Is it really worth all the hype? Should i emulate it on my switch? I'm a huge fan of the SNES Dragon Quest games, i've just never played this.
Yea Forums, I consider myself an RPG enthusiast, but i've never played this
Do it and don't come back until you finished it.
It's literally required playing for any fan of JRPGs, arguably RPGs as a whole.
It's one of the best games ever made in terms of pacing and storytelling in consideration to what tools they had to work with.
Just play it, it's not long
I think JRPGs are trash and have only finished a couple of them but Chrono Trigger is one of my favorite games. I would recommend it for sure.
play it, but know that its a little over hyped.
The story is good but the storytelling is pretty thin. You never get enough dialogue to feel for the characters fully. The gameplay, setting, & systems are all nice and fun.
I've been playing through the DQ games and have been really enjoying them(unlike FF). Would I enjoy CT?
chrono trigger is unironically a bad game. not even overrated bad, it's just plain and generic. combat is just turn-based with a time limit. story is absolutely forgettable aside from the forced bait and switch towards the end and the characters have zero depth.
music is alright.
don't waste your time
It's on every best games ever list and poll for a reason.
It's worth it for the music alone
This annihilates Dragon Quest bro
>combat is just turn-based with a time limit
This nigger doesn't even dual or triple tech
You know, I might get your expectations too high but when people tell me to watch or play something because it's a GOAT masterpiece I usually end up disappointed.
But this is one of the few that things that delivered.
>I consider myself an RPG enthusiast, but i've never played this
Does not compute.
RPG enthusiest
Never played the greatest RPG of all time
Pick one
No its shit and not worth the hype at all
Shut the fuck up Yea Forumstard if there's one game I ain't letting you scum shit on while I'm on watch it's this.
Amazing visually and a killer ost. Quick, simple fun combat. Game respects your time.
One of the greatest video games ever made.
just dont play the ds version or if you do look up what it added and ignore it completely
it's a great JRPG and a great game, you will enjoy it
probably, horii and toriyama worked on chrono trigger, though it's atb, that's my main problem with it
It's an okay game but get overrated. I'll take either snes ff over it. However, CT is way better than any 3d ff game.
CT is good and worth playing but it's the first rpg that dumbed everything down and immediately started the trend
>Is it really worth all the hype?
It honestly is.
It's basically the Stairway to Heaven of video games
>a little over hyped
It's like 25 years old, the fact that it still remains a well made and fun game to this day speaks to the craftsmanship and quality involved.
ive heard worse analogies
lmao this
Do you know that feeling you get when you cum from having your prostate massaged? Yeah, it's like that.
imo it's more like playing a well-made rpg that doesn't quite gel with my preferences
I played it but got bored at the future cyber area.
It's the best game ever made
How would you remake Chrono Trigger?
I wouldn't. It's fine the way it is.
No one should. There's nothing that needs to be remade.
go for it and ill never stop shitting on this awful game
CT is the first and greatest of the "generic psx rpg" subgenre, leaving titles like FF4 in the dust. Do yourself a favor and play DQ 2,3,4,5, any decent genesis RPG, megaten, or literally anything else.
I'm about to beat Earthbound for the first time.
Should I play Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy VI next?
It's perfect the way it is.
But it could be more perfect
>start playing CT
>reach the big bridge battle
fuck all of this, this has sapped my will to play, dealing with these cunts is a bigger slog than playing FF5
Both are good options that you should play eventually, but I'll say CT.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Everything in Chrono Trigger is easy as fuck up until maybe Slash and Flea.
Unless you completely have no idea what the fuck you are doing
What the fuck are you doing, nigger?
I made this chart a few years back and I don't think anyone can disagree.
In that case, lets leave all the combat mechanics and the graphics the way they are and just add more paths to the story instead. Keep the game exactly the way it is up until you reach the End of Time for the first time and then give the player much more freedom to fuck around and potentially fuck things up depending which time period they go to and what they do there.
Only holds true if you don't bring Lucca.
nah skip it
It's worth it.
I didn't play it until a couple years ago and I was honestly surprised by how well it's held up. It's got a fun theme but whatever you do, play it to completion. Last time I tried a playthrough I stopped for a few months and had no idea what part I was on. Hence not being able to figure out where I was supposed to go anymore.
I love all the story beats, discovering about Lavos and where it came from.
I love how the NPC dialogue mostly changes as you go through the game.
These look wrong somehow.
I've also never played Cross, but is this one throwaway line from a caveman NPC setting up its plot?
this is a bad opinion and you should feel bad for posting it
It's a game that carried a level of story that simply didn't exist before it at the time. They got together the absolute dream team of JRPG devs for it and it shows.
they pretty much used all the snes power
How is Chrono Cross?
It pushed it's hardware limitations for sure. People might mention something like SMW2 but that was using a graduated super FX chip which means the cartridge itself is actually utilizing abilities the SNES itself doesn't have.
not good
a cluster fuck of characters, and a clusterfuck of story
but once you understand what is happening, its pretty good. Good gameplay, good story, good music
so what's the best ending, besides the Dream Team ending
I remember starting it and being surprised how well put together it was and pretty easy to figure out just die to how intuitive it was. Oldder jrpgs can be a mess of menus and maps and shit bit this one is great. The only people who don't like it are people who hate popular things
I didn't like it.
>How is Chrono Cross?
"meh" game on it's own and a horrible sequel
as a trigger sequel ehhh, but as a stand alone game it is pretty alright, element field takes a bit to figure it out the first time but essentially straight forward. Art is really nice, though too many recruitable characters (about 40). Story wise a bit confusing first time around. Soundtrack is beautiful. Gameplay is standard RPG.
Eh, really ambitious but badly executed plot. But deserves to be played only for the soundtrack and some of the best graphics on the psx.