Open door

>open door
>get one-shooted by guy with shotgun

Now, that was the real Max Payne experience!

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>remember what killed me
>pass part

>open door
>stands in the open like a jack's ass
>wooooow how was I supposed to know there would be an enemy there!!!

>game doesn't have cover system and waist high barriers to duck behind at every turn
>omg shit game
>*opens meme folder*
>heh, i'll use the boomer meme that'll show em :^)

>drive through mafia territory
>car instantly explodes from shotguns
They don't make GTAs like they used to

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>open door
>cultist teleport behind you and kill you

These zoomers are just mad that they get such shitty games in the current year.

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>only way to play the game is to savescum
fucking boomer shit game design

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kek the quake 3 box looks like a monster zero ultra

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Sounds like the Rainbow 6 Vegas experience.

It definitely does. It'll be great if they make a monster zero with a red logo.

>game: sucks you against a wall and and gives you an unskippable 12 minute tutorial on how to press the x button

Now those are the days

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wtf is this image
>there were no multiplayer games between SMB: Melee and league of legend
also doesn't help that most people I knew who played league are like 25+ at this point although none of them play anymore.

I fucking wish my friends had been into PC shit so I could've enjoyed shit like Quake

t. 27-year-old doomer.

I hated this about GTA 3
>oh hmm this area looks interesting is there a secret here
>10 people open fire on me
y-you too

The "30 year old boomer" caricature of millennials is too cool/flattering. The true image of millennials to most people is a hipster faggot like pic related.

Attached: hipster-stupid-millennial-.jpg (640x450, 138K)

your image is shit and you should feel shit

The late 20s hipster faggots shouldn't even be a part of any generation.

>Infinite Warfare is a zoomer game
>Every other game with the exception of PUBG is younger

Someone replace IW with BO4, because only Treyarch shills are the faggots that ruin what COD was.

cod was literally always shit. kys
>but i love modern warfare when I was 11 *wets bed*

doesn't quickloading fuck up the adaptive difficulty though?

>Someone replace IW with BO4,
Get a PC so you can do it yourself next time, phoneposter.

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>adaptive difficulty

You should get out more

Let's make it a little simpler.

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I never had bawls. wtf is that?

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>I never had bawls. wtf is that?
Literally the greatest beverage on the face the Earth. Hard as hell to find, though.

*blocks your path*

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More like soil because whoever plays it smells like shit


dying in a video game isnt a sign of bad design. if you manage to play an action game through without dying once now that's bad design right there.

>. if you manage to play an action game through without dying once now that's bad design right there.
That's what zoomers want in a video a game.
>Die once
"How was I supposed to see that coming! BAD GAME DESIGN!


Google it. Apparently only max Payne 1 had it, depending on how much or how little you die, the game would adjust the enemies health, reflexes and so on.

>go in room
>do the diving shoot thing
>take out one guy
>laying oun floor
>get shot before standing up
>load game
>shoot 1 guy then do the air dodge
>3rd guy comes from nowhere

max payne 1 has cheap as fuck enemy placement but its like chess