Was there ANYTHING of value, even slight value, that came from the Sonic the Hedgehog 4 episodes?

Was there ANYTHING of value, even slight value, that came from the Sonic the Hedgehog 4 episodes?

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Mania ignoring it entirely with its intro was pretty funny.

Online co-op?

Why is tails jerking sonic off

Yeah, it served as a blueprint to why 2D Sonic does not work with modern tendencies.

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You can annoy your friend who hates the game as much as you do in episode 2 by spamming the stupid high five moves

Metal Sonic's new theme song
The Sonic/Tails co-op mechanics, especially underwater
Some of the new badnik designs

That's me scrapping together what I could. I'm an ep2 apologist but I'll freely admit the whole thing is bad


Cybershell made a good video about it. That's it really.

Metal Sonic's theme, Mad Gear's themes, Episode 2's Final Boss theme, Lost Labyrinth Act 1's theme... mostly just music.

forgot to mention Death Egg Mk II Act 1, easily the best song of the entire OST

I would think the failure of Sonic 4 lead to Sonic Mania

Funny to think that the existence of these games completely contradicts Iizuka's current stance of Modern and Classic Sonic being completely separate worlds. I can't imagine how much they regret Sonic 4 by now.

No. I for the first game for free and I was still disappointed

Episode 1 wasn't bad. It was at least better than Advance 2 or 3.

Well thats just a fuckup on the devs part

No it fucking wasn't. Get out of here with your shit opinion

My main problems with both Sonic 4s is bad level design (especially Episode 2), and TERRIBLE MUSIC. Jesus fuck it was MIDI-tier percussion quality, and it used the same percussion instruments for almost every song across both games.

At least to beat 4 you had to do more than just hold right

Was that Lost World?

Metal Sonic theme from episode 2

Some of the music in Episode 2 was decent, or even good, but only some

Because you couldn't keep any momentum in that game. None at all.

they were good but unfinished, releasing them in episodes was a mistake

If we just consider TSR Jun's self redemption for limiting his musical talent for Sonic 4, then all will be forgiven

>hey SEGA we're gonna make a sonic game for mobile and call it Sonic the Portable. It's like a mini sonic game on your phone, people will love it!
said dimps
>call it sonic 4
said SEGA, dooming the project before it even got to the public eye

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>tfw Whitehead will never get to make a real Sonic 4 thanks to Sega of America's stupid PR stunts
Thanks, dickheads.

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but episode 2 was good and addressed all the problems raised about the first...

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The funniest thing about Sonic 4 is that it wasn't even meant to be Sonic 4 at all. It was originally going to be a mobile exclusive called "Sonic the Portable" before some retard thought it'd be a great idea to market it as "THE sequel to Sonic 3 you've been waiting for" simply because it was 2D and didn't have the boost. There's proof of this on the ferris wheel in Casino Street's background.

>Sega of America
Sonic 4 was because of SoA? Not the faggots at Japan for once?

The last person I heard who talked about it said it was Sega of America, but it very well could have been Japan. Doesn't matter at the end of the day, they ruined the dream of a real Sonic 4. So our best option is to call whatever fully original classic game Whitehead might make the real metaphorical Sonic 4.

I won't lie, I wasn't too wild about it then and looking at it now, it looked really cheap and sterile. It really should have stayed on mobile. Even if 4 didn't exist, Mania couldn't call itself Sonic 4 as you said.

I can only pray that Sega will finally give him more creative control on the next 2D game. Mania was fantastic but the nostalgia objectively holds back its true potential. A game with 12 new zones would be the tits.

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I'm counting the days for this game. I need that full OST, and the full version of Green Light Ride.

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iirc it was aaron webber specifically


The best Metal Sonic theme

If it isn't the last upload for the game before it's out, then I'm sure someone else will do it pre release

4 was better than Mania. At least it had actual original content.

>the 4 new zones don't count
>it doesn't matter if it plays like a broken Rush

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Funny how you say that when across both episodes, Sonic 4 has less original stages than Mania did

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Metal Sonic's theme song wasn't pretty cool

I think it was less the Modern shit like homing attacking and more about the absolutely awful physics in Episode 1. Episode 2's were slightly better but still felt like a cheap imitation of Classic Sonic gameplay.

Though the lazy level design and constant homing attack chains in the place of thoughtful level layouts does get pretty grating, yeah. I'm glad Sega had the good sense to bail on Episode 3 because I doubt it would've been much better.

I'll still never forgive them for mixing up the rolling and spindash sound effects.

this kino theme

>At least it had actual original content

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It was a bad idea to release them as episodes. It was Sonic 3 all over again except the next game didn't do any awesome lock-on technology shit with not just Sonic 3 but Sonic 2 as well. I consider that alone as a justified apology for 3's sketchy release.

>except the next game didn't do any awesome lock-on technology shit
Owning both games gives you playable Metal Sonic.

Yeah for only 4 rehashed levels. And he plays exactly like Sonic with no cool new abilities. Episode Metal was fucking lame.

Boo, compare that to Knuckles in Sonic 3 and Sonic 2.

Have you played Episode 2?

Sonic 4 being unveiled at SGC 2010 to be playable for the finalists of their gaming tournament before the game came out. Back then we didn't know it was gonna be shit. Sonic Generations hadn't even come out yet and Sonic was in bad times. NSMBWii was a good Mario game that brought Mario back to his roots with 2.5D so Sonic 4 looked great at the time. In the summer of 2010 EVERYBODY was hyped for Sonic 4. It's funny to look back on now, especially with Screwattack gone and the shit happening with Jared, but Sonic 4 brought everyone together in that hotel conference room.and we were all excited and happy as can be. I was there man. And it was one of the best moments of my life.


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The Cybershell videos about them.

White park act 2 in episode 2 remixed a bit of twinkle park from sonic adventure in the music. So that was kind of kino. Sylvia Castle was also beautiful

>modern tendencies
fuck does that even mean lol


Am I actually nostalgic for a time when nostalgia pandering was exciting

I guess we can at least give Mania credit, of all the games to nostalgia pander, at least it seemed to do it the best. Sonic 4 was straight up soulless, Generations was better but still half assed the gameplay, so yeah.

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Advance 3 abandons the traditional sonic formula, true, but it does its own thing well with the partner platforming and is a solid game in its own right when you look past the flaws. And Advance 2 at least has decent bosses. S4e1 does nothing right.

Some of the music i guess?

It was kinda cool to have a decent-ish sonic game on my phone back then

Reception was so negative that we eventually got Mania. Cucks who defended this piece of shit, like Clement don't deserve Mania.

Let's be fair, he probably only had that opinion back then. He also used to defend X3 before he thought it was bad later.

Have you? Only 1 of it's measly 4 stages can be considered anything new, and it's terrible executed anyway.

Metal Sonic's boss theme.

The music was okay.

I get the point of this webm, but Lost World is a completely different game that's clearly not trying to replicate classic Sonic physics in any way, and this is also telling of part of the problem with Sonic fans in that anything that isn't 1:1 classic Sonic will get shat on hard. Lost World has problems, but not playing like classic Sonic isn't one of them. It was trying to be a 3D platformer.

>And this is also telling part of the problem with Sonic fans in that anything that isn't 1:1 classic Sonic will get shat on hard
That's... the issue though. Sonic level design 9 out of 10 times was literally designed around the momentum system, it's why you have so many hills, slopes, ramps and loops. They could all be used to your advantage, so when you get that wrong, it feels worse when the level design isn't changed much. Also Lost World was totally trying to ape the classic games, aping the art style, multiple acts per zone thing, and even breaking animal capsules at the end of levels. It tried to be a classic style game in 3D without any of the extra things that actually made classic's gameplay feel satisfying. The parkour is cool but that's about it.

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In terms of gameplay it wasn't anything like classic Sonic, and going into the game expecting that is just going to piss you off.

Yeah, we'd all enjoy a 3D Sonic game that feels like classic Sonic and has momentum and awesome physics and shit. I get that. That doesn't mean that game is automatically bad for not doing that though. Lost World actually could have been amazing and has a lot of good ideas beneath some shoddy execution. I would be perfectly fine with Sonic as just a good 3D platformer.

I will actually confess I actually find Lost World to be kind of a guilty pleasure, so I never really wanted to call it bad either, I just wish it had that little bit of extra to it because pulling off physics related tricks just feels so good and I'd love to do that again. Just a shame it failed and because of that we went right back to the boost only even shittier.

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Not really. Zone themes were inferior rehashes of previous ones, music was shit (sounds moderately better if you use a different soundfont), gameplay sucked ass and was inferior to the Genesis titles. I guess it was cool seeing some of the old badniks again with updated designs, but Colors and Generations ended up doing that better.

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I also think using the modern art style was more just laziness on their part. They didn't wanna make all new classic models so they just recycled the modern models they already had and just did whatever with the badniks. It just comes off as lazy to me because they don't even have any sort of explanation as to why it's suddenly the new art style, it just is. And this is supposed to be right after Sonic 3? Yeah... sure. A in story reason could have at least helped justify it.

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dueling eggman and Metal Sonic with this playing was fun at least, especially that huge ass energy ball metal Sonic throws
