Why didn’t you buy Jensen’s game? The IP is dead now because of you

Why didn’t you buy Jensen’s game? The IP is dead now because of you.

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I really liked human revolution but never played mankind divided

Same. I keep saying I'm going to get Mankind Divided, but I keep getting side tracked. Did a "GOTY" version come out with all the DLC?

because the sequel went full retard

I did buy it. I didn't finish it, however.

My boy Jensen WILL return one day, just you see

Think about it, JC. Why was the original game the only time a mainstream Western game was allowed to go political? Look what happened to Spector - had to go shill for The Mouse. Now he's a nobody, a goner. The franchise went to Canada to be neutered like a surplus moose.

Planned obsolescence, JC. That's what it's about. Good, services - ideas. Nothing is straight to the point anymore; the truth has been mired in a sea of conflicting ideas all set up so that no compromise can ever be reached. A perpetual state of tug-of-war perpetuated by the big corps. Injustice has become the word of the day but what kind of injustice are we talking about? Against people with prosthetic limbs? Give me a break. Look at the taxes, the minimum wage, the influx of cheap labor and how total connectivity effects the market prices. Why don't you take a stroll down Rust Belt, Denton? You'll see something that was indeed planned way before it became obsolete.

But who am I kidding, the gen Z doesn't even care about your dead franchise...


The Drone Theocracy will make Navarre's approach look saintly

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Warren Spector is a huge classic cartoon fanboy he even wrote a pen and paper toon rulebook

No but the season pass goes on sale with the base game now I got both for $10.

There was an 8 year lull between Invisible War and Human Revolution because IW "killed" the IP. Mankind Divided came out 3 years ago or so, I'd expect no news on the next entry until at least 2021/2022.

Love Human Revolution, on my 2nd play through of Mankind Divided, still one of the most graphically impressive games I have seen in a while. If the PR team hadn't fucked up so badly the next DX would probably be here by now, but from an article i read a while ago that Jensen still has one more game left, they are just waiting for more hype and the MD debacle to fade from public memory

Gotta love how the secret service went to the Ion Storm/Eidos offices for taking too much interest in the White House and finding secret rooms on the blue print from an archive that weren't on the official map of the white house, and how they were also visited cause the website they made to advertise the site was set up like a conspiracy theory website, but struck too close to some "real shit"

I did buy his games, they fucked up by splitting the last one in half and never ending the story. Also with predatory microtransaction bullshit and a buggy PC release.
Have a good day, love.

>Why was the original game the only time a mainstream Western game was allowed to go political?
Because it wasn't, and you're bullshitting to make some sort of argument.

I feel like if they had waited until a full decade had passed between the release of HR and MD, the latter might have been more hyped and not felt like an expansion pack.
Then again, I feel this way about most series this decade.

I got it for "free" with PS plus and finished it, i really liked it so i would buy a third one

I did buy it. When it cost $1.

They made a boring game.

I bought HR (base version), it was okay.

I got Mankind Divided on PS+ but never got around to playing it

I bought it for 4 dollars. Still haven't played it. I'm keeping it on the backlog until more DX is made.

I got with all DLC for super cheap a while ago, along with the other DX games in a steam bundle. It apparently is missing some Day One edition stuff, like a digital novel and a comic. Nothing gameplay related.

Side note, the fitgirl repack has all that fluff stuff. If you want you can just buy the game and then play the repack.