Jesus hot damn mama mia!

Jesus hot damn mama mia!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Unironically would.


>implying she fucks white guys


uniform so tight hnnnnnnnnnnnng

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she looks like she fucks black dudes

I watched both Wolfenstein games on YouTube and now have zero desire to play them

>Wh*te W*men

Attached: pu.jpg (400x400, 37K)

I haven't seen that picture in forever.


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>implying I'm white

Legit used to fuck a girl that looked just like that. Fat chicks smell bad in the morning though, you don’t realize it until you sleep with one

*cue angelic choir*

>that hair
would rather sleep with a cabbage patch kid

Good thing I'm not white ;^)

gee user, you're so rude!

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An actual criticism in this shit thread incoming. Why are the graphics for Wolfenstein so dated looking? And given that, why the fuck is Wolfenstein 1 60+ gigs?

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>would rather sleep with a kid

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oh nonono now i've done it please twitter don't-

What's up with Germans and drunk fat blondes?

Skeleton thread?

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Yeah I would but i want to put her mother in her place

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lol did these bitches escape from mass effect andromeda?

so that scene where she's getting fucked by the black dude
is that what swedes consider comedy?


we can go as thick or thin as you want

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id Software nailed it with marketing mega textures as if they had invented it. This is actually used by a lot of different games, new and old. CSGO, of all things, uses mega textures.

Built for White Boi Cock

god damn

Post thiccer.

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what kind of thicc do you desire?
I have many definitions of it.

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Whatever you think looks good, I love black girls.

Attached: 16425795_1842298752718754_8175717950412609263_n.jpg (600x798, 40K)

She's unironically the best girl in that shit game
I got to the train level half way through and stopped the game is just garbage.
Looks and runs amazing but the level design is terrible despite how fun the guns are

If most women were shaped like Maserati, there'd be peace on earth

Jesus christ maserati is literally perfect, oh lord in heaven please create more like her, many more.

good boy.

Attached: 1532527323664.jpg (1080x1345, 283K)

Nigger shills infect yet another thread. RIP.

More tits and ass for us I guess.

Black women:
-Love video games
-hate sluts and cheaters
-have the best sense of humor
-like watching childrens cartoons as much as discussing literature
-respect and cherish men with good hearts
-are devoutly loyal
-wish life was anime
-understand white men on a deeper emotional level than any other type of woman ever could

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good the main point of this thread was terrible anyways

>t. has never been with a nigger female
Also the roastie in the pic is right, even if she is toasty.

i miss RTCW sexy nazi ladies.........

i would have done that with TNC, but the first one is ok, same with Old Blood.

fuck the TNC


You've never been around black people. You're free to go walk around in a black neighborhood, anytime you want. Make sure you take a few firearms training courses (force on force, need actual actors for the scenarios and not other students as the actors) first, because they're like animals or low level zombies - if they sense weakness, they'll fuck with you. Good luck.

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That's why you stay away from ghetto hos. Black girls who date outside their race are the minority and don't contribute to those statistics.

They're returning in Youngblood

Attached: Wolfenstein Youngblood Elite Guard.jpg (640x360, 26K)

She looks like she fucks black guys

Anons stop this place is the reason I've only dated black girls

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bros how do I dream of a nightmare

Faggot, you're some shut-in.

Better yet, let me contribute

Attached: on god.jpg (1280x1348, 123K)

The only other black girl I know who is like this is my cousin from California. She's exactly like me.

>wanting twigs

Attached: 2271556ce80cbcd745b2ed1f7c61abc4-imagejpeg.jpg (796x796, 127K)

>Not wanting bloboids

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I thought bestiality was against the rules

did he died?

I love the reverse BBC so much. Seeing white roasties seethe this much makes me feel great

That's literally black Bjork.

>the reverse BBC


Stop shilling racemixing.

Negroid women have ugly facial features: being attracted to such women of inferior racial quality is to be a weak c.uckolded s.oyboy joke of a "man".

Attached: 1556087027148.jpg (832x1000, 47K)


Black women literally have more feminine facial features than white women.
Full lips, perfect cheek bones, a shorter jaw.
White women more often have a pointy masculine nose, or a big man jaw.
The angelic feminine faced white woman you see in magazine are far rarer than in reality, in the real world black women are simply more beautiful on average.
This is undeniable.

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we are all one race you stupid nigger

t. Anti-freedom bootlicker

>thinks this deformed man is attractive

It's cringe af

literally none of what you said is true for 99.99% of blacks

Shit Tier

Low Tier
>reverse BBC
>reverse interracial

Mid Tier
>oil drilling

High Tier
>bed wenched

God Tier
>ebony appropriation

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sure thing faggot. suck fudge out of my ass chocolate worshiper

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This race looks totally different. This doesn't even look like a black person, or not the same kind as her.

She unironically does in the game

That's because it's an abbo. They're a sub species, scientists just won't admit that having a crest at the top of the skull is enough to warrant that.

If they were a sub species you couldn't breed with them, user.

You dumbass, that's a different species, not sub species. Besides, the no breeding rule is bullshit since of the eight barriers that allow the classification of a species there are plenty that call for mechanical or behavior differences where as viable hybrids via artifical insemination are not beyond possibility.

abbos aren't black.

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nigga shes so black shes purple.

>imagine this fat bitch fucks anybody but regular black men


delete this fuckin gross ass picture

as god intended women to be.

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the huge problem with female blacks, even the attractive ones, is that you can easily see how they would look like if they were born as men

Holly and Heidi?!

this looks like animal shit was sprayed against a garage door


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yikes. who stole your man, hun?

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perhaps this MtF tranny?

you race mixer shills are fucking everywhere holy shit.

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No yeah that makes sense but hold up while I walk in a hick neighborhood waving around my phone and money. White people are civilized right?

This. Also their hair is shit 90% of the time.

Just a shittier German version of Pam from Archer
This bitch doesn't even come close

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god even thicker please

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Abbos are of asian decent you retard.

actually the current scientific theory is they left Africa before literally any other race of people, that's why they were so primitive when they were discovered.

Has this bitch shown nips yet or is she still just cockteasing?

>This entire thread

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>this entire thread

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Stop being a retard and jerk it to the tits already

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There's an old picture of them floating around, IIRC.
What I want to know is if she's even still active. I haven't heard a peep about her in months.

Yes, the problem is areolas are so massive you can't even really make out where her nipples are. Its like the same problem Hitomi Tanaka has but on steroids.

>implying Hitomi's problem isn't proportions

yeah, abbos aren't black (sub-saharan african). They are very distant from nogs.

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well if I had a genuine chance i could prove you wrong. sadly she is a fictional character, who can do whatever I want her too.

baka, you shouldn't pick deprived if you can't handle it


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This was one of the best boss fights in the game

post thiccer


Why does her skin look like poop?

>tfw no chocolate gf
why am I even alive

Looks exactly like my exgf.
She was austrian too

She's kinda cute

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Based and dare I say it redpilled?

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literally made for BBC

What games let me play as a BBW?

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None, because it objectifies them and that makes the studios more afraid, look what happened to burger nathan
No one wins

Dragon's Dogma.

Fallout 4 (with mods.)

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>Dragon's Dogma vanilla
Well i was wrong, holy shit i must play this.

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Wild Guns

Attached: wildguns2.png (800x450, 309K)

Saints Row 3 and 4 get into the lower end of the spectrum.


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Saints Row 2 is the best for bbw characters.

>tfw my country is mostly devoid of black people
>tfw I will never have a cute, thick, loving black girlfriend

Sounds nice. Where are you?

inb4 >>>>>>white


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Bacon Man.

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Greeks are Greek. It's cool. Only problem is the language

fat girls are nice

tall girls are nicer

have sex

Let this be a titty thread!

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It's a shame japs don't like fat girls

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What do you mean? They draw the best fat girls!

>I only date black women, how can you tell?

Post hot black vidya girls

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Americans sure enjoy designing their 10/10 women

Right one is lesbian. Left one will fuck a black guy.

More Marina cause she's what i got on hand

Attached: 27f.png (960x1320, 1.02M)

How redundant

All black girls are hot

I love black girls, but you know that's not true

I just wanted to make black anons feel loved

But yes i do love black women

>teal eyes

Black anons know the truth
let's just appreciate some hot black women

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If niggers liked sheboons then why do they go after white girls the first chance they get?

I think he mean "anons who like black women" or maybe "anons who are black women"

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So this character is treated as a victim for having an oberbearing psychotic Nazi mother who fat shames her in seriously publically humiliating ways. But the game states she's on rations and is fat for taking extra food. How many extra calories does she gave to steal to get and stay that fat?

You are literally attracted to a race you deem exotic, but that doesn't mean you stop liking people that share your color.
Have the s word.

Why do I get a feeling you are hiding some fat girls down your basement?

If tbat were true I'd know exactly how many calories

I do but not with niggers

Asians are less attractive than blacks: fact.

Any woman that's got the thiccness can get my BBC doesn't matter what race. Yet there are some white people who are too beta'd because of a ministached man told them they were special to want to pound some pussy.

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how come america gets all the cute african girls?

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Caucasian > Asian > African > Niggers

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so that's where fegelein has been hiding

Brown>>Black>Caucasian>>>Asian>The rest

Anyone else completely desensitized from not having had a gf for so long that you no longer even have opinions of preferences about females?
Is this asexualism?
I fap about once or twice a week to some anime or animation but thats about it. IRL I make absolute zero effort to meet anyone or socialize.
Like, this entire thread of posts mean nothing to me.
t. 26 yo khv

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what if i’m also black?

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You have become a "beautiful one".

Possibly, but doesn't mean that you've necessarily completely given up on women
Maybe you just haven't met a cute girl who you like to talk to and hang around and be yourself with yet

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>When your life has so few opportunities that you destroy your body with steroids just to be of fleeting value.
kek, I bet that juiced up nigger can't even walk without help.

she looks like she fucks white guys exclusively

Same here. I'm not sure what to make of it, but it's alright i guess.
t. 28 yo

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Aside from white i only like deep black like this.
It feels like a fucking an alien or some non human creature and it feels fucking hot.

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>why yes, i like to play Dwarf Fortress user

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Not a virgin but i gave my body away to women too easily when i was still growing up so i have no idea what i like anymore. I kind of despise women desu, theyre two faced and too opportunistic. Theyll move on you like a predator and then dump you when theyre don

fat fuck


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Yes, it's bad when they take our women and good when we take theirs.
This is basic survival instinct user, it's not hard to understand.

Stop shilling your game here eishi

Surely you mean:
>White guy + "x" female good

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>triggered black boi that can't handle his women getting colonized
lol what's the matter?

Fuck, I want to feed her until her belly pops every single button out of that shirt.

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whites are just better at everything
including interracial cuckery


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They're just mad white women are getting fucked so they're countering.

That gets me curious, if aliens started consensually cucking your women after coming to earth, how would you whites feel?

Imagine. Just imagine the sweaty exercise sex and cuddles. The milkies. Imagine.
I haven't laid with a woman (although I have tongue wrestled) in about 2 years. This thread still gives me the urge to breed.

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Fact: There are MANY in this thread that AGREES with this man. Shocking.

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Ironically fucking disgusting. Looks like a spider.

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I’m surprised there isn’t much SFM of her out there, considering there’s a ton of Mei, 2B and Haydee to the point people keep exaggerating their anatomy when this thicc bitch got everything naturally


you joking m8?
she is amazing with that asian thin body and beyond asian cupsize. she is like a dream come true for me.

Nigger lover.

>he doesn't know about the secret JP artists

fucking pleb

>she is amazing with that asian thin body and beyond asian cupsize.
You might as well fuck a plank of wood with balloons tacked onto it.

nah user, she sure has amazing tits but her body could definitely be a bit more proportional while still staying relatively thin
as it stands, she looks like a IRL hentai character. it’s hot but feels weird

This is so true