WoW Classic, home

We'll be home soon boys

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Other urls found in this thread:[Embed]

feral trannies rise up

Comfiest place to live on Azeroth?

I'd take that little tauren hut on the border of Mulgore and Barrens near Camp T.

I've always been partial to Dun Morogh

This warrnigger psyop is an epic fail


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>want to play alliance because I played horde and want to see the other side of the game
>will have to play with female night elf players and ret paladins
Are my concerns valid?

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this "it's coming home!!" shit is fucking weird dude.

Based druid reference dump
Tanking endgame content
Farming in heal spec
Farming lashers in dm
PVE spec = PVP spec
KILLING named quest ELITES SOLO /w appropriate gear @ level.

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it's not even five posts into the thread

i don't even go on Yea Forums that much and i've seen you in every thread

what hurt you

i hope you enjoy Gnomergon, you'll be going there a lot

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keep dabbing on those fucking warroasties bruh


They're present, but avoidable, if you really want to.

Are they actually gonna update the game when it releases like they do with OSRS? Otherwise the game will be dead within 2 years.

What is sharding?

If this was really wow classic than paladins should only ever be allowed to cleanse in molten core, and then /follow on the warlock

hahaha dumb warrniggers lose again, PUT THE SHIELD ON HONEY

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>Be horde
>Good distribution of all races

>Be alliance
>Everyone plays male human or female NE. 5% max of pop plays dwarf/gnome

at least play a based Dwarf when you do so you don't contribute to the stereotype.

>Are my concerns valid?
There aren't many feelings worse than seeing the best pvp support class in the game enter the bg and the initial excitement turning to disappointment when you realize he's wearing a 2h sword. Rets or reck paladins who play to their strengths are rare as an anime girl avatar with a broken mic in a /vg/ discord turning out to actually be female. They freedom themselves, bop themselves, don't cleanse their team, and simply waddle after some mage in mid while their team gets destroyed.
You have to suffer with enhance morons horde side but at least enhance still drops their totems for their friends, their purges aren't going to waste.

>TWO months of the Same post, Same spam, Same talking point, Same Wojack spam, and the SAME HEADER on OPs post.
Why the mods won't put you faggots back in /vg/ is beyond normal human thought .

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camp mojache is pretty cool. maybe deathknell

This is my BG meme spec for grinding honor in tarren mill vs southshore battles in phase 2, or AV in phase 3. I will throw on a bunch of fire damage gear and just spam rain of fire in packs of hordies, making sure to summon a VW then sac for shield, then insta summon imp and sac for fire damage before i run into the middle of a bunch of horde and spam hellfire or rain of fire

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In what other game has every class been called overpowered in PvP? Everybody has a different opinion about which classes are overpowered in PvP and there isn't a single class that isn't called overpowered in one aspect or another.

Classic isn't perfect, but its damn close and I can't wait to play

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Almost heaven...


>Rets or reck paladins who play to their strengths

in classic the only useful paladins in pvp were holy with BoP, and then a quick bubble hearth if things got too tight.

This is what happens when classes actually have roles that they actually excel at.

>posts post-Cata screenshot

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>wanna play night elf for nostalgia
>friends playing horde for their nostalgia
what do I do

I dunno man, for Horde it just goes Undead>>>>Orc>>Tauren (cause of druid)>>Troll

What's the best Classic Private Server right now?

it's an extension of phasing technology from wotlk. each zone has various instances of the same area that players are placed into. players are moved into and out of "shards", or differing instances, of the same zone depending on the population. this is done either to reduce the population if there's heavy traffic in a zone to ensure people can complete quests and kill mobs, or to increase the population in places like cities to create a faux sense of a larger population than actually exists.

I'm noting that if a ret plays the support role rather than being a shitty warrior, it's not so bad. Simply freedom'ing his warrior friend is more than most rets figure out.
Yes, I'd rather they were support healers as well.
>bubble hearth
yes, funny, but can only be done after 52nd level so any zoomer pretending he was bubble hearthing is a fibber, and also useless in a bg.
I'm not endorsing rets going "dps" (at least outside of 1v1s) but any paladin that can use his support kit on others instead of just on himself can be an asset. The issue is that more rets or recks just run in thinking their a warrior with heals which is not the case at all. What they are is some slow moron who gets kited by everyone and melee simply avoid him.

ever play gw1 or pso?

easy answer
either convince your friends to go alliance or you suck it up. Always play with your friends if you have the option available, you'll regret it if you don't.

>melee simply avoid him

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i just remembered all of MC and BWL casting blessings and cleansing and sitting out of combat waiting to res. Plus who didnt spend 90% of their gametime as lvl 60?

play with your friends. you can always make an alt.

My one problem with classic is that I always play flavor of the expansion.
>Death Knight
>Demon Hunter
This is less about the newness and more that they all have aesthetics and playstyles that I like. What should I play in classic that's similar?

If they realize he's reck, then yes.
If they don't realize he's reck then they figure it out quick. I was speaking from a bg perspective.
I don't think anyone can argue reck isn't a decent 1v1 wpvp spec but a lot of stupid shit works in wpvp.
That is what paladins deserve but it wont be your life in 1.12 classic so its irrelevant.

hunters get to play pokemon with all the pets to learn skills. shadow priests were always super fun imo

Dude, you were playing "pretend classic" , stop thinking that druids are viable, they're fucking trash, you only bring them for utility and they can't beat anyone in pvp.

me. i mean i was a super shitter 14 y/o at the time but i didnt even hit 60 before BC came out. that being said, world pvp, leveling/questing, running dungeons, and just fucking around out in the world provided greater fun and memories than any experience I've had at max level in any other expac.

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basically instancing the overworld, two people can be in the same place but they won't see each other
just a way to skimp on server costs

i used to play a lot with a disc/shadow priest without shadow form. he'd heal everyone to full, mana burn pallycucks, fearbomb everytime it was off cd, helmet mages before they poly, dotted every rogue, wanded bitches to death, buffed everybody, top you off with renew, shield before you took a hit, silence their healers and made sure to type gg. gg dude

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More like
>Be horde
>80% of Horde plays Undead or Orc with the occasional Tauren druid or Troll hunter thrown into the mix

Objective feral druid tier list:
Top tier:
Nelf male, Tauren female
High tier:
Tauren male
Mid tier:
Low tier:
Shit tier:
Extreme shit tier:
Apocalyptically shit tier:
Nelf female

Druids are literally the gods of 1v1 in PvP. Even when undergeared compared to their opponents they will still usually win every time, assuming skill levels are equal. Only exception is warlocks who have r14 gear or AQ40/naxx gear

Nice Cataclysm water graphics, you fucking poser retard.


There isn't one, the classes are muddy and lack identity. Paladin and warlock deliver the most flavor, though, so probably one of them.

Woyer is the objective flavor of 'expansion'.
>top DPS
>best tank
>raids flooded with them over any other class

neat, he sounds rad, but wtf does that have to do with paladins being dumb

Rogue, Warlock, and Hunter are the most fun Vanilla classes for me

nothing just saying when people are playing their class to the fullest, it's awesome to run with them

>shows video evidence of druids doing multiple things most other classes can't do
>not based

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>will win
It's "can't lose", because you just run away whenever you see someone.

>classes are muddy and lack identity
this post was dumb and i regret replying to it

ohhh i see now, not sure why I'm so cranky tonight. Sorry user. Yes, that is awesome when that happens. My complaint is that it's rare to see when a paladin is larping as a warrior and it's a shame because they are so fucking useful when doing it "right".

Trannies and entitled biocunts are pretty rare. You do get female players but the "You MUST respect me even though my uptime is crap" crowd are the minority.
Retdins ... Trust me, Eleshams are worse. At least Retdins have kings and cleanse.

This. Druids just outlive range dps of casters
Kite melee dps to death
But fighting hunters and warlocks sucks ass

warrior. rage works similarly to runic power, but you don't have runes to worry about. both are plate-wearing, heavy-hitting melee.
rogue. they use energy and combo points, which is basically the same as chi. they can't tank or heal though. druid is kinda similar if you want to try tanking and healing.
>demon hunter
not really any equivalents in vanilla. warlock has the demon aesthetic but plays nothing like a dh. rogue is probably the closest to capturing their playstyle of being a mobile melee class, though they're not nearly as tanky.

if you have literally no idea what you want to play, look up pvp or pve videos from vanilla or private servers and see which one looks the most fun.

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hunters arent bad at all cause bear form and feral charge and you can just hibernate the pet, and warlocks arent even that bad till they get geared. but once they're real geared, shit hurts. geared warriors who have decent crit luck are usually the only ones that can take them on 1v1, assuming skill is about the same

you honestly have to seek them out to find them. They don't hang out in normie guilds for obvious reasons. Simply not playing with Yea Forums or /vg/ eliminates virtually all risk of playing with some e-gurl

Where is Mankriks wife though?

we'll never find her

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Play as a hunter so you can kite everyone to death in bgs.

Also a lot of the "You must respect me even though my uptime is crap" crowd tend to be single mothers and divorcees.
Hopefully that's just my confirmation bias / limited anecdotal sample size speaking though.

she's under the dock at ratchet, look for the skeleton. it's hard to find, only a few bones stick out of the mud. look for the seaweed

>WoW Classic, home.
>At least it was before Blizzard fucked everything up.

Say that to the endless shit spam of
DMC threads
Smash threads
Mordhau threads
Majong threads
And the countless others you dumb retard kill yourself

>Great friends and pals for life
Dwarf male
Tauren male
Troll male
>Chill times and good buds, might be slightly weird but in the good way
Gnome male
Night elf male
Undead female
Tauren female
>Cool dudes or total cunts, no middle ground
Human male
Orc male
Night Elf female
Troll female
Undead male
Human female
Orc female
Gnome female
>Dwarf female
Dwarf female

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>cata water
that ain't home

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>good distribution of all races

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I always thought warrior, rogue and hunter felt like more general adventurer classes that would travel the world doing quests. All classes feel like they have a place though.

The main world is now an instance, with a player limit of ~50 or so in any one zone.

>want to play shaman
>also want to enjoy comfy ally zones

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>spooky scary skeletons
>green niggers
>walking steak
>lanklet cope
>purple humans
>fat manlets
>skinny manlets

The quillboar are using her as a breeding sow for Agathelos in the depths of RFK

mankrik mor elike mancuck

PvPing without soul link?
Nigga u dumb

the nicker is here
better blackrock slice him

I'm looking forward to dying from falling and drowning.
Also not having any silver and can't afford my spells.

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>Classic and Retail
What soulless games

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good luck with that chief. with the amount of time it takes to kill anyone but an undergeared clothie with a hunter, you'll inevitably run into somebody else who will fuck you up before you can finish the job

user, I dont know how to tell you this.. But you're fucking retarded

>lanklet cope
I thought they were Jamaicans

>mana burns you
what kid?

Is anyone else not that excited for classic anymore? Hope with a release date the hype comes back but I don't really care anymore

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have sex

>you honestly have to seek them out to find them.
Not true, I met one in BC. He was a Holydin in one of the Tempest Keep 5mans (I forget which), referred to his lay on hands as "spiritual viagra" and constantly tried to flirt with people.
Told him once to stop.
He kept going harder.
Told group I am not comfortable with the gay healer, left group, hearthed out.
Oh it was the Botanica, I remember now. Since we were in the room before the one with all the little lashers when I hearthed.


man that post just depresses me. pretty related to nu-wow in that people's primary concerns aren't related the core of the game or gameplay at all. people only care about the cosmetic bullshit fluff cause all that matters is transmog and other collectible garbage

stand in the back and assist your team with kills and peel for your healer instead of trying to kite some retard around an open field

Up near the northeast of un'goro crater
People autorun AFKing from tanaris fall off the ledge and splat
Then you laugh at them
It's good

>no conflag
>no soul link
>no shadow mastery
>skipping shadowbolt
>skipping shadowburn
>skipping all dot talents for multi target
You know you can just cast rain of fire without taking a bunch of talents that don’t actually improve it?
I don’t even play lock.

I will mail a bomb to blizz hq if there’s not an announcement this week.

How will you react when they enable HD models in classic?

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Female Human, Fem Tauren, Fem Gnome, Fem Nelf are the only acceptable races

Lakeshire or Auberdine for me.

*keeps beating on you as a bear wondering why you are casting that*

this is for honor grinding
i'm not going to tryhard the grind to rank 10/11

just rez, run over to where the giant pvp clusterfuck is, cast rain of fire, die, rez, do it again

i'm not going to give myself arthritis by tab targetting a dozen players and dotting them over and over

Get your ERP shit out of here.

I assumed it was bait because of how stupid of an idea it is. Tab dotting is a much safer and effective way of getting kills in murderball style pvp. A little VW shield isn't going to stop anyone from getting their shit wrecked, especially spamming Hellfire, lmao

>original character ud male spriest
>tempted to recreate it
>also tempted to try something new
>looking at femorc ele shammy
Two requirements: must be able to heal in raids, must melt faces in pvp.

>have to farm truestrike, savage gladiator chain, battleborn, painweaver, and HOJ
>have to buy lionheart, edgemasters, cloudkeeper, and eventually titanic
>as a human you have to farm ironfoe, as an orc you have to buy two epic axes and deal with threat issues constantly
>greatly benefit from ranking past r10
reminder that if you dont know what your doing and have neet-tier playtime available to play something besides fury warrior (preferably a mage or warlock, rogue not that much better outside of saving 2000g in required boes)

Does Mana Burn hit bears/cats in classic?
I know you have a hidden mana bar and you can run out of mana while shifting in and out of cat form.
Does Moam still leech off you?

Where are my Elwynn bros at?

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>Tab dotting
is also a good way to give yourself RSI on your honor grind to rank 10/11

>Wishful thinking
How nice, good luck to you guys, You're gonna need a hell of a lot of it for this

I wouldn't care because I'm not excited for classic for the graphics

>balloon tits
>no really, literal balloons
>retarded looking awkwardly held staff
>horrible makeup
>what the fuck is that hair dye
>high heels
Let’s not even get into the shit quality of the model. How do people jerk off to this?

>Death Knight
Undead Warrior
Roleplay as a drunken Orc or Dwarf
>Demon Hunter
Night Elf rogue

>he hasnt been playing Ascension instead

how is it any different than killing 100000 quest mobs on the way to 60 or pressing shadowbolt for 2 hours straight on raid nights?

I'd much rather play with people playing female humans or nelves that might be tranny instead of playing with obnoxious as hell Undead players that cant stop talking shit or saying dumb stuff like "lel"

To be fair humanity is so horny people nut to floor tiles

No it fucking won’t. Even at high intensity, button mashing won’t do shit. The only thing that will injure you is playing with low dpi for 14 hour days for weeks, on your mouse hand.

>not having a clickity clackity keyboard cuckoo for raid nights

Yeah, but I can understand that, even in it’s incomprehensibility.
>Tammy puts itself

lmao youd have to be a turboretard to grind half a dozen 1% drop items before MC

prebis is a fucking euroneet pserver meme, get what you can and step through the easiest raid in the games history in blues

you think you do but you don't

tab dotting is annoying as fuck on rank 10/11 grind, are you serious? like why bother if i can do comparable dps by pressing a single key and clicking?. you can suck a fat dick if you think i'm going to tab dot the entire murderball. i'll probably get buttstabbed by a rogue before i even get halfway through. would rather just rain of fire the damn thing from afar and hope for the best

i mean you can say what you want but its what im gonna be doing. so if you see a gnome warlock saccing his imp every respawn, that's me

wonder who's behind this post haha

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Spoiler that shit.

enjoy not getting a raid spot because 50% of the server is warriors

>face gets darker

this is some horror shit

shine on you crazy diamond

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woof is someone going to fall for this?

Anyone who has actually played pservers know how classes preform in pvp?
t1, t2, t3.

yes someone on Yea Forums is going to give you a complete rundown of all classes performance in pvp through all tiers of content

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played both horde an alliance on pservs, of course you gt the lolret pallies who only want to dps now and again but most were suprisingly open to heal, unlike shamans which never ever want to heal until they're forced too because lol windfury m8

i might be crazy/autistic. but i really like the class fantasy of doing massive fire damage to a group.

Imagine valuing your life so little that you not only play a bland, broken, deliberately slow timesink for months or years, but become overjoyed at the idea of doing the same fucking thing a second time.


t. Wageslaving gives my life meaning

>gifted glasses
God damn I know WoW can have some fucking idiots but how fucking delusional and loyal to a brand must you be to think devs are giving you the gift of something that should be standard?

When you fart and shit at the same time, normally unintentionally and in a place that was the bathroom.

>that nu-water
you're staying in BfA, Zoomer filth.

desu im only playing it to shit on comfy/homeposters in pvp
99% of the people in the threads have no clue how advanced/autistic the pserver pvp meta is and wouldn't stand a chance against a C- player using modern strats

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>Dun Morogh
Dun Morogh is peak comfy, but troggs suck and they overrun every inch of the place. They're ugly and make horrible noises, imagine the smell of unwashed femtrogg pussy.

>he doesn't know

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Right here bro

she's only pretending to write!

right here.

Human Warlock.

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I fucking need this bitch to get pegged by Sylvanas ASAP.

know what? I didn't play the demo!

>living anywhere near crossroads
enjoy getting raided by filthy alliance savages

no the ink just ran out and that's her reaction

anywhere in 2005 ;_;

>losing out on 2% crit and 5% mana

>rolling gnome, ever.

Unironically Pandaria, in Jade Forest.

You didn't mention gnome.
Unless you're planning to be a filthy gnome so you're just as bad

See you guys in the Jasperlode Mine

buh based

>tfw no panda wife

Only post wotlk xpac I’ve enjoyed. Literally everything to do with pandas was great. ToT was a flawless raid.
Faction war shit was dreadful, particularly how they massacred my boy.
Jaina Homeland is one of the most beautiful pieces of music in WoW, and made me actually look up who ally look characters were for the first time.

>tfw all my characters are undead males orc females and gnome females
stay mad get ganked

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Good taste, except for the ally scum.