ITT: 10/10 armor design

ITT: 10/10 armor design

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why do japs rip off western armor

everyone rips everyone else off because different is exciting

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Japs do Western armor better than westerners

Aion was fucking great at that
shame game went to shit

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A lot of sets from Dark Souls are modeled after real life armor. Turns out realistic albeit very ornate armor is more aesthetically appealing than edgy crap full of retarded nonsensical horns like Pic related, the IRL Drake Blood set belonged to Henry VIII.

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Lawbro's armor is aesthetic af. Too bad he is one of the worst characters

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they reworked him last week, hes pretty solid now

For Honor is some god tier armour design in general. They have such a good blend of realism and modern fantasy flair.

I main'd him just cause he looked cool. Enjoyed my 100+ hours with him and the game but stopped playing, perhaps I should get back into it again?

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A fucking shame this one didnt return, Its fucking great

Ah yes. I remember when Havels armor was the meta in Dark Age Europe

My favorite set

>make a game with knights in it
>put in knight armor
>this is a rip off because you happen to not be born in the countries that armor comes from
I guess every American game with knights in it is ripping off European armor

I can't believe how they made such a cool armor set so ugly in game, and a cool looking weapon so subpar.
I wish the alternate greatsword moveset showed up more in DS3.

You mean like they rip off literally everything ever? Because they're creatively bankrupt bugmen.

I wouldn't say a lot, but most of the fan favorites are based on historical armors. Also, i dont see how this is the drake blood set. I will post some examples that i know that inspired some armors from DeS/Das/BB.

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Just the typical 16th century armor already covers a lot of the series armors sets.

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Does mech armor count?

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Cape of mail dated to 1591

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Lapp's set still the best set in the game
>no dirty piece of rags sticking out like 99% armor sets (they really drop the ball with this in DS3)
>based in real life armor
>no fancy shit, pure practical
>frog helmet that doesnt look silly like the Ruin set
>good stats
>the pieces go with other armors
Fight me

Attached: ds3-amnesiac-lapp.jpg (800x1280, 139K)

It's not the exact same armor, but I think it's close enough that it served as the inspiration, it wouldn't be the first piece of armor owned by Henry VIII that made it into the game.
Also I'd like to point that most armor sets in the series look early modern period, yet people keep calling them medieval for some reason.

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>belts: more belts
>good design
why do japs do this?

>>frog helmet that doesnt look silly like the Ruin set
Explain how the vision is supposed to work

>2 belts, one for each scabbard
That isn't a good example of the point you're trying to make.

This one looks lit

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Aye siwmae.
Armet gifted to Henry VIII by Miximillian I

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>everything that isn't 100% thought of by yourself is a rip off

are you okay?

This, unironically.

Alva Helm
Herald Armor
Pontiff Knight Gauntlets
Pontiff Knight Leggings


Herald Helm
Firelink Armor
Firelink Gauntlets
Dancer's Leggings

get out.

why do americans rip off european armor

Make me faggot

every armor in souls that doesnt have a skirt type thing makes the character look like they run around in yoga pants

16th-17th century style cuisses. Also notice the decoration pattern

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Fuck I miss Aion. I used to play the game forever ago and then picked up a private server for a while but it all died.

this looks a LOT like the armor of the band of the hawk from berserk

>nobody has posted reach yet

For shame

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True. But who uses full sets anyway. I like using those leggings with the dancer's armour. They fit pretty well together and it gives you way more absorption.

For Elder Scrolls this is probably one of the best in the series in my opinion, it's a shame what they did to Orcish armor in Skyrim though, like all of a sudden their famed craftmanship just shit the bed and they were retconned into being primitive orcs like in most other videogame series.

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don't talk to me or my son ever again

It's not "western" armor, it's european you stinky mutt.
If americans make games about european knights, it's just as much of a "rip-off".

cainhurst helmet made by the legendary italian armorsmith Filippo Negroli.

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I know, and I love how it looks with the Stechhelm given the huge gap in time of both armor pieces
Lapp's Stechhelm is kinda odd because its angle upwards instead of downward like regular jousting helmets

FUCKING THIS I loved the samurai look in Morrowind and the mongolian/chinese look in Oblivion then Skyrim shit the bed with stupid ass fantasy crap

>nobody has posted ODST yet
For shame.

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I didn't know Filippo Negroli was a bb fan
what a based ass dude

a e s t h e t i c

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It's like a cross between Drake Blood and Laps set.

He drew a good amount of his armors based on real life examples. I am fairly sure that he has put a literal copy of pic on one of the characters, but i cant find the page that this happens.

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How did bungo go from that to this?

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God why don't we use a modern armor like this to protect against bullets. Just imagine a whole suit of armor made of dragonscales. Dumb military needs to get on this asap.

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faggots all of you

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Fluted armor

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everything after Morrowind was soulless. Like, they actively removed previously existing creativity. I wonder what happened

>tfw Burial Knight set got canned.
Man, DS3 feels like Devil may cry 4 levels of cut shit

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>tfw got caught wearing my wife's corset to fit in my armor and now all the other knights make fun of me

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FACT: Blood magic, blood magic, bsa-modifying, bsa-modifying, bsa-modifying, bsa-modifying. No other words. Dark souls is gay retarded. FACT: Any mods which add/modify soul gems or armor. No other words. This is just retarded. FACT: More of a "don't be a dick" attitude, but you can still take the advice of others here to enhance the game. NO ONE TELLS US THIS, they just did it anyway, don't think it's their fault, just because they chose the same kind of build/build orders and playstyle as us, that means they are to blame. Dark souls, I'm sick of you assholes. It's not just one of the biggest issues with this game and it's most common complaints because it doesn't work for others. This is the worst thing that could happen to this game to the point where I'm giving this mod a pass.

irl soldier here
You don't want heavy suits of armor for 2 reasons
1. it won't protect you from pretty much any projectiles from intermediate rifle rounds and above
2. doing long patrols and marches and generally just doing anything would suck in a heavy set of armor
all in all you would be exhausted in combat, and every bullet would just zip through your armor like it was nothing

Anti-Hindu squad

They'd be capable of making armor that could actually protect soldiers from bullets it just wouldn't be worth the money compared to just training a new soldier.

Because they know their armors suck dick and are only good for their fancy looks

Explosives will still fuck you up due to the penetrating qualities of shockwaves simply mulching you inside the tin can you're wearing

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Unless somehow we pull Astartes armor tier that doesnt cost millons, heavy armor in combat will never see the light of day once again. All of this anons are right

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This one took me a while to find. Executioner Helm is very similar to a type of gladiator helmet.

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Not video games but I really like how this armor looks.

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>Big clunky armor to poorly protect against bullets and explosives

P.S. it would only be feasible if you had an exoskeleton helping you deal with the weight, but even then for most combat scenarios it would just be a waste of money when you could probably equip and train a whole platoon of regular infantry for the price of one armored fuck who probably will die to a grenade anyway

This armor is good at protecting legs.

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My man Alva. His wife's set is also the best for female spell casters

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vidya armor with A E S T H E T I C like pic related?

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Some of these posts got me thinking, do you think you could make an aesthetic design based off of modern military gear but with traditional fantasy materials such as dragon scale instead of Kevlar, monster hide, all that jazz.
Or would it just come out as an ugly ass abomination

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favorite set after turtle armor

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Couldn't find a pic dyed red. Blood knights from warhammer total war are another one.

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based and legpilled

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Imagine being this delusional

The real man's choice

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Unironically. I just wish that they had a similar version for males.

Ahh, a fellow man of culture.

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It's called an APC

look a schizo

>says that when pic related was armor fag all along
Smh desu senpai

The Hen Gaidth armor is a close match

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Based Lawbro.

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You’re literally better off wearing plain clothes and using cover than covering yourself in metal armour, history has proven this.
That sort of protection is great against sharps and decent for blunt impact, but the sort of penetrative force that rifle rounds provide just cut through sheets of metal like paper.
You’re better off being mobile with kevlar and maybe ceramic plates on your chest than to be covered head to toe.
Once power armour takes off and becomes and thing war will become fun again.

>generic knight armor
cringe the lot of you

>implying power armor troops don't just get IED'd, missiled, RPG'd etc etc

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Generic Knight armor is aesthetic as fuck. That being said people who think that precludes silly awesome fantasy shit from being aesthetic are spergs.

But he die after going full Armourfag, but never died when he was based Nudefag.
Nudefag > Armourfag

On the boss yes, but on the player fuck no

It's because Western Armor was superior to the stuff the samurai wore.

He died only because he went against Firefag who has plot armor, and still gave him hard time.
Although technically Firefag is also nudefag

Camouflage would make everything ugly, but for a fusion between medieval and military, just look at history.

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Age of Deep Souls when?

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Normal soldiers already get that shit. At least with armour they can survive.
Depending on their mobility they could even evade missiles, which would make them more tactically valuable than fighter jets.

it looks like that cape and skirt would get snagged on the joints of the armor and other places constantly

If it works, it works.

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>at least with armor they can survive
You have to remember that destructive technology keeps moving along with defensive which means by the time you've got power armor it's already outclassed by everything. At most you'll see powerloaders.

That helmet must be an utter pain in the ass to use

Exanima has some kino designs.

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power armor does make a bit of sense in urban situations when you need boots on the ground to man checkpoints, perform negotiations and clear houses full of civilians and so on. these are situations when you actually need a human being to be there to survey the situation, talk to people and so on. but other than that, it's looking more and more like the future of combat will be done with drones and missiles from the comfort of control rooms.

what vidya armors with this look?

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Snibbedy snab

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You don't need power armor for that and depending on the cost it would be impractical to stuff men into metal coffins rather than just bit stronger vest.

There is a limit to the destructive capability that rounds and conventional explosives can provide. Shrapnel for instance doesn’t do fuck all to armoured vehicles and even less to tanks, which is why anti-tank missiles now have to have tungsten needles inside them which burn a hole and delay-explode inside a tank.
If you have a man-sized tank on legs with superhuman strength and ability then even being able to land direct hits with bullets or explosives is difficult.

>tfw you’ll never live long enough to see IRL Master Chief shit on towelhead insurrectionists

You don't have to get through armor to kill. Have fun living when the blastwave breaks all your ribs while you're inside the armor. Free coffin provided.

Mount and blade warband

you're right. well done, however:

>the US military loves to spend money on stupid shit
>power armor would provide some unique benefits like a resistance to explosives that normal body armor can't do, become more or less impervious to small arms fire, allow for wielding special weaponry
>plus it'd be intimidating for the enemy and US soldiers get to look like space marines

add together all of the above and you know someone in the US military would want to make it into reality. I'd say their money would arguably be better spent on stupid shit like power armor than the f35, which apparently is horrible and will probably be made obsolete by guided missile strikes by the time it actually finishes development.

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Resistance to shrapnel yes, but depending the force of the explosion and it's proximinity whoever is inside the thing would higly likely have his insides turned to mush. But your other points are all valid so I will concur, the US army would likely spend money on a dumb project like that and equip their soldiers with them.

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It's a fucking game with a European medieval aesthetic what the fuck.

The helmet is inspired by a parade helmet from 1543 Milan

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>tactical ODST shooter fucking never

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Post fashion Souls.

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my nigger

How do you see in this?

That helmet is missing it's cheek plates (you can see the hinges). Look at this helmet with a similar design that still has its cheek plates and you can see how it should sit on one's head.

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King's honor, friend.

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>Fighting against nimble, small enemies that use very short range attacks with tiny, stabbing and slashing weapons
>Armor has wide open lightly armored weakspots, perfect to be stabbed or grazed by a stray arrow or dagger, drawing blood
Why doesn't he use chainmail?

He does use chainmail.
He also only uses heap dingy gear so that when he inevitably dies he doesn't end up giving good armour to gobbos

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Where's the chainmail? IIRC he gives his healer chainmail, but he doesn't seem to be wearing any, not even in that scene where he gives the blacksmith his armor for repairs.

Been a while since I visually saw him in action cause I read the novels but I believe it's under all the layers and immaculately fitted to his form because anime bullshit.

But I definitely remember him surviving a stab from a gobbo because he has chainmail on.
Might skim through some of the manga chapters to see if they have it

>Dark Age
You do realise that only lasted from the 5th to 10th century, they certainly did not have plate in the Dark Ages.

In fact, most Dark Age soliders looked like Roman soliders

CE boomer please leave

Also really like the scarlet knight's look

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Found the exact moment I was thinking of. Here you go user

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It's probably the case of muh anime bullshit, but that'd be especially annoying in this case because the bit where Goblin Slayer explains the purpose of his armor is very good. They could've very easily kept his design intact just by flipping the colors around (make the outer armor black, but the chainmail below metallic)

It has an armour rating so I figured it counts.

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>that sperg last thread
Still makes me smile

do you even Deus Vult?

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he actually does get stabbed without chainmail with a poisoned dagger, which causes him to see the need for chainmail and buys it at the shop

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One day user. One day.

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With your eyes on the inside insight

Can't really be called armour I guess but Battle Priest/Clergy/Nun/Holy Man/Monk/Whatever is my shit

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You mean culturally appropriate?

but that's also cringe


>demons start sweating and their weapons slip out of their hands
next level stuff


>we have finite amount of money to build armor
>we have an infinite amount of goys ready to die for us
Jewish, but practical.


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Because an armor like that is worth more than a modern soldier's life.

This, a full plated knight is more expensive than 50 pikemen ready stab the knight in the anus

more bloodborne

man I miss this game
fuck the haters


1527 is best

Cainhurst has class.

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In the end, every plan depends upon a strong arm and tempered steel.

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I need MORE

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Too bad Judges are weak as fuck in game

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Executioner set is pretty good too.

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Cringe weeb shit armours

>Pure practical and based in real life armor
It's jousting armor and it clips pretty awkwardly iirc. It's focused on deflecting lances on horseback to the point of heavily compromising on vision and restricting mobility with the helmet typically being bolted to the chestplate and requiring the user to bend at odd angles to even see anything.
Frog Helms may look aesthetic but that's all they are.

why do Americans keep ripping of European armor?

2.0 sets and so on were all stylish as fuck

Wish anja set was better its probably the best looking set in the game.

t. beastly idiot

Games as a service and MMOs a scam.

not even once

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>Comes to armour thread
>Hates on armour
>Post anime weebshit with 3 katanas
Have some self respect, user.

Triple wielding was something the best swordsmen did, faggot

name ONE game where the best looking armor in the game is also the good end game gear

I went back for 2.0 for like a week and then life got in the way, never got to go back to it again

Have sex.

I am having a sex right now with your mom

btfo lmao

Indeed, 1527 is perfect, with 1544 right on the second place.