Any games where the main character turns evil for no reason?
Any games where the main character turns evil for no reason?
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She was evil from the beginning
>for no reason?
What are you talking about, This has been hinted at since the beginning.
The moment she decided to marry her rapist captor, To further her goals of becoming the Queen. She snapped there, and we've seen multiple little episodes when we see her ruthlessness.
And it makes sense, She knew she was losing her claim. She's desperate at this point, I think I'd be surprised if she didn't go full mad queen.
this her going evil is the only thing im happy about this season
>No reason
Baten Kaitos
The answer is always Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
>no reason
she was always crazy, you roastie
She went evil in the span of one and a half episodes. Her evil character arc from before had been redeemed like 5 seasons ago. This season has been more fan service than actual show. It reminds me of the last jedi
Prototype 2.
She burned people alive for not bending the knee just one season ago
>She went evil in the span of one and a half episodes
Absolutely not, you're just too stupid to see the signs throughout the series. She was never going to stop until she is on the throne. She's exactly like the tyrants she swore to take down.
>game where the enemy asks to many questions before battle
>This season has been more fan service than actual show. It reminds me of the last jedi
>last jedi
>fan service
What the hell are you smoking, the fans hated it because it didn't pander to them.
That was 100% justified
In her mind, so was burning down the red keep.
Why should she tolerate her usurpers? She's owed the iron throne.
I don't remember if that's exactly the case, but that girl from Neverwinter Nights main campaign go nuts in the first chapter
I want a game where the protagonist overthrows an evil leader, creates a new government but ends up becoming a dictator because trying to reform society is too difficult, then the 2nd half/sequel switches to a new protagonist who ends up slaying the original, who was suicidal and wanted this to happen
>random discord phone screencap with twitch emotes
I'm hoping this is satire
Fable 3 does most of that. The game itself is shit, though.
Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2.
>I want a game where the protagonist overthrows an evil leader, creates a new government but ends up becoming a dictator because trying to reform society is too difficult, then the 2nd half/sequel switches to a new protagonist who ends up slaying the original, who was suicidal and wanted this to happen
You just described Fable 3.
The entire plot of the game is about you trying to overthrow your brother whose a tyrant.
You make this happen by making promises to people along the way that help you, But when you finally overthrow him you realize that he wasn't exactly evil, he was just making difficult decisions that made him unpopular.
The last third of the game is about you breaking the promises and the repercussions of that. It's actually a pretty nuanced story.
Last boss was shit though.
Fable 3 is the perfect example of "great concept, horrible execution"
Any games where redditors stay in their containment board and mods rangeban the redditors who make offtopic threads that start with "Any games where..."?
>The last third of the game is about you breaking the promises and the repercussions of that. It's actually a pretty nuanced story.
Or you can abuse your landlord powers and never break a single promise.
>no reason
please, she had plenty of reasons to burn that bitch's city
>The last third of the game is about you breaking the promises
somebody didn't git gud. I beat Fable 3 and I broke NONE of the promises
Imagine unironically watching GoT.
Much like MGSV, this franchise having such a terrible ending is 100% deserved.
Terrible franchise, even worse fanbase.
But the whole point was the game making you choose between promises in conflict with each other.
I don't remember ever having the option to keep all of them, there was always a contradicting promise or two.
Just be happy knowning that there are thousands of little girls out there named after a medieval hitler.
>I don't remember ever having the option to keep all of them, there was always a contradicting promise or two.
you just needed a lot of money to keep the promises.
holy fucking cringe
Imagine being a showfag who believes Daenerys was always some sort of yass queen girl power icon.
They stopped making those in 2012.
please i came here to get away from Yea Forums i dont care about it just stop
Let me guess, you are one of the obese reddit millennials who actually watches this show.
It had nothing to do with her losing her claim.
The writers literally said right after the episode ended that the only reason she did this shit is because the bells ringing reminded her of all the bad things she went though in her life.
That's it.
No user, the redditors don't have enough with 5 generals and spamming an entire board to attention whore, they need to flood to other boards to talk about one of the worst TV shows in history that embodies perfectly everything wrong with modern western media.
>stories that go against my worldview are bad
>stories that agree with my worldview are good
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
I don't even watch GoT I just found that post pretentious.
What worldview does GoT show, exactly?
That you should be as scummy as possible to get what you want?
The only joy you can get from watching GoT is seeing the main characters die as horribly as possible, because that's what they all deserve.
assassins creed 3 has some elements of this. you play as an "evil" guy first then you play as his son who has to hunt him down, then in the dlc you have to fight george washington who is mad with power
>I don't even know what it's being talked about but I found the tone of the message funny
What made you think posting that was worthwhile?
Scummy nefarious characters are fun to watch sometimes, it doesn't mean you endorse that behavior in reality.
They are when there's something to constrast them with.
GoT is basically all scummy characters being smug one against another, as they play some retarded trick to try to kill the other over and over again.
GoT is basically what if a 12 year old Linkin Park listener tried writing LOTR fanfiction.
>GoT is basically all scummy characters being smug one against another, as they play some retarded trick to try to kill the other over and over again.
That sounds fun in its own way as well, though obviously not highbrow.
>They are when there's something to constrast them with.
Stop. You are attempting to argue that fantasy literature informs the reader how to behave in real life.
Did she finally go batshit insane? Been checked out of the series for a while.
>Did she finally go batshit insane? Been checked out of the series for a while.
She torched an entire town with her last dragon after they raised the white flag just to try and kill their leader
thank you, kind sir.
No, the problem is that people support these characters, when the only thing you should support is in what order would you want to see all these sumbags die.
No fucking way
Qyburn's death was shit, he was my favorite character.
Please dont bring this garbage over here, I'm already in exile from Yea Forums until this trash show is over as is
Reminder that this is the most expensive TV show ever made.
Reminder that they delayed this season for a year to "make it good".
Remember that an episode that all normalfags loved is now seen at the same level as the new Star Wars movies and people are only sticking around to see just how bad it gets before the end.
And thank god for it.
Here's your expensive TV show bro.
I guess that means she'll get shanked the shit out of before the series is over. Good, good.
She burned more than just the keep. Those peasants and surrendered soldiers weren't usurping shit.
reminder this episode was actually good and kino. they totally botched the ending to the night king story but aced all the plots they finished off this week.
So THIS is the power of daytime CGI!?!?!
What the fuck are you smoking.
The point of GoT is that people are not all scummy nefarious people. Just that all the scummy nefarious people that have been in power since Robert's rebellion have caused shit to go tits up.
Basically: Fuck the Lannisters. Also Littlefinger.
>Remember that an episode that all normalfags loved is now seen at the same level as the new Star Wars movies
got a source?
if the spoilers I read was true, she does. Then again the same spoilers said that Cerci would commit double suicide with her lover but instead they got crushed by rubble
Did you not see the scene where they panned over the city? The entirety of the King's Landing was rubble.
So it's GRRM's fault, that he writes characters with enough dimension that the audience/reader can relate to them?
Have you checked any social media?
The only people who are happy are those that hate GoT for being SJW.
>The point of GoT is that people are not all scummy nefarious people
But they all are.
Every single character in GoT has more than enough reasons to deserve death.
No. Cersei and Jaime's ending was unsatisfying as fuck. What was the point of the scene where Tyrion freed him, and what the fuck was the point of the scene where he got shanked by Euron, if they weren't building towards a dramatic scene where he helps Cersei escape, and bleeds out on the boat? Why did he get so viciously stabbed if he was going to die to falling rocks?
>women actually doing anything
they can piss off
What will be Bran's Tax policy?
How's that modern fantasy going for you?
>women actually doing anything
You mean fail?
Fuck you for getting my hopes up into thinking this THICC thot is from a game. Turns out its just from that fucking meme show.
TAX-ES. You reported them, you file them you stick it in the mailbox.
Imagine caring about Game of Thrones
I can understand caring about an ongoing series but I also have the sense to know when something I'm invested in is taking a retarded direction and bow out
Arya killed the Night King and by extension THE ENTIRE UNDEAD ARMY
>everything was fine in the end because he did the right thing
i don't think you know what evil means
You(and Jaime) were fed false hope, only to have it crumble around you.
Not to get too analytical, but I think it's sort of like the bargaining stage of grief.
>If Tyrion frees Jaime, then he'll be ok.
>If Jaime just gets Cersei out, then he'll be ok.
>OK, Jaime is fucked, but maybe he can at least save Cersei, that would be a nice end to his character.
And then after all that bargaining, you just have to accept that there's no way out. You just have to accept you've lost.
"But D&D aren't smart enough for hat", you're probably saying. Except they wrote it directly into the episode. Cersei explicitly bargains with Qyburn, before finally deciding to escape.
evil dany and jaimie/cersei are the only good parts of this season
imagine being this normie
I bet you have fucking facebook pages
Which was fucking retarded and came out of nowhere.
It was just another
Can't wait for Arya to kill Dany too. I hope she at least fucking uses Jon's face to do it. It's absolutely retarded that she hasn't used that tactic at all this season.
All you fucking retards arguing if what she did made sense... Shes a highly emotional unstable woman, of course she doesnt make sense!
Thats not what she actually looks like ingame. Fuck off shill
She's in.
Danaerys going mad was due to 300 years of solid incest, just like her father before her. There really didn't need to be a reason.
I swear user. It was good up until season 4. I stuck past that to season 5 and finally bailed.
>watching a show based on garbage from GRRM, aka what if Tolkien gained 300 pounds and had the mind of a millennial
Jon kills Dany
fuck off normies
Ugh, that sucks. I hate the way the way the controls feel in games like Fable and Kingdom Hearts, so goddamn clunky
I hate the show, but you're a little bitch.
Seth McFarlana used to fuck this bitch. Let that sink in normie fags.
I fucking adore these kinds of posts, same shit happened after the third episode. Keep spinning those wheels, those years dedicated to this show only to end because the show writers gave up meant something :^)
oh come the fuck on theres nothing for me on Yea Forums anymore either. seriously the whole fucking board is some reddit tier bullshit on Yea Forums
im just going to wank it and go to bed then.
>But they all are.
>Every single character in GoT has more than enough reasons to deserve death.
Jon Snow? Sansa? Bran? Ned fucking Stark deserved to die?
Should i watch GoT
I never got past maybe 3 or 4 episodes of season 1
Watch season 1 - 4. Easily the best show in history. Well, maybe not better than Rome season 1.
>Entire plot of the show overturned literally because someone got triggered
>Jon Snow
After being Danaerys' submissive little pet bitch this episode, definitely.
Sansa definitely deserves to die. She's been a shit character the whole show.
People watch those and take them seriously?
Well, ROME is hard to top
is season 5 when santa claus ran out of book material to give HBO?
tyrion freed him so that he could die with cersei as he was always meant to do. tyrion also explains that he felt a life debt to jaime and this was his act of paying that debt. the shanking was just to increase the tension of jaime's fight with euron for cersei's honor
Don't get me wrong. I still think the show turned to shit after season 4. And I still think this episode was bad. I'm just not falling for the meme that every word D&D writes is meaningless dogshit.
It's not better than season 2 either, as rushed as it was.
Sure they’re horribly written now but the original post was saying all of the characters are scummy. They aren’t.
>is season 5 when santa claus ran out of book material to give HBO?
For the most part yea. D&D, the directors of the show, realized GURM, the lazy fat ass he is, won't be able to write enough for season 6+ so season 5 is when the show started to diverge from the plot of the books. Some elements of book 5 are taken but not all.
Look, you have to rule by fear. If the people don't love you, then you make them fear you.
>hurr u do ting me no liek?
>hee me betdur dan u
>stoppid, bee liek me and liek wot I liek!
it's not hard being better than you and it's fun making fun of retards with shit taste
>says shes going to burn towns in earlier season
>burns town
>main character turns evil
some of you people are dumb