>want to talk about Ys
>nobody's played any Ys games besides dana
fuck's sake. let's talk about Ys and about how I & II Chronicles have the best OST of any video game to date
Want to talk about Ys
Other urls found in this thread:
>unique combat system
>level maxes out early on so you don't have to worry about being at the right level afterward
>barely any exposition to get in the way of a great experience
1&2 Chronicles is peak Ys.
and then there's the bosses. I'm ok with most of them, but shit like cuntsclad and dark fuk't on nightmare are enough to drive a man to drink. the former because it's just mindless bumping into rocks until someone dies and the latter because remaking dark fact without a system's technical limitations to cut down his projectiles made him strong as fuck, even if there is a strategy to it
i played Ys I, thought it was really cool
but i can't really discuss it with you until i play the rest...sorry man
I love Yunica
level only maxes out 'early on' in ys 1, where it's not so much 'maxes out' but 'forced to max out through some minimal farming' since you pretty much need to be at specific levels to beat certain bosses without it taking 10x longer. Ys 2/3/4/5/6 all have scaling exp, so if you're underlevelled it wont take much to get you up to speed, but it wont let you go much past that in exchange.
there's a golden vase in one of the lakes you can sell to the turbo jew merchant
refuse to sell it right away (select item, say you dont want to sell, repeat until he offers more)
buy the ring from said merchant
give it back to the drinking man at the bar
now if you're already in the tower all I can say is go bite a pillow
The PCE games definitely have scaling EXP too. I think I counted double or triple up to a certain level.
played and beat ys 1/2 oath/ark/origin
whats best next to move to
7 > celceta > dana in that order. skip 5 until they remake it, then come back and play it later.
Ys 7
Ys 6
>best atmosphere by far
>least refined combat by far
>amazing music
Ys Oath
>great atmosphere
>combat is shaping up incredibly well
>music can fade into the background sometimes but is overall great
Ys Origin
>what atmosphere?
>combat is peak Ys among the 3D top down games
>music is just weaker remixes of Ys I thrown in with a few great new tunes
Origins disappointed me a little bit desu, but at least watching yunica grow into a fully fledged knight was great. I want Ys 6 with Oath's level designers and Origin's combat
You can sometimes get some discussion going on /fg/ but that shithole is pretty much entirely kiseki bitching and localizer wars. It's a real shame, I love Falcom's games but, insofar at least this site is concerned the fanbase is horrid.
I'd like to participate in a ys discussion now while the usual shitposters aren't yet spamming their memes but I don't really have anything to say.
>going to /vg/ for any reason whatsoever
and don’t say there are good generals because they always devolve into shit flinging sooner or later. even /hbg/, which is in theory more /g/ than Yea Forums, is 80% shitposting, 19% tech support and 1% homebrewing talk
>about how I & II Chronicles have the best OST of any video game to date
The PCE version has a superior soundtrack.
Also the best Ys OST is Ys IV
... Not like Yea Forums is much better frankly.
I actually just did play through of 1 and 2 on steam. Good fun all in all but fuck me that last boss fight in 1. 2 was on the whole waaaaaaaaay easier. Even if you don't cheat with shield magic.
Been trying to 100% all Ys games. Already finished 1, 2, Ark and Oath but Origin is making me sick of this combat style and I haven’t even finished yunica’s story because every god damn floor with new enemies in it forces me to stop and grind for 15 mins just to fill a beastiary page. How do I convince myself to keep going?
I'm planning on playing these because Gurumin and Zwei 2 were fucking incredible. Should I start with I & II, then Oath? Is VIII any good? Is Ricotta about as enjoyable as her namesake?
>unique combat system
uniquely bad
Oath is pretty weak up until the snowy mountain, then the rest of the game is top tier.
We can talk about IX as well.
eternal > all
you better have played on nightmare
>he doesn’t enjoy Adol the Tank Engine
ramming your foes cock-first to turn them into mush will never not be fun
I love Ys, but Ys 1 and 2's combat is unforgivable and being "unique" doesn't give it a pass. The atmosphere and music are great, but that combat is stupid and horrendous.
Oath and Origins are the peak, 8 is good but very flawed and overstays its welcome in length.
It’s not like I post here much either anymore. too many newfags and forced memes. I just came here in hopes of talking Ys
Don't worry about getting 100% and just play through on Nightmare and do the boss rush. When you try to force yourself to 100% a game you don't love, you're just punishing yourself and making it to where you might end up hating a game you'd otherwise like. Also, Yunica playthrough isn't nearly as fun as Claw, so at least stick through to that.
Exactly this. OP must be a retarded zoomer who never even heard of the PCE and all the peak soul versions of the franchise.
hostile, much.
How to kill a niche series thread in a single post. Kill self, faggot. You're more than likely a zoomer trying to fit in, like people that call everyone "kid" when losing an argument. Faggot, get ye gone.
So. Who's your favorite character in the series and why?
Is this a good introduction to the series, bros?
Blues get screwed
Adol because Adol
should i play 7 8 or celceta next? i've played all the other ones on PC and I want the game closest to oath/origin in terms of gameplay.
Dogi. He feels the most real to me, Adol is just an adventure autist which is great in its own way.
It's as good a point as any really. Most of the games are stand alone so the only thing you'll miss out is a few AHA! references, which you'll probably still get just going in the opposite direction later should you choose to go on.
In terms of content you get plenty to play with so it's a good time.
Is it?
100%ing Ys Origin was not worth it, the nightmare boss rushes with Yunica and Ark Adol are fucking hell and not balanced at all, plus you have to play the game at minimum SIX fucking times
I miss Dana
> I want the game closest to oath/origin in terms of gameplay.
you're shit out of luck
7, Celceta, then 8. 7 is the most barebones, Celceta next, and 8 is the newest and most polished of that style. They're nothing like Oath or Origins though.
Go in order. Each game builds off the last one's mechanics so you might spoil yourself trying to go backwards.
Thanks. I think I'm going to buy it in that case
If you’ve played 1/2/Ark/Oath/Origin you’ve already experienced peak Ys, it’s just downhill from there except for a few moments in 7 and 8.
Ark Adol is the most OP character in the game. What the fuck are you talking about?
I just remember the Dalles and Darm fights being hell with Ark Adol, it’s been years since I did the 100%
>nobody's played any Ys games besides dana
If anything Ys is one of the fanbases were most threads are full of people who have played most of the series
I really would be very happy if they brought over the PS4 port of Celceta.
There's always 5 if you haven't played that, but no one talks about 5 because no one has played 5 and for good reason because we're all waiting instead for the inevitable 5 remake
How do I get this working on my Vita? I downloaded it from Emuparadise but when I dropped the ISO into the /PSP/iso folder it didn't work
wasn't it a vita game?
Is the music in Ys 1&2 Chronicles remixes of the original songs?
>a game you don’t love
but I do love origin. it’s just that god damn monster journal dragging the whole thing down the shitter
user I survived the nightmare boss rush chester, his master and the black pikkard as well as majuunun. I got this, I just need motivation to fill out the fucking journal every half a step
This, good?
Y for yes
N for no
Didn't that version add an attack button?
screen crunch, bad art direction, poor 3D, inferior to other versions. N
Nah it's be a .vpk it's a PSP game
Eh, might be down to preference, I remember having overall time of around half compared to other characters. I do agree that regular Yunica probably took the most time and tries.
Hugo is bitch mode.
Most of them are, yeah: it is a constantly updated remaster of the PC-88 version using Eternal as a basis, after all. They even throw in a few remixes of unused PC-88 songs here and there for variety's sake. Hell, some of them are originally from the MSX2 version.
what's wrong with hugo?
t. only played origins demo
He's fun in his way but his weapon is a laser gun so he doesn't have to get close to enemies. Also he's a shit head.
>best dialogue
>worst gameplay
Played Ys I and II chronicles (didn't like II though) along with Memories of Celceta. Not going in any particular order but next I'll likely do origins and then oath in felghana at some point
I've only played Ys I and half of II (Chronicles for both). Oath and Origin look great, but the newer titles have an off-putting vibe.
Is it like a Xanadu Next to Tokyo Xanadu deal with them or what?
>nobody's played any Ys games besides dana
I've played them all user and I wish to Christ they would stop with the party shit and how much gayer they make Adol look with each new game (with the exception of 7, peak Adol)
I just want to go back to Adol the motherfucking Red slaying monsters and pussy and keep the story simple. As much as I enjoyed Dana there's way too much fucking dialogue and exposition.
Stone cold, Hugo. Stone cold.
Why are Clan of Darkness such cucks?
Wait, you mean Falcom can go an entire game without at least 5 walls of text? I thought Gurumin was the exception because it's clearly targeted for children.
It's not a terribly severe situation like that. I'd say the newer games still have their own merit and soul going for them. Like, I'll give them props for trying ideas to keep things fresh, even if some are hit and miss. At least they're not trashy spinoffs compared to the originals like TX was to XN.
I'm slowly making my way through 5 on the SNES mini right now.
It's pretty average.
What are some good games that are like Ys? I love the series but have already played it to death and wouldn’t mind something similar
The fuckers can't even craft their own shit without them being chink ripoffs of Eldeen artifacts, how can you expect them to not be cucks with such mentalities?
I'm also curious about this. And don't mention falcom's other games, we know about those already.
>Should I stay home with my bros and fuck my hot fiance?
>Nah, Ill grow faggy angel wings and fuck with the weather instead
Oh that's awesome thank you!
based, I'm just about to start the PSP version of I&II
What settings do I choose? I mean arranged music etc.
no fuck that
lets talk about kiseki
>anything but PC Engine Ys
Into the trash it goes
memories of celceta was the best
More like Dark Fag amiright
Just played through this. If I wasn't doing a Ys marathon I probably would have stopped after the first hour. The most I felt while going through it was mild boredom. Even really flawed games like Wanderers gave me great music and funny-bad voice acting. The only thing it had going for it was a mildly interesting idea for a magic system, that I didn't really bother with because searching nooks for items to craft into spells that outright stop the game for 12 seconds a pop is a lot more trouble than hitting the enemy with my sword twice.
lads I love my vita so much
No one ever has answers to this, and the closest thing I can think of isn't really even close and that's Illusion of Gaia / Terranigma.
Everything besides Ys 1&2 and origins is embarassing unplayable crap.
Change my opinion.
ys 6 is buggy and poorly translated
ys origin has tons of slowdown
ys 8 is missing half the game
I think the other ones are okay aside from 30 fps and worse visuals
I really didn't like the OST, which is like 50% of the reason I play the games. And outside of that it was like completely forgettable, I keep saying I'm gonna replay it someday but instead I started playing through Dawn of Ys a couple of days ago.
>played through all of the ones on Steam
>Get to Celceta
>about 1/5 through
>just not feeling I'm enjoying the series anymore
Is Dana better or have I just lost interests with the whole party mechanics
Felghana PSP is babby mode with its check points and overdrive upgrade healing you when you activate it.
Dana is extremely easy due to flash guard having massive windows and there being obvious BIS skills for everyone that you'll just mash out for max DPS.
6 PSP is less shit than 6 PS2
Origin is fine with an overclock
8 is only missing some dlc
The rest run at 60fps as well.
Didn't know that, thanks for the info
You can play 6 on PC now and no they don't run at 60fps
It's really something they need to get rid of. If they had just given every one a skill or 2 that guards like how magic did in older games it would have been perfect
>no they don't run at 60fps
except they do?
Your shit taste is too powerful to change
imo while the aesthetic of the environmental design in origin was a bit stale, I think it had the best actual level design of the 3
6 shows it's status as the first of them and honestly OiF is held back be trying to adhere too much to the side scrolling design aspects from the original
Just beat Zara with Yunica. Should I go easy or normal with Hugo? Kinda don’t want to play through the same thing over again. At least I know the boss fights now so it should be faster but I want to play as Claw already. And move onto Oath/Ark.
easy if you just want to go fast
he's the easiest character to get through the game though, you could probably handle nightmare with him
does anyone like spending 5 minutes killing random worthless enemies before each boss fight on nightmare
Been planning on playing for a while, will be able to start the binge of the Ys series in within the next couple of weeks.
Which edition & console should I use for playing 1? Is "Ys I & II (Chronicles)" the only translated edition? I don't mind playing 1987 shit if that's the "better edition," either, anything goes.
Ys 1 and 2 have been ported every where. I had, I want to say the SMS version as a kid,
I heard for a first timer it's best to play all the Ys and Kiseki games on Hard instead of Normal, is that true?
No? Im not sure who told you that. Probably some faggot. Play however you want.
Use pkgj and download there