Sex jokes

>sex jokes
>masturbation joke
>cocaine joke
>murder joke
>global warming joke
>Seinfeld reference
How did they get away with this and still keep the charm of Pokemon?

How does this movie make you feel about the Mario movie?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Still keep the charm of Pokémon
>None of the goals established throughout the series have even been attempted to be recreated, instead going for a close follow up to one of the shittiest spin offs
>Live Action looks garbage, as expected and unsurprisingly, to anyone who isn't a blind normalfag ready to eat shit because it's not animated so it must be good
Your standards are pathetically low

Shit movie aimed at normies who don't even like Pokemon and think it is a kids franchise, which it isn't anymore since little shits these days only play faggot knight and watch worthlesz streamers.

Don't you dare talk shit about Hollow Knight faggot

>I wanted to see Ash Ketchum catch em all!
You're just as bad as the boomers that have to pregame the wiki to find out what pokemon even are

>Seinfeld reference
Which one? I must have missed it.

The movie was shit.
Lead actor was bad. The prominent actors almost saved it, but got btfo by the horrible writing.
It was dragon ball evolution tier .

serenity now trying to keep psyduck calm

>t. manchild who takes videogames aimed for children seriously

The lead dude was great what are you talking about? The scene with him talking about not getting on the train choked me up

I just saw it less than an hour ago. It was fairly decent. Ask me anything

>>masturbation joke

How much progressive jew propaganda did they shoehorn in?

The pacing in this movie was so bad.
One minute Deadpool and Kid are talking about how they are sad on the curbside and the next minute Mewtwo is turning everyone into Pokemon.

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What was your reaction to the Ditto reveal

I want more pikachu, not mario.

Did your favorite pokemon make it into the movie?

>I'm pretty good at being alone at night

No reaction.
No, I want to kill someone

What's your favorite pokemon?

>not a kids franchise

Only /pol/ would think climate change is an inappropriate topic for children.

Give me a quick rundown


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Pacing is kinda bad, the entire torterra part was very long and unnecessary to the plot.

Otherwise was p gud.

You don't know what you're talking about, is right

Why was there a fucking rape scene?

>The pacing in this movie was so bad
I thought the movie was ok, but this was the part that bugged me. It really felt like they just jumped around with no real coherent reason. Like a scene wouldn't seem quite finished and all the sudden they were onto a new scene miles away

Why not? It's just a movie bro.


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This movie looks like normalfag bait shit

i dont remember a rape scene

>ftw Torterra

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Did you miss like 40 minutes of the film


nice videogames

I saw the movie last night, and legit there's only like 15 Pokemon Cameos in total. It's almost like they couldn't afford the rights to more or as if the executives only saw one episode of Pokemon and filled the entire movie with those. Even the Props are just the same pokemon you see throughout the movie over and over and over again. Charmander, Ambipon, Grengar, and Squirtle / Blastoise featured in as background characters over and over and over again, I was like Holy shit

I'm sure there's an entire outtake reel of Reynolds ad libbing some fucked up shit we'll never get to hear.

>younger brother and I go to see the movie
>an elderly couple sits a couple seats over
>just two 70 or 80 year olds, no grandchildren
>parents with kids ask them why they want to see the movie
>they say they're excited to see it because they play Pokemon GO on their walks together
I'm not crying, you're crying!

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Not to side with the shadposter but the pacing was probably the weakest part of the movie. Would've benefitted from a longer runtime

Mine did, was menacing as fuck and I loved it

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The movie was good. Ryan Reynolds and the animation on the Pokemon basically saved the entire thing from being shit though.

What the fuck stop answering for me

I loved it, Ryan Reynolds really feels like a man that is inside a Pikachu.

I think it's because it's essentially an adaptation of a game (though with a lot of liberties, for obvious reasons), which necessitates an extremely high pace to get everything crammed into movie-length, which also makes anything more drawn out stick out and feel weird. They did okay overall.
I generally don't like movies anymore because of this, games and to an extent TV allow for so much more natural growth of plots and characters without needing to do x amount in x time ALL the time.

Because it was clearly made by people who actually like Pokemon and are only like 75% just trying to cash in on a well-known name.

Not that dude but it's not bad at all. One global warming joke and the main character is mixed, white dad and black mom. That's it.

was braixen or delphox in the movie?

No its just the last 40 minutes just felt really rushed.
Honestly this would have worked better as a Saturday morning cartoon with the main plot being the overarching story that happend in the background while kid and deadpool solve pokemon mysteries.

any cam rip? I'm too autistic for theaters

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No but slaking and octillery showed up and they were pretty cool

>Global warming is "progressive" now

Fucking go back to /pol/, christ

Gengar only showed up in the one battle scene

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This please
I want to go see it but I know I'll despise the theater experience

usually camrips appear around in 1-2 weeks, some instances a few days after release.

>The joke about dosing Mr. Mime in gasoline and then threatening to set him on fire in order to get info for the investigation
>The punchline is that the MC accidentally lets the lit match drop in surprise when they actually get the info they came for

It legit felt like a joke made for a black comedy noir but they managed to pull it off PG. The movie as a whole was amazing but this joke really stuck to me.

Gengar looked straight up evil, I was really impressed with that one in particular. I feel like his teeth should have still been their brilliant white selves instead of ghostly yellow, but as you can see I understand their choice.

There were a shitload dude what are you even talking about? Guarantee if you watched it again you'd notice a ton more

You forgot he made another green lantern jab by asking for his coffee to be "blackest night".

That got spoiled for me begore i saw the movie but it was pretty interesting

>Cubone's mother died
>Tim's mother died
Tim's friend is a dick

I couldn't believe it when Pikachu said Mankeys should hang from the rafters. I know Ryan Reynolds likes his edgy humor but that went too far.

the outrage over it is progressive, the planet is getting warmer, this has been known forever

(((Sounds about right)))

Just because you still play an RPG aimed at eight year olds as an adult doesn't mean it's not still made for 8 year olds

Yeah he did, I'm so happy that it even had more than a cameo role

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>aimed at normies
>all gens represented including in game references

Not just warmer, inhabitable.

The Mr Mime bit was my highlight of the movie and WAY better than the trailer made it look.

Pikachu makes a joke about global warming when the ground is spliting apart but thats it if you can that propaganda.

It is when it's used to politically indoctrinate children into progressive ideas.
Climate change should be just another topic in class, not something that should make you want to destroy your oil sources.

What /pol/ will really be against, and with good reason, is the mutt kid protagonist.

>tfw the based as fuck son fucking knocks Cubone-Ditto out of the fucking window to save Tim

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Way too many tryhard "sad" scenes and not enough uplifting heroic ones.

You might want to check your ESL dictionary there buddy

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And darker

But the catch is nothing can be done about it and this shit was predicted in the Bible.

The hoax is (((they))) want your money to help "fight global warming".

just came back from watching it
Pretty good overall, wish it was longer or gave more development to the main antagonist who feels not forced but kinda sudden

Humor was really good but mostly because of Reynolds, nigga really nailed a witty kinda bad detective as most of the actual deduction is done by Tim

Is there any pokemon battles in this?


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yeah in a million years

It's not fair bros, he deserves more attention outside of the anime

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Because the movie wasnt made directly by Nintendo or The Pokemon Company.

I was surprised by that because until then the movie had been pretty safe about violence but he just straight up murdered that Ditto and he never appears again

>the movie is doing really well
>there's plans for a sequel
>possibly other live action pokemon movies
>tfw there will be even more pokemon the second time around

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1. Pikachu
2. Psyduck
3. Rufflet
4. Braviary
5. Sneasel
6. Golurk
7. Lickitung
8. Greninja
9. Treeko
10. Gengar
11. Squirtle
12. Blastoise
13. Bulbasaur
14. Charmander
15. Charizard
16. Loudred
17. Bouffalant
18. Aipom
19. Pidgey
20. Pidgeotto
21. Pidgeot
22. Cubone
23. Ditto
24. Machamp
25. Audino
26. Growlithe
27. Arcanine
28. Morelull
29. Comfey
30. Mewtwo
31. Mr. Mime
32. Torterra
33. Magikarp
34. Gyarados
35. Pancham
36. Pangoro
37. Jigglypuff
38. Ludicolo

My family man, Meowth has MORE than enough attention in the anime alone. His focus episodes are by far the best in the entire series.

> think it is a kids franchise, which it isn't anymore

it's not fair bros

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Hell yeah although he kicked a Ditto not a pure Cubone so he probably turned into a flying Pokemon before hitting the floor so it most likely survived

1 and a half, you see the beginning of one on TV, the Blastoise vs Gengar one and Pikachu vs Charizard but that one gets interrupted and the other 2 are background

>global warming joke
>it falls flat and seems like it should have been cut

Decent movie, hope they make more live action pokemon desu

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Pokemon battles are outlawed in Ryme city, so you only get an underground fight club scene (which is in the trailer) and the final showdown with mewtwo.

It's a noir story for children, characters are usually in the dark about the truth, frustrated by the obstacles in their way and fighting against forces infinitely more influential than them in noir stories. It was meant to be investigation but with pokemon, not a superhero movie.

user he literally flew back up and inside

did you not see the movie? it turns into a braviary and comes right back to KO the son.

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Out of the HUNDREDS of Pokemon there's only 54 used in the movie. Out of those 54 like 20 are just spammed out the ass, so like I said, there aren't many pokemon in the pokemon movie nerds
>38 out of the hundreds of pokemon
Wow Bro you totally proved me wrong, not

Eh it was ok. I mean by ok I mean it was a BAD movie, but at least you got what you expected it to be. Pikachu being adorable and pokemans doing pokethings. Plot is imbecile and every character is the same. Also the editing sucked pokeballs.

But you know, the Russos are the directors that are "in" right now by doing an underwhelming and a VERY stupid capeshit, and people give them a free pass on the plotholes because 10 years are carrying their failure.

That Ditto literally transforms into a flying pokemon and comes back and knocks him right out and Tim needed to dose it in R for it to get really knocked out tho.

Only a fucking retarded libcuck would think kids give a shit about the climate. Gotta try to get indoctrinate them young though huh?

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>No Lucario

What in the actual fuck?

>clearly see evil corporate dude and security team responding to the break in at the genetics lab
>all they do is release a couple greninjas
>nobody gets detained
>multiple obvious setups for journalist chick to get captured on her way out and set up a rescue arc

Yes it does it turns into braviary. speaking of which i was surprised by the amount of gen 5 pokemon i think there were more gen 5 than gen 1 in the movie

>Pokemon battles are outlawed in Ryme city

That was stupid but sort of made sense. Doujins where Ryme City starts a campaign to get trainers to marry their pokemon partner when?

>Out of the HUNDREDS of Pokemon there's only 54 used in the movie
I felt that amount was appropriate for the movie, and there's no doubt there will be more in the sequel, they'll probably go whole hog filling the scenery with pokemon

>and think it is a kids franchise
user... it IS a kids franchise.

There’s an underground Pokémon fighting ring scene with Charizard and Gyarados.
There’s the chase scene with the genetically modified Greninjas
And there’s a Pikachu vs. Mewtwo battle at the end.

Oh yeah now I remember, rip the best Pokemon ever :(

Back to /vp/ with you, furry

oh shit you're right he comes back and they beat him with the gas

this isn't even the entire list. Flabebe and Purrloin are in it, too. I'm sure there are more.

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All the bad guys are white. Black character has a love interest with a white character. Pikachu talks about global warming. Main character is mixed, mother is black as hell and father is Ryan Reynolds.

Is it true our guy Mr. Mime burned alive?

For real there's only a thunder from Pikachu

27 year old bzoomer here
Should I go see this? I guess I am confused on who made this and who it was made for. Like pokemon was made by japanese businessmen to appeal to children. Was this made by white businessmen to appeal to manchildren?

to be fair they probably guessed spending resources on background pokemon that are on screen for less than a second was not worth the modeling

>Gotta try to get indoctrinate them young though huh?
It doesn't really work when you teach young children that the world will end in 10 years because of fossil fuels and then it's still fine when they graduate a decade later.

Graveller, too.

He walked off a bike crash, he can walk off a little fire

>Ryan Reynolds marries his Pikachu and have gay sex

Yeah I can totally see that happen

That was actually the one joke from reynolds that felt forced.
Watching the scene you think there shouldn't have been a witty one liner there and in post they asked Reynolds to think of something funny to say there.
And it was climate change joke but... they were on a giant mutated Pokemon so it doesnt work in hindsight.

You fags can accuse me of whatever. Reynolds jokes (adlibbing?) were pretty good for the most part.

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"black as night" but if true would have been good

I'm glad there was an even spread of Pokemon across all gens

Felt warm and fuzzy inside when I caught a glimpse of my boi Joltik

They didn't want Tim to actually die or kidnap anyone, they just wanted him to lead them to Mewtwo. Everybody is going to become Pokemon in less than a day anyway so why care about capturing some random journo.

You know how expensive it is to make good 3d models right? Not only that but the pokemon have to move too

>best video game movie ever
>bad writing
Still better than Avatar or Sonic

Snorlax, are you drunk?

You cant say /vp/ without out saying Yea Forums first bitch.

He shows up again as a bird Pokemon and the gets blasted by R gas, reverting him back to goop form. Did you miss that whole bit

This movie made me stop wishing Pokemon were real. Everything that isn't a rodent or small naturally cute mammal looks grotesque and horrible. Also, the selection of Pokemon was very poorly distributed and somewhat small, I'm sure more could have appeared in the background. As little as 2 species from some gens.
As for the mario movie I think that whole image (the one where it says "peach voiced by who the fuck do you think, it's kristen schaal") is about right.

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Not only that but to be textured to fit into a real world scene

They fucking killed Mr mime


Tim and Pika committed murder and walked away scott-free

we need someone to bring them to justice

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its not like pokemon arent canonically region specific anyway

Yeah joltik were everywhere. Now that i think about there might be so many gen 5 mons because its supposed to take place in pokemon america

>sex jokes
Such as?

I saw Machoke somewhere there I'm sure about it.

Gotta save it for the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon movie.

Mr mimes scene was even better than the trailers made it out

he had outlived his usefulness

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I loved those little moments where Mr Mime broke character to mime 'what the fuck is wrong with you' to Pikachu. Usually I strongly dislike that smug, smarmy sort of thing, but mimed and in the background without any focus it works perfectly.

>I'm actually really good at being by myself at night

>and still keep the charm of Pokemon?

amerifats ruin everything

definition of the le soul soulless meme

no these ugly freak puppets aren't charming or cute or anything

Yes but it was an acciedent

>people break into secure facility
>security doesnt detain and wait for police

Im not talking capture as in they specifically pursue those pesky meddling kids, I mean in the sense of
>"hey boss some randos broke into a secure facility should I send security"
>"no shit retard"
but if hes playing 4D chess to get to mewtwo via them I guess it makes a little more sense

I thought it was decent. I hated the main character for a majority of the movie

Should have held a Rawst berry.

>that Basic Instinct leg cross on Mr Mime

I'm not so sure that's a masturbation joke so much as making fun of how he is lonely

I fucking love this piece of shit

had me giggling like a child

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This, mr mime and sad pika singing the main theme made me laugh

Yeah. I was surprised they had Gardevoir being a hooker on a street corner, but it did improve the grittiness.

shoulda been danny devito FUCK

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Let's get real, he/she'll just faint

Straight off the bus from r/Yea Forums huh?

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The way the joke landed with Lucy and Pikachu kinda confirms the subtext user

why's he so cute bros

There's a wave of porn about Pikachu giving Psyduck a foot massage coming.

you ever see star wars prequels?
are you the guy that thinks more lightsabers = gooder?

Yeah, fair enough, that was a bad idea to think about. I was mostly thinking about the lucky guy with the Audino that shows up in crowd shots. I mean, did you see that thing? It's definitely big enough to get fucked and it would probably enjoy it too.

not an argument

seething I btfo your pokemans movie

that was a good joke. I like the entire Pidgeot flight part, too.

I want a fluffy pika plushee

I didn't even realize that was the reference.

He can dance to any fast paced music, while also being so cute, how can this be possible?

anyone else notice the kids pupils were the size of dinner plates the first time he went to the police station

what as that kid on

>this movie exist
>sonic movie exist
I cant imagine what they do next

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I was bracing for the worst with Psyduck but he ended up being pretty fine lowkey comic relief
they even avoided having him actually going berserk to give him the "ah you're actually useful" moment

It doesn't. It's a joke about loneliness.

Dont forget the Mario movie and the Monster Hunter movie

Do you think there's a stigma about men having a Gardevoir as their pokemon in their world?

>but if hes playing 4D chess to get to mewtwo via them I guess it makes a little more sense

I mean, the guy who unleashed the Greninjas is actually Ditto and the guy who sent them there deliberately tampered the hologram so they wouldn't figure out he's the bad guy so I assumed 4D chess is what was actually going on.

I mean sure if you like unrealistic amounts of pokemon in a real life city scenario, even given the in depth city atmosphere of city pokemon illustrated throughout the series.
>what are urban pokemon
>fictional region
>not putting more into a movie
shut the fuck up
>does more lightsabers = gooder
If the series revolved around them I'd think so, but what would I know, i'm just a pokemon fan who went to the movies to see umm what was it again? Oh Right Pokemon. Jackass

>actually falling for (((oil corporation))) propaganda
Good goy

Or the the anchorwoman at the third act, yeah I can totally imagine them fucking

There weren't that many gen 5 Pokemon.
From what I've seen the list is
>Gen 1: 29
>Gen 2: 6
>Gen 3: 4
>Gen 4: 1
>Gen 5: 8
>Gen 6: 4
>Gen 7: 2

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still could have detained journo chick post split-up to tie up the loose ends imo, "ill meet you at the car" was a fucking huge capture flag

One gripe i had was that the pokemon say thier names like in anime. They would have sounded better if they just made animal noises

Outside of Ryme City? Probably not since they are usually kept inside their pokeballs most of the time if the few shots we get outside of it are in indication. Inside Ryme City? Might get a few questionable glances if you carry a Gardevoir or a Lopunny with you as your pokemon partner.

Ok so this is what's gonna happen, both nintendo movies will totally be better than the Sonic and monster Hunter movie that's a fact.

What the FUCK was the villain's motivation in reenacting Mystery Dungeon? Only thing I hated about the movie.

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Some do and some dont, like Bulbasaur didnt say its name

>Mario, the safest gaming franchise ever
>Illumination, the safest and most normie animation studio ever
>Illumination staff have expressed that it's difficult to make this work with Nintendo's restrictions
There's absolutely nothing to be hyped about.

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Sounds like a mature pokemon movie for a mature fan like me

Yes goy *cough* continue using fossil fuels *cough cough* they're perfectly safe and infinite *haaaaaack thpuw* no no don't worry about China and Mongolia they're fine *wheeze*

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t. Al Gore

>Mewtwo turns humans into Pokemon
Did the fans foresee the future? Or has this been a plotpoint in the past?

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i bet you liked the george lucas original trilogy edits too. just shove more stuff in my face mommy i have a baby brain

He wanted to reach a heightened evolution for humans but found only pokemon could achieve it

Is it ever said what region Ryme City is supposed to be in?

Would've assumed Unova tbqh


I mean the writers and director themselves said that they liked classic gen 1 better, its a mere miracle that Treeko got in

Nope, it's kept vague on purpose

nigger do you know how many people and man hours go into making movie grade models?

each pokemon would have had a dedicated team of at least 10 different people for them, each one specializing in a different part of the 3d asset creation/animation/rendering/ effects/sound process.

thats a lot of fucking people, and you are paying top dollar for each of them.

*was ugly as fuck

That shot after Mewtwo undoes everything where you can see like four Sneasels and two Greninjas in the same two meter radius is what made me go “really?”

>All the bad guys are white.
So, just like real life?

He wants people to be the better version of themselves. He wants them to evolve. But human beings are limited, no matter how much you go to the gym you aren't going to train to the point where you grow 2 extra fucking arms to fuck shit up with. But if you become a pokemon, you can literally evolve and become a better version of yourself down to transcending your current material state. Also he's old and bound to a wheelchair but if his plan works he gets to fly and fuck shit up with his mind, so for him it would work out perfectly.

>pokemon camping
??? Did they just spent outside all day playing on their gameboy?

That's right, you show those libtards goyim


>Illumination staff have expressed that it's difficult to make this work with Nintendo's restrictions
That implies they're actually thinking about this one instead of say the Sonic movie which is just taking an atypical children's chase movie and slapping Sonic and Robotnik in it.

Nintendo is smart to restrict the shitmouths at illumination

I never asked about your personal experience.

>MH movie will literally be an isekai US army fellatio starring that one chick from the Resident Evil movies that only gets work because she fucks the director

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>Illumination staff have expressed that it's difficult to make this work with Nintendo's restrictions
good, worst case scenario Nintendo pulls the plug and we save ourselves from a mediocre movie best case we actually get a decent movie

The what now? Mario movie?
Oh God. I'm having flashbacks. Who's making it?

Legitimately surprised.
Should have seen it coming when I saw the old man with the Ditto for the first time and when I saw the woman I though those pink gloves were just to protect against pikachu's electricity
Also Ditto-Lucy was cute

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I strongly doubt they've touched anything other than 1, so yes it is a miracle.

>can't tell Pikachu is commenting he wasnt a big slut like inviting in strangers before
Underage detected

the movie was nothing like the game, the only thing they share in common is the missing father plot, character names and a talking Pikachu

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kinda sad we never got the metal gear movie

What tgoing on with the MonHun movie? I'm fairly sure that one was announced way before Detective Pikachu, and here we are discussing the latter while still waiting for the shitshow that is the former to come out.

Illumination (Despicable Me) but Nintendo/Miyamoto is supervising the shit out of it.

I was confused about that whole scene. They exited the place and the floor was falling apart and everything. But then after the area is fine and it looked like nothing happened

Many of the best Pokémon are one-stage too, that guy's retarded.

Global warming is "regressive" a word which means "less advanced" because nowadays that field is referred to as "Climate change".
Since Progressives are FOR change, they're for climate change. Meaning that non-progressives are against it.

I don't care faggot

why did old man talk with Mewtwo’s mouth?

Mario movie? Are we finally getting a sequel?

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The rise of the third reich was better than this movie. At least we got cool weapons out of that. What weapons did we get out this movie? I rest my case.

Cause he was too used to it to just jump directly into telepathy. Smart little detail.

I lost all hope in the MonHun movie when it was announced Paul WS Anderson was directing and his wife would be starring in it. He hasn't made a decent film since Mortal Kombat all the way back in 1995.

Adorable old people make me sick because I'll never have that kind of love

Pikachu is too cute for his own good.
It's almost impossible to resist the temptation of fingering it.

>Miyamoto is supervising the shit out of it.

They probably ran around with plushies and fursuits while talking about fan fiction.

I want /pol/ to leave

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Unironically the best part of the movie.

I started questioning how anyone fucking missed Kaiju size Torterra and how they're gonna turn them back to normal.
I'm also curious if anyone else thought, "I wanna catch those Torterra

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sick meme

The weapon of love

>29 gen 1
I was expecting more of them to be kantomons honestly. It's a miracle that Morelull even got in. Few non-kanto popular ones got in though, which is surprising. There isn't a single steel type in the entire movie from what I can see.

Fuck off shill. I ain’t buying a ticket. If you keep posting here I’ll go watch Avengers again

>Since Progressives are FOR change, they're for climate change. Meaning that non-progressives are against it.
Is this what happens when underages browse /pol/ and take it seriously without actually understanding what anyone's talking about?

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>When the backstory confirmed Mewto was from Kanto and Team Rocket experimets, thus compatible with maingame canon


we got weaponized autism


Imagine going out Pokemon catching and missing to then watch and entire mountain vanish into the ball

im actually surprised they chose Boufallant instead of Tauros

> it's not animated so it must be good
You do realize it is animated right

seriously what is it with Hollow Knight and its obsessive underage fanbase? Is it really just babby's first Metroidvania? I thought the underaged thing was a meme until I started getting to know people on discord servers and noticed the biggest Hollow Knight fans are always in their early to mid teens.

Was this a sequel to Pokemon the first movie?

No, it's Kabutops.
Nothing even in my top 50, except maybe Snorlax edging in.

The plot was generic shit but at least you could tell the people who made the movie cared about the franchise. The Pokemon looked nice and there were tons of cool references. Decent/10.

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Imagine throwing out the fucking torterra in a battle

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Based!!! BASEDDDD!!! and redpilled!! have some gold fellow stranger!!!

Some people also felt it was the Mewtwo from the first movie, which I feel both works and doesn't at the same time because he basically learn the same lesson twice


>and think it is a kids franchise
What do you think the main demographic for Pokemon is user

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>$0.05 has been deposited into your shill account

>The quintuple-fag that wanted to be a BLUE Charizard

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>thread discussing a movie
>resetgender tranny comes in to scream about muh /pol/ boogeyman
Kill yourself faggot

>sex jokes
>masturbation joke
I don't wanna watch it anymore.

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Man children

In the rhyme underground battle scene

>Yea Forums - video games

Seeing the actors drawn by Sugimori at the end credits were a cool touch

the movie had a lot of soul for what it was tb.h

I really liked how they incorpored so many lore from the games related to the Pokemon and pretty much ignored the anime lore

it was truly a movie for kids and fans alike

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Except Mewtwo wasn't a Team Rocket experiment in the games, that's only in the anime. In the games it was an experiment conducted by Mr. Fuji and Blaine.

Needed more Pokemon strip clubs

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>when a joke knocks the wind outta you

They're subtle

What was especially bad is that the scene just kind of ends for no reason. They spend this long drawn out sequence of them waking up and the lead characters floundering around trying not to die and then for no reason other than the movie was done with them, they just go right back to sleep and nobody even questions the ramifications of there now being half a dozen city sized pokemon just out there in the wild existing as land masses and easily capable of continental destruction should they ever find themselves in a bad mood.

Yeah but think about this.
>You are at the parade
>You see Mewtwo speaking
>You suddenly turn into your Spoink
>You get shocked and don't bounce for 30 seconds
>You die
That's not evolution, that's torture

me on the left

If humans and Pokemon are equal is human on Pokemon marriage allowed?

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>Torterra used Solar Beam!

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Dunno much about mechanics stuff, but I heard some autism about Psyduck's psychic attack having no business being so efective against the Greninjas

Either have sex or kill yourself.

He's a cripple

This obviously didn't predate Digimon Tamers

If it can consent, everything is allowed

Well at least it can't possibly be THAT bad with shiggy at the helm.
Oh what am I saying. I can already imagine the story and all the cheesy jokes.

>the Arceus/Palkia/Dialga statues in Bill Nighy's office

it's the little things man. there's so many little details in this fucking movie

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That ditto was a legend, and also cute as fuck

Well, it was off topic but still a decent thread until the discord trannies showed up.

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Fat living tanks that would do anything for a yellow rat?

better be a male lopunny there

Global warming is not propaganda. that's fact outside jew ran hell holes like burgerstan

Maybe this is why Gardevoir, Lopunny and others like them weren't in the movie?

Lucy is a cutie

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Why don't Pokemon speak human language if they're physically capable of it?


Bill, from the very first Gen, accidentally switched his body with a Pokemon

She's cute as fuck, wish she actually got to DO something in the movie. For the most part she felt pointless. Hell even Psyduck contributed more than her

If they cared then why did they make the main character some ugly mutt? Is that what pokemon is about?

Doesn’t look like Sugimori. More like one of the guys behind the mangos

That's bullshit, the anime always made Psyduck's headache attack an OP move with drawbacks

it was used more in a practical sense, since the psychic attack was used to get the greninjas away instead of hurting them

and I was talking about creature lore, battles were similar to the anime

she knew where the Mewtwo research center was located, there's that

Dear god what happen to Mewtwo's face?

>thinking you're in any position to call others kids

Maybe a scene with them will be in the next one

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I wish. But no.

Not everyone has overdosed on /pol/

reading this thread I'm suprised and dissapointed they didn't have lucario or meowth or most of the good pokemon in this movie.
just slap some blender fur on the pokken models

What difference would it make for the MC to be white or asian?

it's clearly Sugimori, just not as polished as official Pokemon concept art

>Implying anyone on half chan isn't a fat autistic incel
Here's an upvote friend

>masturbation joke
Fucking hate that shit FUCK YOU MOVIE

The art was cool. Seeing the gods of Pokemon as statues should've given me a hint tho

Could always have been Protean Greninja.

Mewtwo was a central part of the story

She should have gotten more involved when they went looking for Mr.Mime forward.

she sells seashells by the sea shore


>Psyduck being a spoiled brat by dangling his headaches over everyone, literally threatening Tim with death if Pikachu doesn't give him a massage
>the fucking baby backpack

One of the funniest parts of the movie for me

I would have loved to see a female piakchu bartender that occasionally fucks with the detective Pikachu just so he can get clues and shit.

Because the movie stars Ryan Reynolds. They got a halfer so the plot would make sense while getting their diversity points

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t. hasn't seen it

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He also said "oh shit" if you listen how he says psyduck in the lab

Where were the interspecies relationships? The movie was nowhere near progressive enough.

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Are you sure that's not Yusuke Ohmura's art? He's often confused with Sugimori because he now does much of the official character illustrations.

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Fuck yes, he was even a main character. I love Mewtwo. Woulda been cool to see this dude too though.

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>Thought I'd hate the Loudred
>tfw the purple gas makes them go wild and they start spilling that sweet electronic beat

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There is never a good reason, /pol/ and their ilk have a fanatic hatred for black people. White supremacists should all be gassed.

Still wanted to fuck her

Okay so why the fuck is this thread still up?
How is this Yea Forumsideogames?
This isn't fucking Yea Forums, just because the movie is based around characters in video games doesn't make it Yea Forumsideogames
Does this mean we can make threads on the Netflix Castlevania series?
God this board is so shit

I was honestly shocked at how well they handled a ton of things, especially the loudred.

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No fucking garde was criminal

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>Does this mean we can make threads on the Netflix Castlevania series
that sounds like a great idea, someone do this

Nintendo-related IP, surprised it doesn't have two stickies 3bh

I'm really disappointed with the Pokemon selection. Only 1 Gen 4 Pokemon in the flesh? Really? At least it's one of the best looking Pokemon in the film.

Honestly, this movie wasn't as cringy as I expected. They had "funny" scenes, but it never dragged out long enough to be painful.

It's pretty average overall, just don't expect some sort of hardcore Pokemon tribute. Except a Pikachu movie, though.

Okay animefag.

Will almost always give the girl chipmunk teeth
It seems Like Sugimori but he put half the effort in or from the Rangers series

/pol/ has long since just been overrun with white supremacists. Using "its only a joke" as a fig leaf to preserve plausible deniability is a pathetic excuse that has never been believable.

>They were using Water Shuriken so they were Water type at the time
>The experiments on the Pokemon at the lab were also fucking with abilities and shit

What's Torterra's main ability?

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I thought it was incredibly cool and I wished that other Kaijumons made it into the movie, though it was really disappointing that they went right back to sleep with nobody noticing mountain sized pokemon and seemingly no collateral damage

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>go berserk
>play dubstep
Makes sense. And using them as speakers is a great idea

I think we should wait for a team rocket focused movie, cause if he did appeared here then he would have taken away the attention from Pikachu.

>He wants people to be the better version of themselves
>Evolve a Mascot fox into the worst Eeveelution

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user, I do not want to watch a 4 hour movie.


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This movies disturbing they look real and disturbing.

that's what happens when TPCi iss practically involved in development

where have you been? there were tons of CV threads here

Then it could have been drawn by take. It really doesn't look like Sugi's stuff, he does extremely dark lining.

I saw this movie in theaters and absolutely adored it. I wasn't huge into pokemon back in the day but I did watch the cartoon for a while and played some of the games with my brother. The movie is clearly made for fans of the source material and I am glad they did not try to dumb it down to be more marketable. They just went out and made a fun movie in the Pokemon universe.

honestly the villain's motivations are better than the main game villain teams, could be a nice prelude to MD

>hating on based Flareon

>He's gonna blow up his shit!
I think that's what I heard, it's PG movie, right?

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Oil companies
Alternative power companies
It's all the same jews, user.

So what I'm gathering is that the movie is decent.
I'm going to see this with an old friend soon, how do I not be a sour fun-draining jadedfag knowing some stuff about the movie that I don't like?

I live in a city with almost 100% white population and all my friends were so confused when Ryan Reynolds ended up being Tim's father because he's white and Tim is black, they all thought Tim was adopted and that's where the daddy issues came from

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If it didn't matter to them, they wouldn't have done it.

>>sex jokes
>>masturbation joke
>>cocaine joke
>>murder joke
I missed a lot.

Why did they change the artstyle to be so damn ugly?

Keep Dancing!

Accept that this isn't going to be your 1:1 anime movie, but not Super Mario Bros-tier bad of an adaptation

Don't worry, you may have missed all the jokes, but you have more chromosomes than all of us!

>"Oh yeah, I'm alright, I'm just strapped in a child seat next to a BOMB"
The timing in this movie was fucking great.

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>that Lucy art
She actually looks like she could be in the games.

turn your brain off

it has a few obvious inconsistencies but it's overall a fun movie, specially to children, all the kids in my theater were laughing at almost every joke

also Pikachu was cute as fuck

>fans of the source material
It was mostly made to appeal to people like you, who haven't touched Pokemon since "back in the day." Not a bad thing at all but it certainly was tailored to be more marketable.

Did the black dude help or hurt? Remember to double the production for marketing. Might need to be more than double if Paul Fieg is to believe.

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No Haunter, Marshadow, or Mimikyu but at last there was Gengar.

So they can go off model for be more expressive and fluid with animation.
I hope Gen 8 Goes back to the old style but has a mix with the new.

>Does this mean we can make threads on the Netflix Castlevania series?
Yes? There are a fuckton of threads whenever a new season drops.

That's pretty funny. They were pretty clearly setting him up to have a mixed family, since his mom is dark as hell.

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that's clearly the costume from Pokemon Go female trainer

Doesnt matter because Ryan Reynolds helps enough

Wait is he not adopted? I thought that was the point, that pikachu is a cuckold

yeah lets just take the image of pokemon and completely betray it's origins- mr.burgberg

Was Clefairy in it?

>depressed Pikachu singing the show theme song

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I don't need to hate him. GF hates him enough to give him a Physical move that can kill himself

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If you mean the main actor, he's there to be a literal soap box for Ryan Reynolds' voice

He needs a Yee-crystal

The main actor, Ryan Reynolds and the police chief were pretty good
The love interest was awful and their romance was hamfisted
Everything after the scene where pikachu gets resurrected felt rushed as hell
The main villains motivations made no sense especially since he had a ditto that shape shift to humans and mimic their speech perfectly
Not enough battles, movie should have spent more time in the seedy cage match underworld
Anything that didn't have fur looked terrible
The best friend at the beginning of the movie was awful and unnecessary, gave me episode 8 flashbacks

4/10 IMO
Glad I didn't spend any money

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I don't watch the anime so I wasn't expecting something like that.
What's the best way to consciously turn your brain off for something? I feel like I'm constantly critical, but never say it. Should I just sit through, tell him I agree with what he thought of the movie and I enjoyed seeing it with him (haven't seen a movie with this dude since high school), and then go home and release my (presumed) pent up seething on the internet?

it has little to do with the actual games as battles are illegal, just as pokeballs, accept that and you should be fine

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>How did they get away with this and still keep the charm of Pokemon?

They learned from the time WB owned and translated/dubbed the orginal anime. In that how lets say for the first pokemon anime movies they changed some of the music with some pop music WB owned which helped it make it a bigger hit since the change in music choices made them kiddos better and much more easily relate to it and what not.

So they just took a look at the modern youth and put in and okayed a couple of things they wouldn't before or at least most wont think they would just to how back then WBs changes to the anime would make people better relate and get into the thing.

i'm sure all the jews who made the film gave the japs a flat fee, meanwhile....
tldr; who really got fucked here?

why is anime ash getting so much more browner and delisher

like what

Don't think so, although I think it was probably a bad idea to do that. I think directors do this kind of thing to generate controversy. That being said, Ryan Reynolds was probably enough to bring people in.

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mixed family, that's why his mother is black as fuck, his father is white and Tim is a lighter black than average

Pokeballs are illegal?

>turn your brain off
Pretty much this.

I really hate how people use "turn you brain off" as a get out of jail free card to excuse how shitty movies make no sense, but Detective Pikachu is flagrant in how it's a supposed to be cartoonish tripe for dumb children, so it's actually applicable in this case. I'm not saying that it's a bad movie, it's just not at all intelligent and doesn't try to so don't fault it for that. Pikachu is cute and they mime dousing Mr Mime in gasoline and burning him to death, just enjoy the stuff like that and ignore the story.

Imagine being this bitter of a human being.

>Gonna go to the city to find my dad but wahh I don't care
>Ahh snap i met a random detective so now I care for no reason
>Breathe in dat gas and now I can speak to only one conveniently placed pokemon for no reason who just so happens to also be a detective and my dad and my dad's partner and my future pokemon partner
>10/10 writing
>movie never explains why or how or for what reason he's able to speak to pikachu
>Also a media intern who works under the central news force lives right next door conveniently so the main character can be spoon fed literally every lead while feeling like he's doing any detective work because the chick just takes him straight to the main lead after an hour of fucking around the city
>abandoned sci fi lab cliche
>escaped experiment gone wrong cliche
>get chased by bad pokemon because bad guy is bad and instead of calling police wants to murder them because somehow doing so is easier than actually using the security system he had already installed
>Big Ass Mega Continental pokemon pretty much tries to kill everything in the ecosystem by..... Standing UP???
>Huge Giga Mega Pokemon stand up, and then immediately sit down, for ummm reasons.
>Pikachu gets hit by a rock by a small ass rock and almost dies. Kinda lame desu
>Wonder in the forest with pikachus corpse
>Mewtwo appears for no fuckin reason out of nowhere and heals the yoted chu
>gets captured because somehow that was the bad guys plan all along somehow
>Bad guy turns out to be bad guys dad
>Bad guy dad is bad blah blah
>bad guy dooms everyone
>everyone saved by pikachu
Decent but dumb movie/10

Well any movie that wants to be successful needs to be normie bait, pretty much know by everyone here. Did it make any references to the games at all?

Nah. Tyranitar is nowhere to be seen

>all those flashbacks the kid had going through his dad's apartment
>pikachu notices the bed
>"you like pokemon don't you?"
>"Gotta say, this is kinda creepy, you're not gonna turn me into a lampshade, are you?"

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The romantic angle was forced and stupid. I liked the reporter character, though. She seemed exactly like the kind of character who would appear in the show or in one of the games.

I dont think pokeballs were illegal but battling was

on Ryme city pokemon are allowed to roam free, there's no battles and most people have one pokemon only (a partner) therefore there's no use for pokeballs
in fact there's only one ball in the entire movie during the first 10 mins

No one heard of the original game, so it didn't matter. People who played the game said every respective character played in the movie is better than the game's version.

I noticed most of the inconsistencies but just said to myself: ehh, it's a kids movie, whatever

I don't think most people even know or care that it's based on game called Detective Pikachu. Kids that may have played it likely don't care enough about race either.

I had a fun time. I didn't expect anything mindblowing but they treated the source material in general with tons of respect and it actually made me think Ditto was scary.

Yeah that was a fucking stupid decision because most of the world doesn't get it. Most of the movie goers here (Asia) also got confused and eventually assumed he was adopted and wondered why they never actually brought his adoption up in the film. To most of the world, blacks are black and whites are white.

Hollow knight is one of the worst current games I have ever played, it's so fucking boring

My main problems are how revolting looking any non-mammalian Pokemon looks and the poor selection across the gens, I wasn't expecting it to be anything like the games. I hate how zard and Gyarados look although I love how Torterra looks.

How were they confused? The kid is very clearly mixed, what the fuck is it with people today calling mulattos black? Is this a psyop?

>Did it make any references to the games at all?
I don't know. Were there Pokemon in the games?

Or do you mean "I love shorts! They're comfy" because no

I don't care about the race mixing autism, but he goes from one minute thinking she's creepy to the next declaring his love for her to ditto

And I just really hated her character in general. She reminded me of a genki character from bad anime dub

I'm curious what happens if I show Charizard being btfo by a water pokemon.

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Not him but I don't think that's a dumb thing necessarily. Can people really not tell he's mixed? There isn't really any such thing as a "light skinned black person". Any black person with light skin either has some kind of condition or European/Asian genetics. Has to be.

Soundtrack was pretty good despite the lack of actual Pokemon songs.

He just said he was kinda into her, not that he was in love

Good taste in artists.

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>torterra made it in
>but metagross didnt
well it could be worse

>What's the best way to consciously turn your brain off for something? I feel like I'm constantly critical, but never say it.
I'm mostly the same but always do say it, but had no problems with this because it's so obviously a children's film that I can't help but give it a pass. Helps that Pikachu Reynolds' humour is kind of meta sometimes.

The story is filled with dumb contrivances and plotholes but the entire story is inconsequential; The main focus of the movie is "Pikachu is cute and Reynolds is funny".

You mean his Feraligatr pics?

Literally just "I was pretending to be retarded"

They didn't really develop it at all. He's kind of a down to earth kind of person and she's a loose cannon. At no point does the lead find this endearing, he just thinks she's cute. It's one sided as well. As far as she knows they're just friends. And I suppose they are.

Felt really odd, although a lot of the acting in the movie wasn't amazing.

>No Umbreon
I got Eevee at least

Any other movie tim would have kissed the girl, but even as forced as it was at least they were kind enough to admit they weren't st that point yet.

Also I just want to fact check and let you know Ditto never talked.

>apparently the movie takes place in the ashnime universe
ash exists in this Universe and is older

Yeah, but it progressed way to fast to be believable IMO. Maybe if the movie took place over a week and he spent more than three scenes with her, I'd buy it.


Mewtwo was pretty fucking sweet until he started talking with his mouth. I understand that he probably didn't have the mental capacity to use telepathy but it looked weird. Also, the villains plan felt like some fetish shit.

>Can people really not tell he's mixed? There isn't really any such thing as a "light skinned black person".
Yeah that just doesn't pass around here. Most people have never met a black person and think that their hair looks like that because it's some kind of American fashion and not because it grows that way.

The ost is like Pokemon and bladerunner had a ost baby. I Love it

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasnt ditto shapesifted as the main villain's son when they were at the TV station

For anyone who already saw the movie, did anyone in your audience audibly gasp at Ryan showing up at the end?

I mean they were obviously going to do that. How are people shocked by that?

Ash would be about 30
I honestly expect there to be a reference to him in the movie that no one's noticed yet

Not that guy but didn't Ditto as the son speak once when capturing Mewtwo?

This. And in the case of Hollow Knight, it's a stumbling block.

1. Stop being a cynical asshole and enjoy it for what it is.
2. Smoke some weed.

But you should definitely make sure to audibly moan groan and boo when the sonic trailer plays.

Ironically enough the game tries too hard to be a Pokemon game and force-feeds you Pokemon themed nonsense about powers and shit and the movie makes it better by being less about Pokemon.

I didn't have to turn my brain off for other kid's movies like How to Train your Dragon (or the sequels). Anyway I'm not expecting it to be anything like that, I just dislike how the Pokemon look.
I think I'll probably like Reynold's parts, he's usually decent. It's mostly dissatisfaction with the Pokemon parts. I'm expecting a comedic all ages movie no matter what and have no issue with that.

Anytime a character was wearing the aviators, it was ditto.

No because it transformed and wheeled the old man off screen

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Umbreon is better and you know it.

Ditto was the son at both the drive to the lab and when Lucy saw him on the stand.
If the son was wearing sunglasses he was likely ditto.

No, they argue and then you clearly see the ditto turn into a caretaker and wheel Bill Nye off while the son remains on set

My theater got some laughs. I don't know why I was surprised myself.

Sounds better then what gamefreak does these days. It has a pokemon vibe a bit

>American G.A.T.E.

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Now that you mention it, I do remember him getting wheeled away, but there was also this part
Either way, his plan made no sense to me considering he had a pokemon perfectly suited to making him mobile again.

Critics probably wanted 20 minute intro explaining what a Pokemon is, but based Letterman immediately started the movie with Mewtwo.

I can't, I'm like this for everything. It's difficult for me to enjoy things when around other people, although I'm usually not even 1/10th as critical of things while alone. I just really don't want to ruin this for him, because Pokemon was why we initially became friends.
I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs. I abhor the smell of smoke and it makes my throat tighten to the point where it's difficult to breathe.
And yeah we're both aware of how awful Sonic looks.

Isn't there also a Mega Man film in the works?

Isn't that an actual anime though?

The fucking credits theme is the goddamn Pokemon theme song dude. From the games

As far as I am aware the gas never made him able to speak to pikachu, it's just because pikachu had hisndad's soul. It was a red herring. I dont think he inhaled the gas in the game, but my wife was the one who played it not me.

Yeah G.A.T.E

No, he wanted to surpass his human limits. That was the point.

I like how the fake out where they made it seem like Mewtwo would be the main antagonist and a literal ripoff of the first anime movie's Mewtwo, and then it turned out he IS the anime movie's Mewtwo years later and is a cool guy now

You can tell that was Reynolds idea. I can dead ass imagine him being in the sound studio
>Reynolds is reading his script
>the guys behind the glass gives him the okay.
>start breaking into a sobbing song
>the guys in the booth are too busy laughing their asses off to stop him

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Give me your hat.

It's a little unclear whether or not this movie exists in the anime or game continuity. Curious to see where they take it

he hadnt been to the apartment yet, kid was on straight shneef

Should have just gone Ultra Instinct then

bitch you don't even know what half of them are actually called, your opinion means fuckall on this

Does everything look as horrible as the Mewtwo on the trading card or the Gyarados from the trailer? I like how Pikachu and Emolga looked but Aipom is just awful.

Least intelligent comment I've read all night.

I think the director confirmed its in the same canon as the First Movie

The mewtwo escaped from kanto 20 years ago.

Totodile stills
Venasaur (glimpse of his flower in the background. Model probably wasn't finished enough for a full shot.)

I wanted more, but it's honestly more pokemon in a blockbuster movie than I could have expected. Hopefully a sequel adds at least as many so we get even more diversity.

Not gonna lie it made me wet when all humans entered their Pokemon like spirits and took over, imagine being put into a Gardevoir, so fuckin hot

It's probably gonna be it's own continuity. If it's anime though, it will never be properly tied in because Pokemon Company signed off on a lot of shit, but I can't see them signing off on Ash in his 30s.

Shame he's a bitch human and not a Pokemon or Saiyan

They confirmed it in an interview or something apparently

i wish this was me

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Oh shit really? Nice
>tfw 30-year old Ash exists in this universe

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Go be sweaty somewhere else

I get that Mewtwo is OP and would be the most ideal choice, but Ditto is way more versatile and gives him the option to retain his human form at any time. I also dont get why he wanted to merge people against his will. Did the movie even explain that?

That isn't attention to detail. It's not like it's some obscure factoid that those pokemon exist so including statues of them in a rich dude's office is hardly one of those "little details".

Tims the kinda brown you get when you make chocolate milk and your almost out of syrup.

They did say in the movie that this Mewtwo is the one that escaped from Kanto years ago

If Master roshi can do it then so can he

No, the media warped that for clickbait titles. What the actual clarification was is that the movie is set in the pre-existing Pokemon world with Kanto, Sinnoh, etc and not a "Pokemon are suddenly in our world" situation.

The acting was about what I expected since the movie doesn't take itself too seriously. I did get feels during the your dad would hug you so hard your bones would pop scene though.

aipom is played in the movie as unnerving and scary so thats a design choice

other designs are hit and miss

That happens in the games and in the movie user

Yes he just wanted to evangelion mankind


He said "You'll all be Pokemon and like it! MWAHAHAHAHA"

>Ash exist
>Videogame Canon also exist
>All generations will eventually be represented.

I'm kinda In love with this universe

That bit sitting on the fountain was really good, I thought. Tim guy especially, I really felt his regret. It was 100% the look and voice of someone who really, REALLY regrets something. I know it well.

That's what the guy you replied to said, are you retarded?

Yes that is the point

Bro I think you got the wrong board. If you want to shill your shitty movie you should be doing it on Yea Forums.

I only remember him doing the smug smirk and walking off. Dont remember him saying anything. I went Friday so I could be wrong.

Wait when did they say it was Team Rocket? I must have missed it

>seinfeld reference


Yeah, not believing a word you say, OP. Sad that 483 other people do.

I know its a kid's movie, but that shit felt like it came out of left field

Nope, Ditto never speaks when it's posing as a human

Bulbasaur was my favorite Pokemon. There, I said it.

It made me think: Well, now a lot less people are gonna realize how horrifying it would be to keep a Ditto strictly for sexual purposes. But it didn't turn out that way.

Putting aside the 29 Gen 1 Pokemon
Snubbull, Togepi, Aipom, Octillery, Totodile, Sneasel
Treecko, Slaking, Ludicolo, Loudred
Purrloin, Audino, Golurk, Joltik, Bouffalant, Rufflet, Braviary, Emolga
Greninja, Pancham, Pangoro, Flabebe
Morelull, Comfey

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>>>>>>>>>>>A GRENINJA STAR

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Sad that you haven't seen the movie and you are here bitching about it anyway

>None of the goals established throughout the series have even been attempted to be recreated
That's why it's actually good.

Torrent when? I can't see it in theaters.

Yeah, a shitty one. Aipom is cute and playful, making it be the "scary" thing is just retarded and makes it look awful.

This bothered me too. They could have put in more.

Fucking Grengars

IIRC in one of the lab recordings
That doctor was talking about, "A Mewtwo that escaped from a Team rocket/Lab in Kanto 20 years ago".
And sending Harry to look for it makes sense considering at the end of Movie 1 it just fucks off to who know where while the one in games is in a known location not moving

Mewtwo was needed to combine the people with pokemon. He was just controlling Mewtwo with the device and therefore couldn't be combined with a pokemon like everyone else unless he trusted someone else to control Mewtwo. I'd imagine once he was done he's just have to lock Mewtwo back up since it would only be a matter of time before his human body died and Mewtwo just undid everything.


I need to fucking see it

Remember acid rain and the Ozone layer? Yeah what a load of bollocks.

No. There's different canons user, there's games, anime/movies, multiple manga and they're all different AUs. Confirming it's set in the Pokemon world is not at all the same thing as confirming it's set in the anime continuity.

I said nothing about the movie, I said something about OP's retarded lies.


Why? You secretly Amish or something?

He only spoke with his mouth when the crippled dude was controlling him


It's like calling a bandage a band-aid dude. Don't get hung up on it.

No. But it text messages and maybe drives a car.

I remember it appearing int he Cage ring, when Tim and Pikachu talked with Charzarids owner.
A woman was on the right holding a togepi

>I know its a kid's movie
Sorry, buddy. I agree, but I don't think it matters in the end.

Just another bad guy trying to have his cake, eat it, and forcibly shove it down others' throats

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>my fave didn't get in
B-but it's a kantomon...

Same thing happened in the game, too, remember Cinnabar Mansion?


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You didn't pay much attention to the movie, did you? Like, I'm not saying the wiring was good but there are answers to literally everything you are saying was "for no reason" or are attributing to plot convenience. Plus, some of this shit, you're just wrong about, like he's not there to find his dad, he's there to settle his dad's affairs because he's dead.

>Lucy wrapped in Greninja's tongue
Leaving a lot to the imagination with what happened to her while Tim was looking at recordings

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Pretty sure there was Joltik too?

God I wanna fuck both those Meowths

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I saw it, neat.

I love Torterra more than Empoleon now, but I absolutely fucking despise Aipom now, and it used to be one of my top 20. Also Greninja and Charizard are no longer on my "neat looking starters" list but I like Loudred now.
Ah well. Decent movie.

Why is everyone convinced it has to be anime continuity or game continuity? Seems like the obvious thing is that they're setting up a new live action continuity.

The Virgin Meowth vs the Chad Alolan Meowth

>Tfw was sorta hoping to see Togepi Metronome and beat the R hopped up Charizard

In at least two shots, yes, the night market and the telephone lines.

How did you guys miss Slaking? He was in almost every scene.


You could say its an easter egg

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>taking a baby to an illegal cage fight

Also there's a brief but clear shot of one on the cage battle bars, and I think there was a swarm of them crossing the forest path in the very beginning.

It's not actually there user, OP is just bullshitting by saying its "subtle" and not pointing out the scene

Do I get cards when I see this movie in canada or is that only for americans

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Illumination (the studio behind Despicable Me) is making a 3DCG Mario film.

Maybe on this movie universe they are ice surrounded by water.

someone post the image

Stuck in bed for a while due to medical problems.

The director said the movie takes place in "the" Pokemon world but didn't say if he meant anime or game.

It makes more sense as part of the anime world though given how there's a huge fake out that makes it tries to look like it's ripping off the first anime movie as a ruse.

What the fuck, Americans get cards?

I got them after watching the movie, but I watched it on Thursday

I think he was referring to Tim's comment about being good at being alone at night. Though that is still a bit of a stretch.

I *thought* I saw a Rhydon or a Nidoking walking away after the whole apartment Apom chase, but it was dark as fuck so couldn't tell

Well yeah that's what single mothers do.

I got Coffee Shop Pikachu and Snubble. Some low tier shit

I hate real life gacha

My local Cineplex had them but I went on Thursday opening night, I'm not sure how long supplies will last.

I know you get them in the US but by the time I saw the movie the ran out of cards.

>never thought much of Pancham or Pangoro
>see them in the movie, look awesome, decide to try them out in X version
I found my newest bro Mon, guys, he's so good, especially with Iron Fist.

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dang I guess I can't get them then
that fucking sucks

fucking china pandering

There was not a single white/white couple shown anywhere in the movie. Not in the background, not in the story, nowhere. Every single couple was interracial. Had a global warming joke.

Well, If you kept playing when the games went 3D you are kind of a fag. I quit with Heartgold because they didn't fix the Johto leveling problem where you basically have to over level your starter


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I miss being an innocent kid. Half the time I was watching this movie I just wanted Pikachu to shock my legs to jelly, raw me til I couldn't walk, piss on my face and fuck my mouth to clean up. How did it get like this?

Nah, I just like Pokemon.

>Saw it with my friends
>Saw it with my family
>On the way out a woman gave us another pack
13 packs and I still haven't seen anyone get Charizard, Greninja or Mewtwo. They genuinely seem hard to get.

no wonder they ran out


>chad Chinese single father
>virgin single Ryme Street businessman

To be fair user, that is just a natural reaction to Ryan Reynolds.

Anyone else just sorta wish they lived in the Pokemon world after this movie?

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The same Detective Pikachu promo SM190 is every pack, and exclusive to the theater packs. The other card is one of 8 random commons from the regular Detective Pikachu mini-set. The packs and everything in them aren't worth much.

I'm just trying to find an explanation for that, I'm sure there's one.


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How is Mewtwo still "the most powerful Pokemon" after they've introduced all these Legendarys that created the world?