What was it like getting game news in the mail through VHS tapes & Magazines instead of being able to look anything up you wanted instantly?
What was it like getting game news in the mail through VHS tapes & Magazines instead of being able to look anything up...
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It was based as fuck cause you actually had people play games and find things on their own. The gaming community didn't have a significant amount of people who were too stupid to find things or people who didn't even play games and just watched others play them. There would be secrets that you might not have found or known about for years until you went back for a playthrough, or discussed the game with a friend. It was truly great times.
pic unrelated
I don't remember to much about it, was to busy playing the games instead of looking up information about future games. I do remember one vhs my aunt got for Star Fox 64 where Sony and I think Sega tortured a Mario doll to get more information about the game.
>VHS tapes
There's probably only like 10 of us who are old enough to remember using VHS tapes
It felt pretty amazing whenever I got a demo disc in the mail.
Based. I still have a couple of shrinkwrapped copies of the vhs.
Nintendo was the original falseflagers
It was something to look forward to every month... That first day sitting on the can with your fresh new magazine full of juicy goodness, written and designed by people who actually gave a fuck. Part of me actually misses it.
My VHS tapes have outlasted every hard drive I've ever owned. Say what you want about VHS, but at long as you don't live in the amazon jungle where it's humid all day then those sun of a bitches LASTED. As long as you didn't record in extended play mode anyway.
I got that banjo kazooie one in the mail. I can still hear that dudes voice in my head
Worked too, little 8 year old me wanted that game so fucking bad
If you used them as much as you HDD, they wouldn't.
itt third world poorfags who didn't have a pc and couldn't log onto gaming bbs boards to discuss games and print out everything they needed.
This one got my hyped as a kid.
This was cheesy as fuck but damn it was good for it's time
Hell yeah. I was hyped for Starfox 64 something fierce.
Nobody had internet until the 1998 AOL.com internet boom, & even then it wasn't wide spread.
This provided minimal information still. Even once actual sites like cheatcc sprung up, they would often be missing a lot of information.
I remember when games were GAMES, when games were TOYS.
Holy shit I had that lol.
>Remember I had a pikachu VCR
>type it into youtube
Of course there's dozens of videos about it. God damn this hobby has been mined to death.
even when there was internet it was hard to find gaming news
first E3 live streams I remember were in 2003. before that magazines were the best place to get news.
give me a break, there was tons of info. between usenet, bbs systems, and the video game rooms of prodigy and compuserve you could get all the info you need. gamefaqs was already open in 1995.
>I still have a couple of shrinkwrapped copies of the vhs.
Those tapes have to be worth a lot today.
how do i obtain tapes of obscure anime
>50 foot forearms
can drawfags do anything right?
Dat Killer Instinct stinger at the end
>cinematic gaming expirence
I think Sony took the wrong lessons from lylat wars.
define "obscure anime. Even if you get your hands on some rare tapes, the barrier for entry is getting too expensive. If you're talking about just playing some tapes then get some JVC deck locally & just play them on a tube tv.
Top gear rally was a ton of fun, are there any other games like it?
Also what the Fuck is mischief makers