What are the reasons behind why modern Western vidya sucks so much cock compared to modern Eastern vidya?
What are the reasons behind why modern Western vidya sucks so much cock compared to modern Eastern vidya?
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EA, Activision, Resetera, Ubisoft, Blizzard
don't kid yourself and fuck your thread.
Cultural collapses.
Does China has an indie game scene? What kind of basement games do they make?
With so many people, you'd think there'd be a few hundred thousand closet game devs, but you never hear about them.
gtfo nigger
There was an entire panel discussing this at TGS last year actually
This site covered it
Cao Cao>Sima Yi>>>>Sun Ce>>>>>Liu Bei>>>>>>>>power gap>Zhang Fei>>>>>>Guan Yu
Icey is probably the most famous
Chinese have been god tier artists for centuries
shut the fuck up faggot suck my God damn cock
China isn't like Sweden or some other countries where the average person has enough disposable income to make video games in their house. In a few decades or centuries that will change, of course, but remember China just came out of a devastating war 69 years ago and has had even less time to develop economically.
>This represents the struggle of female mongolan dirt farmers. The black colors also infer the opression felt by all opressed people around the world.
nigga everything in your post applies to japan
the chingchongs are poor because of overpopulation, which they will literally never solve
The few good western AAA series have died or lost their souls. Development costs have risen too high so publishers only want a game with universal appeal which can rake in enough cash to make a profit so that the company can continue to grow and please their shareholders.
On the indie side, Steam let the greenlight floodgates open flooding the game store with tripe and making it harder to find good indies.
In addition, because users often want to purchase well received and popular products they'll likely gravitate to older titles (On PC at least, and especially on sales). This makes it more difficult for new releases to succeed and become popular enough to be well known. If you look back to the indie gold rush a lot of shit got popular which wouldn't stand a chance in today's market.
That's my view of it at least.
Too busy making mobile games, because the average chinaman has like a 4h (I'm not sure, but I've heard it can be ridiculously long) transit which gives them plenty of time for mobile but not much else.
or maybe it's because China is a corrupted orwellian nightmare
Japan got tonnes of free shit and also didn't go through the massive upheavals of collectivization, cultural revolution, etc.
so is America but they are the richest country in human history
WesternAAA vidya wants to make hollywood movies. Japan has it's roots envisioning games as toys, built for interactivity and fun.
>As of February 2018, no comprehensive, nation-wide social credit system exists, but there are multiple pilots testing the system on a local level as well as in specific sectors of industry.[25]
try reading your own article, brainlet.
Postmodernism was a mistake.
Well, not exactly, the ideology doesn't conform to a single definition. It's fucking gay.
Western vidya is made by college graduates who don't even like video games. There's no actual passion there and no creativity. Everythign is just cut scenes because why would anyoen want to actually play a video game?
In the east, the people actually like video games and they're passionate about the way they craft them. They're made by people why want to do things well rather than just the bare minimum so they can continue to collect a paycheck.
The USA certainly has its fair share of problems, but if we're talking about corrupted Orwellian nightmares like that user said then it is laughable to even try to compare USA to China.
For a recent example, just go read up on Fan Bingbing (popular/famouse Chinese actress) and how she suddenly and abruptly disappeared for 3 months.
Trigger warning, the post may trigger sjws
which is a fair point, but it's definitely not the reason that China is comparatively poor because similarly authoritarian countries like the Soviet Union were consistently richer than China
Why are Chinks and Mutts so easy to upset?
I'm not american. I'm not going to defend america. Nice guess faggot. China is 1000% more fucked up and corrupted.
rent free
USA is 1000% more fucked up and corrupted than Portugal but is fabulously wealthy while Portugal is poor as fuck
Suits taking over.
I think China is more comparable to the EU than to the US. I honestly see Europe having their own Orwellian surveillance bullshit if it goes well for China once it's fully implemented 3-4 years from now.
We live in a scary and depressing time not even video games can help us escape from, because playing video games reduces your social credit score.
We have statues all over Europe. No need to clutch this place with even more statues.
Because western civilization is in a decline from having it so good for so long. Just history repeating itself.
> doesn't conform to a single definition.
>We have to tear shit apart because we are ugly cunts who have long lost the human spirit and sense of fun and wonder
That about sums it all up.
I don't know what's your problem, but Hetalia was funny.
grow up
West just need some time.
no no no no no no no nonno no no no no
>West is the same, bland style with an overemphasis on quantity in an image over the actual quality
>East has a bold, striking aesthetic that puts emphasis on the subject in a unique and creative manner
>USA is 1000% more fucked up and corrupted than Portugal
No they're about as much.
can any artists give me some insight on what this japanese artist was trying to portray?
I don't like this painting, its smug aura mocks me.
>comparing Portugal, a small as fuck rectangle with 80% of its territory occupied by agriculture to the USA