Meet your Smash DLC!
Meet your Smash DLC!
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You forgot Reimu
GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we're never getting Reimu (yes, THE Reimu from Touhou Project) confirmed in Smash Ultimate or any future Smash for that matter! Make sure to sigh in relief when the Fighters Pass gets complete when Reimu isn't present in sight!
Your degenerate otaku trash crap will never be in. Just because a late port is confirmed doesn't mean she's guaranteed. Reimu is a literal who for the wider margin of the world and the otaku demographic choice is already taken up by Joker. There's also how literally any third party has more notoriety than Reimu and would result in a much more safe option for Nintendo and Sakurai to choose to appeal to more people. If Dragon Quest is considered anti hype by western rosterfags, Reimu would be a million times worse. Now go back to /jp/ and neck yourselves.
Has anyone found a 6th character this works for yet? I just want this meme to die so my hope can with it.
Give me 5 good reasons why she should be in the game.
Who came up with this shit
Since it seems no one is keeping up with the theory, heres an update. It was found out around ~12 hours ago that some DLC would trigger the ad. For example "Ringed City Smash Bros Ultimate" would trigger the ad. It is unknown why this happens. But, Ringed City is a Dark Souls DLC, so atleast in my eyes, since Artorias is the title of a Dark Souls DLC, this would deconfirm him as a character in the theory. Here is a doc of working and tested DLCs.
And for the newest update, around 2 hours ago the keywords stopped working. The ad is still there for stuff like "joker smash bros ultimate", but "banjo kazooie smash bros ultimate", etc, no longer work. This means that Nintendo pulled the plug on these keywords.
There is your update.
OR, hear me out, somebody reported the ads to google yesterday, and they pulled the keywords that might constitute false advertising.
Based Otis poster. BTFO the rest of these obnoxious faggots too
Here's your fighters pass, bro
Chosen Undead would be in before Artorias
Artorias is a goliath
Him being shrunk looks weirder than Ridley
Ridley is bigger than he is though
Shrinking would work fine.
Not even mad
Not even mad.
But what does everyone think about Vergeben and his Ederick is definitely in?
>From a 2 decade franchise that is one of the oldest and most consistently popular of the doujinshi industry
>From a part of the gaming industry that has not been represented yet in Smash
>Because it's not been represented yet, it has the potential to attract a massive new audience, which Nintendo has mentioned they expressed interest in their latest shareholder Q&A
>Potential to bring iconic music - Touhou is the video game franchise with the most fan-made arranges and musical compositions bar-none, evidence to how well-received it is
>Can bring an incredibly unique moveset that only Reimu can embody, by incorporating aspects of shoot-em-up and bullet hell gameplay, implementing her ability to manipulate the trajectories of her projectiles, her barriers, and other gameplay mechanics from Touhou
you're 1/4 correct
Theory is dead. Turns out if you type in the name of any kind of dlc before the pass it brings up the ad. Artorias brings it up because it’s associated with the actual DkS1 DLC name. Not sure why Doom Slayer or Banjo and Kazooie bring it up but it must be for a similar reason. Leak is dead anyway.
Reminder that Nintendo is publishing DQXI on Switch, and Erdrick is getting Mii Costume'd.
>even daring to taint Dark Souls with Smash Bros autismo
Fucking pick a Monster Hunter character, Jesus. Don't do this to Dark Souls
>Because it's not been represented yet, it has the potential to attract a massive new audience, which Nintendo has mentioned they expressed interest in their latest shareholder Q&A
>massive new audience
Please absolutely no DaS characters should be in.
Imagine going on YouTube for some lore content or walk-through and what you get are Smash matches recorded by 13yos. Fuck that shit
>he actually likes the souls series
Smash bros would be right up your ally, bub. It’s the same as eating diarrhea
>the remaining 4 being non-Japanese characters
Yeah, no
as if dark souls isn't autistic already
He's still around? I thought he fucked off after his "leaks" got BTFO
ha ha that's funny Yea Forums but who do you think is actually gonna get in?
>Implying Soulsfags aren't autistic
he’s still humanoid you fucking idiot. He can be sized down with ease and because he’s hunching he could be as tall as straight backed ridley if he needed to be. But he doesn’t.
The doujin/otaku industry was worth $1.65 billion back in 2007, and I can only imagine that it's even larger today. I'd say it's worth pandering to.
Shit character but cute feet
It is but at least takes itself serious.
Smash is just retarded. Someone would probably start one of those true pairings bullshit with Artorias, I don't want any of that happening to Artorias.
>This means that Nintendo pulled the plug on these keywords.
Orrrrrr that guy who made this shit cancelled their ad so that they wouldn't have to pay more.
Reasonable. He got a lot right with smash so far, so Erdrick I can expect soon
>muh lore content
Souls lore content creators are garbage due to how they either always parrot each other or make asinine comparisons between characters or locations in an effort to "connect" everything and make it easier for them
the whole point of DaS lore was that, barring a few specific clear points, the players would make up their own interpretations. Lorefags that make videos fly in the face of this because everyone just ends up parroting whatever the most popular theory is
as for Souls content in Smash there is literally no downside for what it adds to the game outside of people complaining about another sword user despite CU also using a shield, which nobody else uses outside of the Links
Isn't Joker already the otaku choice?
>implying Bethesda will ever let us have classic Doomguy
enjoy Doomslayer from Doom 4 /pol/ instead.
The ad is still up, it just doesn't pop up with those keywords anymore.
he only got incenroar and ken and technically Isabelle no mention of k rool simon rictor or joker
he got Ridley and Simon right too
so does this confirm or deconfirm the characters
you can remove keywords from your ad, bruh
So you're saying the guy paying thousands of dollars for these ads removed the keywords but kept the ads up?
>it's Geno, Isaac, Skull Kid, and Banjo!
>no, it's Adeleine, Porky, Sylux, and Banjo!
>no, it's Edrick, Doomguy, Steve, and Banjo!
>no, it's Artorias, Ryu Hyabusa, Doomguy, and Banjo!
What next? Spongebob, Goku, Bart Simpson, and Banjo?
Neither. It just means that Artorias is a lot more unlikely.
>thousands of dollars
you're really overestimating the price it would take to pay for these ads
>He's not a Spongebro
Laugh at this man.
>>thousands of dollars
I'm not sure how much it would cost, do you have an estimate?
And ironically, Banjo is probably not getting in
After Sakurai said Nintendo made the picks only for the first reveal to then be Joker, I feel like there's no real predicting for this pass. We're all just in their game.
Banjies never learn
it depends on how competitive the keywords are. It probably wouldn't be too expensive considering these ads are in Europe.
Trips confirm, he's in.
I believe I already told you this before, cowtranny. Persona's presence doesn't hold a candle to franchises like Touhou, Fate or Vocaloid when it comes to doujinshi. If you look at sites like pixiv, or the boorus, and look at the circle numbers at Comiket, the numbers show how vastly Persona is outshadowed. Reimu and Touhou is iconic to the doujinshi industry, and has helped it grow to the popularity it has. It would bring in a huge draw that's entirely different demographic than what Persona would bring. Of course, you only see these franchises as "anime shit", so you probably couldn't grasp such a simple concept
You're not supposed to type dlc or pass or anything. Just character name smash ultimate. The idea is it leads to the dlc ad because you're looking up an announced character. I don't buy into it but that's why people are even giving it attention.
Chris will be in before leon.
>Actually believing that
Leon's the Resident Evil most closely connected with Nintendo, and Chris looks like a sperg.
That wouldn’t mean anything. The keyword of Smash would have the system go “hmmmm he wants smash, maybe I should place this convenient ad for the pass in his spongebob smash search”
Cool mod screen shot. Who did you replace with Steve?
>over worthy Microsoft contenders such as Master Chief, Rash, Clippit, etc.
>Irrelevant characters NOT on Nintendo, or on it anymore
so how likely are Banjo-Kazooie and Edrick to be E3 reveals
Depends if Nintendo's retarded enough to reveal a character only Japan cares about during a Western event.
>Irrelevant characters
Nope. Battletoads is getting a new game, remember?
>NOT on Nintendo
Joker and Cloud had pretty much nothing Nintendo-related until their inclusion in Smash, so that wouldn't matter for Master Chief's chances (not to mention that he too is also getting a new game.)
Try again, dumbass.
Erdrick 100%, with other leakers conforming him and backing him up.
Banjo, little to none, due to being irrelevant, and way to expected
Yep, I'm thinking this is a plausible and likable set of DLC characters for the Fighter's Pass.
If you're anal about Steve he can be replaced with Banjo.
>cloud in some Kingdom hearts titles
>joker in persona q 2 on DS
Cope, Golden crisp
*cough cough* Palutena *wheeze*
That's why they should reveal a Japan appeal character and a western appeal character at E3. So time to expect Erdrick and Doomguy.
Nintendo doesn’t care about that old game anymore. They care more so about who has more appearances or who started the series. Which both point toward Chris.
Except Leon is more popular than your gay autist.
Not happening.
google theory was faked and spread by a guy named granu on a banjo-kazooie discord
sounds about right desu
With this, can we NOT fall for fake leaks, and support our Stevebois like the good cheerleaders we are?
Except Capcom will also have maybe some sway and if the Marvel VS Capcom series. Is any indication. Hmmmmm
Who even cares about the roster at this point?
Quiet dead series.
Pot calling kettle black
God artorias would be so fucking cool, too bad it probably isn't real
There's no way it's real, for one his arm is broken so he wouldn't be able to pick up items or grab people, unless he had Sif fighting alongside hi-
>that sakurai fanboy trying to push the "roster doesn't matter!" meme
no shit it isn't real, why would they add a boss from the DLC of one game? he'd be the most irrelevant character on the entire roster
But the series I like Resident Evil isn’t dead. So thus your statement is basically retarded like you. Put yourself in a home so no one except for the idiots who wanna work in that environment have to see your patheticness.
Although I want all of these there’s never going to be any doom or dark souls character in smash
Ryu Hayabusa
Monster Hunter
Can you faggots shut up now? Stop pretending it's gonna be anything else, western trash isn't happening and Joker showed they're going for well known Japanese characters that play similiarly to other characters in order to cut down on effort and price of creating DLC. Have fun with your half-assed OP sword characters for only 25$. Not like that'll matter with how garbage the Online is. But who am I kidding, you fucking spastics will eat up any turd that senile Sakurai hack shits out. No point arguing with you. As for me, I'm gonna go play some Battletoads and maybe some PM, aka the only good Smash game. Fuck you, fuck jannies, fuck Sakurai and fuck the disgusting starving negroids that invaded the only good parts of the world.
>deconfirmed and forgotten over a fake leak
Has any character fallen so quickly?
He's still happening. Stop denying it.
cope harder, buddy. He's a never ever
Even if so, you're getting a DQ character.
as a mii costume
Good joke. DQ is the biggest IP Square has to offer. You bet they'll shill the shit out of it.
Like they did with their second biggest IP, right?
Licensing hell.
Not really. They decided the DLC early enough that it shouldn't be difficult at all to do all that licensing shit.
Much less than Kingdom Hearts. Disney is a stingy company. They'll want to have at least some reference to the mouse in there. That's impossible in a game about Video Games.
Yeah, Cloud is Squares posterboy. Doesn't change the fact that, even if the characters aren't as relevant to them, the IP of DQ very much is. Now that FF is out, DQ is the next best option. No one in Japan would want Sora over Erdrick or The Luminary.
why would they need two otaku appealers?
Insiderfag here. Any Smash leak that doesn't have Minecraft and Dragon Quest is 100% fake as fuck.
>Sora boogeyman
Nobody wants any of these boring swordsmen, blockhead
Even Sugiyama can be convinced through one magic word
burned out grinchfag here
what's a tldr on this google ad theory?
out of the loop
Steve is a western character, he's was out from the start. And no, Japan very much wants Erdrick or any DQ character for that matter. How nice to know that they'll get it. :)
I can't believe people are stupid enough to think any of these could happen besides Ninja Gaiden rep. Artorias in particular stands out as going full retard.
>Dragon Quest
Sorry, blockhead. Make way for the real icon of the series...
When are people going to stop saying "X CAN'T GET IN BECAUSE Y"
Sakurai has never been turned away from getting a character when it came to the DLC, essentially meaning that copyrights / relevancy / whatever has NOT been a problem in getting the character
The real question is if the music guy for DQ will let the orchestral version of music play for Smash, or was him allowing it for non-asian countries a one-time only thing and he still has too much of a giant FUG U DIRTY WHAITU GAIJAN PIGGUS autism fist to not want the series to even exist in Smash because foreigners might touch it? This is the real make or break question over whether DQ ever gets in Smash in any way.
are you guys gay and furry or something
you guys always put up sausage fests as dlc suggestions that i swear that you guys really take the fat one in your mouths
you guys ordering all the big bites at 7/11 and scarfing them all at once
Literally everything related to Sugiyama is massively overblown, he's just an old cunt who likes money. The couple of times orchestrated music was cut from international releases was likely because NoA didn't feel like licensing it more than anything else
what about the time streamers were told to turn off music when streaming Dragon Quest?
>just sword and shield
Bitch CU could have a whole fucking array of weapons at his disposal (Botw link could’ve also for that matter). But hopefully he would also use Miracles, Sorceries or Pyromancies as well.
Dude let Square use the orchestral version for the new Dragon Quest which is coming to the west regardless. It doesn't matter anymore. He probably just mellowed out about it.
The only thing Insiderfags know is Erdrick. And that's only because of Vergeben who has been shaky with EVERYTHING he has said so far. Even the shit he has gotten right.
Also, Minecraft isn't happening. And if it is it'll be a Steve mii costume.
No idea about that shit. Probably a part of Squeenix's retarded streaming policies
Imagine the salt if Steve ended up getting MII'd like Ashley did.
Aren't you... forgetting someone?
"-smash -nintendo"
So hard
So, in the event that Artorias or some other Dark Souls character becomes playable, what would their victory fanfare even be? I'm not sure if any of the Souls games even has something that could be used for that.
no victory theme, just the quiet ambience of the bonfire as they sit down and rest
I fucking love Otis I hope he makes it big on here, also glad to see more Googleposting in this thread as a whole
The only thing that plays after beating a boss is the sound of their soul vanishing, so unless the use an edited version of the credits cut down to a few seconds, I’m not sure.
>Artorias deconfirmed
>One of the most interesting parts of the leak
first three notes of firelink shrine but the fourth is conclusive/victorious
Why on earth did ANYONE believe this? It's easy to buy your own ad keywords for Google searches. Just confirmation bias?
>Just confirmation bias?
People believe this because they don't know how easy it is to buy Google ad shit. And because they don't know the sketchy as fuck origin on the leak.
remix of the first 5 seconds of this
>Why on earth did ANYONE believe this?
This applies to any leak. The reason people humor this stuff is because they're getting restless for the next big reveal.
Tbf that describes like 99% of Smash leaks
Somebody needs to explain this one too me
Somebody redpill me on DuckMeat.
It's the datamine of the Minecraft site. People thought the 10 year birthday, it'll get in Smash.
It's AU Reality and a new challenge mode. Lmfao
>Reimu pic
>no armpits
I really like this honestly.
Why would anyone think people besides Nintendo would announce anything?
The fact is minecraft won't be in Smash.
>People thought the 10 year birthday, it'll get in Smash.
nobody thought this
there is literally no reason to expect a Smash reveal at a non-Nintendo event/event that doesn't normally have a Nintendo presence
>a new challenge mode
It's literally just a livestream where they'll talk about future updates. Basically, this is an ATLUS situation. On May 17th they're going to announce an event on which they'll announce things. Fucking hacks.
>Vergeben said "watch minecon" once
>fake news
The requirements of this leak are dumb "revive Aeris" tier shit
The same reason people believe the Google leak; people are fucking hungry for literally anything regarding the next DLC.
It's been literally over half a year since Joker's reveal, and to 99% of people, he just wasn't an interesting enough of an inclusion to tide them off. People are desperate, considering we're supposed to get 4 DLC characters in the next 9 months, but it's taken 6 (likely 7, if it's going to be revealed at E3) months just to get to the 2nd one.
No joke, Ryu would be legit. Though it would probably be classic purple.
>Wanting Fate
>Not having Emiya in the song list
>Not having Emiya as the character
I would say, "nice joke," but it is not funny.
So the Dragon Quest franchise itself is owned by Yuji Horii and his company Armor Project, who had an exclusive publishing and production contract with Enix, which continues on through Square Enix today. The music to Dragon Quest is composed/owned by Koichi Sugiyama, an 88 year old man who is stingy with his compositions and is controversial online for being a nationalistic, war-crime denying homphobe - essentially 'our guy'. I think people overestimate how difficult it would be for Nintendo to negotiate something here - Sega does not own Sonic's Green Hill Zone, and yet it's still used in Smash. All of the character and monster designs were done by Akira Toriyama/Bird Studios. I'm not 100% on this, but I think they're able to use the designs in another artstyle if they want to, but if they want to use Toriyama's artstyle, then they need to negotiate and essentially get approval from Toriyama himself.
To use Dragon Quest in its entirety, Nintendo would need to work out an agreement between Horii/Armor Project, Square Enix, Sugiyama and Toriyama/Bird Studios.
Uh, no.
At least were getting two on e3. So that's something, right?
They managed to do Fortune Street remember?
I kind of hate how I immediately knew where all four of those character lists came from
Yes. DQ is bigger than Kindom Hearts. Sorry, Sorafag.
>Nintendo would need to work out an agreement between Horii/Armor Project, Square Enix, Sugiyama and Toriyama/Bird Studios
and that shit wouldn't be difficult to do since Nintendo and Sakurai planned all this shit in advance
>again with this shit
You know, if those comments about Minecon were real, then why no one ever provides links to them? People still shared them when Vergeben said Simon and Isabelle were coming.
Fuck yeah Ryu.
>At least were getting two on e3.
Admittedly I check his gamefaqs account every few days or so to see if he says anything new regarding the dlc. From what I can tell, he is still heavily advocating that Erdrick is in. I hope he's right, because that's a pretty cool choice for a character. Better than a lot of the characters this board posts about at least.
Ryu and Banjo are top shelf choices
Doomguy is semi-justifiable due to Doom 64
Artorias would be shameless product placement
If Souls got a rep, it should be Ornstein, Lautrec, or SOMEONE who doesn't use a FUCKING SWORD
>Shitjoredditooie instead of Based Bond
I'm not the guy that was replying to. Personally, I don't think it would be particularly hard for Nintendo to arrange for Dragon Quest to be in Smash Bros. and represented properly.
you don't know that, you're basically setting yourself up to complain about something later
I do to an extent. There's just one character left that I really want. If he gets in, I'll honestly be pretty satisfied.
It's been posted here like, five times.
>new challenge mode
Wait what holy shit I've been wanting this for years. Assuming that it's actually a true hard mode for minecraft instead of some stupid minigame
I’d fucking knew it.
Yeah right. Totally real...
Cool avatar. Did mods finally crack down on your Steve avatarfagging?
>non-grotesque steve render
this is weird
GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Steve (yes, THE Steve from Minecraft) getting confirmed in Smash Ultimate! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Fighter Pass when Steve walks into the spotlight!
Yikes! That’s a large assumption. How can one “questionable” prediction instantly invalidate a history of success? Unlike your “Grinch leak” Banjocucks, Steve has a lot more distribution among other leakers. Ever heard of Hitagi, 7chan, and 5channel? And while you’re busy obsessing over Vergeben, care to explain how the topdown remake Vergeben predicted was exactly the title he said wouldn’t be featured? Seems a bit suspicious if you ask me, but feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!
>b-but Banjo has a good history with Nintendo! He’s gotta be in!
Sorry Banjo fags, but the Microsoft rep is taken by yours truly! Why would Nintendo choose a dead character over the marketing potential of the highest grossing game of the 21st century? The DLC characters have also been confirmed to be “surprising” according to the developers, so I’m afraid your years of crying for Banjo are going to be subverted once again with the reveal of our favorite underdog! But feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!
>b-but my google leak!
That leak has already been confirmed as fake by PushDustIn, but feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!
alright fuckers I took one for the team and went into the server, the main point of contention is that Granu being the creator of these ads is a POSSIBILITY. Some dumbass tried to pawn off these ads as their find when Granu was the first to show it off. He joined the server the same day the theory went live and has said nothing since which raised a few eyebrows, but then people saw his account was made back in March and was hella active in Project Dream, a Banjo-Kazooie discord server, so the possibility if it being a fake account made purely for this "leak" isn't a likely one. Secondly, another point in Granu's favor is how he never tried to direct attention to the other ads, it seemed as if he saw it worked for Banjo and immediately ran off to Project Dream and PapaGenos' server as a "hey guys check this out thing". For some reason I can't remember, DuckMeat says the ads are undoubtedly Nintendo's so Granu himself couldn't have set them up unless he was affiliated with Nintendo or sumn like that. I'll keep y'all posted with anything major that pops up bros
Rosterfaggotry is its own end.
Funny, since 7chan, 5Channel and Hitagi were also proven frauds.
>doomguy not justified by simply being a landmark game alone
GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Banjo (yes, THE Banjo from Banjo-Kazooie) getting confirmed in Smash Ultimate! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Fighter Pass when Banjo & Kazooie walks into the spotlight!
>b-but Microsoft has a good relationship with Nintendo rn! He’s gotta be in!
Sorry Stevefags, but the Microsoft rep is taken by yours truly!, Just because Nintendo & Microsoft are making Minecraft stuff on Nintendo's consoles & handheld's doesn't mean Steve is in, & Why would Nintendo choose a terribly animated character over a character that has been requested ever since Melee & Phil Spencer acknowledged Banjo & Kazooie being in Smash instead of Steve? Sakurai went way out of his way to talk up Persona 5 before Joker's reveal, guess what other game he's talked up? That's right it's Banjo & Kazooie back then. Don't forget that the Minecraft dev team De-confirmed that blockhead, also, the Smash Ultimate Joker showcase that came out in April, it was a green witch, hinting Banjobros & Kazooiebros are coming in Ultimate. Also, the new google leak that showed up?, that confirms Banjo & Kazooie bitches. The DLC characters have also been confirmed to be “surprising” according to the developers, so I’m afraid your years of crying for Steve are going to be subverted just like Erdrickfags, Dongobongfagget, BillyBo10k, & Virginbitch with the reveal of our favorite underdog! But feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter & bitter!
I have been satisfied with the roster since SSB4 days (It only lacked snake and wolf but SSBU fixed that)
This shit has me baffled. I don't think it's real just because the combination of the last three is weird. Not a single female fighter (Kazooie is attached to Banjo so I don't count her) and Namco chooses two characters that according to them wouldn't be their first choice. Even if I think it's fake though, it's fun trying to figure out why it's happening. It feels like another Grinch leak again, which was fun before it was confirmed fake.
Damn, I never thought about it like that. I guess Nintendo will never bother crossing over with Dragon Quest then.
>so the possibility if it being a fake account made purely for this "leak" isn't a likely one
just because he used the account somewhere else before doesn't clear him at all
>DuckMeat says the ads are undoubtedly Nintendo's
there is no proof this is true
DmC Dante
Already ruined
All of those games were developed by Square Enix and not Nintendo, but like I said before , I'm not the same guy who said it was 'licensing hell' or impossible for them to do.
That is true, he could still be behind it. Also I scrolled back up to find DuckMeat's message on the ads having to be from Nintendo and all he had to say was "they wouldn't be up still if they weren't by Nintendo". I don't know squat about people making advertisements for things that aren't theirs so I can't tell how strong of an argument that is
>Reminder that Nintendo is publishing DQXI on Switch
Yay we get two mediocre JRPGs getting reps instead of anything we actually want
>muh licensing
Not him, but just saying that if they could work a deal with all of those parties like Horii, Toriyama, and Sugiyama for these games, they could get them on board with Smash Bros. regardless of who actually develops it.
>All of those games were developed by Square Enix and not Nintendo
Doesn't matter, they're Nintendo x Square Enix collaborations nonetheless. According to , all that shit has already happened not once, but at least thrice now
> majority of Yea Forums believes this stupid Google ads thing
Confirmed for fake then, we already have 1 cereal box mascot, 2 ninjas, an M-rated point and shooty witch, and several playable bosses.
I don't
>A counter argument draws near!
It never gets brought up, but there was also a DQ themed Splatfest for JP Splatoon players
Touhou music fucking sucks. It sounds like shit and the composition work is no better than the shittiest, most generic power metal bands. Only people who literally eat shit like it at all.
I'm pretty sure Google is not going to verify if you own the webpage whenever you try to setup an ad. It's all done through the internet too so it's even easier to advertise shit that's not yours.
erdrick isn't happening because nobody would fucking recognize him outside of japan, hell I don't even think he's in any of enjoy luminary because at least he'd be a shill rep for DQXI S
Dark Souls was a "landmark game" too whatever that means
I mean, it came out more recently than Doom so it couldn't be as widely influential as it, but it's clearly inspired its own subgenre that could even be blooming into a full-blown genre given the variety in Souls-Likes now.
ah, I see, that makes sense. Thanks man, that casts a pretty reasonable shadow of doubt on Granu in that case
He isn't in those because they don't put Heroes in most DQ spinoffs. Anywhere where they would have to talk they're generally kept out.
They'd probably add Luminary as a costume so you have the most notable protagonist alongside the most recent protagonist. They are both technically Erdrick after all.
They wanna sell the Fighters Pass to people early despite not saying who these characters even are so I expect them to save the least hype worthy characters for last
E3's pretty much gonna be the make it or break it period
I suppose the last character's gonna be a first party one like Porky or someone meant to just appeal to Nips
say it with me, Yea Forums
You're right, he will bring Geno's Mii Costume with him.
If Scorpion was part of a Smash leak, 5ch would have the same conversation Yea Forums is having with Erdrick
>Nobody in Japan gives a shit about him or Mortal Kombat
>Barely anyone in the West actually wants him anyways
>Scorpion supporters are fake, MK fans would want Sub-Zero or Liu Kang instead
They're in.
>Autumn Reitaisai is at October
Reimu's gonna be the fourth DLC character announced
based Karlposter
I present to you, Gex!
Sheen, this is the 7th week in a row you've shown Gex.
>belonging to a non-private discord that you don't own
do people seriously do this?
When will this meme end?
I wanted to respond to this and meme on the characters for being irrelevant. but seriously who the fuck is rash and clippit my dude
Roster's Theme
unless theyre a souls rep ofc
I don't know
He's in!
in fucking furfag hell.
Honestly Doomguy would be simultaneously the best and worst announcement for E3
Best because its fucking Doomguy
Worst because it disproves neither rumor and no progress would be made
Did you know, that steve render was made by a furfag with feet fetish?
That's not unique to Doomguy to be fair. No matter who's announced next, if it's anyone in any of these """leaks""", there's gonna be even more shitposting about which ones are still viable and even more shitposting on whether or not they're real. It only gets worse from here on out.
>Two of my most wanteds are in
>Chosen Undead is pretty cool
>Astral Chain is definitely not in but that'd be neat
I would be fine with this
Reminder that Steve only came up because leakers told you to
And said leakers got this information from E3 2018 that was supposed to be base game
>Billybo is so butthurt about no Steve his only way of disproving the leak is saying why Artorius is a bad choice
Same with Banjo, same with Erdrick, same with Sora, same with Ryu, now with this dark souls guy. People were convinced Vault Boy was in for a while
It just keeps going on and on until 2020
Literally who?
And ALSO the content wasn't even supposed to be character.
What about the End.Dragon instead?
Now that was one of the betted fall of all.
> t. retard
based. keep us posted pls
the most I can tell you right now is they're going off about how cool it'd be if there were a set of movies to tie into a big cinematic Smash Bros universe, so basically Google Theory is off the table for right now. The last thing they said was how they were gonna confront what's-his-nuts about the whole thing, will check back in tomorrow should there be a new smash thread. Be on the look-out for me :)
Genofags have been using "licensing issues" as an excuse for why their no name character can't get in for so long that many people actually believe it.
There are pages online where google employees say you dont need any affiliation whatsoever with a website to make an ad for it. The only thing that could get this taken down is nintendo bitching or a false advertising report
I want a knight
I think its gonna be
>all of them are leak meme characters minus the blue swordman
you retards will believe anything huh
not surprised most of you are probably under 14
>all male with no chance of a female alt
This alone disproves this leak, what kind of faggot would want a sausage fest DLC?
Hey, I'm actually thousands of years old, I only LOOK 14. Get it right.
>doomguy not being a top choice just off of his influence and nintendo ports alone
that's why we're getting Alex and female Erdrick
also remember just because a leak turns out to be fake which is 99% of the time still doesn't decofirm the character but he is probably never happening anyway neither are any of the other characters in this leak
you can just tell it's fake from the line up reeks of rosterfaggotry
no one would have ever predicted joker or plant
and no one will be able to predict the others either
it's never going to be the characters you want
What even happens on a banjo-kazooie discord? Do they just mope around all day mourning their lost childhood and talking about ways to commit suicide if Banjo doesn't get in Smash?
>Dragon Quest isn't popu-
alright guys I spoke too soon, right before I logged off to go to bed the Google Theory came back up in the chat. Current point of contention is how some shmoe got it to work on a Portuguese VPN and now they're trying to see if the guy pulled it off properly or if he's being dumb and one of the mods chimed in saying it works on their end still too. The topic then shifted to the logistics of keeping the ads running and whether or not the ads are Nintendo's and Google's just messing up which will probably be the last major talking point right before I go to bed. Take it easy y'all, and I'll update if there's another Smash thread based around the google theory :)
>Dark Souls will never be in Smash
Here's your fighter's pass, say something nice about them.
Have they ever thought that maybe, JUST MAYBE, it's because no one gives a fuck about Geno outside of Smash autism
they probably won't call him "Steve". it'll be "Minecrafter" or something.
It's a April fools you weerdo
Kazooie is female.
is steve his official name does he have one
>souls meme character is actually added
>google leak gets jerked up to 1000
>no stop posts about it until next character and it shows its fake
>little bit later next leak pops up
>cycle repeats
all so tiresome
the souls one is the only ones thats kinda likey but I dunno he probably was never brought up to begin with
That fatal fury gave me goose bumps. You might be on to something
Just give me Agnes, I don't care about anything else. You can have Steve if you want
My pipe dreams
I’m not paying for that
Speaking of rosterfags
Bombermanfags literally started a website for this shit
My little pope can’t be this cute
Bosnian leakers have already confirmed that the characters are as followed:
Junko Enoshima
Subject L9546
Axl (Mega Man X)
Omaghare (final evolution of Scorbunny)
out of all the Bamco characters you go with the waifubait
this eggman is the only one who should be in
Steve is his official name
Stopped reading right there. VNs are not video games.
most sad smash thing yet
he litteraly got assisted'
honestly would drop smash at this point
And sexy
You people are funny
Actually is just the name of the skin.
His official name is Player.
its the truth
cry more banjoke
Isn't any character discussed on Yea Forums regularly leak bait
Shut up zoomer, Banjo support was alive and well since fucking Melee when you weren’t even playing
Is she a clone of Ashley?
Melee, you mean 64 right?
>"Visual Novels are not Video Games"
So you're saying Pheonix Wright & all the visual novel games aren't games?
Visual Novels ARE Video Games, you walk around, press stuff, & they're cut-scenes
One last thing
Cope & have sex
No visual novels aren’t games, they’re like cancer to games though. Why do you think they’re called a visual novel? Because the focus is on the novel, not a game.
>Still trying.
melee was when he said it would be difficult to include rare characters such as banjo kazooie because of copyright reasons
uhh no
all the characters in OP pic have been in leaks before that got out of hand except him
holy shit they're in
you wouldn't call the edrick and steve shitposts /leaks currently here out of hand
>Erdrick has fake fans, you don't really want him in!
>Artorias, o-oh yeah, I love that guy!
yah but people talk about others besides those
but you agree that they're all leak bait
Who the fuck even are those characters?
Good shit, I'd personally prefer the DQV protag over aesthetic preference but I'd gladly take any DQ protag.
It's a bullshit meme but you're still getting Banjo. you're also getting Erdrick and Crash Bandicoot. idk about the last character
Why would we get Crash bandicoot? While I like him to me he seems like a never ever, what I mean by that is that I never heard about people wanting him in before. Same with Steve
>in the same pack as Joker
>in the same game as Snake
What a waste. I mean I like him but he adds nothing unique.
>he hasn't played DaS yet
I'd rather have CU though
>literally started the whole revival of games
Is he the biggest realizable character they could add?
I don't think he'll get in but holy shit it would be the biggest fucking middle finger to Sony to have Crash, Snake and Cloud be in Smash.
Someone putting fucking Artorias in a fake leak is probably the funniest thing to come out of this round of DLC speculation.
Imagine if it's Crash and Spyro.
I beat it, and even if Artorias is quite iconic to Dark Souls I don't think he would be picked over one of the player characters. There's been plenty of wishlists or people predicting Chosen Undead but almost no support for Artorias I remember until this leak. So it seems like the exact same thing people dislike Erdrick for.
Virginben has been full of shit ever since minecraft steve so that pretty much deconfirms him if virginben is backing him
>There's been plenty of wishlists or people predicting Chosen Undead but almost no support for Artorias I remember until this leak
sounds more like people just want a Dark Souls rep of any sort. I imagine if Ashen One starts getting more traction due to a "leak" then more people will be in favor of him as well as long as they have a chance at a DaS character getting in
I counted 14 that aren't in or spirits.
Pretty much this, nobody was actively asking for Artorias but any DS fighter would be fine with the DS fanbase. If Soul of Cinder pops up in a "leak" people will probably gravitate towards him too.
do people actually like and want Crash? His games are barely above average and he's probably the ugliest and most annoying cereal box mascot this side of Oblivion's colosseum fan
Serious question, no hate, just wondering
Would be nice, lots of options for a moveset/stages, I see tons of BK/BT custom stages so the demand is obvious (no Nuts&Bolts stages, hmm wonder why) but Rare sucks and has been sucking basically since they sold their souls to M$. Dead franchise yet acquiring the liscence would probably be a bitch. I'll be generous and say 5% chance.
Hasn't had a game in like a decade, boring generic sordguy, no games on Nintendo consoles since SNES (which really uses a different character). Smash has enough sword characters, christ, and not to mention ANOTHER charcter NAMED RYU (who is actually easily recognizable, unlike sordguy-in-black). 0% chance.
Possible. The sheer amount of blood and HUGE GUTS, however cheesy, that comes with his image is likely a problem for Nintendo. Tons of options for movesets; kicks, punches, chainsaw, plasma-rifle, rocket lawnchair, and he's an industry veteran. But more of a western industry veteran. 8% chance.
Not a character. "But wait! It's Artorias and" still not a character. Smash is already bloated with sordguys. But DS1 is on Switch, so let's say 2% chance.
Waluigi is at 99% chance, we already know there's going to be a Waluigi breakout game (starring Wario) that's supposed to be a kind of Warioland/Warioware hybrid announced at EEE. He's just waiting for the formality of a reveal.
Now that Artorias is out, who's the final character?
>he's probably the ugliest and most annoying cereal box mascot this side of Oblivion's colosseum fan
He wouldn't even come close to Bowser Jr in terms of ugliness and annoyingness.
Chosen Undead
Adeleine Kirby.
Fucking stop
>we already know there's going to be a Waluigi breakout game (starring Wario) that's supposed to be a kind of Warioland/Warioware hybrid announced at EEE
Is this just shitposting, or are there genuinely rumors about a Wario Land revival?
Even PapaGenos admitted the theory was probably dead. It's over.
I'm okay with this. A Tekken character not being DLC would strike me as weird, though. Seems like a natural fit. Missing the Tekken mii costume, too. Sephiroth or 2B seem like natural choices. Dark Souls guy is weird.
Add Reimu in must have and it's honestly really good
I don’t believe it myself either but that literal retard doesn’t know anymore than verginblind.
Rate my implausible tastes.
>no Goemon
>no Master Higgins
>no Agumon
>Spyro in No Tier
He's in
Leaked emails between Nintendo Japan and NoA have basically confirmed it. There's concept art and bits of game design info, but Nintendo is of course trying to DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING.
We'll see it at E3 this year, anyways.
>There's concept art and bits of game design info
>it’s deleted tho
I don’t buy it
>no games on Nintendo consoles since SNES
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge and Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z were on Wii U first
The first three weren't on the the tier template someone here made. I only added Gex because it's my joke character. I've been really burnt by Spyro. After Ignited Trilogy, he's done for me. It was so lackluster and insipid I just want him to be laid to rest permanently.
Reignited was the best fucking thing to happen to him.
Somebody had to save the concept art, they just had to.
I love Spyro to death but I could barely finish the Reignited Trilogy. Only the first game was any good. 2 and 3 were so lazily slapped together I'm surprised they didn't release a 10GB patch on day one to make it playable. There was very little they did which made it interesting. Hell, even though they got Spyro 1 right, I'd rather the original over it.
you're no fun
based and pinkpilled
are you really trying to suggest soulsfans aren't some of the most autistic people in the gaming world?
Omaghare is a horrendous name I hope that's a Japanese name. What could it even mean?
This is absolute bullshit, none of these characters are part of the pass
Erdrick is in
Steve is in
Reimu Hakurei is in
Marco Rossi is in
Erdrick and Steve are pretty well into dev by now & I could see both being E3 reveals
Give me a reason why he shouldn't get added.
>Ryu Hayabusa
>Dark Souls Man
Empress from Dragon Marked For Death is going to be playable
Is that a custom avatar?
Midna is in 100%
Imagine a stage in the O&S bossroom
Undyne from undertale will be in as a ranged character.
Character # 3 will be a dark Souls upheaval with summon signs appearing as nonmoving items and can summon either man eater Mildred, solaire, or lautrec. The chosen undead will be added as a character and will play like dark souls with the ability to cast great combustion, soul spear, and sunlight spear.
Midna will join the cast
Sora will join the cast.
Undertale will make its smash debut with “Fallen Human” which is Frisk and Chara combined. The taunts are text blurbs that equate to flirting with the nearest enemy. One taunt will be a wink and a fingergun by Chara who is almost like a stand for Frisk.
This makes a ton of sense
We WILL get female DLC for waifu fags and Undertale is extremely popular but
Replace Dark Souls with Quote plus Curly echo
This is a great possibility too. I wouldn’t mind cave story.
Artorias is stupid choice
Ryu is kinda hypeless
Doomguy is actually great
Banjo is dead, fuck off. Youre getting Rash.
user, fucking stop. This is embarrassing.
Lol how butthurt would Souls fans be if the ds character is fucking Dragonrider or patches.
18 and up to post here kid.
what are you fuckin gay ?
That's why I told you to fucking stop.
Why would Doomguy be a character?
Doomguy is the best possible fighter and I’m glad people are sticking to him now.
>every main game but Doom 3 on Nintendo, plus an exclusive
>game was ported to everything, SNES, 32X, Jaguar, PS1, 360, Calculators, Spectrometers, RGB lights, etc)
>Veteran as fuck
>Extremely influential for western gaming, as his game played a big part in its popularity
>Same for PC gaming, as an example, many devs like Gabe Newell wouldn’t have considered gaming without Doom. Thus changing the industry pretty much forever
>Laid the groundwork for every FPS ever by making Wolfenstein more technically and mechanically impressive
>Created dynamic lighting
>Slew of iconic music, enemies and weapons
>generic space maribe protag is pretty much a trope made by him
>Uses Undertale for shitposting
>Calls anyone lgbt
>waluigifags STILL EXIST
go back into your assist trophy
>only reason modding and mod support got big
>Imagine going on YouTube for some lore content
Tfw this is the same type of person that said krool would never be in
I never ever said that lmfao, I just called you out for your autism and samefagging earlier in this thread
Nah, just talk about the games, memes, the usual shit. Most already expect nothing new to come out of it
>non-echo character for 3rd party series already represented
I just typed "Persona 5" into youtube, and I had to scroll a bit before finding anything smash-related
Even if the rumors aren't true, I'm happy seeing that based Hayabusa is appearing more often in wishlists.
Persona is not doujinshi you retard
Or the google shit is absolute bullshit
Here's your optimum. Each is hype but reasonable from the licensing/music side of things and have nigh infinite moveset potential.
Banjo none, Erdrick 100%
Just take the L, banjokes. For goodness sake, just take the L!!!!!!!
I'm still confused
Cool, I never believed it to begin with
>Still thinking they'd be pushing Erdrick when Madason's back in the spotlight, has more worldwide appeal and a far better loadout via monsters
Steve will be a fighter it makes the most sense
Smash Rosterfags are sincerely dumb and jump at the first opportunity they think validates their emotional attachment towards their favorite character.
As far as the Google theory goes, no fucking soul apparantly took the time to figure out how Google ads work, which is really, really sad.
- Deconfirmed the moment it was made up.
>This means that Nintendo pulled the plug on these keywords.
So it's real.
Tick tock Erdrickfags.
Nigga it’s not real
> Banjo absolutely dismal chances
> Ryu Hayabusa absolutely dismal chances
> Doomguy not popular in Japan but would balance it out with a western focused character because Erdrick
> Who
What makes you think this
Steve and Erdrick are basically confirmed to be the best characters, how does Yea Forums feel about this
Look, Nintendo fucking panicked because they were obviously not supposed to be up yet. If it wasn't real, Nintendo wouldn't care enough to remove them. It's real.
>Nintendo panicked
No they fucking didn’t it was never real to begin with retard
Nintendo is actively editing it.
Source: Discord fuck off banjoke this is Grinch 2
>Duckmeat is still trying to push his shitty leak
Good post
not happening
>dark souls literally who lookin ass
monster hunter should be there chief
thank you, otisposter
>"muh keywords"
The results are inconsistent because they rely on the characters being linked to the concept of DLC according to Google's algo, which is pretty random. The characters themseves aren't keywords, the word "DLC" is.
>thank you, otisposter
Stop encouraging discord trannies you fucking retard. You're no better than OP.
Absolute worst taste in this entire thread
Terrible except Banjo. Why does Shitkurai insist on choosing uninteresting characters with no fucking moveset potential? Expect the two swordsmen to have a down b counter.
You heard it people
Erdrick deconfirmed
God I hope so, I want the damn thing back so much.
You do realize Sakurai isn't the one choosing the characters retards put in their fake leaks/theories right?
Hello fellow Astral Chad.
>not happening
Just like Ridley?
This are my predictions not really what I want.
Reminder that Banjo is a shoo-in for DLC
I'm not buying this theory yet, but i would be 100% down with this if it were true.
Sakurai: "Let's not put this character in, she's not relevant outside of Japan"
Also Sakurai: *Puts Marth and Roy in the game*
Why are they trying to make up excuses? We all know Melee was rushed. It's nothing to be ashamed of really. They could just come out and say they didn't have time to put her in...
>muh fan favorite
Yeah, because plant and Joker were totally rosterfag characters
If you still think Sakurai isn't choosing the characters than you should pull your head out of your ass.
Dude, when you make a fake leak you just put in the characters YOU want, it has nothing to do with Sakurai
lmao Sakurai does shit like this all the time.
"Characters with franchises with no future have no place in smash"
Adds in Ness, Lucas, Wii Fit Trainer, G&W, Captain Falcon, Pit, Dark Pit, Lucina, Little Mac, Simon, Richter. He's a huge hypocrite.
Majority of the characters stil got games or had a recent game at the time of their inclusion
> Lucina
Come the fuck on, Awakening literally saved the franchise
>Come the fuck on, Aw
all of the characters mentioned are from franchises that had no future when they were added in.
So why did most of these get sequels? Can you explain that?
Because Crash is the other Console Wars Meme Character besides Sonic.
Why do people believe the google shit? I thought rayman being in the ice was autistic
It’s fake kill yourself
Wasn't there a Halo game on the Wii?
I wish I could go forwards in time when Steve is announced to see the absolute state of this board
Seriously, it's fucking easy to mess with Google's algorithm. Remember when image searches for Avatar the Last Airbender had Katara futa porn as the top result?
You're already doing that
Come Friday fellow Stevebro
Banjofags believe another shitty leak, they never learn
Artorias make no sense, he's a boss for only one game and isn't even on the main game. Hell Orstein has more presence than him in the series since he was in 2 and the armor in 3, but even then it's dumb.
Reminder that you’re a fool if you believe this ““““leak””””, and that it means nothing, even if Banjo or Ryu are added next, since they’re likely picks anyway
Why would Nintendo ever add banjo
why would they add Joker?
Persona is relevant and Sakurai likes it
why would it matter if he likes it? I thought Nintendo was picking it. And neither P5 or the remake P5R are on Switch.
Why the fuck would banjo be chosen over the other characters Microsoft has
He fits in very well, and people like him?
>Believing the google leak
heres your fighterpass bro
id main tony hawk
Any money banjo could make they could make ten times the amount with Steve or chief
Sal laughed too hard and lost every stock, so he’s tonight’s big loser!
My nigga
Agree to disagree. I personally think Banjo did much better on the ballot than either of them. So if Nintendo wanted to collaborate with Microsoft, they could look at that and make the choice from there.
NES blue ryu is so much better then fucking NG BLACKED's design. At least he actually looks like a ninja
yooka laylee a spiritual successor to banjo reached it kick starter goal of 175k within 38 minutes and finishing with 2 million I'd say banjo fans can match minecraft or halo
If you're against this leak, you're against banjo, and as a consequence you're against us.
Look, all I am trying to say is that this is a warning. You may want to think twice about having the boomer horde as your enemy.
You probs said this during Grinch leak lel
I want banjo too but imagine taking rosterfagging THIS seriously.
>Banjo can match Minecraft or Halo
Good, the leak is shit and banjo is shit aswell
I still haven’t gotten an answer but what makes the google leak credible
Only Nintendo executives could have put the ads up.
>175k in 38 minutes
>2 Million in 21 hours
and that's just for a game like banjo made by a few people from rare
That’s bullshit anyone can make an ad
It has Banjo instead of Erdrick and Steve.
Nothing it’s not credible people just believe it because they’re desperate
Pushdustin posted a picture of himself making an ad to the same website.
>That leak has already been confirmed as fake by PushDustIn
Where? I haven't seen anything about that
He made an ad and anyone who’s not a gullible autist knows it’s fake
N...N-NOOOO! That doesn't count! (for some reason) I won't accept it!
Look on his Twitter you lazy nigger
Why would they add Cloud?