thoughts on GIANT FUCKING ROBOTS in video games?
Thoughts on GIANT FUCKING ROBOTS in video games?
Damn thanks for reminding me that new mechwarrior game never ever faggot
pretty epic
Maybe if you were fucking patient it wouldn't feel like forever freebirth nigger.
What modern videogames feature giant fucking robots? Battletranny and the pay2win shit does not count btw.
Earth defense force 4.1 and 2025
Fucking love EDF 4.1
I think 2025 is basically the same thing but I've been playing the shit out of it recently I want more tanks for my air raider
I want it hard, but PC port never ever. Guess I will have to get a ps4 or something.
not enough giant fucking robots in video games.
2025 is backcompat on xbone and it runs at 60fps
But it's worth it just for the ridiculous weapons
I don't think I've ever come across a game where I really -felt- like I was in a giant robot, doing giant robot things and tanking hits as if I were a giant robot. They all just end up feeling like slow FPS games where the environment is scaled down and you are, nominally, a giant robot.
>titanfall cockpits with faster paced mech combat mixed with FPS and semi open world mission structure on personal space ship with cool crew and interesting customization of everything
why live.
>PC port never ever
Are you retarded?
>slow FPS games where the environment is scaled down and you are, nominally, a giant robot.
MWO is terrible but it got that feeling of heavy machinery
I want more mech strategy games
>he's trying to shill this shit again
fuck off
how is battletech?
its fun, vanilla is alright but roguetech really brings it to life with the customization and more mechs and shit. I'd prob get it on sale tho or somethin, especially the dlc (flashpoint at least, dunno how urban warfare will be but prob wait for a sale on that too)
Imagine the smell of her cock pit
Those are technically same game
Also you forgot 5
Velgatta is cute
Titanfall 2 was some of the dopest shit I played. Genuinely pissed how EA fucked it.
I like the one with the dual shoulder shotguns and flamethrowers
that one is nice, but I'm starting to warming up to Nix Saber - the horribly slow to turn thing with lasers. DLC one.
It just murderize hordes perfectly.
>tfw the first singleplayer star wars games in years is being made by Respawn
>tfw ea is most likely gonna fuck it up somehow
Ea can't be that fucking stupid can they?
That's a Nyx you fucking retard..
I know. I was posting pic related to 5 cause it wasn't mentioned and commenting on Velgatta in 4.1
It's Vegalta you cock sucker.
pOtato, potAto
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Deamon X Machina
Nah you just can't fucking spell lol
SRW and SD Gundam G Gen games
Most of the time you'll find a playable server for this
Dave and Busters used to have a bunch of Mechwarrior booths you could shut yourself in and play against the other people in the other booths. By default they were super basic but you could unlock the full control scheme with the throttle on the pedals and all of the separate HUD screens that showed you shit like heat and damage and coolant buttons and shit up by the screens. I think it even had rumble and shit in the chair.
10/10 vidya experience, wish I could recreate it.
they canned Titanfall 3 in favor of Apex
They ARE that stupid
>Ea can't be that fucking stupid can they?
No, they are multi billion corporation of very very clever people!
fuck off chinese shill
What are some kino strategy mech games?
do you wanna try that again bud?
I just wanna believe vince zampella would tell them to fuck off and eat a cock ok?
It's probably just postponed. If anything, the success of Apex is the only reason TF3 is even a possibility
>ywn try one of these
Wait is that list current? Because it's time for a fuckin' road trip. I loved those things, I still have score sheets from them sitting around.
so respawn will close faster than bioware, what a terrible timeline
Armored Core reboot when?
What game? Makes me think of total annihilation for whatever reason.
never. From isn't coming back from fantasy hell.
then explain why "competition" against steam is a good thing but actual competition against fortnite is bad
I thought they said they were working on another AC at some point
Or am I just thinking of Daemon X Machina
Front Mission series
not sure honestly, I know they show up at certain events randomly like this
The fuck are you talking about? The reason why he doesn't like Apex is because he wants Titanfall 3. This has nothing to do with Epic or Fortnite.
>one pecks at the ground like a chicken
>the other tries to scratch itself with it's leg
What the fuck? Why would they do that? Also
>no shells eject when they fire and cycle
because it's damaging to everyone who wants another titanfall and doesn't care about "the most popular thing" garbage, fuck it's like CoD disease all over again
Xenoblade has mechs?
All of them have, but only in Xenoblade X they are pilotable.
A bit underwhelming combat wise, but great customatization and variety of weapons.
Unlocking them also gives you a shitton more mobility so it's like canned freedom until you realize mech combat is kinda eh
Mobility feels great tho, too bad about ability to fly later so you can't jump anymore.
Before fly module it was real fun to exploit geometry.
And honestly it's not like on foot character is not mobile, those jumps and runs made a lot of fun to play on foot. All other Xenoblade games feels like a slog afterwards.
Combat is yeah, not the greatest. But while sure on foot combat is way better and you can do more bullshit. I do like that mech combat is alternative built on "customize the shit out of mech and one shot kill that bastard tyrant which were giving you problems for ages"
zeonic front
I used to love Shogo. I wish I could appreciate old games again.
it's easy enough, just stop being graphic whore
Why are mechs so fucking hot__ and what the fuck is wrong with me?
love em
Working on a vr ww2 mechwarrior mercenaries.
We all have fetishes user
Love them but they're too niche, so few will take risks on making mech games.
Fuck off Randy. Everyone knows you're an unoriginal conman.
Do we really need mainstream attention tho? Mainstream makes everything worse.
Command and Conquer 3
From's not making that one.
AC6 is at least implied though, so remain hopeful.
I want to play MWO but I heard my favorite mech is shit and that it's basically p2w.
Is this a peak of design?
Well what's your favorite mech?
And yeah everything is super fucking expensive without paying out at least once or twice, at least normally. For months there've been back-to-back events that let you rack up money super fast and/or give you free premium time. Mostly due to MW5 being around the corner.
I dunno about giant robots but there's a new Gundam game coming out on PC
Your daily reminder that Gespenst is best grunt there is.
Cross Rays looks alright, PC fags finally will have something decent instead of New Gundam Breaker abomination.
>Why would they do that?
It's a joke.
You know? Those things called jokes?
so what's it gonna be like
SRPG or the one we got on PSP gundam Age like? since I have very little info
Given that I'm about to fire up MW4 Mercs again, they're pretty good.
Your run down the mill pretty simple SRPG with main focus being fanservice via amount of suits and watching attack animations.
As far I know there won't be any contuning storyline like in SRW games, just story retelling of various universes, now with your team of robots popping up outta nowhere, same as it was with SD Gundam GGG. Just now featuring more of AC and none of UC.
You can try SD Gundam G Generation Overworld for PSP (it got fan translation), via emulation or something to get general gist of gameplay. Tho I heard that one actually has storyline unlike the upcoming one.
Titanfall did them right
That's awesome thanks man !
A Breast Fire for you.
No problem, hopefully there will be no issues with Cross Rays PC release
>Got T recently
>Still on X
I mean dat's a lot of SRW to go thru, and I kinda dig magic karate protagonist, but new OG when
we got already 3 mainline SRW games in English and one OG and 65% is still never changing
>'Main' mech in Gundam Breaker 3 is a remake of the Gespenst II.
>Used the bottom half of three Rapier builder parts painted silver to get a pretty decent Jet Magnum mockup.
>Hid a scaled-down sub-knuckle in the shield so it's actually functional.
>Missile pod attached to the sides of the backpack gives it a split missile.
>Even a Kai custom that uses martial arts.
>Randoms online actually recognize and comment on it.
>Hangar view screenshot and pose it strikes when using EX Burst are a pretty decent facsimile of pic related.
I love Gespenst!
Also Getter-1. I have 'GETTER...' and '...BEAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!' mapped as custom radio commands in allcaps just for playing as it.
Why did Hawken die?
Mah nigger
They suck. Robots are for kids and manchildren
Grow up
Over promised i think they had a really fucking stupid marketing team that blew everything out of proportion
Fuck off robo hater go live in the woods
Even niche devs wants the mainstream attention.
Its all about the pilot and how cute and fuckable she is
of course they do, but show me when the last time it ended in a good way.
Needs more robots
The point its unlikely to get a good one.
Titanfall 2 was the last great attempt, but it good smothered in the crib.
Is this game ever getting a remaster or sequel?
> in a mech thread
Git outta here
It's just niche developers need to calm the fuck down and make peace with that their games will sell about 300-400k or something.
Can be enough to survive and keep going, see SRW and other Bamco stuff.
More mainstream you want to become, more money you'll dump into risking, and less attention you'll get from niche while trying to cater to mythical "wider audience".
Where the FUCK is Mechwarrior 5?
>NOOOOO normies like what i like
>this cant be happening
D.VA ain't a fucking mech, and she sure as hell ain't in a Mech game.
>VR was fucking made for vehicle sims
>all we get is zero-effort wagglan zoomer shit
of course D.Va is not a mech
she pilots one
show me where OP said mech games
Any games that let me play as this?
SRW Alpha
SRW Alpha 3
OP said giant fucking robots's mech is not giant
looks big to me
Then you're a manlet
It's time we settled this
visor > mono eye >everything else
Whats your favorite mech?
I think despite being two very different games I'd throw 250$ at a properly promoted and released Titanfall 3 or a new Armored Core.
the vital flaw of humanoid like mech design, neck is open and not supported
they should've designed them like armet helmets, where blow goes into the shoulder frame not the neck.
sensor or visor
depends on a mech you know.
there are plenty of variants where good luck getting to the neck
September 11
Z.O.E. 3 never ever
>tight streets
>maps smaller than my anus
>can't decide if it wants to be "realistic" or full on weaboo camp
>no mech with mobility skates or boosters (outside of vertical flight for few seconds)
I enjoyed it but the game is so limited by consoles it hurts
no one cares about pc scene, so make peace with it
Timby is ok, its just not a strong meta mech anymore. Just buy one with your starting money, have some fun tier 4 matches and quit while you can. It only gets worse after that.
>Steel Battalion died
>no re-release for VR where controls are precise and your vision can be limited to avoid motion sickness
>only mech game on VR is a simplistic shooter that might as well be just FPS
Nobody that really cares about mechs that is
consoles still get more mech games than PC
only good recent mech PC game is Bridador anyway
MWO is shit
living legends is much better and has no microtransactions
Wait, are you devving panzerwher 1949?
Godspeed then, can't wait to remove ivan
PC gets a many mech games as consoles.
On are more marketed than another and have bigger budget.
Japs could tap into massive PC market if they could only learn to program their config files.
If you include never to be finished early access trash - sure
Japs getting some games on PC, horrible NGB and upcoming SD Gundam G Gen Cross rays, and I think Hardcore Mecha too eventually from chinese indie kickstarter fags
Still not enough, and I highly doubt they'll sell enough to bother with porting any further.
Don't mind me, just keeping the skies clear!
says the waifuposting fagtard.
Well, what do consoles get, outside of that fun Switch game that barely holds 25FPS?
Armored Core is rather dead and so is Front Mission.
we need more good macross games and I really need to import macross 30
>that game doesn't count cause muh framerate
I bet games on other systems doesn't count too, like xenoblade x cause it's on wii u
or Gundam Breaker 3 doesn't count cause shitty NGB exist.
Virtual On doesn't count cause it's anime crossover.
SRW doesn't count cause it's "VN" whatever that means
Battle Operation 2 doesn't count cause it's F2P
etc etc
BRAVE because it's Obari as fuck.
Jeez man, lay down Yea Forums for a while.
I'm an idort, but I can't let obvious flaws go unnoticed.
No need to put words in my mouth.
Reminder that Gray Noton's Rifleman was a Rifleman II.
They fucking suck, gimme tanks instead
>Every fucking time I see this
And faggots want to reward scum like EA and Activions for "Good behavior?" Fuck that,
Im still angry over how dissapointing battletech was
I just want my xcom like mech game
Nuh uh tanks suck, gimmie mecha
Back to r*ddit, Egg
why not both ?
Too bad tanks games are way more dead than mech games.
Literally one game on the market for decade
Visor > sensor > monoeye > gundam = twin eye > brave
Where the fuck is my MechAssault 3? I'm sick of mechs being stuck in enemy npc territory.
All absolutely sucked in by Warthunder and WoT.
PC does not get any simulators anymore.
consoles do not get arcade tanks even (outside of GuP tie-ins).
>consoles do not get arcade tanks even (outside of GuP tie-ins).
I really feel sorry for tank fags
they used to get such a great titles back on ps1
now? Fucking nothing
There is still Phantom Brigade to look forward to.
>trying to reinvent bicycle via timetravel shit
dunno user, seems like gimmick shit instead of good game
Brave is the most CHAD helmet option out of these, Sensor is kinda close to dome head so I guess it's cool too.
Why is this mech so goddamn cool?
because macross managed to get design right
crying in their sleep
I particularly appreciate the Captain Planet color scheme here
Right here dude
Holy shit i never noticed this before.
not exactly the topic, but I'd ask anyway
why do you think people think bi pedal mech running at ~300km/h on any terrain a vulnerable target to artillery or tanks?
how the fuck would you aim at that?
dunno user, I don't really participate in arguments. those autists usually yell something about height and shit
missiles? Laser weaponry, since we're assuming magic future tech if we're talking bipedals moving all terrain at 300 fucking kph without touching a rock and killing itself
air support of course kills all armoured vehicles dead
reminder to play titanfall
at least pirate the campaign for me
Rule of cool applies on it.
Missiles can be dealt with using point defense of some sort. Lasers, yeah probably the only reliable way.
i came to this thread to see "giant, fucking robots" leaving disappointed
Reminder that a majority of those companies that were bought out by EA were on the verge of bankruptcy/closing or were in trouble at the time of the buyout.
Literally heat seeking missiles.
point defence on a platform as unstable as a biped moving ultra fast is only possible with great leaps in technology
the kind of leaps that would make fire control systems good enough to hit something going 300kmh on two legs
mechs don't need to be practical to be cool, and they shouldn't be. trying to explain that shit doesn't work - the best you'll get to realistic is the gekkos from metal gear using actual lab grown muscles for their legs since organic material is so much better suited for limbs than mechanical stuff
that doesn't excuse their ridiculous armament or use, though
*shits on your air superiority*
heh, nothing personnel, amateur
Who wins
A giant robot
one cheeky drone
Mechs are a stupid idea and should be forget right now
A giant robot is cooler, so the giant robot. Style over stats, all day erry day, motherfucker.
AI-Piloted Mechs are peak.
Don't worry BT. I am not going anywhere.
>without touching a rock and killing itself
with good Ai necessary to control the thing it wouldn't touch a rock.
giant robot works only if it uses those legs to run fast.
very select few modern missiles would work, full AI missiles would be countered by full AI missiles of it's own, that's not mentioning counter electronic warfare actively in the works
Laser sound realistic,somewhat , but it would need to be fantasy tier big or mounted on another mech no tank can be big enough to handle that. Such laser would make any air superiority null too.
That's all for the sake of argument, giant mechs aren't possible because no material able to withstand that acceleration and slowdowns is possible.
2-3m tall exoskeletons running 100kmh on the field is more realistic and scary perspective.
But they have no soul
To normalfags, but to us /m/en they are full of soul.
AI will have more soul because their programming can actually change over time
Monkey man see girl he want fuck-fuck or food very good eat-eat
Play Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries. Best Mech game of all time.
Install additional Double Heatsinks
That's cause they are not super AI
Didn't play Battletech what did they do?
Some SJWism. Of course people decided to freak out about it. This is a mech thread not a politics thread so I wont say anymore.
This is my wife
Aeon is gay, your wife is a huge slut.
I did not request your input
my main problem with the game that it is just kinda seems like devs didn't care period
Why making own mech models for mech game, when we can just rip them from MWO, who cares if they look like shit from above. muh unifying visual style, too bad MWO battletech mechs looks like shit
and only 4 mechs to be controlled period on any given stage, without anything else, and one of them is usually locked with story character.
shit optimization doesn't help
retarded political shit was just confirmation that they care about dumb shit instead of game itself
Haven't enjoyed them since games came on floppy disks.
You think I care? Day of the black sun for all non UEF fags.
Mechs still need a human element otherwise they are just dolls.
I miss Heavy Gear, Mechwarrior is is a bit silly. Heavy Gear was gritty and believable and fun and fast, Activisions last amazing games
bump to good bread
Also Zeon has best mechs in the series.
I wish we got a real heavy gear 3
MWO fucking sucks.
MadDog is my favorite mech to play as in MechAssault II
filthy spacenoid
You were designed to sell as a toy and a mcguffin, nothing more.
I liked how Sandlot did it in those old ps2 games and Chousoujuu Mecha MG, but it's hard to find any other games like that. The Artdink psp games like Battle Robot Damashii were pretty fun too. Most modern games with mecha either don't feel great or are just fpses with a mecha skin.
>talking shit when shinanju is basically one of the most favorite suit you see everywhere
not to mention that zaku and such started gunpla boom in the first place.
i would like to see them have another crack at shogo, but then i think of it might become another of the nu-front missions.
zeonic delusions
Try an undub of Robot Alchemic Drive/Gigantic Drive
>kickass mobile suits
>implying the awful dub doesnt enhance the experience
>disrespecting guntank
Funny post Zeek.
How about we post actual video game walkers instead.
You're right. I went too far there.
Do dreadnoughts count?
Mechs breed unity between anime and vidya
I really wish they implemented melee attacks in the Mechwarrior video games. Ramming into mechs does next to nothing and using jump jets to try to stomp the cockpit is a pain in the ass. It isn't as if claws, axes and swords are foreign to Battletech.
>Still no sign of Armored Core 6
>Untitled Project
Those are literally the Juggernauts from C&C3/Kane's Wrath
How was this game? I was thinking of getting it, but the beetles weren't playable so I've been holding off
The webm he made of it is the untitled project you baka
>one 4 hours away from me
I might go try it boys
I fucking hate this chicken leg design, why do western mechs have chicken legs and japanese mechs have straight legs??
>why do western mechs have chicken legs and japanese mechs have straight legs??
Look at this newbie!
because west took unpopular japanese designs and made them "western"
Stalking predator instead of metal man