>hitscan enemies do damage literally the instant you're in their line of sight
so if you're low health you're supposed to just restart the level because you'll die immediately if there's a cultist around the corner? and then memorize the whole level so you know every corner to throw dynamite around and exactly how much dynamite you'll need? is this really just trial and error shit like that? at least the hitscans in doom pause briefly
Hitscan enemies do damage literally the instant you're in their line of sight
Other urls found in this thread:
Item pickups in general already only work if you have level knowledge ahead of time.
the cultists pause and wander around a bit, they also have other actions like throwing dynamite that give you an opening in some versions
I find only the first episode on hardest has a problem because of the amount of cultists and lack of weapons/ammo
Blood isn't hard IMO. The only annoying parts are the Cultists, Fanatics, and the Beast from Plasma Pak because they have hitscan attacks. Other than those three enemies, everything will either try to melee you or throw a projectile at you. Cultists and Fanatics are stupid and usually will see you first, talk, and then move around for a few seconds whilst shooting you. It's not like the dinosaur alien from Duke 3D with the chaingun which will endless shoot you if you attack it. A single flare kills the Cultists and Fanatics on the third difficulty and the only strategy I know for the Plasma Pak final boss is to duck around a corner when he tries to stomp the ground. Fighting them is somewhat similar to fighting an Archvile from Doom except way more aggressive.
I don't like the re-release. I've been playing it on my Windows ME and I'm having a blast.
>mini battlelord from duke
did nobody ever figure out you can shrink them?
People who say dick kickem is harder than blood and shadow warrior are people who either never played the other two and only watched videos of them or they played on low difficulty levels. SW and Blood are both harder than duke3D.
Twice now in the second level I've had less than 20 health and died the instant I peeked around a corner. Literally no delay between the cultists seeing me and shooting me.
Just toss dynamite. That should be something you always do.
>I've had less than 20 health
just quicksave lol
its that easy
Just duck like a retard, seriously. They'll miss most of the time.
I'm here to donate some blood. Somebody else's...
seems like you got it all figured out champ
I discovered it myself but you have to get right up close to them for the shrinker to work. They will fucking shred you in that time. And the shrinker has some windup time which makes it harder to corner rush them.
Anything but corner peeking from far away with the RPG is gonna hurt imo. Fuck mini battlelords.
To be honest, I only found that out a few years ago despite having played D3D since release. The hitbox you have to aim for with the shrinker on battlelords is insanely tiny and you don't come across a ton of them so it's understandable that it's a bit of a secret.
When the fuck is Powerslave getting re-released?
Hopefully never
Unless you want another one of these "remasters"
Just download PowerslaveEX.
blood is the most overrated build game
where can i find the full version of that? i only have the unfinished one
BloodGDX or NBlood? What are the differences? I'd prefer the one with better mouse support/input
nblood is better for you then because gdx has a shitty mouse
Gimme a bit and I'll MEGA it for you, I didn't realize it got taken down.
I tried playing Blood many times and this hitscan bullshit really puts me off. It's not like Doom where you strategically use the level to protect from enemies shooting at you and even then they don't do that much damage. Duke kicked my ass first too but it was much easier to find ways to kill the pig cops and lizards.
>paying for broken shit
GDX if you want 100% accuracy
NBlood if you want proper software render
Dosbox if you have a super CPU
Virtual Machine if you're a Chad with RAM
Fresh Supply if you're retarded
>Dude just have complete level knowledge before going into the game, it's not that hard
>super CPU
Try running the game on anything higher than 240p
What's wrong with fresh supply?
can't you use a proper gpu for a good resolution?
I bought Fresh Supply on release because I'm that sort of sheep, but, in retrospect, I find that it isn't a significant improvement over NBlood. I never liked BloodGDX because it had a persistent stutter that I could not figure out how to remove. I assume it's some sort of quirk of Java.
For what it's worth, I did play Blood in DosBox like ten years ago and somehow got through it only using the keyboard. I remember having to turn on mouselook for the Tchernobog fight because, for what seemed to be the first and only time in the game, you have to aim up to shoot a button to open the temple.
much obliged
>I bought Fresh Supply on release
My condolences
>it's okay for Yea Forums to complain that a game is too difficult but when a journalist does it, it's suddenly a problem
we are not getting paid to write reviews, so fuck off
Thats exactly what I was thinking when J tried Blood for the first time literally yesterday after buying it. The hitscanners don't fucking coreograph their attacks and fire IMMEDIATELY. The ammo and health is stingy as fuck. Dynamite is a fucking bitch to use and 99% of the time damages you more than the enemies. What the fuck.
I went and played Doom 2 and sped through it after spending like 3 hours trying to finish Blood E1M3 on the third difficulty setting out of six
fresh supply is alright bugs and stuff will be fixed no doubt
Blood elitists and e-celeb dicksuckers need to be gassed for their retardation though
no you dummies just don't know how to set it up correctly
Ducking throws off hitscan shit (for a moment, but that's all you need). Moving around nonstop without pause will in general makes things easier. Learning to throw the dynamite correctly (both in terms of judging distance and realizing that the right mouse button makes the dynamite bounce off walls so you can throw it around corners) will help IMMENSELY. And aiming is important as fuck. You can't waste ammo in this game because it doesn't give you enough to firing recklessly.
(literally) GIT GUD. This will solve most of the issues with the game's absurd difficulty level.
>fresh supply is alright
Far from it
There's nothing more comfy than a nice blood thread where all the newfags complain about being btfo.
>Blood elitists and e-celeb dicksuckers need to be gassed for their retardation though
Fresh Supply has a made-to-order difficulty so you can make the cultists fire slower
Longtime Blood fan (and ultra-obscure non-celebrity youtube channel) Austin Adams is doing a series of videos to demonstrate the differences (mostly regarding the things that are either glitches, weird mistakes, or just outright laziness) between Blood in its original form and the remaster ("Fresh Supply"). His first part is out and I would highly recommend watching this if you are interested in seeing the issues currently with the remaster, as his video is extremely well done. No pun intended.
>Game breaking bugs and innacuracies all over the place
Do you love eating shit or a you just a shill?
BloodGDX also has custom difficulty and is 100% accurate
So Gman lied to me?
>no you dummies just don't know how to set it up correctly
so you can run Blood in Dosbox with good resolution
>muh inaccuracies
get over it, nerd
On top of game breaking bugs that aren't obviously present in the original game.
Kill yourself shill
wow a software has bugs? unheard of
You're doing a really poor job shilling this turd, Pajeet.
Sorry but people can clearly see for themselves that this is a terrible remaster and there's absolutely nothing to defend about this rushed piece of shit.
i just find it funny that autistic nerds like you get the terms "source-port" and "remake" mixed up. i can tell you're actually retarded because you genuinely believe a 10 dollar game for a niche PC market could fund enough money for shills
no amount of GIT GUD solves the problem of hitscanners oneshotting you as soon as you turn a corner because there's literally not enough dynamite to check every corner, and ducking does not always work because I know from firsthand experience that cultists will still sometimes shoot you the instant you enter LOS while crouching.
oh boy, new port, new collection of idiots complaining that the game is too hard.
just play on a lower difficulty retard.
>you get the terms "source-port" and "remake" mixed up
I didn't.
This isn't a source port, it's a remake done on a completely different engine and it shows by being fucking inaccurate as fuck.
>you genuinely believe a 10 dollar game for a niche PC market could fund enough money for shills
It's Atari we're talking about here and they seem to care enough to take down the original DRM-less version of Blood off GOG to shove this shitty remake as the only option
Just quicksave often and some regular saves just in case you mess up your quicksave. No need to memorize levels and replay them endlessly, the game is notoriously challenging but you'll get a feel for it eventually, and yes crouching, seeking cover behind stuff and circle strafing and moving around a lot are absolutely necessary, as well as using chokepoints for the difficult sections. You can survive surprise corner cultists a few times if you just don't stand still and use your head, shotty can take out two close cultists in about ~3 seconds and hitting them interrupts their hitscan so it's not like dynamite is the only viable option there.
The "drama" over Fresh Supply is crazy. I've never seen so many Blood fanboys fight with each-other in a long ass time. Reminds me of the good old days of Postmortem forum shitshows.
>not enough dynamite
how the fuck did people play this with the default controls back in the day
Most people played Duke Nukem 3D with keyboard only. So they were used to it.
Nobody is fighting. It's literal Atari/Nightdive shills.
Everyone else agrees that it's really inaccurate and rushed.
The real drama is BloodGDX vs NBlood and they're both MILES ahead of what Fresh Supply could ever hope to be.
Nigger, people have been having their anuses torn by Build Engine games since before Build Engine games were even commercially available.
Blood is tough.
>issues that only autists get mad about and can be patched within a week
>can be patched within a week
Enemy behaviour and game physics can't be "patched within a week" Mr. Shill
Half the issues Civvie mentions have actually been fixed in the beta that went out TODAY
We were men.
t 36 year old boomer
It's not hard to just adapt to how the game is
I played this game for the first time yesterday and managed to beat Episode 1 on Well Done after dying only a handful of times it literally requires no effort on your part to just learn how the game works
unironically git gud and stop being so shit at video games
>Download patch
>Shoot zombie
>Doesn't go flying like in the original game
>Cultists are still bugged
Nice "remaster" dude
We didnt know better so we got used to it
t. boomer who completed Douk, Redneck Rampage, Blood and Shadow warrior as a teen
learn to fucking crouch retards
works on my machine :^)
>BloodGDX plays better but looks like ass
>nBlood is a bit of a pain to use with mods but god damn that pallette emulation
I mean, It's great that there is a Blood renaissance going on at all. I just can't wait to play Blood after these "source ports" have had a while to iron out all of the small issues and have more bells and whistles.
You wish you could buy a "machine" with your low paying shilling job.
Stop trying to fool people into buying a shit product.
what are these glitches Yea Forums keeps talking about?
already on episode 3 and haven't experienced anything like what the video or any anons have showed
am I being trolled or are you people doing something wrong somehow
>he thinks I'm some literally who eceleb
>can't even refute my low quality post so just calls me a shill
pretty pathetic desu
>dumb frogposter
>he keeps crying about e-celebs when we are talking about actual gameplay inaccuracy FACTS
This is why modern shooting games do not have hitscan. It's bullshit for everyone involved.
just because you can't counter my argument doesn't mean it's bait based retard
Nigger, we have TWO videos showcasing the different bugs and inaccuracies of this shitty rushed "remaster" and you want people to believe your "lol no it's not" 'argument'!?
That's what you get for falling for the Fresh Supply meme
Pretty much this Crouch, circle strafe, jump over enemies, never stop moving, use your flare guns secondary fire, quick save often, stay on your toes. Most of all, dont forget theres a difficulty setting for a reason. It would be criminal to toss Blood aside because you cant beat it on Well Done. Its a fucking tough game. Unless you tell us, no one on Yea Forums is going to know you did your first playthrough on Pink on The Inside. As fall in love with the game and get better like a lot of us did, then you can crank up the difficulty
>remaster of a game literally nobody played gets shat out
>enormous shill campaign for some reason
>even bigger counter-shill campaign inexplicably
who is paying these people? atari obviously for the shills but who hates blood so much to pay people to shit on this literal shovelware from the dinosaur age?
>be a harcade Doom fanatic since 1999
>haven't touched Blood until I played it for the first time back in December
>playing it non-stop since
>mfw trying to go back to Doom
After 20 years of Doom being my favorite game, it's weird having found a game that might honestly top it.
Build engine games are better that Doom.That doesnt mean Doom is bad, still a good game but not as good
blood is literally shit everyone knows it.
>play DOOM in 2019
>great fun
>play blood
>hate your life
blood fags were always peak contrarianism
nigga if you read my post you'd see that crouching DOES NOT STOP THEM HITTING YOU IMMEDIATELY AFTER YOU ENTER LOS. I tested it after you fuckheads said it in this goddamn thread and all it does is reduce the percentage of shots that hit you over time
this is god's punishment for being a faggot
How did Nightdive fuck up the remaster so bad? Why are literal who russians so much better at programming than entire companies centered around software development?
Mna, people forgot about how Shadow Warrior Redux had the same kind of problems when it launch then it got better.Just wait until they patch it or play in DosBox
gdx is way better
Well it was one fewer axis without mouselook for one, and for people who were used to keyboard only timing your key taps so precisely enabled aim not unlike analog controls.
Yes. You could also prefire tommygun while rounding corners if you happen to have spare bullets.
All of this just boils down to the question of luck. If you are on your last 10 hp, chances are, the next cultists WILL fire on his first aggroed frame, and his hitscan WILL still hit you despite you crouching mid-jump at the moment. And of not next cultist, then the one after it, etc.
it's your fault that you let your hp get that low in the first place, don't act like the game put you in that position
Blood does look like ass period though, with or without pallette emulation.
try a different renderer or your gpu is dying
Then it is essentially a dead man walking scenario. If you just happen to have it as your only save, the only way out of it is restarting the level with fork only. Which is, I mean, if a person couldn't beat the level blindly in a continuous play, that person will SURELY do great on a subsequent forkstart and will SURELY be able to beat the level without savescumming the shit out of level and memorizing it by heart in the process.
>dead man walking scenario
Actually, it's not. You can just as well keep on savescumming until the next medkit/heart. And maybe then a bit until the next one. And - you get the idea.
Point is, it's either savescumming or savescumming. Wow, very great, litetally best shooter ever material.
it really, really weeds them out.
like really, really, really absolutely.
>literally posting
back to l.eddit faggot
Why is the music so damn quiet?
if youre low on health you make a save and keep trying to win
it might not support 5.1/7.1?
adjust as needed?
Its integrated
>I never played Blood but it looks like Doom so I'll pick second to hardest difficulty what could possibly go wrong
Lightly Broiled is Ultra Violence of Blood, Well Done is Nightmare and Extra Crispy is double Nightmare
Ive seen multiple other people post pics like this. And for me only DirectX worked, not OpenGL or Vulkan (even though my GPU supports them). Clearly the devs need to do some serious work on the renderers.
Yes, absolutely people are fighting. You can dislike Fresh Supply or have a criticism about it without also sounding like a a huge asshole. These people obviously don't want positive change because no developer is going to listen to a bunch of screaming man-children. And I think it's funny you believe that Atari would even bother paying "shills" to start drama on Yea Forums over an old video game most of the gaming industry could care less about. It's just typical nerd rage.
>this is okay
>he doesn't know
DOB is 2000+ isn't it?
Nah man, you just need to know to prethrow a stick of dynamite around the corner at the correct height with the correct length held, like everyone did on their first playthrough
>being this bad
Blood is the best FPS on Build engine, with amazing weapons, level design and combat
Just bounce dynamite
Just bounce the damn dynamite off the wall and into the crowd of enemies. I see no problem here.
When the game senses you're a bitch, it fucks you like a bitch. It's one of Blood's most impressive features.
Goddamn I loved Blood when it came out. I remember doin a network game with devs in the day
never stop moving
>lmao just chrouch haha
They always ignore the fact that crouching does fuckall, they still hit you as soon as you enter their line of sight.
Why is outright bad design lauded as good?
Here's a thought for you: Blood isn't a run-and-gun unless you're playing on baby difficulties. Use cover, explosives and your varied weapon set to your advantage.
Damn I love reading all this new buttmad. I fucking love that the cultists are absolutely raping people to this very day.
>Dude I love how smearing shit on my face makes people mad to this very day xD
I have no problem with the enemies in this game at all. Perhaps you should stop being dogshit and start getting good?
I respect opinions but why they do this kind of things? Like sure, aint no sin to dislike a game others like, I dont get it
did they fix that bug where loading a quicksave during the firdt bossfight ramps up the difficulty?
>Bug fixes
Have they fixed the shitty muffled audio in Fresh Supply yet? It's the main thing that's keeping me from enjoying it like GDX. Fov slider and the better mouseaim is nice, but GDX literally does everything else better right now.
People often think you can't cus their hitbox is fucked up.
If you aim for their feet it shrinks them every time
Pretty much any game made after like 2000 is pretentious.
If a game doesn't let you beat it without taking damage then it's objectively unfair.
this is exactly why I prefer nu-Doom. there's actual REACTION based gameplay instead of simply memorized trial & error quickloads. memorizing where to toss dynamite isn't appealing to me.
I already played through the other Blood game and I wouldn't suffer it again.
I'm okay with games being difficult, enemies being strong, and dying a lot as long as it's not cheap bullshit like
only when I play bad vidya
ITT the console/mobile generation rears it's true face as "gamers"
I'm 30+, grew up with Doom, Quake, Duke3D, etc. and even I can admit that cultists in Blood is not good design, even though it's possible to deal with them and the game overall is fun. But not because of the hitscan cultists, it's in spite of them.
You don't need to be a zoomer to recognize the game's flaws.
Hitscan enemies, when done right, are just another kind of challenge. Yes, you need to peekaboo with them, but that's the point. That's what diversifies gameplay. With some enemies you can run around and dodge, with some you need to crouch and crouchwalk around, with some you need to backwalk all the time and shoot until they're gone. With cultists you need to break the line of fire for them. What's so hard? They are easy to kill.
>I have no problem with the enemies in this game at all.
Not all of us like opening a door and getting instantly chewed up by hitscan enemies - sure, you might have it all memorized, but just moving around a corner shouldn't be a death sentence
One of Duke's most common enemies was a slow firing projectile thrower, an enemy with an attack you could dodge if you're good - in Blood, you just throw stuff around a corner
here's an blood wallpaper for you
Holy shit blood. It scared my 8 year old me. Scariest shit ever needs to be remade. Voodoo shit op.
>Yes, you need to peekaboo with them, but that's the point
And the point is that even if you play peekaboo with them they still fuck you up in the milisecond when you enter their field of vision, no crouching doesn't affect it, you still get hit. No amount of crouchwalk and peekaboo and backwalk will save you from getting hit if the game decides it's time for you to get fucked. People who defend it always ignore this point.
You may argue that it's fun finally being able to clear a group of cultists after reloading the quicksave for the 5th time, but it's definitely everything but good design. I'm not saying it's impossible to clear them, I'm saying they are definitely a flaw of the game.
there are cheat codes for people like you.
perhaps you should use them.
>civvie calls out shillmanlives
You will take damage. You cannot play this game and come out unscathed. Stop being a fucking autist.
He was smoking some didgeridoobies
>hitscan that will instagib you pretty much immediately when you enter their LOS
Isn't this exactly what CoD on its highest level difficulty has been doing for over a decade? Why do people shit all over that franchise for being casual cover based garbage yet blood doing it makes you a true hardcore gamer?
Hitscan enemies can be done well as Duke Nukem 3D proved; I can go several levels into an episode without savescumming, meanwhile, in Blood, I'm savescumming every corner
Because old FPS (regardless of quality)=Good
New FPS=Bad
That's true though, even a bad old fps is still miles better than nufps trash.
And it's not good game design. Also there's a difference between taking some damage and haveing to savescum after every corner.
I agree to a certain extent, but I'd rather play a PC port of The Darkness than Blood anyday of the week.
The difference, in my opinion, is that you could beat level 1 of Duke Nukem 3D without taking damage on the hardest difficulty
You can't say that about Blood with level 2 (because level 1 is barely a level, unlike Hollywood Holocaust)
>Because old FPS (regardless of quality)=Good
nope, these people just haven't played any of the bad games, i'd say even the mediocre shooters from back then run rings around new games though
>PC port of The Darkness
Yeah, good luck with that, Starbreeze is gonna die soon.
I own a ps3 copy and have no intention on playing the game in 10fps at all.
ironically it took me longer to finish level 1 on my first playthrough than level 2 because it took me that much amount of time to adjust to how the game works and having to work around no access to ammo and conventional weapons like shotgun
Quickly peak around corners so there won't be time for potential hitscanners to hurt you. You see them? Peak again, but now you know where they are and can take them out before they can shoot. It's that easy, get good.
>Quickly peak around corners so there won't be time for potential hitscanners to hurt you.
...you haven't played this game, have you?
>cover based casual shit and git gud in the same sentence
top kek.
>nope, these people just haven't played any of the bad games, i'd say even the mediocre shooters from back then run rings around new games though
Has Yea Forums played any of the new good FPSes? Granted, the one thing 3D engines can't do is that carnage old FPSes like Blood, Duke, Doom, etc have.
Obviously RIP
Yeah level 1 of Blood put me off from playing it back then, now I play it today with fresh eyes and it's just okay. Compare it to Duke 3D where the first weapon is still one of the best late game
It's not that "easy" when you just open a door and there's hitscanners on the otherside - again, this is a savescumming disaster of a game.
There are some corners you can peak around, but that's not always the case like with my door example.
>the new good FPSes
such as?
There's nothing wrong with saving
There's some odd gems like The Darkness
The new PREY
Black Ops 2's multiple endings and failure states was pretty awesome
Wolfenstein New Order and Old Blood
New Doom, obviously
Uh, it can be. I kinda prefer games like Dead Rising 1 where saving is a privilege, not a right
>Black Ops 2's
Seriously nigger
Not the same guy, but in my opinion nu-Doom and to some extent Wolfenstein New Order (if you can ignore the retarded story and characters and focus only on the game/gunplay), Destiny 2, Titanfall 2 are excellent.
Have you even played it? 100% money back guarantee you haven't
first off that's one of the hardist levels in the game
learn to fucking ALt fire
this, learning to throw dynamite is a day/night change, i fear that i'll never play another game that made exploding shitheads so fun
also heres my quick tip, dont unload both sawn off shells at once on cultists, fire 2 separate and accurate shots instead, this greatly increases chances of downing them without reloading, double shot is the fastest way to remove a zombie tough.
abuse pain states
>Wolfenstein New Order and Old Blood
>New Doom, obviously
don't use shot gun to remove zambo, use pitchfork
>this, learning to throw
This is the problem: Blood is like an imbalanced Duke Nukem 3D with a focus on throwables.
What about Hard Reset and Shadow Warrior 1?
Mouselook in this game gives me a headache. Anyone else have this problem? I've never had anything similar happen before.
Which slows the game down to a crawl - meanwhile, Duke Nukem 3D lets you use a weapon and your melee at once.
Don't play in 16:9 and switch to 4:3, if that doesn't help, then it's just Build games in general for you.
Which version are you playing? Fresh Supply or some other?
I found that mouselook feels better in Fresh Supply, but overall mouselook in this game is just shitty compared to modern fpses.
they are ok but their own thing
the new wolfenstein and Doom are just pure AAA cancer
Wasting ammo on a zombie is stupid
1-3 zombies pitchfork
4-X zombies Blow up
Fresh Supply. Looking up or down squashes the sprites, coupled with the high FPS and speed it just forces me to look away from the screen. Is there a way to heavily restrict vertical camera movement?
>play old PC game made for save scumming
>don't save scum
based brainlet
What you describe doesn't happen to me so I can't really help to make it stop. You can set individual sensitivity for each mouse axis if that's what you meant by restricting vertical camera movement, but I don't see how that would help, you would end up with fucked controls.
Like I said, play in 4:3
Or try the old school way of not using mouse aim and relying on auto aim.
Trust me, this happened to me with Shadow Warrior (but not Duke 3D or Blood - weird) - I felt wobbly when I played SW
What's your problem with F5-F9 when you die?
You're supposed to play, die if you are bad, play again and try to do better
>tfw I finally put my 4:3 lcd to some good use
Blood is not especially hard. It has never been known as an especially hard game. I played it as a kid and came far before losing interest, and played it more as an adult and actually finished it, I never felt it was hard or unfair.
What the fuck is wrong with modern zoomers?
>Blood is not especially hard. It has never been known as an especially hard game.
Uh, it's known as the hardest of the Build trilogy, only with SW coming even close.
But their difficulty kinda comes from bad design and imbalance (more true about Blood than SW)
>the hardest of the Build trilogy
Doesn't really say much when Dook was a cakewalk and SW was just about right in terms of difficulty.
>Doesn't really say much when Dook was a cakewalk
*Due to good design
blood has the annoying hitscan enemies and shadow warrior has instakill explosions
Clearing levels in Douk felt long as a kid because it took some time to figure out how to progress, where the keys were, etc, and not because the enemies were hard.
On the other hand, Blood's levels are pretty straightforward, you don't get stuck because you don't know where to go, but because of the enemy placement forces you to reload the same encounter several times.
>hardest of the Build trilogy
And none of the build-games are known as being especially hard games. They aren't easy games, but they aren't known for difficulty above other FPS games of the time (or even today).
And these games are pinnacles of the FPS genre, many would argue that they are amongst the best FPS games ever made. I fail to see where they suffer from bad design.
Are you the cancer that keeps spamming his shitty dook mod until he got banned? If so kys.
If not, then I found dook to be pretty easy and satisfying but an underwhelming experience as a whole. Never once did I feel like I overcame any difficulty. It was good all the way through and that's all I have to say on it.
>Due to good design
Use any excuse you want, it just wasn't as engaging as SW or Blood imo.
After the first few levels you figure out how the game works and that enemy placements can be a bitch, you adjust how you play to be more cautious with dynamite at the ready for most corners. If you seen a door to a room you can probably anticipate that there's going to be a few cultists in there and act accordingly. You very quickly get used to the way Blood does this and it's enjoyable.
>violence not as chaotic as the original
>can't even do fake DOS light shafts and shadows
Sounds like garbage.
Hopefully they'll patch it but until then there's nBlood and BloodGDX
>it just wasn't as engaging as SW or Blood imo.
That's like saying Doom 1 and 2 aren't as engaging as Strife:
You're playing rom hacks of Duke Nukem 3D, you fucking tryhard idiot.
>Same engine means they're rom hacks
Now I know you're trolling
Fuck off retard
It was to illustrate a point: Literally none of them add anything that Duke didn't do first (and better)
In fact, they removed things like having a melee weapon always available
Holy shit do Blood devs love ambushes
There are situations where you are literally can't take no damage.
I think you mean the Blood devs (and its retarded fans) love bad game design
Exact same point you used in your shitty bait thread a few days ago.
Fuck off and make more shitty shill threads for your garbage mod.
>If not, then I found dook to be pretty easy and satisfying but an underwhelming experience as a whole. Never once did I feel like I overcame any difficulty. It was good all the way through and that's all I have to say on it
I agree fully. As a kid I preferred Duke3d because of the "badassness", but replaying it as an adult I find it far too easy. There's no real challenge there. Blood is pretty much perfect in that regard in my opinion, challenging without being bullshit, while SW is way too random in its difficulty (some enemies are zero problems while others will just instakill you without warning).
This is literally just your personal opinion based on preference. For example, I literally NEVER used the melee-attack in Duke, in Blood I often use the pitch-fork. The melee-attack in Duke might as well not even be there, how is that good design?
>good design = being able to never take damage ever
Just why
>challenging without being bullshit
There's literally a part in Blood (the carnival) where you open a door, walk into a room, and they intentionally put cultist behind the door when it closes to ambush you; Blood is literally garbo.
>I literally NEVER used the melee-attack in Duke
Then you Bloodfags confirmed for not playing DN3D at all then; thanks for playing
Just ignore him. It's the same guy who spent the last few months shitting on ion maiden and promoting his own mod. Now that the Blood sourceport is out, he's shitting on that. He always posts the same shit.
You know there are 1cc/no hit runs of games, right?
The closer a game can get to being able to beaten with pure skill (aka not being hit), the better it is.
>cultist behind the door when it closes to ambush you
And what is the problem with this? Why does it anger you so much that there are ambushes in a game?
>Then you Bloodfags confirmed for not playing DN3D at all then; thanks for playing
I've finished it several times, from when I was a kid to mor erecently. I've played the game so much that I'm bored of it. You are overloaded with ammo through most of the game except one part when you get your weapons stripped, but even then there's plenty of weapons just laying around nearby.
>The closer a game can get to being able to beaten with pure skill (aka not being hit), the better it is
This is literally autism.
>hur i use ammo to open vents or destroy parts of the environment
Then you're a sloppy and shitty player to begin with
There's nothing better than running up into an aliens grill, pistoling him while mighty booting his face in (instead Bloodfags have to manually switch to your shitty melee like it's some garbo like Half Life lmao)
>Then you're a sloppy and shitty player to begin with
There's literally no reason when you are overloaded with ammo at all times. There's no reason to save the ammo.
No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.
>Civvie shit on gmanshills
What a champ.
In Blood's defense, all the 90's FPS pulled cheap shit like that.
There's a reason this is a meme.
CoD has regen. Blood has finite supply of healthkits (hearts included).
Kinda reminds me of Serious Sam's meme +1 hp coins with traps
now I remember why I don't come to Yea Forums
kek they were pills
SSam was full of fun stupid traps
Good times
>good design = being able to never take damage ever
Actually this, and unironically.
How is Ion Maiden compared to Blood, Duke and Shadow Warrior?
It looks fantastic and plays well. Can' wait for the full game.
Thanks for that post
>That one archvile
pick the custom option, and Well Done enemy spawns and whatnot but Lightly Broiled difficulty.
Well Done and Extra Crispy are just exercises in frustration your first time through. And even afterwards they're no joke.
So should I just get one of the fan remakes instead? I've always wanted to play Blood but never did cuz people made it sound like it didn't work right on modern PCs.
nBlood or BloodGDX. Or you could wait a few weeks and hope that they patch it.
wut da diff b?
I bought Fresh Supply this weekend and finished the first episode on the same day on Well Done, never played the game before.
It was tough, especially while I adjusted to the hitscan cultists, but it wasn't frustrating. I just had to accept that it's normal that I quicksave before every corner and I'm going to die a couple of times before I pass a room if it has too many cultists.
I personally play BloodGDX. nBlood has a better colour palette, closer to the original DOS version but last I heard some things like explosion physics don't work as intended in the original. In terms of gameplay, BloodGDX is closer to the original and easier to load up community addons. This isn't really that big of a deal unless you want to play one of the best FPS mods out there
I may be biased towards BloodGDX but that's only because that's the one I always used. I'm sure you'll be alright with either.
one whole unit blood werks fine on my machiiiiiine
it's really not that bad if you just turn mouselook off
Trying to play the dosbox version in high res is hell
>it's really not that bad if you just turn mouselook off
But then how am I supposed to aim?
With a joystick.
I played the game + Death Wish fan-pack for the first time ever back in 2016, using DOS Box. It was great.
don't use high res.
>don't use high res.
Thanks, fixed my problem.
I've personally never been able to get OUWB to work properly with DOSBox, either had fucked up mouse issues or I couldn't run at native resolution, do either of these work for that?
OUWB was the only version I played with BloodGDX. Just download the java executable, drop it in your game directory, run it and run the settings as you like. Mouselook feels a lot better too.
Can i play online with a pirated gog copy
At this stage I don't even know if you can play online with any copy of fresh supply.
vertical I mean, autoaim is good enough
I think it had some acceleration or something but it wasn't that bad
Why, is it broken?
blood is supposed to be played on lightly broiled, anything above is constant quick-saving and quick-loading
At this moment I hear the multiplayer is broken. Haven't tried it myself so might be bullshit. Give it a try user. I'm still fucking about with OUWB.
>kids: lol you suck at dank souls? gitgud
Holy fuck.
I'll agree with this.
To be fair, Hexen is very heavily focused on traps even compared to other 90s shooters. That's also the expansion which is significantly more dificult.
Based on what they've released so far, it has the potential to stand up against the big three.
Souls doesn't have different difficulties whereas Blood legitimately has one difficulty that you should not be playing solo ever unless you really enjoy and plan on hitting F5 and F6 every 15 seconds. People play on WD cuz they think it's like Doom's UV, only you just get your ass beat up and down the street, WD in Blood is like if UV in Doom gave regular shotgunners the super shotty and chaingunners plasma guns. You can deal with it but it's kind of fucked up and good luck doing single segment levels.
I played with a random this weekend, we finished e1m1 without issues, but when it loaded the second level, it was all fucked and I only had my pitchfork, couldn't leave the "room", there were black "lines" like missing textures and shit. The other dude was just standing at the start point. It was weird. Not sure if this is the issue others reported but this happened to me.
You kinda deserve to get your ass beat there considering you have 22 fucking flasks that you aren't using while at half health.
>heretic is awesome
I agree, Heretic is an amazing game and imo an overall better experience than Hexen
Deathkings approaches System Shock 2 levels of retardation. While you're trying to figure out what to do, strong enemies respawn quickly and infinitely and drain your finite supplies. The best strategy becomes saving, figuring out what to do, then reloading because you gain nothing from fighting those enemies.
Vanilla Hexen is kino tho
heretic is just a fantasy reskin of doom with an inventory system, hexen is actually unique with its hub levels
It's really good, MC is like a girl Duke Nukem with the same kind of attitude, it seems like a mix between DN3D and maybe Doom 2. It's kind of fucking hard at the start but gets much easier once you get some extra weapons and start finding armor.
Exactly my point, Doom is an amazing game, so Heretic is also an amazing game.
Deathkings has better combat situations and better level design, it easily trumps the base game.
guess so but my problem is that i think the setting is way worse and ive had to force myself to play through it, not because its a bad game but because doom is just the same except better
hexen is unique thats why i like it so much
Am I the only one that actually thinks Heretic is better than Doom? Not a single bad episode and there's 5 of them.
What is with the Blood threads lately? Did I get sent back to time?
>source port gets released
>game gets attention
Really makes you think
Blood just got its official re-release
Is it a shameless cash-grab like all re-release nowadays?
It's broken as hell at the moment. Nothing of value has been added.
Well its the easiest to play for someone who never played blood before because it has proper 3D look instead of that regular build-engine hackery that plays like shit
It has some problems but they are way overblown, notably fire not being as effective as before. Dont listen to people who say its broken they are either purists or people trying to fit in
if you wanna say that heretic is better than ultimate doom go ahead. but no way id say its better than doom 2
Just start on ez mode and work your way up, these games are meant to be played multiple times anyways
while not as good as BloodGDX or nBlood it's getting fixes for it's egregious faults now
still better than One Unit package we had to endure for years
>these games are meant to be played multiple times anyways
Doom 2 gets really fucking stupid right around the time you get to Downtown.
I've played these games for longer than you've been alive, now explain how
They’re short episodes with lots of secrets (including entire levels) and much room to improve. The games being hard only add to this replayability. If you just run through it you can beat the game in like 10-15 hours.
>hear walking dipshit in-a-sack talk shit about you in weird dipshit language from behind a corner
>light up dynamite bundle
>toss 'er around the corner
>wait 2 seconds
>dynamite explodes
>cultist fucker comes flying out of the corner towards you at 273 mp/h as he screams his lungs out and his death animation is still playing
>caleb starts laughing
i just picked up this game recently and had a blast with it on well done, i didn't even learn to crouch holy shit how the fuck can you retards find this hard
people find it hard because they think it's like doom and play on extra crispy
>urghhrhggheghajg i stand infront of shotgun hitscanner but im crouching uguhhrgaggaga why am i still getting shot aaghaggggg wheres the aim down sights button bad game hghaghahhgg
Doom was shit easy
well ye thats kinda the point
this game is hard
Get an actual graphics card and stop using integrated graphics.
>gets money
>says game is great
>gets quoted in the game itself
>shits on game even though he hated doing that
Alright you cunts, I'm going to introduce you to the greatest secret weapon of this game.
Go to your keybinds, scroll down to the bottom and find the one that says "Toggle Chase Cam"
By default it's bound to F7.
I changed mine to an easy to reach key, Z
This will allow you to quickly peek around corners so you don't get ambushed and gibbed with a face full of buckshot from cultists.
You're welcome.
People don't actually value gggmanlives' opinion do they? How many times does he need to prove how fucking woeful he is before people realize he's a smoothbrain with junk opinions?
Press + to decrease size of hud.
Always move around, learn to conserve resources in first episode.
Casuals never change.
>System Shock 2 levels of retardation
This is the first time I've heard anyone call SS2 hard
Try gettin gud faget
Also before some shitter pipes up and tries to declare this a feature of the remake - it's not.
This has always been a feature of Build games. Duke 3D has it, as does Shadow Warrior and even Redneck Rampage.
might as well play the game with noclip enabled
imagine i doom 2 was released today, all the whinging about chaingunners
I knew some rando faggot would declare this feature of the game a cheat.
You don't see anybody complaining about chaingunners because they are a non-issue unlike the cultists.
I think you mean Plutonia
doom 2 is fucking easy. blood on lightly broiled is more difficult than doom 2 on UV
>all the whinging about chaingunners
>because they are a non-issue
Final doom =/= Doom 2
It kind of is, yeah. Having some damage which is hard or impossible to avoid isn't necessarily such a grave sin, it depends on how the rest of the game and the level is designed. If the game gives you sufficient supplies to make up for it, then it's fine. The save system also has to be taken into account, having some traps which fuck you is fine considering you can and should be saving often. You can't have the game telegraph every encounter and make it ridiculously easy to pass while taking no damage and at the same time make it so you can save and load whenever you please, because that would simply make the game entirely trivial.
Having traps which damage you if you're unaware of them is pretty much standard in all of the older shooters which permit you to save whenever you want. If you're playing well you will likely be able to finish the level without loading in most of them, because they also tend to give you sufficient supplies to make up for the traps as long as you don't suck at the game too much.
Precisely, and this is the reason all the levels have secrets with loads of supplies everywhere because the difficulties of the game force the player to go looking around for hidden caches to help them.
>Having traps which damage you if you're unaware of them is pretty much standard in all of the older shooters which permit you to save whenever you want.
not true. those older shooters were designed to be played without quick save, restarting the whole level. quick save always existed for those who wanted it but it wasnt a necessity. it is a necessity in blood however. blood is so much more difficult than shadow warrior 3D even its ridiculous. which is not a bad thing but it was definitely not designed like "all of the older shooters"
Is blood the dark souls of shooters?
>learn to conserve resources
I'm trying and the only way I can get past the chapel room in the first level with more than 0 ammo is if I melee down every single zombie up to that point.
Unironically yes.
>those older shooters were designed to be played without quick save
Says fucking who? The developers literally put the save system in the game they made. Do you think it popped up by accident, or what? It's there because the people who made the game wanted it to be there. The degree of difficulty can differ from one game to the next, but that does not change their fundamental design principles. Doom, Doom 2, Heretic, Hexen, Quake and shitloads of other games all have traps which make it essentially impossible to avoid some damage on a blind playthrough. The games make up for that in the supplies they give you and in the fact that you can keep retrying the segment you failed on for however long you need to.
If the devs never intended for players to save and load mid-level and only restart from the beginning, then the save system would not exist in its present form.
You kinda should be doing that.
>trap door chaingunners the game
The dark souls of 90's shooters. Even with quick saving, most of the game journalists would probably rage quit.
Shit, just imagine DSP playing it.
Meleeing zombies on lightly broiled takes like a couple seconds
The spiders are annoying. They take way too much damage on easy and just shit out endless fucking spiders. Easily the worst part of any version of blood 1.
I'm playing on well done tho, it takes a long time and there's like 10 of them before the main chapel area
When I was a little kid I never used quick saves cuz I didn't know anything about it, if I died I would try to do the level over from the start with just the fucking pistol, in addition to using keyboard controls. Doom was very hard as a kid.
If you are on Well Done, then you should especially be meleeing zombies in order to conserve ammo.
Dont play well done on your first playthrough.
That's only because you were dumb and it's all on you. Doesn't mean anything else.
How about just git gud and don't get hit by projectiles so you won't be low health in front of hitscan enemies?
Well Done is perfectly fine for a first playthrough, I did ep1 it this weekend and it was fine, you just have to know the rules.
What if you don't get hit by projectiles or melee but hitscan enemies tank your HP anyway?
You know what does equal Doom 2?
MAP09 - The Pit
Depends if you're doing continuous or pitchfork start but I'd you're doing continuous you won't have any ammo issues
there's an autist that has been around Yea Forums for a few years now, that shits on any new game that gets "popular" on Yea Forums to ruin the sense of community
>those older shooters were designed to be played without quick save, restarting the whole level
What the fuck are you smoking? This is very much not the case.
I've heard a lot about hitscan lately, and I don't know what that means.
Can someone explain?
there is some option in the menu called full 3d on or off. Change that setting to get rid of the warping shit.
Literally HOW can you not have at least 4 dynamites and ~2 flare shots at that point?
Play Project Warlock instead
Projectiles that arrive immediately, as opposed to say, a rocket-like weapon.
god that looks like shit, makes DuuM 2 Super look like Mona Lisa
m8, Doom 1 is way better than 2. Even Doom 64 is better than 2.
Sounds like you're missing the first three secrets. Give me a sec and i'll hit you up, senpai.
>It's just typical nerd rage.
Sure thing shill.
Why don't we take a quick look at this remaster and compare it to the original? Surely it's just 1 pixel is wrong and not "entire enemy behaviour, physics, damage scaling and even weapon balance" is wrong, amirite?
youre still not fitting in
I sucked at these games when I was a little kid as well and I also don't think I knew about saving, but that's not the game's fault.
Rank them.
Blood > Shadow Warrior > Duke 3D
Fix for physics and cultists behaviour is still not on that list.
Not even fire damage fix. This "remaster" is trash, stop defending it
Easy peacy
>Shadow Warrior
Duke obviously has the most iconic setting, characters, one-liners and such, but the game is just too easy, you'll breeze through it. Blood is nearly as memorable, and has a much more interesting difficulty curve, plus the atmosphere and feel of the weapons is pretty great. Shadow Warrior has the weakest setting/character and the difficulty bounces around like a fucking bouncing ball.
All of them are very good games though.
shadow warrior > blood > dick kickem
This is madness
>assume Yea Forums is just exaggerating the issues
>play it
>blood particles stop to float in mid air
>cd music glitches out with first death
>midi music buggers off on second level
>but the game is just too easy, you'll breeze through it.
Stop using the jetpack.
the decrease in difficulty is the worst part about it
>Fresh Supply is now the "official" release
>It's a fucking mess full of glitches and inaccuracies left and right
>Nightdive will only have 1 or 2 weeks to fix only the most glaring stuff
>They will move on to the next project and leave the game like this
>This is how most people will experience Blood for the first time and remember it
I've never used it more than for a laugh. It seems useless though, why would it make the game easier?
don't feel too bad anyone only now just getting into blood is probably a massive fag anyway
Because you can skip 90% of certain levels with it.
It's a PC game, it's going to be buggy. part and parcel.
wtf I hate blood now
Yeah it's really not that good , they should've waited and playtested it more
Nightdive put out the Turok map editor+workshop a year after release
Those of us on the NightDive discord are doing our best reporting as many bugs as possible using evidence such as comparing video footage from original DOS version vs FS.
There's already been 2 beta builds released over the weekend fixing numerous things.
You can access the beta branch in Steam by going to properties and clicking on the betas tab.
based discord/blood beta tester
What difficulty are you on?
>Instead of pieing this corner to carefully avoid any unknown threats, I'm going to run fucking full-blast into an ambush, and then go whine on the internet about getting my ass handed to me.
Modern FPS has really ruined zoomers.
>Dude aim from the corner at a corner, that's epic FPS gameplay!
You make boomers like me look bad with your shit opinion and shit Build engine game
Webm related is how a good game should be played
Are you that retard who just shits on Blood because he's salty no one downloads his shitty mod?
Duke is the worst Build game, though.
Every one of these games has some sort of method for defeating hitscan enemies and it's usually explosive, you also get plenty of ammo unless you're trying to speedrun it without any secrets.
Why is this so hard for user to understand and even more perplexing why does user play these games if he hates them so much? go play something else
That trap recently got me when I downloaded brutal doom again.
Gave me a fucking hearty chuckle.
Funny to imagine people getting MAD at this kinda shit.
All I can imagine is some snarky ass dev with a shit eating grin as he designed this part of the level.
If anything there should have been MORE chainguns
DOSbox Blood
best Blood
I shit on Blood because it's poorly designed, always has been
Replaying Shadow Warrior after playing Blood is like night and day of good (SW) and bad (Blood)
It's the best designed by a mile
git gud kid
Git gud.
Yeah, you're that retard. Why don't you post some more of your steam achievements in unrelated games to prove how you're not a total shitter while spamming your cancer.
>Being so shit at other build engine game you post unrelated games
OK, dude, thanks, I mean it.
>All that hiding and only coming out when there are shitty zombies to fight
>>Why don't you post some more of your steam achievements in unrelated games
>Shadow Warrior and Blood
>Only unrelated game is CS:GO (which is only there because I had just played it)
Bloodfags are mentally ill
Go spam your cancer elsewhere retard.
>"if the game doesn't grant me invulnerability aslong as im strafing its a shit game"
What are you even talking about
>boomers like me
>using the word epic
Newfag detected
Your garbage opinions and screenshots.
git gud
It was meant to show off how stupid Bloodfags sound by defending bad design - in case you are that stupid that you missed the context
My Steam account is probably older than you
>and drain your finite supplies
*sounds of mage nonchalantly chadding past you, while firing sapphire wand at everything that still moves, barring Heresiarch*
>he's still at it
lmao post the link to your mod already faggit
>"I need to feel like I got raped up the ass before I can consider a game good"
Ever consider gitting gud, user?
>Comparing blood gameplay to getting raped in the ass
How shit are you?
i wanna be like kevin
>"Epic gameplay" of Blood is you jumping around like a retard while fighting easy as fuck enemies
Holy fucking lol - I never see decent Blood webms that look exciting while fighting cultists
Oh that's right because you fucking can't fight them in an exciting way
t. save scums even despite memorizing the game
try harder newfag
Okay, I think I got it. Blood is a third-person shooter in the guise of a first-person one. What the actual fuck.
>Oh that's right because you fucking can't fight them in an exciting way
As opposed to this riveting display of gameplay rite?
Fuck off retard
Explain what 2 does better than 1 and 64. 1 has better level design and weapon/enemy balance. 64 has better level design.
A 1 year older account is... impressive to retards
Douk > Blood = SW
>starts dick waving contest
>gets outclassed
What a joke
A weapon actually working against enemies and being able to face them instead of throwing shit around corners? My god, this is the worst thing ever!
Finally some sanity in this thread, though I think SW is better than Blood
utterly based and BTFOpilled
Where do you think you are?
SW on shurikenstarts is easily as insultung, as Blood on WD is.
So you proved me wrong by waving your dick yourself? Lol what a child.
>gets BTFO
That's a funny way of saying Shadow Warrior..
SW has impressive scripting and vehicles
Blood introduced jack shit
ur so mad dude lmaaaoooooo
That'll be Duke
Enemies are boring and uninspired.
A reddit image from a reddit fan of Blood
>Chinese ghosts and shit v zombies
Yeah so uninspired my dude
Nice contrarian opinion there bud.
Every time
I'd say it's universally accepted. Douk is overblown, got a sourceport first and enjoys a lot of praise. Probably its the most accessible of the Build engine games and everyone as a kid played it. Coming back to it now feels underwhelming and easy. Blood and SW on the other hand had niche markets and there has never been as much popular demand for source ports as there was for Douk.
Douk is overrated as hell compared to those two. Try again.
>There are people unironically defending shitscan in anything
>feeding trolls
You know better
But SW is the underdog of the three.
Nothing wrong with hitscan.
I'm only pretending to be a salty baby
heh gottem
I love Blood but its enemies are very boring.
>fat zombies
newfaggot here, can someone explain to me what the fuck is nblood?
i have already played GDX and dosbox, but i never heard of this nblood thing you're all talking about and google gives me nothing
>feels underwhelming and easy.
Play on Damn I'm Good, pleb.
That's the only difficulty for Duke that doesn't make the game laughably easy. Even then you're swimming in ammo. It's a joke
You are swimming in ammo in both Shadow Warrior and Blood.
>I'd say it's universally accepted
Universally accepted by contrarians, yes
Bloodfags are mentally ill
I was swimming in ammo at the end of Blood Episode 1, the fuck are you even talking about?
Tomatoes are fucking stupid, suck my dick tomatoes.
>Bloodfags are mentally ill
Just keep repeating it my dude. Now go play your mod.
Time to stop shitposting, lad.
No, no, no, no, no.. gentlemen; ION MAIDEN is the worst Build game.
You have ten seconds to tell me why this isn't the best Build game.
Oh my god just look at how drained of resources I am, nearly full armor, nearly full ammo on all my weapons (and even full on some of them)
Agreed, but Blood is still the worst of the trilogy.
Level 1 is pretty shit unlike Hollywood Holocaust (but then it does improve)
>Agreed, but Blood is still the worst of the trilogy.
Of course you'd agree. You've been spamming threads shitting on Ion Maiden for the past year
>Literally just Doom but gayer
How did they get away with it?
No, that's Hexen/Heretic
What is his endgame?
Those games don't deal with hell.
Or maybe they do, I never finished them.
>Those games don't deal with hell.
Eeeeeeh they're on par with Blood I'd say
>Or maybe they do, I never finished them.
They're shit, don't bother - hell Blood is better because it's based on Duke 3D's engine (but they mangled it a bit and made it imbalanced as hell)
>play blood a few years ago
>it's fucking great
>play the second expansion or something
>it starts out on some docks with an underground cave
>get stuck at one part and genuinely can't play any further
Still don't get it. The original game might be the best FPS of all time anyways.
>>All that hiding and only coming out when there are shitty zombies to fight
how thick do you need me to make it for you, young man
First chapter is extremely reliant on your knowing where every single secret is because its littered with Life Seeds, Invincibilities, and Reflective Shots that you have to use to survive the cultist onslaught.
What? Seppuku Station is god tier, leagues above Cradle to Grave.
More webms.
Cryptic Passage > Post Mortem
That turret/subway at the end is a massive fuck you
Level 2 is where I actually hit my stride
>All that lost health
If not for your bonus, you'd literally be dead
But Zilla Construction is garbage.
But it isn't imbalanced shit thanks to weapon turret spam and luring enemies so you can use it was fun
The setting isn't as iconic. "80's macho action" and "horror action" beats "asia". The difficulty is all over the place, what were they thinking with the invisible enemies that can kill you in one projectile?
It's still great, just not the best of the build-trilogy
Also the movable vehicle was maybe FPSes first example of an HL2 style platforming puzzle
I think he was just caught up in the hype of the fact that Blood finally got an official re-release after all these years of nothing but fan ports attempting to reverse engineer it.
>It's still great
you're like a beaten wife that still runs to her hubby.
Bit they're not. They're even more visible than Doom's Spectres.
Is he talking about those fully black shaded ninjas?
Look for more secrets theres like 4 before the chapel if you look
>One of the secrets on that level is the useless as fuck dual wield
Literally that shit was more trouble than its worth - only way the dual wield power up could actually be effective is if 2 hits=1 ammo usage
remind me again why people like Plutonia over TNT? TNT has far superior level design and atmosphere.
halo 2 just did it so much better. Instead in blood its just "dude you shoot more and the game is a little less tedious lmoa"
t. meatball
Heretic's 2nd episode is Hell and Hexen's expansion takes place in the 'Realm of the Dead.'
Yeah they're not that bad, basically the games Archvile - obviously focus on them first
Blood and Shadow Warrior are genuinely difficult. Gaming journalists complain about shit like Assassins Creed 4 and AAA Warrior: Rise of the Cutscene: Retribution being too hard.
>Gaming journalists complain about shit like Assassins Creed 4
>and AAA Warrior: Rise of the Cutscene: Retribution being too hard.
No, they didn't.
>If not for your bonus, you'd literally be dead
>All that savescumming just to get you to make that webm
Now compare it to someone who opens a door for the first time, gets a faceful of cultists and has lost nearly all his health
>Now compare it to someone who opens a door for the first time, gets a faceful of cultists and has lost nearly all his health
It's a "surprise, muthafucka!" moment.
You're basically expected to get owned if this is your first time and unprepared. That experience teaches you not to stand in the middle of doors when you open them.
No, it speaks more to the bad design. I mentioned this before, but
>There's literally a part in Blood (the carnival) where you open a door, walk into a room, and they intentionally put cultist behind the door when it closes to ambush you; Blood is literally garbo.
This is the games most common enemy: A character that has 0 animation start up time before he's plugging you, compared to the lizard alien in Duke Nukem 3D where they not only have a start up to their animation, but they fire projectiles that can be dodged
The pig cops are the most comparable to the cultists with their hitscan, but they're slow as fuck pigs
Is this literally a copy paste of your post from the previous thread a few days ago? Fucking hell
Yes. GDX if you want to play fan made stuff and Nblood for the most accurate representation.
if anything you just retreat and make a slow sweep of the cabin because cultists are very susceptible to hitstun
God I fucking love the shadow ninjas. Call it unfair or whatever but more games need "oh shit" enemies that can seriously put you into a real panic
>Proving my point for me with you eating all that dynamite
Yikes and cringepilled
You do everything right and keep your distance, but still eat a plateful of shit
>Explain what 2 does better than 1
One of the best shotguns in fps and an infinitely more complete bestiary. Cacodemon < baron of hell < cyberdemon is a really big step between monster difficulties. I also find the more open levels of doom 2 deeply satisfying and more consistently better than the ones in doom 1 but that is subjective.
>and 64
I don't think 64 is even as good as doom 1 for various reasons but that might be more nostalgia than anything.
>everyone ITT complaining about how bullshit hard blood is despite the fact that you can beat it and that there are youtubers who post entire videos of themselves beating it
>"b-b-b-but savescum"
>ignoring all the other games that exist that give you saves or checkpoints or both
Doom 2 and Plutonia are made good with modern sourceports that allow for mouselook. Being able to Chaingun snipe hitscan enemies is the difference between gying to that one chaingunner miles away the autoaim literally doesn't register and him being a non issue.
People calling blood the best fps im not seeing it. Overwhelmingly relies on hitscan. It sure as shit is more difficult than any other 2.5D shooter I can think of but difficult does not equal good. Even the other 2 build games dont rely as heavily on hitscan
All games are literally beatable if you throw yourself at them hard enough
Bloodfags are mentally ill, basically
I bet you are one of those trannies who want games like Sekiro to have an easy mode
Dodging doesnt even work in blood when everything is hitscan. F5 and F9 all day
More of a side-effect of RNG than anything, as most of the time they can't get any TNT down that cabin
If I was that eager to cherrypick runs I wouldn't have shown it
I think sekiro needs a hard-HARD mode but thanks for your confirmation bias
Lets take the comparison to the fullest extent:
If Sekiro were badly designed like Blood, I'd just play one of the superior Souls/Build games.
For maximum fun do "Made to Order" with everything on default except for enemy numbers.
Set that shit to MAX
It does have a hard mode.
>everything is hitscan.
Nigger, only 2 enemies in the game are hitscan
I always find it funny how everyone is suddenly an expert retro FPS designer.
Look, if you can't git gud then just lower the difficulty, it's there for a reason you stupid retard.
>More of a side-effect of RNG than anything
A good game shouldn't be RNG reliant
Hell, even the question of ammo in Blood is RNG based due to cultist ammo drops
>Nigger, only 2 enemies in the game are hitscan
The most common and effective ones
Not even the ninjas in SW want to rape you as badly as the cultists in Blood do
Which is why I said "hard-HARD mode" but thanks for your reading comprehension
git gud or cope
>Nigger, only 2 enemies in the game are hitscan
this would be like if imps in doom were hitscan except worse because I'm pretty sure cultists in total are more common than imps.
Zombies are usually more common.
Keep seething tho
Kuro's charm + Bell Demon = Hard-hard mode.
I don't understand. Yea Forums has ALWAYS loved Blood every time it was mentioned before this port came out. What the fuck happened to this board's userbase?
New thread
Sandy Petersen is a tricky man. I love his maps.
hitscan enemies were the bane of 90s fps shooters and it's insane that it's still a problem
They wanna choose the harderst difficulty and beat the game in one sitting like most indie shit they play
All hitscan enemies in all 90s shooters, both 2.5d and 3d, are the weakest bunch in the game with the notable exception of an end-game boss mastermind. This is for a reason. Blood is difficult for difficulty's sake and is beaten by memorizing monster placements as opposed to reacting to them. Blood is not a very good game
New thread
>Waaaah, Blood actually has to fall under a critical eye waaaaaaaah
Nailed it
Kill yourself tranny, real video games weren't made for you in mind
>real video games are about frantic quicksaving and quickloading until you memorize the placement of every single enemy instead of reacting to them as they come
You can beat every level from pitchfork start, cope harder tranny
You can beat Doom levels with pistol start - what does this prove?
That Blood is just as balanced as Doom.
you cant /thread your own post incel
Thanks for proving everyone here that your opinion is not worth listening to
... no, that just proves they put a lot of ammo in levels
Hell, the carnival has a starting weapon right away