So I want someone to explain to me if Star Citizen is legit or a scam...

So I want someone to explain to me if Star Citizen is legit or a scam. I've seen a lot of news in the past where it has 100s of millions of dollars and some say they're wasting it on all useless shit but now I hear so many love the alpha demo and they say it's even worth it just for the demo. Is this coming from deluded people who wasted all their life income or people who really are passionate about this project?

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Sunk cost fallacy.

that could also be the case, yeah.

Just play elite:dangerous

>it has 100s of millions of dollars
Not anymore they only have 14 million left and not even 20% of the game completed LMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Attached: 1533142129326.jpg (2684x2276, 3.74M)

it's probably not a complete scam, as at least some of the people involved seem to care about the game enough to produce something.
however it's unlikely to result in the dream game they were promising, and the vast amount of money gathered isn't going to be fully represented in their product. more like it's just a really chaotic and badly run company that would've gone broke years ago if it wasn't propped up by boomer gamers with more money than sense

It's not a scam. It is, however, a bad investment.

The reason that so little of the game is done despite so much money being put into it is because the team thats working on it was not at all prepared for the influx of cash. When they realized just how much money they had, they went on a spree of completely re-engineering the entire game for a much more extensive idea, and it's just now starting to bear fruit.

So, while they're not actively trying to take your money and screw you over, I still wouldn't recommend giving them any more. I gave them 40 way back in like 2015, and none since. I enjoy the demos as they come out, and will probably really enjoy the game if or when it releases.

lmao, goddamn.

>however it's unlikely to result in the dream game they were promising, and the vast amount of money gathered isn't going to be fully represented in their product. more like it's just a really chaotic and badly run company that would've gone broke years ago if it wasn't propped up by boomer gamers with more money than sense
Yeah, I don't think they'll put out all these features, either. Though if boomers continue to support them, it might happen.

You seem reasonable compared to the people who put 5 digits. Did you get your money's worth from the demos or would you have rather waited more?

there are more chances for starfield to be good than star citizen reaching beta status.

I don't know if I'd say I got my money's worth, since right now there's nothing they have that Elite doesn't, but I'm not really heartbroken over it. I make back what I spent in a little over 2 hours, it really doesn't keep me up at night.

Would I like to see it pan out, hell yeah, but I'm not gonna be picketing them for a refund if it doesn't.

would this be a good game when they eventually finish it?

Not really

Even the forbes article says it's not scam
>it has 100s of millions
Instead of making the game based on the money at hand they're making it based on the amount they raise yearly
>demos worth it
the dogfighthing was fun 2 years ago and ever since then it's been placeholder tier

why would you that when x4 and everspace are out and rg:outlaw is coming

functioning legs

Don't forget about Squadron Commander!

Oh wait I'm sorry Star Citizen definitely needed to have a full movie studio built to motion capture Gary Oldman and Mark Hamil acting out Chris's rejected film scripts. Money well spent to making an actual playable game that people can play to enjoy their video game

you mean squadron 42 and a motion capture studio is a good investment

It's a scam, just not intentionally.
The campaign is a generic space epic story thing, but the open online world that they're really excited about just isn't ever going to be a thing. They have a fuckload of ideas, concepts, plans etc but most of it will never get done because of their scope, or because they keep changing their own thoughts on it, or because they can't make the tech work, or (if it actually gets halfway developed) they can't balance it for shit.
In the end they'll just release it half-baked like some Elite Dangerous kind of thing, with a habdful of roles that become tedious extremely quickly and lacking any interesting depth, leaving only combat, trading/transport and probably mining as actual gameplay options.
Most ships will be crap, and not only because they can't design interiors for shit (shown already). Whales that group up will also own the most important money making options, and most people will just end up hopping from one temporary exploit or easy grind to another.
Still, I do think most of the dev team actually believes in Chris Roberts' dream. Not sure if that's actually worse though, it might be.

But is there anything actually worth doing with them? You can walk around your ship... and look at it, you can walk a city square... and look at it.

This is why I think Elite did such a better job in development. Frontier started by building the core gameplay experience, and then expanded outward once that aspect was solid. SC is trying to invert that, and do everything at once, which is causing the project to move at a snails pace, and burn 10 times as much cash in the process.

SC has an extremely small chance of becoming a sonewhat decent game. Astronomical small chance, but still a chance. Elite Dangerous has none whatsoever.

Star Citizen is as legit as any other game in development. The problem is that the fans are now playing the role of publisher, and if the company dicks around on their dollar, it's on them. It's not a scam, it's just business.

>Motion capture studio
>For a fucking spaceship video game

See what you dummies never realize is that all of that superfluous shit should come AFTER you've released a finished product. Time and energy going into Squadron 42 could be better spent actually getting the game to run on a decent engine

You can blast open a ship and go into it

Frontier chose a way better path too bad the game lacks interaction with players and becomes boring as shit once you learn how to play

who the hell adds animations after finishing the game?

This game is suffering from what is called scope creep. In addition the game is buggy and laggy as hell. I personally don't see this game being finished at all within the next 10 years because they keep adding and planning new stuff. I guess you can look forward to playing it in the retirement home 50 years from now.

>build game, make sure it works
>add proper animations afterwards

>film animations for a million different things because you don't even know how the game will work yet
>build game to fit animations instead of gameplay

wow why the fuck would you not animate anything???

Not a scam, just a badly managed project.
If you're smart, you didn't put a single cent in this game and you're juste waiting too see what comes out of it.
I'm pretty sure the game will be in a state acceptable enough for people to actually play, it has a very nice foundation too now, so I'm pretty hopeful.
But just in case, no money of mine is going into this game until I decide it's worth playing.
Cool alpha for now, very ambitious project, has a chance to be good.

Attached: cat10.png (960x718, 1.09M)

Nah they've stopped adding unreasonable stuff, now they are actually developing the game.
But the feature creep already consumed the game so if they really want to deliver something remotely close, people are going to have to wait.
And it seems nobody wants to wait so...

This cat speaks truth

>bro lets build a game then years later we'll see about facial animations
just stop bro

It's not a scam it's just that the person leading the development is quite possibly the most incompetent fuck in the industry.

If it comes out as promised I'll eat my hat. AT BEST, it'll be a huge disappointment like no man's sky and at worst it'll never come out.

at this point the only thing I have hope for is SQ42 because they might still be able to rein in feature creep for that
but even if it does come out it'll be mediocre and every thread about it will just be reaction pic spamming so it's impossible to have any discussion about it

>bro we obviously need to see the player's facial animations in a SPACESHIP VIDEO GAME

If you want to roleplay as a furry space pirate growling at his play pals then go play VR Chat. See I have this weird fixation on spaceships when playing a spaceship video game but maybe that's just me

you don't play as a spaceship dumb ass

S42 will be bad though.
There is no way it's ready yet.
The lore is pretty good, but I'm pretty sure the actual game will be mediocre

If those are the reason you don't like Elite, I don't think you'll like SC either.


Because both are sandbox games, meaning that all player interaction is facilitated by players, and all challenge is derived from self imposed goals.

If you can't do either one of those in Elite, than you won't fair much better in SC.

On a scale of 1 to Duke Nukem Forever, how NEVER EVER is this game going to get in terms of dev time on and off it until done(tm)?

We'd probably get the 2001 DNF build leaked before SC claims to be finished.

Only time i interact with players in elite is when they're hogging the landing pad

Attached: Elite - Dangerous (CLIENT) 2017-02-18 1_03_26 AM.png (1920x1080, 2.64M)

Then you're doing it wrong.

Get some friends.

It's most definitely the case

I have but they're bored to death by elite and so am I

Join fuckin Fleetcomm or the AXI or some shit.

for what purpose engineers and aygineers offer no incentive to group up

Wait? Wtf are you talking about? Let's put this into perspective: in the amount of time Star Citizen has been in development, entire new game genres have emerged, been copycatted, been refined, and gone out of style. I don't even care about Star Citizen, but the idea that anyone should be patient at this point isn't just laughable, it's stupid fucked up bullshit.

I joined FC for DW2, and I'm in AXI to hunt aliens in increasingly challenging and absurd ways for titles and bragging rights.

Don't stop at what the game dangles in front of you, find your own goals.