When's the last time a video game made you very, truly upset?

When's the last time a video game made you very, truly upset?

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what, what TV show would someone kill themselves over.


imagine actually watching game of thrones

My little pony definitely
Also literally Naruto

wait what, did someone really kill themselves over naruto? story?

When I beat Bravely default, I was going through a pretty rough patch with a break up, so I sort of escaped into that world for a bit and on top of being such a wonderful game I really got to know and like the characters. Then I got to the ending, and when I realized there was no more I wanted to cry.

Also, story?

One kid died after buying himself with sand after seeing Naruto do it or something
Another jumped off a roof after some dude in Naruto anime died (even though it was already known he would die since like 4 year prior)

I think mlp suicides would mostly be confined to waifufags.

And that one kid that got bullied into killing himself for liking ponies.

What the hell is freefolk

something with game of thrones

Kid killed himself cause he itachi died.

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When they added the 7th cuck emblem character


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How do we fix Wh*te people?

>The guy in the back not even facing the TV

we should punch those people

that's his reflection in the mirror you monkey

There was no hope in any of their designs or directions.
I had to learn to accept the little void that 10 years of WoW left in me.
It's weird, an empty feeling that you must constantly ignore/face.
Played every day, just focusing on improving pvp mechanics, strategy, tactics, and states of mind.
I took breaks from the game, sometimes for months. But all it took was two weeks of practice and I'd be able to compete and play with anyone. It was fun and just really nice to have 'world class' skill at something that I loved.
I lived a dream I had since I was 14 years old, everyday for ten years.

Are you retarded?

literally on suicide watch lmao

Are you guys retarded? He's clearly sitting on an armchair, can't possibly be the same guy.

>those two guys acting as if they give a fuck

why would they have two of the same paintings on the wall, one of which is flipped?

>Not wanting to pray between two Jesus

someone tl;dr the new episode

You can't be this fucking stupid, look at the jesus portrait

is this the last episode of GoT or something?