SonicFox MK11

I know shit about the fight scene, so I came to ask Yea Forums if what this kid is doing is considered impressive? It sounds like he's winning everything.

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Other urls found in this thread:

SonicFox has great muscle memory and technical play. He's good at picking up new games and dominating for the first few months it's out. Where he falls short is the more mental play. When people really get into their grooves he usually dips out, unless it's NRS shit, where the groove is never that deep.

He's getting early access to games before release.

why else would he win in the first few months and then get stomped when others learn the game every time?

>twitter cap

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what are you talking about? he doesn't dominate in dbfz anymore he's washed. he he's starting to move on to the new game.

He whores the top tier characters and mixes you up

Not many people can win at everything, though.
Do you disagree? SonicFox is the most supreme FGC competitor this world has ever know. Undisputed and Unrivaled.

Who is this guy? Why is he in a costume?

Getting to the top when everyone is clueless isn't as impressive as staying at the top when everyone knows their shit.

That’s a pretty slick business strat. Knowing you won’t win tournaments later on in a game’s life, just keep picking up new games and win the first few tourneys and pocket that dosh.

He'e got an affinity for very quickly learning shallow fighting games
given time someone will beat him but by the time that happens there will be a new shallow game on the horizon he will immediately jump to
see DBFZ to MK11

>winning MK11
is that supposed to be impressive when that game is literally shit?

>Undisputed and Unrivaled.
Except when he loses and moves to a new game like a loser.

He's a good player. Overrated, but undeniably competent.

hes the most successful fighting game player of all time since the last 7 years

i bet he used Erron Black - the most retarded character in mk11
when he win as a Shao Khan then he would be the best

Lol? Suck, Mortal Kombat fags. What does Dead or Alive have? Ludicrously expensive lingerie DLC and gacha shit. What do you have? Memes stolen from /pol/, and furries.

Oh yeah? Let us you two beating SonicFox in any fighting game, if he is such a loser.

This. NRS games have huge combos so they reward players with consistent execution more than good reads or strategy. Fox has near-flawless execution but relies entirely on creating 50/50s and other guessing games. When his gambits work he gets a massive payoff, and when they fail his opponent often doesn't capitalize on it properly. He's just smart enough to have found the only games that allow him to get the most out of his one really good skill, and lucky enough to have those games become incredibly popular at the perfect time.

Nowadays, the fighting game fife cycle averages a year, so it's not so unreasonable to game hop.

What does it mean "their"

He doesn’t make enough money at tournaments so his real job is a mascot for hire. He also does birthday parties, my cousin hired him once.

I would beat him in Melee.


Its literally what everyone is saying. I mean look at the beginning of soul calibur 6 "tournaments". He cannot maintain top for very long.

The dude played very shitty. His gay furry shit just makes people mad which puts h in an even brighter spotlight.


He's basically low tier god but can actually play

I used to have the same issue with card games, when a new expansion came out I'd usually be facerolling people left and right, but after the first week where the meta had settled and everyone knew their decks and the opponent's I'd just drop back or struggle to keep my already low rank stable

his issue is that he keeps moving on from games whenever he gets beaten instead of stepping the fuck up and realizing he needs to put real effort to remain competitive

He's not a loser, user. I'm saying he's impressive because he can pick games up easily and dominate for the first couple of months. He often gets fucked when the game starts getting more dedicated players at which point he bounces to a new game.
If he'd see me at VSAV or CvS2, I think I could take him. Maybe even in Melty.

Actually he didn't. I'm not a Sonicfox supporter in the slightest but his ability to use all the characters competently is impressive for sure. I want to cheer for him and I don't have anything against gays, blacks, or furries; but it's just annoying as shit when every chance he gets he points it out.

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He is garbage at tekken, so I could probably take a game or two off of him

>we live in a world where a literal faggot that wears a mascot costume everywhere is dominating professional tournament fighters

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so is he not competing in dbfz anymore? last i saw of him was him getting stomped by dogura

you can tell from this thread that like time immemorial, a good chunk of Yea Forums are scrubs who can’t stand seeing players who they don’t like win.

You can only compare him to the West and have this kind of conclusion.

SonicFox still doesn't have shit on the top japanese fighters

*sniff sniff*

*raises paw*

uh oh!! stinky!!!

it says something about the fighting game scene autism eh?

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>We live in a world where a literal faggot that wears a mascot costume everywhere is dominating fighting games for two months tops
Fixed that for you.

I can beat him in a real life fist fight

the costume is part of his strategy. it breaks his opponents' bearing

So, how long til people start saying shit like "Mortal Kombat was never good" and "Mortal Kombat is not a real fightan gaem" because he won a major tournament? I swear this happens almost every time he does this shit with a new game as if trying to say everything that isn't muh obscure weeb fightan from the 90s isn't REAL FIGHTAN VIDYA. You can only keep the same thing up for so long because you don't want to admit a gay furfag is bodying people in actual tournies before you run out of games to consider 'real' fighting games.

>So, how long til people start saying shit like "Mortal Kombat was never good" and "Mortal Kombat is not a real fightan gaem"
People have been saying that since forever

Mortal Kombat was never good and Mortal Kombat is not a real fighting game

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MK was literally never good though, I dont know who that furry degenerate even is

>So, how long til people start saying shit like "Mortal Kombat was never good" and "Mortal Kombat is not a real fightan gaem"
I've been saying that since like 2005. MK is good for casual fun with friends, but it never hit that fightan niche for me.

He always plays for a few months, starts losing, and goes back to NRS where no one even half good plays other than him

They always been saying this, but now with added spite, because NRS sold out.

>someone was mad enough to draw this. and color it.

He doesn't need to win a tournament for that. A lot of people that play fighting games have massive throbbing hate boners for any game they don't like or doesn't take as much skill as their favorite.

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pulled the same shit in a nuke op round of space station 13. set my name to rainbow dash and ran around the station with its entire population chasing me. nuke went off a minute and forty five seconds into the round

>Other e-celeb thread
Let me guess the mods are okay with this staying up.

He's not a loser, he's quick to adapt to new games and reach high level but heavily looks like he's purposefully avoiding games with bigger fishes skill-wise and disappears from scenes when he stops dominating like with DBFZ lately, I mean, he literally lost to Dogura, who is a guy who lost a Guilty Gear tournament to a guy playing with a steering wheel.

or rather they don't think takes as much skill as their favorite since they usually aren't good enough to weigh it well enough anyways.

He hasn't dominated anything close to a real fighting game. DBFZ was the closest thing and it died in a year.

Nah that'd probably be daigo or ryan hart, they're still around today and compete in most tournaments

Not really no, hes won other tournaments so far though so hes skilled enough, But on the other hand I haven't seen him winning anything until what you posted.

did he finally move on from DBFZ ?

He's basically a world-class player in a series with the weakest competition out there.

Like the kind of person who would be a regular top 8 contender in titles that are actually played by Japanese, hell he can even win those sometimes but NRS has laughable competition because people who genuinely love fighting games refuse to touch that shit even with all WB money.

So basically what he did was instead of focusing on a difficult title, he chose to compete in a bunch of shit and/or dead games, going for quantity instead of quality.

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I don't know, he seemed to have stuck with dbfz for longer than usual so I thought he'd keep playing that.
As obnoxious as he is on twitter the guy is legit fun to watch when he's up against an actually good player, a lot of his matches with the japanese players were amazing.


Only thing killing the fighting game genre faster than F2P business models are you daft, pitiable cunts who keep discussing e celebs surrounding it.

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He's pretty good, but the hype is undue. For the longest time, he was actually on the lower end of skill for Echo Fox's fighting game group, and he's only moved up because actual legends like Tokido left. DBFZ is what gave him recognition, but his ranking was inflated with lower-risk venues, and anyone that was actually paying attention saw Kazunoko's takeover and the constant stompings by Dogura a mile away. Even the multiple games that he claims to have reign over, like DBFZ, Skullgirls, and NRS-fighters, definitely go in the lower tiers of fighting games.

So giving plenty of reasons why e-sports should never be considered a sport. Perfect.

>it's a Yea Forums makes endless excuses to deny he's a godtier player thread

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>not daigo
>not justin wong

fgc always had some tranny or faggot shit in it.

What's more impressive is the fact that the scene doesn't hate gays or trannies considering how many blacks are in it, and the one guy (Jaha) that I know of that didn't like fags was pushed out.

Fighting games are incredibly easy so no

I've been "dying" for 20 years playing kof 98 and 2k2 on fightcade. I'm fine.

He's a LITERAL autist furvert fag zoophile necrophiliac.

>losing to an autistic, gay, black, furry
As is expected: we are the master race after all

everyone at that tourney had early access too

play me in tekken 7 or USF4?

DBFZ is a brand new game, so there was no legacy knowledge for him to get fucked on. It still caught up to him eventually but it took longer than usual.

>he has to resort to speaking into the air instead of trying to refute arguments

You won't see me in half of them, though.


its why you don't see him play SF5 or T7.

don't forget he loves guro, and is why he loves mortal kombat so much

>mom look my first shitpost!

>SonicFox is the most supreme FGC competitor this world has ever know
So you're just gonna pretend that multi-game legends like Justin Wong didn't come before him?

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Has he officially stated that he's backing off from dbfz or is he quietly pussying out? I know I haven't seen him participating recently but my guess is that he will at least give it one last shot at evo

did you PLAY MK in arcades?

it wasn't fucking EVO level shit, but it isn't MEANT for tourneys. faggot.

He's basically a more controversial Justin Wong right now.

Justin used to do the same thing, he would have one or two main games and would dominate newly released games until he gets tired of them and goes back to his "main" game at the time.

With how volatile the FGC is, it's the smart thing to do. You take the new game money and you quit the new game after people start learning it. Justin did it before him and Alex Valle did it before Justin. Ryan Hart used to do this as well.

don't reply to the fanboy

If he is so good at long combos, how come the only anime game he ever did well was dbfz, which has small and semi automatic combos?

Why isn't there white man dominating FGC games? They're either blacks or japs. I thought you guys are supposed to be master race?

Who did he win with?
Erron "Dropkick" Black?

>DBFZ is what gave him recognition

Check out this newfag. Did you miss the entire MKX streak or what?

>Justin Wong
Are they still around? Interesting. The last time I saw Justin Wong he was bullying a kid in MK10. What is Justin up to now?

I reckon I could beat him at king of fighters 98

This but you won’t hear that really from here since /pol/ fags that flood this board are obsessed with his politics.

> how long till people start saying mk was never good

Around the 90s I say

it was literally those edits that were made under 15 min when he got btfo'd by the jap tournament. there were some other ones in the thread too

They're both married now. Justin just had a daughter and I'm pretty sure Daigo is working on having a child now as well.

They'll be on their way out in the next couple of years

Even though I hate his disgusting furry faggot face and I think he should be hung and set on fire...

the Perfect 13gend set was one of the greatest things to come out of the scene

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Public recognition, you ignoramus. It wasn't until DBFZ that you get the articles of "the big black furry with a knot cock of fightan skill" cropping up everywhere.

I wanna see him try and compete in fighting herds
>implying fighting herds has players left to compete with

No one gives a shit about NRS games in the FGC. DBFZ was what forced the rest of the FGC and through them the mainstream Vidya public to pay attention to him

>mfw all these losers on here say fgs are easy but go 10-0 online and go back to dota and shitposting in these very threads

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Again? Jeez at which point does the other competitors realise they should kill him?

I beat him online once and denied him a runback. I want that salt to live with him forever. He will always have more prize money than me though so props to him.

The important question is if he is actually any good at sonic games.

>Newfags detected

He had the world record for most tournaments earnings won before DBFZ came out. The Perfect legend thing was also covered by gaming news outlets for months.

Stop pretending you're not newfags. Sonicfox has been around for a long time in the FGC and in gaming news in general. He only got world wide recognition through DBZF.

>Justin just had a daughter
Interesting. Did he do it out of love for the wife or is it some eastern culture thing to build a family once you reach a certain age?

Daigo gets paid to be himself basically
He shows up at evo
Scores top ten some times and goes home
He is basically a pool filter at this point

>only plays NRS games which have shit competition but retarded payout
>did well in DBFZ but got washed in the world tournament
It's like thinking the Shadowverse winner is the greatest card game player in the world because Cygames shells out fucking 1 million.

Outside of sonicfox, blacks aren't dominating either. There's just an insanely huge powergap between asians and people in the west. Westerners don't even populate the higher ranks of other fighting games like Guilty, BlazBlue, and KOF because so many of them don't even play it.

The FGC doesn't like it because they feel he's a poor representation of their community. This could be for a number of reasons, but the fact of the matter is no one has ever been so successful, at so many different games. jwong is a fucking meme and supremely overrated, only daigo may actually beat sonic fox out for longevity purposes.

why doesn't he try as much as he used to?

I respect his awareness of his shortcomings and his strengths and figuring out how to capitalize on both . He's basically the only fighting game player I know so he's doing some things right.

>Westerners don't even populate the higher ranks of other fighting games like Guilty, BlazBlue, and KOF because so many of them don't even play it.
I should say that KOF is a special case because hispanics play it all the time

Who knows, the scene is unknown to me.

>he was good before but what got him public recognition was DBFZ
>nuh uh, he only got worldwide recognition through DBFZ
Think before you speak, user

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Tokido and Kazunoko were doing it in games that actually had playerbases.

Amazing if true. But doesn't the nuke have a 90 second timer?

I can't beat Wilt Chamberlain's record either but Kobe's 83-point game was likely a greater feat because he achieved it deeper into the metagame of afroball.

Daigo streams himself walking around Japan sometimes. They're pretty comfy streams.

This is completely false. The west has been able to catch up for a while, we have lil' majin tearing through Tekken 7 and there was a Louisiana native that beat Dogura in Blazblue a few years ago.

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You denied him an act of advancing a ball caught after a kickoff, punt, or interception by running while carrying it.

>dominates evo
>bandai is not allowing any dbfz tournaments for MONTHS after evo
>loses a tournament despite hardly even playing dbfz at that point because of the lack of tournaments
>haha, see guys! he's a fraud!!!
I love the revisionist history and mental gymnastics you morons go through to try and claim he's a fraud. Sonic was literally screwing around in Smash during that time period.

>Being this retarded
You can be widely known before becoming a household name. Stop deflecting. I know you only found out about fighting games because of DBFZ.

lol who cares about NRS, DBFZ or DOA
They're the handful of games I DON'T play, which I count my graces for
Him being Skullgirls-man is a shame, but what can you do?

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I could take you down in Super

>Exclusively plays NRS shit
>Acts like a narcistic autist about it
Notice how he never competes in actual fighting game.
I said ACTUAL fighting games not a shitty low budget cash grab with even less depth then NRS shit.

>all these excuses to discredit an FGC pro
>by people that have never achieved a single merit to their name
Never change, Yea Forums

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>e-celeb thread is the most popular thread on Yea Forums right now
wish this place would just talk about video games

if your good, then your good and the FGC for the most part respects skill even if your a faggot nigger degenerate.

He is old
And he is much better at longer sets than at best of 3 sets
Go watch the best of ten daigo vs tokido match
Tokido starts beating him left and right, then at the fourth match he turns the tables and destroys tokido

>playing video games is a merit


If we're talking recently then you're right, but historically that hasn't been the case. Now we have Lil Majin and Arslan Ash threatening Koreans and the Japanese in Tekken.

you're right, i do go 10 W - 0 L online. not even that hard bro, just pick your favorite character

Westerners have been poisoned by their culture. It is hard to be skilled at anything when you have a culture that abhors efficiency, meritocracy and competence. We live in a society that praises smoking drugs, getting drunk, starting fights, eating sweets while becoming walking whales and only thinking about sexual intercourse. Of course the west will always lag behind in the number of people with skill when the vast majority are sabotaged from the first day they are born by the Corruptments from America and Europe.

>Yea Forums loves fursuiting now
you all wouldn't be contrarians if you weren't a complete pain in the ass

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Sonicfox is pretty good, he needs to shut the fuck up about how gay he is though.No one with shit to do cares.

10 - 0 online out of their favor as player 2.

I plan on infecting him with hiv for you Yea Forums

>We live in a society
Take a break from the internet

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dude performative nihilism lmao

nice what kind of suit do you wear?

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>short combos

>lose the world tournament
>not even top 4
This is why SonicFox newfags are the worst. But hey at least you guys finally admit NRS games aren't respected in the FGC and don't bother defending them.

>thinking I'm gonna snitch on myself

Nice try.

Sonicfox is only good when there's no meta established and the minute the Meta gets established he gets fucked

He's been outspoken about LGBT rights since Trump got elected. And because /pol/tards like to target him on twitter he's even more outspoken about it.

Yeah, I'm talking about recently. Even in the past Justin Wong, Alex Valle and Ryan Hart have historically kept up with the japanese and koreans in their games. I think the fact that games being broadcasted when SFIV started just makes it seem biased towards asians.

I hate this fucking planet

it better be a scalie fursuit

he's channeling all the hate to practice everyday.

Even if you hate furries you gotta respect this nigga for having the balls to wear a goddamn fursuit to majors and WINNING THEM while wearing it

What a legend. Respect the technique

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What anime is this bro?

Most people who replied to this thread admitted that he's good and quickly picks up new games, it's just that he always jumps ship once people catch up and he starts losing

It seems he only plays games no one cares about. I don't know much about the FGC but how popular is Mortal Kombat? I really don't care that much.

> it's just that he always jumps ship once people catch up and he starts losing

Literally every high profile player has done this.

The only thing wrong with sonicfox's sexuality is the way he objectifies himself with idpol crap.
It's not healthy at all to see yourself just as " a generic gay person".

He has fallen off, along with the rest of the NA scene, in dbfz ever since the world finals. Japan got way too strong.

>Sonicfox has been around for a long time in the FGC and in gaming news in general
Dude's only been around since 2014. 5 years, in the FGC compared to the likes of Wong, Valle, Tokido, Daigo and any dude that played Street Fighter.

I wasn't implying otherwise, but his fanboys sure love to lash out at anyone who doesn't say he's the best player ever, which as good as he is, he honestly isn't the best.

>having the balls
furfags really don't care about what people think of the. Its not a matter of balls, its a matter of total autistic obliviousness

It's actually not an e-celeb thread but rather about actual video game competittors than youtube named people who have no modicum of skill or talent at video games.

Mortal Kombat always has high numbers when they first come out but then NRS goes full retard with the balancing and no one wants to play them anymore.

MKX was just "pick the newly released DLC character" mainly because Warner bros would force NRS to rush them out without balancing it properly. So they're usually broken about a week or two after release and then they get nerfed into the ground so you don't see them ever again.

Warner bros also pours money into the tournaments when it first comes out so people scramble to play for the cash.

I dont know the actual answer but my guess is with those games there are bigger, more autistic fish swimming around the lake, also asians who master games or else commit seppuku after a loss.

Most high profile SF players now besides Wong, Daigo, Tokido and Itabashi started when SFV came out.

A lot of the SFIV era guys either quit or don't perform as well as the new blood.

>small combos
Some of the combos can be incredibly long but they're easier to sequence.

And ninja was the #1 fortnite streamer for months before he became a millionaire twitch super star with a sports illustrated edition retard.

Congratulations, that has nothing to do with the thread faggot.

He only dominates games with no established meta (early DBFZ and also placed well in the young days of SFV) or titles that lack a playerbase dedicated enough to push the games to their limits (literally every Mortal Kombat game ever). He is certainly far above par in these types of games, but when the going gets rough, he finds himself falling short of top 8, and then top 32, and finally, drowning somewhere in pools or barely getting out of them on loser's side just to get mopped in the next bracket.

There's been an abundant amount of old vets playing SFIV and SFV that do well but unless you know the scene the general public isn't going to know who said players are. Also most of the older players are running other events outside of EVO to keep the scene going strong like Arturo.

Imagine the smell.

Are you actually this retarded or are you just fishing?

Lot of older FGC players have moved to real life stable jobs or working in organisation and production side of FGC tourneys and don't compete anymore. (e.g James Chen and Ultradavid)

I'm not retarded enough to bring up ninja in a thread that has nothing to do with him.

I've already won by not being a gay furry.

I'd fuck him up in 3S, USFIV, Tekken 7, and DoA

what an autistic thing to ask

>wins at MK and anime team fighters
>can't even win in SFV, a game where a literal who won capcom cup and is considered "easy" by japanese players

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I could unironically beat him at Tekken 7

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not that user, but that's a scene from Queen's Gate Spiral Chaos for psp

Tell him to see me in Breakers Revenge, Super Turbo, Power Instinct series, Vampire Savior 2, Marvel Super Heroes, Savage Reign or Kizuna Encounter.

nobody cares about that memorization autist string gookmash no footsies game

Imagine the smell
Wasn't he also seething at some injustice 2 thing

I saw Justin on some fighting game esports tv show when I was in Singapore. So dude is making money elsewhere in asia. Also Marn was on the show and people kept talking shit to him so it was hilarious.

Why would he be competing in a game he dropped a week in?

>Vampire Savior 2
>savage reign
>power instinct

nobody plays those

He's only ever won in fighting games that were easy(MvCi, DBFZ) or in fighting games that literally nobody gives a shit about like NRS fighters and, again, MvCi.

I've played against him once. Naturally, I lost, but I wasn't really impressed with what I saw. He has early access to the game (earlier than any of the backers) and was exclusively relying on "it's a vortex because people don't know how the moves work yet" play-style. It's still impressive how fast he's at figuring the games out, but he is pretty mediocre afterward.
Not to mention, he's hilariously obnoxious to have a conversation with.

> most people who replied in the thread

most people who post in these threads don’t go to events, and don’t have the guts to say that to his face.

He pretty much dominated MK11 too. He's a Kusoge King. Can't win the the events with the biggest registration numbers but is always quite good in the medium popularity games.

I honestly hope you're baiting at this point. I refuse to believe someone is this dumb. Do you know what comparisons are? Analogies? What about proportion or relativity? Kill yourself.

Did he already give up Ultimate?

Kek, this guy is a fucking loser.

Congrats you just perfectly described mortal kombat

I'm just bad at fighting games. I get too excited and fuck up my inputs. It's fun to watch though.

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It's not a valid comparison. Ninja has nothing to do with the thread at all.

>most people who post in these threads don’t go to events, and don’t have the guts to say that to his face.
That he's good? Why do you sound so upset?

Mk11 just came out, nobody knew the game well for the first few tournaments. Watching sonicfox perform with erron black in hindsight shows him doing a lot of risky unsafe shit and getting away with it cause literally nobody knew any better.

SonicFox is a great player, just really wish he would stop using that position to be a dickhead. TGA was when I unironically didn’t like him anymore, it’s when I realized that fighting games was all he had.

shit people don't play those so checkmate

>Everyone saying they could beat
Sonicfox at X

Meanwhile Sonicfox's bank account

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what does him earning money have to do with people saying they could beat him, you kinda delayed or something?

I'd call him a faggot to his face because no one is afraid of a fag in a second hand mascot costume.

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Sonicfox only plays games with small number of competitive players (NRS games and DBZ have seas of casual players but actually very small number of tournament level players). His whole hustle is finding the grimmiest, dumbest tactics on release and abusing them nonstop until the other players adapt, then he becomes a regular player and moves to a different game or waits for a patch.

There's a reason why he never touches any legacy game with serious competition like SF, Tekken, Gear, etc, he would be mopped just like a random american.

You know the stupid part about what you're spouting is that you're defending a player for not playing his best when its obvious here In the FGC when you're not playing your best. He drowned in pools you idiot so he deserves to be called out on it for not practicing. I fuckin like Tokido as a player but when he lost to that shithead Dominican player I was like "Damn man you should've played it safer" Fat guy deserves his win because you kept falling for it.

it is the personal responsibility on the competitor to deliver results and Sonicfox for that Tourney didn't deliver anything because he didn't feel like it.


he'd smack your Incel ass down if you did that shit he's tall as fuck

Yes user that's the joke. Except for vampire savior 2 and MSH, those games do get played. You've gotta be a real old timey veteran that's been around the FGC block to play those games.

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Fuck off SF.

And for most of the year Go1 and kazunoko were better than him anyway

It is a valid comparison, and you are only proving how retarded you are each time you post. Sonic may have had a name some people knew before DBFZ, but it wasnt until Dragonball that the bubble burst and he was well known to the larger gaming community and beyond. Now hes a bloated egotistical fag that almost everyone knows.

Compare that to Ninja, if you asked anyone who he was during the early months of his #1 twitch streamer cred, nobody would still know who he is. Now hes on TV, magazines, and everyone knows who he is even outside of fortnite and twitch.

Tl;dr: kill yourself you fucking retard.

What sort of nigga has a frenchy ass first name like DOMINIQUE and a Scottish last name like MCLEAN?

>Tries to insult Japanese games
>names down everything Mortal Kombat is
It's the defacto dial-a-combo and neutral skipping series, and the only reason why it still exists is because people were bad enough with no tutorials or online to know how shitty the actual fighting is until 9. (Outside Trilogy)

How long until MK11 dies as a competitive game? I assume it'll be immediately after WB stops bankrolling it.

Not him, but to be fair, Ninja was still getting some notices when he was playing PUBG/H1Z1, but nothing compared to this burst in fortnite.

do you really need more than the headline and tweet for this of all things

post them

hes not winning everything, just the stuff witthout real competition. he got rekt in dbfz for example.

He's too secure to care what weenies like you think about him.

Honest answer? It will be as soon as Injustice 3 comes out, NRS won't stop funding it until then, there will he dozens of dlcs too

Cry some more you punk

he is a mutt

winning game tournaments is more of a merit than getting (You)s

Have you dumbasses ever played MK1,2, vanilla 3, 4, and the PS2 games? They're horrendous fighters for actually getting serious about them.

Hope you know you're really just helping my point with this. 95 times out of 100 if you tell someone he used to play h1z1 they wouldnt know.

You may not like it but this is what peak vidya purrformance is.
Rather than pointlessly bitch maybe try getting into a fursuit and signing up for a tourney.

Attached: hugcario.gif (275x243, 1.72M)

Sonicfox, pls. You're nothing compared to the likes of Daigo.

You aren't wrong but meme posters will try to discredit you with lazy image macros.

I don't know, it's hard to take someone seriously when they can't attend an event in normal clothes that aren't designed to attract attention.

Are the furries actually invading this thread now to defend their gay god?

That's really easy to say on a mongolian basketweaving vomitorium, but until I see one of you fatasses getting decked by a furfag on live tv i won't believe it

Even if he's a mutt the last combination of names I would expect the dude to have are traditional names from FRANCE AND SCOTLAND.

Still not valid. Go be 12 somewhere else

I can't believe that kid is fucking chest spiked to death!

I mean dominique is a pretty gay sounding name so at least it fits him

The motherfucker plays with blinders and oven mitts on in a hot room. The fact that he's able to do any inputs at all astonishes me.

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What ever happened to those claims of him sexually harassing people at tournaments?

Imagine whiteknighting a furfag unironically.

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>"The minute someone else challenges my view on Sonicfox they're invading my safe space"

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>spoiling the result
I was saving up my streamape tokens shithead

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Why is every argument against Sonicfox the same old "he's bad at X fighter".

How many fucking fighter players out there actually play at the highest level in multiple fighting games and won multiple tournaments for different fighters? Why doesn't Yea Forums make fun of Daigo for being able to compete in Tekken at a high level?

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Lol I guess

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*not being able

He is honestly good, i don't care if you feel uncomfortable by his fur suit, and i hate it too but i don't make excuses because of it. He has proven himself time and time again already. You have to be delusional to think hes not actually great at fighting games.

Never heard of that before but I guess it's bullshit, as much of a degenerate he may be I don't think he would have the courage to harass someone at a public space

You better wear gloves also you still might catch something even if a drop of blood or piss gets on you

>How many fucking fighter players out there actually play at the highest level in multiple fighting games and won multiple tournaments for different fighters?
Justin Wong and he's actually gone back and held his own in old ass fighters. And even finished top 8 in a Smash Bros tournament after only practicing for FIFTEEN MINUTES.

tfw lil majin is one of the most based players in fgc rn but gets no attention

it was just quick edits, less than 5 minutes took me. don't be too salty about it

>Thread number 30939082784930287 of Yea Forums absolutely seething over SonicFox
Why do you guys do this to yourselves? You can't take away his wins, he's objectively an amazing fighting game player. You could seethe until the end of time and not change it. Why not just give it a rest?

He can win all the tourneys he wants, I have no respect for his obnoxious behavior or attitude anymore.

I used to defend him on Yea Forums saying it's not a big deal that he wants to wear his stupid suit to tourneys if he still wins in it. But then he started making it political and now he's the darling posterboy of idpol ideologues who literally believe your sexuality can be the sum of your entire identity.

>Why is every argument against Sonicfox the same old "he's bad at X fighter".
That's a lie. Most people are basically saying he's overrated.
>How many fucking fighter players out there actually play at the highest level in multiple fighting games and won multiple tournaments for different fighters?
Plenty of them do.
>Why doesn't Yea Forums make fun of Daigo for being able to compete in Tekken at a high level?
I don't know, I never saw him compete at Tekken, why don't you ask him?

You think he could be great at them without his suit?

the suit is a limiter

people just hate him because he's the ultimate heel.

>Why doesn't Yea Forums make fun of Daigo for being able to compete in Tekken at a high level?
because people dont suck his cock like he's the greatest fighting game player of all time

>Why doesn't Yea Forums make fun of Daigo for being able to compete in Tekken at a high level?
because Daigo doesn't have an over-inflated ego and Daigo fans don't praise him like he's the second coming of christ

>on their way out
Wong isn't going anywhere, not when he can shill shit on twitter without disclosing it's an ad. For example, both him and spooby tweeted about that granblue fighter at the same time, but only spooky's tweet said it was an ad.

he doesn't win the major games, he doesn't even compete in street fighter or tekken

It's also a purposeful distraction. So he should take it off for two reasons.

His skills are hard to argue with but because he has such a stupid abrasive attitude, people want excuses not to give him credit.

Does he deserve credit for his skills? Yes.
Does he deserve clout in the FGC? No.

He is wielding his sexual preferences as a shield for any and all criticism, and finds it absurd anyone would think "being gay" cannot be your entire personality, cuz his furry buddies validate him

why won't aris play mk11 on stream?


>Daigo fans don't praise him like he's the second coming of christ
Because Daigo has been washed up for years

It's like weighted training clothing. Imagine how powerful he would be if he ever took it off.

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>Does he deserve credit for his skills? Yes.
>Does he deserve clout in the FGC? No.
This goes against what the FGC is. If you're skilled you get clout, that's how it goes, regardless of who you are.

>Why doesn't Yea Forums make fun of Daigo
People did absolutely mock Daigo (for example, for dropping out of Guilty Gear) when other people started deifying him.

just like hazubandi threads, furry threads but dint you dare posting any waifu or videogame related and dont talk shit about any of their favorite furry artist or you get banned

MK's numbers don't seem all that high though if we're going off Evo, it has less entrants than UNIST.

furries disgust me

Attached: eugh.png (89x95, 11K)

Putting aside all of the "gay black democrat furry" shit, the man's a straight up prodigy, he's excellent

So you pussed out. That never makes me salty. Just makes me think the guy knew he got lucky.

i like sonicfox


i hate esports

can you cut the bullshit?
Sonicfox never goes full furry when playing these games. He always takes his paws off when playing.

only in your retarded brain

That's cute but realistically he shouldn't be wearing them, so we can see how good he actually is and people can see something to strive to be.

Instead of purposefully giving your opponents a reason to be off kilter. Because now I'll never be able to know if it was him or the suit.

thats the usual course for NRS games at EVO
low entrants and low view count
maybe this year will be different

>muh /pol/
>muh politics when there is none.
Newfriend get the fuck out.

Shitless Sonic Fox would beat 90s Daigo in a first out of 10 in ST

we know, sonicfox

He essentially wins tournaments for games that the actual good players don't play.

If you're blaming your loss on Sonicfox wearing a fursuit that's gotta be the biggest johns I've ever seen. Did anyone actually use this argument outside of this mongolian cow breeding forum?

he discussed with dogura if he losing means he can still carry the title as best dbfz player of the world. is pathetic

He's gotten better again recently, I guess he finally decided to care about SFV, or maybe Guile is just too good

Look at the reply chain and feel bad about yourself for being one of the biggest retards in this thread

stalling and seat switching when losing is not clout worthy

his career is over anyway

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>likes MK
>hates memorization string no footsies game.

KYS newfriend.

>Why doesn't Yea Forums make fun of Daigo for being able to compete in Tekken at a high level?
Daigo has competed in: Street Fighter 2 series(5 games), Vampire Savior series(i'm only aware of him playing in maybe 2 of these games? There's a notorious story about him and his 100+ Jedah win streak), Street Fighter Alpha series(at least alpha 2 onwards not really aware of much Alpha 1 footage out there), Street Fighter 3 series, SFIV series, SFV, CvS2 and Guilty Gear. He plays enough games dude.

>this argument again
Wow he really makes you guys seethe doesn't he.

That's how it should be, but SF makes everything about his fetishes instead of his skills. He never talks about what actually helps him win or how he gets good at games. He just never shuts the fuck up about what he wants to put his dick in, that's why nobody outside his Progressive Circle finds him cool or impressive outside of the fact he wins. I used to defend him when he was just winning while wearing the suit. That alone I thought, was not a big deal, because he wasn't drawing attention to it constantly. Now he is and it's annoying as fuck

You guys clearly weren't around during the end of USFIV/beginning of SFV, Daigo fans would not shut the FUCK up about how great he was. It's only the way it is now because he's washed up.

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He is wrong. The first thing that westerners say about them not being good at a game is "lol I have a real life, this isn't that serious, nerd." Not because of the hedonism and debauchery that Americans get up to. It's because Americans largely don't have the discipline in the first place because of the stigma against "trying hard" to be good at a video game since it apparently "doesn't matter".

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The only retard here is you for thinking a player's performance in recent years is irrelevant to what their fans think of them. Go be a retard somewhere else

I've never seen him do any of these things. I'm guessing he does it all on twitter?

>muh /pol/
can you trannies spend a daybwithout spewing /pol/?

Nobody was seething until he went up on stage and prostrated himself and the gaming community for leftist progressive points

not an argument

You can tell he's a bit insecure about himself despite all the gloating when he says shit like that, I can't even mock him for that though. I feel bad for the guy, he hangs out with the wrong people who are all about enabling his worst behaviour.
He'd be a lot more humble if he distanced himself from the furry community.

/pol/ has this board by the balls user. Denying it doesn't make it not true

it's like WWE for lame people

Found the furfag

based, small thijgs like that will always bug them, just like the bug chasing he has

Mostly, but lately he's been doing it whenever he gets a hold of a mic

Probably not because the FCG encourages meta mind play and it's absolute nonsense. That said I don't play comp fighting. That that said, defending the suit as a distraction makes you a big faggo, any of that shit means that instead of actually going skill to skill, it's skill + outside distractions. As in you know you could do it normally but why fight someone on equal ground?

>Also people who say “gay is not a personality” are fucking idiots and 100% homophobic lmao

>It comes off as people seeing other people’s daily actions as “gay” or and so they try to demean us by saying its our personality when it’s our fucking identity. Idk what it is with people equating any form of femininity to “acting gay” (which makes no fucking sense to say btw).

>it's our fucking identity
>who we put our dicks in behind closed doors is our fucking identity man!

idk if this is some way to prove sonicfox is better but daigo will mive one to better things in life while sf is stuck playing videogames

What's actually wrong with anything said here though? Sounds like you guys are just mad he's gay.

>doesn't even play
>tries to tell people in the FGC what to do despite having literally no say in the matter
Imagine being this stupid

what a fucking retarded post
jesus fuck what a nigger SHIT post

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why don't you go suck his dick if you love him so much? because as he is constantly saying, that is his identity, is how much dick he loves to suck

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4/10 I responded
>Anyone in this thread partakes in the FCG on a serious level
>Observes can't have opinions

Again, stop purposefully distracting you opponent, I'll start taking him seriously. He's all. about bringing his meta and it's pretty painfully see-through

When I was younger I tried so hard to be an e-sports

I took train rides all across New York to compete in various events but would always job and drown in various pools
I think the best I ever did was win some local League of Legends tournaments and some arcade SF4 tournament

I'm glad that I'm a scrub

It would be so fucking embarrassing to be a modern day e-sports guy
I'd honestly probably kill myself if that was my job now

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he didnt pass the pool

he would be based if it he didnt spout how gay he is, this is why people like daigo or justin

>DBFZ (when it was the most popular game)
>no skill, one trick pony

You're a bigger faggot than he is rotfl

Attached: download.jpg (224x224, 6K)

This dude triggers Yea Forums so bad. It's awesome.

reminder he is a pedophile and friends with a zoophile

just become a streamer instead

Tempo ZeRo literally gets thousands of dollars to do variety streams, gets thousands more viewers than he ever did streaming smash, and makes more money per month than he ever could going to tourneys or working hard

>he would be based if it he didnt spout how gay he is
No because he would still be an autism

Like you make fun of smash players for being an autism, but SonicFox is literally the epitome of a smash player

>No social awareness
>Probably doesn't bathe
>Incapable in the real world
>Probably has mental issues / Anxiety

Even if you take one aspect away the cascade of garbage that is his brain would come up with something else to take it's place

Are people/figures in the FGC really friends with him? He sounds like a difficult person to talk to on a friendly level, given how political he is. I really wouldn't want to be friends with someone who is always talking about that shit. Seems like it alienates people.

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that fursuit head is so fucking cute

I became a dev instead and make rent money by selling porn games to Indians

I would never be able to make it as a streamer anyways because I'm perma banned from Twitch on various accounts because I would bully e-thots and their beta orbiters back when twitch was in it's early days

Heard an interview with him at combo breaker in that small room with the arcade cabinets, he sounds fucking obnoxious.

>sonicfuchs will continue to coat hanger abort every competitive scene he succeeds in until he yiffs himself to death

Attached: Daedalus.png (589x538, 318K)

yeah maybe if you identify as a nigger furry

He's probably like that one friend you had who did nothing but complain about his issues and how misunderstood he is at every second of his life despite all the support he does get.
At first you're understanding of him, but as it keeps going it gets more and more grating, we're not his psychologist, it'd be nice to have one nice conversation that doesn't boil down to his politics and his own issues.

He obviously has deep rooted anxiety and insecurity issues he wouldn't be a gay furry otherwise.

>Just want to participate in the FGC because you're passionate about fighting games and enjoy playing them at a competitive level
>SonicFox slowly is turning it into a big circle jerk over his fetishes and insists on wearing his fursuit and making speeches about how he's gay and black every time he gets the mic
>Can't even say anything about how obnoxious of an attention whore he is without looking like the bad guy
I imagine they all hate him for making the FGC look like a joke. Imagine trying to talk to people about fighting game tournaments and their first response is "oh yeah I remember seeing that furry win lmao"

good riddance

>open thread knowing HE DOESN'T PLAY X GAME would pop up
>it's this early
The sweat and tears in this post is hilarious. How much longer until you faggots start saying EVO doesn't count?

>I imagine they all hate him for making the FGC look like a joke.
Which is exactly what the FGC needs. Guys like SonicFox allow the FGC to filter the vultures and help it to remain niche.

I'd sooner see the FGC become full of only gay furries than being touched by the normalfags. A gay furry can just annoy you and the community, but a normalfag can ruin everything you once loved about a hobby. Call SonicFox a vaccine against normalfaggotry.

No, a gay furry can ruin the entire thing by making it nothing but a circle jerk about what gets him off. And we both know damn well that if everyone stopped caring about SonicFox wearing his fursuit he would take it to the next level, because as an attentionwhore he thrives on people talking about him

Furrfaggotry taking over would be just as terrible though.

Is SonicFox the Mayweather of the FGC world?

spotted the other furfag

Doesn't matter even if you were right. Better to crash and burn as a furry than to keep "living" as normalfag zombified trash.
The FGC had a good run, anyway. Dying as furryfag central is the lesser evil..

Normalfags are already affecting the games themselves and how they function/look.

>Dying as furryfag central is the lesser evil
No it fucking isn't, there's a reason why furries are some of the oldest and most hated communities on the internet, just get rid of both.
The sooner sonic fox distances himself from that trash the better.

>SonicFox has great muscle memory
All those hours of fapping to guro-furry porn finally came to use.
Seriously, look it up. This bastard low-key has a guro/ torture fetish. Even made an edgy version of his mascot for that sole purpose.

Attached: Sleep.jpg (292x173, 11K)

Furries are infinitely more obnoxious than normalfags. Worst case scenario with normalfags FGC gets more popular, meanwhile most normies can't play at the competitive level. Meanwhile furries will turn all FGC discussion into furfag circle jerks


>Yea Forums now unironically sucks a furfags cock
What happened to mocking furfags?

>people complain about furries, plural, in the FGC
>there is only one who's actually winning anything

>my feet hurt
>i miss MVC2
>is this nigga really wearing his sex outfit in my commentator booth

Attached: i am cum.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

At some point in life, you will find some enjoyment in shit you hated.
Hey, more variants of porn to fap to.

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read the thread again

>fapping to furry porn
I don't even have a vomiting pic appropriate enough for this

>if what this kid is doing is considered impressive?

All things considered depending on if he is able to keep consistently placing high or wining tournaments. Yes it will be. Since if he keeps doing that shit he may become the first fighting game player to have earned over 1 million dollars off of said tournaments. So at the very least on that level nerd could be come something to be at least some what impressed at.

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Lets put a smile on that face.

>winning literally who tournaments that happened to have a decent prize pool
he got exposed in all the games that matter/have actual competition

someone post the pic of him with a bad dragon dildo as a pin

Is sonicfox just reddit/zoomer fatal1ty?

Simple deserved that game award thingy.

Not tekken
But daigo played guilty in a japan only tourney and beat the shit out of every one in there, including that year's guilty evo champion
Daigo's fundamentals are amazing and he can do well in any game, he even did well in nidhogg when some people put him on it for the funsies

user i'm going to need a source and/or code for this.

look at that black fucking nigger and look at that monstrosity on the mic to his right. can you imagine what must be through either of those darkie's minds?

Still waiting for any fgc-fag to take him up on switching games for a month.

Absolutely. Never seen a person have to play 1v9 and still win.

and he will become a millionaire for it. Think about that. You scoff at him being in supposedly tourneys needing less skill or whatever and yet he will out earn the fuck out of everyone else soon if he keeps the shit he is doing up. So even if your point could be 100 percent undisputed nerd is still raking in that fucking dosh. Which is just fuck man. God damn.

How hollow do you have to be to identify and shape yourself around your sexual alignment ? Motherfucker doesn't even get the attention he used to because anybody who knows his dumbass know better then to give him it. Which is why I myself in this thread asked "has he won anything recently other then this shitty games tournament ?"

Sonic fox can only win the gimmick fighting games like DBZF and nether realm games. Put him in a SFV or Tekken 7 tournament and the gooks run through him like the train of fag cock he took last Sunday.

nobody cares about the money he's making, that's great for him but people only care to see players compete

the sole value sonicfox has to the FGC is that he wins a lot of tourneys. but as a player he is not creating much good will for himself outside the sponsor-mandatory friendliness he is shown by commentators and streamers

way to move the goal post in a pointless way. Shit was first and foremost a response to op and nothing more. Get your gay ass weird emotional projections out of here my man trying to make this damn shit into some weird shit it aint.

I guess you weren't around for the Yun saga of daigos career.

He's arguably the biggest tier-whore there was, and he was shit on constantly for switching to Yun during SF4AE.

But at least he doesn't stick dildos on his nipples and flail about like a spergy fuck for attention. SonicFox both acts like a faggot in the non-sexual sense, and is a literal faggot in the very sexual sense.

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It is just like UFC tier talk and what not. In that they say and spout a bunch of shit that really has nothing to do with fighting at all and is just there to bring attention to the person for mind share sake to possibly and hopefully eventually use said mindshare to profit off of whenever they choose to stop or go in a slump competitively and stop doing as good.

Really that is all that is happening there. Though i do honestly find it super weird how media illiterate nerds like you are since this is some surface level obvious as all fuck shit i would have thunk. But dumb faggots like you i guess are needed to bring me down and stop thinking so highly of people in general.

The post literally called him smart and said he has near flawless execution.
How the fuck is that user crying.

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Christ, have you run out of buzzwords yet? I could barely understand the shit english you're spewing

nigger furries can't read

Are they wrong?

UFC fighters shit talk in the ring because it helps bring ratings up which brings them profit. SonicFox is not acting when he bases his entire personality around his sexual orientation and fetishes, it's just that he's that shallow and boring of a person.

Is he nonbinary or genderqueer or something now too? I thought he made a big stink about being gay at last year's VGA show, wouldn't that necessitate that he self-identifies as male?

Or is this Twin Galaxies deciding that henceforth they shall refer to all living creatures as "they"?

it's the safe thing to do when you don't know if someone calls themselves a he or she, or in this case an it.
The absolute state of people.

Attached: mirandapls.png (237x237, 122K)

I would like you to take 5 minutes and think about this phrase

>it's the safe thing to do

and try to come to an understanding as to why this shit needs to be stopped

Look, I recognize SonicFox's talent but at the end of the day, he's not Daigo and not once has ever approached his mountain

I already understand why and that's why I said it.
The person who wrote the tweet already knows (or is probably one of those) the shitstorm that people will cause because of someone being "misgendered" by using the wrong pronoun.
>t. wagecuck in california who doesn't want to lose his job and who has encountered several obvious males and females who liked to be called they/them and so on.

I gotcha, just misunderstood the tone

does anyone have the video where the black dude is cringing at him?

It really says something that he can have such a divisive reputation despite winning so much. Not even ChrisG gets this much attention.

It's honestly sad that you have to walk on fucking eggshells about what people like to be called or you can lose your job.
I'm also a wagecuck in commiefornia, but I've only ever met one tranny irl

Wait what, he's still playing, huh?

DBFZ post-patch

Attached: 1550881897080m.jpg (1024x981, 101K)

Enjoy your Bayflies

Boy howdy, e-sports was a fucking mistake, wasn't it? You got more spectators than players now.

Except for when he, you know, won Evo at for biggest fighting game ever.

Its probably because Daigo shows the inner workings of a game. He has shown some INSANE moments that cannot be replicated by anybody in the games he's played. Go watch his matches in Darkstalkers and Street Fighter.

The only shining moment SonicFox has for him is following the meta really closely. His ONE shining moment, the closest he ever got to even starting to climb and be something unique born out of skill and talent rather than simple punishment game, was Fused Zamasu to do what nobody thought of doing in Fighterz; slowing a match down and being able to control the pace at will.

SonicFox has good fundamentals. Nobody can take that away from him. But SonicFox is imitable. Daigo is not.

I may have the time wrong since it was a number of years ago but yes I told the rest of the team to wait a bit before going in while i caused a distraction and it worked like a fucking charm. even got bwonked on the way to the station for obvious reasons, though i think the admin figured out what i was up to because his second message was basically "oooooooooh"

Pretty much this, surprised he didnt do anything with smash ultimate since theres still no meta 6 months in. He even mentioned interest in the game. Thank God because I cant stand his pervy ass

I mean furry porn is even great imo but wearing your degenerate fetish on your sleeve then trying to normalize it is sickening to say the least.

also hes proof niggers can be mentally ill

>only plays NRS games

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Bet I could rock his furry ass in Soul Calibur 6 with Zasalamel.

Daigo is a Boomer from a different age.

Sonicfox's current competition is harder than daigo's ever was.

>Babe Ruth vs Mike trout
>Brett favre vs Tom Brady.
You knoq

>Sonicfox's current competition is harder than daigo's ever was.
Here's your (You). Nobody's topped Daigo.

Attached: 1557352550822.jpg (894x1200, 667K)

hoping this is bait

>Sonicfox's current competition is harder than daigo's ever was.
Damn nigga that's a good joke.

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you didn't hear it from me

drug test sonic fox

In a big surprise for everyone how someone dresses doesn't affect their gameplay


I thought you want meritocracy? This is meritocracy.

I'll take that over being a literal slave with no childhood any day

>didn't say fur hire
You had 1 job

Thankyou user.

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Sonic only shines in games with weak communities or games with no strong legacy competition. He specializes in games with oppressive rushdown or okizeme and picks the top tier characters in those games most of the time. Games like DBFZ, NRS games have strong aggressive bias, while Soul Calibur have a weaker community after all these years of waiting so he took advantage of that. He's pragmatic, but people tend to catch up to him, then he fucks off to another game. It happened early on in Soul Calibur 6 when he was humiliated on stream when he used Azwel and lost to Kilik, and it happened later in DBFZ. He tried to do the same in BBTAG, but realized the neutral game is strong there so he just focused on DBFZ. Expect this guy to dominate Samurai Shodown and Granblue Versus next

Pikaman is still hilarious to me. I'm so glad he has evolved.

I imagine it must be the smell that gives him an edge.

Hes literally the best fighting player in the world and hes a gay black furry literally.

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How is everyone still so upset about him? Do you guys not find it hilarious? The whole situation is so fucking goofy. How can you be mad about that?
Like it's just some gay nigger wearing a scooby doo costume playing a video game and taunting everyone with how stupid that is. It's great. I'm so glad he exists.

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Fuck off Tewart

I doubt he will do well in SamSho

Because a gay nigger wearing a scooby doo costume is the current face of the FGC.

Mostly has to do with politics. Sonicfox is an SJW

He's unlikable because he makes a lot of excuses when he loses. Its ok if he's some cringy furry, but he shows his true colors when he doesnt win
>claims he was going to dominate Smash Ultimate
>Drowns in pools and never picks up the game again

niggers are mentally ill by default, just in a way different from other races.

Yes? I don't understand the problem. This isn't shitposting, I genuinely don't understand why that bothers you

I think its funny that he's younger, has more money, and is better at video games than all of this shitty board. Then to add insult to injury he's also a gay nigger furry who's out and proud and flaunts it right in your dipshit poltard faces.


dbz evo 2018 was hardly medium popular

Have sex


Him and Dogura are the silent soul of the FGC.

I wonder what gamers have lined up for themselves once the newer, younger, better players start playing.

Keep at it guys, top quality posts.

>mfw he sent this board into a seething shoot for a month straight just by shitting on republicans

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t. man from murderous blood thirsty race

I think you misunderstand current day double triple scoop ironic shit posting

Yea Forums is a perfect example of inferiority complex. I wouldn't be shocked if there was a big dosage of napoleon complex as well. I just laugh and enjoy at how easily they get offended by everything. I can't imagine any sane person taking these retards opinions seriously.

>It was ironic
This is like shitting your pants and saying "I MEANT TO DO THAT!"

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He will never be taken seriously unless he takes off his obnoxious fetish suit.

Fuck off faggot

because Yea Forums is normie central

Just look at pol, people here really get angry over politics and shit. Its like popular reddit subs but a bit more edgier.

So he's justin wong, but worse in literally every way?

uhhhhhhhhhhh lmao

>mainly because Warner bros would force NRS to rush them out without balancing it properly. So they're usually broken about a week or two after release and then they get nerfed into the ground so you don't see them ever again.
This happens with almost every game that releases new classes, characters, items, etc. that you can buy. I'm pretty sure it's done on purpose to make more people buy it, and then when sales drop that's when they "fix" it.

>This happens with almost every game that releases new classes, characters, items, etc.
No. Play more video games.

Look who is president

Dunno I don't pay attention to the mentally ill and games that cater to them

apply yourself

t. Liberal

Well is it that far of a jump for a sea of piss that pisses in itself?

How do you think I came to that conclusion? Every game I played that regularly released new shit to buy like that always had it be overpowered in the beginning.

You play one video game that does that.

Why are you defending this shit? Do you buy it?

>No footsies
Movement is exactly what makes high level Tekken amazing.

He just spams Erron Black, a character that shouldn't even be in MK

Why are non-Americans so ignorant?

incorrect use of clown world, it's about values turned upside down, Sonic Fox earned his position, even though he's an enormous faggot.

What a meme word

Yes except Justin Wong has worse opinions on everything

can't be worse than gay nigger furry opinions

He will get his shit rocked in SamSho

>the biggest fighting game ever


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he just plays games no one plays. he can't win in tekken, street fighter anything, or even gay smash.

You'd be surprised.

That's not a bad thing. That's like the least bad thing about him really.

have sex

I honestly don't want to and would rather hurt people but that's wrong so I simulate it in entertainment.

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Kinda based desu

I think it's good that you are honest with yourself about what you want and don't want

He's too impatient to play something akin to Samurai Shodown's neutral. Granblue is apparently going to be SF-esque and we all know he doesn't wanna play that kind of neutral. I think you're right in your observation that he likes rushdown heavy neutrals.

I don't hate him, but I hate the people around him. He can be politically charged, fine but articles and people putting him on the top of the genre and that he's "the best the FGC ever was" when not actually commentating on his playstyle or his matches or his brackets or his opponents is the most irritating thing ever. There's no analysis when you talk about SonicFox. Its all about his political identity. Its so annoying. Can we talk about how he plays in FighterZ and how in all honesty it was fucking hype how he brought a new style of pacing a match with Fused Zamasu? No. Because he won and that's all people want to talk about. Nobody wants to talk about FighterZ. They wanna talk about how SF is gay. Can we talk about how he uses Erron Black's traps to force his opponents in his face for mixups? No. Because he won. And we shouldn't talk about his matches.

Its the most frustrating thing. Nobody TALKS about how SonicFox plays. They just talk about SonicFox. I




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I can respect that. It really does monopolize coverage and take away attention from other competitors because he stands out so well. But you know it's gonna happen because his identity is very different and novel to people (on top of it being seen as progressive and good for gay rights to mention his identity in a positive light).

you are all a bunch of cock gobbling faggots

SonigFox actually plays the game though.

this dude literally gobbles cock