I miss them so fucking much Yea Forums

i miss them so fucking much Yea Forums

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Did Barry ever do anything with his channel or anything?

Arin and Jon act like Jews more than the jew himself

Fuck Arin, fuck Barry. Jon's alright.


I watched him and his girlfriend play Deltarune. I think she might actually be retarded. She acts like a child and he talks to her like she's a child. It's really weird.


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Why? Arin is an unfunny douche, Barry is an unfunny bore, and Jon is a no-longer-funny racist.


Jon's videos aren't funny anymore, but "racist" is just a meaningless slur.

ive never given a shit about jontron and i only ever heard about him when arin teamed up with him for GG. i dont necessarily care for his content but what are some videos to get into his channel Yea Forums?

He said some /pol/tard shit that made him seem insufferable, regardless of what you want to call it. Even so, that doesn't really matter when his content sucks dicks these days.

Ok. We needed to know this because......?

Don't bother, he went corporate and sucks nowadays. If you want just watch his old stuff from like 3 years ago.

They're not dead or anything, though. Jon's making videos, Arin's hanging with Danny, and Barry does stuff on Twitch. Think he's playing A Hat In Time right now, actually.

>Jon is a no-longer-funny racist.

Citation needed on the racist part.

I like most of his videos between Nightshade and Howling II, especially his Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Goosebumps, Conan, Titanic, and Clock Tower videos. I think his funniest are probably Plug and Play Consoles and California Games. I didn't care for StarCade, and he got a budget boost from then on that I thought actually made his videos worse, but there's still a few I like, like Dark Dungeons.

tfw no retarded GF

But his videos get millions of views?

>He said some /pol/tard shit
The truth.
>that made him seem insufferable, regardless of what you want to call it.
You can't handle the truth.
>Even so, that doesn't really matter when his content sucks dicks these days.
That's true.

i say /pol/tard shit all the time, usually as a joke, doesn't mean that's literally what I think now and for the rest of my life

dude clearly thought was he was saying was reasonable at the time, probably doesn't think so now. I don't really give a fuck because the guy seems much more reasonable than either of the other two assholes in OP's image.

That's why both of the other guys are failing these days.

Lol there's no "proof" that someone is a racist. It's a judgement based on their words and actions, and judging by the shit he said, I think it's pretty fair to label him as racist.

Oh, I forgot Anti-Drug Games. I think that's also one of his best. 2014 might've been his best year.

Did I say they didn't?

He said that rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites. This made a lot of people angry because you shouldn’t say things just because they are some sort of fact.

When people call FBI stats "/pol/tard shit" they out themselves as retarded commies. your clearly one of those dumb fucks who thinks the US & crime stats are white supremacist. I'm not going to listen to a radical fucktard like you.

Listen. You belong to a cult. Not everyone believes your horse shit. He said it's perfectly reasonable for white people not to want Muslims in their countries - he's right. He said wealthy black people commit more crimes than poor white people - he's right. You don't have to like it, faggot, no one cares what you think.

>The truth
Funny how he wasn't able to back that shit up in a debate. And he said a lot of subjective shit that was racist as well, not just provable facts.

>you shouldn’t say things just because they are some sort of fact.
I vehemently disagree. There's nothing more important than the truth. Lies only build up over time, causing even more problems. We're currently living in a period where the West realizes they were lied to for decades.

He said some shit, this manlet called Destiny said some other shit and put words in his mouth. Now Tumblr is really, really, REALLY fucking mad at him because their boycott and revoking his status as a human being didn't work.

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Haha, you're so mad that I have a different opinion. I think he's racist. You responded to my opinion. You don't have to like it, faggot, no one cares what you think.

>Funny how he wasn't able to back that shit up in a debate.
That's because the study was actually looking at convictions. It's impossible to say beyond a shadow of a doubt that someone committed a crime. All you can do is convict them based on the evidence or let them go due to a lack of evidence.
>And he said a lot of subjective shit that was racist as well, not just provable facts.
I'm not aware of that. I didn't watch it because why the fuck would anyone watch Destiny debate someone?

>This is your mind on /pol/
Try going outside, making friends.

They're beginning to. No one's drinking your Kool-Aid anymore.

>what are some videos to get into his channel Yea Forums?
The Sonic and Final Fantasy videos

> the game's playing itself jon...

That's not a fact though. Where is the source?

>You belong to a cult.
not him but this cult argument always peeves me off when I hear it from both the right and the left. I'm not certain that any political ideology can fit the BITE model as accurately as the pundits who make these assumptions believe.
I'm not really much of a political person at all so I honestly wouldn't know if any particular radical stance completely conforms to the model.

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Go back to your sjw page on twitter. No one wan't you here.

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Are you talking about that guy that abandoned his son to go the europe live a cucklife with some fag and a blondie?

we're also living in a time period where people literally aren't willing to accept the truth because it conflicts with their political view. This means they only believe things that suit their ideals, even if they are entirely based on falsehoods.

This is why people think it's okay to pretend to be a different gender, and not some sort of delusional behaviour needing treatment. This is why people accept delusional behaviour clearly not based on facts.

No, no one cares what you think. You have one shitty corner of the Internet that cares what you think. Don't delude yourself otherwise.

>tfw ProJared has been my favorite vidya youtuber ever since he started
>got introduced to MH through him
>loved almost every video he made
>was always the go-to happy and fun vidya youtuber who never had bullshit surrounding him
Goddammit why can't I have nice things man, fuck. This isn't the future I wanted.
What a mess we made, when it all went wrong.

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I remember when Yea Forums consensus was that Jontron was an unfunny faggot and Arin was /ourguy/. Arin even shilled here for a while during that stupid Sony Gametester reality show. Things changed rapidly (as they damn well should have).

theirs nothing racist about an Iranian defending white people or a white country.

here I'm white. i'll say the same shit he did but about japan.
I like japan. I don't want the Japanese people & culture to be diluted.
they shouldn't take in the Muslims migrants because those people are fascist, violent, misogynist, religious fanatics from the worst cultures on earth & the stats prove it.

you think that's racist? to value another race and culture?

>Finding something racist that is very obviously arguably racist makes you an SJW
Sorry for intruding on your hug box safe space, friend.

jon showed he had one iota of self-respect by not just accepting the ideals imposed by the general audience on him, like yes-man arin.

I really wish I knew what happened during the nights at the GG house. I am sure a lot of drinking or drugs were shared.

Eh they were kind of hit and miss. About 1/3rd of their content was entertaining. The only thing Game Grumps had over others was the sheer quantity of lps thus affording them eventual hits.

none of my friends deny fbi stats or think the US is racist. you belong to an insane fringe ideology.

Shit, dude, I don't know. All I know is that he's like 5'3" and constantly mad.

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Sound like a fucking caveman.

I'm sure it was just a shitpost that got shared about unironically and enough people started to believe it

>in a debate
Lmao are you talking about one of those fuckin Destiny things? Fuck off

To SJW cocksuckers JonTron is considered white because he's fairskinned. Just keep that in mind that you're arguing with people who don't consider things like Ethnicity existing but merely look at literal skin tones.

Not that guy, but there's nothing wrong with racism.