CTR general

Let's talk about Crash. Who are you maining?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm maining Jak, duh.

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The big man himself.
Who here is going to use the original soundtrack? I’m a nostalgiafag so it’s Mancell for me.

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I main crash and only crash.


where the FUCK is rilla roo?

>post yfw they use pre-console mixes

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So who's getting in boys?

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Sonic because he races in 60fps

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Why do you want a shittier version of Transformed

God I hope they do. It's borderline tragic hearing just how much was lost in the transition.

That would be incredible. Mancell is just sitting on them currently. I hope Beenox got in touch with the guy.

30 frames of awesome>60 frames of shit

That's not gonna be an issue when the PC version releases tho

>that one sonic autist in all the CTR threads

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Me because I'm a fucking accident lmao

Based and Velopilled

pffft, too bad they're wasted on his shitty game

There is no other choice.

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Shoe in
Poteinal DLC
>Fake Velo
99% confirmed the blog made a distinction to use Real Velo
>CTTR group
Nina has a bit higher chance than Von Clutch and Pasadena but I'd argue they'd be in minus Willie WumpaCheeks though
>Yaya Panda
Huge doubt unlike CTTR stuff I dont think her game has been referenced at all
>Classic ND characters
100% certain a bit iffy on Baby T though
>Rilla Roo
Another Huge Doubt
>Evil Twins
Wishful thinking desu
>Evil Crash
More than likely a skin for crash maybe dlc we'll have to see
>trophy girls
There's a chance for Ami but if they have to include the other ones Id prefer it if they were just skins

Dingodile while i try to unlock him

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They have him on-call allegedly, so we'll see where it takes us.
A few of the tracks sound jarring to listen to due to different instrument choices though, like Coco Park.

Based Norman. 1066 will commence again. Any specific karts/colors you plan to use? I’ll be sticking with the classic kart or the cnk hovercraft if it’s in.

I’m holding out on preordering until I hear if Tawna, Komodo Moe, N. Brio and Koala Kong are in.

The pre-console versions or the Nitro Fueled ones?
This one actually sounds decent. Pleasantly surprised.

There's someone missing from this list.
Also Wumpa Guy should probably be in the bottom row since he was never actually playable.

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I will probably use the default kart aswell, it looks so good i just can't say no to it, also love the simple design
as far as colors go i will probably either make it a similar color to the boss bikes from nitro kart or a color that would fit well with him. Thinking on dark blue or black

Pre-console Coco Park uses a harp-like instrument, whereas in the console OST I'm not even sure what instrument to call it? A short siren?
Take a listen, soundcloud.com/joshmancell/crash-team-racing-coco-pre-console-mix?in=joshmancell/sets/music-for-video-games-crash

Currently: Dingodile
If they're in: the Evil Twins

I honestly wouldn't mind the Evil Twins. If they're gonna add more characters them and Evil Crash would make for good choices. Brio and the boys come first though.


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Interesting. I never noticed that difference before. You hear that same instrument in the China levels in Warped too.
It’s a very Coco sound, whatever the hell it is.

Geary main here.
Had played CNK on the GBA and playing as Geary was my go-to. Will probably pick out a green kart or hover bike if its in.

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I'm... sorry user

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Obvious choice

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I really love all the bosses from CNK. Maybe it’s a forbidden fruit factor not being able to play as them on consoles, but I always thought they looked cool. I wonder if Nu-Geary will keep his neurotic personality.

>Who are you maining?
N. Gin
planning to alt as N. Trance or Nina

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>38 posts
>21 posters
Yup, we're in a shill thread.

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Remind me again, Why does Sonic need a car?

I'm hoping they retain his personality seeing as he looked a bit different from how he looked in CNK. Just imagining his victory animation as vacuuming the floor for dust.

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>a thread can't have genuine discussion about a game
Cult followings are all Crash survives on, you massive retard. Not only are you dumb but you're also a newfag as well, considering this is how most 24 hour threads survive on this board. Not really limited to just this thread.

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because he already knows hes the fastest on land, he just needs to prove his dominance by beating other people in different kinds of races

That sounds stupid enough that it could actually be in the in-game explanation

I want to main Oxide but I feel like people are gonna judge me for it

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Used to play CTR every weekend with friends for about five years. Tiny was my favourite.

Big Velo
Von Clutch
This is my ideal lineup, and I think it is pretty realistic. No way Beenox releases a game with only one female in the current year.

>people like things
>people make more than one post in a thread discussing said thing
What a fucking concept

Geary is chad pick

You'll only be judged if you're a complete shitter that makes it obvious you simply bought him.


>copypasted my response
Wow I feel special for some reason

based and trashpilled

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My brothers

This. I post in these threads a lot because where else on the internet can I properly engage with fellow autists about the minute details of my favorite marsupial gaming franchise?

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he's gonna say it

Were the bandicoot girls Sony's idea? Race Queens are more of a Japanese thing.

where are the trophy girls

Weren't they named after a few female higher ups at Universal Interactive?

Post yfw they not only bring the trophy girls back, but one of them is turned into a huge titty monster that even makes Tawna look flat in comparison and becomes new top fap b8.


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Higher ups at Sony America, Europe, and Japan

Tawna, Nina, and all the bandiniggresses are being held back intentionally for a wahmenz-exclusive trailer

But what we really need is N. Trance footage you fucking cowards at beenox

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>there are only 5 places you can let your inner autist shine with regards to CTR
>reddit, discord, twitter, and fucking youtube comments sections. Without even needing to look at them you know what sort of bullshit you're getting into
>Yea Forums is the comfiest but isn't shy about calling you a faggot for being one
some of the stuff that's come up here would basically be lost unless you knew to check archives and even that doesn't help when people porndump and get the threads nuked.
Most we can hope for is that either beenox themselves have someone monitoring for crash threads or discussion is finding its way around because people are crossposting to other platforms either directly or regurgitating talking points from here.

What's that thing in Mecha-Cortex's head? Is that supposed to be his organic brain implanted into a robot?

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Original concept art had him on foot but it looked stupid next to the cars and iirc items didnt work as well

So skilled he drives with his feet. How can anyone possibly compete?

>The trailer starts with coco racing
>gets hit by an item and the other girls are show
Could be good

>mfw Josh deconfirmed pre-console remixes back in March

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Activison cares more about Coco bandicoot and tiny tiger more than sega cares about cream the rabbit and storm the albatross. I'll buy crash team racing instead of team sonic racing.


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Wait, there's original music mode too?

Norm > Big Velo = Nash > Krunk > Geary > Real Velo

It'll be a toggle like spyro trilogy.
At the very least I hope they allow us to pick and choose which track for which stages since that'd be unwieldy to try to manage during an online lobby. I hate the off-key xylophones that they've added to papu's pyramid.

Reminder that any character you wanted that didn't get in the new Sonic racing game:

Zavok did.

>Mancell is literally sitting on the pre-console shit and likely will NEVER EVER let them see the light of day
>it's going to turn out he's autistically denying this forever because of reasons that become infinitely retarded when made clear due to either being a Ken Penders-tier MUH ORIGINAL THE ENCHILADAS autist with his own shit, keeping it away due to some dumb promise or something as dumb or dumber than this shit
>and the worst part is, there will be tons of Crash 'fans' who won't even question this and flat-out go LEAVE THE MAN ALONE FOR GOOD, HE DOESN'T OWE YOU ANYTHING IF HE DOESN'T FEEL LIKE IT even if he is a DSP-tier sperglord

I will legit don a Crash suit, go up to Sony HQ and autistically screech into a megaphone for a year nonstop if this is what is happening/is what is going to happen soon.

Objective truth right here.

How does this game run on the PS4?

why in the name of everlasting hell does Activision think the shitty MIDI versions should be the baseline
God that makes me fucking mad

>he isn't getting both games
Maining Blaze in STR
Maining Coco in CTR

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Damn it!

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>Final game trailer
>Crash is seen at the end laughing and mingling with the trophy girls
>the camera pans to Tawna who is visibly pissed. "hmph!"
>rolls footage of her racing in her magenta colored kart

Attached: Tawnawawawawa.webm (1280x720, 699K)

Imagine coming in first but losing because your teammates suck

>Who here is going to use the original soundtrack?
I'm using the original soundtrack for CNK as well.

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But why?

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The problem is that Activision refuses to negotiate a deal with him to buy the pre-console mixes for use in CTR.

Josh is just doing what anyone with intellectual property should do.

komodo moe

cause it's a car race retard, you wouldn't use a car in a footrace

but sonic is faster than cars

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>Was planned to be in the original game
>Still hasn't been announced for this game
I'm scared, guys.
Sonic uses a car to give everyone else a fighting chance.

There's still a month left and activision obviously isn't going to reveal everything right away. They need to build more hype. There's simply no reason not to include characters like tawna, koala kong, brio or komodo moe, they have the models after all.

>storm the albatross

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It's a shitposter from the Sonic general. He's also known for constantly spamming hate posts towards big and omochao. He's been labled as Creampedo.

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The existing different Sonic animals are retarded, though

I'm a huge fan of the original but i won't be getting this one.
It looks good, i think they're doing a competent job, it's just that i can't possibly justify to myself spending so much money over a kart game that runs at fucking 30 fps in 2019 when i can play MK8 right now at 60.
I'm not getting a goddamn Pro just to play this game at 60, especially since the PS5 is just around the corner.

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>I'm a huge fan of the original
Really now?
>I'm not getting a goddamn Pro just to play this game at 60
It's not even 60 fps on pro either.

>I'm a huge fan of the original
>Don't have a PS4 at this point
You expect people to believe this shit

Same thing with the car race, Sonic might be faster but the race is specifically in car

Why do you guys bite the bait every fucking thread? I swear to God just wait and think before handing out your (You)s

>Really now?
I'm one of the few people that unironically thinks the original CTR is better than 90% of all MK games, but i like MKDD and MK8 slightly more (shitpost me on this if you want, i don't give a fuck, it's the truth).
>It's not even 60 fps on pro either.
That's just what i've read around, are they lying about it or something?
I meant as in, i don't want to buy a PS4 Pro so close to the upcoming PS5 release.
I have a normal PS4.

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I don't care in the slightest about 30fps posters.

banter rules, faglord

You also gotta remember that shitposters or falseflaggers will 9 times out of 10 reply to themselves to simulate a fight going on, which they do to try and entice people to reply too. If you see shitposts at all, just... don't do anything, carry on with regular conversation till you get actual replies.

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30fps for a racing game that requires tight execution when approaching certain shortcuts and tight corners isn't ideal, to say the least.

Then get the fucking game so you can play it with everyone dumdum

Not sure why you picked now of all times for 30fps to be a dealbreaker

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Those cowards need to show switch gameplay already, I'm going to get it regardless but I want to mentally prepare for how big of a downgrade it'll be

Im gonna wait until the complete roster is announced to decide on my main, but so far I would either main Dingodile because he was my main on CTR back then or either Ripper Roo or Komodo Joe because I really like them, even Nash maybe, I hope Krunk isn't shit for being in the Beginner tier too.

>tfw you play this
>you spend hours racing
>you just hold x for hours
>you win races
>you do this for hours
>you feel empty inside

>how big of a downgrade it'll be
I mean wasn't the N.Trilogy just fine on it?

>That's just what i've read around, are they lying about it or something?
The article that said this corrected itself. I'd personally be more pissed if it was 60 fps on the pro.

That's any game ever nigga

>The article that said this corrected itself.
Ok so it's just 30 on everything?
Guess i'll pick it up on the switch then, no reason to get any other version if they all run the same.

There's been screenshots of the switch version posted and the most noticeable downgrade is the lack of fuzziness on Crash and downgraded lighting, similar to how the switch port of the N Sane Trilogy was.

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>the camera is pointed at coco's ass as she walks forward

Yes. user is just a fucking retard.

I mean it looks shitty, but N.Trilogy had halved loading times as a trade off.
Might be worth it for that alone, maybe.

I mean, I think everyone here would prefer 60fps over 30fps and we don't really know the reason as to why both this game and the N. Sane Trilogy are running at 30fps instead of 60fps when the consoles should be perfectly capable of doing so.

But the original CTR also ran at 30fps on PS1 and it didn't stop the game for being one of the best kart racers ever made, so is not like we went from 60fps to 30fps on this game either.

>want to get this on my Bloodborne machine for the exclusive track
>don't want to pay for online I'll barely use

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N. Sane Trilogy on Switch was a good port but is nowhere as good as the PS4 and Xbox One versions of it not only because Crash lacks fur but because the game is overall more blurry and they even had to change certain stuff like a box placement since the Switch couldn't do reflections.

>we don't really know the reason as to why both this game and the N. Sane Trilogy are running at 30fps instead of 60fps when the consoles should be perfectly capable of doing so
I do: the devs of these remakes are complete hacks that don't know how to optimize shit.
There's no technical reason why these games shouldn't run at 60, all it would take is meaty optimization and testing that they just refuse to do, because they want to cut corners and release this shit quick and fast to make their nostalgia bucks.
It's the same reason why N Sane had some many annoying little bugs that they completely ignored.

>only 1 girl

why is Yea Forums okay with this?

Because N.Gin is best girl.

We're pretending to be

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>its a good port but
The inclusion of but makes your opinion no longer valid. That's like going to a restaurant and saying the soup is good but was cold and you'd much rather eat at the place across the street. Why bother pretending your liked the soup in the first place? If you don't like it just say that. Don't sugar coat it.

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>tfw Cocofag

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When are they gonna announce my nigga Brio?

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Loading times on consoles got patched same time around the Switch version released. They just optimized it.

Assuming that he's in for sure, either a week or so before release or a straight up secret character.

Wasn't Crash 60FPS on PC?
Why would it not be the same for CTR?

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Jak X is so much fun

E3 week

It hasn’t been announced for pc

Neither was the trilogy.

Because I think it's a good effort for an underpowered console such as the Switch, in the end gets the job done, you can play the game at a stable framerate and enjoy it from start to end, but if I had the choice I would prefer any other version of the game, that's not saying the Switch version is bad at all, just not the best.

Tiny, more like Tony

Crunch, being one of the few people who actually liked TWoC.

Rila Roo because I'm not a fucking pleb

>not a pleb
>picks the one whose entire character is "exists"
>but from the one game nobody liked
Contrarians are the biggest plebs

Regardless of the quality of Twinsanity, the animations of the game were always reaction image worthy.

>Crash Bash
go back to resetera

WoC hurts me because it was some actually good ideas, at least "story" wise (The soldier crash was always meant to be, more masks that share a history with Aku Aku and Uka Uka etc.) but the rehashing of Warped's gimmicks but with less well designed levels (With a few exceptions) and the waste of the good story ideas really hampered the experience

because in his case running is cheating, he would be too fast

Honestly I have no idea what they have planned for the future
It took a year for the trilogy to come to pc but that was because it was timed exclusive
I don’t think there’s any kind of exclusive deals this time around with ctr or Spyro

>but from the one game nobody liked
Crash Bash is like, the third best game in the series.

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>Can play Mareeo Kart, Sanic AND Crash on the same console

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>Crash Bash is like, the third best game in the series.
For like the first 3 hours playing Crash Crush and the Pogo levels, maybe

After that it's kinda repetitive and the A.I. don't put up much of a fight in the minigames that are actually worth a damn.

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>CTR Nitro Fueled is the first game in a series of 'combo' games featuring more than one game's content

>The next game will be Crash Bash, Wrath of Cortex, AND feature some content from Twinsanity like the 10th dimension

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>the A.I. don't put up much of a fight in the minigames that are actually worth a damn
>he didn't go autism mode to get the 200% completion
The endgame shit for Bash was so difficult, it was so bad.

I wish this game was out to distract me from that fuckery that just occurred in game of thrones

Rila Roo should have 1/7 for all his stats and should have a really difficult but stupid way to unlock him.

Unlock method: finish a race by driving backwards.

He has plenty of pre console tunes on his soundcloud

>I'm one of the few people that unironically thinks the original CTR is better than 90% of all MK games

That's literally the majority thought.


For my Money it's gotta be Crash and Fake Crash

Tiny. N.Tropy when I unlock him.

Likely Big and Small norm, real velo and Nina if she's in.

I meant fake velo, don't care about that little green shit.

PS4 has an exclusive track?

Yes, but we don't know if it's a reskin or an entirely new track. All we know is that it's "retro".

That's a bit of a bummer

You are going to play the campaign first, right, user?

It better not be low poly like the skins, imagine how much of a chore it would be to look at, with the engine the old graphics just wont work.

Likely yes, and I'll play with my sister and all my friends that are also buying this as soon as they're ready to race.

>disco oxide
absolutely groovy

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Penta, if he's in. Otherwise, i'm not sure, I'll see who has the best alt costumes.

will it have Multiplayer

Online? Yes, it was in the reveal trailer.
Offline? I'm not sure.

I'll just be the boring one and main Crash.

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penguin yay one

Is it safe to asum that other than seeing footage of N. Trance, Small Norm and Big Norm we won't be seeing any more info until E3?

I can't think a better scenario to reveal the classic characters + Spyro than E3 considering the game comes in a couple of weeks after it, but if no more info until then then I guess no CTTR characters, Yaya Panda or Twinsanity characters.

Split screen was literally in the trailer though.

>we won't be seeing any more info until E3?
Possibly, but where are we going to see any new footage? Sony have marketing rights, and they're not going to E3.

Well, fuck me, i missed that. I was probably too excited by the fact that i could play classic CTR tracks online.

what the fuck those graphics are too good for PS2

They will probably just upload a video like they have done until down during the E3 days, and I don't know if Activision brings their games there so there might be a new demo of CTR on E3 too.

This honestly looks better. I always hated the detailed fur. The lighting is worse but it's barely noticeable and a good trade-off for not having the fur

Yeah, they could, but i feel if that's the case, they could just upload it anytime. I don't think Activision would have their own booths, but i don't know if they'd be allowed to have it at Nintendo's or Xbox's set-ups.

Why do you hate the fur tho? I saw more people complaining about it but I actually think it looks good on Crash, I guess is a taste thing.

>brother always beat me with penta penguin
>found later that he was the only racer with maxed out stats

Mother fucker.

Attached: Penta_penguin.png (1023x598, 371K)

Yeah, he was cheap as fuck, and i hope they balance him well for this game.

>yfw it's actually crash bash and crash boom bang

>Be Naughty Dog
>Make kiddy mascot franchise
>It becomes successful
>After 3 main games and a kart racing game, say they want no more
>We don't want to be stuck making Crash games forever!!!!
>Forfeit the franchise
>PS2 era arrives
>Make ANOTHER mascot kiddy game
>Not as successful this time
>In the second game, decide to go the "edgy" way
>Make a third game and a kart racing game, and call it quits, AGAIN
>PS3 arrives
>Make not-Tomb Raider, with a DUDE as protagonist instead of a hot girl. How original!!!
>Have success, it's not as if the PS3 had games anyway, so they win by default
>Notice progressive narrative getting strong
>Make cinematic game about zombies and shit, protagonist is another generic white dude (just to be safe), and dyke teenager girl (she even kisses another girl!!!)

They are talented, but so hateable

Why didn't we get Unkarted?

I never thought of Crash with fur when I played the originals, it was basically like he had orange skin and it was perfectly fine with me

>I didn't know small marsupials had fur
American education

Is HOOH in?

Attached: r.jpg (152x278, 11K)

I'm not even American and Crash is humanoid stop being retarded

Since Cuckman took over Naughty Dog, the studio doesn't like to make fun games anymore, only liberal garbage, that's why we don't have Donut Drake in Uncharted 4.

At no point is it ever alluded that the mutation affects their fur. Just because you're too much of a dumb cunt to know what a bandicoot is doesn't mean the rest of us are.

Did you know what it was when you were 8?

Yes because I'm not a retard. Surely at some point in that backwards shithole you live in they taught you about Australian animals?

I think he means how since Crash and his companions are Looney Tune style characters, seeing HYPER REALISTIC FUR RENDERING on them is weird.

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strong bad should be in

Look at his other replies. He genuinely thinks he had orange skin.

This is what I meant, I know it's not skin but it doesn't like actual fur

forgive me for not thinking someone is retarded just because they thought crash had skin as a child

The patrician stays true to one waifu.
Just get comf on release day and warm up with some hot Coco.

He was listed in the IMDB voice cast or some shit.
There's a good chance he'll be playable considering there'd be little reason to have his voice in the game without him being playable.

Is there any chance?

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immense doubt

I wanna play this, but feel dirty if I do so before beating the trilogy.
How does it play on switch? Also will ctr be on switch?

Only if they share a kart

Yeah it's on the switch. The graphics are a bit different and there's exclusive skins for PS4, but that's about it. Also no cross platform online as of yet. 30 fps on all consoles.

I think it plays exactly the same, but it is inferior on the graphics department.
Yes, CTR will be on Switch

Polar was always my favorite

>No Twinsanity Island race course with a remix of this theme

Based and Twinsanitypilled.
Is there a petition or something I can sign to have a Twinsanity remake?

I would rather have a "reimagining" using the same general premise, but with new levels and cut content

Not that I know of, but someone from the dev team wrote an open letter to activision about it years ago.

If they choose to do that I hope they’ll hire Spiralmouth to do the new tracks and keep the old ones. Twinsanity would not be the same with a different OST

Sorry bros, I was going to get this but I wasnt expecting Nintendo to drop Mario Maker 2, FE, Daemon X machina and Astral Chain in the summer. I'll see you in holidays when I finally get this.

>Game is switch but not the PC
Why put this game on switch? You know Nintenfags have a grudge against Crash and will prefer their shitty MK8 game. This will flop on switch.

>Nintenfags have a grudge against Crash
I thought it was the other way around.

>Grudge against Crash
>NSane Trilogy sold well on Switch

Stop making stuff up

>shitty MK8 game
It’s almost a guarantee that MK8 will be better than a PS1 game with updated graphics. You could always play and like both of them, but people will prefer MK8 because it is the better one

Replace FE with this game

I mean, it might flop considering that Mario Maker 2 is releasing a week after, but I really doubt Nintendo fans hate crash. The trilogy sold very well on switch.

>RNGKart 8
Yeah have fun getting pelted with items you can't stop

that's gonna be a yikes from me

Being able to hold 2 items makes it easier to prevent yourself from getting hit and the blue shells are not as frequent as they were in MK Wii.

>No initial PC release
>Forced to double dip

And if you're good enough in CTR, you can't get hit at all.

Sub Zero!

Attached: kart sub.jpg (720x568, 293K)

Penguin yay 1 of course.

I like the idea of Crash cheating with Tawna being the reason why they broke up. It makes him look less like a cuck.

The only notable thing about Rilla Roo is that he's the first non-ND Crash OC.

>pre-console mixes
what do you mean pre-console mixes? Original ps1 music?

Sorry bro, but if you're really not going buy this amazing remake because of Fire Emblem you are a retard.

Absolutely, unequivocally, undeniably based.

based and eggpilled

Attached: N._Trance.png (230x237, 63K)

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Man, the crossover guys really look strange in normal.

What the music sounded like before the PS1 compressed it.

Nigga, you can make anything sound trite if you want to. How about you do the opposite?

>tfw you play this
>you spend hours improving yourself having fun
>pulling off all sorts of crazy manuevers after mastering them
>win races by a landslide, impressing and pissing off everyone
>do this until you beat the shit out of anons on Yea Forumseekend threads
>feel like a total champ, people fear seeing your username

Attached: 1556220379604.jpg (933x1199, 390K)

They've already said they weren't gonna use the pre-console mixes. They haven't said why but if you think about it there's some feew good reasons:

- Looping. Very hard to impossible. Was Reignited's big issue with the "original soundtrack" toggle.
- Speed manipulation. CTR music goes faster on the final lap, and you cannot change the speed of a pre-processed sample (i.e. the final pre-console mix) without it sounding really bad and wrong.

Spyro was a secret character in the GBA version of CNK, I wouldn't be surprised if they snuck him in somehow.

Anyone gonna get this and Sonic team?

Some Beenox employees are.

I will because I like kart racers. I do think Crash looks better overall, just sucks that there isn't a pc version yet.

I'm planning on getting both, but I'm a little hesitant to wait for the PC port of CTR. We also don't know what the DLC situation will be, and it's Activision so I'm naturally cautious.

If the game didn't look so amazing I probably wouldn't bother.

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How well did the N. Sane Trilogy do on PC? Would Activision have any reason to avoid it when they're outside of an exclusivity agreement, besides effort?

We're so close to getting this perfect cast.
Don't fail me now Beenox!
At least give Brio and Tawna, I feel like they deserve it most.

At least ~500k copies, I believe. A little less than 5% of the sales.

if 500,000 copies is less than 5%, I'd say they did pretty well for themselves either way. I would think it's worth it, but then again I'm not a publisher.

This artstyle us fucking shit but at least Yaya is there

So what do you guys think the rest of the alts will be?

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If there's enough demand, it will happen in time. Let's see how Spyro works out first

What do I think, or what do I want? If TTR skins are in, we can assume the rest of the cast are getting theirs as well. I'm also hoping for more throwback outfits like Coco's look from Nitro Kart or N. Gin's pirate get-up from Twinsanity concept art.

Attached: 1557422075590.png (1200x703, 1.12M)

Bikini Coco

Coco is always in China so maybe a Chinese inspired outfit could be nice
Also since theres both scuba and pilot crash does that mean biker crash is a shoe in?

Anyway I got some general ideas too
>Grizzly Polar
>Nice Cortex
>Gladiator Tiny
>Arctic Dingodile (he's just wearing a Parka or something)
>Dingodile with a shirt
>N-Trance boiled egg skin
>Bright Norm (a more stereotypical clown outfit)
>Pharaoh N.Tropy
>Hulk Hogan Crunch

>kimono coco
not sure if racing material but would be welcome all the same

Attached: you_seem_familiar_by_mitssch-d8qvo8s.png (800x664, 717K)

They should have stuck with Crash, and they would if the relationship between NaughtyDog and Universal wasn't so awful. I have no idea who to blame for that, but siding a little with Universal, by that I mean people like David Siller, Joe Pearson and Charles Zembillas.

Attached: 1480845613667.png (140x271, 65K)

Joe Pearson and Charles Zembillas have nothing to do with Universal, and David Siller himself said Universal was"run by idiots." Good on Naughty Dog for getting rid of them, they really had no idea what they were doing.

Attached: orange_asphalt_by_kempferzero-dbct47p.png (814x1063, 375K)

Okay, but the people I mentioned and some others were what made Crash Bandicoot happen, and to throw them all under the bus except for Mark Cerny one by one was a low blow from NaughtyDog's side.

Crash's skins are fucking garbage. Literally just rips from N.Sane. When are they going to stop trying to make Crash the least interesting character, always?

Attached: crashIsFuckingPissed!.jpg (678x720, 208K)

MK feels like all the tracks are made of butter. CTR feels tight, and the boost mechanics are more satisfying

The franchise in general has very few female characters that are brought to the forefront. I'd argue though that Tawna would have more potential over getting in over Nina or Passadena because most people who know crash have only played the Crash trilogy.

Crash Bash was great, primarily with your best friend going through the game together. Rilla Roo is a literal who character, but he potentially opens the door for more of Cortex's abominations.

would be nice if we got some cameo characters in ctr.

Nothing boring about Crash. Hes just as screwed in the head as the rest of the cast.

If you play the trilogy you'll get a feel for which characters you'd like to play. Granted most of them don't get any character development, but you atleast interact with them in their actual game.


It'd be a qipao and better.

You should replace one of those games and experience yourself and your Yea Forums bros getting better together. Through Crash unity.

I understand this is a Crash thread. But what are the chances of Daxter being jammed into this kart racer? He can easily fit the cartoony aesthetic, but who owns the Jak franchise anyway?

Why is nobody talking about this, and singling out Crash as the crazy one? In certain situations he's arguably the sanest one.

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Pretty sure Jak belongs to Sony, so it would only be on the PS4 in that case. The original CTR also belongs to Sony, so I find it weird that the remake is even coming out on other consoles.

Attached: 1556490425172.png (1440x1080, 179K)

>The original CTR also belongs to Sony, so I find it weird that the remake is even coming out on other consoles.
Sony also owns the rights to the original 3 games. The remakes are allowed on other consoles on a technicality considering they're classed as new games which Sony doesn't have the exclusive rights to.

Sony only has distribution rights for Crash 1-Bash.

>Not wanting N. Sane stuff JUST for his biker skin
This game even has hotrods to use it in for crying out loud

Tawna is so cute now

>retro Cortex brings back the big square jaw he always had
>retro Crash has a diamond in each ear
>retro Coco has hair that looks like crystals

Since these are the ACTUAL models from the PS1 games (or some really arbitrary approximation) give them some fucking smoothing you assholes. They weren't this blocky and ugly on PS1.

Attached: 1544912481153.png (416x402, 92K)

Damn shame that flat shading is somehow the default "retro" look, when most PS1 games used gouraud shading, and especially Crash Bandicoot.

I mean, it also checks out with the promo art for CTR so that's a reason there

Attached: Crash_Team_Racing_Trophy_Girls.png (450x736, 412K)

predict the next announcement
>CNK Adventure Mode
>missing CTR characters
>CTTR racers

Attached: 1495799097897.png (339x300, 13K)

PC release date

Missing Chef N. Gin


Gonna take a leap here and say they'll confirm that 'Nitro Fueled' mode is an online Adventure where racers around the world actually populate the hub at all times and drive around the place.

Maybe some battle mode footage, CTTR racers and CNK Adventure, like you said.

Attached: CocoSacredFire.webm (770x466, 2.95M)

Phantom of the Opera N. Gin
I'm surprised it hasn't been done before

Attached: phantom.jpg (970x546, 148K)

Attached: 1554529756488.jpg (2001x1118, 2.09M)

I was also thinking of this ad for Crash 1 which had him hanging out with two girls in front of a Seattle Slims.

Attached: crash-bandicoot-1-1.jpg (1024x682, 161K)

Attached: 1499039418871.jpg (366x410, 79K)

Stench, Snipe, Ee-lectric, Ratcicle and Spike as DLC characters.

I picked the best ones, cry me a river.

Attached: 1555706647416.jpg (1600x2400, 515K)

>Late May - Small video highlighting CNK Tracks and officially showing off Fake Velo, the Norms and N. Trance.
>Early June E3 - Big Trailer, shows off CTTR racers (Nina, Clutch and Pasadena) bringing the roster to 30. Then shows off brand new N. Sane Legacy racers in Brio, Tawna, Koala Kong, Moe and obj_motherfucker. Bringing roster up to 35.
>Late June - Launch Week, Last minute trailer revealing Spyro and completing base roster at 36 racers.

Attached: CNK_Velo_Mask.png (743x1025, 1.49M)

>Here's me being escorted off the premises by security
Perfect. Fucking perfect.

Honestly this mascot fucker tells you everything you need to know about the character and it shouldn't be hard for devs to capture this. Crash is an oblivious dumbass with a good heart and gains a ton of enemies just by being himself.

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this game will be summer kino

you could say that Sony doesn't give a fuck to keep as exclusive

maybe is too expensive

dit we get full roster yet? some guy said we would but I feel misled now.


MOST PLAYABLE TRACK POLL: strawpoll.me/17841782

ABSOLUTE FAVORITE TRACK POLL: strawpoll.me/17882634

TIERs: tiermaker.com/create/ctr-cnk-tracks-804

(change my choices, but if you got S+ tier taste like me you wouldn't)

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should bosses get their own songs but with the same melody? (like crash 3 skull routes) youtube.com/watch?v=2w26h7j65OY


reminder he is ultra gay, he literally flirts with his opponents in this soj voice. Just look up the playing as Nash hack.

that's old news BUDDY

He thought we would, but he was wrong. It is implied that there are still unrevealed racers.

"c'mon.. I won't bite ;D"


why would you want everything announced?
leave something as a secret unlock

Probably the one that does the Advanced characters.
Cortex and N. Gin's cheerleader should be a somewhat tall, DFC, professional looking sticc.
Crash and Coco's should be a generic roastie.
The Beginner cheerleader should be a smoll loli.

Attached: fuck.png (262x326, 97K)


I really want to have sex with Coco lads

Take it to

>wont buy the game cause he doesnt got ps4 pro so the game can run in 60 fps
you're so full of shit mate

Attached: great.png (254x246, 128K)



>the worst we got is Crash of the Titans
>they have the movie, autistic fanbase history and Sonic 06
we'll be fine

Attached: 1550579290758.gif (563x900, 367K)

why does the n.brio looks like a fucking soilent zoomer ?

Attached: dafq.jpg (562x530, 62K)

His name sounds like a fetus.

god i wish that were me

Attached: If you know what is this image from youre the MAD lad.jpg (250x227, 9K)

I would if I could

Those crates don't work like that!

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Me on the right.

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Nice Projared fanart

wake me up when june 20th ends

Dingodile obviously. Where are my Dingo lads at?

What is Jared a pro at?

Fucking up his Youtube career.

punching above his weight multiple times


You're underrated, kid.

which thread?

>yfw Tawna isn't a racer, but the exclusive trophy girl to Pinstripe

Make one. Lewds here get threads deleted.

its not an ingame shot you absolute fucking retard. how fucking stupid can you be

>Lewds here get threads deleted.
Nobody posted lewds

There is no need to be this upset

I can dig it. Oxide especially deserves a unique song for the rematch, having it just play the normal boss theme is lame.

literally how can you be so stupid? im genuinely baffled

worse yet
>tawna is a racer
>gets Uka-Uka as her team mask
>exclusive N. Team and mafia maiden alternate outfits

Attached: 1497974860822.jpg (1024x684, 106K)

Isn't this confirmed in the Oxide trailer? (You can kinda hear a 'space' themed rendition of the boss theme.

I'm not the same user, you just looked like a tard getting that fucking assblasted

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Crash doesn't deserve this.

Attached: 1557047647033.png (503x594, 200K)

Crash Boom Bang is miles worse than Titans, but I know where you're coming from.

that's all they have at this point

If she came back, now miserably married to Pinstripe and secretly raising Crash's offspring that Pinstripe thinks is his, that would be such a sweet revenge story for Crash without even doing a thing.

Best pairing

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How could he possibly think they're his. Is he blind?

Yes he does

Why is that

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Crash is a chaste and virginal hero.

Given that the Moulin Cortex is canon, could we assume that Pinstripe has forced his gf into a life of vice, forced to perform at a seedy furry club

No he doesn't, lol

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

That sounds cool as fuck

>relying on CPU to not fuck up: the game
you don't even deserve a (you)

Crash is a bandicoot, Tawna is a bandicoot, Pinstripe is a potoroo. They're really not that distinguishable if you don't know it.

>people fear seeing your username
I hate and love the sound of that. Makes me think what if no one is brave enough to race against me

I hope the motorcycle outfit is in for Crash. Should be easy to port it over from the trilogy.

>They're really not that distinguishable
That's racist

Attached: 1530292495211.png (1417x1417, 313K)

>High Speed, Good Acceleration, Poor Turning
That's my nigga, Dingodile

The pilot outfit is in, so the motorcycle outfit is all but confirmed.

No. He fucked. Once.

Now he spends his days spilling his seeds on the beach outside his house, which N.Gin is observing, as evidenced in Mind Over Mutant.

He cute

If I pretend to be a dying kid will Beenox/Activision send me an early copy

Is this real?

I've considered this.

I want more art of Tawna tied up.

Attached: tawnadid1byryujikunzr7.jpg (694x1010, 115K)


Crash or roo

Also, please for the love of god dont ruin the physics of it.

>Mind Over Mutant
That never happened.

Attached: 1550770429919.jpg (210x240, 20K)


Fuck I hope these are in, they were great

patrician taste


Unkarted would've been fucking fun


>that Koala Kong
i'm scared

nudog hates fun

dressing up as sailor mercury

What's up with Brio's face?

I would endlessly play this game


I Always found Pinstripe's snout to be very phaliccal.

His nose looks like a penis ingame.

really makes you think

I can't be the only one that saw this as a kiddo.

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I'm actually the original requester of this delivery. I kinda wish I had used the Crash Boom Bang rendition of him for reference, since the Tawna here was based on her design in that game.

Attached: 74924_back.jpg (640x569, 81K)

Accidentally sat on the gearstick.

Japanese Crash is weird

Me. I really love the CNK soundtrack. Different composers, but it still sounds very Crash Bandicoot.

Tropy is having a jolly good time here.

The guy never smiles, it's odd seeing this

Attached: Doctor_Nefarious_Tropy.png (698x1040, 423K)

Tropy has never gone digital before either.

Attached: n-trance-59201f4d5f454.jpg (512x512, 49K)

CTR makes even jaded villains crack a smile

Isn't Oxide far grumpier than N. Tropy? this pic is literally his first smile in DECADES.

Attached: nitrosoxidelaughing2.png (533x516, 473K)

Oxide is always happy when he gets to destroy a planet.

Can confirm. N. Gin never laughed until CTR (chronic headaches from having a missile embedded in your skull do that), and that was long before they decided to make him an unhinged igor stereotype for some reason.

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Brio looks like he's about to detonate an unfortunate fat kid.

but does he actually have bite? I mean, he could easily get what he wants (entertainment) by acting like a creepy alien? I'd refuse the tournament and call Oxide's bluff, just to see what he'll do. If he threatens some more, he's just hot gas moxia

Attached: _cb__the_break_up_by_sigerreip-dclf6g7.jpg (1024x1280, 190K)

You really like cuckoldry don't you?

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>Chronic splitting bain, brain deep


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So what are the chances of this guy being playable.

Attached: 74924_back.jpg (62x158, 5K)

Attached: _cb__tawna_bandicoot__electron_skin__by_sigerreip-dd5b9ju.jpg (1024x1447, 172K)

as much as you picking puss over black cock behind your molars.

Attached: _cb__tawna_bandicoot_by_seg0lene-dbk5pre.jpg (1024x1467, 143K)

I dare you to find even one person on Earth who gives a fuck about this dude.

Attached: _cb__why_don_t_you_do_right_by_seg0lene-dc9c5o9.jpg (1024x1447, 260K)

What other Spyro characters could fit into CTR?

You forgot to mention the workaholic tendencies
>built a space station
>a battleship
>countless mechs, munitions and robotic henchmen for his boss
>a supercharged kart that's faster than Cortex's
N. Gin needs a break. Good thing he has racing as an outlet

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Is Crunch the least necessary character ever? Cortex has seen that Bandicoots have shit reliability and obedience problems. Why didn't he empower Dingodile or Pinstripe? These guys got weapon proficiency too.

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he'd be dead in the gutter if he did that all by himself. I asume he designs, but has obj_motherfucker & asshole (what's the diff?) do the labour? maybe some final finetuning.

Crash has an imouto.

Ripto. But they would need to make the Reignited model less bad.

Because for whatever reason, he viewed Bandicoots as the optimal choice for his army commander. I suppose his logic with Crunch was that Crash was a failure because he was impatient and rushed the usage of the Vortex before it was ready, so he took his time with Crunch to do it right. But then Crunch betrayed him anyways and he said 'fuck it' to the whole idea of using Bandicoots and made a shrink ray instead.

Attached: Crashadven.png (272x300, 167K)

I never liked Crunch because I kinda thought he stole Tiny's niche of "big evil Crash 2.0" but lately I've kinda grown to appreciate him on at least some level. I like that he's basically what Cortex intended Crash to be from the beginning.

Hi Fierce.

yeah but you'd expect him, with his Iq of 200 (noted somewhere if I remember right?) to SEE PATTERNS AND FAULTS? that's what even an average Iq can do. Also, how come Dingodile is the only Chimaeric mutant? all others are just one animal. Seeing how Dingodile got a higher rank than Tiny and thus the highest of all mutants, it means he's a success. So why not go further with it? Make a Mengele horroshow and evolvo it?

He's just trying to recreate Crash because he keeps kicking his ass.

What's funny is that I can kinda see the logic in it. If he can at least make someone stronger to kill him he can get rid of him, but all of them lack Crash's ability to hijack anything.

He rushed with Ripper Roo too and he was the first one. Guess he didn't learn that time too.

Attached: ripper_roo_by_c0nny_d7pxqrc (1).jpg (2362x2833, 3.24M)

Crunch jumped ship after the first game and Tiny is still the "big motherfucker with huge teeth"

>he'd be dead in the gutter if he did that all by himself
He would be, but he rebuilt the missile that wounded him into a pacemaker. Also Cortex was the only one to give him a job after his accident

How does one alleviate a critical medical problem by themselves? don't such patients need urgent care to stay alive?

Roo was a Vortex mistake, Cortex found him not obedient enough and did him twice. I wonder what thrice will do? hm....

Even a genius makes mistakes

I assume the guy has a blaster to wipe out all life, like what he did to Mars. I wouldn't want to piss off an alien with vastly superior technology.

If I were Cortex i'd Liquidate (as in, bang bang ded ho) Oxide in cold blood and claim his ship. I could use that…

too dark?

will snaking be a thing or will it be more like the new mario kart?

well, if he does that he has no entertainment either way. I'd inform him Mars was Always a lifeless planet and that Venus is the one that went to shit. Oxide is so insecure and wants to race so badly, I /WOULD/ call his bluff.

>don't such patients need urgent care to stay alive?
I don't know, but if all the leftover plugs in Gin's labcoat are any indication it probably wasn't a pretty sight.

Attached: ngin_concept_hidden.png (540x600, 216K)


Probably would fry him

Attached: D4ivSf2WAAIkdUu.jpg (1024x1024, 122K)

Fuck why do concept art for 90’s games always look so fucking good?

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CTR is 50/50 on snaking. It does a good job avoiding long straights with no way to gain speed most of the time, but sometimes you gotta improvise it does throw a straight at you (Tiger Temple, N. Gin Labs)

Luckily the reserve system lets you stay boosted down straights if you're powersliding well.

Attached: NFTigerTemple.webm (904x458, 2.95M)

Considering that he's from Gasmoxia, he probably has some deadly poison or something

>call his bluff
>he destroys your planet
>as you suck alien cock you wish you had just agreed to a few go-kart races

Attached: 1432560721213.jpg (433x550, 289K)

CTR always had a sort of pseudo-snake, where drifting on a straight for boost was possible, but you could usually only get one or two slides tops. Unlike Mario Kart though, you can get up to three boosts per drift instead of one.
I liked the depth of MKDS, but snaking was honestly kind of a chore.

as kid I Always wanted to decoat him. English is not my first language. I did not know that ''ripping'' is not something you want your pet to do to you.

Funny fact is that it didn't cause brain damage, as that causes problemsd with memory, balance, low energy levels and headaches. The only one Roo meets is low energy, he's a wet noodle, but that symptom is far too common. The Vortex does seem to put your brain in overdrive as Roo also got doctorate smart.

can't wait for this game

Beenox I just preordered the game please put her in

Attached: 1499646565966.jpg (1024x1280, 308K)

Almost like hes got a split personality.

Attached: Ripper_Roo_Bio_Concept.png (524x500, 290K)

but look at how Velo organizes it (just rays in the entire cortex castle) and Oxide. Velo obviously is, no bullshit. lick his heels if you want to live. Oxide is all alone, no minions, no warriors… no nothing. he's either a fugitive or hobbyist and I doubt either has WMD's? Even if he has thme, and isn't tlaking out one of his 3 asses, if you refuse to race he may even sweeten the deal to motivate you as threats didn't do shit?

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I want more Liz Bandicoot art.

Attached: 53c818bcc930c65f123441a60452e1ce.jpg (1081x1023, 525K)

We'll likely see the remaining roster at E3.

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Niece or daughter?

Attached: 1557550321186.png (764x883, 191K)

they never went with that catchphrase. thank god. They also didn't weaponize his claws ingame.

Attached: crashspyroripperroosheila.png (1000x799, 359K)

Is this someones OC?

Niece. No way would Cortex get laid.

I'm disgusted but intrigued.

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Attached: crashripperrooschoolgirl.jpg (735x1087, 90K)

This, crash is best


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Attached: Capture.png (519x545, 317K)

I think she will be. Chick N Stew of all characters have been included in some fashion. I also expect Pasadena and Von Clutch to be in too, and all the karts and costumes from CTTR. I'll even go as far as saying a few CTTR tracks (like 3) will even be included as well. Rings of Uranus would be a lot of fun. CTR needs a fun tiny closed circuit type of track.

Attached: maxresdefault-4.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

>has brainwash machines


Attached: crashdingadila.jpg (553x800, 140K)

I forgot about that game

>rings of Uranus

F / 0% / 1/6 / 1/10 for astronomy. Uranus has no rings.

Shit, you're right. He could have gotten someone N. Tranced.

Fingers crossed I suppose

You don't just call your "niece" daughter when youre by yourself. Though I dont want to ask who'd have sex with Cortex [spoiler[or if he even had consent[/spoiler]

I dont think I ever got that far in TTR so it would be a nice treat. Though I think there was something decent hidden in that one Egyptian track

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how would that be legality wise? count as intoxication and thus rape? Not that I car,e I just don't want to get caught.

I'll take things the Switch can't do Alex.


wanna try again?

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Totally his daughter. He seems very quick to correct himself as to not let his secret out.

Madame Amberly was thicc af

Attached: crashripperroodingodile.jpg (720x882, 78K)

Depends on the country. Cortex is an international criminal and probably caused Chernobyl

I wish Nina has more decent R34

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So what's Nina's alignement?
She good or evil?

Isn't she a little kid you sicko?

yeah they're far too thin and un-dense to be used for anything. doubt you can even walk on them if you are equiped for space. It's hover, throttle
see rock 30 metres further. 50 metres further, another one.

Wait is this a joke?

Deep down has a heart of gold, but loves her uncle so much that she joins along with and helps in his evil schemes.

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only 12 decent images is the worse fate I hope if shes in that fixes things

Neutral Evil at best but like said she has some good in here
Before Radical ruined it

Oxide for Chaotic Neutral?

shithead just does everything he wants, rules be damned. Beat him? nope, gotta collect his meaningless challenges for the relics.

Evil. She just made her debut in the middle of an enemy of my enemy situation.

favorite version of the crash spin

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>no biker Crash

Played some cttr on a drunken bender this past weekend and some of the tracks might actually be okay with ctr physics. Not as good as tracks designed for the mechanics but serviceable with the amount of turns and bumps. With some adjustments they could work but I'd rather they ditch the motor world gimmick and just straight up redesign them, like use medieval from warped for happily ever faster stages, and ditch the Uranus jokes entirely.

Crash is a Chad

Depends on the iteration. Originally she was obliviously evil acting out of childish impulse more than anything (Crash Purple), moved onto neutral albeit voiceless (Twinsanity) and was promoted to a spoiled teen brat during the Radical years (TTR/Titans)

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should've requested sexual favors, Crash. Fucking a dragon sojboi in the ass is once a lifetime.

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I request you to stop

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Same. but if Spyro is added, he's my new main, I just loved the work they did on the trilogy, flaws aside.

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>Crash got the secret ending
>Which is he beats Cortex Saves Tawna
>Nothing happens
What the fuck?

>Ditch Motorworld
>Use Warped themes
Its like you read my mind. Interesting too that every theme in CTTR could be paired with a theme from Warped too. June can't get here fast enough.

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I could get the shipping stuff too, I mean, you did use reverse psychology.

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I wonder if he'll get angry if I use him as porter peeer. like, I need to pee, I piss on him and his fur soaks it up. very handy for when you're on the move.


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what the fuck kind of ultra autism has this thread devolved into

The bump limit kind


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>Own a copy of CTTR
>Game keeps on crashing
Feels bad, man.

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Mine works fine
Could be your console

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Time Jafar is a based dude

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