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Is it worth doing another run of REMake as Chris after doing Jill’s story?


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It will never happen but I want RE Dead Aim 2.

Yes. Jill's run is easier.


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Yes it is. Chris can take more damage but can carry fewer items so as the other user said his is typically considered the harder campaign. In fact, iirc in the Japanese manual hers says easy mode and his normal. Did you enjoy it?

He's studied every inch of Jill's body

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she killed millions

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>Another DOAX swimsuit
RESIDENT EVIL XTREME BEACH VOLLEYBALL FUCKING WHEN?! I've seen so many RE girls modded into DOAX swimsuits, this isn't funny anymore. Tell Capcom to throw some money at Koei-Tecmo so they'll make something like this and maybe overcome their terror of sjws and release it in the west!


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>actually complaining about this free, high-quality content
what are you, gay?

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I'm not complaining. I want a game devoted to it.

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How do you guys feel about Resident Evil 7? I'm on my first play through now and near the end. While some parts are great, others are annoying as fuck. The quality is all over the place.

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I thought it was a pretty good game. Its biggest problem was lack of enemy variety. The Molds were okay but there should have at least been more variants.


I want it to be January again. The hype for RE2 was unreal.

RE8 when lads?

god damn helena was hot

Probably this E3. It was already announced as being in development like a year ago.

Don't worry, there will be even bigger hype when REmake 3 is first revealed.

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one of the better games in the series imo. it has a lot of the classic stuff like a secluded setting with weird keys and puzzles, and the bakers are fucking awesome, particularly jack.

the 2nd half isnt as good as the first though, some of the stuff on the boat and in the mines is kinda forgettable

Capcom saying they have no big releases planned through 2020 is a bummer. I need my nostalgia hit dammit

Becca's gonna be in re8

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i agree, the molds felt pretty lack luster in their variety. My other issue is, I felt like it was pretty hard to aim and the boss battles were meh. I am coming off of RE2 (Remake) so maybe I am just used to the highly accurate aim of that.

I agree, the second act drags it down

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True. Shame we'll probably never see her again.

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just watched this movie tonight, rebecca cured zombification at the end lmao pretty damn retarded movie honestly

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A-virus zombies are as close to viable bioweapons anyone has managed to make zombies in RE. They retain so much brain function that curing them isn't really that implausible if you think about it for a second.

A-Virus was shit. The Plagas and C-Virus both had better stuff.

I really liked it. It's legitimately the spookiest RE, though the atmosphere or REmake 1 & 2 are great. I'm replaying it right now actually, and I'll give credit to some of the haters, the first hour and the VHS tapes are on rails Outlast hide and seek shit. But once the game opens up to the main house its fantastic. The boat sucks though.

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not a bad point i guess within the context of the movie. it had plenty of other retarded shit in it too tho

What's your favorite costumes from the series?

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Doubtful. RE2 was more popular and better received than 3.

whichever one shows butt

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why do they charge so much for extra costumes in REmake 2??? not fair :(

sorry I thought you were being sarcastic, someone else was just cheeky complaining to me about too much sexuality for posting a pic of that mod in another thread

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Claire. Claire Redfield.

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That doesn't look official

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She's beautiful

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Claire is wonderful.

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She's the love of my life

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What race is resident this goblin?

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Claire is not a goblin. She is a very sweet and very adorable girl.

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She's half native American
Her father is John Redcorn


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She can be a goblin and still be cute

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She will always be a beautiful woman to me.

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Stop playing and enjoying resident evil 4

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Claire is warm and cuddly.

No. La Goblina is a sarcastic pet name for her at most. Calling her a goblina blurs all meaning from the word, because goblina is supposed to be a genuine insult for actual ugly girls, and Claire is not ugly



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Daily reminder to keep Claire happy

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RE1make and RE0 suck just as much though, Becca

Is there a game series with cooler magnums than Resident Evil?


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I would. Claire deserves happiness.

RE7 is a very poor game, especially for mainline RE titles.
Let me break it down into parts.
>Level Design
It's meant to be a homage to RE1 and REmake, but comes off as more of a ripoff of RE1 and REmake, especially in level pacing. This would be fine if the level design was good, but most of the time they take the core concept of an idea and make it linear. Even areas that appear open are in fact incredibly linear. In the main house for example, you have a "choice" after beating Jack in the garage. But really, the choice boils down to "backtrack now or backtrack later", I am of course referring to the pendulum you use to get the Dog's head. Other than that you're required to grab the puzzle piece and if you don't grab the dog's head in the next room over you're genuinely mentally challenged.
This is linear design made to look open.
Compare this to RE1. You start off as Jill and you have 4 distinct pathways to go down, each with their own set of puzzles down them and you can get the 2 major keys in any other you want, as well as the 4 crests, and not because you deliberately ignored one but because you chose to take a different path.
The gameplay of RE7 is okay. Not as developed as the OTS games, and I personally prefer fixed cameras + tank controls. It's passable gameplay.
Ethan, Mia and just about every character except Zoe and Lucas suck. Yes, even Jack. As he is purely comic relief and is ruined by End of Zoe. Zoe is a legitimately tragic character and Lucas is a well written psychopath.
Again, compare this to RE1. With RE7, we learn shit about Ethan other than that he can manage to quip even when he's about to be killed. He's not like RE4 Leon who has been in life or death situations before, he's a failed writer, and stuff like this makes it obvious the RE7 writers are using Ethan to self insert.

You didn't like the chainsaw fight or the bug Marguerite fight?

I guess RE4 "sucks" as much as REmake in the sense that neither of them suck at all. RE0 actually does suck though

Liked it a lot. Best game in the series since 3 or REmake.

In RE1, we learn quite a bit about the characters through their dialogue and interactions in a realistic way, which is astounding considering the fact that RE1 wasn't intended to have a story. We learn Chris makes a lot of quips, but it's in an effort to lower tension after something major happened. It's like when your dad makes a bad pun, and this works well with what we learn later about his character, him having basically raised Claire.
Barry also makes bad puns and acts unnaturally according to Jill, which is foreshadowing his betrayal.
Wesker directs the group on what they should do and shouldn't do right from the start. This may seem normal considering he's captain of STARS but later revelations show this was because he was forcing them to take on BOWs and obtain combat data.
RE7 has absolutely shit tier puzzles. Majority of them are those shitty shadow ones, you got one actual one in the Funhouse that is okay.
RE1 had a variety of puzzles. A few block pushing ones, item examination puzzles, the pool cue puzzle, V-Jolt brewing, etc. It has more puzzles, in greater variety and quality.
RE1 is objectively better with how it handles multiple endings, no question. 7 v 2 and all, as well as all of those endings being more well handled gameplaywise than RE7's. Wait a minute for Barry and ask him to lead in the Caves and he survives. Rescue Rebecca and she lives. Free your partner before the lab explodes.
Again, RE1 wins. 2 campaigns vs 1. Even comparing both titles rereleases, RE1 is better.
Arranged trumps Madhouse and all the DLC, it is a complete mix up of the game in all ways. Madhouse just changes one key item location and Jack's behaviour. The DLC also isn't that good. Bedroom was fun, the rest were pretty meh, Daughters was especially poor.

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Should've got the deluxe edition


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>he's a failed writer


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you fucking blew it lmao

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stinky feet!

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AK74>gay Sig
That is all

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Why do you guys post these pictures of her that look like they were JPEG compressed at only 50% quality? Or are they are snips taken from a muddy compressed youtube video? They look awful compared to proper screenshots like If you are using some kind of converter program to crop / resize / make images smaller, make sure you are compressing to at least 95% quality when re-saving as JPG

She looks like Hannah Hays wtf

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>all costume mods are assigned to the extra costumes you have to pay for

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Are you that same guy that tries to make the original's design,etc seem more complicated than they actually are?

You can fake it I think (I've never had to). Try creating a blank file called re_dlc_000.pak inside a new folder called 920564 in your RE2 game directory. That is normally the Elza Walker costume file. Then install the mod. You should have the new costume added to your costume select

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7 minutes

7 minutes is all I can give this thread

Look at these eyeball reflections.
They are of a yellow railing in that first burning corridor of Ghost's mission

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