I am Forgotten

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Other urls found in this thread:


>no sense of wonder or surprise because every world got leaked/revealed months in advance
t-thanks nomura

I played it for a third time last week and still talk about it regularly. There's just not much reason to make threads here because there's not much discussion to be had other than shitposts

you're just experiencing what you didn't get to by not being one of the people who followed marketing on this series since 2001

>no sense of wonder or surprise because every world got leaked/revealed months in advance
I think that's just a normal sense of jadedness that comes with age. When KH2 came out I bought the Bradygames guide and even though I read most of it before playing I still got every spark of childhood joy delivered to me.

Very sad how they screwed up the final game, gameplay is so boring just spamming the special moves that blow up the entire screen

Still waiting for the DLC

KH2 had the same problem though

you are delusional
you are stupid

Your game sucks get over it and go back to KH2FM.

What the hell are you talking about?


>Press Triangle to Win

>extremely context sensitive actions that only a handful of enemies have and are never 1 hit kills
>compared to screen nukes that get handed to you every three seconds, most times completely randomly
Not even close to the same thing, lad.

Bought it last week and I guess the moves and specials are amazing for the first two hours. Then the rest of the game so far is repetitive. Currently on the frozen world and holy shit is it annoying. But yeah for a game that took so long to release there wasn't much hype and discussion.

I wish

>Bought it last week
>there wasn't much hype and discussion.
There was at launch, you waited too long dicknuts.

KH1,COM,KH2=Original Trilogy
Days=Rogue One
Coded=Holiday Special
BBS=Prequel Trilogy
DDD=The Force Awakens
Unchained=Clone Wars/Rebels
KH3=The Last Jedi
Next sidegame=???
KH4=Rise of Skywalker

Finally got to play it last week and I was surprised at how ugly the game was. I know Unreal's a shit engine, but seeing Kingdom Hearts' cartoonish aesthetic replaced by this ugly fucking plastic shit was disheartening. Also the gameplay is shit. Worse mainline game by far, felt like a bloated handheld title.

except it got a Critical Mode update and is getting DLC

I would actually think:
KH1,COM,KH2=Original Trilogy
Days/Re:Coded/0.2 = Rouge One/Solo
BBS/UX = Prequel trilogy
DDD/3/and beyond = New trilogy

Do you see KH threads consistently on this board?

It was also a PS2 era game and we've learned a lot since then. KH3 should have been more like dark souls

Yes seethe more

Why wasn't the ending just Nomura flipping you off for five minutes straight?

Do you still see consistent RDR 2 threads? Boy of Bore? Fucking Witcher 3? No, they have one every other 2-3 days, just like KH.

>screen nukes
Primary reason I haven't played 3. Is there anything in the game that isn't some over the top, flashy, fully invincible bullshit?

You could just mash x and use magic the whole game without touching the triangle button ever.

Or you could play crit

>game x is bad

Why have discussions on the internet become so dumbed down?

That only removes one of the four variations of screen nukes and makes one happen more often.

I still haven't been able to bring myself to finish this game. It'd had turned into a drag but that fucking Pirates of the Caribbean boat race and crab collecting killed it for me. I just went ahead and ejected it. Thank got MGSV already prepared me for this sort of level of disappointment.

No, Barry. You are forgotten. No amount of Cope will change the fact that VII-R and KHIII will be better than XV, always.

Being better than abortion juice is not an accomplishment.

>best selling game of 2019

Attached: 05803DEE-6C36-4E8F-9056-B005EA559D04.jpg (717x767, 80K)

blunder of blunders

2019 ain't over by a longshot, idiot.

Attached: 4d9.png (382x491, 124K)

Even without screen nukes, mashing X will win you most of the game. It's super floaty, super overpowered bullshit.

Well yeah, when you make a game that has a story that doesn't happen til the last 3-4 hours that's what happens.

Doesn't help that the game isn't that fun

>mashing X will win most of the game

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You didnt play

>hey remember all these different character plots we've been building for years and need to close? let's just slam them into a boss rush at the end and make the rest of the game disney filler with no purpose at all
what the fuck were they thinking?

That's how it goes with every KH game

Just wait till you are Re:Minded

the only thing KH3 did right was the pirates of the caribbean world
prove me wrong

Nomura said it was coming and it's already been stated all the DLC will essentially by Final Mix, IIRC.

Have you played vanilla KH2 recently? It's braindead as hell and there's fucking nothing to do in the postgame. It is so unbelievably dismal compared to KH2FM.

>no concrete numbers
>just a secondhand report from a hilariously biased source
At least try, nigger.

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>released at the very beginning of the year
>halfway through the year its sales are not topped
What exactly is going to stop KHIII at this point?

Fuckin' CTR?
Randy Pitchford's Mean Meme Machine?
Not many major releases on the horizon.

I did and I didn't enjoy it in the slightest, the fuck are you going to do about it?

Try that on Critical and you’ll never get past the first fight in Olympus. Why would you play any difficulty other than the highest in a main Kingdom Hearts game, anyway?

The DLC in the future is suppose to be adding more story scenes in regards to that.

>Randy Pitchford's Mean Meme Machine
You might just be surpised how many people genuinely don't give a shit about how much of a dirtbag Bitchford is. They don't keep up on news, they just watch the trailers, get hype, and consume.

Bull fucking shit you nigger I beat the entirety of Olympus doing little more than mashing x and spamming water against fire cores.

You see where the problem in this lies, right?

Beat it on what difficulty, you fucking duble nigger?

Play crit before you seethe

Critical obviously, what the fuck do you think?

Critical mode is a fun time.

Are you faggots deaf? I did, it didn't make the game any more fun, just 20x more tedious and annoying.

Wow dying in one hit so hard!

>beat it mashing x on the difficulty where everything 1-2 hits you
You’re full of shit and this is the last (you) you’re getting from me

fuck off, the story of all the relevant games is done
dlc will be either some hints about the upcoming story from a shitty mobile game or a dancing minigame with olaf form frozen

Nomura went insane years ago yet people still look forward to his games for some reason

It really isn’t. What do you people think makes it such an improvement over the normal game?

Reflect is not There for you this time try again

Well I just looked up Borderlands sales
>series total of 26 million
>Borderlands 2 alone is 13M
>Pre-Sequel is 10M
Fucking how

I honestly didn't know Borderlands was this popular

borderlands was a must for all the normies when gaming became a cool internet thing, just like portal

Getting 1 shot = well balanced difficulty to these retards.

They already confirmed Xion is going to be getting more story focus in some of it and is going to elaborate more on her role in the story.


Well yeah.

Reason it feels lifeless for me is the lack of hub world like Traverse town and Radiant garden. Those worlds being anchors and evolving over the game made the frost two games. After you are done with the story of the Disney World's. There is little to no reason to revisit

>her role in the story.
WHAT ROLE?! She shows up at the end literally only to justify hamfisting her into Days!

They already announced it retard. Look up re:MIND

What exactly are you expecting to pass it?

I'm pretty sure what he means is that you're delusional for thinking whatever DLC they throw out won't save this half baked mess.

Its pretty balanced

>bloated handheld game
My thoughts exactly. It’s a great sequel to DDD, but falls flat as a mainline game. It feels incomplete and rushed, probably because it was.

I dread to think what pointless shit this DLC is going to be about

They'll probably just do some shit involving that Verum Rex thing and then a completely new ending.

It really isn't. It just forces you to either hit and run or spam screen nukes instead of ignoring them.

>Dieing in one hit
Retards can't use abilities. You bitch about it being easy and button mashing. Then bitch to it being too hard. You are a scrub

Welp, I'm already dissapointed. Fuck xion. She's irrelevant at this point

Stop parroting others its nothing like that.You clearly shown you didnt play though.

I thought I heard one of chapters was going to be about fucking Xion. Why does Nomura keep trying to force this useless character?

>Not even better than the PS2 game before it, a decade plus later
lmao only retards enjoy this trash

>Next sidegame=???

so they'll just copy paste 0.2, replace aqua with xion and voila, her appearance out of nowhere in kh3 is now explained
as if a mini chapter made to justify shoehorned writing could fix anything
it's as bad as that naruto movie where he falls in love for hinata after seeing her as a weirdo the entire show


Oh, then yea, I totally agree. Only thing I'm remotely looking forward to is the key blades and boss fights. Although it'll probally just be shit like another humannoid heartless


ReMIND consists of a new "ReMIND scenario" which is likely additional cutscenes in the main game
On top of this, there are going to be two Episodes, Secret and Limit Cut
They both come with extra boss fights

What you said could imply either way. This bait is weak

3 might have the most disappointing secret boss in the series.

Good, game was fucking shit

By far. It was fucking garbage. Wasn't even secret either.


I Wana play a scenario of what happened when the world fell to darkness

Both KH1 and 2's normal mode are completely enjoyable. Mashing X in all situations will also not get you far.

Hush child, cry no more.

Soooo....when are the jannies coming to clean up this shit thread?

>gameplay is so boring just spamming the special moves that blow up the entire screen
All of this has been solved by Critical mode, kill yourself you pathetic shitposter. Is this Barry?

>Mashing X in all situations will also not get you far

Someone who didnt play crit thats for sure

A lot of butthurt this thread, so I brought this, anyone need some?

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Reddit's that way

Do I look like I'm made of money?

You must of made some money selling your ass in the back of a Wendy's toilet

Back when I was a kid I LOVED KH 1 and 2 and I could WAIT for KH3.
But now I am a grown ass man I could give a fuck about playing Sora going through kiddie Disney shit. Honestly I probobly be SEVERELY DISAPPOINTED if I ever played this trash IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN RELEASED 10 YEARS AGO.
I am done with kid shit whats next you want me to play Zelda and Mario too BING BING WHOOOOOOO

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>W-wait for critical mode
>critical mode comes out
>Its shit
>W-wait for DLC
>DLC is just going to be stapled on shitty prequel episodes and bonus bosses that should have been in the game to start with
>J-Just wait for final mix
>C-cope KH3 is goat
I havent seen this much denail in a long time
>b-but you're just mad that we are having fun
You wouldnt need to make up excuses for this game

The first boss of potc

Nigga most rational people that aren't goalpost moving faggots kind of agree crit is really good and solves a lot of problems in an already good game

Should have played Birth By Sleep, faggot. You know, the game they actually fucking teased in the secret endings for KH2.

>there are unironically people who still believe The Gathering was teasing BbS and are simultaneously confused/disappointed that it's not in KHIII

I still haven't finished it and I've been a die-hard fan since the beginning. The gameplay is just so bland compared to the previous entries.

>KH3=The Last Jedi

Look KH3 was a disappointment but it wasn't THAT bad.

I'm burnt out at the exact same spot lmao, fucking MGSV still hurts

different user but the what about game y might be asking why the same thing that makes game y bad doesn't apply to game x

>BBS=prequel trilogy
The similarities are astonishing. Xehanort and Terra are just like Anakin and Palpatine in their relationship. The fight of Terra vs Braig with Xehanort being kidnapped is just like Anakin vs Dooku.

Platinum'd and forgotten

KH2 is still the best

Most of this thread is condemning the game you idiot

Who's Jar Jar?

How does critical mode change the core gameplay? Does it add an animation breaking dodge? Or give you more ways to kill things with your keyblades instead of magic or specials?

Needed to be more like DMC5

The gummi ships in 3 are ass, that stupid mini game is half the reason I go back to play 2 time and time again

If they would put it on the pc, it wouldn't be

>start critical mode
>Get to the robots in Toy Box

God, save me.

>There's just not much reason to make threads here because there's not much discussion to be had other than shitposts
This is the real reason I never discuss anything KH-related on Yea Forums for the most part

>not owning all consoles and a gaming PC


seethe and cope you fucking worms ahahahaha

Cope you fucking worm.

>few scant cutscenes and battles remove the sense of wonder for you
cringe doomer

Fun and brainless like Automata's gameplay but with better level design.

Okay story.

Better gameplay and game feel than XV. And better level design.

Lack of customization like Octopath.

I feel bad for people who preordered the game.

Attached: KH3 in 3 months.png (500x200, 24K)

level design is actually shit as there is no verticality, Automata has huge verticality which aids its cinematic presentation and sense of scale. Battles can take place across buildings, for example, whereas in KH3 all (and I mean ALL with the exception of Final Xehanort and Angelic Amber) battles take place on flat square/circular 2x4 arenas


seethe harder if you need to. KH3 is shit

Noone cares about your channel bub

I bought TSSF instead of KH3. Honestly what's keeping me from wanting to play KH3 is how almost all the worlds are based on the newer CG Disney films. I would have like to see a classic or two represented. imagine if they made a world based on something from the parks, like The Haunted Mansion. Oh, and no Final Fantasy characters, so much for being a crossover series.

Speak for yourself mate, if it was forgotten, you guys should stop mentioning this game is forgotten...

>some areas in Corona
>San Fransokyo
>Toy Box
>TT forest is a slope with trees, plus the heartless fight in the town
You are the wrongest chick in this thread.

no one asked about anyone's shit channel. the posts are there for proof. they are everywhere. Lv1CM KKO runs in JP/ENG showing the shit gameplay loop: either eat food like a faggot (functionally the same as leveling btw), or go into mp charge and bait out telegraphed attacks to press triangle for "proper damage scaling".

Today I will remind them.


Attached: 1556328696523.png (1581x196, 64K)

Rent free

>not just waiting for the complete edition and buying it used so SE doesn't get your money

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As fucking if, Barry and that one autist shitposting over AC7 and other games that came out earlier in the year are just fucking plagues on any decent discussion since they focus only on ONE fucking thing. It gets fucking old as hell.

Playing a game criticized by fan and no waiting for a pc release so modders can fix it lol

>The gameplay is borin-

Attached: Kingdom Hearts 3 - Keyblade Switching.webm (1280x720, 3M)

He posts the same shit every thread.

What the fuck is that MP bar? Beginner mode + food? lmfao.imagine needing that much MP in a piss easy game like kh3

I heard it's flashy combat over depth

Did critical mode flop that badly?

"Crit mode" cannot fix the shitty gameplay loop that is formchanges. Crit cannot fix the lack of damage scaling for lv1. Crit cannot fix base Sora's kit being absolute dogshit even compared to Second Form. Crit cannot fix anything.

Yeah it made counters hella strong but everyone knows Counter Shield is busted anyway.

people like you who blame others for your own idiocy are always fun to listen too.

you are a fucking worthless retard that has literally no clue about combat in kh3.


>I am forgotten
More like I am inevitable

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Funny it actually did all of that sorry retard.
i love how a retards like you that didnt even play crit talks about it. Sorry that you are literally mentally handicapped but thats not a videogames fault its the fault of your mother trying to beat you to death/abort you after a year of suffering your idiocy.

Too bad that as a character he's not good.

It still sold the most out of any KH game. Stay mad fags

Hasn't outsold KH1. That one sold 6 million alone in lifetime sales.

>spam X awhile then do transformation superweapon bullshit
I kind of hate 3's combat, it just feels way too autopiloted along

What’s the best way to play KH1 & 2 on a PC?

There have always been braindead discussion. The difference between now and 2007 is that social media is now clumped to a handful of websites, so a huge amount of loud idiots are clumped together and their shitty opinions are amplified from the large audience.


cope your fucking eyeballs out you insect.

No joke. I actually did forget this game is a thing. It's so boring.

>BBS=Prequel Trilogy
So who's route was episode III and why was their route better than every other kingdom hearts game?

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go get some food or something

I don't know what's worse, people waiting all this time for a disappointing title or the fact that they were deluded KH was ever good