The Codex Astartes does not support this Warhammer thread

The Codex Astartes does not support this Warhammer thread

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Why must he suffer from the stupidity of the humanity?

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The Imperium of Man unironically does nothing wrong. Every action they take is necessary to ensure the survival of the human race.

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Space book says that's bad.


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DoW is only a god tier game because of the amazing voice actors

Debate me


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I like that beaky but
>scope attached to plasma coil

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*Blocks your path*

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How many pots of paint does he need, or will they come painted?

So how strong are Lasguns? I’ve read that they’re comparable to modern .50 caliber weapons in terms of kinetic power, but everyone like to meme them like

>lel oversized flashlights

So what’s the truth?

Because he can endure it.

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They come painted but they'd be fools not to offer an unpainted option

GW paint cans for the low low price of 559.99 each, as of now they only come in Macragge Blue since you were only going to paint a Smurf, right?

>Nice Aliens

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Remember that time he started a second imperium and almost got BTFO for it? Or that time he forced the space book down everyone's throats and almost started another civil war? Or that other time where no one really likes him and wishes he'd just disappear both from the lore and tabletop?

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They're strong, but the problem is that every other army in the setting has access to That Kid's level of armor and weaponry.

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What's your favorite race in DoW 1?
Mine is the Orks

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I don't even like 40k that much and I think this is fucking awesome. I almost want it.


When I first saw it and saw the Bandai name attached I thought it was 40k Gunpla

Amazingly strong compared to modern tech.
Not strong enough for the grim darkness of the future.

Which chapter?

Attached: primaris chapters.jpg (1612x953, 440K)

they make you explode if they hit a human without good armor

>primaris lieutenant imperial knight

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>hey you cool if I proxy a knight with this?

What's the best WH game to start with?

Dawn of War, no contest.

Dawn of War 1 and the expansions

Spess Muhrine

Dawn of war 1 and the Expansions.
Number 2
Skip 3

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I don't know my 40k lore too well but holy shit this is a lot of choices.

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Lore wise? DoW2
Gameplay wise? DoW2
Self Insert wise? DoW2
Last good game in a series? DoW2

Nasty sort of question seeing how nobody can even agree if lasguns make noise or not, and if so WHY?
.50 cal ,power and only deemed a flashlight because everyone who matters has a tankgun equivalent in their pocket sounds right though.

But you can overcharge the shots, or maybe im wrong

Warhammer 30k primarch fighting game when?

As nice as Space Marine is, it's utterly generic if you go in and judge it by just the gameplay, which you inevitably will if you aren't familiar with the setting to begin with. It's the sort of game that goes from "meh" to "this is alright" once you have at least a basic grasp of the lore.



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I only paint meme sadbois so them.
There are quite a few more, actually.

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Why aren't you better, you janky piece of shit? I want to love you but I can't.

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>card shit

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If Dorn had returned instead of him, things would be different around here.

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OP by modern standards but useless in most situations that don't involve other baseline humans. The only hope of the average guardsman lies in massed amounts of fire against (hopefully) numerically inferior enemies while banking on at least one of the shots hitting a chink in their armor.

The simple fact is that they blew it when it came to any variety and you're always going to fight Genestealers and Genestealer Cultist. No Daemons, Orks, Chaos, Tyranids and anything else and they sure as hell won't use that engine to create non-space hulk games in 40k

What chapter are le angery mahreens a successor of?

There were 18 original Space Marine Legion til this incident called "The Horus Heresy" split the 9 loyalist legion into Chapters. Also the Legions had 200 thousand Marines, now the chapters only 1000.

Attached: all_loyalists_space_marine_chapters.jpg (3524x1701, 1.26M)

I wasvthinking more street fighter or mortal kombat kinda fighting

Imp fists

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>one of the shots hitting a chink in their armor
so why don't they just use lasguns only against tau?

See, that's dumb. It's a space hulk game, it's not supposed to have anything other than genestealers and maybe tyranids. You're wrong and probably a faggot. The variety can come from other places, but they made it a horde shooter and a boring one at that.

You don't know a fucking thing if you actually believe that you can't find just about anything in 40k on a fucking Space Hulk. These things travel through the warp for thousands of years, all sorts of shit hitch a ride on it for hell of it

If I remember right, the power packs for lasguns can be overcharged, but it's not recommended because it damages the weapon that's probably worth as much as the Guardsman using it. The strength of the IG is based around the number of troops they can field anyway, rather than the individual strength of each one.

Word up. Too bad Dorn is probably deader than dead.

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Space Marines just because I have such a hard on for the lore and back when DoW1 came out I was only about a year into 40k and could not get over how badass the SM were.

The voice acting is so good in that game, every race sounds exactly as they should.

>You don't know a fucking thing if you actually believe that you can't find just about anything in 40k on a fucking Space Hulk.
That's ironic, go play Space Hulk and sit the fuck down. Yes, the board game.

I do not even which other primarchs come back and who contrived it will be.
I just want to see Dorn wake up and be ticked off like hell.
Because his hands are in the next room and the Ironfist Chaptermaster WILL know fear thinking he will literally get his head chewed off

Because lasguns are the cheapest weapons available, at least from a logistical point of view, with which to arm billions and billions of guardsmen. I'm sure if they could, they'd be giving them all bolters.

Is terminator armour supposed to be that fuckhuge?

Loyalist World Eaters

>iron fist
Imperial fist, sorry. Early morning here

You can also make your own

Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?

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Ain't nobody give a fuck about your old bitchboy game that holds about as much relevance to the hobby as Rogue Trader does now. Sit down and listen to your actual superiors, read the fucking fluff for once, this is why Streum On is dead now and they ain't touching the 40k license ever again


Who is that space shark staring down?

I'm pretty sure it's just one hand they found.

Electronics make a surprising amount of noise. You just don't usually hear it because there's enough background noise to cover it. It's not that outrageous to assume that the tech lasguns run off makes some noise when used.

it IS based on a tabletop game

Your game sucks

Thank Christ another 40k games thread. Last one was ruined by that autist who literally couldn’t understand why anyone would play a strategy game with anything other then a robot power point optimal build order and went on for 20+ post about how good he was in competitive multiplayer.

So Deathwatch Enhanced edition, got it on sale for 2 dollars last year and just installed it recently really loved the first mission and they nailed the aesthetics but the game crashes during the loading for mission 2 anyone know why? Googles at a loss. Also Inquisitor Martyr is fun as fuck I wish it was more popular. Just like deathwing you can tell the devs made a real effort to understand the tone and aesthetics of 40k and tried to stay as true to lore as possible while also making a fun game. I’d fucking kill for a Mass Effect style rpg as a rogue trader or Inquisitor. Hell Inquisitor works so perfectly you could rip off the plot wholesale
>you’re an acolyte being scouted for full Rossette status
>milk run turns into nightmare as horrifying ship attacks small imperial world
>Inquisitor set to test you gets killed by another Inquisitor who turns out to be rogue
>take info back to your conclave and go through the motions of finding evidence recruiting a giant catachan mercenary and a young mechanicus priestess to compliment your Imperiala guardswoman and psyker
>set to find rogue Inquisitor bring him to justice
>go to Digsite of daughter of the rogue trader who works for that Inquisitor Ana’s pick up your university educated savant
>go to asmech research sight of frozen world to discover conspiracy and to kill the rogue trader, find they were experimenting on tyranids
>go to tropical world after finding out it’s his base and a inquisition stormtrooper company has been sent to attack it
>find him cloning ogyrn army
>race to ancient planet to recover lost technology and teleport to the sector capital and fight your way through the halls of the conclave to kill him

>they actually tried to be friends with necrons and nids
Honestly, I think the rest of the races are just trying to enforce natural selection.

Nah that's tyberos the red wake, hes disproportionately huge and needs custom made armor.

A lamenter.

Blood Angels are friends with Necrons.

To be fair, Guilliman is the only Loyalist Primarch that could fix the Imperium on a bureaucratic level and that's something the Imperium desperately needs. The dude was running his own star-spanning empire before the Emperor scooped him up for the Great Crusade after all.

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>Ain't nobody give a fuck about your old bitchboy game
You didn't even know. It's right in the title, Nancy. Get a grip of the history of these things before shitting yourself in front of everybody.

The Imperium getting fixed doesn't necessarily make for good story telling, however. If it were Dorn instead, you can bet we wouldn't be up to our waist in primaris wank and Eldar heresy.

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>Who is that space shark staring down?
some mantis warrior marine during the badab war


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>this is why Streum On is dead now and they ain't touching the 40k license ever again
Except that's wrong.

Attached: focus interactive streumon new warhammer game inquisitor dark heresy maybe.jpg (2560x1750, 704K)

they'd be waist deep in imperial fist bodies instead probably

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Lamenters have one shoulder black and white checkers,

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Fixed that for you.

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And that, my friend, is based storytelling.

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Old scatboy Watson wrote about both hands in the reclusiam I think, but that is really old lore.

Would be sort of interesting to see what happens if Gulliman ever gets onboard the Phalanx or plans a visit to the Rock either way.

How did they get Shark features?

Some sort of Assassinorum game?

o rite

We don't really have any info on the project at this point other than they're working on it.

Geneseed fuckups.
Same reason Blood Angels are vampires.

>not doing everything wrong

I prefer the Baraka Muhreens

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Pretty ridiculous to our standards. Blows off human limbs and leaves massive craters in the torso to human beings. Most guardsmens uniforms are also very effective against traditional hard rounds and lasgun beams. I’m not talking about their visible armor either in talking about their actual uniforms. The armor itself is top notch, protects against lasbolts and rifle fire, shrapnel and more. The problem is everything in the setting is so much more power. I mean the imperial guard go up against their “opposites” all the time and win. That being cultist forces or blood pact traitor guard what have you. Pretty much if it’s a normal man vs Imperial Guard IG win every time. The problem lies with the fact that they also fight
Genetically engineered super warriors with redundant organs and lmaohaxbullshit power armor that wield automatic rpgs, who are also from literal hell and often infused with demonic armor and supported by demons and legions of cultists meatshields
Hordes of savage 8 foot tall green killing machines engineered for aa forever war by an extinct ancient species that reproduce via fungus, are addicted to combat, literally cannot have their moral broken because half their number dying in aa charge just means it’s a fun time and more humies for them to kill
Impossible fast and agile stealthy dickheads who shoot razor sharp spinning shurikans at you then disappear without a trace and their edgelord cousins
Unstoppable horses of metal terminator men whose bodies auto repair via living nanite infused metal whose guns flay you alive on the molecular level
A numberless wave of chiton stretching as far as the eye can perceive that fills both the ground and sky that will literally never stop coming for days straight covered in teeth and claws that can rip through anything along withguns thaat shoot stomach acid, living beetles that devour you in seconds and poison that sets your nervous system on fire

Seeing how they are (tentatively) assumed to RavenGuard stock, maybe still fucked up by Corax doing it wrong or the Alphalegion Virus?

God 40k is the dumbest I love it

>Tfw still no musou game based on Warhammer 40k, with some strategy elements between each battle.

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Genetic defect.
>Imperium try making another chapter
>Try some mutation that might not fuck up.
>Years later, Dark eldar, Nids, Orks, and Chaos can't fuck em up.
>Take slaves also.

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And the tau!

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Mine is necrons. They are what got me interested in playing the game in the first place. I got into DoW because of the dark crusade box art.

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I hate that its Primaris marine, but maybe if it sells well they will do variants of different armor sets.

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Space Marine has some musou elements when you're melee'ing.

I’d assume theyre an off shoot of Dorns angry boys the Black Templars

Sorry m8, too much blog

ow, the edge!

I did.

>It came among them, as they sang. A great presence, heavier than the world around it, so that it seemed to draw in all light and heat. It stalked golden through the lower decks, and its song, so like and yet unlike their own, pulsed strongly in the depths. It was familiar, that presence, painfully so.

>Ramos had the nagging sensation that he had felt it before, and whenever it drew too close, their song faltered. ‘It is looking at us, brother,’ Esquor said, as he ceased singing. ‘I can feel it. It senses us, and wishes to find us.’ He shook his head, and his eyes were full of pain. ‘It is him, brother. But not as he is. As he was.

>‘I know,’ Ramos growled. Fulgrim. No, not Fulgrim – the dream of Fulgrim. The ship whispered of it, of him, and that whisper carried through the wraithbone like a scream. ‘Ignore him. We have passed beyond such things.’
Holy fucking shit, Clonelord is so good. Like what the fuck? Now I want corrupted Fulgrim and non-corrupted fighting each other.

You might be retarded. Orks regularly infest space hulks along with chaos. So tyranids, Orks, Chaos have all been seen to be on space hulks before. The only races I don’t see being on them are eldar and tau. Necrons could easily be on one if one of their ships was adrift in deep space not activated and simply became part of the hulk.

Imagine having a giant Johnny

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>Noone will ever make a kikestarter or such to continue pic related because GW lawyers would go exterminatus on his ass

Feels bad mang.

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You already tried that argument, sport, it doesn't work. It's a Space Hulk game, it has to be Deathwing vs. genestealers.

Why doesn't he just buy the license and get actual money for it, GW seems to sell it to nonames for cheap

This, Warhammer 40k is basically made for musoushit.

Just how much is this franchise worth?

I painted my first Spess Mahreen from the starter set
Now I need to paint and base... 9 more

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Think the guy who did most of the work abandoned it ages ago, and noone was interested enough in getting shit done to continue.
Pity, had loads of potential.

Girlyman wants to ally with the Eldar?

The Emperor did not leave any such room for interpretation in his rules when it comes to dealing with the xenos

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Thin your paints, asshole.

>Girlyman wants to ally with the Eldar?
Wants to ally with some Eldar ass that is. The Emperor understands the need for Xenos cunny

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you thought i wouldn't follow you from /tg/ to tell you to thin your paints?
think again

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After 10k years of nothing but bj on the throne Battlesisters just will not cut it anymore.

Not that sport, friend. In any case who cares? The base game already had nids and cultist. So why not offer Orks and chaos as dlc or side missions in other sections of the hulk?

Also I just want to say, that as someone who played the original space hulk board game I’ll never get the love for it. It wasn’t all that good. I mean yeah sick aliens reference and all but you’ve got one of the most boring chapters outside of the ultravanilla marines and the most boring enemy outside of oldcrons.

It was already thinned, there were 2 coats after the black prime.

Also IG are the cream of the planets crop... usually like the Catachan are an army of Rambos and are far above normal humans

looks really good, thin paints more

Did it EVER have a chance? I played in Alpha up until they finally got all races off the ground before giving up on it. One of the biggest disappointments was when Chaos Sorcerer finally got all his spells and every last one of them was a downgrade to his stock bullshit.

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Which part looks thick? There's 2 coats worth of blue over the black primer.

But that's heresy, you fucking heretic.

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I think the saddest thing i've seen is the forums for this shit game. A few guys and some paid shills all PROCLAIMING innocence and how they all cannot possibly comprehend why anyone wouldn't like this game. Like, to such a corny extent that it's creepy.

>In any case who cares?
If you wanted to make a game not set in Space Hulk, but just on some space hulk, you wouldn't title it "Space Hulk." This argument is retarded and I'm done giving you attention.

But that’s wrong. The Emperor had trade and even friendly relations with some craftworlds and exodite worlds. His deal was more
>don’t ever, ever try to fuck with humanity, you stay in your area and we ignore you, you attack us and we turn your planet to glass after genociding your entire fucking race.

There’s a human and xenos federation that by large the Imperium was going to be cool with, that is until that shit head Erebus stole a demon infused sword from their secure vaults during a diplomatic visit causing them to think Horus and the other SM were chaos worshipping shits.

Delicious heresy

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A better picture.

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Not him, but it's obviously way too thick. Look at the texture on the helmet, knees, and boots. That can be forgiven, I guess, but your edge "hightlighting" sure as heck cannot. Your highlights look like light blue stripes plastered everywhere. You gave him eyebrows for pete's sake.

Woah wait, is this in the Fabius Bile book? That's pretty rad.

The launch is unforgivable, but the point where Relic left off was when it was finally playable and suffering only from the lack of other factions. Also, no real mod support is fucking ruinous, but whatever.

His books are some of the most fun imo.

Not that guy, but my edge highlighting looks similar and it makes me detest having to highlight anything I can't drybrush. How thin are we talking here, and does that actually make for a less glaring but still visible highlight?

Hm yeah, you have a point.
Was my first mini so there's definitely room for improvement. Also I didn't really have the right color for the highlights so I just winged it. Should have thinned it more too.
Gonna try it out in the next mini, I have 9 more after all. Hopefully it will look better.
Thanks for the feedback!

It was never a Wh40k game. It was some shit moba that was given a wh40k skin and then sold as DoW3. It tried to literally sell skins League of Legends style.

For regular painting, thin enough that the model looks unfinished after the first coat. "Way too damn thin" is how an individual coat should feel, which is why you need a second.

Highlighting is a bit more nuanced (my fat fingers and shaky coke-addict hands just can't do it right), but done right it's beautiful.

Attached: Capture.png (581x487, 435K)

I don't know about you but I'm not really a fan of the "edge highlight everything" meme.
I mean yeah it makes sense if you highlight the areas hit by overhead light but even highlighting the areas in shade just makes it look silly.

>Use WH40K ip to sell MOBA
>Fucks the lore
>Voice acting is shit.
>Story is about a McGuffin that is also a trap
>Details on backstory is very little
>Developers felt the game after a few months,

Attached: 3057219-dawn_of_war_iii_wallpaper_1_.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

for your first mini that is excellent. once you get a feel for the paints texture you will be better off, but you are on your way to being a talented mini painter

now paint more minis

That is and always was a dumb fucking argument. The objectives were MOBA-like, sure, but the RTS was still there. Heroes in DoW3 are significantly weaker than they were in DoW2, and roughly the same as DoW1 (excepting the fuckhuge Lords of War heroes, for obvious reasons).

Take away the powercore game mode and you have absolutely zero grounds to claim that the rest is remotely like a MOBA. And the problems it had after reintroducing Annihilation Mode were still nothing to do with MOBA anything. The problem was super abilities wiping out armies every 5 minutes, while resource return allowed the defeated side to rebuild their army within 5 minutes. It was just mob, die, rebuild ad infinitum with 0 chance to even use the reinforce feature.

Heroes weren't the problem. The general lack of survivability for everything (even heroes) was. Eventually they buffed the hp for all the units to slow it down and allowed people to turn off super weapons in the game settings (or turn off heroes or turn off doctrines), and that cleaned it all up nicely. It had finally turned into a playable RTS that was only lacking content when the plug was pulled.

But whatever, you can just keep calling it "MOBA MOBA MOBA." I don't care enough to correct stupid.

>Giving a shit about Space Book
Spotted the Smurf-fag

That's why you use logic. Look at the termy's left leg in that pic.. Highlighted on the top of the shinguard but not the bottom. Highlighted on the front of the shoe but not the back-end, because light doesn't reflect there.

Yiff in hell, Wolffag.

I'm a Ravenfag, nice try
>flips hair

Original or Magpie?


Lion boys here
I hope they will never our secret.

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>first mini
>receiving and applying feedback before starting the next
Good on you, user. See you at the table some day.

Give me back my mug you asshole.

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Yeah, there's always room for improvement to my techniques. It can be a bit overwhelming so I'm trying new things one at a time.
Not really in any rush to speedpaint an army so I'll just take my time. That one mini took me a whole day to paint.

>turn off half of so called unique features
>it becomes 'playable'
>most of fan base still doesn't fucking buy it
>devs abandon it
>*cries* like a little bitch because I said moba

Bitch grow the fuck up. I've play dota since wc3 and every fucking custom game that existed. Some had some cool shit, but still fell flat for continued gameplay. 'MOBA' is simply what most people use nowadays for some failed simplified rts wannabe. I don't even like using it. It's just what most people would recognize for similar gameplay.

There is no fucking reason to sperg to fuck out like you just did. Grow the fuck up and discuss the damn game like everyone else. The fact that you had to list excuse after excuse just for shit that no one has even mentioned should show anyone asking about the game just how shit it is.

I mean my god man. I literally typed moba once and you responded with 3 times that cap'ed. And I swear anyone who even remotely defends this game sounds just like you.

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>How dare you disagree with my non-argument!
Nigga I ain't reading all that shit. If you have something to say, use 10 words or less.

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Yep, it pretty much was Dawn of MOBA. I am glad it flopped.

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so how does one even get into 40k

Read nigga read

Read wiki articles and listen to lore videos.

>I don't care enough to correct stupid
The fact that you responded to him with a longass post says otherwise.

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Oh the people who painted that are fuuuuucked.

Meant for if he insisted on it even after a more accurate explanation of the game's problems and current state, which I believe he did.

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On a scale of 1-10 how fucked is he?

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Watch MajorKill, he makes heavy reads entertaining and concise

Named a better vehicles than the BANEBLADE.
You can't

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>created his own Imperium
Only did it because he was a.) isolated due to warp storms and b.) the only info he knew about the Heresy was that shit was really bad and as far as he knew the Imperium was already dead. His second Imperium was his intent of preserving what he thought was the last area against Horus and the moment he learned Big was still kicking he immediately attempted to assist

Where my atomic raygun machine fuckers at?

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0, they are chaste and being literal about praying

he's a big guy

I want to ___be___ Kayvaan Shrike

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oh buddy that is just scratching the surface, their are at least 1,000 chapters and knowing the Imperium there are likely more that they lost track of due to shit record keeping

>only nids
Bitch almost everything infests a space hulk ranging from rogue marines, outcasts, orks, chaos worshipers and daemons, some time traveling Imperial agent who got caught in warp shenanigans, hell even the occasional eldar. The only thing not in a space hulk are tau and thats due to them being literal who's from a galactic standpoint.

Attached: Guevesa.jpg (581x693, 97K)

>Chaos Sister
But still hot.

Attached: sister of battle.jpg (1600x1600, 477K)


Cap this.

Its canon. The only sister to fall to Chaos. And of course she falls to Slaanesh.

>tfw no 40k space sim
just let me fly already gw

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>nearly got his own ship stolen by fucking orks
Abby is going to get jobbered so hard by Guilliman, hell its likely they will just use the fight between him and Guilliman to reveal another daemon primarch model

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We are lucky to get a Battlefleet Gothic game.

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Don't be talking about your SPIRITUAL LIEGE that way, heretic.

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ill show you some hot xenos!

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What everyone does realize is that abbadon is in fact the most LOYAL of all space marines, and is specifically taken control of the forces of chaos to keep them in a neverending spiral of FAILURE instead of a more competent commander being at the helm of chaos.


I'm super hot, BOOOOOY

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I will never not be mad at how much they managed to fuck this up

>go into autistic detail into the fluff for my space marine chapter
>can't decide on a color scheme

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Reminder that the Catachan jungle fighters are so fucking tough that going barechested counts as armor for them.

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>Disagreeing with how the mechanus operates

Do you WANT men of iron again? because that's how you GET men of iron again!

just by reading one thing about it then reading something related to that thing to get a better grasp and next thing you know your stuck in a never ending rabbit hole

You forgot blue weebs that can literally be outfought in a fistfight by 10 year old girls.

Join the greater Good.

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WHFB is better

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maybe I can help, for example what is your chapters parent legion and what do they specialize in along with any beliefs they have

Bitch, nothing else is in the Space Hulk game, only genestealers. You must be viciously retarded because you need to be told about this over and over again. I wonder if you keep replying due to OCD or in hopes nobody will respond.


When will we get female space marines?
It seems like it'd be tactically beneficial to have space marines that can make more spacemarines inside themselves.

There were a couple I think.

>Commander Mira rallied a very small amount of guardsmen and held the line for days before the Ultramarines arrived.

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space marine multiplayer was fucking great

absolutely fucking retarded scene
what the fuck did the artist think? does wh40l sound like 18th century?

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>Tau in a entrenched position

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which side is alpha legion on?

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the Imperial guard canonically uses 18th century tactics or EARLIER.
Their biggest reason for sucking so much is their leaders compensate for their idiocy with "use more men" and nobody higher up ever calls bullshit on it.

Astartes are supposed to protect humanity no replace it.
Besides, the female human body isn't strong enough to survive the intense training and invasive surgeries required to become an astartes.

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To simplify it theyre possible descendants of the Ultramarines that go on an endless crusade hunting orks after their homeplanet got fucked up. I was thinking dark blue with hints of red but I think its alittle too close to Crimson Fists


and what about the tau? do they also?
this is just plain retarded

>Besides, the female human body isn't strong enough to survive the intense training and invasive surgeries required to become an astartes.

Except for Samus according to /tg/.

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Shit, some of them even ride horses to battle.

>Mira laying downward in bed
>Take of pants and undies
>Space marine said

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They already do that due to geneseeds. A space marine can create more space marines after 10 and 20 years. Usually about 2-5 per harvesting.

Cadians are established to use modern military tactics though. Or at least WW2 tactics.

Lads I just want another Dawn of War. Can we just do a do-over? Haven't been able to play as Necrons since a Bush was in the White House.

A girl can create a new one every 9 months! and it'd have Its OWN geneseed to boot!

And those fuckers are tough as nails.

I want a warhammer fantasy RPG where if your charisma is high enough, you can make friends with other races.

lets make a new dawn of war and put it on kickstarter, space tau titties will fund the game

>a super soldier out for nine months
>while emperor needs soldiers now
Someone get this Magos Biologist off this board before the inquisition gets here.


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Remember when 40k was metal as fuck and didn't take itself nearly as seriously?

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whipped this up for you, anything you want changed

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Geneseed is not carried within DNA. A female space marine, assuming her body is stile fertile after being ravaged by years of hormonal hyperstimulation, would still only give birth to the same children she would have without being a space marine.

Also, women do get the same augmentation/treatment that make space marines, only without the incompatible geneseed. It's a far more expensive procedure but technically produces a superior superhuman.


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Literally depends on the writer. Pick any representation and it'll be unique.

Lol fuck off failbaddon, just like what your bitch ass did on Vigilus.

If they need space marines NOW so badly, then maybe they should allow for more than 1000 per chapter!

actually they are kinda allowing that, its technically not official but by this point Guilliman pretty much stated to get as fucking many marines as they can

show me some wh40k anime girls

The whole Imperial Guard use outdated tactics thing is honestly a bit of a meme. Sure there are Guard regiments that do but it’s less established doctrine and more because there’s so many different planets with such different cultures and tech levels.
It’s not unusually for Guard regiments that use what we’d consider modern tactics like the Cadians or elysian drop Troopers fighting a campaign alongside feudal world Troopers looking like they came straight out of WFB just with lasguns instead of muskets. The width and breadth of the Imperium it’s vastly different tech levels and cultures is why I love 40k so much. You can have worlds straight out of Conan the barbarian alongside some cyberpunk corporate controlled dystopias shitholes and everything in between. With soldiers to match each one.

I mean look at shit like the Arkhan Confederates. A planet of ante bellum southerners sipping lemonade and holding formal balls dressed in gray confederate dress uniforms. While waging war in mini Mecha. The Moridian iron guard walking and firing in lockstep in what amounts to USMC dress blues fighting next to Gaunts Ghost hyper tactical stealth autist in camo cloaks that blend in with anything. Heavy armored Harkoni warhawks orbital inserting into battle in single man HEV pods like ODST standing next to barbarian Khanak Tribesmen wielding laspistols and axes charging the enemy while doing war chants. Tank companies engaging against other tanks while horseback riding Atillians flank using lances with rpgs on the end.

And then theirs Krieg. A planet that saw All Quiet on the Western front and said “fuck that looks cool” and then cloned themselves a million times over so they can literally drown the enemy in artillery, gas, and the bodies of their gas mask wearing trench coat having assault troops. All the while being indoctrinated that death is the only thing they should ever look forward to because they owe it to the Emperor.

It hasen't felt.

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Real talk, would the iron men at the height of their power be a bigger threat than the forces of chaos?

>a free mod does a better Massive battle than the official update

the Iron men were chaotic though. I think.

>more than 1000 per chapter!

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Salamanders are the best original legion/chapter

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I like it, I don't think I would change a thing desu it looks pretty good the way it is. Thank you user

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But spess book author say okay tho

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Nu-space wolves are honestly about as ridiculous but nowhere near as cool, so it's a lose-lose on that end.

There are no (and thankfully never will be) female primarch equivalents, however. Females are most useful when employed as breeding vats, after all.

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love this design


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This ain't a girl but it is anime. And wh40k

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>All the while being indoctrinated that death is the only thing they should ever look forward to because they owe it to the Emperor.
Also because their bodies are so fucked up due to being vat grown semi-clones so they're prone to so many genetic mishaps that their estimated lifespans are shit.

I must be one of the smalllest minority of 40k old fags because I absolutely hated rogue trader and early 40k for not taking itself seriously. Inquisitor obi wan, the fucking half eldar ultramarines, the rogue trader that’s entire thing was a joke about A Frenchman whose name I can neither pronounce nor remember but he’s a detective and rogue. The shit models, the space marines being mindjobbed death row inmates. The Pepsi product placement. The Orks being literally the Nazis/neo nazi football hooligans.

no problem user, also in case you want to try future schemes check out this website

thank you for your service

Then he is a HERETIC and should be BURNED AT THE STAKE.

>Iron Warriors did what Fabulous could not.
Gotta hand it to Perty. Autistic determinations can take you further than everyone expects.

>1 fucking model
Cool centrepiece, I guess. Now release them in a boxed set of five or ten with the same aesthetic, GW.

>they're prone to so many genetic mishaps that their estimated lifespans are shit.
who fuckin' cares? They tend to die in GLORIOUS BATTLE FOR THE EMPRAH before the mutation kicks in.

That is unfortunately very correct.

The fact that the salamanders encourage their marines to maintain ties with their families is the best thing about them
>great great great great great grandpa has come to visit from the chapter fortress
>and he’s brought Ork skulls for all his grand grand grand grand grand nephews and nieces.

40k bloodbowl when?

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Start with lutins lore vids

Naw he rewrote the book so it's k now.


I got such a Urban Combat boner after reading Cadian Stands.
that White Shield chick who was engaged in constant urban combat with the other resistance fighters was fucking kino as hell.

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read the lexicanum article on The Emperor and branch out from there.

I have no idea how they fucked my favorite chapter up so bad with this solve shit. Like how did we go from kick ass Vikings with wolves to full on, well that one text to speech video pretty much explained. The great wolf and his wolf lords in the wolf hall plan their war marshaling their great wolf companies who stand ready with their wolf claws riding their fearsome dire wolves into battle all waiting for the coming wolf time.

40k was so cool before black library ruined it

>all these new Chaos kits
>finally just getting to tooling with 2003 era models

Mutation sprue owns bones

look up "Flanderization."

More like voice actor singular

That's why I'm saying them using suicidal tactics is also encouraged. Not only do they have a fixation on their debt, but their bodies are going to keel over dead in short order anyways, so them surviving a battle isn't a big long term gain for the imperium anyways.

So how about the two missing legions

Is it just me or have Tyranids gone from "BIGGEST THREAT TO EVERYTHING!" that everyone universally feared as a group to "Damned, hornets put up a nest outside the porch again, time to get the bugspray" annoying?


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Fabulous have some standards.

You are clearly confused, my good citizen. All Legions are definitely accounted for and documented.

alpha legion or Seattle Mariners warband

Well, you can only keep up the threat level as long as you don't keep jobbing to the smurfs and spess vampires. Why do you think abba dabba doo's a joke these days?

Everyone who isn't Imperium and Chaos are tethering on irrelevance.

But they basically annihilated the spess anguls down to bits

Only Khorne saved their asses

what about the fifth chaos god?

fine, jobbing to Clan Brujah and Kh'abanda-who-is-totally-tsundere-for-Sanguinius

Threadly reminder that battle brother Leandros did nothing wrong. He is your friend who fights for The Imperium.

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I wanted to do Alpha Legion with metal but I can't get it to look right. Even with Vallejo ink.

Keep in mind that the Imperium spans across a ridiculous number of planets with mankind's numbers reaching well into the trillions.
>500 Billion people is the total population of a few score Hive Worlds, of which such world there are thousands, tens of thousands, in the Imperium
So although the Muhreens are the elite fighting force of the Imperium, they still have a massive recruiting pool to draw from.



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Do not involve the Inquisition.
That is what you have a librarian for.

tfw a fucking rat gets to be number 5

this is fucking ridiculous

So why didn't we get a second space marine game?
Titus was actually a freaking smurf that could think for himself and was actually a bro, rather than the criminally retarded rule lawyer ones, and the gameplay was freaking fun.
not to mention the orks were both funny and threatening at the same time.

If Leandros was as much of a Codex thumping turbo autist as he was portrayed to be then he would've reported Titus' Warp resistance to the company chaplain. Not rat him out to the fucking Inquisition.

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>Codex strictly states that corruption in the chapter is to reported to the Reclusiam, Librarium and Chapter Master
>bitches to an inquisitor because he just doesn't want to be wrong
Leandros should be volunteered for servitor duty.

Chaos Marines and Daemons.

it looks like someone wearing a babycarrier.

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To be fair, his chaplain probably told him to fuck off and he went crying to the inquisition.

t leandros
Even the smurfs surrounding him looked down on him and his own Primarch would have agreed with Titus if he ever looked at this situation

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What do you guys think of
"If the Emperor had a TTS Device?"
What does the WH40k community think of it in general?

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So I suppose that Smurf that ran rampant through the warp shitting all over chaos stuff is a heretic too by this guys logic?
(not that that story wasn't utter bullshit too, but there's more than enough stories about space marine heroes being exposed to the warp and coming out unscathed to make this dude's insistence turbo suspect)
Titus in the eyes of the Chaplains are just following the Ultramarines standard in dealing with Demon Princes.


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It can be really funny at times, sometimes it drags on for too long.

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Too many storylines to follow. Should have done one after the other, not all at the same time.

Sure but for the most part, those are rare exceptions. The warp fucks everything it touches 99 out 100 times.

And then they turned around and said "Fuck it, not worth getting a scratch on muh aegis armor unless CHAAAOSS" is involved.

Tau are modern tacticool faggots. They are lome that kid who takes the play too seriously

>that one Deathwatch RPG story where all three players were undercover Alpha Legion

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I and my circle of fellow 40k nerds find it funny and enjoy it. We accept it in the spirit of what it’s trying to do but of course online you’ve got the autistic contrarians who are either mad that it’s popular or mad that it’s irreverent to the source material and uses old /tg/ memes.

So what's everyone's thoughts on them retconning the C'tan from "Anti-chaos gods" and as invincibly powerful as them to "Worfed and tucked into pokemon balls"?

Or for that matter necrons going from an emotionless tide of metal death to tomb kings?

another victory for the Ward Knights. We are the hammer indeed.

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So why was an Inquisitor rolling in with Black Templars anyway?

link me

The first, I'm kind of iffy on, because they were really freaking cool. The second I like, because the "faceless horde" was already sorta done with the tyrrynids. Oh, and I already liked the tomb kings from whfb.

They absolutely are.
Watch this as proof

He either impressed the fucks or have them by the balls.

>inquisitor has Black Templar body guards
ish ish ish your ygd gentlemanly down the dt...

The best one was where the one guy was undercover alpha legion whose target was the devastator marine. He took no hostile action at all until near the very end of the campaign where he engineered a situation so as to have the marine be slightly wounded the enemy alerted and said marine stayed behind to hold them off for the party. All the while he maintained his cover and even told the other marine strength and honor and gave him explosives so when he was over run he could trigger them.


Storytime? I only know the one where one of the players was supposed to kill another and managed to get him to suicide bomb a bunch of Tyranids

On the whole it's ultimately 1d4chan in video format. It's mostly pretty good, but it got somewhat heavy handed with the storytelling and side-stories. If worst comes to worst though, there's still Rogal.

Wonder if they'll do a joke regarding the story canonically moving forward.

Honestly, the way the inquisitor words himself to titus when he arrives kind of makes me think even HE thought smurf boy's accusations were bullshit.

Gentlely spell checks to gentlemanly not gently... I mean it works in the context but...

That or he knows he has little authority on how to deal with it and just saw an opportunity to have a personal Astartes attack dog.

This guy made like the Ultramaines than Matt Ward could not.

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8th edition doesn't exist to them since a running joke they had was thrown out since Guilliman came back and is fixing everything and they refuse to admit that he's fucking needed.

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why are you babbling in spic

>tfw no qt Sororitas gf

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they did state they would eventually have some elements of the story moving forward (they already mentioned Cawl several times) but it will still be its own thing

>He doesn't know the lore of Crimson Fists

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Better than that official Deathwatch story about a Dark Angel leaving his squad to die and killing their Inquisitor handler so they can keep information about the Fallen a secret.
Motherfucker ran off with the gear too and when he returned to the rock he was all smug, apparently the chapter planned it from the start.

he is a crimson fist

>enginseer getting a boner from anything that's not a toaster
I just can't.

>Motherfucker ran off with the gear too

If you don't keep your hands on gear at all times, it'll just get stolen by the blood ravens, better him than them.

Good question. I recall a dev saying the stories for would-be sequels involved Titus going renegade with other SMs joining him and cracking down on a crook Smurf Librarian, so maybe the Black Templars there were set up to accompany him or end up getting killed in the intro.

>Why don't you make like the Ultramarines and Matt Ward?

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Elaborate. Because it seems to me like you're just a South American visiting from a Facebook 40k meme group.

>Crying that the Inquisition was cruel to Titus

Do you know how rare Warp resistant psychic nulls are? Do you know how fucking impossibly rare an Astartes null would be? Of course that Inquisitor snapped him up, Titus is an 8 ft pissed off warp resistant ceramite bodyguard. Perfect for Inquisitorial shit

Just tell everyone else you will investigate his warp resistance and read him some litanies, fill our the appropriate 4 months of paper work to notarize and officially document he is clear of chaos taint.

I really hate this meme, they don't steal, they take generous gifts from other chapters, sometimes without their permission.

Here's a hint: look up some prominent crimson fists names. You're so inbred and retarded I can smell it over the internet.

Disliked the C'tan recon in a way, but they were too damn op to make sense really.
The tomb king changes I do sort of enjoy.
I wish someone would do some Vargard Obyron drawfagging, he must have one of the most facepalming jobs in the 40k-verse.

>mfw my boss is trying to invite the tyranids to the ritual ncron pre-battle dinner and negotiations again

>Crying that the Inquisition was cruel to Titus
That's not the complaint fucktard.
Warp corruptions is to dealt with the Chapter as stated in Girlyman's Codex.
Bitchandros was a codex deviant.



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They didn't know he was a null at that point. For all they knew, Titus was hiding a Mark of Khorne in his power armored ass.

The flesh is weak, fellow acolyte better get those parts snipped before one does something one might regret

Because they have Spanish names and their chapter master is name Pedro. GW made them so they can be more diverse, not because of Central and/or South Americans. Because they thought putting people from Spain.

No one complains that reporting Titus was wrong. It’s who he reported to. Especially since it’s hypocritical and downright heretical to his chapter. He literally could be sent on 1 man penance crusade for it.

He complains about the captain breaking the codex, then when he suspects he captain of warp taint or influence he makes no effort to contact his chapter and inform his superiors as the codex states. But he involves the inquisition and another 2 space marine chapters witness this “blood ravens and black templars” this is a huge deal because not only does it put the chapters dirty laundry out their, it implies they can’t handle their own affairs, it also gives that inquisitor and the inquisition a precedent for interceding in space marine affairs and having the authority to place them in custody and questioning.


they have small themes from Spanish culture

>"getting" a boner
thats just inefficient

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Crimson Fists are Spaniards so its easy to meme them as spics

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probably one of the worst third person shooter game I played. Everything just doesn't feel good to control, how fucking hard is it to copy Space Marine gameplay? They broke the promise Planetside but 40k, spent so many manhours making shit nobody asked for and the game died.

Text-to-Speech series on youtube

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>It hasen't felt.
What breed of phoneposting is this?

Stand back, I'll show you how it's done!

Don't do that. TTS is a parody series so most of the jokes don't work if you don't actually know what they are referencing.

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>imperial guard is the best because they're just normal guy-

Look up arch warhammer. He makes good lore videos

Thin your paints

Read some shit that interests you at the lexicanum and download some books from /tg/'s mega folder, there's usually a thread up. Also 1D4chan.


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>Forgot the put "me" between Made and Like

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>Forgot the put "me" between Made and Like
What? user, go back to bed.

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so we will not only get a big boy Marine but a plague marines and a internal storm cast

>TTS Shit dorn
Fuck that awful series 40k is not meant to be a fucking comedy. I despise that that crap got so popular instead of reading lore like a normal person.

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He doesn´t know

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What's your favorite Space Marine chapter?

Toss up between Dark Angels and Space Wolves for me.

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BLAngles are best angels.
DA a shit

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Yeah I'm not a fan of its style either. Kind of cringeworthy.

>definitely not a trick because she knows this secret
Aren't Keepers of Secrets privy to, like, secrets though

This is why I'm fucking mad about Grey Templars, because like Sororitas, it practically begs for a oneupsmanship.


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>Keepers of Secrets
Deamons of Slaneesh not Tzeentch
>Lords of Change
Deamons of Tzeentch not Slaneesh
Someone fucked up those naming conventions.

even in the lore that shit happens all the time that they get tainted left and right but be difference is where other Sororitas fall because they got corrupted Miriael Sabathiel embraced the dark prince and fall willingly

Apparantly it can "Burn through to a human liver" in one shot if they are not wearing armor.

Bolterbitches at end of the day are human. I won't be surprised if they installed something in GKs so they explode if they fall to chaos.

Tell me oh wise ones about the courageous deeds of the mighty awe inspiring Rainbow Warriors chapter?

Attached: Lol.png (697x549, 676K)

Good brush control but you might wanna consider adding a little more water to your initial basepaint so it doesn't get the brush lines in it. Otherwise good job

They are fabulous

Play 40k space marine and go from there.

anyone play the warhammer mod for arma?

In the grim dark future there is only war join the dark grim gritty rawness of the Rainbow Warriors chapter as they purge the universe of heresy and xenos filth!

I'm surprised no one has jumped at the opportunity to make a proper Kill Team vidya. I know there is an isometric shooter that goes by that name, but the concept is practically made for an XCOM-like game with focus on competitive multiplayer.

Also, Arbites for Kill Team when?

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they smoke peace pipe good wampum and drink listerine while bitching about chaos culturally appropriating them

Though not quite that drastic, you are right in that they are basically inoculated against chaos

>Once they begin to undergo the standard gene-seed organ implantation process to transform an Aspirant into an Astartes of the Grey Knights, the new Grey Knight is also implanted with silver hexagrammic and pentagrammic Purity Wards under his skin which cover his entire body and help to prevent daemonic entities from touching or contaminating him.

>like the design of the Tau
>want the Tau to be cool
>they're not

I enjoyed fire warrior, despite it being turboshit though.

Attached: Capture.png (524x525, 545K)

The Tau have evolved quickly, leading to huge deficits and weaknesses in their physiology. use these facts to your advantage and you will prevail

+ Tau have hollow bones. Their limbs break easily under little applied pressure

+ Tau have poor eyesight. Anything over ten meters away is always a blur

+ Tau are frighted by fire

+ Tau are frighted by water

+ Tau are frighted by thunder

Xenos experts have discovered that tau are descended from bovine herbivores. thus they are not predators and fighting is unnatural to them

Tau have udders, short tails above the base of the spine, and they excrete enormous amount of methane gas, especially when they are stressed

They chew cud for approximately four hours a day. When involved in this disgusting habit their metabolism and reflexes slow down, making them very vulnerable to attack

Tau are herd creatures that panic easily. Their usual response to stressful situations is either wail and lie face down on the ground with their hand over their heads, or run around in circles hoping to confuse their aggressor.

In battle, the Tau are disorganized and cowardly. They fight from a distance and their poor aim makes this tactic ineffective.

To compensate for their poor eyesight, they have developed acute hearing. Their eardrums are so sensitive that if you make a large enough noise (for example, shouting the Litany of death) it causes deafness and immediate confusion.

The Tau are naturally hairless and find hirsute people unnerving

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>That classified one
>An entire regiment of Mr.X

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The last remaining shred of Magnus' soul that was good became Draigo. Russ smashed his shit to pieces for a reason user.

>Judge Dredd, but in space

Alright, I can dig it

holy reddit spacing. did you want to take up the whole thread there chief

>‘I do not want a new Legion. I want to fix the one that is broken.’ Fulgrim leaned towards him, and Fabius tried to draw back, but to no avail.
Fulgrim caught him by the shoulders, and Fabius felt his hearts stutter with an old, familiar arrhythmia.
Fulgrim was perfect, and his perfection burned like the heat of the sun. ‘I can fix them, teacher. Fabius. I can teach them, as you have taught me. I can pull them back from the brink, if you but let me.’ His eyes glowed with determination as he spoke, and Fabius felt each word like a blow. He had almost forgotten the sheer power of a primarch’s voice.
God damn now I want Fulgrim redemption arc.

It only avoids the 2000AD legal team by being an obscure part of 40K's lore.

>Adeptus Arbites

They even had a model line once upon a time and rumors are circulating right now that they will get a boxed set for Kill Team sometime this year.

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Don't they at least have some cool story shit where battlesuit pilots experience weird phantom limb syndrome shit when their suit loses an arm.
If this doesn't spark some interest, just don't bother.

Absolutely patrician

Boy, do I have the faction for you.

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Isn't there something fishy about them, though? The sword that Commander Farsight uses is somehow linked to Chaos iirc.

>if Dorn returned

after reading a few HH books, I can't see why anyone actually likes Dorn, he seems like a boring cunt, who's only other personality trait is frustration

>+ Tau are frighted by fire
>+ Tau are frighted by water
>+ Tau are frighted by thunder
>hey chew cud for approximately four hours a day. When involved in this disgusting habit their metabolism and reflexes slow down, making them very vulnerable to attack
>Tau are herd creatures that panic easily.
>if you make a large enough noise (for example, shouting the Litany of death) it causes deafness and immediate confusion
>The Tau are naturally hairless and find hirsute people unnerving

A soaking wet naked guardsman commando infiltrates into a a Tau grazing hall and then begins firing his weapon wildly while waving a torch in one hand and shouting the litany of death. It becomes a mass casualty incident due to trampling deaths in the ensuing stampede.

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>linked to Chaos iirc.
No, it's some c'tan shit.

>silver hexagrammic and pentagrammic Purity Wards
Why is this not the standard?

>under his skin which cover his entire body
I doubt your average human can survive the process, plus imagine the cost and logistics.

>short tempered
>Rogal Dorn
Try again, lorelet.

for Astartes user, not guardsmen.
Balls of steel would suffice for regular troops.

First of all.
C'tan are still "Anti-chaos gods".
They completely oppose and hate them.
The only change made is that Necrons rebelled against them and imprisoned parts of those they managed to destroy.
There are still some complete C'tan alive.
Secondly the change can be seen as good or bad. They lost their grim feeling being an all cold and soulless race that destroys life for their Gods that imprisoned them but otherwise they got more personality and a goal in life.

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LOL @ the impotent gue'la propaganda.

It was made by some unspecified ancient aliens, and the only fishy thing about it is that it steals the lifeforce of those it kills and grants it to its wielder, which has allowed Farsight to live for three centuries. He is not aware of this property, but does have a hunch that it's probably the sword lengthening his lifespan. That hasn't stopped him from using the sword though. Yet, at least.

>Horus traitor?! I'm gonna kill you Garro!
>what! Fuck you Sigismund!
>why did you listen to that bitch? Get the fuck away from me you bitch
>fuck you Malcador! Who said you can take my imprisoned Librarians and make good use of them?
>"Alpharius": I have something to say you should listen to.

>but otherwise they got more personality and a goal in life
reclaiming a Galaxy they owned was reason enough. They made them shit.

Literally all fanfiction. You sound desperate.

>That hasn't stopped him from using the sword though
He's the only Tau that can CQC.
why would he stop?

The wards are only a part of a Grey Knights defense against the ruinous powers.

All Aspirants go through the 666 Rituals of Detestation, which are increasingly gruelling tasks related to resisting and fighting the daemonic. These tribulations culminate in the 666th trial, which is the banishing of a possessing daemonic entity from within oneself with nothing but ones own willpower.

Honor is a big thing for the Tau, and Commander Farsight especially. If he ever learned that he has definitively used the lives of others to extend his own, ritual suicide would not be off the table.

Any solider who speaks ill of the Emperor, the Imperium, cites his loyalty to any entity besides the Emperor, defaces holy artefacts or buildings, incites heretical toughts or actions, talks openly about forbidden subjects and generally behaves in a manner disrespectful to all that is holy and good will have his extremities removed and left to bleed to death, for the Emperors pleasure. The body will then be burned to ensure no taint remains (art 6741/09a)

The resulting explosion from the methane gas alone would be glorious

so hows the lore of 40k anyways? i only really painted figs and played total warhammer fantasy

Read it in lexicanum or download books in /tg/.

Its HH novels. It is fanfiction.

The garbage you typed isn't in any novel outside of your head.

>He's the only Tau that can CQC.
Not exactly.

In that terms flamers count as CQC enablers.

Is your browser/brain broken?

Its a fucking short ranged fusion blaster(melta) used in extreme close range.
Its even listed as a ranged weapon in the 8th ed codex.

Reclaiming the Galaxy AND acquiring new flesh bodies are the current objectives.
Oldcrones were purely harvester Slaves for the C'tan to reap souls and feed them to them and nothing more.

>second Warhammer Fest
>no good vidya announcements
feels bad

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The shit Samus went through is mild compared to what happens to Astartes user

What's the consensus on Deathwing? Seems like it'd be a good time with a mate of mine.

At least Vermintide has something to show off with their new Beastmen expansion.
Otherwise its really sad and that despite tons of new 40k games were announced.

If it was a good and enjoyable MOBA it would have succeeded. It was a bad game, plain and simple. Its only redeeming factor was orks and increased graphics fidelity.

Fluff has described it as making a sharp cracking sound as it zaps the air. If it were in space or on a planet without an oxygen atmosphere, it would be silent though.
Space Marine depicts the sound like this which I think is an okay compromise between the stereotypical "pew pew" and a cracking sound.

Let's face it, battles would be pretty fucking boring if it made no noise anyway.