Is League of Legends pay to win?
Is League of Legends pay to win?
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Can't you buy champs by winning
Your dirty countries have ruined every free online game. Die, pablo.
Explain how
ok john james
technically yes.
>dota then
>welcome to dota,now get out
>dota now
>hey haha,welcome to dota,please consider buying dota plus and artifact,enjoy yourself!
not really, it's welcome to dota, now buy a battlepass or get out
No because in pubs you can win with literally any hero as long as you're not a complete retard and there's nothing you can buy that would put you at an advantage over other players.
You could've made an argument for it being Pay 2 Win when they had the old rune system but that's gone now.
by that retarded logic TF2 is pay2win
The old Rune system still wasn't that bad because the runes cost fairly little in-game currency and could be farmed up in no time once you had the levels for the slots.
No because spending money does not magically make it easier to beat the game, you still need to not suck.
Season 2... home...
But that's wrong.
>Unlock system?
>Buy unlocks with cash?
>change how you play the game?
There is no weapon with a unique mechanic in TF2 that you can't acquire for free from just playing the game.
there are degrees of pay2win. It might not always be game ruining but it still exists
>You could've made an argument for it being Pay 2 Win when they had the old rune system but that's gone now.
They specifically made it so that you couldn't buy runes with riot points because they saw it as P2W and didn't want that.
>the runes cost fairly little in-game currency
No they fucking didn't. They were easily 4800+ per T3 rune. The rune system was hot garbage.
Too bad that you could pay real money for stuff that boosted the rate which you got that currency.
So, P2W
being able to acquire something for free doesn't mean you can't buy it, being able to buy it with real money to get it in the first place is what makes it pay2win
>pay money
>still can never win
If it is p2w, it's a really shitty form of it.
I've started playing League a month ago, mostly play with Garen.
Why do people start talking shit when I pick him?
i actually miss league from season 1-3
pro scene was lit
art style was superior
no bull shit map mechanics
not every character has a dash or jump move
they also neutered the support role
people talk shit no matter what you do
mute them
more like they needed a sizeable IP sink so that you couldn't just buy champs with IP. It was always p2w and riot had no business being that greedy
Yeah but you could say that by buying heroes with cash it let you save your in-game currency to buy runes which gave you an in-game advantage, which some would construe as a roundabout pay2win system.
That doesn't really matter anymore though because they got rid of that system a year and a half ago and now everyone's on equal footing.
Pay to not grind.
Play terrible game, play with terrible people.
Cause Garen is really basic and everyone can just dance around him.
>Yeah but you could say that by buying heroes with cash it let you save your in-game currency to buy runes which gave you an in-game advantage, which some would construe as a roundabout pay2win system.
That does kinda pigeonhole you into buying characters all of one specific role since runes are so expensive that it takes a long time to have more than one set of runes.
is a subset of pay2win
Low elo shitters sperg at anyone who doesn't play meta champions because in their minds they are not the reason they are hardstuck in bronze. I'm a one trick mid darius main and nobody gives a fuck about it in plat
its more pay to play properly than pay to win. having certain characters doesnt guarantee wins unless its shit like day 1 reworked galio
You can't win by skipping the grind. You only delay your loss.
Garen is fun but he's basically THE newbie's choice. Spin2win is his meme for a reason. He's not a terrible character but he's fairly easy to beat.
because my boy destruction man has the stigma of being baby's first top laner. Not knowing you can do some dirty shit with him.
>Low elo shitters sperg at anyone who doesn't play meta champions
Haven’t played lol in like 4 years. How are people still playing it? All it was when I stopped playing was toxic teammates. Darius is best boi
>pick blitz
>someone on other team leaves because they don't want to play against him
Every time
Yes but its a better competitive game than dota 2 due to lock of cosmetics
One genius tactic of riot games is to always make the new champion overpowered to increase sales
This. I'm paying but I'm not winning. Therefore, not p2w.
Don't listen to them. Garen is one of the absolute best champs for learning the game. No complex mechanics, no sneaky shit. He's raw fundamentals. You play good, you win, you play bad, you lose.
People talk shit because he's so basic, but the reality is you can play him up through gold and people still lose to him, because they never learned their fundamentals.
Beside the fact that, up until you hit ranked, you're basically not playing the real game. I can't level a smurf account for shit because low level games are like watching retards play in the sand while I kick over their castles. It's not even a video game at that point.
On the other hand, you don't learn the importance of resource management with Garen since he doesn't use mana.
Why did the hype around Dota 2 died the past few years ? I get that it's still alive, but now LoL seems to just be in a whole other league in popularity, when both of them were competing for the N°1 spot few years ago.
What happened ? Dota was literally a better version of LoL, so why didn't it succeded ?
People just saw it as fotm and LoL knew if they just rode it out they'd win in the end.
I would unironically go back to playing the game for six hours a day if a season 2 legacy server came out. Too bad the tencent jews will never let it happen.
Too hard for retards and casuals, dota 2 still pays more
No, because nobody wins. Everyone who plays that shitty game is miserable.
Dota appeals to a different demographic, it's like smt and persona. The more casual and newbie friendly will always be more popular.
You can't guage the game by how the top 1% of the players play. That doesn't reflect how the game really is.
league just upped it's advertising. Dota is doing as good if not better than it ever has right now. It hit a new peak not long ago
Dota heroes launch overpowered too and all their heroes are free.
It took some times, but most of the core features that LoL was missing over Dota were added to the game, while Dota was doing basically nothing.
Now the only thing dota got over lol is having all the heroes free, but with in-game ads and a much bigger learning curve that scares the newcomers away.
Is Olaf terrible now? I haven't played in years and I kinda want to go back for a Brolaf match.
Pay not to grind, not pay to win.
It's fine but you've gotta grind for champs
Olaf is borderline op, new conqueror does wonders for him
Dotards are the vegans of the genre. Nobody wants to play with vegans.
He gets kited easily and he falls off kinda hard later on, but he has an amazing laning phase and snowballs hard in early/mid game. You pretty much have to do a tank build though.
LoL is dying, Dota is living. The Fortnitecaust crippled LoL.
I don't think the fortnite kids were playing LoL much anyway.
>LoL is dying
I swear i heard that non-stop since 2016.
More like 2010.
Valve does ZERO marketing anywhere, and only really cares about the US, Russia and China.
While LoL is fully localized in dozens of countries, with local ads and shit, cool videos and a bunch of other extra shit that helps the brand.
For me real home was season 1. Or season 2 before riven patch
pay2win was based off concept of making content easier (the grind) in the first place (MMOs)
You can't "WIN" in an MMO.
trying to call pay2win different from pay2grind is retarded (people only use the term pay2grind is a term coined by butthurt fanboys of games that have pay2win aspects)
>he ACTUALLY picks Garen
LIterally uninstall you shittard
Favorite champion, go
Yes but on a pretty small scale imo, not being able to trade someone a champ in a game can hinder it but no one is climbing faster just because they own 60 champs and you own 40, you're only really supposed to play 2-3 champs if you wanna climb anyways. It's fucking retarded how long it takes to get all champs though, they need to cut all champ prices in half or some shit and get rid of the loot box bullshit as your main source of IP or "blue essence" fucking gross.
The game is shit and you're likely to get banned from it. Not worth playing, regardless of monetary policy.
>Dota 2 will kill LoL!
>nothing happens
>Overwatch will kill LoL!
>nothing happens
>Fortnite will kill LoL!
>nothing happens
When I think of p2w I think of things like Korean MMOs where you can buy overpowered equipment instead of having to do anything for it.
to be honest we can't really know because riot doesn't release numbers anymore
LoL drops from 2.1 billion revenue to 1.4 billion, a 1/3 loss in a single year.
LoL can't even send their english production and casting crew to their Worlds because they're cutting costs.
>My favorite champs abilities that make them fun to play like Yorick, Zilean, Ryze, and ESPECIALLY Taric get reworked and aren't as fun anymore
>My favorite item Sword of the Divine gets deleted along with mana pots
at least the new runes are cool and are not a IP sink anymore
>>You can't win by skipping the grind. You only delay your loss.
>play wow
>first day, skip the grind by buying max level and all the best lvlcap gear
>quit wow
sorry not sorry
Lol creates jewtube propaganda, dota doesnt
Dota 2 characters look weird because they rushed to assimilate all the dota 1 players
It is, but it`s an easier game
Dota 2 touching AI means it'll have a place in history, Bill Gates, Elon Musk and even Chess Grandmasters have noticed Dota. What say you kiddies?
>Only 2 Heroes I liked in LoL were Urgot and Sona, mostly Urgot
>They turned him from something unique to a bland bruiser with KNEE SHOTGUNS
Brand was cool too.
mars is a fag
People allways cry when you don't follow meta.
Sadly... League of Legends it's all about meta because riot balance politics went to shit since riven release.
>What happened ? Dota was literally a better version of LoL, so why didn't it succeded ?
because it wasn't
Advertising is the biggest cancer in vidya, literally every AAA game 2/3 of their budget is advertising even if the AAA game has shitty quality worthy of it's budget. LoL is no exception, the reason it's popular in the first place was extreme advertising, Riot made deals with Cafes in many third-world countries and South Korea to have LoL on them and some to even exclude Dota 2 when it came out. They're just cut throat good business.
Still was better than "League of oneshots" meta we have now.
>high ping every game
>99% of you are below average - absolute trash
>pick cheesy heroes and somehow still feed every game
>50/50 of not even loading in after drafts
>refuse to listen to team or do calls
>screech loud enough to shake the rain forest when we don't come to your beck and call once when you die
>then you spam your disgusting language no one wants to read and AFK the rest of the game
It truly is a mystery.
no u
>You can't "WIN" in an MMO.
Yes you can. Either through pvp stuff (arena, guild wars, etc.), or through pve accomplishments like hitting max level, getting the best and rarest gear, and clearing the hardest content. Anyways I personally difference between p2w and p2notgrind by how extreme the "win" aspect is. The p2notgrind get a small edge, but nothing that's entirely unattainable for f2p, meanwhile p2w is shit like in this one korean mmo I played where you could upgrade your (insanely rare) gear up to 10 times for pretty significant stat boosts, the problem being that the success rate plummeted quickly starting at +5 and failing meant losing your gear forever, but then there was a cash shop exclusive item that prevented you from losing your gear if you failed so you had people who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to get perfect +10 gear when the odds of you being able to do that as a f2p were so microscopic it was essentially impossible.
>Install TF2
>Buy the Crusader's Crossbow
>Have a straight upgrade for medic over the default that gives him whole new dimensions of skill and utility
>Could take anywhere from an hour to years to "unlock" it myself
I think that the pacing in TF2 in regard to new weapons is fine thanks to trading and achievements but the logic does apply here.
look at this short, sweet, and beautiful passive
how long do we have until they fuck it along with the rest of his kit?
>they said they were reworking all my favorite champions to make them more "fun" and "cool"
>they actually just murdered every single interesting playstyle in the game and replaced it with trash
For fuck's sake, you just had to lower Yi's AP ratios some more. They nerfed those what, one time before giving up and reworking him?
The only reason you'd do that is if you've got friends at endgame who play regularly and you want to hang with them. Otherwise, getting there is the entire point.
>so why didn't it succeded ?
It makes Valve money.
They don't give a fuck otherwise. They don't need to spend billions to compete with league on youtube. They don't want casual shitters that spend one on a skin and then quit every two years, they want their crazy fuck whales that buy every battlepass, and like TF2 they've gotten it.
Valve always wins in the end, because they don't care about popularity, they can about fucking money and retention.
Because League of Legends had agressive marketing.
League of legends was that first game what was first in that bigass MOBA boom I mean it started that boom. Dota 2 just joined a party later. And if game starts new trend (MOBA, battleroyale etc.) Then mostly that game usually gets the first place, exception was Battleroyale but because Fortnite was just alot more accessible for people than PUBG.
One thing i envy LoL is how they removed almost all rng, competitive games shoulnt have any rng,
>Dota 2 characters look weird because they rushed to assimilate all the dota 1 players
Except that they literally spent 4 years i developments going through thousands of designs for at least the first 50 batch of heroes inserted into the beta and at one point had even settled on a rustic "tribal" look where everyone looked like a ruffian or amazon indian of some kind. The idea was that the world was in its infacy and therefore very feral. Juggernaut and a few others are the only remaining remnants of this version of Dota 2 and it was a lot like how TF2 had that Invasion period with the alien artstyle as one of itd in-development iterations. Pudge used to look cool as fuck wearing tribal shit and Lina looked like a fierce goddess that got summound from a ritual. But then they toned it down across the board until they arrived at the safe anf basic shit, particularly 70% of the dire which just amounts to le spooky glowy eyes engulfed in shitty mist and particle effects.
That actually sounds kinda fun. Peak LoL was around beta and early release when there was so much ridiculously overpowered shit. Too bad they dulled everyone down because of muh comebacks and then your typical match turned into a 40 minute farming session.
Shen rework was a mistake
I wish smite would have taken over league, it's superior in nearly every way besides
>because Fortnite was just alot more accessible
Actually it was because it's free.
Heroes of Newerth pre-2013 was the peak of the MOBA genre. Everything went downhill from there. Trust me, I'm an old-fag whose played everything from DotA, to DotA2, to LoL, to HoN, to Strife, to Heroes of the Storm, to etc
I've actually gotten into dota recently after quitting league after S5
It's alright but I really despise the heavy focus on CC
There are time where you literally just stand doing nothing
Random Draft is a good mode
you haven't played Dota, you don't have an opinion
Any news on this "Legends of Runeterra" thing ?
I've been waiting for another game based on LoL for years. Please tell it's not a board game.
>166 hours
you barely got past the tutorial.
>Shen rework
>Xerath rework
>the 15 Ryze reworks
riot why
>actually bother with balancing the game
>stop going hardcore sjw
>stop promoting thot streamers in the in game client
>more focus on decent skins and adding banner back
>fix ranked queues
game now surges even harder in popularity with these changes, with most being very simple to fix
doters has a lot of heavy cc, but also more than enough items to counter it, just l2build, position, and ward
Pretty much, yeah. Years ago they were much more obvious about it though. Champions like Vayne and Kog were meta-defining. Riot refused to balance them until literally every single game had at least one on a team.
I played it pretty much as soon as I got a beta key. There was no tutorial back then, and I already had 5 years of experience with WC3 DotA and HoN by that point.
>tfw 2006 was 13 years ago
The solution to everything in Dota is "there's an item that makes whatever's happening to you literally just not happen."
That's my issue with it, honestly. If you get a decent lead and build around the ways the enemy team can stop you, nothing can be done about it. They're just fucked.
still not really a valid opinion.
>>then you spam your disgusting language no one wants to read
It's pretty amazing that there are plenty of languages out there, but spics and the occasional russian are the only ones that refuse to speak English.
>nothing can be done about it.
>check map
>find someone out of position
>tell team to tp to them
>push lane
except there's a dozen BKB piercing abilities
Who here
/Perma Banned/
People say that on the 10th anniversary, in October of this year, they will announce a new game. But who knows
Also because while PUBG in these time required some over average PC to run, Fortnite could be played on "potato"
More valid than your opinion, newfag.
>example: give you more choice of guns
2011 Dota isn't 2019 Dota, you don't even know how it plays anymore. There's been a dozen major patches since, entire map reworks, system reworks, items, heroes, people have gotten better, more skilled, more intelligent and knowledgable on the game. The top tier pro from 2011 is no match for the top tier pro from 2019.
You just mentioned degrees of Pay2win
Paying for overpowered equipment you essentially skip content and grind
pay2notgrind is essentially a fanboys butthurt method of calling his game pay2win in a different way.
Calling it pay2grind ONLY helps shitty developers continue their shitty practices with in game purchases.
Your basically a beaten housewife but whenever someone brings up the subject you said its not that bad its only a slight bruise.
Stop enabling this you actual KEKS
You mean... physical abilities?
Also just pick Beastmaster and dab on carries who rush BKB.
spics just love to fucking type to eachother i don't know why.
Whole games where I've watched the chat literally not stop, and surprise, the people typing are 5 levels behind and 0-9.
And also no one would care if they just
It doesn't give you more choices. You have the same choices whether you grind it out, trade it, or buy it.
No, just because you can buy a champion does not mean you can even use champion will.
>download the game
>open it up
>go into game without paying for anything
>only have the choice of one weapon per slot
>pay for things before even going into a game
>now have much more choices
Fanboy harder, retard. muh pay2savetime isn't the same!!!!1!!!! stop insutling my game!!!
>Poppy rework
>Kayle rework
>Yorick rework
>Alistar rework
Why must they kill every champion I love. For Alistar, I played him full crit top lane. Worked hilariously well honestly.
Season 1 and 2 were legit fun. Jungle Bankplank was the most godlike thing ever. Nothing like emerging from the jungle at 15 minutes with an IE and PD.
>thingken about nu-gangplannk
I've kept up with a lot of the balance patches. I used to play whenever one of my old favorites got ported (KotL, Terrorblade, LC, Troll, Skywrath), but stopped playing in 2015 when the game started going to shit for real. DotA2 hasn't been worth playing since 2017. Still better than League, but that's like saying autism is better than down syndrome.
Subhuman spics are hated by the normal 3rd worlders. They're just retarded humans.
>You just mentioned degrees of Pay2win
That's the point.
>Calling it pay2grind ONLY helps shitty developers continue their shitty practices with in game purchases.
>Your basically a beaten housewife but whenever someone brings up the subject you said its not that bad its only a slight bruise.
>Stop enabling this you actual KEKS
Nobody fucking cares, redditfriend. Those types of games aren't made anymore, everything is free with cosmetic lootboxes nowadays.
Dota2 was more fun before than now also
To be fair, Poppy is the only rework I like. I still loved old Poppy, but nu-poppy is fun and cute. Probably my favorite champ in recent years.
Still fucking hate that Riot's idea of a rework is to just remove an old champ from the game and replace them with one that only vaguely resembles them though.
I don't know, I've found that other than stuff like Black King Bar you're usually fucked by CC and there's not really a way to build tanky unless you have a tanky character who has Health+ already in his tool kit in leveling up
Like for example I tried to play Spider cunt because of all-Challenge and there's literally almost zero way for me to approach most enemies without getting dabbed on by 5 levels of CC
Like if I tried to build tanky on Brood I would be pointless as well because all of her abilities are about sustain damage
That's sort of What I liked about League of legends, I never felt like I would be dead right off of the bat if I enter a teamfight
And I played fucking glass cannon's like Zyra mid and Malzahar with full ap runes
I remember that people didn't really like the tanky meta because it made games too slow with infinite farming Nasuses
But honestly?
I loved it
In rare instances yes. In most instances no. You don't get super hard counters in League like you do in DoTA outside of a few champion pairings
Less champions means less trading possibilties in ranked, less counter pick possibilities, etc. Even if you cant use a champion well owning it still proves to be an advantage. Even discounting that runepages were 100% pay to win considering being limited to 2 was atrocious for competitive play
riot's idea of a morgana rework is making her look prettier for skins while keeping the cancer which is her kit
I will give you that, new Poppy is cute. It got lots of good rule34art too.
I would be shocked if they ever announce a new game, they've been sucking on that League money so long I don't think they have anyone on the payroll that isn't either part of champion design or on the marketing team.
>he thinks dota heroes have to build damage to do damage
look at this dude
>I never felt like I would be dead right off of the bat if I enter a teamfight
Damn lucky you, you must be the only person ever in the history of that game
>nice team you got there
>it'd be a shame if they got shook
Even if they announce a new game it will be an incompetent mess. Riot can BARELY fucking handle League's client with the billions the game has made
I do not and will never understand why half of the characters in dota have an ability that basically reads
>create a bunch of fucking shadow clones of yourself so your enemies won't know who the hell to attack
Got like 3 accs permablacked
BUt idc, dropped the game like for 5 years.
Also, well, currently LOL is a grind game, or u gotta grind AF to get those champs that u really want or just buy them with RP, farming IP is harder now than before, cuz u dont get ANY SHIT of IP from every game, and also, random champion shards r just shit
Btw how much players does league have currently? they said they are the most played MOBA , but i dont trust on niggers that just release anime skins, edgy skins,fury skins and calls them patch, the game is shit in its own essence.
I think that has more to do with modern day League
Back in season 2/3/4 teamfights would take fucking ages at times
>enigma with illusion
wew lad
No, I played the games during seasons 1-5. That shit happened pretty often. I remember comps that used to have 4 supports+kog maw in top level because it was that effective at shreding fuckers extermely fast
maybe your talking about the Item?
theres an item that make illusions ofr yourself
Do you expect a mutt to talk two languages? You must be crazy
XP boosts aren't necessarily P2W, especially if you're running under the assumption that there's no unlock system in the game
Only when people were retarded and ran 5 bruiser vs 5 bruiser. AoE CC + AoE nukes fucking deleted entire teams but it took coordination and reliance on one another so people hardly did it.
That would honestly be really interesting
Games that are no longer fucked with by the devs but still have a competitive scene create really weird new strategies making the game extremely fun to play
>not immediately locking in techies
I got that S1 jarv skin, I never even played him I did Lee Sin jungle and Cass mid.
Shitty skin but I wish I could sell it because I don't play this crap game any more
Season 2 was alsp garbage though
Is techies the worst character in Dota?
I've literally never seen anyone be useful with Techies in any capacity
League in season 2-5 was lit, now is normie trash, infested whit anime watchers UwU rAnDoM 13 year olds.
When i say to someone that i have 2000+ h in league, i feel ashamed.
Dota is better now, but league 2011 is the best online game ever.
I actually can't understand how anybody has nostalgia for season 2, my memory of it was ridiculously passive games with spear chucker Nidalee, "fuck you my ADC is invincible" Soraka, and Janna disengaging from any efforts at aggression.
dumb ESL
Pay to not grind, so basically yes.
Low skill and new players wont have access to champs you buy.
Not to mention Shen being pick 80% or ban for the later half
Good at tilting enemy
Can someone explain why anyone would play league of legends in the modern day?
Do it for her.
>2011 league was the best online game ever
Take off your glasses, not to mention I fucking knew people in my high school playing Season 2, and no not some dork, thots that played botgames, ARABs (all random all bot) etc. It was normie trash then and it was still normie trash now. Pre seasons or season 1 is the only time it was NOT normie trash, it was basically main stream when fucking Vi was released, and if not by then Jinx for sure made it mainstream. You are retarded if you think otherwise
What's the alternative? Dota2 is a russian-infested autism fest.
>League in season 2-5 was lit,
Nah, man.
league started want to shit from season 4 to season 6. Season 7 was actually really fun and then, Riot ruined it with season 8.
It had the most amount of diversity in champion picks
Pro league of legends was literally every champion
After Icefrog left Valve neutered techies to ensure he wasn't a real character anymore.
Not really talents are awesome. Sped up the game for a support player like me, also roaming is back.
Addiction. Even Riot knows and exploits this, they make the most questionable balancing decisions and champ designs so that they hook new players
But is it kino?
One big issue is that Riot has 4000 employees but they all do nothing. They literally sit around doing nothing all day but jacking off. Like we ask when shit is gonna get fixed but we get some bullshit "well all our teams are working hard" blah blah blah but how many fucking teams can you have tied up with 4000 employees?
nice dr mundo skin
See that's sort of what I don't understand
Who decides
>Yeah it's 2019
>I'm going to get into this league of legends thing
For what purpose
It blows my mind that league brings in new people every month
Literally the only online game worth playin in our current year:
>Dota is overshadowed by LoL
>Overwatch is a shitty dead game only sustained by porn and some blizard cock suckers.
>MMO are dead.
>All we got now is battle royale and its best representation is a Switch only, Tetris game.
I guess CS:GO might work.
10 programmers, 20 designers, 3 artists, and 3967 diversity hires.
Season 7 was fun because Riot tried to throw away the meta and just have everyone pick whatever they want. And now Season 8 comes, and we are back into the same 14 champs that are viable in the current meta. Season 5 was really stale but it felt like the game was the most balanced at that season. I miss it.
I don't remember it being that way and since season 2 still had pre-rework Twitch and Evelynn I am almost certain you're full of it.
What? She was a retard stomper only.
Nah. It's more pay2play
That's the point, saying season 2 was more balanced is crazy delusional, I remember that one being particularly awful balance wise.
It must be a nightmare getting into a moba. 70 characters or more with 4-5 abilities to learn each.
God early e-sports was the only time in my life where I actually cared about any form of sport
It was so drama filled with so many emotions running high and than it just got fucking killed by corporations
Eve was permabanned even in proplay because her invis didn't reveal her and she could stun you while standing on top of you. Riot literally gutted her so badly that it was a reportable offense to play her.
I think the XP boost in the graphic is talking more about character level in MMOs, not account level like in LoL
It might have had the most diversity but it was still only 30-40% And most of the diversity came from teams like Moscow 5 that ACTUALLY innovated and played characters that were never commonly picked like Mordekaiser and Shyvana while others were fucking jacking off.
It's gay to play.
no no at least 1000 of those go into the massive marketing riot machine that feeds kool-aid to people
That was before or during season 1 dude. Season 2 was when the meta had been firmly established for the first time.
>he doesn't know what manta style is
Also illusions in dota take 200%+ extra damage so it's not hard to AoE them down with a hero like Earthshaker
Tell me a youtuber that play LoL that actually explain/talk about the game instead of scream like retard when they get gank/kill
try doublelift
You kind of have to be braindead to not understand most characters in an ASSFAGGOTS. The first time you run into a hero, sure, you might be surprised by how a move works or you weren't expecting a skill to come out - but after that, you can literally skim the tooltip for each skill and get a basic gist of how it works and how to work with/against it. There are only a few heroes even in Dota that require at least a bit more thought than normal or have an interaction that makes you go "huh, I didn't consider that." The barrier to entry isn't what you're playing against or even who you're playing with on your team - it's learning the fundamentals of the game itself and understanding the nuances of your role. You could literally play as a creep instead of a hero (i.e. no skills, no items) and you could still learn how to play Dota - movement, turn rates, stack timings, vision, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
Orianna because my tastes are awful. also the winter wonder skin is amazing.
I'm not a furry, but i like Kindred gameplay, design and lore.
cringe tier opinion
Thing is in Dota there are multiple ways to win.
The spidercutie you picked for example is MADE to annoy the fuck out of the enemy team by CONSTANTLY be pushing lanes. And she pushes lanes HARD.
And she's strong enough(especially if you have a bunch of babies) that the enemy team usually NEED at least 2-3 people to try and kill you, otherwise she can turn on almost everyone solo. Then while the enemy team is focusing on you, your team should be doing objectives like Roshan or pushing other lanes.
LITERALLY Top 10 Anime Betrayals
For muh dick: firefox Ahri(literally has a pull ring in her hair)
For gameplay: Yasuo, Thresh and Brand.
Thresh is my best though.
Vigar if I'm feeling stupid.
Articuno is my favorite on Aram.
Old Tanky meta was alot better meta when it comes to teamfights than today League of oneshots meta.
Old tank meta teamfights were actually a teamfights where both teams were manfighting it literally looked like these scenes in Asterix series when someone mentions Unhygienix's fish and then epic manfight happens.
"Teamfights" today is a both teams camping at the distance for long time untill someone makes mistake and just make a wink and teamfight is over.
Yeah that's why they were awesome. It was actually a good manfight, not camping untill someone makes mistake.
You don't even know how even lit and based was Season 1 or even before season 1. It was full of soul.
Mostly addiction and sometimes nostalgia.
Today LoL is totally souless compared to begging of LoL.
Well LoL still has sexy and cute females but still I can just fap to art/hentai/rule34 without even installing a game.
I agree.
I remember preseason 1 games. I from Poland and in these times if I met other Pole it was like meeting that awesome cousin you didn't met long time ago and we automatically made premades. And it was awesome. After LoL became Popular, most of Poles were cancerous kids. And meeting a Pole in team usually leaded to bad things.
Not only game was better in past, but also community.
I agree. Old times were times where almost all champions were viable not only top 20.
They work hard... On designing new skins.
Mordekaiser, he was my first champion I ever played after tutorial. He was my main untill that epic nerfhammer at riven patch. I live his design and I wish I could go back to LoL before Riven to have fun again with Mordekaiser.
Well my LoL waifu is Sona. She is pure beauty and I could cuddle with her all time.
lmao what wc3 mod is this
*Teleports on top of you*
>please speak my dirt language on your servers
just fuck off
for real though yuumi sounds fun as fuck
Looks like this is the closest I'll get to playing a HotS Abathur in League.
what do you do with xp other than unlock and upgrade your character
>can you pay anything after you buy the game
>It's p2w
there you go saved you a retarded flowchart. Any microtransactions or after-release content released for you that you have to pay additional money for is p2w. expansion packs? p2w. cash shops? p2w.
>it's just cosmetic!
and we know, by patent registration that even cosmetic purchases in games like call of duty fuck with your matchmaking to place you against people who are lower skilled.
how the fuck is an expansion pack pay to win you ape
explain to me how brood war, frozen throne, play the world, conquests, gods and kings, brave new world, etc. etc. etc. etc. are pay to win
If you playing it competitively, no.
Otherwise just for the aesthetics and shit then yes.
No it wasn't. And this is coming from someone who played top tier cancer like Mundo and Jax back then.
>expansion packs
uhhhhhhhh excuse me
League died when they updated the map
I miss the old halloween map every day, it was so fucking comfy
I would pay for season 1/2 legacy server
not really, its pay to play
you cant fully learn the game or even really 'play' it without having access to all the characters
does anyone have MULTICAST_X4.gif? I love it
DotA is becoming chinkshit, but LoL is already owned by chinks.
nobody is going to reply to this clusterfuck of a post. learn to use this website properly.
Wrong, I'm replying it now.
You're a fucking retard.
The fact that TF2's trading system is so lax and unrestrictive makes the argument that "it could take YEARS for me to get a crossbow" void. There are free services that let you trade any weapon for any other weapon with no strings attached. In league of legends you can't do that. Either buy the champion with money or grind thousands of hours. You can't trade skins, champion shards, anything.
how the fuck did old devs manage to make the original SR, winter and halloween skins, TT 1 and 1.5, ARAM bridge, dominion, and most of the scrapped 6v6 map in two years, meanwhile modern devs can't fucking recolor the new SR in five?
>Lol then
Less than 80 champions but almost everyone was picked and had impact
>LoL now
Over 100 champions. Only 30 of them are picked and have impact.
RIOT has probably 75% of active developers dedicated to making sure pro players are happy and general e-sport development.
Remember when they reworked Gragas because it would make him more played? Remember how they made him overpowered and bragged about how his playrate went from like .2% of playerbase to something like 12%? Remember when they decided that it was time to stop making him a must-pick and now he sees even less play than old Gragas?
>citation needed
>strangle every single deviation from your game's meta
>only the heroes who excel at that meta get picked
>those heroes are 90% new
really fucked up that we live in a society,,,
I'm not fully convinced Riot still has an active development team. I think they just keep a skeleton crew of couple community managers on staff contract artists from time to time. God knows they have no one working on the rampant bugs that every change for the past 5 years has wrought.
I just hit Diamond 3 today. Shit was so cash.
They really only care about pro players these days because that's where the real money (sponsorships) comes from.
I played since about 2005 or so (6.66c godlike patch for those who know)
doter much different now than then. Kind of like how MTG evolved to be much faster and more fluid, doter evolved to be faster and more fluid too. As the general populace has gotten better and people understand the mechanics better due to the widespread analytic tools dota 2 has compared to wc3 dota, the game has arguably evolved.
>Season 2... home...
Why do people like season 2? I quit after Season 1 when they mentioned the jungle nerfs to make it more accessible to retards.
>Over 100 champions. Only 30 of them are picked and have impact.
Honestly, there a lot more "strong" picks than people think. The fucking problem is the ones picked are the most fundamentally broken while others rely on hoping they reach some heavy item/time power spike instead of Yasuo waiting for a zeal and the crit glove. The common picks are also the only ones who get coverage on how retardedly broken they are. It's why you watch tournaments and pray to god a team doesn't pick your favorite "sleeper op" champion.
There's two kinds of people in this world. Riot slaves, and people who remember the renekton patch and what it did to the game.
people had already invested a lot of time and money into league when dota 2 rolled in, nobody really wanted to make the switch, so all dota 2 got was HoN players and DotA purists
>renekton patch
>not darius patch
It was patch that made me play rankeds, banning Darius was the only way to enjoy the game.
Today teamfights are shitty to play, they only look flashy and are only good on e-sport screen. It's like I put a 4 buttons and it's over. I didn't even had time to wind up , that is a fucking unfun.
Old teamfights were alot more fun to play, it's like you had an epic manfight, and you just went in and beaten themselves and just dopamine rises while battle still rages, you are still battle to fight and kept punching that enemy. Euphoria rises as every seconds sates your battlethirst with good manfight.
Literally addiction, sunk cost, and shit competition choices if you feel like jumping ship. If you already disliked DOTA/HOTS/SMITE, you aren't playing anything else. You can't find start up mobas anymore because the fad is dead and the only things around are fan revival projects (which will be probably worse games than the Major 3 as they are now). Honestly, Dawngate should've replaced League and/or Smite, but even then I honestly believe it would've fallen into many of League's current issue at a higher level/pace.
Darius is only a product of the cancer, a stepping stone of solo lane cancer that began with the "all of my skills do nothing except win lane" lizard.
I unironically prefer Season 1-3 League of Metagolems to today's assasins shitfest
>He unlocked techies when he had other things left to unlock.
Reporting your account.
i only play league
hots was easy
playing dota was hard pls someone give guide
>compares a game in 2011 with its version of 2019
certified retard
>dotards over exagerating bullshit for
LoL is a completely different game than dota. If you want to play to the meta you can, but the reality is you need to play a role and a subset of heros within that role. You now get boatloads of BE so it's literally impossible to not get the hero you think is OP, even on release day.
With monetization and OPness in mind, selling champions are not the real money makers in LoL. Skins are. There is a reason why Riven, Ahri, Sona, etc. will never ever EVER be nerfed like Akali was.
If anything DotA is now pay to win because they are locking behind stats and premium guides with DotA+. LoL doesn't have that. Dota is also pay to play in that you have to have tickets to enter a tournament, something that LoL will never have.
>get diamond
>apparently I'm in like top 5% of the players
>still play like shit
>nerfed like Akali was.
itt: akalifag literally forgets that olaf existed
Because they haven't read the patch notes.
>LoL: A video game that invokes mechanical skill in fast-paced combat
>DotA2: A chess match with a coat of paint where every single encounter is decided by who gets the jump on who as every single ability is an instakill
>DotAutists defend this as "more exciting abilities" and "a more intricate game"
I suppose doing your taxes is more intricate than playing soccer too.
LoL is a completely different game than DotA. You fill roles in league, but in DotA you just do flavor of the month meta lanes.
you don't learn the importance of resource management with meta champions either
>mechanical skill
fucking lol
lmao don't act like there aren't roles in Dota
>make the new champion overpowered to increase sales
It's never been that way. The only reason they gain a boost in win rate is because no one knows how to play against them.To date there has been no champion on release patch that has beaten all other heros in win rate.
Being able to pick bans is the game admitting it isnt balanced
>invokes mechanical skill
good joke
>expecting a game to actually be balanced
No one actually wants a balanced game. It's pretty much the limit of game of design. You can approach but never actually achieve if you want to make a lasting game.
that's retarded
Eh, I like playing a bunch of characters, for different reasons, if I were to pick off the top of my head this second for each role, I'd say.
>Horn Girl for support.
>1 2 3 FOUR as adc.
>Fire Bender Loli mid.
>Hyenawick ctrl+4 spam jungle.
>Pentakill Kayle with support items/max healing first top.
>ganking jax, GP, or taric level 1
>shen and corki ganking anything
>both carries waste ignite at the same time instead of layering it for maximum duration
>leona doesnt pop exhaust, the actually useful CC in that situation
Only Dota players think a gank this poorly executed deserves a kill, because all they know is 3>1
This is my biggest problem with dota in general.
>every hero requires you not just to learn 5 to 6 abilities, but also learn 8 to 20 active items
Like what the fuck? I have better things to do than learn every single instance of an item holy shit.
I think it's funny how DotA went from having a better less ability style and moved to making every hero have 4 to 8 actives abilities. It didn't make the game better, it just made me quit.
lolfags like to parrot this because the truth is LoL has no depth regarding strategy so they fall back on "mechanical" skill and fast paced, when it's mostly button mashing
Dota there's strategy and button mashing in a precise way which is important instead of throwing everything out at once
Im not a furry and I want to have sex with lamb
Scratch that, WHY the fuck is MOBA even popular?
This. Once late S1 rolled around and the balance team started balancing for draft instead of normal, balance slowly went to shit as it was suddenly perfectly fine to be the Xth best champion in the game as long as you werent the undisputed first best.
This is the retard who picks X hero and goes jungle in your pubs
Imagine having to walk back to lane because you got ganked twice in less than 60 seconds
Buy wards nigger.
The state of dotards everyone.
The same reason why RPGs, Battle Royales, Sandboxes, RTSes, FPSes, Racing games, fighting games are popular in their own rights you retard.
>Hurrdurr I don't like genre so it can't exist.
that's what he gets for picking zeus
Personally season 3 was my favorite, 1-2 was wild and crazy, 4 was fun, 5 was ok, 6 was better than 5, 7+ sucked dick
People like spectating this visual vomit? Why do people shit on OW for being hard to follow while this shit gets a pass?
Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA
Literally every fucking video game in existence is pressing buttons you fucking retard, aslo the play there isnt just earthshaker blinkin in and destroying everyone, but youre too fucking retarded to grasp it.
meant for
if you think that's bad you should check out this shitty pile of graphical mess called WC3
>I agree. Old times were times where almost all champions were viable not only top 20.
You literally have no idea what you're talking about. What win rate percentage would you need in order to believe that all champions are viable?
At best you can say that only 3 heros are unviable. At worst you can say that only 1 hero is unviable. In reality no hero is unviable, but if you pick a certain one your ultimate is incredibly situational.
People who bring up "champion viability" are literally not playing the same game as me when you get fucking Sylas, Nid, Grag in gold all the time. And many times they work out in their lanes or jg.
Dotards will defend this.
Most of the time, the people shitting on your picks are meta shitters that can't actually play the game so they rely on fotm picks/setups that win the game for them. Sadly, all ASSFAGGOTS games are filled to the brim with them.
That is not to say that you should completely ignore them, since most ASSFAGGOTS games are balanced around the current meta with a few attempts every season of the devs trying too break that meta too keep the game ''fresh''. Learning the current meta is a part of the game and is (sadly) one of the most important parts if you want to get anywhere.
You either get used too it, grow in rank enough to get away from 90% of the meta shitters or you quit.
With that said, I played LoL like 2 years ago and from what I can remember garen is a solid pick for new players thanks to his basic kit and top lane mostly having really simple rules too follow.
>Imagine thinking you'll have wards, mid in a pub when the support bought both the wards and put them in bot lane.
>aslo the play there isnt just earthshaker blinkin in and destroying everyone, but youre too fucking retarded to grasp it
no, its just a fed shaker surviving the enemy team's burst, waiting out their CC, and then sliding a finger across all of his skill buttons becasue the enemy team was retarded and circled around him from 50 range away
This. Dota 2 has been trash since TI4 when they crammed more actives and changed the farming and split push strategies.
LoL will still be on top even after fortnite dies. Valvetards on Yea Forums can't stand it.
>Still wrong
I see Olaf in top every 5 games or so no.
>Sylas, Nid, Grag
are all relatively recent reworks or champs, at worst they're the bottom of the viable pile.
when was the last time you saw sticks or cardmaster?
Defend wat?
no they won't
>lolfags in this much denial
Wow cool. Show me more teamcomp wombos and epic outplays.
There is a reason why I quit after the mannconomy update.
I just played a game of Dota and had a ton of fun
Like there are so many characters to choose but once you find THE ONE you instant feel ontop of the world
For me
It's grimstroke
Not only is it pay 2 win, but Riot's internal monetization scheme is one of the scummiest in the industry, they actually view bans as a profitable thing, which is why they're very liberal with the use of a banhammer.
>there aren't roles in Dota
Like I said, you don't know what the word role actually means. Considering that LoL actually has classes.
>mechanical skill
It's way more mechanically oriented than DotA ever will be. Most abilities rely on you to consistently hit skill shots successfully. If you fuck up as ES you can just let it go, but if you hit it you win instantly. There isn't anything like that in LoL.
You can pick bans because of strategy regarding team comp, both lol and dota has this. Even HotS. Games will never be balanced, ever, but at least in LoL you don't have champions dipping below 40% and many champions don't dip below less than 45% like dota does.
okay now that is one based void player
>defending base
>Your team ever having TP when they keep using them to TP to jungle and farm it before the carry respawns because shrines exist.
>LoL actually has classes
lol you mean buzzword archetypes riot invents to coddle their players?
>whoa he pressed this BUTTON
WOOOOOOOOOW Absolutely amazing!
Dota and OW both suffer from terrible mechanics like this. LoL does not. The best you have is the infamous Jax webm, which didn't make or break the game at all. In fact the hype was more around the stupidity of the high risk low reward.
I also really like talents, but I'd really kill for ranked turbo. I'm tired of playing with shitters who just installed the game and refuse to learn, but I also like that games don't take an hour.
>ES is an autowin ability
why is the part before the timeskip even in this fucking webm? nothing happens for 20 seconds just so you can add this one REALLY EPIC!!! 420 NOSCOPE and make it seem like he was stringing together three kills instead of two
>dotards again with the epic one button press plays
Wow he pressed a button!!! Epic play.
>big teamfight skills insta wins a teamfight
the IQ required to understand this is palpable
In game ads? What are you talking about.
>If you fuck up as ES you can just let it go
Are you retarded?
The ability he used has a long cast rate so he had to plan out the specific place where he could efficiently get the best chance to get a kill
It's 9000 iq
>dotards being in this much of denial of a shitty mechanic
3 kills in 30 seconds is still pretty sick
man, the new cancer of soraka solo lane would blow your fucking mind
>pretending invoker planned all that.
He basically got lucky just fyi. He thought of when drow would be first arriving back and got lucky. Again it's literally pressing a button and wow amazing you win!
Sorry you understand all videogames are pressing buttons right?
No because when you slam incorrectly you can easily wall and escape considering it also stuns. It's frequently risk free. Do you actually play dota?
If you actually believe Echo slam, ravage or blackhole automatically wins you a teamfight then it means you actually know jackshit about the game
>failing to understand the point
dotard iq everyone
All LoL players are Trannies and Gays
Every time Yea Forums talks about Dota it almost always sounds like they have not actually played the game at all and parrot off random reddit posts or what they believe based on their herald trench games. A big redflag is when people complain or talk about big dick teamfight ults like Black Hole or Chronosphere and never the actually retarded heroes and abilities at the time.
What is your point?
Are you forgetting the part where you are left being useless for ~130 seconds with nothing in return?
>Chronosphere and never the actually retarded heroes and abilities at the time.
I've basically stopped playing Dota 2 and only watch major tournaments for the past few years, but has there ever actually been a period where void was not in the meta?
Where did I say it automatically wins you a team fight? Huge team fight abilities are bad mechanics because it's an IWINBUTTON that require zero skill and next to zero positioning.
But by all means, keep telling yourself that your design is great and its good while dota and ow bleed players every month while only retaining the players who have invested too much money into battle passes and compendiums.
>The most broken hero in the current meta has 0 Aoe and 2 passives
>ES is useless without slam
Install LoL and play Amumu or Fiddle, and learn about what it means to be useless without a 2+ minute CD ult.
This meta and the last one and the one before void has been dead for a while, he's probably coming back soon.
Mirana is the meta now, so tired of seeing her all of last international
Obvious bait.
Best boy, eternal main since day 1
RIP Heart of gold and philosophers stone
True niggas never forget
>Are you forgetting
I think you forgot about ES's other abilities.
void has been out of the meta for quite a while. Doesn't do enough outside of his ult and not that great of a laner
Void has been dead as shit for a while.
The fuck you talking about nigger, the bullshit heroes right now are abbadon, drow and morph
Fuck off degenerate.
Old teamfights were Mundo tanking your entire team then blowing up your ADC or Jax taking zero damage then nuking everyone one by one. It really wasn't fun for anyone but the tank.
I've seen really solid aggressive techies. As long as they aren't gone placing mines all game, it should be fine. Blast Off is actually a really good ability, and an aoe root is also fantastic. They just can't into physical damage, and that 25 talent is bait.
morph didn't do nothing. He's a good boy
Uh-huh, keep pushing your head in the sand. Dota hasn't broken 600k since October 2016 when veteran players left when they were effectively turning dota into a shittier version of lol.
>tfw secret still fell for the smoke gank despite that
i think they still won the game though
A 1.75 sec stun with 15 cd and a spell that requires you to go melee range
Tell me why shouldn't i push your shit in
Does this have anything to do with echo slam being a risk free ability?
Daily reminder that Riot Morello promised on the general discussion forums that Innervating Locket would come back in some form.
I don't care about them I'm tired of watching pros games featuring Mirana
Yeah, bait. Lookup steamcharts right now.
>Huge team fight abilities are bad mechanics because it's an IWINBUTTON that require zero skill and next to zero position
Oh You mean like
Ammumu/Annie/Camille/Fiddledicks/Galio/Gragas/Hecarim/Cthulu bitch/Jhin/Karthus/Katarina/Kennen/Lissandra/Leona/Malphite/Miss fortune/Morgana/Nami/Orinana/Rumble/Sijunani/Sona/Talon/Varus/Viktor/Vladimer/Wukong/Yasuo/Zac/Zyra
Probably more
>hasnt broken 600k since 2016
>peak today 900k
you could have literally googled steam players ingame to get that and you still went for the "I DONT KNOW SHIT" response
garen is based and redpilled, never change.
No. Even if you pay your team can drag you down.
>Mundo tanking your entire team then blowing up your ADC
mundo preseason fotm had nothing to do with any ability to kill carries, and his s3(4?) meta was well into nu-LoL, after the lifesteal changes, when he was the last bruiser with any damage left due to his raw stats on E
There wasnt a single Mirana picked in top 8 of the disney major, i think she was picked in group stages though
>Wait for the Galio rework
>He turns into an ugly marble statue because muh spitting water and everyone loves him
>Wait for the Swain rework
>He becomes a sith lord, loses all his crow motifs and everyone loves him
>Wait for the Kayle rework
>She becomes SSJB Panty Anarchy but with an ugly face and everyone loves her
Everything is a function in this kusoge
you must not have watched anything this year because mirana has not been a highly contested pick
Morph is one of my favorite heroes and but he is absolutely overpowered. The biggest problem imo is Morph, it has a stupid number of dumb interactions on top of being an insanely versatile skill.
You are fucking stupid. Don’t argue about which champs are broken or not if you don’t even read patch notes.
Every champ released in the past 3 years is at least a little broken, even “VGU” champs like Akali and Sion. Some are straight ridiculous like Zoe on release. They sell like hot cakes , bring in shitloads of skin money, and then once that slows down, they get nerfed to a reasonable level.
Morph is legit fucked
We won a game with a morph carry after 4 of the other teammates including me were dog shit
They also had a pro player coaching the other team while our coach afked
Make that in the whole play offs, i just checked.
Fuck off moralfag
That's really cool. Wyvern hanging out and not blowing her cover deserves a commend, too.
>tfw no prework xerath
Morph is fucked like alch used to be. You pretty much have to make your game about ganking him.
Except that Morph can also be oneshotted by half the heroes. I noticed OD especially just wipes him with little effort.
>Kayle rework
holy shit I never realized this exists. This is the most embarrassing thing I have ever seen come out of Riot HQ, and I remember when they took three weeks and a dozen news posts to finally admit they canceled magma chamber. She looks like a korean gacha game tried to rip off kayle but didnt have the assets to make it good so they just ripped a generic harlot and added a couple armor plates. What the fuck is that design? What the fuck are those legs?
her fucking stomach. theres a fucking belly button. oh my god.
Team Secret showed how to fuck him up recently in the disney major finals, fuck his whole team and then fuck him up in mid game when hes weak aslo Doom deletes him.
Garen is your free ticket to high plat because the only way to beat garen is kiting, map awarness, positioning, proper focusing, pretty much all non-champion related skills that nobody in low elo bothers with.
Kayle was pretty generic but I didn't realize it could get even more generic
Holy fuck dude
It's legit looking like a mobile game
Worst part is, no "classic" skin for people who owned her pre release.
Ah well at least pentakill kayle is upgraded.
Start off with black hair with blonde highlights and gets more blonde as she upgrades her passive.
they fucked him, but swain was a careful balance of a character that was never surviving the rework in the first place.
all they had to do for kayle was just keep ripping off diablo angels and they would have been fine
At least he actually looks like a leader of a military state now and not some creepy grandpa with a walking stick and a bird.
I stopped at season 2, what even is this game like anymore.
Seems fine to me.
That’s only if the Morph gets caught out or frontlines in a teamfight. If you go in later like you’re supposed to when the initial wave of disables are thrown, he is incredibly difficult to kill, with two healthbars, Strength morph which gets you something like 6k HP late game, and two waveform charges if he picked the talent
I got a rampage the very first time I played morph. There is no reason why this guy can get so much damage AND survivability while also having literally any kind of spell in thw entire game without any item. His spellset is simply way too vast and versatile.
Riot doesn't like DOT mages it seems.
>Leaders of military states are edgelord in black trenchcoats
this sounds pretty dope but I remember looking back at the game and considering playing again for his rework only to see he was completely gutted, loved that ugly fucker and took him toplane to plat some season
>this sounds pretty dope
it does sound like a cool idea. it is implemented in the worst way you could possibly imagine.
>Military states are also lead by vampires and dudes with large axes, and deploy massive techno-zombies with even larger axes as a shock trooper
The point of the redesign was to make him more clearly "general-esque," hence the big ass captain's coat over an armor that resembles a uniform.
I legit quit because the big updates brought out complete retards who have no business playing an online game and that was at around 4,3k rating EU. I'm not talking about hero skill, just general lack of teamplay and being a cunt.
from what century is this that you had to pay for dota heroes?
>mfw leaguetards will never ever understand dota
To be fair doing your taxes can be pretty exiting, imagine if you could do that competitively against other people it would be way cooler than soccer
This definition is true but also useless/pointless.
Life is p2w because rich people have the free time to spend all day playing games.
For an actual vidya financial model, pay2win refers to when the game is literally selling an advantage that can be acquired through no other method but real money.
If you can get it for free, the game is selling you the time it took to obtain that advantage rather than pay upfront for it.
This isn't pay2win, it's just cancer depending on the time/money investment ratio.
Expanding the definition to a larger margin becomes disingenuous because the difference between "I can only get this with my money" and "I can get this with my money AND(OR) my time" is so extreme. You're just changing definitions from "pay2win and shades of play2win" to "shades of pay2win and play2win".
whos the best girl of dota?
>Dota is STILL popular after DECADES
>TI9 prize pool is projected to be the biggest ever
>playerbase is still rock solid and tops the steam charts
>LoL has lost over half their players in two years
what the fuck happened
Jarvan or Vlad (with extra mention to Brand when I felt spicy). I quit for good in S3.
but you don't exclusively pay any tax bills, taxes are paid automatically?
>Why do they keep attaching a benis to QoP/Drow/Enchantress?
>Why do they keep attaching a benis to Soraka/Ahri/Cassiopeia
Come now user, surely they can both find common ground.
>attaching a benis to Soraka
why would you want to give soraka a second horn?
LoL was shitty, but they genuinely kept on improving the game.
Valve, on the other hand, has a complete skeleton crew on Dota2. The game took a huge turn for the worse and the only constant is progressively uglier and uglier skins with hundreds of new bugs each time an event is held.
I hate how Dota 2 is running into the same cosmetics problem that TF2 and LoL did, I called this shit way back in 2012
Yeah you can stop bullshitting, Riot doesn't improve jack shit. Dota has regular bugfixes, LoL can't even do that.
>when LoL is so incompetent they have to DISABLE meta Champions in competitive tournaments because they can't patch bugs
A lot of the sets do look good though.
Not sure, seems girl with hooves = horse benis, I mean look at Draenei, same thing happend to them. And succubuses/demonesses.
You get like 60 free boxes a year which is ~20 skins. Having more champs is just a luxury you don't need to buy them.
Since they nerfed orange dust it's a pain in the ass if you want a particular skin though.
People will talk shit no matter what you do unless you have 10/10 charisma and carry the game
>LoLfags don't even have a day/night cycle
>particle effects everywhere
>glowing shit everywhere
>ability reskins
called it
and there's literally nothing wrong with that
it looks fucking great
the moment you get ability changes on p2p skins, even visual and audio effects, any competitive integrity of your game is dead
Why r skins so fucking hard to unlock? 1 chest per week, need 3 key fragments to unlock, high chance of getting a ward or orange essence instead of a skin. Then if you're lucky enough to get a skin, you still have to unlock it by spending a large amount of orange essence.
>what the fuck happened
Chinese happened.
not really
also what's p2p?
The entire LoL model and many shitty F2P games is to frustrate the player into opening their wallet to skip over the bullshit progression system they've propped up.
>it looks great in this item showcase where nothing else is happening
Yeah but when you take in all the tacked on garbage, conflicting parts and fucking Unusual shit, you're contributing to the exact same visual clutter problem that LoL and TF2 have. It looks like a jumbled mess in motion, especially with 10 characters who all have these obfuscating, shitty cosmetics
>Riot doesn't improve jack shit. Dota has regular bugfixes, LoL can't even do that.
To be fair, this really points to one thing only.
Both LoL and Dota2 are trasheaps developed by a bunch of retards most people play practically out of obligation by now.
Dota2 players will tell you just how much Valve doesn't do shit and fucks up everything they touch, everything is about cosmetic cancer unlike in LoL.
LoL people will tell you just how much Riot doesn't do shit and fucks up everything they touch, only caring about new skins, unlike Dota 2 with its ""regular bugfixes"".
That was pre Season 1 and S 1 Tho.
yeah, that's probably it
Pay2Win is a silly concept. Rich people have always and probably will always have an advantage over people without money. Better Computers can literally win you games.
Life is Pay2Win.
As for buying champions, it's definitely not a fair system or a good balance decision either, but it's not P2W. P2W means your ability to win has improved measurably every single time.
Buying a champ won't do you shit unless you learn it. Look at Bronze and Silver players, they are often stuck in their ranks because they can't commit to one champion to learn the game so they spread too thin and learn nothing from playing. More champs just isn't always an advantage, and there's definitely times when you cripple yourself from playing too many champs. I haven't seen one player whose high rank that doesn't have a clutch champ to rely on over their other mains.
It's better to learn one champ first than to just buy as many as you can. Even still if your goal is to climb, you need at most 3 champions, maybe 6 champions split between two roles tops.
>implying DotA doesn't improve
Have you even SEEN what they've added with Battlepass?
>played since ~2011
no it's not pay to win. actually it used to be more pay2win than it is now, but the rune system being reworked fixed that. the only thing that affects the game that you can buy with money is champions. but you can get all the champions through just playing the game (1 win per day bonus will give you decent income for not much time spent)
i even got permabanned around 2014-2015 and started a fresh account, and now i have every champ in the game after playing casually for like 3-4 years. might not sound that great but there are 143 champions in the game, and NOBODY likes every single one. everyone has different tastes, i could list 25 champions that i fucking hate playing and never want to touch again, but i still bought them with in-game currency cause fuck it why not. you really only need like 30 champions of various types to build out a nice variety team. and there are many strong champions for cheap
Alright I see that some of my brethren has it bothered you.
However, not everyone of us meet your implications so please move on and do not project that every single person that speaks spanish is someone to frown upon.
I've met many people that even though english is very useful idiom, they refuse to learn it just because of their lazyness.
And yet, here I am, hermano mío.
>DotA2: A chess match with a coat of paint where every single encounter is decided by who gets the jump on who as every single ability is an instakill
The most famous Dota 2 play of all time is the exact opposite of that
I remember when league players used to say that dota had way too much damage, I've started playing league with my friends and all characters' main focus seems to be to 100-0 in the shortest time possible, laning phase is so dangerous since a single trade can fucking kill you, even the supports deal mad damage without building damaging items, every matchup is like laning against zeus or grimrock, did they lie to me?
>Reminder that Swain banged Leblanc every night
God damn, can you imagine the orgies he has to endure with leblancs miraging while fucking her.