Why does Persona get shilled so fucking hard when SMT has sold more as a whole? Will we get as many SMT games on Switch like 3DS?
Why does Persona get shilled so fucking hard when SMT has sold more as a whole...
Sonyfags need to grasp at straws to shitpost.
I want to fuck that cat
>SMT has sold more as a whole
The question is what do they classify as SMT? Because I'm pretty sure not counting spinoffs in Persona's case and none of things like Raidou or Devil Summoner SMT still has more games and has been around 1.5 times longer.
Persona has like 10 games including spinoffs. SMT has like 50.
Did he ever smash his PS4?
>Etrian Odyssey didn't even reach 2 million across 10 games worldwide
No wonder it is dead.
Play Etrian Odyssey.
SMT has like 30 games and 15 years on Persona
Persona is better than SMT.
Those games don't target the same audience
The audience Persona is going for needs constant shilling to get attention, because thay are more fickle
The neckbeards who play SMT don't need to be shilled, they will buy the new SMT no matter what
He was right it was not going to happen, fucking coward.
That doesn't make any sense unless stuff like Devil Survivor, Digital Devil Saga, Devil Summoner, etc is grouped under SMT for whatever reason.
It costs next to nothing to make so it's highly profitable. On top of that, the series still has a future title in the works though mapping will be awkward without the inclusion of two screens.
You guys' fault for pirating them.
SMT with a gacha got 3 millions more only, think about that for a sec
>why does a series that has existed for longer and released more games sold more over its lifetime than this other game
Persona is a full price game. SMT4 cost me like 15-20?
Dx2 was honestly not that bad as far as mobile games go
It runs like crap on outdated smartphones though
>series has existed for decades compared to Persona
>series has triple the amount of games that Persona has
>SMTfags think they're niche shit is better
>i waited for it to go on sale
You cant possibly be this retarded
>Persona was Megaten until P4G
>the games from P4G onwards have sold more than 3/4 of the amount that the 30+ year old franchise has
>and that's counting Personas 1-4vanilla as Megaten
Mainline irrevocably BTFO
SMT5 cancelled
isn't persona a smt game?
>persona 3-4
Megaten but not SMT, but Atlus is autistic so not even Megaten maybe
SMT has been around longer.
>Persona is going for needs constant shilling to get attention, because thay are more fickle
But that’s wrong and you know it is.
How many games fall under the megami tensei banner?
SMT had a shit ton more games iirc.
i pirate smt and persona too and they seem to do fine :^)
This is actually really pathetic when you consider SMT is nearly 20+ years old and Persona is barely 15
Megami tensei 1
Desu 1, 2, soul hackers
Raidou 1, 2
And some other crazy shit
DDS 1 and 2
retard, the headline says "megami tensei series," not smt. persona is part of the megami tensei series.
That was a marketing gimmick for the west. Trying to scoop up the Nocturne fans I guess.
Then again when was the last SMT game that sold a million? If ever?
Also popular =/=good (also not bad). Whatever
Because SMT has an established fanbase that will always buy the games while most people grow out of persona by the time they turn fifteen
SMTIVA sold fairly well and I consider it to be one of the worst SMT games I’ve ever played through. If that is SMT’s future then I might as well stick with Persona, at least it has higher production value
You must not have played many SMTs.
>Why does Persona get shilled so fucking hard when SMT has sold more as a whole?
Look at this list.
Persona IS SMT, first of all.
So it says a fucking lot that this one SMT spin-off series has sold 3/4 as much as the entire parent franchise.
If that's the case then no wonder no one knows what a non Persona SMT game is. That's sad to think a spinoff completely eclipsed the main series.
A lot of SMT simply hasn't made it outside of Japan, so that doesn't help. The stuff we did get never gained much traction, for whatever reason.
SMT in general might as well not exist prior to the PS2 in the West.
I would like to see more new SMT spinoffs like Devil Survivor.
If SMT V sells well who knows
Will people just shit on it for not being Persona? It's what people did with 4.
Reviewers are faggots, most people would like it
>3 P3s
>4 P2s
>2 P1s
>2 P4s
>Soon to be 2 P5s
>2 P4As
>2 PQs
>3 PDs
>Persona musou, which also means a guaranteed rerelease with extra shit.
Persona's pretty fucking up there with releases, considering its relative youth to SMT.
SMT is too niche. To make it sell better you'd either have to make it easier to pander to western normies (like final fantasy) or make it cringe waifu harem shit to pander to horny japanese losers/weaboos (like persona)
>mfw people like one but not the other
I love Fuuka!
I think its real sticking point against mainstream success is being almost entirely turn-based. You can get people to jerk off over muh difficulty (souls games) without going full weeb, but not with turn-based RPGs.
I loved persona as a teenager but I can't play it now without cringing at everything. Meanwhile SMT still holds up
>all of the idiots in this thread
Persona IS a Megami Tensei game. There's no Shin in that article's headline.
The fact that Persona is so close to beating SMT yet it's been out for far less time and has less games goes to show just how good the series is. SMT is still amazing though. Can't wait for SMTV but I wish it wasn't stuck on a shitty tablet that couldn't even let Xenoblade 2 look as good as it could've.
Isn't Persona Maijin Tensei?
Majin tensei is another stuff
They all fall under Megami Tensei afaik.
If some retard ever wonders why Atlus will never bring Persona games to nintendo consoles just look at how Etrian Odyssey performs. If Persona had started and stayed with nintendo consoles it'd have died with P3.
>look at how Etrian Odyssey performs.
A niche dungeon crawler on the fucking DS doesn't perform as well as a mainstream console franchise? Woah. I had no idea!
>SMT IV:A wall scroll
>30 dollaridoos for just stock art you can print yourself for less than half the price.
>just look at how Etrian Odyssey performs.
Worse than Persona Q and other MegaTen games on Nintendo platforms despite being a much better series?
Persona Q? Probably. Persona 1-5? No.
Oh what am I saying? People don't know a thing about P1 and 2.
>Yet another Persona/SMT falseflagging thread
I wouldn't be surprised if it were someone from the Xenoblade threads since someone keeps comparing XC2 to P5.
Based user
New Soul Hackers when?
>despite being a much better series?
Fuck off EOfaggot, Megaten got history
1. SMT has way more games
2. Persona makes way more with merch
>decades compared to Persona
Persona 1 is only seven years older you fucking troglodyte.
Based retard Burger.
>9.3m of all the 12.4m MT series sales are persona games
And people wonder why the persona series gets pushed so hard over its forgotten relative.
>Persona IS SMT, first of all.
Only in America.
There's like 5 different rereleases of the first game alone, now that I think about it, the only games not to get an enhanced rerelease are SMTIV and IVA
I love sparking shit between the Persona and SMT fandom. Falseflagging is so damn easy.
>Say SMT is niche and or shit
>Say Persona is a dating/friendship simulator for otaku's and teenagers and stir up shit
It's so damn simple. I'll be enjoying Dark Souls though.
Devil Children > SMT and Persona
>thread is based on an article headline and not even the full thing, with no source
>Say Persona is a dating/friendship simulator for otaku's and teenagers and stir up shit
But it is.
>user assuming persona games belong to megami tensei franchise
They do, but whether or not the article makes that distinction is completely unclear since no one has posted an archive link.
Persona Q is the worst game in the entire Persona series you absolute retarded contrarian seething nintenndie
9.3 million of that 12.4 million is Persona.
Unironically, Xenoblade Chronicles as a series is better than Persona or SMT will ever be. They stick to the scale basic formula that most JRPG's do and do nothing new to renovate. Making a JRPG with dating simulator elements is well and good and all, but it's objectively normalfag trash that only manages to attract mindless highschoolers who think Persona's are JoJo stands. Xenoblade manages to not only have an interesting combat flow, but actually has a real world for you to explore in instead of boring corridors. Name one time in Megaten history where there has even been a setting as remotely interesting as the Bionis in both concept and exploration. You can't. It's hilarious how people think the Megaten franchise is going to surpass Final Fantasy in the next couple of years. It's still niche buddy. Most people would have never even heard of Persona if it wasn't for Joker being in Smash.
>still doesn't say if it makes the distinction
I don't understand why people keep trying to alienate the two as if they want to start even more competition. Persona still belongs to the Megami Tensei franchise as a whole. Persona 5 brings back a lot of SMT esque elements.
>mindless highschoolers who think Persona's are JoJo stands.
They are LITERALLY the inspiration for the entire series. The only difference is Stands are way more interesting.
Based autistic SEGA
It's both prejudice and jealousness of smtfags x newfags and cocky Personafags
because they dont behold my demons
I have nexus and recently beat 4. Should i get 5 and play that before moving on to nexus or naw and skip right to nexus?
Not him, but I wouldn't exactly say it's jealously. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm shitty for the sole reason that I want more games. As of lately though, proper spinoffs have all but vanished outside of continuing with the mainline titles.
Not really, see
Persona had higher numbers until 2017, what bumped SMT up was the mobile game.
>all these retards who can't read and don't understand that it says Megami Tensei, not Shit Megami Tensei, meaning of those 12.4m sales, 9.3m of them are Persona because persona is part of the MegaTen franchise
How about learning how to read and learn about the franchise you shitfling over first
persona was a "niche dungeon crawler" at one point as well.
Persona is for teenagers, gays and w*men.
SMT is for fat basement dwellers.
>The main reason behind this large increase is the free-to-play mobile game Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2, which was released in Japan on January 22nd and in North America on July 23rd. The game reached five million cumulative downloads on June 20, 2018.
Gacha game saving SMT face, embarrassing.
Could be said about many a thing. People just go crazy over "official" merch for whatever the fuck reason.
No, user, you are the retard.
You got it wrong.
>Appeals to normalfags, casuals, fujos
>Edgelords, Rick and Morty fans, gatekeepers
>Gacha brings in money
More news at 11.
It's the fucking gacha game, it had 5million downloads and they are counting it with SMT series to have a boost.
A bit of cheat but whatever money is money I guess.
If you read the article it states that 5m of Megami Tensei's numbers came in the last year. 12.4m minus 5m is not the remaining 9.3m from Persona, meaning since Persona is a big enough Megami Tensei spin off they counted it separately.
Don't care about op but goddamn Aigis' outfit in P3D is god tier
It is covered by the same umbrella as a series. But it is a spin off of the main series made to be its own yet mildly related thing with a bit of it being for marketing sakes and to be able to do new things but use assets they already got to make development shit much easier over all.
>Sega/Atlus will now release a Persona gacha game
Is mobile really the future?
>First smt game
>first persona game
Yes, absolutely. Casuals rule literally every single market, from film to books to video games to fucking headphones. Casuals will also naturally rule the video game market.
As long as they use it's money for P6/7/8 it's ok, SMT gacha will make SMT V great i hope
Great bait.
That's probably not what will happen. Gacha money will always be used to line pockets of the investors. ATLUS is part of Sammy. When Sammy sees ATLUS is funneling money that belongs to Sammy into other games, it will not be happy.
Based XenoChad.
You should play 2U because it's far better than 5 and X.
Well, let's see. Sega Says that there's 30 SMT games, with 12.9m sales. Let's check the SMT games:
>Main SMT games
10 games
>Last Bible saga
5 games
>Majin Tensei saga
5 games
>Devil Summoner saga
4 games
>Devil Children saga
7 games
So, 31 games, probably Atlus isn't considering 1 of them as SMT
Now Persona has 13 games:
>Revelations: Persona
>Persona 2: Innocent Sin
>Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
>Persona 3
>Persona 4
>Persona 4 Arena
>Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
>Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth
>Persona 4: Dancing All Night
>Persona 5
>Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight
>Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight
>Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth
There's your 13 games.
>inb4 you're counting re-releases as separate games
SEGA probably is doing the same, which explains the closer numbers. They're probably considering Tokyo Mirage Sesions as one of the Persona games and the release of P5Royal, dunno.
>EO has almost 2m worldwide sales
Feels good.
I repented since my poor DS days. I bought each for 3DS, excluding 2 Untold because fuck that DLC.
>someone actually does fucking research
>EO only at 1.9M
Now I'm sad.
Can we talk about how Persona 4 Golden still remains unbeaten in terms of story and character quality in the Persona series though?
no, because it's been beaten pretty handily.
It'll hit 2m when V Untold comes out.
Call me when Persona 2 actually exists to Atlus. P4 took the concept of people have Shadows and did it far better with the TV World. Cope harder, Eric.
It's been almost a fucking year since they teased "NEXT STAGE". WHERE THE FUCK IS IT!?
I'm pretty sure it still brings them in decent profit if they keep making them and consider it one of their pillars, it's come pretty far since the first game that only had 10 people work on it and expected only to sell 10k copies at best
Patience, mobile gacha games aren't as easy to develop as they seem.
You know it's like tradition at this point for Atlus to reveal trailers only to not say shit for a couple of years right? It was the same thing with the teaser for EO5
>Call me when Persona 2 actually exists to Atlus.
>P4 took the concept of people have Shadows and did it far better with the TV World.
based retard.
SMT has existed since the NES. Persona is still new.
Wrong, since SNES, unless you really wanna argue that MT2 was technically already SMT since it wasn't following the source material anymore
It doesn't say SMT it says Megami Tensei, which encompasses many games including Persona.
>t. Subhuman
Read the thread. Persona was counted as something separate in the financial report, even though it is Megami Tensei.
Persona is not much newer. Persona 5 is also the first Persona game to outsell P1.
Imagine being Tatsuya and knowing the only reason people remember you is because Yuki LARPed as you in Persona 3
Their fault for not releasing it on PC
Agreed 2U is better than both. But they aren't that far behind.
3 was the most memorable for me
4 was the most comfy (i liked flying around)
2U was just all around good and very challenging at some parts (had to grind for two parts iirc)
5 & Nexus well once you've played one Etrian you've played them all somewhat.
Honestly on this series it might just depend on what order you play them in.
I mean SMT has been going on since when? The SNES? Meanwhile, the first Persona game came out in 2006.
Just admit that you hate the game because it's not on PlayStation. And you probably never played it.
this is why Atlus favors Persona
Because the Persona series has a steady stream of games coming made by different developers? Just be patient and wait to complain about shilling until after we received news about SMTV.
Fuck Atlus, they killed Trauma Center
when was the last time you saw SMT merch?
>Post YFW
Any day now Atlus. I cannot wait to see what they do with Etrian on Switch.
There's so much they could do to expand upon the formula, I really want to see what they'll do with the series.
I'd imagine this might still apply
Persona Q goes into Persona or Etrian Odyssey?
EO with a Persona wrapping.
This user bothered to actually pay attention to the article. It's sorted under Persona.
Only P3 and IS compete with the best SMT. 5 is fucking trash and anyone who likes it need to die
Because SMT has more than twice as many games and are still barely able to outsell persona anywhere outside of Japan (Blame Pokemon, not Persona)
I bought persona 5 a month after release and it's still on my shelf unopened. I-I'm sure I'll play it soon.
Is it bad that I like both?
Persona has 12 games counting spin offs.
SMT has like 10 not counting spin offs like the Summoner and survivor series or the original Megami Tensei.
SMT only sold more because there is more SMT games than Persona.
1 was the most memorable, only 5 equal it with its twist.
2 was the most fun
3 was fun but I don't get the hype.
4 and 5 were fairly equal but the beggining of 4 is fairly boring.
>3 was fun but I don't get the hype.
3 easily has the best plot in the series. Too bad it's also now the entry that'd benefit the most from an actual remake, it's still playable but better UI and shit would do wonders for the game.
Can't wait for SMTV to release and outsell P5.
but sony has best SMT games you dumb cardboard box bing bing wahoo retard
>Digital Devil Saga
90% of the persona "shilling" on Yea Forums is portbegging for Persona 5 by nintendies and spamming endless threads with """"""""""proof""""""""""" they were getting a port, not to mention getting fucking stickies and flooding the catalog everytime there's a tiny update on the Joker dlc for smash
Saddest thing is they are begging for a shit game
I don't care what anyone says, Persona is awesome and I have a lot of fun with it. I hope SMT fans enjoy SMT a lot but Persona is great as well.
P5 is one of the worst games ever made. 1-4 is fine and good. But 5 is the most rotten piece of shit produced
It said MT, so more like 9 years
Please do not put 4 in the same category as 1-3. It is easily the worst game in the SMT franchise
The Persona games are only relevant because the fanbase is just one constant cesspit of arguing over which shitty undeveloped anime archetype is cuter. Take that away and the games' meme status dies over night.
I will since it's not complete trash like 5. 5 is piece of utter shit. Cope P5babby.