What is, in your opinion, the most pretentious game of all time?

What is, in your opinion, the most pretentious game of all time?

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Other urls found in this thread:


why is it pretentious?

Brainlets think any independently developed game is pretentious.

Please define "pretentious".


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Easy , Not Tonight, it’s a ripoff of papers please (poor one) with the half assed message of “Brexit Bad”




attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed

I don't think Obra Dinn is pretentious.

It's purposely ugly and obtuse in order to be more "quirky". You can't start your detective investigation (the main mechanic of the game) before you hear the obligatory 30 second tune and fade to black every time you come across a dead body, else it will ruin the "atmosphere". The ending of the story is trite and easy to see coming halfway through the game, but is hyped up at the start as being all mysterious and amazing.

Is it kino? I liked Papers, Please, but the aesthetics don't convince me, to be honest.

>What is, in your opinion, the most pretentious game of all time?


The original post is bait but here's my unironic answer anyway.

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>obra dinn

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So you don't know what pretentious means.
That's ok! We'll give you another chance once you look it up.

It’s pretty great if you like detective/mystery games, and if you also like old timey boat stuff it’s a must buy

this. fuck that trash.

I'd agree with this. I remember people hyping it up a few years back, and it literally was the definition of pretentiousness. It had no meaning whatsoever despite trying very hard to make you think otherwise.

Probably this

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i hate how they try to make you care about fucking squares and rectangles. show don't tell.

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You get to experience drowning in the bathtub as a baby, and it's meant to be poignant.

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I'm really interested in this game. How long is it?

First time?

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You can tell it's shit because it's Joseph Anderson's favorite game.

My first trip through all the memories took 4 or 5 hours, and by then I'd completed 2/3rds of the book. The remaining crew members are difficult to find or obscure, so with a hint guide that took me maybe another 2 or 3 hours.

about 6-10 hours, depending on how much of a guide you use

You shut your whore mouth, Obra Dinn is a fucking amazing and unique game. I wish indie devs would make more games like it instead of asset flip survival games and walking simulators.

played that game a few days ago
its good, the captain is fucking based

wtf lol bad bait

It took me 13 hours with no guides to find the fate of every crew member.
but based off of the replies to your post that was a bit longer then normal

Give your money to Lucas Pope. You did buy Papers, Please right?

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It’s honestly harder to find an indie game that isn’t pretentious than the opposite

Obra Dinn is LITERALLY the definition of kino

You don't know what the word pretentious means, do you?

Baby's First Existential Crisis

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Yeah, it's pretty great and unique as well

It's pretty much THE best "detective" game ever made. Mark Brown talked quite a lot about it.

Not him. I didn't. I only got it in a Humble Bundle that included Gone Home. For the record, I bought it for Prison Architech.

They took a fairly basic philosophy scifi concept and made an entire game out of it. It's interesting for brainlets, but if you're familiar it's just frustrating since it never goes anywhere.

It took me about 8 hours total. I didn't make any wild guesses or try to game the validation system, but probably lucked out by noticing a particular detail that gives you a ton of the harder deductions. I also didn't do it all at once, and had kind of a breakthrough on how to figure out two of the crew while at work.

I bought this, finished it in an hour, and refunded it. Thanks Gabe!

I actually liked it. The concept was somewhat interesting, and I could be wrong but I didn't really get the impression that the writers were high on their own farts.

good choices anons

I think one of the devs of gone home made "Where the Water Tastes Like Wine", which is similarly pretentious. Unfortunately for them, they thought Gone Home's success was genuine and not a one-time fad which is why the "game" was a flop. also, YIIK is a beautiful pretentious disaster.

Looked pretty, though. I'll give it that. Pleasing to look at.

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>implying Brexit good

have sex

Why not go straight to the source
People were shouting and pointing at copies of Atlas Shrugged as soon as this franchise began.

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YIIK. Gotta have 300 iq to love that shit.

t. brainlet

he's an amerishart, user. do you think he knows what a common market is? he probably thinks that's just a fancy name for a flea market.

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It's an incredibly contrived plot that makes no sense. It's pretentious as hell and I hate myself for getting on the hype train

Do not use a guide!
I'm just a simple blue collar worker and did it in 12 hours.

>people don't like my shitty designed game with tons of dialogue
>this means video games aren't art

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That's a case of the writer literally being too dumb to write the story correctly. Ken Levine even admitted he knew nothing about quantum mechanics despite basing the entire plot around it.

It's my biggest video game-related disappointment.

I don't even know how the fuck this game got into my library.
I wouldn't say YIIK is pretentious, just so poorly done on every aspect it makes anything it has to say a joke.

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Dear Esther

>Leigh Alexander, Cara Ellison, some dude from Gone Homo
>4 years in the making
>4000 copies sold
this will always make me smile

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Toby Fox liked that game so much that he deleted the tweet in which he mentions his work there.


>tfw you want to be a writer but only got a C+ in English 12

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How the fuck did that shit game get so many nods in other indie titles? Toby Fox made a song for it, VA-11 Hall-A has it be a popular megahit in its lore, etc. Did the creator offer free blowjob and an indie convention?

>what are you up to?
>nothing good

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jesus christ lol

"Pretentious" is a term used exclusively by imbeciles.

you definitely got it from a humble bundle. at least that's how I did.

Yup. I think an user on here told me about it and it made my day seeing just how badly it did.


Explain in a clear and concise manner what's wrong with this sentence besides the last 3 words

>VA-11 Hall-A has it be a popular megahit in its lore
>YIIK is published by Ysbryd Games, who is also the publisher for VA-11 Hall-A.

the word is similar to the english "puttin on airs". it's acting like you're deeper, smarter or more important than you are

It's needlessly long and repetitive in order to appear meaningful. You could say the same sentence more concisely as "I sighed as the elevator shook." That's a regular human being would write it.

The three last words are the core of the problem though. Aside from that, you don't really have to explain that the elevator's shaking if you just show it.

It's utilitarian and dull.

Yeah but Alex is literally pretentious, no one else talks as retardedly as that

This too. Since it's a video game, you could just SHOW us the elevator shaking and letting us HEAR the guy's sigh.

t. actually retarded

Dear Esther
Gone Home
The Graveyard
Mafia III


Not the most pretentious but Mind - Path to thalamus for fucking sure needs to be on the list

It's impossible for a game to "act" like it's deeper smarter and more important than it is. A game is exactly as deep and smart and important as it is. It can't "act" like anything else. Calling a game or book or movie or whatever "pretentious" simply indicates that you lack the confidence as a critic to understand where it actually stands, so you criticize it for where it "seems" to stand for you.

Anybody who calls a game "pretentious" is the one who is actually acting smarter than they really are.

Writing is not about clipping your prose down to the barest most generic essential components. Yea Forums is so fucking shit at literary critique.

>Dear Esther

What a gay ending

The Witness I think blows most games out of the water not because of the puzzles but all the narration they put in the game for some reason

Jesus Christ you are an idiot.

brexit is bad but it's still pretentious af

They're literally parroting youtubers because no one here has actually played the game.
I don't fucking blame em, its dogshit, but its annoying that literally no one knows what they're talking about with the game

You could replace it with
>elevator noises

>vibrating with motion
Such a way with words

do you think that any time you read any text in a video game ever, it would be improved if it were represented by audio instead?

audio is not intrinsically better than text

pillars of eternity
>crowdfunding because "new industry bad"
>most pretentious and boring writing I've ever seen. The riter here thought that being tooverbose was a display of skill when it's actually concision which is a display of mastery in writing

What's that dumbfuck game where you're a black woman with an engineering degree who decides to move to an oppressive country during war time for literally no reason and can only find work as a cleaning lady and your character just talks about how much she hates it? You can't find a more pretentious dogshit game than that. I guarantee it.

>The ending of the story is trite and easy to see coming halfway through the game, but is hyped up at the start as being all mysterious and amazing.
This is decent example of being pretentious, if true. Trying to appear important or impressive or deep or whatever than it really is (while believing it) is about right.

Note, I'm not saying the game is that, I haven't played it. Just that if it is as described, then pretentious is an accurate word.

>began to shake, vibrating with motion
jesus fucking christ

What meaning did that redundant sentence convey that would be lost if it were cut down. It's ok to be a bit flowery with your prose but it should serve a purpose in describing a scene and/or evoking emotions. good writers can do it right, but amateurs (which YIIK's writer clearly is) should keep to brevity.

(Also it's implicit that one is saying that those who made the game are pretentious rather than the game itself. The game is merely the proof of said pretentiousness. If you have suggestions for a better word I'm all ears though).

Sounds familiar, what did it look like? a low-poly, first-person image comes to my mind.

It isn't written like that to make the writer feel smarter, its written like that to make the character sound stupid.

It's just a twist that the game doens't really tries to tell you it's supposed to be impressive, but at the same time it's so predictable you wish they had gone with anything else because it makes for a flacid ending after such a long time investment.

The Witness and Braid

leave this website, normalfag

Sunset by Tales of Tales, who then closed doors after the game sold less than 5k copies including the people who backed it to get it made in the first place.

Are all of the characters meant to sound stupid? Because most had that problem where'd they drone on and on alongside going on pointless tangents. Also, intentional or not it doesn't make for a pleasant experience. (The dev also sounds like a dickhead in this interview thedickshow.com/episode-144/ )

Maybe the game appeals to someone, but I honestly can't even think of a suitable target audience.

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>A deep rumble echoed down from the elevator shaft as the decrepit contraption returned to life
>I slowly exhaled a deep breath
Wow 10/10 game now. Journalists only hated this and not other equally bad indie titles because it's problematic.

You're not smart, man

Because the proper way to write this is: "The elevator began to shake. I sighed."

or even better

"The elevator shook. I sighed."

The elevator shakes first and THEN the character sighs but it's written ass backwards and is needlessly verbose, a common sign of an amateur writer.

They drone on, but they're never as needlessly verbose as Alex is. Alex talks fucking nonstop about pointless shit like he's an expert at it, but he's always confused whenever someone knows more about something than he does.

This is the most pretentious thing about this whole game?

Fair enough. point is, game sucks.

no, just a sample. If you want here's some gameplay. youtube.com/watch?v=U2_yCslL_g0&list=PLcoyfeTWAJOvVzA7zMLeq28FJA5LyfbcP

No argument there

I don't think it's pretentious. Sure, the story is abstract but you just need to use a bit of your brain to figure out what's going on. The later deductions, especially the Chinamen, are pretty difficult.
You didn't even figure out the Captain's identity, didn't you?

These are some bad fucking takes user.

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I'm not certain about 'pretentious' but it certainly overstayed its welcome. Why the fuck did the story just keep going?

Ironically, people who wrongly call things pretentious, like half the brainlets in this thread, are actually being pretentious themselves

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>ctrl + F
>Only one result for the Graveyard

I'm disappointed in all of you

The most pretentious game.

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Imagine having taste this bad

Somone post the image.

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It's always a challenge and I wish it would stop being pretentious.

I've played games where you could play some stupid shit if you wanted to, but that wasn't really enjoyable, and now I'm looking to get something like that but with real content, and if I don't know what I'm going to do with real content, I won't care.

I hate games that want to be so silly, with so many choices, so there should be things that make you think. I want to be surprised, but I will give myself a break.

"I wanted to win with my friends but, in hindsight I could have done a better job of my aim!"

I never, ever give up when someone says something I dislike. And when they are trying to do it, they're saying it from the heart, they don't want to sound like an ass, they don't want to sound like shit. I'm actually trying to understand why people like me so much.

kinda like every single MGS game.
Fans are brainlets so they claim mgs has great writing and deep meaning and shit

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the only correct answer

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This is the winner

>trannies being this salty over European history

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It's pretentious because of the bold technical claims they made before dlivering a mediocre unfinished game

I've played it, it has good music just like Papers, Please did

Well indy devs have not helped themselves with that now have they?
You know with everyone being a walking simulator about the "Struggles" of being a tranny.

How is that possibly anywhere near the meaning of pretentious?

no, just ignorant.

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Chrono Cross. The ending is the epitome of pretentiousness.

Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery.
There are very few games that make me physically ill because of how blatantly fucking incorrect the philosophy in them is and how hard it's fucking shoved at you.
Gone home is NOT one of them. Gone home is subtle and nuanced compared to this.
Thus far I have played only three.
Superbrothers, (((Stellaris))), and some speakeasy management simulator where a tranny robot lectures you about climate change.
Superbrothers outcompetes (((Paradox Interactive)))'s speculative future and a propaganda dispenser from literally Antifa.

Does he have a SINGLE fact to back this up?
Because 1, That's terror, and 2, That's terror.


Fucking love this. Absolutely beautiful looking game.

But it was a pleasant videogame to play. The twist was not hamfisted or anything.

This is the most pretentious game ever made. I only played it because it waa free on PS+ and all the trophies are easy to get.

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What does it pretend to?


They like it so it’s good

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What was bad about Stellaris? The only egregious thing I noticed is the how "diverse" the human nations are.


like all pc "GOTY"s: they are trying very hard to somehow act like a pc exclusive is good so they have a small chance to get a PC exclusive as goty just once. There isnt anything of quality releasing exclusive on PC since years so they have to pick one random mediocre indie game and act like its the best game of the year.

I'm playing this at the moment and it feels like it was made by someone that really enjoys the smell of their own farts.

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>all the elizabeths drowning you at the end

i fucking hate braid. maybe i'm too much of a brainlet.

>all these non-argument replies
Fucking kek

This is the only game I played where half-way through I was forced to conclude the main character was insane and retarded, just walking through life making random decisions and killing random things because he doesn't know what else to do. The exact moment was when he was requested to find a piece of machinery, realized he had no feasible way of carrying it to its destination, and so permanently shifted to an alternate dimension where the machinery was already in the correct place but the entire city was inflamed in civil war. I was dumbfounded.

You don’t?

You realize that by typing out this post you have just exposed yourself as being a pretentious idiot too right?

>Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
wasn't that a furfag game?

Redpill me! Based on my favourites would you consider me a Normie, Patrician or Fedora fag?
> 1. Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
> 2. Trails in the Sky FC
> 3. Trails In The Sky SC
> 4. Persona 2: Innocent Sin
> 5. Digital Devil Saga 2
> 6. Final Fantasy X
> 7. Chrono Cross
> 8. Final Fantasy VI
> 9. Mother 3
> 10. Persona 3 Portable
> 11. Xenogears
> 12. Chrono Trigger
> 13. Zelda: The Wind Waker
> 14. Panzer Dragoon Saga
> 15. Metal Gear Solid 3
> 16. Final Fantasy IX
> 17. Lunar 2: Eternal Blue
> 18. Shadow Of The Colossus
> 19. Zelda: Majora’s Mask
> 20. Metal Gear Solid
> 21. EarthBound
> 22. Zelda: A Link To The Past
> 23. Fatal Frame 2
> 24. Bioshock
> 25. Metal Gear Solid 2
> 26. Valkyrie Profile
> 27. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
> 28. Mass Effect
> 29. Xenoblade Chronicles
> 30. The Last Of Us Remastered
> 31. Resident Evil 4
> 32. Undertale
> 33. Kingdom Hearts II FM
> 34. Skies Of Arcadia
> 35. Persona 4 Golden
> 36. Beyond Good & Evil
> 37. Final Fantasy VII
> 38. Silent Hill 2
> 39. Jade Empire
> 40. Super Smash Bros Melee
> 41. Journey
> 42. NieR Replicant
> 43. Zelda: Twilight Princess
> 44. Metroid Prime
> 45. Vagrant Story
> 46. Resident Evil Remake
> 47. SoulCalibur
> 48. Mass Effect 2
> 49. Star Wars: KOTOR 2
> 50. NieR Autometa

Normie weeaboo. Good job picking something so "safe" for your all time favorite.

Give me one reason why Undertlae isn’t your favorite game of all time

I don’t remember anything from it & don’t want to play it again because i feel i might not like it, some games become shit once you actually replay them. OOT is the only game i’m act capable of consistently replaying without getting bored

Why do so many people prefer KOTOR2 to KOTOR?

>OOT is the only game i’m actually capable of consistently replaying without getting bored
I was going to insult for having shitty play habits, but I do this too, so you’re fine.

It was the most effective way to defend against Muslim immigration, what would you have recommended instead?

KOTOR is garbage & all of the game is spent solely wanking over the Revan Reveal, once you know about it the game has nothing else of value. All of te characters are bland cardboard cutouts without any personality, Malak is garbage & the climax feels insanely rushed. KOTOR2 with Restored Content actually feels like a epic sci-fi adventure, you have no idea what’s going to happen, and it explored the concept of the force better than any Star Wars movie. The characters are extremely well written, the worlds feel more fleshed out & the storyline was compelling throughout the entire game.

has tale of tales ever make a proper video game?

I've not played YIIK and haven't seen enough to weigh in, but the creator at least is absolutely a pretentious faggot who thinks his work is god's own gift. There was a quote from him recently where he cried that YIIK's commercial failure means that gaming is not an artistic medium. Whether you think vidya is or isn't art is its own discussion but that his argument that it isn't is that his own project failed is fucking mental, that he decided his game would be the one to determine this entire medium's status as art. Never had anything against the game beforehand but now I'm overjoyed that it flopped, same deal with the Sunset devs who had a tantrum on Twitter after their shit died a death.


It's very unpretentious actually. It's a puzzle game with audiologs featuring self-help gurus and philosophers.

People are pretentious not objects.

This game would have been better without the supernatural bs. I was hoping for a murder mystery on the sea with motives based in the setting, not some fucking lovecraft novel.

I think it was bad but I don't see anything pretentious about it. Sure there's the unsatisfying twist but thats already a franchise trademark.

Imagine being a faggot and hating Orbra Dinn

Nothing will ever beat bioshock infinite.

>It was the...
>It didn't actually affect it at all, not in the least
Why say things you know are untrue user? Surely you can't actually be as retarded as you are pretending to be?


The supernatural stuff would have been fine if it lead to something. It adds absolutely nothing to the story.

Brexit didn't happen yet, user.

Noice. Took me about 8 hours as well, but I ended up gaming the validation system to get them damn chinks. When I actually read up on how it was supposed to be done it blew my mind.

It's a good solution, it's just that the jews are trying their hardest to delay it.

Not so much the game but the fandom and the lead dev, really. If you played it in a vacuum, you'd be none the wiser I feel.

>I was hoping for a murder mystery on the sea with motives based in the setting, not some fucking lovecraft novel.
Really? Seeing the boat get attacked by a kraken 15 minutes in didn't clue you in to supernatural stuff being a core part of the story?

Yeah I suppose that's fair. Maybe I'm just upset because the final chapter was really fucking shit considering how much it had been hyped over the game.


>Muslims come into the country in accord to agreements in place long before the UK joined the EU
>So leaving the EU will fix this problem!
Again, why are you pretending to be retarded? What's your goal here? The vast majority of Muslims entering the UK are from India, which has fuck all to do with EU immigration.

Not that you'd actually know anything about this, you just watched some nonce be outraged on TV and decided to copy them like the imbecile you are.

"Dude if you kill monsters because they are literally trying to kill you, you're worst than Hitler"
Fuck you Sans.

I have been absolutely loving this game.
The further I peel back the layers to its puzzles, the more I understand how it could have taken so long to make, and been delayed so many times.

>black dude was head carpenter
>white was his assistant
Literally fucked with me.

It's a step in the right direction, stop being so bone headed.


The art team worked wonders on this game.

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>anime story about the power of friendship

>Deduction game that had absolutely no message was pretentious

Is pic related pretentious to you, as well?

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From what critic site did you copypaste this from? This is normalfagcore through and through.

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Because the retard couldn't figure out the puzzles. It happens with any game that requires a modicum of brainpower. The tard gets incoherently aggressive and comes here to post shit about it.

Fucking coward, deflecting so pathetically, admit when you're wrong you spineless slime.

This shit belongs to .

>/sg/ fag
i don't care how much of a normalfag that other user is, you should hang yourself

The one that says you shouldn't replay it because literal lines of code that dont exist will always be looping through the same story, as if they actually do things when you're not playing. It's a scam for children, that's the only reason this could have been his intention.

Obra Dinn is a movie?

Only pretentious people call anything pretentious, because dumb people don't understand how something is pretentious.
Are you pretentious, or dumb?

>game is about solving a mystery
>have to watch visual clues to start the investigation

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Gone Home yes, But Obra Dinn is 100% a game. You need to use deductive reasoning to solve a problem, how is that not a game?

The most pretentious, shitty game ever has to be Dwarf fortress. Perhaps majoras mask for boomers

This is bait. This is one the best written games of all time.

Too bad the gameplay is wack.

I'm convinced he did that intentionally to fuck up the guessing streak.

Just a fag.

what a cuck lol

>when all the phi101 kiddies come out of the woodwork to circlejerk over the deepest piece of nerdshit media in the history of ever

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>Upload your consciousness twice.
>Both times people explain to you that you are making a copy of yourself, not transferring you.
>Upload yourself to the matrix at the end of the game
>NOOO!!! Why was it just a copy!!!
You are literally retarded in SOMA.

I hated this shit so much just because it takes friggin forever to move between scenes, especially the deaths within deaths. I don't need to stand around for 5 minutes, wait for the fade to black, and then waddle over to the door when I can see him getting crushed in the first 5 seconds and the bisected second victim in the first 10.

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Daily reminder that both Drive and BR2049 are two of the most pretentious media out there