Is it worth buying a Nintendo Bitch in the current year?

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Other urls found in this thread:

only for astral chain during summer then it's back into >no game territory

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Depends on how bad you want to play [insert game here] on a handheld. If you only want a pure console experience then not really.

OP, you are insulting it in the thread subject, so I seriously doubt you actually want to know.

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This thread pleases me.

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Just some bees, please.

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This thread pleases me

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Nah just wait when the system is on its last years when there's a decent amount of proper exclusives for the thing.

Or you know just wait for Yuzu to be better.

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More like Nintendo BEEtch am I right you guys?

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Based beeposter

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did bee died?

Thread's theme song:

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Underrated pokemon

Hardly, he sucked:

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Just because he's shit doesn't mean he's bad.

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wait for the new switch


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Post more bee music


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sixteen for the price of one

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Nope so far the only game I really love on the system is Xenoblade 2. Everything else is shit and 3rd party is better on other platforms anyway. I kinda regret buying one in the 1st week.

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BIG bee

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superior beefu coming trough

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OP here, did I just get raided or something? Looks like I’m not gonna BEE buying a switch for now if I can’t properly receive opinions on this mobile gaming device

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Post games were you play as a bee

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But why do they make the honeycomb into a hexagon shape? Also how?

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>If you only want a pure console experience then not really.
My switch only leaves it's dock to use RCM and it's been a 100% worth it purchase. You don't need it as a handheld to be worth it

>But why do they make the honeycomb into a hexagon shape?
It's the most space efficient shape
>Also how?
Beats the hell out of me

its strong and i think they make it out of instinct

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Good, suck a big black dick, faggot.

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Why are you beeing so hostile?

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Just get one used. There's no shortage of used Switches for sale.


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>Why are you beeing so hostile?
Kill this dork

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Why is everyone posting bees.

cause bees are cool

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Everybody likes bees.

Fuck wasps btw.

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I’ll assume it’s some dumb new raid or it’s because someone butthurt about the switch name in the thread title

Mario maker, that's waht i'm waiting for, but astral chain? That's okay too, i guess.
Yeah, that's what i did. It wasn't worth it in the first year or the last year, but it's worth buying it in this year. Especially if ylou didn't play wii u and some multiplats.

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to be honest i was just bored and needed something to do

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Better thread than I was expecting.

whoever started dumping pictures of bees is a hero

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shut up and post bees

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Bumble bees live in my fence. They keep flying towards me when I'm working outside. I hope they don't sting me since I'm right next to them.

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Beedrill is a wasp, not a bee.

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Bumblebees don't sting.


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Never realized how cute bees were. Wholesome thread.

based beefriend

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1. no wasted space.
2. chewing up wax that they secrete, then spitting it out and mushing it around like clay until it's a honey comb.