This is my favorite Metal Gear Solid game. I think it's a nice conclusion to the franchise and has one of the most engrossing 3rd Acts in all of vidya. I know a lot of Yea Forums doesn't like it, but that's okay.
This is my favorite Metal Gear Solid game...
Shit taste.
I mean, alright? I don't see how that correlates to anything I said.
The game is the worst mgs and your opinion is shit
You guys are assholes
Fuck off
game sucks, ruined my ability to ever get hyped for a game ever again. yes im a fucking faggot boomer
it's got a 94 Metacritic score, universal acclaim and multiple GOTY awards, but yeah... its not your opinion that's absolute dogshit. Honestly, every MGS game to me was great ...except V.
Yea Forums does seem to hate it though. idk why.
Yeah it's okay. Long move though.
Act 1 and 2 are good sections, a bit too cutscene and codec heavy in both how common but how long they were. Plenty of good sneaking to be had, shooting enemies is more fun than past games, and they fixed some issues like camo swapping. Also the animation of laying purely flat on the ground is something I missed in MGSV.
Act 3, beyond shit. Like holy shit a long boring trail mission with little story, to a long ass cutscene, to another on rails chase like MGS1 and 3, to a bad boss fight. Act 4 is only little robot shits that are just not fun to interact with, and an enjoyable fanservice boss fight. Act 5 is "okay", A bit of sneaking, story heavy, tons of fanservice.
Awful boss fights across the board except Ray/Rex and Liquid Ocelot which are mostly fanservice as fuck.
I liked V
But 4: Guns of the Patriots will always be the end for me
I liked GZ, but V is kind of a bore, for even how short it is. I mean, half the game is just repeat missions.
Yeah I agree but I loved building base
I'm a sucker for those types of games
The base building was cool, but there was just fuck all to do mission wise. It was run here, do this , leave, rinse and repeat. It didn't feel like a MGS game, to me anyway, and it also felt like it was missing over half its content.
I am too if it wasn't basically centered around fulton launching (which is fucking stupid by the way) again and again and again.
No kidding, I thought I was the only one who thought that
It felt like a "Fuck You" from Kojima after Ground Zeroes
Mgs survive was a lot better than v because it’s mechanics fit what it was trying to do, seriously if u like survival light games and the base building aspect of v, you will love it. As for main line games, v was trash and iv certainly didn’t live up to its predecessors but isn’t terrible as v claims
everybody fawned over it when it was released, but fuck.. i made it to the start of africa in my first playthrough and gave up i was so bored with go to this desert local, tranq everyone, fulton, S rank, leave. DIRECTED BY HIDEO KOJIMA. Then I tried it again, got through it, but then found out the last 15 missions were just the same ones from earlier but now "harder".
Not at all my favorite but I also love it user
>Awful boss fights across the board
Octopus is fun
Honestly the gameplay of MGSV might be my least favorite thing about that game. MGSV controls great but the objectives are very repetitive and the boss fights were horrendous when compared to any of the other MGS games.
what boss fights? i remember having a tank battle with sahelanthropus, but my tank got glitched, so i could keep firing non-stop and he couldn't hit me, so i had a good laugh. outside of the opening mission, the volgen parts were terrible.
TPP just felt like "Gear: The Phantom Gundam; Minecraft edition"
>johnny sasaki becomes a main character
MGS4 also controls great but its stuck in a story that doesn't let you actually play past the first two acts. MGSV is most fun when your tackling a new base when you know nothing of its layout, and that for me is when MGS in general is the most fun. New areas, no radar is the best.
Time hasn't really softened my view on MGS4 much. I still think it's mostly trash. Even the first two acts have a load of issues, and so do the fundamentals driving it. It had an awful mission statement with its game design and story both. The only game in the series I think is worse is maybe Portable Ops, but at least Portable Ops was kicked out of the canon.