Attached: Yugioh.webm (1050x600, 2.78M)

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Hahaha what the fuck is this trash so sloe

How nice of them to shorten the animation compared to the anime where he has to go to another dimension to manually set up the links.

They fired that director and link summoning is as fast as normal summoning. All other special summon, fusion/syncrho/xyz, has a longer animation than link summon.

Attached: 1545242061414.webm (640x360, 2.78M)

Jesus, how do people still watch this shit? Even Solitaire Yusei was faster than this.

Because Revolver and SoulBurner carried season 2.

Attached: SYNCHRO SHOKAN.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

Well, you can't summon it in defence mode. You can't even force it in to be in defence mode with card effects

I hate how Links fucked up my jank Ojama Country deck even more.

Then I summon Tuxedo Pepe Lv1 in attack mode. Your move, user.

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Question for those that bought Link Evolution off the JP E-shop already.
Is it true that you can only see the JP art if you change your system language to Japanese? Is there no way to play in English and see the original JP art?

Revolver carried the entire show

I dropped the series after he dueled the wrestler guy, does it ever get good? I hated the shilling of their mobile game format and how amazing it is even though it adds literally nothing to the game, Yusaku being even more of a non character than late Yusei was, and the duels relying on people literally pulling cards from out of nowhere.

I remember Yuya's pendulum summons happening faster than this, also, what's with those designs? their both boring and ugly the dude playing hit the random button and the other two are so unsubtle in their fire and water looking outfits to tell us what decks they use

Okay so this webm made me look up what XYZ summon, Pendulun summon and Link summon are and wtf man. Why did they remove the ability to put fusion monsters just on the field? So they could sell those gay ass Link cards? Honestly they better never bring Pendulum or Link summoning to Duel Links.

Yes, MR4 changed the rules so now, unless you have a link monster already out, you can only summon 1 Fusion, Synchro, Xyz or Pendulum monster from your extra zone at a time, that space the link monster is in is now called the extra zone, those red markers give whatever monster zone they point to extra deck zone status so you can summon an extra deck monster there, like the decode talker in the OP it gives you access to two extra deck zones and your opponent access to one

When you fill your entire field with link monsters with markers pointing towards each other, that is called a mutual link and is vital to allow you to perform a extra link that will allow you to have a total of seven monsters on your field

It slows down the game ;^)

Counters inheritly do nothing unless specifies on the text effect, and banishing to level up a LV monster is even worse than regular LV monsters. Tux Pepe LV 3 has to be really good to even warrant running this card.

Maybe there's a field spell that does something with counters.

Yeah but the fact counters don't do anything on their own kinda makes them weaker than most mechanics.
So the effect of the counters has to be really good to warrant running because there are no good counter support cards.

I'm making a deck specifically to annoy people and sometimes win. Any ideas to improve it?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-13 at 4.09.04 AM.png (2560x1600, 1.94M)

That's a nice field of spell/trap cards you got there.

Attached: MoistureCreature-DB2-EN-C-UE-1.png (343x501, 491K)



>3 tributes for a Harpy Feather Duster effect

Aren't those other spells equip cards? Why are you running Terraforming?

yes, system corresponds to language and art

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-13 at 4.20.03 AM.png (798x1160, 1.66M)

Hand Artifact Traptrix. An old stun deck from Zexal/ARC-V formats that was pretty good at annoying people.

I'm looking for ways to improve that deck through, not to scrap it and get another one.

Ah, my bad.

>Tfw I'm playing TK Dinos irl
>I buy the new cards that should make my deck as consistent as possible
>I still brick every other game.

Get on my brick level, de no ne.

What the fuck is even in that image?

>Playing any kind of DinoKino
You're alright. Don't go to school tomorrow.
I'm way out of the loop, what does TK stand for?


Attached: MoistureCreature-DOR-EN-VG-NC.png (640x480, 470K)

Wave-Motion Cannon or Final Countdown if you really want to be hated as a win condition, Dark Bribe if they're smart enough to run spell removal, Ojama Trio/Duo to force your opponent to have more monsters than you, and maybe Demise of the Land as another way to get Mine on the field.
I always thought it was supposed to be sentient goo that could control appliances.

Attached: MoistureCreature-WC10-EN-VG-NC.png (144x208, 17K)

>Ojama Trio/Duo to force your opponent to have more monsters than you
I don't think it's necessary since every deck is a spam deck since 2008.
>Demise of the Land as another way to get Mine on the field
I'm already running 2 Metaverse though, it's like having 4 Terraforming.

I'm adding everything else you said though. Currently at 47 cards, I'm thinking I should do 50 since it's not a regular deck. Any other ideas?

Well that's stupid. Why couldn't they just add a toggle in the options.

W-what do you mean by tomorrow?! W-what is going to happen tomorrow?
TK Stands for True Kings. They are monsters that can destroy monsters from the hand or field to special summon themselves. Since some dinosaurs have very good effects when destroyed by effects, being able to trigger them on command from your hand is very good.

Attached: s-l640.png (466x572, 338K)

>Why couldn't they just add a toggle in the options
Are you being serious right now? Jesus Christ user you're worse than Hitler.

Attached: tumblr_n37fpyliHI1rvner1o1_500.gif (500x270, 800K)

>Since some dinosaurs have very good effects when destroyed by effects, being able to trigger them on command from your hand is very good
Mind sharing a decklist with me, famalamadingdong?

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.u1.jpg (1000x1000, 83K)

Couple that with fairy monsters that utilise graveyard or any that can special summon quick for tributes.

Well, it's the Japanese version/art by default. By switching it to English you get the censored/altered art, so it's actually backwards.

Why settle for just the backrow?

Attached: BeastKingBarbaros-YS18-EN-C-1E.png (481x699, 753K)

I used to play this in my Skill Drain along with Chalice and Emergency Evacuation. Shit was cool.

Just delete all the monsters except lilith and add more ways of getting into Mystic Mine and more burn.
This deck is like 100x less annoying than a regular Mystic Mine deck just because you actually have monsters.

It's only that long because it was the first Xyz summon in the series. Revolver summoning his takes a fraction of that.

>This deck is like 100x less annoying than a regular Mystic Mine deck
Oh, so instead of "annoying deck" as a concept there's specifically a FOTM card for annoying people?

First theme decks get fucked by archetypes and now troll fundecks are gonna kick the bucket too. God, I hate this fucking game.

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Sure thing, senpai.
This is the deck I'm currently playing with. While the general idea with the deck is to destroy the dinosaur babies with the TKs/Field Spell to make bigger plays, in this build the objective is to Ib the world chalice justicar (The Lv5 synchro loli) to make TK Calamities. It used to be exclusively about destroying babies, but they banned one of the better cards in the game that allowed the deck to work consistently.
I'm still trying to make the deck better figuring out what cards to add, but it does decently alright I believe.

Attached: unknown-2.png (740x585, 684K)

Is Vrains any good?

It's dumb fun

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 99 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.59_[2019.04.24_15.18.24].jpg (1920x1080, 261K)

>All those big bad mothafuckas between Tyranno and Qoatlus
I... I uh... Do you think you could post a card name list instead...?

Attached: 9be.gif (740x416, 2.94M)

More like Mystic Mine is the only "annoying deck" card thats actually annoying enough to win instead of the classic lose the game as slowly as possible that Ghostrick already perfected.

I'm not trying to win though. I just want to piss off my opponent.

Just play the mystic mine and dont summon anything in single duels and most people will scoop it up anyway since they cant out mine without siding.
Don't even play a win condition, just play as many searchers for Mine as possible, and shit that can get mine back if it gets destroyed.

Add the pot that banishes from ED.

If you want a deckout win just add 1 koa'ki meiru core

>Allowed cards: TCG
>Empty lobby
This confirms YGOPro is just filled with fucking faggots that want to spam the newest JP cards because they want to show off and be as obnoxious as possible. The kind of little shits that "I would've won if I had ____ card" you when you win at locals.
Fuck this game.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-13 at 5.11.41 AM.png (2560x1600, 1.58M)

Sure thing Buddy
>Main Deck
1x Megalosmasher X (May cut it)
1x Chosen by the World Chalice
2x Ultimate Conductor Tyranno
3x True King Fire
1x Knightmare Incarnation Idlee (Necessary card with the Ib synchro)
1x Deus X-Krawler/Guardragon Melodark (Doesn't actually matter)
1x True King Water (Thinking of cutting it)
2x Overtex Quatlus
1x DinoWrestler Pankratops
1x Giant Rex
3x Miscellaneousaurus
3x Souleating Oviraptor
2x Gilasaurus (I really want to put 3 of these)
3x Babycerasaurus
1x Petiteradon
2x Double Evolution Pill
3x Fossil Dig
2x Terraforming
1x World Legacy Monstrosity
3x Called by the Grave (May move it to the Side Deck. In around 16-24 games I've only used it once.)
1x Set Rotation
3x Dragonic Diagram
1x Lost World

1x Trishula
1x Nat Beast
1x Chanbara
1x Ib the World Chalice Justicar (Best card in the deck imo)
1x TK Calamities
1x Evolzar Laggia
1x Evolzar Dolkka
1x Dragon Agave (Changing it since I'm taking the Water TK)
1x Decode Talker
1x Knightmare Phoenix
1x Knightmare Cerberus (Used to make Mermaid only)
1x Beat Cop
1x Reprodocus
1x Knightmare Mermaid

Fucking based

Attached: 1554078583855.gif (300x167, 894K)

Behold! My masterpiece.
Literally nothing but Mine, cards to get Mine out, cards to put shit fodder on the opponents field so they can't just summon nothing, a few stall traps, bribe to stop backrow pop spells and 2 Localized Tornados to shuffle the grave/hand back into deck late game so you can't deck out. Just set a draw card and flip tornado. Also a way to recycle the mines if you somehow lose all 3.

Attached: Themostannoyingdeckintheworld.png (492x304, 206K)

>cards to get mine out
>no planet pathfinders
step it up sun

But it's cool.

I activate Mind Crush
I call Thousand Arrows.

Didnt wanna risk it getting negated.
Lilith is a quick effect so shes safe from Veiler and Imperm. Don't wanna let them have fun and actually interact with something I play.

Well yeah, what other mode are you gonna summon it in numbnuts?

I don't have it

Watch as we get MR5 that can let you set Links in facedown attack so that they can have flip effects.

You think you have it bad?

Attached: 1551353004009.png (359x520, 436K)

>More protection traps
>Add 3 Magic Cylinder and couple MSTs
Hear me out on this.
You lock them from doing anything except summoning, in the meantime set all Cylinders, then when they got all the big guys on the field you nuke your own Mine so they can attack and get fucked by their own monsters. Also have one Waboku or something just to be sure. There should be enough options to get Mine on the field again next turn.

I set a monster, then throw down a facedown! It's your move!

Attached: Face_Down_Defense_Position.png (581x400, 475K)

Can a beatdown deck be even quasiviable these days?

>Firewall Dragon

Attached: 1557597790670.png (400x236, 70K)

Man....Yu-Gi-Oh sure has changed....

Show me your hand to prove it


Really wish they could make a game with the flow of duel links but the full card game.

This shit looks really slow.

*wins YCS Dusseldorf*

God, that ruling is retarded. Do they think it's gonna prevent disputes and less games would go into time or something? Is Ulti-Cannahawk never going back to 3 because of their bullshit time rule fuckery?

No, it needs to be more like Tag Force. Fuck I miss those games.

Even those have pretty slow animations.

Im not saying Duel Links is a good game, but its overall UI and speed to the card animations and presentation beats any other game in the franchise.

I mean you can't really summon it in defense mode so it's pretty redundant

From what I've seen of Links I liked the presentation.
Legacy of the Duelist feels like a flash game with how slow everything is. Something small like drawing cards from deck should be fast and snappy but in Legacy is feels like it has a slight delay between each card.

Is the Lair of Darkness deck any good? Only getting back into the game and I like the viruses.