities and longer rotations in WoW.
They have been playable for decades on private servers
Okay I haven't played in forever, but most of the subraces I saw looked pretty shit, especially the fat people race
But what exactly is wrong with gnome cyborgs? This sounds like the first race release since BC that is actually not terrible. Am I missing some context here?
The only people still playing retail are the type who will continue to subscribe no matter what crap Blizzard serves up. So why waste effort on them?
>can't join the alliance because they went full retard and let the void elves in that want to corrupt all blood elves
>stuck with a bunch of honorable self destructive retards and an insane cunt
He just wants to protect his people
Was so close to reaching an accord with Varian but then Jaina fucked it up.
who ?
Why do you long for robots in a fantasy setting?
2.5 doesn't mean as much when you're almost always weaving off-GCDs and there's like 4 jobs that boost their GCD to
>muh factions
also who?
p-post the female model
no clothes p-please
>tfw this game used to be a boring mining simulator
It took six years but it's a half decent game now.
Blood elf male is the epitome of masculinity
Wow has both more buttons and rotations...
t. Guy that plays wow, Eso and FF14.
By far FF14 has the worst gameplay., rotation, and speed of any mmo.
FF14 however has amazing player housing, world events, and great MOG.
I'm not a moron that will claim anyone should play FF14 for its gameplay. Even Eso has better gameplay.
>tfw Blood elves males that are considered fags by other Warcraft races have body build of a top athlete of a human from our World.
Pvp culture has stayed alive on the servers that were pvp.
>let the void elves in that want to corrupt all blood elves
I wonder who could be behind this post?
This. I bought it due to Sseths fucking meme-review, then I found out that there's literally nothing to do in the game, unless you count "mindlessly grinding for ore and fighting randomly spawned patrols" as doing something. There's like one hour of actual content in the game.
Not original poster but let's look at how stupid void elves are
>started to do experiments of the void in the city
>lorthamar finds out and tells them to stop this shit
>they don't stop
>lorthamar tells them to GTFO before they ruin the city
>the dumbasses continue their experiments outside the city
>all elves involved get killed or sucked into void
>void rip was present that was leaking void creatures out
>if alleria wasn't around the elves would have been fucked
>the alliance gladly take these retards
On every fucking level void elves are just stupid and bad.
>oh my god the fury shits can WEAR GLASSES. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD this is the most amazing thing EVER.
i like how yoshi pee used these retards unpaid overtime and a few cunnyseurs requests to distract from all of his own controversies.ntire forums fell for it.
All of that is true, I just took issue with the
>void elves want to corrupt all blood elves
Don't know if I'm remembering accurately, but weren't the research notes left behind by the leader of the ones experimenting with the void implying that they still going attempt to help Silvermoon even after getting kicked out.
Unless I missed something after I quit at the end of Legion, I don't believe that. My recently returned to level 50 NIN has more buttons on his bar and more things to do than the majority, if not, all the classes I have leveled in WoW, and it still has more to unlock later on. No opinion about Eso though as I've yet to try that one yet, but I'm willing to give it a try if the gameplay is better.
t. Someone who has at least 2 of every class in WoW
One group of devs is less lazier than another. That's all.
They are going to help silvermoon by corrupting the sunwell and uniting their race under one banner.
Well not that poster again but every interaction void elves do in BFA is corrupt living things into void monsters. They are literally making void monsters everywhere which is 10 times worse idea than just taking goblin explosives the horde does to blow shit up.
They are corrupting everything they touch in the war campaign. If they struggle to stop the whispers is it a good idea to make a fucking dinosaur into a void creature??? The void elves are literally doing the old gods work.
Some other game made worgens a playable race 9 years after blizzard did?
Wow, blizzard is fucking done man
Not cyber-nomes are cool simply because they are still gnomes.
If Xal'atath isn't a boss in the N'zoth raid there's 100% chance she's going to manipulate the void elves.
>needs something to make it visually distinct from Blood Elves.
That's a retarded marketing reason, not an in game reason.
Stop parroting Ion.
I'm 100% sure siding with the alliance and killing fellow blood elves IS NOT helping silvermoon. No the fucking retards failed, found nothing useful, and made a mess.
If they're done, it's because of all the stupid shit they've been doing to their games and pissing off their fanbase, not because of any other game.
Granted I haven't tried all the classes yet, but PLD has more buttons than WoW tanks and DRG has more buttons than WoW DPS classes. Maybe I just happen to play the jobs with the most buttons, but I was under the impression that NIN, MNK, SAM and RDM also had a decent number of abilities. Not too sure about the other jobs though.
Healers are definitely more fun in WoW though. And leveling is generally more fun since most specs seem to have access to 80% or more of their kit by level 40, while in FFXIV jobs are often missing key abilities until they hit 60 or sometimes even higher.
>but in canon theres only a couple thousand "high" elves left
There are no numbers in canon.
When there were numbers in canon High Elves had more numbers than darkspear trolls, tauren and new horde orcs.
Sci-fi mixing into fantasy has been a fantasy staple for decades.
We ain't killing nzoth this expansion. He's going to be his own expansion.
My honest opinion is the game is going to have another revamp in many zones next expansion. We aren't going to any new place but many places in the world will become old God controlled zones.
The last raid this expansion is going to be tied to stormwind and sylvanas in some way. Nzoth is being released but he won't be the final raid.
That thing may be acting like Jaina, talking like Jaina and look like Jaina, but that thing is not Jaina.
That was maybe true a few years ago. But modern WoW is all kinds of brain dead with most classes having none-existant rotations and a lack of things to press and pay attention to. Every single one of my classes I removed an entire action bar for, for BfA.
>let Sylvanas go through with her plan
>Jaina dies
>horde wins
>war ends
>stop Sylvanas's plan
>war continues
>thousands of horde dies
>get to feel good because I saved one human that killed thousands already
Will he ever stop sucking human dick
>caring about wow story
It was retarded since vanilla
>more than wow tanks
LOL no. Maybe more than a pally. A protection warrior for example has so many abilities it is insane. Protection warrior has maybe double. They have maybe 5 abilities alone to reduce damage.
>even if you're horde you have to help Jaina
Blizzard writing
Blizzard needs to cut two factions concept already and unite everone under one banner. This way they could focus on the proper storytelling more without it being silly for one or both sides.
because it's diversity disabled/amputee pandering
pretty much this, we've been forced to "unite against a greater threat" for the past 15 years
>majority of the Alliance (everyone who isnt a gnome or night elf) worships the Light
>induct a race of beings who worship the antithesis of the Light
after playing some vanilla on a pserver for the first time, i realize how good the quests were.
everything didn't focus on the current big BADASS gonna destroy the world enemy.
Just smaller scale occurrences that adventures could help the nation deal with.
i miss MoP desu
Most of the time you're just spamming shield slam, revenge, thunder clap and ignore pain. Because of the short CDs it feels like you're doing a lot but the rotation is really simple. Okay, sometimes shield block. And you have a bunch of oh shit buttons.
That's a flat out lie. Prot warrior has a four button "rotation" (three if you do it right) which is just a priority system with a two mitigation buttons: one they can bind to shield slam with no drop in proficiency. And the other that can also largely just be used on cooldown aside from a few fights that they might have to hold on to it for.
nothing wrong with factions, the problem lies in writing team being full of pink hairs with woman in charge, they can't write without big bad
>Gilneans are humans who worship the Light.
>built a huge cathedral in their capital
>somehow they can't be paladins yet htey can be priests
Blizzard needs to revamp classes for other races too.
There should be worgen paladins
You say this, but we have one more raid tier after Azshara, because BFA is following the Legion model of 4 main raids. N'zoth is absolutely the final boss of the expansion, unless they pull the Shadowlands/Thros shit and make Gorak Tul (or some asspull new death god character) into the final boss.
Which is funny because the FFXIV tanks have more OGCD moves, more oh shit buttons, and larger basic rotations not to mention their AoE isnt built into their basic rotation like the WoW tanks.
Final boss is going to be
>Throw away what made warcraft,warcraft
lol ok
>Focus on a factionless world and aim on bigger plots.
Its debatable if thats a good thing.Bad because thats just not warcrafts style
Good because Blizzard is pretty shit at telling complicated stories these days so something more simple maybe the way forward
That summarizes the entirety of Waiting for Classic.
>Sylvanas has a plan
>it would decisively end the war
>Sylvanas' own allies work against her
>people wonder why she is such an asshole and nothing is getting done
I don't even know where the pretentious sense of self-righteousness comes from. If Grom Hellscream was still alive he would be roasting marshmallows on fucking Teldrassil and wearing a necklace of night elf heads, and that guy was the most orky orc to ever live, never mind guys like Blackhand who would do the exact same thing. Every other Horde lore figure goes on about "honor" yet nobody can define it, and every time it's invoked shit gets even more ruined. Just let Sylvanas wage her personal holocaust for like a year, cripple the Alliance so badly they stop fighting and then everyone can write sign a peace treaty. Alternatively, have Anduin do something other than fail.
it's even worse
>be the forgotten sister of the enemy warchief
>fucked away with not-tyrion/uther for the past lore
>literally becomes an OC dark edge muuuuuuh voiiiiiid next to you
>"nu-hu, I'll touch the sunwell"
>"don't touch it...DON'T FUCKING TOUCH IT"
>"oh! wow! void creatures! who would have predicted this?"
>"fuck off you moron"
a 10 years old child could have found a better story, we saw in the nighthold how void will fuck everythang up, but blizzard doesn't see how the windrunner family drama is shit.
that's crazy how they manage to give to alliance races no one asked for
>Blood elfs are played by normal people
The faction war story is so bad that I want to roll a naga & be hostile to every other player. Give me that mercenary NPC that lets me queue for PvP and I'm good.
The compromise would be to make the player character going freelance due to getting fed up with the same shit and making yourself available for quests for both factions. Faction pride people can keep their precious Horde vs alliance (nothing stops them from sticking solely to one side) and the other can freely travel a world where both major powers can request your help.
>genocide races left and right just to prove a point
>fuck everything beyound reconstruction
>has the only plan to becoming immortal
>"why do you guys stop me"
sylvanas is doing shit, she started a war no one wanted.
That's not the worst, if she was out for blood and the horde would follow her despite everything, it would be fine, because the game is called WARcraft, the problem is how writers always try to push their agenda, and despite all the bullshit, sylvanas will pull out a kerrigan against the void lords
Yeah, cool idea except it would just boil down to being able to do more world quests and we all know it. Fuck, BfA is such cancer bros.
factions always sucked, just like the story /pol/ tard.
>she started a war no one wanted.
Then why didn't they throw her out dumbass?
That's why this story is so stupid. Why do they lick her boots and suddenly turn on her when she's on the verge of killing one of the strongest alliance character?
Every Worgen character canonically comes from Gilneas via the Worgen-only starting zone scenario. There was no paladin order in Gilneas, therefore, no Worgen paladins. If you didn't know this already, being a paladin requires there to be an extant paladin order, hence the lore additions of the Tauren Sunwalkers and the Blood Elf Blood Knights.
There are paladins everywhere : blood elves, even trolls.
Stop bringing your lore here because it's not an argument.
this so much
haha good one dude
>she started a war
SI:7 started a war by killing goblin miners in Silithus.
>Then why didn't they throw her out dumbass?
because there are no other women in the horde to take her place.
I always thought it would be neat to have a playable race that's not sexually dimorphic. Like, you could still pick male or female, but it would only change voices and fill-in-the-blank pronouns during quests, and instead you could choose corrupted or uncorrupted for your appearance.
I mean, there's enough people who want to fuck the uncorrupted ones anyway, so it would still work out from that angle.
Hence I said it is stormwind and sylvanas related brainlette...
The new raid is highly likely going to be similar to Azar alor. This time we fight in stormwind instead. The end boss of the raid is going to be alleria and her death will usher in the old gods.
Part of the raid will be alliance killing horde invaders. And the last boss will be horde horde and alliance killing alleria because she becomes fully corrupted. Her death will release large amounts of void energy ad ALL THE OLD GODS are coming back.
Next expansion will be the "Return of the Black Empire". Back when the old gods ruled the world. The chronicle books seem to really push the idea of their return to their glory again.
>she started a war no one wanted.
If she didn't start it Genn was going to start it. The entire reason she went on the offensive is because she knew that Genn would eventually convince Anduin to start shit because Anduin is easy to manipulate. Genn was the one that had Rastakhan executed because he refused to surrender his kingdom and let the alliance have his daughter as a prisoner.
>the problem lies in writing team being full of pink hairs with woman in charge, they can't write without big bad
The writing of TBC/Wotlk was way worst, you are so full of shit
11 years later still mad about draenei and elves on horde?
Didn't Baine turn on her because she was going to remove Derek's free will? I don't really pay attention to the lore too much, but doesn't that go against her character? Wasn't her original goal something along the lines of restoring free will to those subjugated by Arthas?
some developer inserted himself into the game
>everyone is licking their wound after dealing with sargeras
>not a day after, despite being on the opposite side of the world, she sends in miners to gather a strong source of energy
it's just a retale of the cold war, azerite is basically uranium, she could have pointed the goblin miners and everyone would tell anduin to fuck off, instead she was busy trying to be smug toward a dead elf by making another genocide
>If she didn't start it Genn was going to start it.
genn is a puppy who will follow anduin blindly, even after several exterminations anduin told him to shut up
They're free to retcon paladins into Gilneas whenever they please. They retcon absolutely everything in WoW.
Nobody gives a crap about 'canon' and 'lore'.
Because the Horde is run like a military, which is also why Garrosh could do what he did, despite literally every single allied leader openly hating him and defying him at every turn. The chain of command doesn't include dissenting foreign leaders, so the soldiers and commanding officers don't give a shit what they think. It also doesn't include (you), so they don't give a shit what the playerbase thinks. They follow the command of the warchief, it's why Nazgrim was willing to fucking die defending Orgrimmar even as people he cared about and damn near agreed with were attacking it.
t. pink haired roastie
Her goal is to protect her people. Derek killing Jaina means thousands are saved
>Because the Horde is run like a military,
Right, then don't cry about Sylv orders.
if they do, they're branded traitors man, it's the typical military structure
Wait what, why?
The wrong fucking MMO died.
>Wasn't her original goal something along the lines of restoring free will to those subjugated by Arthas?
What she says her goals are, and what her *actual* goals are are two different things.
Forsaken cry a lot about how they just want to survive and be left alone, while at the same time plotting to kill all life to join them in undeath.
Complain to Blizzard, not me, fuckwits. There's no Gilnean paladin order, there was no Gilnean paladin order, there's not going to be a Gilnean paladin order, and I'm glad you two retards are so upset about it.
I would gladly take any pink haired roastie over ppl like Metzen who aren't even pro writers and want to become comicbook writers.
Even more sylvanas took advantage of the alliance striking first.
The alliance were going to the wound to kill all the goblin miners. She heard of all the night elf army being deployed to wipe them out and took advantage of their stupidity.
Another lore bit people don't know. In the short reading it is revealed that saurfang didn't kill Malfurion because elune intervene in saurfangs mind pacifying him. Saurfang was going to kill him.
Consider all of this.
What's your point then?
Because withdrawing the program creates a rush of people who sign up before it's gone. They use the fear-of-missing-out tactic a lot.
no idea, I'm not the same user, but the horde does run like a military, which is normal because they have a "warchief"
>In the short reading it is revealed that saurfang didn't kill Malfurion because elune intervene in saurfangs mind pacifying him. Saurfang was going to kill him.
I start to regret wildstar, really
I went back to tortanic the other day, the gameplay reminds me wow more than retail wow
>In the short reading it is revealed that saurfang didn't kill Malfurion because elune intervene in saurfangs mind pacifying him. Saurfang was going to kill him.
damage control
Thats almost laughably desperate, can't believe it
So Baine is fine with mass genocide, starting WW3, etc. but mind controlling the ennemy is bad?
Sylvanas is a banshee, she took control of lordaeron by mind controlling ppl btw.
I want a nice soft tongue on my cock and balls
There is absolutely nothing in the game or 8.2 that even hints that we're going to wind up in Stormwind or fighting Alleria. There is, however, the fact that N'zoth is freed at the end of the Azshara encounter, and the fact that the Shadowlands/Thros are constantly mentioned throughout the expansion. But go ahead, call me a brainlet while literally making shit up on the spot, you look real smart.
I can.
if they wanted they could add Paladin trainers in the starting scenario just fine. There are only like 4-5 points where you meet them over there anyway. Literally no reason not to add them.
At a time it was for the class balance on both factions but right now I can't see why can't they make it especially since they are going to pay attention to worgen again in 8.2.5
>elune intervene in saurfangs mind pacifying him
but allowing 80%+ of her worshiping population to die in a fire needs no divine intervention, right?
what a worthless fucking goddess. hard to believe there are dieties out there even more useless than the naaru.
I dont think anyone alive would still have any kind of expectation after WoD where the main guy who started the entire shit, Alt Grom Hellscream, suddenly gets a 180 role reversal and stands as your ally who fought so "Draenor is Free!".
Gnome Express 999
nothing in the game hinted amputee gnomes either.
and they're the runner up for being the newest race.
BfA is such a mess I can understand why anons like him give almost stupid theories, because it might come true, we already stormed the horde capital, devs can be so out of touch they CAN think "we'll make a SW raid, people will love this shit" also it's a good excuse to not bother with the cration of assets.
You are stupid if you believe they aren't going to save nzoth for his own expansion.
I think Alleria will end up corrupted.
Yesterday there was a speculation of what could happen next and one of possibilities that Alleria will go crazy after her son would be killed.
Since there is a line in the prophecy about arrow finding its mark.
You are stupid to think that ppl gives a fuck about old god and that you can make an entire plot based around them.
because that happened for argus and nazjatar
Still not worth resubbing
The while story and lore is about elune being a worthless shit if you missed that...
Tyrande literally says make me the night warrior or go fuck yourself elune. Most of the night elves lost faith in elune.
Then when we finally go back Yrel is the one that did the role reversal and is now light Hitler to the point that we do the cannon quest from wod opening but this time it's draenei attacking instead of orcs.
Wait. I thought that the new expansion came out months ago. Why are they only showing this now? Did they really not have all the races available at launch?
They aren't even confirmed as a playable race people just put the npc models in the character creator. They were also shown at blizzcon.
NO I am shocked at your stupidity in a game running out of villains trying to milk a game out is going to kill nzoth in this expansion.
Don't be a fucking idiot. The expansion is 100% old God themed and nzoth and the other old gods are making a come back
They could also give everyone wings and a full set of 385 epics at level 1, but they won't fucking do it. I'm not arguing for Blizzard, I'm explaining why it's not going to happen. There's no reason TO add them, because if you haven't noticed, they really have to be cajoled to do things that fly in the face of the setting and story they have set up. Just going "well retcon it" is a non-argument when they only retcon when it suits THEM, not us. It took months of bitching and a public campaign to get them to add Zandalari paladins, and I don't really see the same kind of fervor over Worgen paladins, especially considering that they've been out as a race for nearly ten years at this point.
final fag posters...oh god
blizzard is content staggering content to get blizzdrones to sub one out of every three months.
frankly i'm surprised this scam made it to live in the first place.
Get a character to level cap then max out a reputation to unlock the privilege of buying a fucking race change or start all over from scratch after an xpac that deliberately encouraged you to level each and every class to 120. Pure jewery.
I'm pretty sure a expansion called Legion isn't a surprise that we sealed away the fucking leader OF THE LEGION.
Really stupid example. Old gods is the primary focus next expansion.
The Old Gods have been retconned to be space nits that the void lords flicked from their scratchings to infect planets. If anything you'll easily kill N'Zoth and next expansion is the Void Lords proper.
Literally everyone gives a shit about old gods. The legion and old gods are the biggest villains. The legion is cucked now.
I don't keep up with Warcraft lore. Why are there Stroggs in WoW?
I'm 31 and you're a faggot.
>saves WoW
>Get a character to level cap then max out a reputation to unlock the privilege of buying a fucking race change or start all over from scratch after an xpac that deliberately encouraged you to level each and every class to 120.
And all this for a fucking reskin, mind you. Or half-assed rushjobs that were delayed for 6 months just for the sake of being delayed to cash in on resubs (aka KT and zandalari).
There's a kingdom of gnomes on their own island. The king went insane because he had dreams about the original mechagnomes and wanted to make his people closer to the original.
We aren't getting void lords till anduin is a grown full adult. You really honestly believe we are going to the void lords next expansion?? Are you a fucking idiot?
Since Most we learned none of the old gods are actually dead and they can come back at any time. We literally have a whisper telling us that on allerias next death will usher in their return.
It ALL Pushes old gods returning and alleria being the focus point.
>shadow priests go on a quest to seal them all in daggers
>next expansion they throw all the daggers in the trash
>t. Guy that plays wow, Eso and FF14.
>By far FF14 has the worst gameplay., rotation, and speed of any mmo.
Ask me how I know you're full of shit.
Getting a little worked up over wow.
At this point it doesnt even matter what it will be about if it's handled piss poorly like it has been for a while.
Nazgrim was a real nigga. I felt bad during that part of the raid.
You know they can retcon that shit whenever they want right
>things that need to happen before void lord
1. Heal azeroth
2. Curb corruption of azeroth
3. Unite all factions under 1 banner to fight void lords
4. Destroy the old gods once and for all. Killing an old God is a horrible idea and WHY the titans sealed them instead of killing them.
5. There is a dark force that wants sylvanas in power from the shadow lands
We aren't fighting void lords for another 6 or more years.
NO you fucking moron. We aren't killing the final boss of a cash cow like wow in the next expansion.
you sound like an obnoxious retard
your getting muted wasn't a loss for anybody
>1. Heal azeroth
>2. Curb corruption of azeroth
this will be one and the same thing and we already know it will happen, it will be a post-final boss content where Magni will "HEY HERO, FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR NECKLACE, SURREND ALL YOUR POWER NOW"
By playing all 3 FF14 tranny.
The Proto-what now?
t. Tranny rp player
It's fucking stupid that I like everything about modern Warcraft except the gameplay
We are not going to cure azeroth this expansion. 9/10 chance azeroth becomes a boss fight that we need to fight and save at a later point. Similar to the Argus Titan fight.
Nah, it'll be resolved in a fucking novel.
you are a gay homosexual
We will absolutely stomp on some void lords next expac, and Azeroth, the strongest titan, will be there to help us out. I don't think the old gods will matter much when the planet they're infesting suddenly becomes sentient and purges them.
>getting mad someone making fun of homeless night elves
What would you expect from an RP server? I've got forced name changes because I've walked through someone RPing before.
I sometimes thought blizzard have horrible writers. But after your post I'm glad it's not in the hands of bigger retards like you.
We are fighting ZERO void lords.
I didnt know protomen covered it desu
but now im gonna give it a listen
reddit cuck spotted
unironically love them and the fact its making people seethe is a bonus
WoW is a caricature of itself at this point
lorelet alliance fag you entire faction is a joke and you are subhuman
I honestly believe no one likes gnomes and people only play them to piss off other players.
>I sometimes thought blizzard have horrible writers.
You thought that's bad? Get ready for Troll Paladins.
The whole game is a joke at this point.
I think they mean it's gene editing but staying within the realm of human. Just giving people the max potential for intellect, muscles, athleticism, etc.
>implying blizzard cares about logic and consistency
Nigger we went from legion invasion to killing a TITAN in the span of a single expansion
Did I trigger you or something? They're the only place we can go after the themes of this expac are explored. We absolutely are not getting an old god expansion, there's NOTHING in the game indicating that we would, and nothing you've posted is convincing in the least bit. You have your own trashy headcannon and are now lashing out like the autistic spaz you are because you've been confronted with an alternate (accurate) reality. Grow up.
There have always been troll pally brainlette. Since fucking vanilla. And in mist we got to fight a raid full of them.
Zandalari have always resisted blood magic and welcomed holy power from loa's.
zandalari paladins have been canonical since vanilla though, so they're ok
where are your zandalari warlocks then faggots?
OK let's see moron.
How many people in this thread think we are going into fucking space and fighting fucking void lords next expansion...
And how many people think you are a fucking moron. Go ahead and reply to him calling him a "FF14 tranny faggot" give him a (you) calling him that.
There is zanadalri warlocks...
They are outcast you go kill in the desert lmao.
Retconned t. Blizzard
Please note same development team made Zandalari Monks possible, which is more absurd than removing Zandalari Warlocks.
"him" like I don't know it's you, holy shit dude, at least now I know you're actually autistic so I'll just let this shit slide, I doubt you have much in life beyond this, sorry for bothering you
>an expansion called Legion has us go to the legion homeworld and trap its leader
>no u mad
>no u stupid
>no u autistic
You literally fucking believe we are fighting void lords next expansion. That is retarded.
>where are your zandalari warlocks then faggots?
followed zul to their deaths after switching over to blood magic, probably
i really don't get why blizzard is so obsessed with monks. of all the allied races, this should have been the one that didn't get them.
Guessing it is a Robocop reference?
>original content, donut steel
still miles ahead your 24-30 actions per second. you can remain mad af.
I wish he was robotic from the waist down. This looks fucking retarded and pathetic.
Lore wise if you aren't a brainlette becoming a monk can be done by anyone. It was developed by the pandas that had zero access to weapons and started to teach one another. Thee pandas thought it to all races to overall the mogu overlords. They feel it is their duty to teach the ways to everyone willing.
Monks lore wise are maybe the weakest class in the game however. I mean it's a class based around using fist when people can shoot guns, fireballs, and demons.
I actually lost desire to play the game when I couldn't make an alpha troll warlock.
I was super hype for them, did the rep grind... My main is an orc lock, that I really enjoyed playing and did all the sweet flavor quests over the years, green fire, etc but fuck man. BfA is soulless blatant skinner box bullshit, and I think them removing zandalari warlock playable put the nail in the coffin for me.
>to everyone willing
that's the thing, the zandalari shouldn't be willing
This is the gayest post I've seen on Yea Forums in a long time. Do you have any idea how much of an achievement that is?
Zandalari hated pandas in MoP, why would they suddenly be bros after joining the horde. Fucking weeb pandering garbage.
Better question.
How many here people honestly cares at this point? With how Blizz has been handling the writing, something tells me even you truly don't.
>even having the concept of WoW retained within your consciousness after wotlk
of course you can, because you're a brainlet retard who believes what they want to believe without any evidence to back it up
The Zandalari were basically privileged slaves to the mogu. I'm sure they don't have ill will to the pandas. Yes they wanted land in pandaria hence why they sided with the mogu. I don't think any of them should have a grudge anymore.
They should honestly just kill off the main storyline characters at this point and start fresh. It's just such a clusterfuck that I think it's irredeemable in any case, but fuck. For example, they could have Anduin get overthrown by Genn or something to create some interesting story for alliance instead of mary-sue we r de gud guis bullshit.
Who are the Protomen?
we could have gotten skakes or Arakkoa, but no, we get shitty amputee gnomes
lol calm down.
Or actually have night-elves not be giant useless cucks like their entire storyline post WCIII.
Malfurion is supposed to be one of the most powerful beings on azeroth and he's just this big dumb sleepy bastard that does nothing relevant and watched his entire civilization get burned to the ground. I think the worst offense to his character was in legion though, during the emerald nightmare content.
At this point the only reason the game is brought up any more is just to laugh at it, and the hopelessly obsessed addicts who will never stop playing until the servers shut down, no matter how bad it gets.
we've never fought the full old gods, just parts of them sticking out of the ground. That's why he's more than just one eye
>24-30 actions per second is less than 37 actions per minute
I just care for some characters and pray Blizzard won't kill them.
That is all
Learn your lore. The Zandalari never attacked any pandas during mist. The Zandalari was on the defensive protecting the thunder king. They stayed defensive fulfilling their duty. It was the shadowpan and alliance and horde forces that went to go kill the thunder king. The Zandalari were only paying their debt.
Hence the new reputations are called the "sunreaver Onslaught" and "shadowpan offensive"
Different race. These are normal gnomes, just modified. Mechagnomes are the forefathers prior to the curse of flesh.
>per second
I can't even express how stupid these look in-game
if you unironically play anything but human or, at a stretch - blood elf paladin; just commit suicide right now
So is it a new allied race or just a cosmetic choice for current gnomes?
>The Zandalari marched south, imbued with mystic powers and riding enormous dinosaurs, obliterating a pandaren farming village north of Kun-Lai. They then moved on to the Jade Forest, now the heart of the fledgling Pandaren Empire, as panic gripped the pandaren people. The only fighting force the pandaren had, an order of monks sworn to protect the western Serpent's Spine wall, quickly found themselves outnumbered and outmaneuvered by the Zandalari's pterrorwings and bats.[3]
they're the same thing
Its over bros. XIV won...
allied races are locked behind $39.99
Wow did that happen in mist...
NO that was thousands of years ago you brainlette wiki reader.
Why didn't they just go full mecha? Like they're supposed to be? Is it because they're lazy and cheap and had to get those reused assets in there?
what is protomen?
*Laughs in Best Wars 2*
>t. human male paladin
>zandalari troll wars
Are you so stupid you can't read your wiki? That didn't happen in mist of pandaria.
>2.5 sec gcds
>24 actions a minute tops
get a load of those fags
>trannybait nekos
>blocks your path
that is a pretty obscure fact, I didn't know this guy sang.
Okay fine, but in MoP they literally allied with the most hated enemy of the pandas and resurrected the thunder king in hopes that they would get the land promised to them by the mogu. Which at the time belonged to pandas. Figure it out retard. You really think that after literal thousands of years of conflict that they would just be like ok, guess we can be monks now lel. Keep eating blizzards shit though.
While that is true, there's no reason Worgen could not have been inducted into one of the many existing paladin orders or communities after Gilneas got fucked and they had their mass exodus.
>blocks your path
Bullshit no class lost that much in bfa.
not him but my headcanon is that zandalari used to have pandaren slaves they drove to the Zandalar where they forced them to show their techniques so they would implement them into their training military regime.
Otherwise I can't find a single reason for zandalari to know the way of monks.
That's usagi you cretin.
It's missing
>This body is...pleasing, don't you think? Don't get distracted now...
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
same shit different smell. it's all gateway furryshit.
It's upsetting that Eredar joining the Horde would still be less fucking stupid than Lightforged, Void Elves, and time-travel Mag'har.
Not only does it make close to no sense from a lore perspective, it goes even deeper when you consider that the zandalari are basically religious zealots obsessive over the loa. Monk teachings would be considered blasphemy in their culture and anyone who decided to take on monk teachings would be exiled.
You don't know much about the Japanese culture, do you?
Literally less retard. US and the UK are friends now. You telling me zandalari and trolls can't be friends thousands of years apart?
Also it is nowhere implied the Zandalari wanted to take land back during mist. That is your own self inserting. The Zandalari ever simply only following the thunder kings orders. His orders did not have any campaign on pandaria at the time. If anything the thunder king is 10 times more likely to head back to uldum and finish his business that he failed thousands of years ago on his defeat.
The Zandalari have no ill will towards pandas during mist nor is it ever indicated in the expansion.
do you really think people don't fucking know that song, one of the most popular and referenced famous meme songs of all human history, used in countless tv adverts and gags in shows. Are you really trying to flex as some kind of oldfag music genius for knowing a dadrock greatest hit single. Fucking starving african children know what that song is
I'm saying that it's several layers of shit writing in the ever growing shit lasagna that is WoW lore.
What possible reason would the zandalari have for resurrecting the thunder king. Figure it out. They clearly wanted panda territory given their previous literal wars over it.
Now imagine after all of that history that some zandalari shows up in dazaralor and starts telling other trolls- "jade serpent guide you". Holy fuck.
The virgin Frost vs. the Chad Unholy
When I quit I told everyone I know I would instantly resub if they release Sethrak and they still haven't done it and this late into the expac I accept that they never will. Sethrak will not be relevant outside of BfA so the chances are practically 0%.
And to further my point, brown future orcs being monks is just as fucking dumb too. Fuck this game.
>supermodel women
??? Tranny is the most misused label Yea Forums has used in months.
Sorry, brown *alternate timeline, past-future other dimensional orcs*
Dadcore seriously is the best
Try reading the chronicle books brainlette...
The mogu and zandalari exchanged MANY things with each other. With the trolls getting way more out of the bargain.
The mogu wanted to explore azeroth but had no navigation to do so. The Zandalari were their navigation and let them explore the land. In exchange the mogu thought them many things and gave them amazing technology. Much of the technology can be found on dinosaur equipment weapons for battle. The Zandalari also learned the arcane and many magic spells.
The Zandalari helped the mogu for more than just land.
The biggest crime of this game is what they did to the classes. Warriors are so fucking lame now.
Right, throughout their history sure. But their motives are pretty fucking clear in MoP. It's a lot more developed than just me troll me want shiny magic things me help rock people kill pandas derp.
Every spec plays like shit. Like if the content of the game is mediocre that is one thing but it's a dealbreaker if the classes also play like fucking shit too.
>Frost is the most flavorful spec of the most fun class to play
>Every expansion makes Frost shittier
>Every expansion devs explicitly say DKs aren't allowed to have things that would fix their shittiest playpoints (no fun movement mechanics) and give their best playpoints to other classes (DH tanks being given better DK sustain and also fun movement)
It sure is rewarding to still play this game
>all these autistic shits mad at zandari and draenor orc monks
There is literally no lore reasons why they both can't be monks retards. You are just bitching for the sake of bitching. If you want to bitch about lore there is many other things. NOT MONKS. Fucking autism.
i can't fucking believe they looked at MoP classes and then went "yep. let's fucking ruin everything"
It's actually staggering how much they fucked up in such a quick amount of time.
It is nowhere implied the thunder king wanted to kill pandas. It is nowhere implied what the thunder kings true motives were. The Zandalari were just paying their debt. The mist faded and they can came back for the debt.
I assume the Thunder King just wanted his old land back, like a true Mongol.
They were looking at hunters and their dozens of spells and decided they have to do something.
Anyone else want playable Naga?
Yeah, just this renowned tyrant who wants to enslave the world and all, no hate tho pandas are cool in his books. Not like he enslaved pandas and took over their territory to build his empire or anything. Nah, not implied at all. Zandalari din du nuffin too, just paying their debt.
Christ, you're fucking dumb.
Their spells were fine since a lot of them didn't affect combat.
They really need to say fuck balance and just start shitting out races that can only play a few roles and give the middle finger to fags bitching they are too weak or limited.
Waaaay too late for them.
Should have been added in BC with Belves.
Reminder that Lady Vashj was the leader of the only explicitly non-evil, not Old God aligned Naga in the post-Legion canon.
>no we will not be giving refunds
But you will be getting charge backs.
You are the retarded that doesn't understand lore.
The thunder king was a mogu made to protect azeroth and protect it. Everything he did was for the good of azeroth. When he found Ra'den he was crying not doing his job. The thunder king kicked his weak ass and took his power.
He used his power to unite the mogu together and have the native races of azeroth follow his rule. If he was still alive now he would actually be helping us cure azeroth from the void corruption. The mogu in BFA even tell us with heavy foreshadowing, "you don't know what is beneath we must do this". Yet we kill them...
The mogu are not the bad guys. The pandas could have simply worked with the mogu instead. However the pandas don't respond to power or tyrants even if they have good intentions.
The mogu never wanted to kill life in azeroth they want to preserve it. They are Titan creations. The zandalari understood this.
You are a lorelette.