Helo i am masterchief lolololololololololo

Helo i am masterchief lolololololololololo

Attached: master chief.png (650x433, 311K)


ur mom hahahahahahahahahehahaha


MCC on PC never ever



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Veto this shit you fagots



i r guy
who gon t33ch u lessin.

Christ, I’d give almost anything to go back
God why won’t this nightmare end
I just wanna play video games

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can someone post a link with time stamp. spoon feed me pls

tfw played halo 1, 2, and 3 and reach like crazy but never really watched those vids

i think the guy came back for new ones but just made them into memeshit

stupid fucking snowbound

>Have you ever heard of, cheats?

Attached: Cheats.png (1920x1080, 1.01M)

the new ones are more of the same, which isn't a bad thing
they do dip into memes but it always reflected online environments and in these days there's some fuckin maymays goin around, and they don't dip hard into them anyway

The new stuff is definitely not as good as the old stuff. Honestly I feel like I wasted my time on season 8 for sure, the early ones are kino af tho. Watch at least the first two seasons or so, and then decide if you want to do more.

veto veto veto fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

>season 8

there are seasons of this shit? i thought it was just a few episodes lol

kinda cringe
fuck you snowbound is kino

Yeah, there's fuckloads of episodes. The problem is they eventually go from being like 5 or ten minutes apiece to being goddamn feature length films, and I'm not even exaggerating.

And there's whole seasons of unfunny preachy bullshit and now they're in some bizzaro dream world on a space ship. I just want master chief to be upset about something and have arbiter react to it how the fuck is that so hard

ah alright, glad i didnt watch them then, i do remember the soisoisoisoisoi thing for some reason though

they left the dreamworld a few episodes into the new season, but i can dig that you missed it. took me awhile to get past it too, the initial shit was pretty boring.

Oh word the dream world is done? I might check it out again

yeah, it was something they were dreaming while being shipped over to jon's new apartment or some shit. it's still the same stuff as the last few seasons with online cyberdrama featuring everyone's favorite retarded action figure, but there are some really good moments too. honestly, you could just skip the dream parts. all you'll miss is chief waking up before arbiter and then getting distracted so he doesn't wake up arbiter.