How many more years until video games look better than films?

How many more years until video games look better than films?

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Never. Movies can spend hours rendering a single frame, games have to render 60 frames a second

pine cones

That can't be real. Did they run out of CGI budget?

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Nigga games today look better than that show reboot what you talking bout

Is this Total War any good?

When film hits the ceiling for photorealism a hundred or so years from now and video games eventually catch up.

That doesn't mean anything. Toy Story 1 is a famous example of something most* modern PCs cannot render in real-time, but it's model fidelity is shit despite the outrageous polygon count.

*Disney's current render farm can supposedly render Toy Story 1 (and I think 2, but I could be misremembering) in real-time.

>but it's model fidelity is shit despite the outrageous polygon count.
What does that mean?

Forgot my image.

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The models look like shit but have a huge amount of polygons

It referred to the image I forgot to include: . Not just the polygons, but even the lighting - although we cannot perform it the same way, we have superior (as in closer to real) methods done in vidya.

This makes no sense. How do they load those ballistae? It would be a pain in the ass.

Total War: Westeros looks great!

i unironically love how bad toy story 1 looks

"models looking like shit" is not a technical term

What is the ballistae's tax policy?

He kind of looks like the little shit from the beginning of Fallout 3 looking back.

I never claimed it was faggot

Is this an exotic meme from another board? What does it mean?

Yea Forums meem

lol that looks ridiculous i didnt even notice it when i was watching

GRRM is salty that Tolkien wrote better fantasy and bitches that Tolkien never sat down and wrote what Aragorn's tax policy was.

is this real

What a fat faggot. I bet he was disappointed by the lack of deadly diarrhea scenes in Tolkien books too.

how much fps did you gain by turning shadows off? i fucked around with the ini but it looked pretty bad with evrything turned off

I know this wouldn't be hard to do, what with already having a get out of jail free card for the uncanny valley, but the toys themselves still look great and are well animated.

GRRM can't write a good book to save his life so when he tried criticizing LotR he said he couldn't get a good idea of the world because it didn't spend 50 pages talking about Aragorn's tax policy.

What was the point of the Golden Company? They did literally, genuinely, unironically fucking NOTHING this season, except die like bitches after putting themselves outside of a barricaded door. Were they in S7 and did they accomplish something then? I barely remember anything from last season.

Noone is doing shit this season, it's a joke.

lmao that's overlord tier

Attached: overlord cg.gif (288x397, 724K)

>rome total war, 2004

Attached: Total War_ ATTILA 2016-03-24 16_31_57 PM.png (1920x1080, 2.73M)

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It doesn't work like that, movies are rendered by entire buildings full of computers and take months, videogames are rendered in real time by a single one, sometimes really shitty laptop hardware like with consoles. So never.

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Attached: Total War_ SHOGUN 2 2017-05-05 18_44_35 PM.png (1920x1080, 2.98M)

Idiocy by Yea Forums

GRRM made the point that fantasy settings like LotR have no basis on real characters or even human motivations. Which is something GRRM tries to do in his books.

>or even human motivations
Wow I didn't know GRRM was an illiterate pleb.

>>how do we pay for all this?
>a magic bank somewhere far away loans us money
bravo grrm

Did you see the CG in that episode? Games already look better than that garbage.

>Disney's current render farm can supposedly render Toy Story 1 (and I think 2, but I could be misremembering) in real-time
Only thing I remember reading about modern render farms is that the ones they used for Big Hero 6 could render Tangled in only 10 days.


Except hes right. LotR is great in being a high fantasy setting and all that but it is not about real world qualities which make good or bad leaders. Aragon for example is just presumed to be the best fit for being king because he is designed that way. GRRM attempts in his books to have multiple viable (or at least, potential) leaders and then show how their characteristics make them well suited or shit for the job.

Comparing LotR and GoT is just stupid though, they are aiming to do completely different things. Stealing some fantasy elements does not a good comparison make.

In the real world it was the Catholic church. They established the first international banking system and they did fund certain factions over others.

But that's literally wrong nigga.

The quote is Martin saying he was inspired to write ASoIF by LoTR when he started to think on other elements that Tolkien didn't talk about. He wanted to write a fantasy story after the happily ever after ending from LoTR but wanted to explore fantasy that was grounded in medieval culture and history.

Why in the fuck are you faggots always twisting words to make it an attack on Tolkien? He respects him, but he wanted to break from the road all the Tolkien copy-cats went and try something else.

>Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?
What’s wrong with this guy

>says literally what I just said
Okay kiddo thanks for agreeing

>you cant make a point with a joke
Why not? Your parents made a point with you being a joke. Safe sex saves lives.

>In the real world it was the Catholic church. They established the first international banking system and they did fund certain factions over others.
i thought the catholic church didnt allow usury

what total war is this?

He never says that negro. He just brings up examples of things he wanted to talk about like You fucking retards keep getting hung up on it for some reason

A bit of basic math. The TS1 render farm had 300 processors that rendered 1 frame per 2-4 minutes.
>source: Pixar employee

The modern render farm has 23,000 processors (but modern films are equally more demanding, equating to roughly the same the same render times for modern films).
>Source: Pixar producer

The quote itself:
>Susman said that the company now has 23,000 processors at its disposal — enough to render the original Toy Story in real time.

it's a mod for Attila


Thank you for the source

post webms i want to laugh

>he thinks the Catholic church is not hypocritical
Come on now

Originally the bank operated without interest, first major use of it was to allow knights to deposit their gold with the bank, then receive a contract saying they were entitled to the amount of gold they gave, which they could then collect once they arrived at another bank, usually to the holy land for the crusade. Meant knights were not robbed all the time as they traveled with all their gold, since the church would protect it for them.

But eventually interest was allowed because it was not done at 'unreasonable' levels like the Jews. Of course that is in of itself just hypocrisy too, the church exploited everyone.

He literally does, it rights fucking there retard. As well as in all his other interviews about how he wanted to explore how leaders evolve.

Feel free to go read the books and listen to the person you know nothing about.

>butthurt protestant
show on the doll where the bad pastor touched you, or do you prefer writing it out to avoid idolatry?

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All religion is a joke. You fell for a story written by people to exploit others :^)

I've read the books and the interviews. You're literally putting words in Martin's mouth and exaggerating them to shitpost about him. So you don't like his books? Join the fucking club, fuckface. That one's been around since Game of Thrones was first on the selves.

Well, you tried, I guess.

>All religion is a joke

Attached: fedora.png (500x667, 386K)

>my posts are literally supporting his books and his motives
>telling people they shouldn't try to compare Lotr and GoT since they aim to show entirely different things
>n-no i am true fan you know nothing user snow!
The ENTIRE purpose of GoT is to explore the qualities of leaders as GRRM has said multiple fucking times, feel free to educate yourself. End of discussion.

then why does every society come up with one at the 1k mark?for laughs?

How difficult can it be to write an algorithm that efficiently renders frames so you can make it exactly like a movie?


>when you become so contrarian to own the SJWs you loop around into being a tradcath

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fedoras predate sjws

save me of this rollercoaster of hell.

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Holy shit, that looks worse than Total War.

It's over.

stop you're being too rational. this is Yea Forums. you must mindlessly hate on whatever people like.

>fantasy settings like LotR have no basis on real characters or even human motivations

but they do?

>Aragon for example is just presumed to be the best fit for being king

No he isn't you fucking mongoloid. He literally goes through years and years of trials to test himself and prove himself worthy of being a king.

post-process will always be better quality than real-time. This applies outside of video games movies.

>In the real world it was the Catholic church. They established the first international banking system

This is objectively wrong

>But eventually interest was allowed because it was not done at 'unreasonable' levels like the Jews

You just made this up

Whats an good example of modern realistic CGI so I can compare, I don't watch a lot of movies.I

>settings like LotR have no basis on real characters or even human motivations.
>christian phylosophy and morale are inhuman

>pretends to be better than Tolkien
>last episode is 100% copy of Tolkien

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Post the Stronghold one.

I haven't seen the new GoT yet. Are they organizing their troups with no sense to tactics again?
I thought they'd learnt from all the criticism they received from the long night.

>troops outside walls
>barely anyone on the walls
>engines exposed
>no fucking moat

*Tips fisherman's cap*

They don't give a fuck anymore. Its the final stretch and they already got their money.

i don't have it, do you?

are you trying your hardest to lose? It doesn't get more stupid than this.

>In the real world it was the Catholic church
Nigger it was Knightly orders who copied it from the Jews. The Church had to condemn some of them because they were troubled by their power and wealth.

Really didn't age well. Man, I avoid 3D movies because they start looking like Beast Wars after a while. I think I notice these things with the first Shrek and that Dragon Training movie too.

No, that's why I ask/

>90 mil
>94 mil
Americans, when will they learn

I wish CA weren't so fucking incompetent these days with their openness to modding so we could have a lotr overhaul for Warhammer.

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Heh. LotR understood it. Crazy how much smarter Tolkien is to modern fantasy writers and that was a man from 100 years ago.

Gee I wonder why WW1 and WW2 veteran knew more about war than draft evader

if the "people" can do whatever they want, why would they ever pay for the "dlc?"

witcher 3

what did tolkien write? in term of related to our discussion?

>"I did begin a story placed about 100 years after the Downfall, but it proved both sinister and depressing. Since we are dealing with Men, it is inevitable that we should be concerned with the most regrettable feature of their nature: their quick satiety with good. So that the people of Gondor in times of peace, justice and prosperity, would become discontented and restless — while the dynasts descended from Aragorn would become just kings and governors — like Denethor II or worse. I found that even so early there was an outcrop of revolutionary plots, about a centre of secret Satanic religion; while Gondor boys were playing at being Orcs and going around doing damage. I could have written a 'thriller' about the plot and its discovery and overthrow — but it would have been just that. Not worth doing."
Tolkien already blew George the fuck out before he died. I'm grateful that we have such wonders of literature as Lord of the Rings to balance out the trip like A Song of Ice and Fire

>what did tolkien write? in term of related to our discussion?
Return of the King? Where Military actions are much more detailed than anything in GoT

I mean its actually only recently resurfacing how Medieval castles were actually used and built. Just like how Historical European Martial Arts is being pieced together with what evidence hasn't being burnt away from WW2, the mongols and the Ottomans.
Real life there's a castle in France being built now in the same way they believed their ancestors built it, and they're learning as much as they are following. So its ancient knowledge, but Tolkien had no actual historical evidence to support his writing design decisions, other than being a war veteran, of semi-modern warfare, not ancient warfare.

>Return of the King
oh shit. for a sec, i kept thinking the creator or the lord of ring was peter jackson.....hahhaha

>but Tolkien had no actual historical evidence to support his writing design decisions, other than being a war veteran, of semi-modern warfare, not ancient warfare.
Nigger, he was a linguist professor, who was obsessed with mythology and folklore, you think he doesn't studied history?

Well Tolkien's stay in academia actually meant something. He built up on a wide a array of myths and historical text. With colleagues who also contributed to invention of the modern fiction genre.
Martin's stay in the University was mired in mid 20th century angst and pretentiousness. All the while he was surrounded by asshats who thought they were better than everyone before them.

ain't we all learning the history through the text and graphic that we can find on the paper?

He was a history major user.

I'll allow him such critique after he finishes his series. Before that he can sit his fat commie ass down and write.

>I mean its actually only recently resurfacing how Medieval castles were actually used and built.

Are you retarded mate? You do know that there are medieval castles still existing right?

Never since real time rendering will always be far behind what can be done by using a render farm to do like 1 frame a day for animation. Then for real world shit again tech will also keep advancing to either make current stuff better as well as allowing for new a different shit to be done.

But they don't know how to build them anymore. Its not a castle but remember the Notre Dame cathedral fire? They're planning to give it the modern glass building look once they rebuild it. Reading comprehension. Something existing doesn't mean its known how it was built. People can't even come to a conclusion on how the Pyramids were built.

This, I wish they made proper modding tools, so we can get asoiaf, witcher and lotr mods. It would literally just need new skins and a new world map.

No. What I meant to say is that all of us in the internet age has a wider and deeper wealth of knowledge at our keyboard than what he ever had.

Map editor is pretty much the biggest handicap. And it becomes a snowballing effect. Someone who would work on a LOTR or ASOIAF or whatever mod wouldn't because it'd be just for custom battles. Past that and more editing would be great but we can already do a lot. Well, excluding Warhammer because that one seems intentionally obtuse to getting anything new in. Given the blatant prohibition that nobody is allowed to mod in age of sigmar, 40k, or non warhammer stuff (CA said as much) it seems clear it's a caveat of GW.

>But they don't know how to build them anymore
Are you fucking serious?
Are you really that fucking retarded?
Do you think the architecture techniques used in castle building was a concept as hard as rocket science?
No one forgot how to built the damned things the things were properly documented, how do you think we can build colossal buildings and public works without it collapsing on itself?
>but remember the Notre Dame cathedral fire?
That thing can be rebuilt looking the same as it was before. The redesign contest is a PR move by the french government. No one likes it.

I'm not sure. As far as I am aware neither the Rome II or Attila maps can be modded so I don't think it would be unreasonable to lay the blame at CA's feet though GW would no doubt be fucky if CA weren't already doing that.

>No. What I meant to say is that all of us in the internet age has a wider and deeper wealth of knowledge at our keyboard than what he ever had.
Lol no, since not all information from libraries or archieves (including really ancient (for England) monument of writing like word of Beowulf) are in open access.
Not to mention we also had to deal with much more disinformation.
And after all we are too lazy to study all info we have

You're making the assumption that its truly known and accepted. But it isn't. Modern architecture is influenced by the Frankfurt School which discarded the old ideas and now they are lost to us.

>deeper wealth of knowledge at our keyboard than what he ever had
Oh sure just show me to a website that allows me to browse old history books and codexes kept under supervision in Universities and national Libraries.

>more employees than Rockstar North
>your games have less than a fraction of their quality
I suppose this is what happens when your company is made up of tranny diversity hires and you make your employees spend every Tuesday shilling board games on a live stream to six people.

>games have to render 60 frames a second
Except that games only rarely target 60 frames, because they can get higher visual fidelity with 30 or lower frames per second. For each individual frame at the very least.

Game developers have even gone on record stating that it just isn't profitable to target 60fps.

No you have to access a Database. They exist. Some have you pay others are granted to you the moment you apply to college/ university.

>the assumption that its truly known and accepted
Its is you retarded ignorant mongoloid. We still know to build and the functions of Arches, Buttresses, Pillars, Filled walls, and Domes. We understand it better than
medieval engineers now. When was the last time you saw a sky-scrapper with a flying buttress to act as support? No great cataclysm happened during the transition from medieval and Renaissance eras for the world to forget.
For fucks sake Cathedrals and medieval buildings have been torn down and rebuilt over and over through the centuries for maintenance and repair. Just because its out of style doesn't mean its forgotten, you ignorant pea-brained fucktard.

>others are granted to you the moment you apply to college/ university
Which was what Tolkien was, he had a deeper wealth of supply about the subject he mired himself into compared to most people in the modern world.

>siege battles
Never happened

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Objectively more than CA, that's for sure.

>lindy "if you're frenchie, get in the trechie" biege
>a credible source of information.

Still wrong. People today don't even know how they made those multi-colored glass in windows in cathedrals. I don't think you're as smart as you think you are on this subject matter. Also modern architecture doesn't last. It gets torn down over time and replaced by more flamboyant glass boxes.

Oblivion mods still kicking nice

It's almost like the point of storytelling isn't to be as realistic as possible and maybe Tolkien wasn't trying to create an entirely believable world.

tell that to Saladin

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The sonic games already look better than the sonic film.


They decided it'd be really cool, and not look like shit at all, to have the battle take place during overcast, to represent how clouded their goals have become. It ends up making all the composite and CG shots look like ass, because of the weak shadows.

>Still wrong. People today don't even know how they made those multi-colored glass in windows in cathedrals
>stained glass
>a mystery to modern people
>stained glass a technique born from the fact that old glass makers couldn't make large pieces of glass without warping or breaking
>bits of cut metallic salt stained glass arranged in a mosiac pattern is a mystery
>when workshops that made such pieces for medieval structures are still around especially in Spain
just stop, just please fucking you're fucking retardation is unbelievable.
We can make works last for centuries now, but planned obsolescence is a thing and you can't generate construction and development revenue from public works that exist forever.
You are right user. I do know a fuckton about the subject. You on the other only knows a guy named jack and his sister shit.

No dipshit you don't even understand what you're talking about. People can make stained glass but people today cannot replicate how the old Europeans did it. Certain methods are lost permanently such as placing different colored glass between other colors inside one another, not just gluing pieces of glass side by side and placing them on the window slots.

If its that easy to be better than the ancient masters why is there literally zero evidence of modern architectural supremacy in the visual form?

just put your army outside of your walls so they cant maneuver at all

I think the real question is how long until the article
>The Message of Game of Thrones: Women Make Incredibly Bad Leaders?

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never obviously

nah the flying units are OP with very little to counter them

> different colored glass between other colors
its just cut glass precisely fitted in the frame its not a celestial mystery you dumbfuck.
Its precisely cut and fitted glass which is amazing, but its not a fucking mystery.
>zero evidence of modern architectural supremacy in the visual form
Society today is culturally different on what it consider important in its architecture.
We know all the secrets and architectural techniques that came before, how we apply it is the only thing that differs.
Again. Jack and shit.

Just because characters (both good and bad) in his books don't mindlessly pursue superficial consumer products and sex and gluttony 24/7, or wallow in self pity and semi-ironic material debasement, doesn't make them 'unrealistic'.

Sid's not even the fucking worst human model Pixar's ever done.

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Yes, yes. Surely people back then had laser precision tools.
I don't understand your whole shtick against the old masters. And you're literally using all the tricks in the book not to answer the questions yet act as if you've got the upper hand.
>modern architecture good because we know how the ancestors built theirs
Going back to my comment earlier about a castle being built in France, its being built to confirm how the ancients did it. Not to compare to your modern architecture bullshit you're so insecure about. They wouldn't be building shit if they were so confident that they knew it all already.

There could come a day when computers are so powerful that visual fidelity could no longer be improved in any way by stronger hardware.
At this point, it would depend on the creators and artists which would look "better".

That looks fake as fuck

We have ideas on the general principles beyond older methods but the details are often very lacking.
For lower médiéval stuff à large part of our knowledge comes from the effort from the French in the 19th century. At that time people really had forgotten half of the methods used to build old structures. They could have done something similar using then modern techniques (a bit like emulating old hardware with a standard modern cpu instruction set) but the actual old techniques were lost and rediscovered.

why was i imagining ace combat when dany was strafing those positions and boats?

Medieval autists are fucking hilarious as usual.

They already are looking better than movies. Better than this one.

one day CG will look indistinguishable from the real thing, at least theoretically, and then one day hardware to render it will be probably be available to everyone.

Said the nigger jew that said "we can't build" and "lost the knowledge".
You're fucking point was today "we can't rebuild" what was built in the medieval era. When all evidence to the contrary exist. And again, it was not lost, it was left behind.
>Do we know all the precise techniques?
Not all
>can we recreate them?
Fuck yes.
>did we surpass the engineering knowledge back then
And to go back to this "lost the knowledge". Do you know the actual weight of that statement you absolute retard?

>but the actual old techniques were lost and rediscovered
No user they weren't lost. They were built upon, left behind and remembered we got it. All out "modern techniques" came from the old techniques you mentioned. The only thing that got muddy over time were the precise creation of the aesthetics and the materials.

Cry and bitch all you want Tolkien failed as a writer to show any depth to his characters. They were 1:1 copies of traditional heroes and villains from mythology, as was all his work. GoT is a copy of actual history and how people actually acted in fighting for power.

Get btfo kiddies :^)

It arguably already does.

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how long until we are blessed with another tolkien or writer of that same caliber?

I haven't seen one episode since season 5, yet now I'm interested in watching the last episodes just to laugh at got retards

Where is ghost?


>GoT is a copy of actual history and how people actually acted in fighting for power.
>from the Wall to Dorn people use the same language
pick one soiboi

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don't need game of thrones for that

lol, cope harder