You getting it, Yea Forums?

>Castlevania (NES)
>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (NES)
>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (NES)
>Super Castlevania IV (SNES)
>Castlevania Bloodlines (Genesis)
>Castlevania the Adventure (GB)
>Castlevania II: Belmont’s Revenge (GB)
>Kid Dracula (NES)
>20 bucks

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As long as it don't have input lag

Tempted to get on Switch I just need to hear if Konami didn't fuck this up like they did the Arcade Classics collection.

I already have all the ROMs, and unless Konami is promising to make a new Castlevania then I ain't gonna buy this one.

>Castlevania (NES)
>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (NES)
>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (NES)
Boy are people going to be pissed at those.

Why would they? II can be obtuse as hell but other than that what's the issue?

This. Fuck Konami

Does it add anything that would make it superior to other emulators? I'm okay with paying for roms if they add something to enhance the experience. Adding the boss crossover mode in the Mega Man X collection for example, or the onscreen map in the recent Phantasy Star port etc

most kino version

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It allows Konami to stay afloat for another year?

They could've cut out the last 3 games and just added SoTN for a 11/10 package..

I appreciate the set of games but I already own or have played all of them to where I wouldn't want to rebuy them.

Why, for the difficulty? They are not meant for this series if difficulty bothers them. The only game in the set that really is just a painfully shit game is The Adventure.

I'd like to see an add-on or something that includes Haunted Castle, Adventure Rebirth, Chronicles, and Castlevania MSX.

copyright shouldn't last longer than 20 years

It seems M2 is behind this one and by all means they can bring the extra goods, but it depends on whether Konami is willing to play ball. Hamster did the Arcade Classics collection and that one lacked features that Hamster includes in their own releases.

I think too many people won't be ready for getting thrown back when you get hurt + pitfalls. Especially when medusa heads are in question.

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>Settling for the awful ost version instead of the original one

What went wrong here?

The only hard game in that list is Castlevania III. All the others are average, aside from the gameboy games which are easy. Castlevania has never really been a super hard series really

The likes of Shovel Knight has this generation of newbies more prepared than not for this....Maybe.

SotN was already put into a package with Rondo, because they figured people were big enough whores for richter and alucard that they would buy it anyway. Kind of an insult given that the PSP release also had a total remake of Rondo (with an improved final boss fight) on top of including the little joke game that only appeared on the original system if you played rondo without the required expansion card.

>They are not meant for this series if difficulty bothers them.
If pnly they could accept it.

Even more of a joke since the collection used the PSP versions of SotN and Rondo in a PSP emulator

Fucking Konami

import the JP version then, not like the consoles are region-locked

Sucks to be shit at games then, guess they will learn or they will leave. Castlevania ending screens aren't supposed to be participation awards anyway, so all the better that they suffer and fail.

>SotN was already put into a package
Not on PC.

Why would you ever buy one of these collections on PC

Probably lot more of game journos will play Castlevania when it gets ports. Inb4 they cry for easy mode.

I guess you could argue it was better than putting the PSX version out since it had the old localization (and is already on PSN if you really want it).

If they put out a physical Switch cartridge I might buy it because I like collecting. Otherwise, I can already emulate all these games.

Convenience, and inshallah better emulation accuracy than with reverse engineered emulation.

I’m a little jealous for those of you who are about to play IV for the first time

Actually there's a disclaimer in the Japanese page for the collection that states Simon's Quest is in English only...So maybe we will get the exact same version worldwide.

yes i like castlevania too much not to i have no shame also i hope they port the gba/ds games sometime too even though konami is fucking retarded and probably never will

>better emulation accuracy than with reverse engineered emulation


When it was announced they said something like it's "the first Castlevania collection" so there will probably be a second one with non-classic games


no no no, my friend, you overestimate journos. This package falls under the "revered classic anthology" rule of journo logic, meaning that since it's a popular and well-regarded series, you just have to pump out the same tired lines about "this venerated series known for yadda yadda yadda" and just being like "if you want to relive the classics, or discover a piece of gaming history, then this package won't do you wrong". It's not a "new" release really, so it doesn't get held up to "new" standards, they just dickwave about the reputation of the series, mimic some shit they saw on youtube about the games (since footage is copious for all of the included titles), and scoot it on as an ezpz article in the bag. It's not like Sekiro, a new and very popular title, perfect for using as a soapbox about how their effortless lives are somehow too hard. It's also not a remake, which is the ultimate chance to stand up and say "hey guys this classic is good, but it demonstrates how much further we have progressed as a medium when you compare it to (AAA Game I'm Paid To Praise)." Nope, this here is just a simple, safe, run-of-the-mill write-up, which any decent shit writer (aka average journo) will crap out in a few hours, tops.

>Castlevania the Adventure (GB)
Shame that they didn't add the Wii remake, which is literally impossible to purchase anymore.

they said initial actually but that's vague as fuck i really hate konami but deep down i hope this does numbers so they go for another cash grab

Knowing Konami I could see them selling a separate collection that's just the three ReBirth games

$20 to play all those on a handheld? Definitely getting it for Switch.

He is saying that you are naive. Game companies almost never put significant effort into these kinds of releases. They go and grab the same roms that you do, they grab an existing open-source emulator, and then they just work on doing the bare minimum to make it feel like a "polished collection" and not just a bunch of roms on a disc. It's not just Konami either, most every company does it this way because it makes far more sense economically. Things like the Sega 3D Classics/Sega Ages series are a dramatic and noteworthy exception from the norm, and their popularity with hardcore fans are a testament to that fact.

I don't think so. Like, my fridge could emulate those.

Eh, Adventure Rebirth wasn't very good, you aren't missing much.

>Things like the Sega 3D Classics/Sega Ages series are a dramatic and noteworthy exception from the norm, and their popularity with hardcore fans are a testament to that fact.
this guy gets it

they're literally what should be the gold standard

>No Castlevania Adventure Rebirth
Nah, fuck konami

I'd rather they give switch Castlevania Requiem

Depends whether they're using a Famicom/NES switcher or not.

See, it was heavily implied in the initial wording of Konami's website (since edited) that a second collection was on the way. Imagine how OP that could get if they make it Metroidvania themed, with SOTN and the GBA/DS titles plus Rondo for good measure. I'd pay a pretty penny for that.

how would they work around the touch screen gimmick on the pc versions tho

You've been able to play them for free on the 3DS for years.

You mean to tell me SNY/MS/NIN don't have proprietary software for emulation which they can provide along with proper documentation to licensed companies who work on these types of games? I find that hard to believe especially considering all those company's have their own official emulated games and those are not running on public emulators.

M2 (who seems in charge of this one) would find a way, the real question is if Konami would give them the proper time and budget for it.

>buying ROMs

holy shit they got m2 on this do you have a source on that

You're never going to get a collection with the DS games. These collections are made with the lowest amount of effort they can get away with and that goes double for Konami. If they can't just go grab an emulator off the web and have it work from the get go then they're not going to bother. DS emulation would require them to put work into making some of the features work appropriately so they're not going to bother

>Literally just the PSP ports emulated

The PS1 mini is literally just using an older version of psx rearmed. They didn't even make sure to grab region appropriate ISO's either, so half the games are NTSC and the other are PAL

I can't think of a single rom collection where you're not better off emulating on your own

too low iq to see why its superior

Think they took the time to take out the "swastika" in Kid Dracula?

i guess i am too, elaborate for us big brain

This fella states the sad truth.

you mean on the kkk boss lol?

i'll be shocked if they didn't desu

fuck you, i'm still buying this

what for? ive had all of these games for over 15 years already

>doesn't use the old dub

I'm not getting a single collection until it has Harmony of Despair

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>played through 1,2,3,4 Rondo before Smash came out on my 3DS
Well fuck no real point now. Would have been cool on Switch.

Hope it fails on switch.

You can play Harmony on Xbox One now.

> 20 bucks for a bunch of grandpa roms
I can literally download them and set up an emulator in 2 minutes.
It takes an hour of my work to earn 20 bucks.
Why the fuck would I pay for this?

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is it populated?


What's your job?

I've played it on psp before and can play it on ps3 and vita as well.

because if you just pirate them you'll have zero ambition to actually play it
you have an infinite number of games that you could pirate right now and play but you're already choosing to shitpost

>>>>>no metriodvanias
into the trash it goes

I wager some folks dig portability that much. The case is harder to make for the other console versions let alone the PC one

>the cost of something is more important than the experience itself


whenever I pirate games I just take the money I would have spent and put it towards porn commissions.

Bullshit, i bought stuff that i didn't finish because it was boring, while i played lots of pirated games and old roms that i've finished and liked a lot.

>I just take the money I would have spent and put it towards porn commissions.
zogged af

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Konami has been dead silent on this one, which reeks of disappointing choices they dont wanna unveil before release (no region change, no QoL features, etc)

were they really making lots of noise about the arcade collection or something

>No Rondo of Blood.
No, thank you.

No, and look how that turned out. Besides this has more appeal, more so after Smash and Netflix put the Belmont back in the spotlight.

RoB is shit though.

Bait getting lazier as time goes by...

i guess it depends on the crowd, smashfags might fuck with this but no way netflix downies are gonna make any real progress

i'm not expecting anything special anyway so unless they really drop the ball somehow i won't be disappointed

>paying for 20 year old games
hard yikes

Reminder that the monster you fight in every game after killing Dracula is *not* actually Dracula's second form.


>zoomie scum jealous of physical collector chads
Your fucking cloud and current form of internet is gonna go out one day and then you'll realize your mistake
Enjoy your despair

>Enjoy your despair
Have you noticed where you are?

Funny thing is, the Wii U had a virtual console for DS games, and would have been able to support all three of the games. Too bad it was a fucking failure.

probably won't get it immediately but it might be worth a look when it goes on sale. I'm waiting for collection 2 desu.

Might wait for a sale.

i looked on nintendo's site, and you can buy some of the ds games for wii u, there is no store page for this new classic collection that comes out in 3 days...............heh

Switch can too, provided you limit the DS titles to portable play, but then you cant make that multiplatform.

These aren't even hard to emulate. Who would be retarded enough to buy this?





It's nice that they aren't pretending the Game Boy games don't exist like Capcom with those Mega Man Legacy Collections.

Agreed. Now if they hadn't picked Adventure....

The music isn't correct in the arcade collection. It all has a very tinny sound despite that they're all based on the Hamster Arcade Archive releases some years back which didn't have that issue. The digital book is pretty neat though.

How long is the book?

About 100 pages. It's in-game.

In the next collection with any luck

good read, thanks user

Dayum, that's much more than I expected. Thanks!

>japanese game series
>its 10 dollar more expensive in japan

fuck you

Lmao I didnt see that coming

Will they have both NA/JP versions of the games? The real sour point for me is lack of Rebirth, which cannot be legally obtained at all short of buying an entire Wii that happens to have it installed already.

We don't know because Konami has been quieter than a mime regarding this release (nevermind it's out in three days). Haven't checked myself but supposedly the Japanese website claims Simon's Quest is in English only, which likely points to this having the exact same ROMs worldwide. Hopefully not.
On Rebirth, this isn't gonna be the only collection, there's hope for Rebirth down the road.

>no rondo
>no sotn
>no IGAvanias

not about to pay 20 bux just so I can play Castlevania 3 and 4 again for the 20th time

what about based bloodlines

For only $20 I might spring for it on Switch, but the lack of Famicom Cv with its save system and difficulty options and Cv3's way better soundtrack is pretty disappointing. That and not even having a physical release makes it all pretty underwhelming.

i honestly thought they would put sotn on it
like i get it, the ds games might be a problem but just sotn alone would be worth it
but instead we got jack shit

>No Castlevania Adventure Rebirth
>No Physical version
>Probably no way to switch CV III to the superior jap version

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So no PC Engine game?

Wake me up when they bundle the GBA and DS games for Switch. Maybe SOTN and Rondo as well. Nobody is gonna buy this shit.

There's another collection in the way.

Fuck this shit I want the GBA and maybe the ds games

Next week in gaming magazines

I really hope you're wrong. The DS games won't lose any real gameplay features if you remove the second screen and touch controls and it even prevents some bullshit like the quadruple jump in Portrait of Ruin.

honestly i'd be satisfied with just the gba games at this point but they'd be dumb as hell not to drop a metroidvania collection after the classics, or at least an additional classic collection with some gba/ds selections

A metroidvania collection would be an instant buy from me. Doubly so if it's a physical release for the Switch. I have no nostalgia for the games in this collection and the gameplay of most games doesn't hold up the well.

they didnt for the arcade collection so i doubt they will here

>bunch of nes roms
>20 dollars
fuck no

those old systems are 99% accurate these days, plus you can educe the input lag with Retroarch & recently with Bsnes you can make SNES games higher resolution, which looks great in Super Castlevania

Most companies just use some old open source emulator & don't tweak much

Because of the avgn meme
and 3 is just a hard fucking game in general

Exactly this

>the Japanese website claims Simon's Quest is in English only
So they're too lazy to swap in the JP version for the Japanese audience, but they're no too lazy to translate a 100+ page book for everyone else?

I'm still probably going to buy it for switch, and yes i have a hacked ds/vita/3dsxl. I'm not a poor fag.

yup, it's good to give konami money, after what they did to MGSV & Silent hills