What are your thoughts on anime artstyle?

What are your thoughts on anime artstyle?

Do you call them improvement
or degeneracy?

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I genuinely can't get into many modern jrpgs because i can't stomach otaku pandering

youre not supposed to eat it dummy

I can't get into your mom anymore, because you cam out of her
t.your dad

Anime as a whole is highly embarrassing. The fact that there's a whole culture around it that celebrates social isolation, hyper-sexuality and rejection of healthy relationships just goes to show what a negative force it is on your life.

Anime babes are fucking hot and if you disagree you're faggot

Anime isn't really an "artstyle".

But to answer your question, when the Japanese do it I can tolerate it way more than when Americans do. In Japan, that's just what their art ended up looking like. America (and other Western countries) are doing it because they want to pander and being the weeaboos back into America so they can make money. It's unauthentic. The fake can surpass the original but it can never become the original.

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>being the weeaboos

Both right and left are replicating an ideal. anime art has more in common with the iconic art on the left side then supposed western art of today.

zoomers dislike anime artstyle.

sauce on those two maids

None of that is really celebrated in it though.

This, it's made of bad chemicals used to kill ants. I tried to eat it but my dad stopped me

It is in the communities, especially in recent days with "Nerd culture" becoming mainstream, you have people who will loudly declare themselves degenerates like weaboos and I have seen white people call themselves otaku. It's disgusting and only becoming more normalized as societies continue to appropriate what's counterculture, forcing those who want to be counterculture into further depravity to find the attention they crave

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>pre-modern masterpieces
full of nudity, tits and dicks everywhere
>modern art
full of 2deep4u, money laundering and muh feelings

really makes you think

>celebrates hyper-sexuality and rejection of healthy relationships
That's your typical TV show though.

Showing the problem isn't celebrating it.

anime art is much better than that abstract bullshit people call "modern" art.

o sick you drew a triangle and some lines over it in different colors

let me buy that shit at 2 million dollars because of it's "deep meaning"

>o sick you drew a triangle and some lines over it in different colors
That doesn't qualify as modern art anymore unless it was drawn with period blood.

>drawn with period blood
thanks for reminding me that every modern social movement is also fucking garbage

There’s no reason a fake can’t do what the real thing would. In its deliberate attempt to be real, it’s more real than the real thing.
Seriously though, what games are you talking about? Because indie games seem to be the only ones that do this. Everyone looks ugly in AAA titles, they could copy the anime style and it wouldn't really bother me at all

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The problem is this is bullshit on so many levels. For one thing "Japanese" styles (which I put in quotes because what we're talking about is something the Japanese lifted from Americans, who lifted it from Europeans. Astroboy was heavily influenced by Micky Mouse, something that's obvious side by side) have been in present in western culture for over two generations. There are people who grew up with this stuff that are sliding into old age in the here and now. You're going to be influenced by the things around you, and I'm sorry to say, but the second the Japanese started exporting this stuff from their country, it ceased to be entirely their thing at a cultural level (assuming it ever was, which it wasn't). I might be willing to concede some of the point if we were talking about something that grew up organically and natively in Japan, rather than something that happened *only* as the result of cultural exchanges with Japan.

That's not to say there isn't some cynical pandering to American weebs, but you think that's not what the Japanese have been doing too? It sounds to me like you're giving the Japanese some undeserved importance, and dignity in the matter.

I love anime artstyle. It's colorful and vibrant and it's perfect for games as you can clearly distinguish characters during high-speed gameplay. I find no enjoyment in looking at "realistic" (read: hideous) characters, an anime artstyle is much easier on the eyes and conveys the right level of detail for a video game.
Unfortunately, this wonderful artstyle is almost never paired with an actual good game.

sauce on the top one on the right? anyone have the full image?

Anime is good because it pisses off social retards who delude themselves into thinking they're perfectly normal people.

Behold Exhibits A and B

That's the equivalent of saying "the first man was black so every human on earth now is a nigger".
You have to draw limits at some point.
And following your logic, japanese and american artsyle are actually both european, this is bullshit and you know it.
However, anime artstyle is something only done by Japan, westerner trying to imitate it fails 99% of the time.

>but the second the Japanese started exporting this stuff from their country, it ceased to be entirely their thing at a cultural level
The overwhelming majority of anime is created for the domestic market, not because they want to export it.
And that's another retarded comparison, an american movie being exported elsewhere is still american, it won't suddenly become arabic or something.

>I might be willing to concede some of the point if we were talking about something that grew up organically and natively in Japan, rather than something that happened *only* as the result of cultural exchanges with Japan.
In the same way america developped culture and art in a different way from europe so did japan.

>It sounds to me like you're giving the Japanese some undeserved importance, and dignity in the matter.
It honestly sound like you're trying to belittle japan as much as possible.

Except I don't mind influence. I despise soulless inauthenticity.

Take Avatar The Last Airbender. It is very clearly inspired by anime, but it isn't. It too, is aware of this. It never attempts to pretend to be Japanese, and so it doesn't feel inauthentic.

Contrast with garbage like RWBY; it desperately strives to be "anime" in everything it does. It is nothing but a fake, a pale imitation.

Have sex

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I thought I was a bit of an otaku, since I like a few animes and like old jap games from the 80s.
I was pretty happy thinking this until I took a vacation to Japan for a month. Turns out I am disgusted by otaku and now I find myself unable to appreciate most anime.
Something about the way they explain everything as its going on, reminds me that the target audience have social disorders like aspergers and I just can't get invested.

Follow my blog for more.

Left: Core Values
Right: Cunny Culture

Artist is kishida mel of Atelier fame.
Yes, THAT Kishida Mel.
Original pic is too big for Yea Forums so you'll have to find it by yourself.

I call it neither. It just is.

If I wanted realism I'd look outside.

what a retarded argument

you typed out this long as paragraph on the premise that one culture affecting another culture invalidates the latter culture

>I like a few animes and like old jap games from the 80s
Haha lol get a load of this “otaku”

>However, anime artstyle is something only done by Japan, westerner trying to imitate it fails 99% of the time.

Then the Japanese are failing to make mickey mouse. That's not what's happening here. What emerges is what emerges. Everyone derives from the things they're exposed to, we're all products of our environment, and there's undeniable anime exposure in the west.

The only thing western "imitations" as you put it fail at is attracting weebs that fethishize Japan for the sake of being Japanese. But they were always a lost cause, and the likes of Teen Titans and Totally Spies managed to garner and audience with or without them.

>The overwhelming majority of anime is created for the domestic market, not because they want to export it.

Fair point, I misworded that. I meant to say Japan was pandering to their own weebs for the most part, no better or worse than anyone else.

>an american movie being exported elsewhere is still american, it won't suddenly become arabic or something.

No, but it does become part of that other country's environment, and people that grow up in that environment will have been exposed to different ideas about art and entertainment than a country without those movies.

>It honestly sound like you're trying to belittle japan as much as possible.
I just understand where anime came from, and refuse to pedestalize it as some uniquely Japanese cultural expression when it has substantially foreign roots. I also reject the idea that someone raised with anime, regardless of the country they live in, has somehow has no right to build on certain art styles just because there's a perception that they came from somewhere else: doesn't matter, they're here now.

>And following your logic, japanese and american artsyle are actually both european, this is bullshit and you know it

It is bullshit, that's why I'm really saying just the opposite: no one really owns any of it, so getting hung up on who made it and where is ultimately silly.

Renji Murata is a living god, prove me wrong.

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I see a lot of anime art style as the combination of anime style and drawing, and I call this improvement or degeneracy. I will not accept this art style, but if I saw anime art style being used in the fashion of the fashion industry at large, I would hate it, because I think that the fashion industry would have a lot less respect for the artist who does the style, or the style would become too "girly", and if the fashion industry is more interested in looking at cute characters or fashion than trying to sell anything, then it will suffer. Now, on a side note, I think that the art style of anime is similar, but it is not good enough. In the art style with beautiful clothing, beautiful characters and beautiful art, it's a wonderful feeling, which in itself is good, because I don't think it should be the main focus of the artistic scene, but just for entertainment to attract more people, and there are many people working with these kind of artwork that just give me problems.

I think there are things that need to be changed, for example the girls in the female characters, they should stay with the male characters, or stay behind male characters, or that they shouldn't be wearing pants (I didn't think those were wrong, I only like wearing my pants, I never saw pants there, and it seemed good to me, but I don't think women should be wearing pants, I don't like them. I think pants are great…). Another thing that needs to be changed is the characters, because it seems like they have been designed in such a way that they are very similar to each other, but I don't think people can identify them, they seem very similar, but if we take a step behind the characters, if we look very close at characters and think about them and put themselves in their place then I think people can identify some of them.

It's certainly invalid to give a high degree of ownership to one cultural expression that was obviously, openly, self admittedly influenced by another culture, especially when the latter culture then later wants to derive from the former's expression. Like I said, I'd be willing to concede at least some of the point of anime was something uniquely Japanese that sprung up in isolation. It wasn't.

That says more about you and your hangups about RWBY than it does about RWBY. I don't even like RWBY, but I'm willing to defend it in this context.

>Otaku pandering
>Oh yes Daddy give me more Trans woman and my gay based Black!
That might be the pandering that is more for your type.
I know this is bait butt fuck it.
>The fact that there's a whole culture around it that celebrates social isolation, hyper-sexuality and rejection of healthy relationships just goes to show what a negative force it is on your life.
The fact that you are closed minded about sex and throw buzzwords around to pretend to be normal kind of does prove you know nothing. Even in America even today has those issues and projects this onto Europe and Asia. I do not see Asians or Europeans celebrating cutting their own dicks off to the point of rewriting textbooks, telling their own people to not have children due to fictional global warming and saying that there is no such thing as gender. Except maybe Sweden and UK.

It makes my heart happy and my dick happy, sometimes simultaneously, i love it. I like how flexible "anime" artstyles can be too. Thick lines and chiseled jaws for testosterone pumping manly anime. Soft, bubbly shapes and colors for comfy anime. Its a lot of fun to see all the different unique styles and concepts that people come up with.
I can get people hating the weeb culture around anime but i could never understand hating anime itself. Its an entire medium full of all kinds of genres and experiences

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Any game that has heavy anime pandering especially pedo loli stuff I will never touch, dont play pedo junk.

>Then the Japanese are failing to make mickey mouse
They failed indeed, the anime industry is a hellhole to work in and the most popular characters coming out of anime are not even close to mickey.
See Goku from Dragon ball.

>I just understand where anime came from, and refuse to pedestalize it as some uniquely Japanese cultural expression when it has substantially foreign roots
They appropriated it and added their own spin on it, at this point what we call anime artsyle has little to do anymore with what it was based on. I'm not denying the root of anime artstyle, I'm just saying it evolved in a very different direction from the others.

>I also reject the idea that someone raised with anime, regardless of the country they live in, has somehow has no right to build on certain art styles just because there's a perception that they came from somewhere else: doesn't matter, they're here now.
That's not what I'm saying, westerners successfully imitating anime artstyle do exist, they are just exremely rare hence the stigma against westerners trying to imitate anime artstyle.

>It is bullshit, that's why I'm really saying just the opposite: no one really owns any of it, so getting hung up on who made it and where is ultimately silly.
I would argue that cultural/artistic current can be associated with a particular culture/country (like how gothic architecture is associated with europe/christianism) but I see that we disagree on a more fundamental level.
So... unless I'm wrong about you, let's at least agree to disagree?

>the communities
Who gives a shit about the communities?
Are you one of those fags who'll refuse to play a single-player game because of the fanbase?

He's pretty good at making cute girls.

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This thread is now endearing and humorous

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>Yea ForumsYea Forums thread
cringe, stick to videogames

Anime was considered art in the late 90s - the early 00s specific.

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high art

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someone explain to me how sculpture is art. Its scenes set in stone, you can only do so much to convey an emotion, but how do you interpret for something other than exactly what it is? Rape of the Sabine Women is at least interesting because you see flesh being(I think tis called pressed) by fingers, making flesh seem almost lfielike, but what the hell is the big deal about the David? Or michealangelo's other stuff? Ive seen them in person. They looked like statues.You could literally get the same emotion from them seeing them through a computer screen or video

at least with paintings, theres brush technique involved, but with statues, where do you see these tiny details at all?

The 80s looked nothing like what is on the left.
Left is representative of the 90s while right is representative of the 00s.

How do you define art?

I cant, because I want to say something like "a piece of handcrafted work that conveys emotion" but thats purely subjective. Theres literally a Yea Forums banner from /ic/ or something thats complaining about shit on a canvas being called art, and yah, its fucking shit, but some idiot, SOMEWHERE could get some meaning out of it.

But with statues, I jsut dont get it. It is LITERALLY just what it is, a man, or a guys with a horse, etc. I dont see any meaning out of it other than just existing

>I would argue that cultural/artistic current can be associated with a particular culture/country (like how gothic architecture is associated with europe/christianism) but I see that we disagree on a more fundamental level.
>So... unless I'm wrong about you, let's at least agree to disagree?

I think we can agree to agree on that. I was from the start willing give some ground if the specific example (anime) wasn't something that had a strong basis in cultural interchange between two distant lands. Architecture is actually a great example because of how much it differs based on culture as separated by geography. It's very easy to tell apart traditional Japanese architecture from gothic architecture. So no argument there.

>That's not what I'm saying, westerners successfully imitating anime artstyle do exist, they are just exremely rare hence the stigma against westerners trying to imitate anime artstyle.

But I think this is where we'll have to agree to disagree of a difference in fundamental assumptions. I don't think it makes sense to discuss it in terms of success or failure. We're products of our environment, and what emerges is what emerges. It simply 'is', it's not a success or a failure.

So success or failure has to be qualified. Success or failure to what, exactly? And as far as I can tell, it's failure to appeal to weebs by not rigidly adhering to whatever style is currently in season in Japan. Teen Titans had a huge following, Winx Club is in its 8th season (10 if you count the Netflix Spinoff). Was that a failure or a success of westerners using those styles for their own products? Why should these works have any stigma at all?

Too bad he didn't capitalize on it and make Fortnite but with anime girls

>I dont see any meaning out of it other than just existing
Why does it need any deeper meaning?

and to add on to this, FUCK andy warhol and him making stupid art pieces to show art is a crock, but still creating an entire new wave of art snobs saying "ITS SUPPOSED TO BE BAD"

They're history of aesthetics of a certain time. Is not supposed to be the "best of all time" art just because it's old and famous. It has nothing to do with our current appreciation.

>Teen Titans had a huge following, Winx Club is in its 8th season (10 if you count the Netflix Spinoff). Was that a failure or a success of westerners using those styles for their own products? Why should these works have any stigma at all?
I had to google those show because I legit had no idea about them.
While they use anime as an inspiration, I wouldn't call them anime, they have too much western "remains" in them for that.

>Was that a failure or a success of westerners using those styles for their own products?
I don't know, if they did well, good for them, if not, then it will be forgotten.

>Why should these works have any stigma at all?
I wouldn't call those show anime despite the influence and I don't think anyone has a stigma against them, it's a case where they managed to remain western despite trying to mimic another artstyle.
Panty and Stocking is an example of anime where the opposite happen and yet it still managed to remain anime without becoming a cartoon.

because its just a carving out of marble

what makes one artists better than others? what makes certain ones so special? They had fucking sculptor schools during the renaissance, people were passing their own techniques off too hundreds/thousands of people, why are certain ones special?

This is the type of western faggot that is perfectly okay with western white people adopting ghetto nigger black culture like wiggers and coal burning thots wet for gangster wannabe's but when people like jap shit like anime and otaku shit all hell breaks lose about how horrible it is to adopt another culture and how degenerate that is.

Fuck you

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>why are certain ones special?
Because they look good?

Art then:
>Took years upon years to create. Without means of digitally drawing or sculpting
>Details are so great that you can see every individual fold of cloth cut into marble or painted onto the murals
Art now:
>Can be done in the span of hours to days to at most a couple weeks
>Most of the art while good is nowhere near the levels the renaissance art is, there are exceptions to this and they are very much welcome

why? what makes the David so special?

Oh no no no, pfft-HAHAHHAHA!

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This may shock you, but sometimes people like art for the aesthetic.
Art requires no deeper meaning to be art. It can have it, sure, but it's not necessary for the classification.

You may also be shocked to learn that people can appreciate the skill required to sculpt with such scale and detail.

If you don't like it then you don't like it, that's fine, doesn't mean it's not art.

Someone post the green text about modern art exhibits and how they’re total shams

the david statues gets thousands of visitors a day, and I can guarantee that maybe 1 out of every 400 of them actually know anything about sculpting

some living artists are at least as technically skilled than anyone has been before -- i'd say a lot of old renaissance art is mostly notable for its historical significance, not because it's technically impressive or has a deep meaning

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Okay, and?

You aren't defending it, you're just saying I'm wrong without any argument. Avatar is able to be inspired by it without being a shitty imitation, RWBY is not.

I genuinely can't get into many modern wrpgs because i can't stomach sjw tranny pandering

>didn't draw them fucking each other
Fucking futafags, always drawing futas solo or posing but never actually drawing them fucking each other.
>mfw they finally draw penetration but it's penis in penis

Fuck off, retard.
It sounds like you think I'm lumping all people who watch anime as degenerates then, which I'm not doing. I'm talking about the fags that exclaim every chance they get about how much of a week they are or drop Japanese phrases in the middle of conversations or shit like carry around a body pillow. If you want to bring whataboutisms into this too I'll go ahead and address it since it sounds like I struck a little too deep on your faggot week tendencies: I don't care for people who act ghetto either, I think it's not only retarded but actively harmful to disincentive being a contributor to society. I think both you and the people you tried to say I stand for are a leech, how's that sound to you.
Again, fuck off.

Is it really that hard to see how david might stand out in a world where the average modern sculpture is this?

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Is there more Futa On Male than there is Futa On Futa?

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You think just anybody can sculpt like that?

Unironically this.

I wonder if ancient weebs fapped to those statues.

>comparing totally different time periods and art styles
stupid fucking plebs
this is what I get for coming to 4channel

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loli tanlines > Michelangelo

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Ignore the retards in the thread. They clearly have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, let alone the history of contemporary art culture. I bet they don't even go to /ic/
You pretty much wrote what I was going to, so thanks.

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>Astroboy was heavily influenced by Micky Mouse
Influenced. He still doesn't look like Mickey fucking Mouse in an attempt to pander to disneyfags.

Because there is no argument. Calling RWBY a "shitty imitation" makes no fucking sense at all. How is Avatar not a shitty imitation? It looks even less like the typical Japanese style than RWBY. Because Avatar is actually more its own thing? So fucking what? All that's clear here is that you don't like RWBY.

>Because Avatar is actually more its own thing?
Yes, that's the fucking point. RWBY isn't influenced, it's a shitty attempt at imitating "anime". Avatar never lowers itself to pretending it is something it is not and is able to carve out a niche for itself.

So RWBY used an art style that was too much like another art style, and that's a problem in your eyes? What about all the Japanese artists that imitate that other Japanese artists? Is everything that's come out of Japan since Speed Racer a shitty attempt at imitating anime too?

>growing up in a culture and imitating the culture that you are a part of is totally the same thing as desperately imitating the art of people you've never met
Avatar is able to be authentic and understand that it is a western product with anime influences and RWBY is blissfully unaware of this fact.

Okay I think I got this. Some people who grew up in a culture that had anime for decades are imitating, but the other people who grew up in a culture that had anime for decades aren't imitating.

Cartoons are for kids. Liking anime past the age of 14 makes you an absolute cringelord.

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Not all art is classical art

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>The country that made it versus the country that consumed it specifically because it was from a different culture

>specifically because it was from a different culture
>implying kids watching Shamen King on Fox knew or cared.

Only weebs give a shit about that. It's kinda the defining characteristic.

Litteraly every rapper watches anime and has a verse about it in their song. Im pretty sure they dont hate it

>The old sculptures we're also sexual. Showing off the beauty standard of that age.

Im not a weeb. But aren't japs just doing the same?


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>Litteraly every rapper watches anime
This is a pretty big exaggeration. Also, rap isn't even the """""zoomer""""" music genre anymore

You don't have to know something is from a different culture to notice differences, even subconsciously.

>the defining characteristics
There is no defining characteristic of a """weeaboo""", especially because it's so overused at this point it doesn't mean anything at all.

They're mad because you're right.

>o sick you drew a triangle and some lines over it in different colors
That wasn't good but it's been over for 30 years now. Nobody goes for abstract expressionism anymore. There is obviously a lag of a few decades between what you have in (modern) museums and in art galleries.
Trust me, if you think pollock and Co are messing with you, you're not prepared for the decadence that comes after.

90s>80s>2010s>2000s>70s and earlier

all the anime art in that pic is shit, but anime art is good


>There is no defining characteristic of a """weeaboo""", especially because it's so overused at this point it doesn't mean anything at all.

I could call you wapanese, or japanophile if you prefer. :^)

Cameras were invented and art largely shifted to becoming individual expression and a commodity, which isn't necessarily bad thing. Spending a lot of time on something doesn't automatically give it more worth either.

You see a lot of poor work nowadays simply because it's more numerous and accessible than ever. There's plenty of people nowadays doing what the old masters could because the fundamentals have stayed the same ever since.

>literally knows nothing about art
>still complains about it
Just talk about slice of life harem anime, at least there you won't be talking out your ass

Why do JRPG/otaku fags always take such logical leaps when someone shit talks their trope-filled garbage? Oh yeah you sure showed him, the only alternative to gay chuuni high school shit with VN-tier gameplay is clearly western SJW schlock. You might as well have just said "go back to muh CoD" and called it a day.

There are plenty of Japanese games that don't insult their players' intelligence like JRPGs or shamelessly pander to the most soulless otaku husks who keep downing the same tropes over and over again.

>the only alternative to gay chuuni high school shit with VN-tier gameplay is clearly western SJW schlock

Isn't that unironically true though? When was the last WRPG that didn't have sjw tranny pandering at least somewhere?

>When was the last WRPG that didn't have sjw tranny pandering at least somewhere?

Kingdom Come: Deliverance