Why are muscular women in vidya so unpopular?
Why are muscular women in vidya so unpopular?
Because normies have shit taste
toned arms = nice pits
simple stuff OP
Honestly, it feels like all muscle girl fans either have mommy or daddy issues.
It falls into fetish territory, and despite what constantly browsing Yea Forums and Reddit might tell you, normal people aren't that into fetishistic shit.
Most people are pretty vanilla and have pretty vanilla tastes when it comes to the opposite sex.
It doesn't help that the overwhelming majority of muscle girls in video games fall into the lesbian "butch" or "dyke" stereotype and basically pretend to be guys.
I love Chara!!
because they are ugly
because trannies are disgusting.
Found the beta
The person hat drew this is being really, really, really generous with her face.
the fat acceptance movement has tried to push the notion that a woman spending time in the gym is wrong somehow, weak minded cucks get triggered by a woman that looks physically superior to them and some people are just gay
I wish she actually looked like that in the game.
Need more games where I can have a buff warrior/barbarian gal in my party
because most men aren't attracted to masculine features?