He killed millions

He killed millions.

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Other urls found in this thread:


And he still didn't make it as a playable character.

wasn't enough


Uh the tree killed people, not Vergil.

He mugged people in an alley.

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hopefully this E3 he'll be announced

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The guy deserved it.

I was very disappointed Yea Forums. I thought Vergil was a good person even when he killed people with Temen ni gru. I thought he really had a good motive for it, not just being jealous of Dante


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While hasnt?

I love Dante

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he also has no underwear on


He smells like Halloween candy.

to save billions

nero smells like fruit because he sprays himself with airfreshener to hide the swampass
never forget

Post yfw you found out that Reuben is having a kid.

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Urizen killed millions.

is this a sign that Dante is gonna have a kid too?

His mom killed millions.

Hah, owned.

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>just got S rank on DMD Mission 19

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Urizen is part of Vergil

jesus that mission is cancer, congrats

Will it be autismo from his old man sperm?

50% of your persona is evil, removed from your body as its own entity would be 100% evil.
But thats not what Urizen and V are.

I'm talking about DMC5

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He should use wet wipes.

I think it's on his wife's twitter.

The Temin-Ni Gru was an "ends justifies the means" kind of sacrifice. Thousands of people probably died, but if he had obtained the power of his father than millions/billions more people would be saved in the future.

Vergil was horribly tortured during the decade or so he was Nelo Angelo, so much so that almost his entire personality had been stripped away and there was nothing left but a desire for power and honor. The decade following that he was a crumbling husk in hell for another 10+ years constantly fighting and losing to demons, by the events of DMC5 he has been mentally and physically deteriorating for 20 or so years and he makes a bad decision to separate his human and demon halves, so that his demon half can go and kick Dante's ass. Unfortunately for him his demon half is a huge asshole and didn't care about defeating Dante, instead decided it wants to rule hell (and probably Earth) and goes about summoning the Qliphoph to Earth in order to gain more power. While he is technically to blame for separating himself and causing the incident, it's hard to pin it on him as his fault, as he has been physically and emotionally tortured to such an extent for so many years that any normal human being would be a quivering braindead mess in his position.

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I think you mistook that with mission 18 mission 19 was the first Vergil fight.

She was pregnant for 9 months, gave birth, and somehow didn't remember

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Serious autistic woman or spunky spaghetti thot woman?

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Playing through DMCV for the first time. am I just retarded or is there a lot less exploration to do in the levels? Not that DMC was ever Castlevania levels, but it feels like the only side paths I've seen are the ones where you have to beat some enemies real fast to keep the floor from falling.

I hate thots

He mugged a thug who was beating up a homeless man

Sometimes, you gotta look real hard, and some paths close when you go too far (like in V's second mission). Going off-path will get you hatchlings, blue orbs, secret missions, purple orbs, or a big red orb stache. Trust me, though, you want to go off path for some truly good shit.

Compared to 1 and 3 theres less (because you can backtrack)
Compared to 3 there is more
5 actually has a few missions with 2 or 3 routes towards the end (like mission 15), and several of the later missions have fairly long side areas for secret missions and stuff

^compared to 4 theres more

>and accomplished literally nothing

>playing Mission 3 today
>see V fighting in the distance
>see it's my own username playing as V

Has anybody else gotten connected to their own player data before? I didn't know that could happen. I don't think it even asked me to rate.

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Would you a goth twink?

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It happened to me a couple times.

He gained more power though.

Sometimes you fail but if you really believe in a code to live by, eventually you're gonna have to get up and try again.

yeah and I saw it reenact my encounter move for move pretty much

Good for him!

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He got dante to notice him
and that's all he wanted.

this pic would be better if Vergil was me and Dante was still a guy

>gained power
>couldn't even beat his own son

What's weird is it's been a few weeks since I played Mission 4. I'm mostly going back now and trying to S rank all my missions.

What is it about dante that make him so prone to genderbending compared to most characters?

boob strap

He was worn down from a fight with his brother who also gained power. Also Nero had gained power around that moment as well.

This has actually been bothering me, so can the Qliphoth be summoned when ever or was vergil just really lucky. Because whats preventing other demons like the colossus from conjuring up the tree every other month in an attempt at being the new king of hell.

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Because we want a waifu who's curazy, tomboyish, and lusts over men in Men's Fitness magazines but can't talk to guys other than her brother without sounding like a weirdo. Also we can excuse DMC2 as being on her period,

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men want to fuck him

reminder that r63ing is still gay

Huh guess there's a limit to the number of Gold Orbs you can get per day. Not that they have any value at my level

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I want to have gay sex with Dauntie's vagina and cum inside her with the intent of impregnation

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I would hang him from a streelight for wearing sandals

>ywn fuck Dauntie's butthole in the vagina
why live

Poor Vergil, he just wants someone to fuck his sister's butthole to make a baby

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>Cause 2 citywide massacres
>Sends creepy old man to wreck brother's office
>Rip off son's arm
>Tricks brother into letting him kill himself, only to revive and try to kill him

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Trish did say that a fruit grows every couple thousand years. It's possible that it just so happened to srpout at the time that it did. As we see in the game, when the tree does grow it seems to do so pretty fast. Reaching from the ground all the way to the atmosphere in just a month.

Um who else wants to pound Vergil's hole?


Just you.

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just the opposite

Guys does DMC5 makes fight same bosses over again? If so I'll get it next year on sale

How many times have demons caused widespread terror and destruction in DMC? 2, 3, 4, and 5 all feature whole cities getting fucked, but they still act like demon hunting is some secret underground profession. Why hasn't the government established a fucking anti-demon unit yet?

user that was Nero.

yes that is what I said
thank you for reminding me

Is it gay if two characters have their genders flip and they fuck?

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To be fair humanity can't really do much against the Boss demons. They can handle mooks sure, but the boss demons probably need nukes to take out.

It would only be gay if they were the same gender from the start.

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just feels like they were being vague about the tree's summoning on purpose so they could have vergil be the antagonist but not directly say he's responsible for the deaths of thousands just so they could give him a "good" end

Sorry I'm retarded I thought you said Dante.

Dante smells like a gay lumberjack's splintered asshole

What does Vergil smell like?

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V has a mini boss rush segment where you re-fight 3 of the bosses that you fought as nero/dante and not counting the first urizen fight you fight him twice.

I dunno, human weapons seem to fuck them up just fine. Lady's guns, Nero's weapons, and the Devil Breaker, all human made shit. they could just build full anti-demon androids out of Devil Breaker tech.

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But can he explain why half the development budget went into that fucking van?

What order do you guys like to put Dante's weapons in?

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That’s not gay, that’s hot

A cum filled sock

Have you seen Lady canonically take out any bosses? There's a reason for that.
I don't think Nero has killed a boss with a gun, but then again he has charge shot.

Isn't that quite literally the point of the entire game? I'm trying to think of anything else but it all seems to boil down to this.

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It's not as bad as previous games. It's on sale on PSN and Xbox at the moment for $40 bucks, $50 if you want deluxe.

I love how well this aged.

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>Dante runs away from him attempting to talk TWICE
aaaand we are back at square one

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meme magic does it again

Pretty sure he brains Malphus, I just assume that for the stronger demons you just have to wail on them enough to make the vulnerable to conventional weapons

This one aged the best, though.

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Why would you do this user

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Jokes on you! I'm immune, my moms already dead.

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fuck you user

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chibui good bui

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You need to apologize to Dante right now, user!

Do you guys prefer Vergil in his new black outfit or his original colors?

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Sort of the reverse of when Dante tries to get him to sword fight with him.

My condolences.

I prefer the black. It looks cleaner, plus I'm not a huge fan of the blue coat on top of a darker blue vest. The black contrast on his old look was better.

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I prefer him in no outfit.

Also did Hitler but it didn't stop him of being awesome.

I love catto but drawings like this make her? look vaguely humanoid and it is greatly unsettling

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I prefer the original. Shouldn't Nero be the one with black clothes? I mean he's fucking named Nero.


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god bless

And he's the mother?

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>goes about summoning the Qliphoph
The Qliphoth was going to happen either way. V(ergil) was just one of the many, many demons that were taking advantage of it.

user it's Mother's Day, don't do this. My mom died when I was three so thanks for the extra salt.

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>all that meditating was to have a healthy child

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>this implies Reuben has a puss
>this implies Sui has a benis
I don't know which is worse


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Playing as V sucks. Waste of a cool idea.

Black looks the best he's ever looked.

Shit, anons. You didn't deserve that. Mothers Day must be hard.

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Come back in two year. Also, bring 60.00 plus tax

I realized just yesterday that Trish using Artemis (she's the one who brought to Urizen) is a reference to her using Nightmare Gamma is DMC2.

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>Paying tax on digital distribution


At least my mom didn't shove me into a closet during a house fire ha ha

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I thought the cat was fucking v

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>think of that
>feel a twitch inside my dick
excuse me

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Their own fault for not buying some red orbs when prompted and resurrecting on the spot with no repercussions.


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user what the fuck

Excuse (You)

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"
what the fuck did this fascist piece of shit mean?

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Shadow is a girl, perverts.

He meant the path is clear for us to rule.

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Cool Dante checking in

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>Vergil kills millions of people
>Nero's only mad at him for being a deadbeat dad

Dante dj when

I've forgotten what Subhuman sounds like, I always have Dante's music set to Lock & Load or his first DMC3 battle theme.

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DmC Vergil is objectively his best design

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kind of late but

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im not a furfag

not gay either

but the thought of a big black panther fucking me with a giant cock made my dick do something and i dont like that

No way, hag.

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Yes you are, you gay furfag.

Lol nice try

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Vergil is wondering too what you meant, user. His child, just like the rest of the family, is certainly not white in demon form.

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I'm sick and laughing is hurting my throat please stop talking

Serious autistic Vergilia, AKA the perfect woman

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Did you find it arousing when the Vfag talked about getting tongue fucked by a wolf? Yes or no?

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Satsuki Blanca

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kind of

Go find me one picture of Vergin where he isn't making an ugly grimace, then we'll talk.

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/r/ing the image of Dante and Vergil in DMC3 with the body pillows

>got the plat yesterday
>gonna start bayonetta tonight
what am I in for lads?

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It's Ayy's

Dodging. Some alright weapons. QTEs.


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Vergil has a nice ass!


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I don't think Temin-Ni Gru was a thousands dead situation.
I'm thinking just in the hundreds.
It was very isolated.

Easy. DmC Vergil was actually one of the best villains in the whole DMC franchise.

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sounds alright
but why? I don't have high expectations desu, I just heard it's a kind if similar over the top cheesy hack and slash, is it gonna disappoint me in that?

Considering the amount of utter carnage and the state of the city when it's summoned it would have to be, at least, thousands. But it is cleaned up relatively quick.

There it is. There's the ugly mug everyone does through DmC.


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The fuck are those gloves? Is he going to anal probe someone?

The weapons mostly feel the same with the same combos, there's tons of cheese attacks and simple ways to solve all your problems and easily get Plat/Pure Plat, and the constant interruption and use of QTE is not fun. I did a 100% run on 360 when it dropped and I can't bother replaying it now, it's very shallow especially coming off DMC5.

Bayonetta is a bit too over-the-top, where Bayonetta is just the strongest thing in the universe. It's also not as mechanically depth, the story is a mess, and it's very tasteless with its sex. If you can't get into dodge-offset and dial-a-combos Bayo is not for you.

Fuck don't remind me, my sides still hurt.

thank you

That's really an uncannily perfect parallel isn't it


>mom has sleep apnea
>could actually die in her sleep tonight
user what is the fuck

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Spare coochie, ma'am?

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user, I...

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he might be, her is Dante's brother and those ass-less chaps project BDSM shit.

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now I have mixed feelings, but honestly I'm still kinda hyped, I'm curious about it, if it sucks it's not a big deal, the game was like 5 bucks on steam last week
how about sekiro? I know it's a completely different deal, but my friend's playing it right now and said I could borrow it when he's finished, he bitches about how repetative the game is but he really like the combat

Better than his middle-aged ass in DMC5, desu

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Just don't feel like you have to stick it out if it doesn't click, because frankly I don't think it's worth playing at this point.

Sekiro's great. It's not perfect, but it's the best rounded Souls game since Dark Souls 1. It's easy to get into and have fun with, has tons of surprises and rewarding mechanics.

did user have a stroke
put me in the screencap ecks dee

Tl;dr Dante looked really gay in DMC4

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>that face
>those pants
>that yamato

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I miss when DMC threads were full of people lusting over Nero's cock and balls
Then I come back and I see this fuckery

bye im done

Please stop posting bad edits.

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>getting mad at it instead of laughing at it

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I think I should be able to play as Dante the entire game

Why are there so many incest fetishists in this fandom?

>getting mad
literally nobody is mad? but ok
honestly it's disturbing if anything

alright, thanks, I'm gonna keep that in mind to containt my 100% autism
it's strange how mixed are the opinions on this one, a lot of people say it's better than any of the soulsborne games, but my friend thinks it's way weaker than even dark souls 3
then again, he isn't really into "deeper" combat, is it possible that's the actual reason he dislikes it? he said it's really heavily relies on parrying and honestly that sounds like a lot of fun to me, but I don't know if there's anything more to it, I mean if it's just about that it could get boring after a while, I'm still really interested in playing it

Because there's a lot of oldfag fujos who don't care about blood relations and just wanna see two hot dudes fuck.

>only Nero's cock and balls
>forgetting his taint
you can't just love the cock and balls and not the surface inbetween

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Lol, DMC5 Vergil literally just stole DmC Vergil's outfit. If not then surely the color scheme. (And the DT clone, of course)

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All the guys in the series are extremly horny inducing and related, while the women are litteral goblins

what do you expect?

>the surface inbetween

DT doppel ruined Vergil, I thought he was the 1v1 honour type of fighter.


>beats up people for money, clothing, food etc and leaves them to die afterwards
>enjoys wearing stupid accessories
>writes his name obsessively on things he owns
>enjoys playing the violin
>his favorite writer is William Blake
>honestly enjoys reading more than he ever enjoyed fighting
>only slicks his hair back because Dante wears his down, otherwise he wouldn't care
>has literal PTSD over Nelo Angelo to the point it makes him physically twinge when he remembers it

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Oh trust me Nero's gooch is always on my mind

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Sekiro abandoned builds for the most refined form of combat in the series. You can't play as a wizard in Sekiro BUT the game isn't telling you to.

Basically you and your enemies have two bars: health and posture. If you posture break them, you can deathblow them, insta-killing them or taking one of their life bar if it's a boss; posture regens, but health doesn't and posture regen is tied to it. The game is all built around that and different manners to block, defend, counter and punish enemies.

>Red and Blue
>similar personalities
>similar transformations
>blue has katana, red has original sword
>one parent human, one parent supernatural
No way it wasn't at least somewhat intentional

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I don't think you know where the taint is

>beats up thugs

I mean you can humiliate him with dante's summoned "swords" that follow and damage him, I don't think it wouldn't be fair for him to use that

>Red is the stronger of the 2 siblings

what did you just say

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>Still haven't beaten DMD or BP
>More than 80 hours put into it

I feel terrible, but I swear I'm getting there.

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>constantly broke
>wastes money on coats
>has to sell weapons to get around
>listens to dad-rock
>reads porn magazines all day
>enjoys pizza more than he ever enjoyed fighting
>doesn't take care of his hair at all doesn't shave
>cries when Trash dies

The dude he got money off of was just a poor fuck leaving the bar though.

>Using a Doppelganger isn't honorable
>But summoning hundreds of flying magic sword right above your head is to insta-kill
joking aside nowhere does it ever say that he will only fight 1v1. Honorable yes, but honorable to an extent

that's what I was talking about with my friend before release, I'm not a fan of the combat in BB but I'm okay with it, I like it, but if fromsoft makes a game with one specific style and only focus on that they could do something amazing with it
it seems like it's true, I'm really looking forward to playing it now


Dante's PTSD isn't crippling like Vergil's is though.

Vorgil stole black and blue from the original vergil tho

Yeah it is. Trash tried killing him multiple times but he didn't care because MOTHER.

Sekiro is everything BB lacks combat wise.

>isnt crippling
>turned him into a depressed almost shut-in who just sits around eating pizza and trying to pretend he's ok

Itsuno: Dante isn't a momma's boy but he is but he also isn't. But Eva doesn't influence his actions but sometimes he'll let it.


To save himself.

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Dante's got it worse

Dante didn't split himself into two and rip open a portal to hell over it though.

I want a DMC adaptation of the novels and the manga. Maybe a retelling of 4 and 2 to boot.

He doesn't have yamato to do that to himself

He would if he could.

fuck you

No he doesn't. He wasn't tortured for a decade straight and turned into an almost mindless demon. He didn't have to spend a decade in hell after that getting his shit constantly kicked in by demons as his mind and body deteriorated. He suffered plenty of loss, but always found others. Vergil was always alone.

He didn't want dante to be poor, so technically vergil saved dante's ass from the collectors going after him.


Dante would never go that far. He protects humanity.

sounds cool

Nero protects humanity. Dante is playing in hell with Vergil.

Vergil got tortured because he's a retard but dante's getting ptsd from the people closest to him dying isn't his fault.

This isn't about whose fault it is.

user the whole point of Dante and Vergil is that Dante chose humanity and Vergil chose power. Both "inherited" different principals Sparda lived by, his power and his willingness to protect the human world.

Vergil wasn't mindless. The dmc1 manga suggests Vergil was mind raped into loving Mundus and serving him without fail. Mundus would refer to Vergil as his son and Vergil would call Mundus father.

That doesn't mean he's okay about those people dying.

>try playing dmc5
>hellishly hot in trailer
>open windows and doors to let air in
>cant focus because mosquitoes sucking me dry
>try anyway
>finally beat BP
>now have over 20 mosquito bites on my body

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Good job.

If you can forgive Vergil, you should also forgive Hitler.

So dante has it worse then...

New cannon is that he was essentially stripped of all identity. The only thing that he could remember was wanting power and honor. The only way Mundus tortured the fuck out of him but couldn't get him to help him, no matter what he did. The only way Mundus was able to get Nelo to help him was to give him back his amulet, which Nelo saw as an acquisition of power.


The comic isn't canon tho. From the btn novel, vergil only listened to moondust after he got his amulet back.

Put rubbing alcohol on the bites. It'll ease the pain (sometimes after an initial increase in pain) and make them go away faster.

If vergil wasn't such a sperg he would have never went through that torture.

>Beat Vergil so hard he forgot to use his DT on DMD
That felt good

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That doesn't mean he didn't have it worse you dumb fuck.

Here's a simple question for your monkey brain. If Dante had it worse, does that mean that you would prefer to be Vergil? If you were trying to choose to live the easier life of the two choices.

It's just common tropes

How do I get a Vergil BF?

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>an acquisition of power
Did he always consider the amulets as something powerful? I thought it was just because it was so he could open the gate to hell.

Offer him POWER obviously

The amulets are an essential part of unlocking the true power of the force edge.

Yeah but how do I get him to stay once he realizes I don't actually have power?

stab him, he likes that

Original Vergil had a pirate coat
DMC3 Vergil blue exterior, black interior
DmC Vergil black exterior, blue interior
DMC5 Vergil black exterior, blue interior

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Be gay and either be a power top or bottom since he's obsessed with power

Didn't work for fortuna lady

What do I stab him with?

I'm not a guy, but I think he likes girls.

>DmC blue interior

>DMC5 Vergil black exterior, blue interior
its both black and blue



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>I think he likes girls

(You are just in denial)

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He has a kid you know

That pic doesn't help your argument

He's not gay, He has a kid.

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DMC3 Vergil was originally going to wear black. They changed it to blue pretty early on because it better contrast to Dante's red.

Vergil wearing the inverse Black with Blue underneath is more of a representation of his growth as a character after having spent time as his human side V (who wore all black).

>implying he didn't have a kid in hopes that following his fathers footsteps would give him more power.

Vergil is just a bislut. He'll fuck anyone that's a good enough distraction from all the shit he deals with.

Stop it, he's not gay.

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That he didn't know or want lel

WTF are you talking about? This is your mind on chuuni.


stop calling my dad a slut

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It literally just proved the point. Vergil's DMC3 outfit is his EX version, his default is DmC style because Itsuno said he originally wanted DMC5 to be a sequel to DmC. Which also explains Nero's new look and attitude.

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Calling him a slut is defending you Nero. He's a deadbeat that fucked and fled.

Random Hajile?

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Just another day scrolling by a DMC Thread on the front page of Yea Forums.

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to be fair anyone dying to vergil should have played on human with auto enabled

>Vergil's humanity is a literal horny goth twink
He's totally not gay though

>being both colorblind and retarded
only cure is to commit sudoku

>adonis belt starting literally in the center of his stomach instead of the illiac crest

That is literally the shortest torso I have ever seen.
I mean, goddamn.
He's done well to keep himself trim, but if he ever goes above 8% bodyfat, god help him.

He got dick sucking lips, that's enough proof.

Thanks for putting me in the screencap user

would a gay man be confused on how he could possibly have a kid before remembering the one time he was with a woman?

Lol, at you're "nu-uh" response. Sorry I back my statements up with facts. DmC did nothing wrong, stop crying

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He didn't choose to dress like a goth twink. That's the outfit Griffon got him. Where are you getting horny from? V is pure. Stop.

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change that to not having any value

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literally most fags have been with a woman at least once, it's just part of going through the motions
>t. a fag
Im not suprised Vergil forgot all about ever being with a woman

Your headcanon doesn't count as facts, sweaty.

Jesus Christ, thats even uglier.

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He chose to put on those accessories

>approaches a man with his cock and balls out
>goes commando the entire game

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Does Vorgil ever make a normal face?

alright but would a gay man carry around a secret poetry book while basing his whole life around his mother?

>projecting this hard

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Never EVER!

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So youre telling me Vergil would wear a C-string if someone just handed it to him?

We need to see this scene



"I really wanted to make a DmC: Devil May Cry 2, after the first one..... We had these people that didn’t work on DmC and people that did. Because we had these two sides mixing, it was like alright, we’re going to make Devil May Cry 5 – it’s not going to be a sequel to DmC, but we definitely want to do what we can to take what we learned from that game too." - Hideaki Itsuno

Microsoft buying Ninja Theory is what fucked up Itsuno's plans for a DmC sequel. Makes sense since DmC is the second highest selling DMC game according to Capcom

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Haha imagine if there was a way to edit lewd underwear on the in-game models!
You could watch them run around in silky g-strings as a joke haha.

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You don't need to project when DMC5 as a whole is about Vergil coming to terms and accepting his homosexuality.


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Well yeah, he had to complete the outfit.

Well no, he needed clothes. He can't just walk around naked.

When V and Urizen reunited to become Vergil, Borb and Catto became hostless and eventually just cease.
Since the manga made it clear borb was Vergil's suffering as Nelo Angelo, does this mean Vergil doesn't suffer from the shame of being Nelo Angelo anymore?

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Did this nigga ever grow his hair back?

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Considering he's been stuck in hell since he was around 17 up until the events of DMC5, yes.

V still remembered so I think no, but it did relieve him of some of the suffering

What Reuben said in an earlier interview only proves that itsuno was pretending to be nice

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I miss him

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Chicken Little was the best summon, I agree.

what a chunky fucker

based microsoft saved dmc


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Vergil probably still remembers but those thoughts don't consume him anymore

Nero, i was raped

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>Unfortunately for him his demon half is a huge asshole and didn't care about defeating Dante, instead decided it wants to rule hell (and probably Earth) and goes about summoning the Qliphoph to Earth in order to gain more power.
Dan treated Urizen as an enlightened form of Vergil, if Vergil were to reach what he had wished for all this time (in which his "enlightenment" entails abandoning his human connections/past hence his disinterested attitude). Turns out what he wished for isn't exactly what he wanted all along and that realization only sunk in through V's separation.

The Qliphoth wouldn't have gone through without Yamato's power. Do the math.

That is good to know, I'm glad to know Vergil is slowly recovering.

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We got best boy back so its ok.

What's the best controls for playing on a keyboard?

Pls recommend some I'm suffering from these controls rn..

It's inevitable that question comes up. Even fans want to know. What girl would capture Vergil's attention.

>what Reuben said

Lol the guy who would lose a paycheck fr every DmC game Capcom made? He souldn't be full of shit, right? Oh yeah he already confirmed what he said was fake news.

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Looks like DmC actually "saved" DMC

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Black. His DMC3 look worked for DMC3. A black color scheme adds to that look by injecting a bit of Nelo Angelo into the design which is nice.

Wrong. Qlipoth roots appear here and there on Earth withous so much destruction during one thousand years span.
Here he opened a portal for its roots directly to Earth. 1000 years in a month.

Everything will be daijoubu

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Black. the pirate look is no longer necessary

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>what is pr

What's actually pathetic, is that Operation Crazy was real

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How big is your DmC trolling folder?

Fanboy in denial, even after playing DMC5 and the shit ton of DmC references in the game

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The "pirate" look matched Dante's DMC1 design rather nicely, hence why it worked at the time. With how the rest of the art direction has gone since DMC4 to DMC5, the use of gaiters to substitute his boots were a really nice touch.

Itsuno took literal shit and made it a million times better, whats the problem? He showed how shit tameme is

Nelo Angelo wore black first so your point? Also DMC5 Vergil doesn't look that faggy.

And that gay-ass petition to Obama

"Dear Mr. President. I'm a weeaboo fanboi that can't get over a haircut. Please pull this game from store selves, I don't like change or playing as a character that actually gets laid, signed an actual autistic retard."

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But Vergil didn't dress as a pirate in DMC1. He was a zombie-ghost knight.

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god dammit

>Also DMC5 Vergil doesn't look that faggy

lul wut. Vergil always looked like a fag. Just one with custom made suits in DmC

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>Makes sense since DmC is the second highest selling DMC game according to Capcom
not anymore lmao

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Yes and? My point is that it matches Dante's future look rather nicely, which in of itself is a nice throwback to DMC1.

Also if you're trying to rile me up with DmC pics it's not going to work. I don't hate it nearly as much as most fans and it's harder to hate on it even more now that DMC5 is a thing.

Nelo Angelo still wore black first so your point is moot.
>hating on Vergil
And now we know who's the real fag.

I'm not trying to trigger you with DmC pics, I just didn't have a pic of Nelo Angelo

But what's the point of Vergil's DMC3 outfit matchin Dante's in DMC1, when Dante has a different design in DMC3, it would've looked cooler if it actually matched DMC3 Dante's design

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i like how washed out the cooler of his and Dantes clothes are. proves how old they are.


But Vergil does look like a fag. In a good way

So DmC is still tird best selling. DmC managed to outsell 3/4 games that came before it in less than 2 years.

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Yes it is a turd.

Dante and Vergil having blatantly contrasting outfits in DMC3 seems very much on purpose.

Now I've veering into headcanon territory here but I like to think that Dante being more accepting of his family bloodline and Vergil by the end of DMC3 lends to him cleaning himself up hence the retroactive style change in DMC1. It's like he's took on what he's learned in DMC3.

It's not about wearing black, It's that DMC5 took DmC Vergil's color scheme, (black exterior. blue interior) among other things. That was my only point

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They always have contrasting outfits, not saying they didn't just that it should be in the specific game they're in so that we don't have to resort to head canon

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>only thing similar is the black coat
Woah your so smart

>people in this thread actually replying to the bait

don't talk about yourself like that


Yes user, gay sex with Vergil feels very good

got burned out after beating DMD Before BP came out. did not even bother S rank SOP.

Then the whole series must be "turds" if DmC is one of the highest selling and best reviewed

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I want yous from bait kun.

this meme is dumb

you're an idiot

And the already mentioned DT clone, and trying to take over the world, etc...

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Highest selling and best reviewed goes to 5 lol

Which Itsuno already stated, multiple times, bit off the style, game play and ideas from DmC

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You don't need to try this hard to convince yourself, not everyone can be normal unfortunately.

And the whole 'mom liked you best' syndrome

did you miss the joke user
I'm calling you a prancing flamboyant peepee inhaler

why the fuck do these threads get some many replies for such a shit ass game?!

that was core vergil before DmC was made

the same could be said about every other thread, really

Plus DMC5's mission 17 was a callback to DmC's mission 2 by being a level at the Sparda estate.

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So are we going to discuss Nero's juicy dick sucking lips or should i just be on my way?

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>gameplay and style from DmC
Now you're reaching

No it wasn't. It's wasn't even really mentioned in DMC3.

>INB4 someone mentions the manga or anime, no one cares or bought either, just what was said in game.

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Since when? Vergil always wanted power because he couldn't protect his mother. Nowhere in the franchise has there been any hints or signs to Vergil believing that there was favoritism in their household. It wasn't until 5 where we found out and it's obvious that Itsuno was just a fan of the idea after seeing the reboot

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Yes retard I got your unfunny joke.

li[s made for kissing Kyrie

The controllable camera is literally the most blatant gameplay change stolen from DmC. Goodbye DMC1-4 fixed camera angles

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Its called lore

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Itsuno looks like shit with dyed hair. Glad he's back to normal.

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the lips in this game are so distracting...

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>it doesn't count if it goes against my headcanon

The only thing those lips are kissing are the devil juice off Dante's dick

Only one thing?

Tbh, they all do. Asians should just stick to their natural black hair. The lord blessed their race with the best hair genes anyway

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>those lips
>that sweat covered and exposed chest
You can not tell me this game isn't intentionally just one giant thirst trap

Can't compete

That post didn't say "only" just "the most blatant"

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keep your faggy headcanons away from this wholesome and natural relationship

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this kills the reboot fags

He's 43. Not super old and I think the risk had more to do with the mother being old.

But he has a more interesting bitch obviously

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>itsuno took a bunch of things from DmC
>lists only one

theyre literally siblings. kyrie is literally his older sister
There's nothing natural with that

the slime monster?


They're not NATURAL siblings, man
She's his adoptive sister
Still weird as fuck, though

>people unirronically doing DmC cosplay

My face when, you played DMC4 (an unfinished combo simulator with a shit story, at best) for 11 years and I got to play DmC (a finished product) and DMC5

You're right, "we" got killed

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more natural than butt aids

Nero was adopted, there is no biological connection between them.

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3's side materials mentioned something abouy it.

That may make some sense tho

Not that he was a good person, but I thought his power autism was because he wanted to have power to protect the people he loves, but he just didn't care about how he would get it. It feels like that part of his character was missing in 5

>Vergil, the man who seeks power, got raped by a woman
also nice 420

>DmC is a finished game
>still ends up shittier than an unfinished one

Okay woody allen, theres no blood connection sure but what would credo say about this degeneracy?

People atleast need to stop calling them "pure" no amount of being devout church goers makes any of this pure

Or all the other things already mentioned

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He just wanted love and protection and muh power

A lot better looking than DMC1 or 4 cosplay

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4 can be excused since I assume Fortuna is supposed to be a special mystery isolated place. The rest doesn't really make sense

Nah, DmC actually had a compelling story, a not homoerotic Dante and a controllable camera

DMC4 had 9 levels and enertia

Game point goes to DmC

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Devil Breakers are made from demon materials.

DMC4 actually makes the least amount of sense in any of the games.

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but the homoerotica is the best part of the series
DMC +1

But Lady was the one in artemis

>vergil taking over the world
Now you're making up things to pad your list?

As if anyone there is pure, if they are not gossiping and harassing little kids for looking different, then they are turning themselves into demons and letting Gloria prance around in that outfit like it's the most normal thing ever.
Credo wasn't blind to the feelings Kyrie and Nero have for each other, he was supporting it.

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Is Vergil still in love with her?

He meant how in the novel Trish used Artemis to shoot at Urizen, which is how it got into Urizen's hands and could be turned into a demon.

>DmC actually had a compelling story

Eh, to each his own. I for one, actually liked the fact that Dante got the threesome he deserves for being such a cool guy. No more corny hamlet speeches

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DMC actually had a compelling story..... compared to the rest of the DMC series stories.

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fuck you

The Qupiloth grew so big it entered the stratosphere. You should actually play DMC5

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He only loves yamato now

Lol, DmC Dante wouldn't be crying

DMC4 Dante was so lame

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I doubt he loved her. Even in the manga it reiterates how he never paid any heed to humanity what so ever (after his mother died). So I don't know how they'll going to explain her.

That's easy, he let himself be a dumbass in love for a short time and left angry at his weakness so much he decided to not care about humanity at all.

The order drugged him so they could make a baby with him.

made this a while ago

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>these people baiting
>these fucking people replying to it

Get help

>expecting retards to not be retarded
you've come to the wrong website

They couldn't come up with a good story so they had to copy something else lol.

But user, that's saying he made an exception. It says point blank he never did. That was the point, he chose power, Dante chose humanity.

She probably started quoting William blake and vergil got distracted by it.

Nice guy

DMC4's story if it actually made sense

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>tfw dante x ur reason porn
I wasn't prepared. Now fury porn looks almost normal in comparison.

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Like DMC1-3 did with Inuyasha and Hellsing and Trigun and Blade and the Matrix...

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Well user, you did it. You better link it now

That's not taking over the world tho.


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We're /cursed/ now

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A good characterization opens possibility of a slip up, as a person is not perfect. In fact, Vergil keeps trying to be unemotional like a demon, yet of the two brothers he is the one who doesn't have his emotions in check and lashes out.

I'm honestly not sure what is more cursed, the link or the pic. What the actual fuck Dante

>Inspiration vs straight copying

It literally is.

Ok genius than what is Urizen doing, other than slowly taking over the world with his Demon tree?

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>shit art
It had no hope to begin with. I thought you were implying it was the same artist that did the fury porn which was honestly well drawn. This is trash.

Dante looks pregnant in that.

Lol hypocrite

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I never said it was good.

There's so many dumb arguments going on right now. This started as such a nice thread.

Gathering blood from humans in Redgrave city isn't the world retard.

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No argument lol

The Quiploth was growing beyond the city. That's why they were so pressed for time in the game. Play the game, retard

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It's literally you'r argument. I just backed mine up with evidence to reference

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This would have been hot if it was better drawn

Has that artist who drew a fury buttfucking dante done anything new?

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Yeah, it's called FACTS at this point

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>being this much of a tard
Yikes, reboot fags are dumb.

Lol or just not in denial like reboot haters are.

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>He killed millions.
not enough children if you ask me.

You're pretty much in denial about how shit your game was.

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I dont think reboot haters are the ones in denial when DmC is dead for good now

Not according to Capcom


“We love those guys. We’d love to be able to work with them again someday. But they’re under the Microsoft umbrella now, right? [laughs] So we’d have to clear that up with them first, ” concluded Itsuno, clearing any doubt about a potential sequel.

Attached: devil-may-cry-reviewsdgerr.jpg (544x556, 100K)

If the game doesn't care why do you? Seriously. It is of so little consequence it barely matters.

>director apologizes to fans for making them wait 10 years and doesn't bring up the reboot at all