ITT: villains that brainlets think are right but are actually wrong
ITT: villains that brainlets think are right but are actually wrong
You start, OP.
ITT OP is a brainlet that didn't understand caesar
Caesar doesn't even understand Caesar
>muh enslaving females is wrong narrative
You're too soft profligate.
God damn this is a retarded thread.
What seems to be the problem?
Thank you.
Something something brainlet Caesar’s dead brain
He was right in all regards
President Funny Valentine
Fedorafags seem to love larping as him because he's the "symbol of edginess."
>itt: villains who are actually just 13 year olds
Sephiroth is a l'oreal using mama's boy who died from a dollar store version of Zach (jk Cloud is cool)
Fedorafags relate to him because he's a loser
>fedora tier choice
ya no. Adults choose NCR.
If they were "right" then why is the sequel spent taking them down?
Ceasar and kreia are the classic brainlets who think they're right and who brainlets also think are deep.
They're both wrong and stupid, but speak with confidence and use big words so brainlets are taken by them.
inb4 anything related to 20th century history
if do good, helped man get weak
if do bad, helped man get weak
do opposite of what want do
me no like you anyway
me lose influence now
Caesar dresses up the realities of having to beat savages into doing what he wants in flowery language and philosophical allusions. He's like a phrenologist.
House is practically bipolar due to simultaneously being tactful and transparently blunt.
His space travel and other utopian plans are probably humanity's only hope though. If the Courier's access to Big Mountain allowed House to incorporate all their tech into his own it might actually be plausible that he could gather the resources to get off the irradiated rock formerly known as Earth.
Especially if the Zetans are canon and they could just fly up there to find a mothership to reverse engineer
Armstrong. It astounds me how people don't see what a hypocrite he is
ITT: villains that brainlets think are wrong but are actually right.
It's wrong to kill slavers
Independent Vegas is the patrician choice anyways