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>walker was a tranny
This game gets deeper and deeper

stop posting about this shit game

>7 years later and Yea Forums is still mad about this game

it was super overrating dude
like people who play videogames never ever in his life's saw an average script

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>brainlet speaking
Did you hear something?

Fuck off you ESL frogshitter.

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Anyone else just really like this game's plot, but hate everyone in these threads arguing back and forth about how 2deep4u it is, or is not?

Plot was good. Unfortunately, the gameplay was pretty stale for a shooter released in 2012. Not horrible but nothing great either.

i like everyone in these threads arguing back and forth about how 2deep4u it is, or is not, but hate you

I liked it over many other shooters at the time the limited ammo really got me into some tense situations sometimes
Plus exploding heads

I just found the gameplay to be average and nothing special which is why it surprises me so many people call the gunplay absolute dogshit when you ask them why they didn't like it.

Yeah. It doesn't push any envelopes or anything, but it does what it does perfectly well. The controls work, the squad AI isn't retarded, the weapons are all fun to use. Not sure what the complaint is.

I like seeing literal brainlets misunderstanding the game and boiling it down to white phosphorus scene, you can tell most of these posters are not trolling
Never gets old

This. I've never seen so many people misunderstand a game so badly, on both sides of the argument.

Yes, this is exactly the the type of post I'm complaining about.

>MFW this was secretly a Marie Rose thread and none of you fags got it.

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>Run behind cover
>Play wack-a-mole until all enemies are dead
I honestly cannot think of a less fun game, normally I can at least mindlessly play something even if I'm not having fun, but I constantly wanted to stop playing this game

I enjoyed playing on FUBAR since I find the difficulty fun, but you are absolutely right, the gameplay loop is repetitive and uninspired. Don't even get me started on the multiplayer.