Other urls found in this thread:
3rd Strike
>3rd Strike
>get bodied by oldfags
fighting games in a nutshell
Chun Li because I love laura bailey.
G because I'm not a faggot
TK swag Sagat
Is this even a question
I'd rather get bodied by oldfags in a good game than trade wins in a shitty one. It's why I got into Darkstalkers, recently.
Based birdiebro
Vampire Savior
Abigail & Alex
Yang & Q
And for completion's sake, Hawk in ST and Hakan/Poison in USFIV.
I played Bison for a bit, but I don't like this game.
Ibuki main, started playing Yang recently, though.
Why thank you, I am the world president.
>Literally no new characters announced after Kage
is the game dead?
Who here /Devilotte/?
I want Falke to suck my dick and leave it covered in her saliva and green lipstick.
I want Menat to look into her crystal ball and see our wedding!
what do we think of kolin
training costume sniffmommy chun
imagine if the game launched like this
>3rd Strike
>Good game
Yeah you saw the epic Daigo parry and thought parries are how fighting game neutrals are supposed to look. Anyone who defends this trash is a bandwagon faggot, no contest
Great. Legs.
Based. Third Strike is filled with everything people complain about in Jive but it's all ten times more extreme. Good players win more consistently in 3S because defensive options are better but the neutral and character diversity is much more shit than SFV's.
I haven't played the game since they introduced that ryu clone.
Is there any new characters or changes in balance?
Liking Third Strike is pretty much the undisputed proof that you don't know about what makes SF great
Goddamnit I pray someone uses this costume at EVO.
SFV has its own problems that make it lackluster imo but it's not a horrible game and I can't really say shit anyway. My favorite SF game is ST which is an all-out clusterfuck of bullshit but at least it has minimal gimmicks and is purely neutral-focused.
Outstanding taste.
Why should I care about all that shit if the game's fun to play?
Maybe. It's the only SF I enjoy. Was a KoF and GG kid growing up.
>All those people who got straight up murdered in Street Fighter 2: The Movie
>"I'd rather play Third Strike, a good game!"
>is shown the problems with 3S
>"Who cares faggot it's fun"
>"It's the only SF I like btw lol"
Every single time, this is a universal constant with 3Sfags. If you're going to fall back on it being a matter of opinion why even come into a SF thread waving the Third Strike dick around in the first place?
> why even come into a SF thread waving the Third Strike dick around in the first place?
Insecurity, BR's and Japs play 3S the most, and they don't behave like widows every time someone brings a SF game not named Third Strike
Your argument never really explained why the game was bad, just why it wasn't the same as the other SF games.
I don't hate the other SFs except for SFV. USFIV was pretty fun and what I played of Alpha was pretty good, but 3S does everything I want it to. Maybe it's a bad SF, but it's certainly a good game.
The g-string so tight that she can probably taste it is one thing, but for some reason the open back is what really sets me over the edge.
Sagat is the only character in SFV I really like, hoping Kage isn't the end but who knows with Capcom.
>Your argument never really explained why the game was bad
It's my opinion that the game is bad because parries don't allow conducive neutral play to exist. If you refer to the original webm I posted it's clear I was making an argument that the Ryu, who by and large played all of his cards right, shouldn't have lost because all of his pressure vs an airborne Makoto got lost in parries. Parries create an unprecedented number of 50/50 situations throughout the neutral, more than any other fighting game I can think of, and playing the game properly means conceding to the possibility of being parried and allowing artificial resets of the neutral to happen or else you get blown up by them. The fact that Makoto killed off of one good setup isn't even the problem, ST has plenty of that but ST also forces you to own your mistakes. That Ryu did not even have to make a mistake concerning the neutral to lose that match, he would have won in literally any other game.
That webm WAS some serious horseshit. I agree that 3S' coolest feature is also what leads to the most UNGA BUNGA shit where you can negate good AA play with a stray parry. That said, it's a game I really enjoy regardless of that bullshit. I want to like the other SFs and I don't mind people liking them, I just really dislike V specifically.
>hoping Kage isn't the end but who knows with Capcom.
nah they'll put in Decapre and Evil Ryu for six bucks each
Sagat's fireball traps are fucking brutal but to be fair, that Chun let himself get put there and didn't try to walldive xx head stomp nor super reversal out
I ain't making the list right now but:
>Would love
Rose, Poison, Hakan, Gouken, Yang
Dudley, Hawk, Q, Oro
Dan, Honda, Fuerte, Abel
>Don't Mind
Everybody else
>Don't want
Decapre, Juni, Juli
Falke is a semen demon. Shame she won't make it into 6.
Animation only works with Menat. Looks stupid as fuck on anyone else.
It's a shame as she does the "two buttons for special moves" gimmick better then Ed. Sadly her her stiff animations, being in a game full of much more well liked newcomers, being low tier, and lack of personality just make her destined to be a one hit wonder.
This guy gets it
Yeah it really is a shame because I do like her gimmick, but Capcom didn't try hard enough with her character for her to be popular.
>always watched the super edited version that came with the PS2 compilation as a kid
>mfw recently watching the uncensored version on BD
I knew about the Chunners tiddies but god damn I was not expecting "I'M GOING TO RIP YOUR FUCKING HEART OUT BISON"
There was no reason to. Rashid and Menat already were pretty popular, they already had their fan favorite characters settled on. While neither was on the level of Juri they both were popular enough to receive support in the way of more gameplay attention (both are top tier) and cosmetics (Menat has a fuck ton of outfits even compared to the other girls).
Speaking of SF movies the Alpha movie from 2000 is pretty weirdly dark as well.
>two guys try to rape Sakura and only stopped at the last second by Ken
>Zangief nearly murders a child by doing wrestling moves on him, literally showing no mercy
>child experimentation, really bizarre scene where Ryu walks into a meadow and finds child running around playing while laughing and crying
Has been a decade at least since I saw it but it always stuck with me, real weird film.
Mayor Cody
More like daddy Cody
That is so beautiful compared to 4 and 5
G and Rashid deserve to be in the inevitable SF6.
So who's going to be the next DLC character to take that upper right slot?
Rashid was popular as fuck, he's definitely in. G is a weird case, he's fairly popular but depending how it plays out he might become Q by SFVI. Of course they could keep them similar characters who mysteriously resemble one another though.
It's time
I honestly hope they never try to explain the G/Q thing and just keep it as something to cocktease us for eternity.
He's in please Ono
Tekken 7
git gud
I don't care that it was probably bots that got her there, it's happening.
They're just going to leave it. After Marvel they decided they want all their rosters to look retarded.
fuck off back to /fgg/ nigger
I choose calibur
Most boring fucking DLC roster ever
>literally just the safest waifubait picks
Soon bros, soon.
What’s BD?
All of them so far have had very unique playstyles though. 2B might be the best-done guest fighter I've ever played.
The base game also had an imbalance towards sausage so I don't mind an all-waifu SP.
>how it plays out he might become Q by SFVI.
G is more than likely not going to become Q or anything of that sort. He is just like remy and necro is third trike. In that they either do not want to dilute older characters by changing them to much. So they instead make them into new ones and add the shit they need to add to make them better fit in game. Since remy as guiles replacment and necro is dhalsims. There is also the shit about parrying to the point that Q might not just work as well as others without them in the eyes of the devs. But again given capcoms past actions G may be related to Q story wise sure but he definitely aint him with G just being a way to bring Qs moveset into sf5 first and foremost.
Blu-ray Disc
This particular release is great, it's got every version of the film you could possibly want from the original Japanese to the American PG-13 cut to the full on FUCKING UNCUT dub, and you can choose between the American and Japanese soundtracks for the dub.
what would you do if kolin asked you on a date?
I'd ask her to introduce me to daddy Urien
play it cool
I hope I'm not the only one who likes the dub. It's good, Guile aside, and has some memorable ham lines
Look around for cameras or people snickering on the assumption that I'm currently being pranked.
I like it, I have a soft spot for that 90s dub cadence and some of the performances are legit good.
The American soundtrack is sick as fuck too and makes for a very different experience from watching the Japanese version, it kind of transforms the movie into an aggressive thrill ride.
Take her out for a nice dinner I suppose
Eh, if they do as good a job with Cassandra as they have with the other 3 waifus I won't mind.
I still want my damn setsuka though
You said that birdie was good?!
Mods, ban this worthless soul
>tfw feel ashamed for playing Urien because LTG does
most overrated SF girl since Juri
Nobody likes her but me.
Is Alex still trash?
yes and that's a good thing
what it needs is parries but with some requirements like a power bar like Samurai Shodown V Special.
How many mods is this
I legitimately liked SFV's story mode.
The pacing and animation is a bit wonky but you can't convince me that convoluted Illuminati backstabbings and the street fighters parachuting into a Shadaloo base to stop Bison's wacky schemes isn't the dopest shit and exactly what a SF story mode should be.
everything that had to do with karin and her friendship crew was fucking cringeworthy. they had all these characters that didn't belong in a storymode and forced them into one big good-guy team
dumbass Urien walked right into it lmao
It's nice that they included ALL the variants of the dub, and i heard it even has a version of the english dub with the japanese M&E track (japanese Ost and sound effects), but honestly i would have been much happier IF, they did on top of that a straight redub staying to the more nuance japanese dialogue instead of the still cannot let die, quipy one liner action movie dialogue.
Also, the ancient japanese DVD release of the movie had this, they should have included this.
Would there have been much of an audience for that though? Street Fighter II MOVIE and Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie are basically different films entirely, as much as I like the modern English cast of SF a straight redub would feel like a weird middle ground.
>mfw they replaced her with fucking Ashly Burch in MvCI
>mfw couldn't just change her to Japanese because MvCI is English-only everywhere
>mfw I later found out they replaced her because Marvel had a dumb "only one character per VA" rule and Bailey plays Black Widow
Makes me more mad than the X-Men shit
why not, look, i am thankful that Discotek released every single variant of the old english dub, but, do americans really, really, REALLY need to keep this dumb practices of fucking up the dialogues cause they think they can do better, please, write your own stories then.
Honestly i just can grasp my head as to why localizations are done and why they are soooooooooooooooooooo many excuses.
Keep in mind that SF2 The Movie came out in the height of SF's popularity in the 90s, localization changes like a more action movie-ish script and swapping the pop soundtrack for popular numetal and rock were necessities for making sure it was a hit with American kids. It was a different time.
imagine a english straight redub but with a old english dub OST variant, but purists will bitch and moan unless they have the original OST with the redub.
every other sf game is fucking boring compared to 3s
no other game has charge partitioning either
also saying it has shit neutral when it's one of the most whiff punish heavy games that exists is incredibly retarded, just say you prefer chucking fireballs for half the round like a faggot and quit talking out of your ass
Marvel's mandates for Infinite were some next-level petty shit that I wouldn't have believed if the game wasn't so poorly handled from every angle.
>During new character reveals all the characters getting comboed by the showcased characters were Capcom because Marvel refused to let their characters get beat up in promotional material
he was against makoto with full meter in the corner, when he saw he was getting parried constantly he should've resigned to mash jab and reset her out of the air instead of committing to the one option that would fuck him over if it also got parried
he took an unnecessary risk with the dp, that was a mistake no matter what bullshit way you try to define it
She's by far the most attractive girl in this game.
Which character's playstyle in 5 most closely resembles El Fuerte? I used to love playing as this speedy gonzales bastard spamming habanero dash cancel into everything.
>Jumping itself induces a 50/50
>Not a shit neutral
That may be so but the fact that the Makoto was allowed to turn such a favorable position around after losing the neutral hard was pure bullshit. Reset her out of the air? That's the kind of artificial concessions I was talking about, the Makoto was in such a fucked position that the Ryu should not have even had to consider the possibility of giving up ground on a reset that would let her get out for free when he could have taken that round in any better fighting game
Rashid is the game's resident speedy meme boy. He doesn't quite play like Fuerte but he's very mobile and has a lot of tricks. He has a full-on run instead of a regular forward dash.
I have a perfect idea.
What about a Clash mechanic? when let's say, opponets hot each other with an attack of the same level, (normals) if the hitboxes dont hit the hurt boxes, but instead, like, a strong punch and a strong kick attacks, no damage will be done, but a tiny clash block between the 2 opponents an a little pushback depending on the potency?
Also have it limited or tied to the Stun gauge, and of course, if someone uses a weak punch to block a Blanka High Punch Rolling, it doesnt stop him, but instead there's a little weak clash, but it does shit damage to the person doing the strong attack and higher to the one who used the wrong potency of attack.
Am I wrong or doesn't Rev 2 have this mechanic?
I'm always on the fence about buying SFV. Usually right when I'm about to buy it they do something dumb like adding literal in game advertisements for Uniqlo.
Kage theme is so fucking hype. Second best after Ring of Pride.
Don't buy it it's literal trash, having to grind 100+ hours to unlock a single character and then another 60+ hours for a single costume unless you shell out for the season pass is straight up bullshit.
The reason I even bought that damn game.
Still mad they took away her purple mist in favor of boring gray shit.
as opposed to every other fighting game where you have no options at all besides paying...
Rev 2? what do you mean?
>100+ hours to unlock a single character and then
Lol, doing story mode for everyone in AE (takes like 30 min) unlocks enough fight money for two characters. Even then AE has everyone from season 1 and 2 so you only need the season 3 characters and Kage, and that's if you even need every character.
Why post about SFV when you don't play it?
Guilty Gear, though Rev 2 is an iteration on Xrd so I should have said that
Clashing has been a mechanic in GG for as long as I can remember, but it can be cancelled into another move and doesn't knock either character back. Xrd did introduce danger time though, even though nobody likes it.
Laura, formerly known as "the people's knee: the character"
Man, I wish her MK was still half as good as before AE.
it's not a 50/50 you retard, do you think the decision and execution ends at party/not parry? have you ever played the fucking game before?
play against anyone who knows what they're doing and try to jump constantly and fish for parries and see how far it gets you
Xrd is my first GG game so I didn't know. I absolutely adore the game but it's fucking dead and the few matches I got, the online wasn't stable. No one in my area to play with either so it's just a tragic game for me
You know how I know you're shit, faggot? If you jump you don't need to fish for a parry, you can also do an attack which leaves you massively positive on landing idiot. The other guy has to decide the purpose of your jump before that can happen so he can decide if he's going to parry YOU or not, it's a literal coin toss and that's the 50/50
>the Makoto was in such a fucked position
this is where you are wrong
makoto with super 2 in the corner is literally how she wins, that's just the way the character works
stop protecting your own ideas of what the game SHOULD be like instead of how it actually is and realize that the ryu should have known that himself and decided to risk it anyway, and also realize that he would not have "given up ground" fucking at all by keeping himself safe and still being able to apply pressure in the corner afterward
you think if someone gets air to aired in the corner that they just teleport out of it?
You said yourself that the Makoto has full bar. Jumping should have been considered a mistake on her part because otherwise, any reset from the air means the Ryu must back off or risk the full brunt of what Makoto did to him anyway thus resetting the neutral.
Backstory on this? Who’s the kid? And what does akuma have to do with?
you can literally react to someone hitting a button in the air and still anti air them late or trip guard for free, or just commit to a safe and hard to parry AA option at varied timings or do a fuckton of other things that still fuck you over for jumping like an idiot
you have no idea what an actual coin toss is and you've obviously never played 3s at any sort of competency so please shut the fuck up and fellate ST some more or whatever it is you fake faggots do
So is that what have cursed fighting games, the online play and e-sports faggotry!? and autists being sperggy about exploits and frame data and acting like the rest are just sore losers git gud faggit!?, even if a fightng game is good, it dies!?
whatever happened to local play!?
You have to hop into discords nowadays to find online matches, as is tradition for modern anime fightan. The netcode isn't too bad as long as you're playing with people who live nearby, but it goes without saying that locals are always the best way to play.
I wish they'd give the older seasons as free updates at this point, I'm not spending real or fake money on this after paying full price.
Parry's a gay mechanic. Just Defend is the better version.
stop projecting your desires onto the game
it was a mistake and he was forced to parry out of it and then he capitalized fully off of the ryu taking an unnecessary risk with his overwhelming awareness and ability to successfully parry everything, why are you pretending that shit isn't incredibly hard and also incredibly uncommon even at the highest level of play? you don't have people parrying fucking everything in awkward situations like that often at all
he lost because makoto can one touch, not because of parry
you're complaining about the wrong thing
Setsuka from Soul calibur
is this the most famous ass in all of vidya?
This video literally proves you wrong you faggot.
It's completely comical you would call me a fake faggot and deride me for "fellating" ST when all you 3S faggots do is talk about how it's the best fighting game ever on the internet because you don't play fighting games period
>you don't have people parrying fucking everything in awkward situations like that often at all
Sure, but it still disrupts the neutral enough for me to dislike it
>he lost because makoto can one touch, not because of parry
Would he have still lost if the Makoto player couldn't have parried out? In the context of the game he's playing the DP was a stupid move, I never denied that but I still find the fact that we're even discussing the situation that Makoto put himself in absurd
>All these blonde characters
What the fuck was Capcom thinking? Also how much money do you need to spend to get all the characters again?
>proves you wrong
>the rest of the video says this doesn't work in every scenario
>there are 6 options and every option has an answer to it
>this is the 3S neutral in microcosm
Good job you dishonest ADHD fag
I choose Chun-Li's perky tits and thick thighs.
I go to my local arcade and play 3s on a regular basis you double nigger, the reason I like it so much is because I HAVE played other fighting games and none of them feel as good as 3s does
even the boomers I play with feel the same way, are you going to say they don't exist or play fighting games either?
>perky tits
Those things are saggy af
>there isn't a single right answer for a situation
how the fuck is this supposed to be bad you dumb faggot, they're still at a disadvantage
the whole point of fighting games is having to out think someone else
clearly you don't have the brain cells to realize this or conceptualize that other people do have brain cells and like using them
>disrupts the neutral aka NOT SF2 = BAD
stop saying this fucking shit
if makoto couldn't have parried she likely wouldn't have tried jumping in the first place and still would have been in position to win with one touch from one mistake from the ryu
why do you keep redirecting your problem with the character to the general game mechanics
>its another retarded SF3 argument
god shut the fuck up nerds
>stop talking about video games
>the whole point of fighting games is having to out think someone else
You can do that just fine in games with a proper neutral :)
>if makoto couldn't have parried she likely wouldn't have tried jumping in the first place and still would have been in position to win with one touch from one mistake from the ryu
It's still an entirely different situation that would change the way both players approached it, and it would be more in the Ryu's favor than what ended up happening. This argument is starting to go in circles
should she be in sf6?
>more in ryu's favor
he would be still one mistake away from losing
the reality is that only someone like kuroda could full parry a staggered anti air sequence like that successfully, and he's just one guy
no matter how much you try to twist it actually having a game that rewards pure skill to such an insane degree like that is a good thing
I'd like to hear what games specifically you consider to have "proper neutral" and how you handwave away their bullshit as something that's somehow quantifiably better instead of what you prefer or played first
I don't have my hopes up seeing as you're bitching about the mechanics of a 20 year old game
Akuma, while blatantly evil, isn't a mindless monster. He works as a fruit seller to maintain his traveling and training.
>I'd like to hear what games specifically you consider to have "proper neutral"
Pretty much any game where if an opponent jumps at you in the raw neutral you anti air them and that's the end of it. Any game where you actually have to get a little creative to circumvent zoning and can't just walk through it. People will shout me down for wanting "fewer options" but the tightened focus of a traditional neutral eliminates batshit wildcard plays and better exemplifies the skill difference of two equally-minded players. My favorite is obviously SF2 but I'm cool with any game that follows the basic rules of the neutral it set down.
>I don't have my h opes up seeing as you're bitching about the mechanics of a 20 year old game
This comes across as you being personally upset that people will disagree when 3S fans parade it around as the ultimate example of a good fighting game
>personally upset that people will disagree when 3S fans parade it around as the ultimate example of a good fighting game
more like some random sf2fag who doesn't understand 3s at any competent level shits on it and anyone who dares to like something that actually tried something different for once
the fact you think you can just walk through zoning in 3s is laughable as is the fact you think wildcard shit both doesn't exist in more "honest" games or that it would get you very far against someone who actually understands 3s
in fact the mindgames and setups in 3s are deep enough that someone who doesn't understand enough about the game (you) can dismiss getting legitimately baited and outplayed as a "wild guess"
it's also telling you didn't actually list any games besides sf2, I highly doubt you're as qualified to make sweeping judgements on an entire genre as you say you are
>I want to be a faggot and chuck fireballs the whole round
well, most of them do not even play third, so your preaching does not convince them as well. but actually the people who has played the game really know the parry system broken neutral in the game. which is the main reason why old sf players did not like sf3 including daigo.
why is it so easy to expose you retards talking out of your ass
daigo fucking hated sf4
>his character isnt roleplaying as a monster truck 24/7
How do you guys sleep at night?
>3S is actually just too intelligent for you
Great post. Why would I care about my level of competency in 3S in the first place when I hate the parry system at its goddamn core? Nothing you say will make me accept it, I do not like it and I never will
>I want the entire neutral to be uncertain
>Good players win more consistently in 3S because defensive options are better but the neutral and character diversity is much more shit than SFV's.
user, third strike is the most volatile game in sf history. You can easily tell it when you see some Japanese top player's tourney inconsistent results. And the balance is perfectly broken, the parries are basically guessing games as well. I am not sure how people praise the third, at the same time, and hate sf5, too, saying it is too much 50/50.
because you literally do not fucking play the game and understand enough about it to be any sort of authority on how it really affects the game, much less compare it to any other games that you clearly don't play either
it's only uncertain if you're a fucking brainlet who doesn't know how to play the game and refuses to think outside the lens of muh sf2, which is rich when that game has literally fucking random damage and stun
>which is rich when that game has literally fucking random damage and stun
Absolutely negligible, the damage and stun ranges are such that a dizzy setup is going to dizzy every time and you're never wondering if a punish is going to kill or not. Might as well post Claw oki as evidence the game is unplayable when that solved character never gets any results at majors
I am not sure what nuki is saying about daigo, but this is actually what daigo said about sf3.
>ブンブン丸 『ストIII 3rd』を実際にやり込んでみてどう感じた?
>梅原 う~ん、正直俺はあんまり好きじゃないんですよ。ほかのゲームに比べればぜんぜんやり込んでいないんですけど、なんだろうな……う~ん。俺はシステムが強すぎるゲームが好きじゃないんです。「なんでもそれでいい」というのが好きじゃなくて……。だから『ストIII』のブロッキングは強すぎて好きじゃないですね。
He clearly said he didn't like third strike that much due to the blocking (parry mechanics).
>inconsistent results
>in a game with one best of one team tournament every year
clearly this is indicative of the game's volatileness and not the format it is run in
let's just ignore the extremely high level players that always place high in it and other events anyway and also ignore the sheer number of them too and how that could contribute to it at all
>results at majors
yeah all those sf2 majors with regular jap competition like uh
>it's not a real tournament unless there are glorious slants
Really faggot? This is where you're going to go just because I don't like your gay upset mechanic?
are you seriously going to pretend american tournaments are representative of high level sf2?
call me next time mao shows up with his "solved character" and rapes everyone in the ass
one jap didn't like it, guess that means no one is allowed to like it anymore
Americans are the ones who literally discovered and developed all of the SF2 tech in the scene's infancy you fucking retard holy shit. I hope you're asian because otherwise thinking that ethnicity itself dictates fighting game proficiency is the most cucked thing I've heard all week
user, just look up other Japanese local tournament's results (well, if you can) and previous EVO results. clearly third strike is not giving the best players consistent results at all, well, compared to GG, MVC3, or even smash. It's 09ers's (aka sf5 haters) myth that third strike is consistent because it has "defense options" which is nothing but guessing game that you supposedly have to hate. I think it is more volatile than sf2, sf4, and even sf5.
ST is so much better than Third Strike but it doesn't have that "epic Daigo moment xD" for all the fags who don't even play fighting games
All right you Jivers here it is, the quintessential SFV playlist to get you into that "Jive" mood, enjoy!
SF4 Juri
there's retards like that for every kusoge, one guy at my locals with ST, 30 something niggers talking about mvc2, it's the same shit, doesn't make turdstrike not garbage
>ST is so much better than Third Strike
Zoom zoom
>more people playing it then sf4 20 years later
>big tournaments still happening
>coop cup reaches 60k viewers
English please
it literally is, even dealing with boxer chun and vega's retardation is better than getting parried for doing an anti air DP or someone guessing in neutral and robbing you with a retarded combo into super
>doing anti-air dp (not even ex at that) instead of the million other possible anti-airs or even jab spamming
You're a zoomer and 3S killed the franchise for a long time since it was shit.
It was retroactively popular because of the moment 37 meme. Street Fighter 3 was wildly, unequivocally unpopular when it was the most recent SF game. That is well documented and not up for debate
turd strike:
>doesn't operate on FG fundamentals
>parry option selects
>people legit just hold jumps in case of empty jump parry instead of AAing them
>genei jin
>retarded priority mechanic that encourages mashing heavy buttons instead of counter poking
>chun sa2
>guessing parry low/overhead on wakeup is better than blocking
>retarded kara throws
>terrible mvc2 tier balance, worse than ST
>space control and pushing the screen takes second priority to le epic guessing (oh sorry I mean reads xP)
The game is absolute garbage. Turd strikers ONLY play turd strike. Even the Japanese gooks still playing 3s ONLY PLAY THAT GAME besides when nuki or whoever enter co-op cup just for laughs once a year. The neutral is an absolute joke and only braindead /r/kappa and Yea Forums drones dickride it because they think it gives them clout.
If you actually play it, good for you for not lying about it, but shut the fuck up. You can short short super and sggk people all day but NOBODY with actual taste and desire for footsies and spacing is going to drop their games for turd strike.
Congratulations on showing how absolutely little you know about 3S.
Have fun getting wall dive looped or corner locked by tiger shot spam in your awful kusoge.
>popularity dictates quality
go back to reddit
>Have fun getting wall dive looped
that's gay yeah but no gayer than the constant guessing in neutral in 3s (not even off a kd)
>corner locked by tiger shot spam
doesn't matter because I have a godlike boxer, barely anyone plays o.sagat, and you just need the right read with headbutt (no different from the constant "reads" in 3s)
That was your argument though
he also hated turd strike, moron, his favorite games are ST, alpha 3, and vampire hunter
let's get this shit started:
>turd strike cucks
No one plays it except Japanese. At next Combo Breakers Third is magically getting 100 people in the tourney but its the same numbers as VS. Anyway audience is just audience, not players, it doesn't matter how many hipsters who want to watch popular things jsut because many people watch it gets, just like you 09ers who have not played third but praise it. I still remember the days when coop-cup was staying around 2k or so, and it's just a few years ago.
wait until evo.
>tfw u get called an 09er despite playing 3s in the arcade since 03
>the mindgames and setups in 3s are deep enough that someone who doesn't understand enough about the game (you) can dismiss getting legitimately baited and outplayed as a "wild guess"
>p-parries are just lucky guesses
>At next Combo Breakers Third is magically getting 100 people in the tourney but its the same numbers as VS
The difference is that people in socal, chicago, and cincinnati actually know what they're doing in vsav. No americans know how to play turd strike and the 'best' american players are 35 year old stoners like pikachuakuma and frankie3s (LOL) that literally can't play any other fighting game, have been playing turd for decades, and still get double perfected by japanese playing low tiers.
Turd strikers are an embarrassment. They'll be in the fightcade lobby talking about insane conspiracy theories and the upcoming race war while remaining pitiful and pathetic at turd strike forever. The sad part is as sad as they are there are 100 /r/kappa fags talking about how great 3s is for every 1 scrub that plays the shitty game, and not even ONE is japanese level. Sad.
>necro in corner low tier
found the sfv player
>Literally cant play neutral and keeps getting BTFO
>getting in the corner in the first place
This is what turd strike babies don't understand. Spacing and positioning and not getting put in the corner.
>best at anything
you fucking dumbass you don't know shit
let's just ignore the american team that made it to top 8 of coop this year
go back to /fgg/ with the rest of your raiding gay parade
for me, it's kolin
what happens when a turder plays a real FG:
fucking lol
Whenever I meet this guy in casual match I always getting floored, I hate him, and I want him dead! DARK THAT DOWN.
dead or alive has dummer fans but is a smarter game than soul calibur
best part is that guy is godlike on fc. he ALWAYS wins and pretends like he's salty and spams fightcade.
you ever see his text exchanges with mattmonster
it's like a cat5 chimpout
ignored matt a long time ago and when he makes alts i can tell because he can't spell
is he still larping as an mma fighter
Yurifags are cringe.
Akuma is a neutral party at best. He doesn't kill the defenseless and thus won't even fight people significantly weaker than him since their death would be a sure thing. He's also shown to abhor reckless evil, undisciplined violence, and he canonically hates Bison like everyone else. That's not to say that Akuma is an empathetic character, he just views the world through the lens of having a good fight and affords people all the respect, restraint and sagely wisdom that comes with that
I hate Keniggers so, so much. Goddamn.
A better fighting game, please
Isn't it funny? Judging by online polls and posts, 3rd Strike would be the most played fighting game right now. And yet each platform the game is available for is a wasteland.
Could it be that people actually don't know shit about fighting games? Could it be they just pick the most agreed upon game for e-cred? Really makes the brainy go thinky.
>anything above ST
That's weird, somehow I have obtained your personal playlist. I can easily picture you rocking this when collecting your next welfare check, or while waiting for your mom to bring the chicken tendies. Gotta share it with all y'all!
I thought they fucking kicked Ono.
He has no creative input, but he still represents the company and brand.
So he's a spokesman? That's quite the demotion. Do you think they're going to announce a new game and not a new season? The way the tweet is worded makes me think so.
He explicitly mentions SFV, so I have no idea why you would think that.
He's a known liar. I don't see why they would announce a new season of character half way through the year. Seems strange after the last 4 years.
It would be even stranger to announce a whole new game before the new console generation drops. Besides, you fucks have been so ungrateful, you only deserve shit in your mouths. I hope they roll with SFV another 3 years just to spite you.
I'll agree with you that it would be silly to announce a new game before the consoles get announced, still what are they thinking?
Are akuma players frauds
I'm way better with Ryu in most games. I've never been good with Chun Li.
I despise competitive players. They can't play like a pure blackjack player (half drunk and up to chance). You're all either black people or psychotic Koreans and if I know it's one of you I refuse the match. The only good game is a drunk game and Japanese players know my complete, awesome jam where you lose or win.
Fuck you and your autism match.
he is still in charge of executive producer of sf series. nothing has changed.
just buy AE for like 20$ and unlock S3 with FM
That was what bothered you?
I played Karin for 3 seasons until the last CapCup, and now when i turn the game on, i feel bored and wanna kill myself after 10 seconds of a match. its all just so predictable and mechanical; i pretty much play on auto pilot now. I guess i need to start playing as one of my many secondaries, but the game is just so fucking boring as a whole to me at this point. maybe i'll care again if they ever announce more characters, but for now, this game is deader than MVCI to me
pleb meme choice
23 years still the best
shes never been top tier, ever.
But reddit loves 3rd Strike and hates V.
>pretending that MK is a good fighting game
>when fucking everyone drops it after it's first months despite being by far the best selling fighting game
>while SFV is still alive after 3.5 years and a disastrous launch
Umm, top tier of the waifu list fag
Never been there, either. 3rd place at best
I choose Juri
What's up with these high level players playing on bronze and all they do is spam the same move over and over? I've encountered the same lvl 1300 or so Kage multiples times today.
>whole thread devolved into ONE STfag trying his best to shit on 3S for no other reason than he sucks
>Any game where you jump at a guy in raw neutral and he anti airs and that's the end of it
So BB, P4A/U, GG, Marvel, and any other game w air blocking is shit right?
Lmao retard.
no idea, maybe using a trainer to farm FM?
i like this guys stuff
Have you never played Alpha 3? She's only considered worse than two or three other characters in that game.
really? never noticed, i always picked people who aren't in other games as often. shes one of my best characters in MvC2, but i never thought she was particularly great
Boy you've been missing out on Sakura.
She' stupid, that's the end of it.
Happened to me too, game gets really stale after a while and because of the mechanical routine of most rounds nothing ever changes.
Same setups, same normals, same antiairs and same characters.
Points also don't mean shit anymore, if you have 30k or 90k really doesn't matter and it is just a mindless grind that leads nowhere.
I definitely pick her in CvS2, but i haven't been abusing her the way i should've been. thanks for the run down, senpai
Them not announcing a new season at the end of the Cup last year killed all hype, even if they did add Eviler Ryu that day. Slashing FM payouts a few weeks later pretty much buried the game for me. They had to focus on and promote RE2make and DMC5; i get that - but if they don't care about the game anymore, why should i?
People with a brain were never the target audience for the game anyway so don't feel bad.
She's got unblockables in CvS2 using her fireball (The one that sits in place) because you can force someone to block it and then roll or do an overhead and catch them while in the blockstun. Really she's one of the best rushdowns in the game because a Sakura with A groove get's in if you like it or not.
I tend to pick SNK characters in that game since i always play as SF people in so many other games. I fucking love Yuri aka Discount Sakura
>unique characters
I have +200.000 FM. My favorite characters are Ryu and Urien. What others should I unlock from S2 and 3? I was thinking of Sagat and Zeku.
Its just a shame because i really did have a lot of fun with the game up until that point. i played it near constantly until then, but now i just can't even find a reason to start it up. Its like not even getting a tingle in the pingle when your girl drops her pants - where did the spark go?
You got that backwards, mate. Yuri was introduced in Art of Fighting, which came out in SFII's hey-day. Sakura wasn't introduced until Alpha 2 was a thing. They may be similar, but always remember that Yuri existed first.
My cute wife Falke.
You realised that Capcom doesn't care anymore. That is all.
They made it so fucking obvious, too. at the end of the cup, Ono was saying some shit like "Next major tournament is in March, prease be patient" and i could hear in his voice that he knew he was pretty much announcing the beginning of the end and didn't wanna be eaten alive for being the messenger.
At least RE2make is great.
Based Falkechad.
When I finally went to Tokyo and got me some real beef bowl, it was a little underwhelming. It sounds better than it really is.
But its super fucking cheap and fairly filling, I can't complain too much about a 3$ hot dinner.
Oh hello, this is the wrong thread. Time to commit sudoku
Mike Ross is melting down on twitch rn
Oh lord, you weren't kidding.
what happened this time? i thought he went missing for years, when did he resurface?
SFV, not even once!
It's not about SFV this time
>sfv driving the haters to suicide
He showed up on a Cross Counter podcast with Gootecks and some Overwatch League journo named Slasher at the beginning of the month.
Juri is the kappa incel pick but she's still fun to play
Mike exposing Magnum condoms out here.
3rd Strike isn't really a Street Fighter game, it plays so differently from every other game in the series and was for all intents and purposes meant to be a different franchise before higher ups stepped in. Ryu, Ken, Akuma and Chun Li were added just to have a few familiar faces
what the fuck did I just read?
Whew. Is there a list of these?
I can't believe Razorfist comes to Yea Forums to sperg about 3rd strike.
you are retarded
sf3 was always meant to be the new big sf, they just didn't want to add even a single old characters to it before fanbacklash.
saying that it's different from the rest also doesn't make it not sf. There aren't that many mainline sf games and all of them are similarly different from each other
Who is easier to play? I have been playing with Karin but somehow I got Ibuki and I never bought her, is Ibuki easier to play? I'm getting destroyed online so anything helps at this point
Light it up
ibuki is fairly technical, if you're having trouble with karin, IDK man. its hard to say, i dont like her as much in this game but she might click with you
Street Fighter 4 is the best Street Fighter game and you're a faggot if you disagree
Fuck yourself you canuck faggot.
It's a mod.
I already did Karin's trials, all of them. She is pretty cool I really like her. I was trying Ibuki's but I thought that I should just stick to Karin until I get good to start switching characters.
Sup 09er.
Chun li is a better main
>trying to reason with a Capcukc
Shit nigger what are you doing?
i thought you were on a FM constraint, if you already have her then go nuts. just play as whoever you want - i fuck around with like half the roster online, depending on how i feel. if you're not trying to go pro, just have fun - its a game.
Akuma is just Ryu but willing to kill people. That’s their entire dynamic.
Will do, thanks user
>what makes SF great
>implying people didn't enjoy it because it had the balls to fuck with the fundamentals of SF
more of a Ken guy
Chun Li is the baest of them all though
Akuma but worse
Is SFVAE worth buying finally?
Yes. Don't listen to zoomers who tell you otherwise.