I'm itching for a mindless fast paced shooter to play and this looks interesting. I'm kind of worried it's going to be similar to Far Cry though. Should I get it or is there a similar game with flashy graphics and smooth gameplay I should get instead? I already have nu-DOOM
I'm itching for a mindless fast paced shooter to play and this looks interesting...
I'm gonna Pirate it
Be honest with me Yea Forums, is it gonna flop?
Undoubtedly yes
Go play mad max 2015
Same devs
But does that game have adhd tier action and flashy explosions / graphics? I want something that will take my full attention and make me forget about my real life
Yeah it's max comfy mad
It's suprisingly good and actually manages to have more of a story than the movie while running on the toastiest of toasters great game
I'm thinking about buying it.
bulletstorm remaster.
No it's akharm asylum beat em up repetitive junk feast
To games publishers all of the money that exists isn't enough so expect it to "perform below expectations"
thats what i remember hearing about it as well which is why i was shocked someone suggested it
gameplay looks fine, world might be a little dull but fast paced no stealth or cover mechanics bullshit offsets it a lot for me
it got nice car mechanics and atmospheric world, it's not what Rage 2 though
Rage 2 seems like shadow warrior 2013+bulletstorm+doom2016 with cars, I'm hopeful.
Surprised they ddim't pulled the EGS/Beth launcher exclusive on this one, I still don't have interest on this game, maybe for 5 bucks
I tried that game for 30 minutes and the input lag on the car killed it for me. Total shit
this for sure
you probably hate GTA4 driving too, fag
Which developer had more input on the game? I trust ID but I don't really like Avalanche's games
Wasn't going to buy it, but since I found out its pro trump and devs hate liberals I might support it
What is this about ?
>Cis white male protag
>Bunch of rainbow dye'd blabbering retards as enemies
really stretching there
RAGE 1 might be better suited for your desires. rage 2 looks pretty slow and focused on it's open world, whereas rage 1 uses the open world as a hub to let you into what boils down to corridors with enemies to fight. It's not gonna be some headscratching labyrinthian maze but it'll certainly be more fun than "far cry but bethesda".
>actually manages to have more of a story than the movie
That's because they lifted things from Miller's unused and/or scrapped scripts and just put most of them in the game
Hell, Fury Road had it's script remade like 3 times and all of them could've been perfectly good movies apparently. There's a video on youtube if you wanna look it up
its a good game if you like driving
Yeah user I'm cautiously optimistic.
I'm gonna stream it every night this week
There's something off about the char design...
Based on trailers this is 1 character type from 1 faction. I'm assuming they are going for shock value using her on the cover. Looks retarded imo
that's a her? oh god.