Were arcades actually fun or just a cash-grab meme?

Were arcades actually fun or just a cash-grab meme?

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Arcades are still fun user

It was gambling but with actual skill involved

I want to punch that salad dodging fuck.

What is that bump from his belly?

>paying $1 / play
>some japs still do this

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How many arcade games have been ported to consoles?
Most were cash grabs.

That Rampage cabinet seems to be the only good one.

Fun place to hang out with people after school and blow all your cash. Good times.


his wenis penis

OutRun is still one of the greatest driving games of all time.

yeah that world be retarded, good thing you can still find dime and quarter machines

You can actually get good enough at an arcade game to beat it with one credit.

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I had a lot of fun growing up on them, but I wouldn't bother to go to one anymore for more than a couple of bucks, especially considering that you can emulate and buy old games for less than $5 most of the time on ebay and in thrift/old game shops.

Kek he wore his shirt inside out. The buttons are not visible

Well for starters if you were real young it was your parents money so you didn't give a shit. If you were older it was more about just hanging out with your friends, the games were just the activity you were doing together that day.

I used to love pinball. Put one quarter in and rack up a bunch of free games until I get sick of it and just leave it for the next person to play for free.

Playing fighting games against strangers or actually setting a high score in public is something that can never be replicated.

its velcro

Daytona USA is best arcade racer.

Those tiny cabs seem way over priced. Can't believe he bought 5. At that point may as well get a candy cab and but a proper board in

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I see he's spending his youtube money wisely. Nah bro dont invest in a personal gym, or a health bar. Just buy a totally practical personal retro arcade that an emulator or even a flash player could do for free. Cant wait to see the next arbitrary "Youtube Money" video

Depended on the arcade. If you were lucky enough to live near arcades that stocked loads of fightan/shmups/racers then it they were absolutely baller. However, most arcades tended towards quarter muncher bullshit and ticket traps, and the only good games tended to be in disrepair.

Nowadays, most arcades tend to be bars filled with ratty old cabs that haven't been maintained since the 90s or semi-upscale joints in some major cities designed to cater to weebs.

Uhh, Sega made a hugely successful console by doing just that. The Genesis was renown for its arcade ports at the time.

Pretty much every single arcade game?
Are you not aware that's why arcades everywhere but Japan died?

This zoomer retard has never been to Japan or a Dave and Busters. Your generation is shit

Some are down to $150 already. I guess they just don't sell that well.

Arcades (the original arcades with pac man and space invaders) existed when kids still went outside every single day, there was no internet, there were no smart phones, there was no such thing as social media, and home consoles had just started and were not as powerful as the arcade machines.
They were hang out spots to meet new kids and get into competitions on the games as well as show of in front of crowds, yes people would gather around a game if you were good or if they wanted to just watch.
They were fun because video games were a new thing that had never existed before, and arcades were exiting.

If you have to ask this then you clearly weren't there during the times.

That's not what gambling means though.

Pay to win garbage

I wish I was old enough to have experienced the 80's and early 90's arcade culture. Hopefully I can go to Japan one day and see what it's like.

I've been wanting to buy a candy cab, but there are none in my area on Craigslist. Does anyone know how would I go about getting one? I'm in California.

Yeah, that was always the real benefit of arcades. Hanging out with some buddies or meeting new people because you played each other in Street Fighter or some shit.

whos gunt is bigger?

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Based retard

really weird to see a Dick Masterson in the wild

Hydro Thunder, bros.

We had that cabinet in store in my hometown, a run-down barely-on-the-map town in Kentucky.

I played it a lot. I got to the point I could do all the races and unlock / finish first on all the tracks, including Nile Adventure, on one credit.

I would sit there for roughly an hour, just racing. A line would form, but nobody dared force me away. My initials were the top 5 places on every track.

But then, the machine disappeared.

I hope to find it one day.

If it has a guncon then it's fun

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You could get a dreamcast

No they're not. Nowadays they just have machine of crap you can download on your phone. I find myself bored in arcades nowadays, and would rather be at home playing Vidya

Yes also it actually made faggots like us have to socialize.

They were the best. No matter where you were or what you were doing, if you came upon an arcade, you were checking it out and later telling your friends about it. It wasn't just fun, it was a whole fraternal culture.

But holy shit could you burn money in those places.

>he didn't go to the empty cabinet because he was too shy to ask for a turn on an occupied one
What a chad

those aren't even arcade games. They're like half the size of actual arcade cabinets.

>literally zoomer: the thread
arcades were fun because above all else they were social clubs for playing games before video games had hit the big time (I know they were already mainstream in the 90s, but they didn't hit movie numbers until the early 00s)
even if you ran out of change, you could still watch a friend plow through house of the dead or some 400lb fatass absolutely destroy at ddr

They were fun as fuck back before the turn of the century primarily because they had hardware that could outdo any of the home systems so the games were a lot more complex. The games were fun, and brought on moments of pure awe at what they could do. Parity was briefly reached well into the SNES days, but arcades pulled ahead again with the foray into 3D graphics. After 2000... well, you've got some holdouts, but basically all the big players just packed up and moved to the consoles because there was no appreciable difference in power anymore. Easier to sell a game at $30-60 a pop to a million console owners than to try and get full cabinets purchased/leased to the few business owners left that might even have room in their establishment for something like an arcade game.

If I ever become filthy rich though, I definitely want to get my hands on a Hydro Thunder machine. I have the DC version of the game(and to a degree I kind of like it better due to polish/interface), but there's something to be said for the boat cockpit and throttle of the real deal.

*parked bus

git gud faggot

used to skip school and go to the city to play drummania, pop'n'music and initial d. everyone else i hung out with used to play only play kof though, but i suck at fighting games so i never bothered.

>stealthy e-celeb thread

nice blog

Maybe you just dont like arcade games?

Sound Voltex Vivid Wave, Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5, House of the Dead Scarlett Dawn, and Silent Scope Bone Eater are weekly plays for me.

Imagine buying this garbage.

Coulda built yourself a MAME cab.
Coulda bought yourself a MAME cab.
For a little more you could get a nice Japanese sit down.


The most based answer itt

Or better yet, instead if that garbage he could've bought lifting equipment and work out at home. That or a gun to kill himself.

He's slimmed down quite a bit

Depends on the game. Rhythm games are the best for arcades but god damn they steal all you're money trying to improve.

That doesn't mean a lot of them didn't have completely garbage design and balancing

>I wish I was old enough to have experienced the 80's and early 90's arcade culture
I've been seeing more VRcades appearing. Makes sense because of the money and space investment needed, but you can still find it.

Go to rec bar in Louisville friend

imagine trying to play a two player arcade game with a fat fuck right next to you

wasn't dreamcast popular with them? they had mvc2 and other racing shit

>If I ever become filthy rich though, I definitely want to get my hands on a Hydro Thunder machine.

Bro they're literally $650. I dont think you need to be filthy rich to afford it

best ones were when the guns could cock back when you shoot

Dreamcast had
Crazy taxi 1 and 2
Hydro thunder
House of the dead
Marvel vs capcom
Just off the top of my head also I think charge n blast was an arcade port too

I did turn of the millennium. It was fun, he was a cool guy really into fightan. It was usually a group of us who'd hang out and play whatever on Fridays. He imported a Dreamcast when that first came out so the owner would set up a TV and it'd be like 7 or 8 of us sitting around playing MAHVEL, Power Stone, Soul Calibur, Project Justice and shit like that.

Good times.

How are you so good? I always feel like I barely have any control to stop the ball from going out, like it will often just roll between the paddles with no way to reach it

It's loose skin. That's what happens when you go from 600 lbs to 340 lbs.


the most fun i've had in arcades was playing that NASCAR game that's like 8 machines linked together side by side. i don't even remember where i played it but wow was it cool.

>tfw want to build an arcade cabinet but too stupid/poor to do so

I could probably find a CRT for cheap somewhere, but I dont know how to do the wiring/frame shit and I dont want to pay like 500+

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Dreamcast was straight up arcade hardware.


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Frogs are dead, it's all about Wojaks now.

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I'm actually saving up to buy a Raiden II cabinet. No idea where I'm gonna put it though.

>Lard gargling

>posting a wojak in the year of our lord 2019
Kys your filthy nigger

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it's not that hard user.

Go to the home depot/lowes, get some MDF sheets. 3 or 4 should do you. that's 120 worth of wood give or take, then draw out a cabinet shape and cut it out. then cut out a backplate, a front plate, and a playfield, screw it all together, put in a moniter connected to a PC and order up some parts from suzo happ.

it's not that hard. I made this for my racing games.

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I dont have a garage to do all that building in, and I cant remember shit from my Woodshop days in highschool. And according to the guides Ive seen, doesnt the CRT have to be a certain way to work in the cabinet?

Frogs and wojak are reddit memes at this point. You see normalfags using them all the time.

lol brainlet

user. When I was a kid, my local arcade had Tekken 5. I got so into it that one of the employees decided to challenge me to a match while he was on the clock. You only experience wholesome moments like that in arcades. Zoomers will never understand.

take it down a notch, zoomer-kun. we're too old for this shit now.

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Now japs pay 1000$ to maybe get their waifu.
Japan is killing videogames with gacha.

>Frogs and wojak are reddit memes at this point. You see normalfags using them all the time.
Every Yea Forums meme becomes a Reddit meme eventually. The only exception is the happy merchant--for obvious reasons.

The dude just needs to hit the gym. His excuse that he's still too fat for that doesn't make sense.

The games in them were obviously designed to steal your money with obscene difficulty, but I think it must have been pretty fun to play in a video arcade during its prime just for the atmosphere and the opportunity you would have had to meet people with similar interests to your own. Just imagine heading there, grabbing a hot dog, hanging out with your friends and watching two dudes play some high level Street Fighter when you ran out of change.

Arcades still exist, but I don't think it'll ever really be the same.

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If you're still obese you probably don't want to be weightlifting. Your knees and back are most likely already fucked up. Swimming and a bit of walking would be okay though, but you can lose weight without exercising until you get into a normal range.

He does go to the gym how do you think he lost that weight?

CRT? Are you kidding me? Don't use a CRT. they're hard to source when they break, dangerous to work on, heavy and have shit picture quality. Just use a flat screen.

t. Arcade mechanic.

Pic related, Me unfucking sega's shitty harnesses.

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Arcades are definitely fun, they're just not affordable, both to run or attend by the main audience for them.

The main problem is they're not viewed as good hangout spots anymore, and stateside there is a lot of stigma still around from the 80s and 90s that really fucked up the main cashflow for arcades, and thats kids.

w-well what do I use

Literally just as, if not more predatory than modern free to play shit, but boomers will defend them because of nostalgia.
I fucking hate old people.

cool larp
I don't think you've ever actually touched an arcade machine in your life or been within 5 feet of one

not that user, but you've just found 3 ways to say no instead of 3 ways to say yes

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Both. They were intrinsically designed to eat your quarters but they still provided a fun experience in exchange.

imagine posing for a photo wearing sweatpants and your shirt inside out

this guy is a trainwreck

>not playing arcade games on a crt
Then they're not arcade machines


>t. Arcade mechanic.

If you don't mind me asking, how hard would it be to build a functional arcade cabinet from scratch? I know that there are raspberry pi kits you can buy out there, but I don't know anything about wiring or building things with electronic parts.

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Like anything practice makes perfect, its not about 'is it hard or not' its just starting the project to begin with.

Heres what I remember.. It was fun it was expensive you could bet people that if u win they pay you lose you pay for next round.. You could sucker people into paying for you to play kind of like pool sharks but much lower stakes.. Also, the high cost of time in the arcade made home consoles and $50 cartridges a value proposition. It was WAY cheaper to buy the home version. Then came the game copyers from Hong Kong that allowed you to copy borrowed/rented games to 3.5 floppies and load the games off disks. Arcades were very social and you would often have packs of people around one machine it was huge when MK2 and MK3/ultimate came out. Glad I got to see the end of it all as a child.

I dont know how to do it, you cunt, being pessamistic isnt the problem here

>Frog, Wojaks, back to Honkler

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if i was larping, wouldn't i claim to be ssomething cooler than a repair guy?

that harness is to sega allstars basketball. It goes behind the basket to the rear because sega has to use 2 opti-sensors rather than just fucking 1. Hate this fucking game.unless you're doing rhhythm, and you're not, Anything you can get your fingers on. I've replaced a chabudai and a simpsons soccer with just any old samsung TV we had laying around.

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>actually fun
Also, yes.
stop that

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Do you have a spare TV and raspberry pi sitting around? Fiddle around with making a mame machine out of that using a USB controller, from there you should consider building your own fightstick, which isn't hard since most things are plug and play these days.

Just like the OK hand sign.. Memes brought into reality that make normies question the absurdity of the corporate MSM and leftism culture in general.

CRT is shit. there is no "REEL SEE ARE TEE ESPERINUCE" unless you need ultra low frame delays, and even then, only 20 or so percent of the playerbase can even notice, and even that 20%, 80% of it is placebo effect.
on a scale of 1-10. it's about a 6. Depends on how big of a machine you're building. You have to meaure twice and cut once, that's the hardest part really. Second hardest is making it look pretty. Other than that, arcade machines made in the year 2019 ARE primarily raspberry pis. See this machine? It's all controlled by a raspberry pi.

Got a bunch of reference pics on my phone, but that's in my bag now, and my kitty is on my lap. It's important to take reference pictures when you're fucking around with an IO board so you can put everything back right when you're done.

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What if devs made digital arcade games?
Instead of F2P with microtransactions or being sold at full price you buy virtual coins that lets you play until game over.

Some mobile games basically do that. They'll give you a couple free games every 24 hours and if you want to play more then you have to buy a "coin" or whatever to keep playing.

The knot of the pullstring of his sweat pants.

It’s too bad the SFII cabinet doesn’t have a wider variety of Capcom fighting games, I’d almost be tempted to buy one.

What's everyone's favorite modern arcade game? Keep it to games 2012 and newer.

Why does he look like he has false teeth now?

cash-grab with soul

I miss arcades and video stores!!!FACT!!!

You are an absolute fucking retard if you think there is no discernable difference between playing on a legit CRT arcade monitor and an LCD screen lmao

If you don't care about getting an authentic experience why even bother having an arcade cabinet in the first place?

Arcade as in full on machine? Or game with arcade like elements?

They were fun.

With arcades, it was all about the fine line between fair difficulty, and being too easy.

If you made your game too easy, people would 1CC it their first try and then never play it again. Make it too hard, and they die 10 seconds into the first stage and don't put in another quarter because your game is unfair bullshit.

It was all about the fine line of reasonable challenge. Levels would get progressively harder, while the opening level was still kept reasonably difficult to make running the game again less obnoxious.

It's how game design should be done. But now games are all about "epic" 20 hour stories with tacked on gameplay that at best makes you feel like a god, but is usually just plain boring. Most modern games play identically to a Youtube video, which is a massive shame for the games that actually have something going on gameplay-wise.

The whole point of an arcade is to overwhelm the senses of kids to maximize dopamine release. Nowadays you can get so much visual and audio stimulation at one time from things like memer Twitch streams that arcades don't have quite the same luster. For us boomers they were incredibly fun though.

I built a super fancy MAME cabinet for myself for $700 but if you just want some shit that works with non-shitty buttons/stick you could get away with $300 I'm sure. I just bought the most expensive shit possible due to ignorance and desire for a high quality gaymen cabinet.

Game that had an arcade release.

House of the Dead Scarlett Dawn is a satisfying sensory experience. Air jets, rumble, cabinet lighting that changes based on the game, surround sound arent new arcade tech but I think this is the best they have been utilized.