Why is the Actman and his opinions so AWESOME?!

Why is the Actman and his opinions so AWESOME?!

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Lately it feels like he's going to end up shilling for 343. I hope he stays based.

>Be xbox 360 dudebro

>get pissed COD and Halo are not on top any more

>Make angry rants

>Get a fanbase of other depressed xbox 360 dudebros

>Why is this game everyone already likes so good
>Why is this game everyone already likes so AWESOME
>Why is this game everyone already hates so bad????
>Here is a video of me cherry picking comments of HATERS!!!!!!

Go back to 2009

sounds like you got dabbed on by The Based Man

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>”I hate when people bring up politics where they don’t belong”
>on his gamer twitter
>”Man, I fucking hate trans people”
Like, I’m not saying he’s wrong... but the dude is such a massive hypocrite it’s not even funny.

>Games need to have have politics

>Jacks off MW2 on the constant

I honestly can't tell if he's putting on a character for his videos

He’s not, none of these jackasses realize that guys like AVGN were meant to be parodies of them.

We’ve reached a point we’re Xbox CoD/Halofags are unironically the face of YouTube.

I can’t believe we’re reaching an era where Halo 3 is older to us, than Quake 1 was to Halo 3.

Time sucks

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100% legit or a really good actor the dude is an actual xbox dudebro pissed shooters are not brown and gray anymore

>dude chopping off his own dick, is politics

e-celebs are not videogames

best be careful or The Act Man will put you straight into his latest cringe compilation...

I’ve seen his stream with MauLer and his acts exactly the fuckin same. He’s a 100% dudebro that pretends to be something more. He literally quotes Halo related stuff in his day to day life, and regularly tries to relive the glory days of Halo. It’s kinda sad

go back to where you came from

He's an actual chad.

I mean, if putting a black dude in Battlefield is considered political nowadays.

Chads don’t get assblasted by r/gcj of all things.

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No one cared about black people in modern Battlefields.
Having half of a team being black or women in BF1/5 is you stupid nigger.