UNIST Thread

I ain't out yet

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Pass is vee
And despite better internet the game keeps kicking me out of network mode.
And FB had a stream on the 10th

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>And despite better internet the game keeps kicking me out of network mode.
But are the 10 second stutters gone?

Yeah, I tested them out earlier today.
Stutters are gone but now I can't even make a room right now. Stuck behind loading screens.

Well it's up and fast again.
No idea what's going on

>Stutters are gone
God I hope so, those stutters were the most annoying fucking thing. Can't wait to play ya tomorrow to find out if it's true.

Yeah that definitely feels better

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> this is the bullshit I'm going to have to deal with at locals
unseeables are the way of the future. Hopefully they won't be as prevalant in CL-R

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I might have to deal with it too cause I'm biting the bullet and signing up the day of.

Oh yeah if the Yuzu in training is here I remade that Yuzu vid that isn't holding D since apparently that was an issue for some people. Even thought I think holding D is still very viable and a good idea at points.
I also saw this, it makes me want to play some Hilda this week.

Any way to play this game online without paying for it?

> signing up day of
spectators pass I assume? I think that's 20 bucks at the door I think, wish I could have switched for that since I can't be there all three days.

Play on ps3 or pc

Pirate it via a hacked ps3, pc might work as well

I'm like half-sure I can weasel my way into the bracket if I pay enough money. I want to wipe out a number of people in that 424 entrants list.

nanase rape

It's moments like these I'm glad we don't have many Hilda's around.

PC lobby is up

> 120 bucks
I don't have enough french bread money to do shit like that, but good luck to you in bracket. I just hope I can practice enough to do well in whatever casuals I manage to play.

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Stream content time
>Wald's EXS is like Linne's, it's a passive thing over something active. It strictly allows him to amass unnatural muscle proportions, think Toguro.
>Wald's claws he used when he was human were a gift from Adelheid
>After voiding out, Wald made a new pair for himself
>On average he eats 3x the regular amount. But can eat up to around 20x

Attached: 3. Waldstein's EXS.jpg (1280x4320, 2.1M)

Decided to nap following a long work day so hopefully that helps kick me into gear.

What are you guys expecting from UniCleaR?

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tldr: Wald's been getting them gains

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Thanks for remaking the video, I appreciate it!

Mika buffs!
Mika vorpal!
Mika on the front page!
Oh, and featuring Enkidu buffs from the Under Night In-Birth series.

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Oh and no, they did not address the [cl-r] leak during the stream
>Carmine's ability isn't actually his blood despite what he thinks, but it's not like anyone else knows what it is either
>It's mostly a fluid like substance that his body creates and its his initial thoughts that it might be his blood that eventually formed it to what it is now
>Using up blood hurts, draining blood heals
>His hands, hair, and eyes turning red is out of his control and acts up when he gets hyped up
>EXS is red by nature so his blood powers are more fundamental than it appears
>It's not that he doesn't have any friends, he just hasn't tried to make any.

Attached: 4. Carmine's EXS.jpg (1280x3600, 1.59M)

Best boys addition. Hopefully actual fights in the story mode and maybe more SP content. Slight rebalance but I expect the tiers won't shift drastically. At least I hope, anyway.

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The Steam community to die for a year. Again.

Balance Changes without a doubt
New character, probably Londrekia since he's more or less confirmed in that blurb beneath the title and one other character since it's always in pairs
We're still not sure if it's a patch or new title.

Spectrum has been killing lately. Net frequently falls to shit at peaks times or after midnight.
Poor Hyde

It can't be a patch user.

I guess this hard confirms that yellow carmine being a piss wizard fits the canon.

Anyone have slow motion Yuzuriha walk animations

Do we really need balance changes aside from one(1) character getting buffed and one getting nerfed?

UNIST is far less of a clusterfuck than UNIEL

Let's consider our options here, the jump from uniel to unist was huge but the core additions mostly remain the same. So unless they're updating new missions, new chronicle, and new others, I personally don't completely find it out of the question that it could be a Rev 2

>it's not blood
well that's interesting

I mean with the current information it's impossible considering how the PS3 is cross-play. It being a patch means it'll lock out PS3 as it was only announced for PS4 and Switch.

Maybe this one will add stylish mode or something rather?

Why would they add something like that?

I guess our connections with eachother are cursed with stutters no matter what. Didn't go away when I moved earlier this year, and hasn't changed with the upgrade.

Too appeal to the new audience that will follow after EVO?

I haven't had UNIST in full-screen for so long I forgot about that kicking thing dang it.

We already have Smart Steer and I feel like that checks off the box for babymode being included.

Uh, Spoon, are you okay?

That'd just be a waste of the mission and tutorial mode.

>expositions and story streams
Literally who cares when Chronicles mode is a damn prequel? Give us news on potential future gameplay updates

I'm not going to try and guess what it really is until we get further announcements. I'm honestly concerned about what the content might bring.
Two years seem to be the regular gap between new versions of the game so it could be literally anything but I think a brand new title is ever so less likely than a patch since a bulk of the game is already there when the same argument couldn't have been made for uniel to [st]

It'd be too early for that.

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While I agree, there are always more ideas developers will likely fit in to increase sales numbers.

Well I mean BB and GG still have mission and tutorial mode as well as stylish stuff.

Fuck it then, time to just ask for a bunch of casuals

I'm hoping that with the lack of acknowledgement of the leak it'll be officially announced as a patch later on. To be frank, trusting a Taiwanese listing and believing it's the full story is pretty shady in the first place. I'm not sure about changing the name though.

You guys have no idea how happy I am to see 2f and 3f matches. I've been getting 5 with the occasional 4 for the past few days.

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I'd argue that BB and GG's specials being unique to a particular button lends itself more for a stylish mode but I can't justify anything anymore when the lowest of casuals will struggle with literally anything.
But I stand by what the other guy said too, Smart Steer already is your autocombo-easy mode shit

Post a character more based than Enkidu
Protip: you can't

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Where are you guys from, psn lobby? I may join a bit latter if there are enough wcish players in.

I keep seeing people post him but never playing him

Nigga, this game is already KI tier for everyone barring Vatista as far as execution goes. Where is there even to go to casualize BabyBlue?

Can I pick this up even though I'm bad at fighting games? It just looks really fun

It mostly seems to be an EC/MW sort of night right now.
You wouldn't be the only WC person though, we play from all over.

Whew. I didn't expect that grab in the middle of my hits, hahaha. Nice one hippie.

Depends how diligent you are with your growth

I'm WC so if you're interested maybe you'll get matched up with me tonight.

How bad are we talking? Like unable to do hadoukens bad or unable to do shoryukens bad?

I'll just wait for some other time or I'll ask particular people for games. Thanks.

unable to do shoryukens bad

Oh yeah, Joker also got deconfirmed for the near future but they said he's not 100% out of the picture yet.

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Practice the DP motion and you'll be fine. However, this requires you to actually spend a full day practicing.

No probs. Feel free to join whenever you like. It's not that bad as long as you've got a wired connection when facing middling states and EC players in my opinion but we do have about 4-5 WC players that show up.

You're better off than most people starting out then. Like said, consistency to build your muscle memory is key.

After that comes combos and following that fundamental building.

So how would a guy like this play? Are those explosive cards like Gambit?

Is there a tutorial available that will run me through everything

Most definitely. It's a very in-depth material that covers many different things from basics to advanced situations you might find yourself in.

Probably like Oswald from kof xi

Ever play UMVC3? He sort of reminds me of Hawkeye since he's got status inflict cards and ones that pop you up.

>Do we really need balance changes aside from one(1) character getting buffed and one getting nerfed?
Who are they?

Your vat feels more natural Sei.

I keep getting so close to getting a win and then choking. It's just kinda pissing me off a bit

>using cards like daggers that he can use for melee and projectile

Sounds cool.

At least you're close, man. It's punching bag night for me. Keep your chin and your cool up. You got this.

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Thanks I've been labbing some new stuff with her lately.

>All those messed up inputs
Damn that was painful. Vat is one of the most fun MUs for me too so it wasn't even nerves. I got to get up early so I'll stop early tonight. Thanks for the matches guys.


>bait out dp

>bait out DP
>mistime backdash and eat it anyway

GG's Oni.

>bait out DP
>FD brake muscle memory kicks in from GG for a moment and I press A+B at the same time as back
>attack comes out and I eat the DP in the face
I gotta take the batteries out of that damn Autopilot

GGs my dude. Thanks for showing up and mixing things up with Wald.

Oof that sudden lag really fucked my shit up there that last round

You gotta take pride in the improvements you made. Not too long ago you were getting near double perfected. Now you're getting close 1-2's.

I want to play him but playing him is just unfun as fuck and everyone just dicks on me so I gotta stick to just unga with jew puncher

If he's unfun then why do you want to play him?

As an Enkidu secondary/sub I think that's just wrong personally.

character design, theme, aesthetic and actually being a UNI character instead of being a guest character

I mean hes got cool buttons but fuck everyone else just complete shits on you and you barely have any way of dealing with a lot of shit

A proper Enkidu is probably one of the scariest things to fight though.

I got 1 more in me PS lobbies since I'll be headed out to the gym so I'll be dropping this early GGs in case I don't make it back in time for some final matches.

Also, thanks for posting up those combos last time Dia. I've been giving mixing up my combo game a try and it's been quite fun discovering some new things (like how you can go 236A > dash > 5B into a nice confirm like that).

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Are you just starting out?
Because Enkidu can compete against the others just fine so as long as you know the match-up.

ggs. Have to duck out early as usual since it's Sunday.

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Ggs lads

I made this generalization because I was in the middle of a match but unless you're fighting Yuzu or Hilda, Enkidu can still tussle but you just need the patience and discipline to do it.
Hell, I make him work just fine.

No problem. You wind up figuring out a lot of things once you learn some of the optimal routes. It's how I figured out some of the optimal corner combo routes on my own, even though I don't have much opportunity to use most of them.

You can't complain about anything to with your locals because some of us don't have the luxury of having them. Be grateful, brother.

Please help me learn how to pressure as Enkidu, his mixup game feels really weak, who should I watch in order to learn how to actually hit someone? No matter how much I play and practice I keep getting my ass beat

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Does Enkidu even need to mix up? I thought he was all about whiff punishes and staggers.

Go watch Kamone and Takashi for some fundamental stuff
Or Frosty the Swoleman for some real gimmicks

Keep general reverse beat rules in mind, save up your 2A or 5A to keep yourself safe. If not, end things with 236A (first hit) or 22A/B. I'd actually need footage of you playing to really address specifics though.

Man, I'm so tired of getting smacked round 2. Why can I not stay at the level I was at in the first round? I swear I'm getting hustled.


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Because if you beat someone then they'll start getting even more serious.

>That worm basketball fireball combo

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Hilda truly is gimmicks personified.

>"Fufu! How does it feel to get manhandled by a little girl, desu-wah?"
Well, user?

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I hope it gets a timely English release. I don't want to feel like I have to import it and then buy it again later on.

Why don't you go RP in /vg/ or something

Red pill me on Carmine, I'm looking at picking him up possibly.

That's literally her win quote though. There's no roleplaying, that's a direct quote. I think it's you who is RPing since it sounds like you haven't played the game otherwise you'd know this.

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High Risk High Reward but his combos require puddle set-ups either during or before the combo to really get down.

I hope it has lobbies more like Guilty Gear's not in the sense that it has chibi avatars or any of that, but just in the sense that more than on fight can go on in a lobby at a time.

>22C didn't come out

Xrd's lobbies are the best format, hopefully other games including UNCLR start copying them

My mistake, save those types of questions for /vg/ is what I meant to say

That depends how benevolent Arcsys is feeling for the game's network mode.
I pray that they don't try to imitate DBFZ and Tag's "walk around with a chibi" main menu bullshit. Keep that shit to online or something

Ah, ok, fair enough.

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>I pray that they don't try to imitate DBFZ and Tag's "walk around with a chibi" main menu bullshit. Keep that shit to online or something
Those games even do it on the menus? I don't mind it in lobbies but the regular menus sound like they'd be a pain.

Oh yeah, DBFZ and Tag have button shortcuts to be fair but the main menus involve walking around to story mode, mission mode, shop, etc.

It’s cute though

gg pc bros, I have to sleep early today

New player here, which character should I play if I have a more defense oriented style of play.

GG's bro


There's a character with a shield.

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GGs al.

I'm out. GG's PC lobby.

Even my squaremate can just trash me, damn. With that sadness, I'm out. Have a good evening, PS boys.


I don't remember how to guard thrust.

Razzy is a returnee so I wouldn't be too bummed out. You're still lacking a true main and some BnBs to supplement while Razzy has had his gameplan going for a couple months.


I already forgot my gameplan, plus recent medical issues don't help with it.

GGs PC dudes. It's my usual quitting time.
Fun times.

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Tonight I only really want to practice 66B loop combos off 2C > 2Awhiff and the optimal CH assault j.C combo, but I guess I should stop fishing for these and actually work on the important things.

I dropping basic stuff now so I'm gonna call it. GGs

I'm fighting a medically-incapacitated guy and I'm still getting annihilated! Damn it all!

every character has a shield its called 4D lmao

Don't get too discouraged we've all been where you are just keep at it.
Also ggs PS4 lobby, I noticed I picked up a bad habit of back dashing.

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Don't worry, you just gotta keep gitting gud like I'm trying to.

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>bad habit of backdashing
You're tell me?

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How much longer till cl-r? And when the fuck are they gonna make Vatista a fun, not-charge character?

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I would probably cry if they made vat easier and made all my practice pointless.

>Vatista with quarter circle lasers and a flash kick you don't have to charge
Is this really the future you want user

>How much longer till cl-r?
Not until after EVO at the earliest
>Vatista a not-charge character
Stick to BBtag

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There's always Blazblue CTB Vat.

What makes matters worse is the characters I play have really shitty backdashes.

>There's probably another sect of lolifags being gatekept by Vat like how Yuzu gatekeeps the baikenfags
God bless

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>tfw never abuse Eltnum's vorpal for instant backdashes
Please brain.

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If I can do it, anybody can.

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Btw, I'd like any advice so I can get back in shape. I didn't lab at all today or the last few days so my hands are just going places.

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That's wrong, cause Linne exists.

Yes. I always gravitate towards zoners in fighting games. But charge characters are weird to me. It feels like I'm forced into certain patterns just to be sure that I have a special ready to launch, instead of just doing it on reaction. I don't know.

Linne's not flat enough.

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Linne is a grandma

Have you tried Hilda or Phonon?

Don't worry, they can't play her either.

There were a lot of things you just didn't punish so get back in the mindset of poking out.

But that's what Vatista is: A megamind character where you have to think and plan in advance.

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No. I don't own the game. I am waiting for cl-r

jesus christ that image is sickening

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See you in 7 months then! 2 years if PC!

She won't be changed.
You can bet on that.

Well if there's any guides on learning the fundamentals of charge characters in general, I'd be happy to try and face this issue of mine head on

Grow up

I agree
It's pretty shit

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GGs PC, gotta leave early today.

you just play them and get used to it
her combo missions are a good start


They should put in an option for touchscreen based special moves on Switch. That way she'll rival SSFIV 3D Guile in God Tier.

Definitely gonna get the PS4 version. It's either that or Switch, and the Switch gets bad luck with fighting game optimization

>press button for attack
>Nothing happens
Every. Fucking. Time.

I completely forgot about standing flash kicks

>retreating with lasers on command

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It doesn't take a sage to know that the Switch playerbase probably won't last very long either.

You're shit

Especially with the Switch lacking an ethernet port netplay will be a hell of a ride over there.

Thirded. Vat dont need titties like that.

Which is a shame but I'll be double dipping so I can play some casual unicl-r with family and friends during get togethers if they're interested.

Nah, stick to image dump threads

Don't forget the instant B drill overheads

dude chill

That triple dash B combo is pretty stylish, Attic.

You need to go chill at the bottom of a lake.

Oh trust me I didnt. Or being able to drop a crystal after every move

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>drill combos in practice mode for hours
>Can't do them at all online

Do you even play in these threads

Do they seem to be interested in anime fighters?

The actual combo uses two, but I'm bad at getting them out consistently so I'm practicing with three on CH.

I'm having that feeling right now.

Fight against max difficulty cpu Gord or Orie for an hour or two. That's what I do when I learn a new character

I think we all already know the answer to that...

That's an interesting take. Do they have better AI than the others?

I think cpu gord would be a better player than a lot of the ones in ranked if you cound't cheese him with staggers.

>AI gord better than ranked Gords
I think I can say the same for all the ranked Linnes I've fought.

I've honestly assumed everybody in ranked is at least this lobby's level and up and wanted to just get beat up by people I can at least talk to right after.

Half the people you run into in ranked will never block and will mash A on every wakeup.
Some of those will be Red square with a million RIP.

K im just falling off now GG's Pc lobby

I have like a 35~% winrate in ranked and I've never won a single game in a Yea Forums lobby

>Some of those will be Red square with a million RIP.
I had a good laugh when I ran into one of these. These guys actually do exist..

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Depends on which platform you're talking about. Most of the PC lobby members seem to play above the level of the average PC netplayer. describes me to a T, though.

It depends personally I win more on ranked than in these lobbies, there's a lot shitters that play ranked.
How much RIP is considered a lot?

I held on to my red for a bit so it cant be that surprising.

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I got about a 42% rate and have only won like 4 matches total in the lobbies here. Ranked is a toss up of people who are really bad, or same as the people here

GGs, Playstation lobby, thanks for helping me derust a little bit. I'll be back to being a regular starting wednesday. Try to see if I can do some labbing in the mean time and maybe play with those discord people.

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I remember the guy who wrote that "I wanna get strong at UNI" series saying 2 mil is considered the high level (talking about JP arcades). idk whether RIP scales in such a way that that also applies to NA PS4/PC playerbases or not

GGs everyone

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Anyone want to play for a bit longer?

2 Mill RIP for a character lands you close to the Top 80 people in the netplay ladder in the console version so it's a bit tougher to say.
I have like 13k points with Hyde and I'm around rank 61, I don't think it's all that great of an indicator but anyone with 2 mil is definitely someone who's put in the time at least.

Now this is scary

ggs everyone, I'll grind out the actual important stuff one of these days but I just want to get these few combos into muscle memory.

Feels damn good to be finally able to play again.
GGs everyone.
Hey, that's the guy I died to last year.
Good thing I can actually fight a Linne now.

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>SSFIV 3D Guile in God Tier.
Did anyone actually play this game
Is there a compilation or something because I can't comprehend how dumb that is

So now that I've booked my hotel/ flight to Las Vegas. I've been thinking about how I'm not at all used to matches with no lag. I'm thinking a week before I go to Vegas I should not play in a lobby at all and just practice all my combos against the AI.

It's not really the same

Like at all.

Tourney monitors tend to have some serious inherent lag.
You just never know unless you play a shitton of casuals and warm-ups before the tourney begins.

>tfw you finally broke 4-1 virginity
still havnt try actually playing her yet

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Yeah, but I need to practice against something with no lag. Broken says he'll bring his ps4 with him so I can practice against him the night before the event starts but I really need to get used to not 3-4 frame muscle memory.

>tourney monitors
>seriously lagging at evo, where all the tourney setups are 1f lag monitors that they shill for all day

UNIST is a main game this time bro, and even anime-evo last year wasnt stuck with garbage monitors, I dont think any games had that issue last year actually.