My boyfriend browses this site a lot and I need help to pick a gift for his birthday...

My boyfriend browses this site a lot and I need help to pick a gift for his birthday. Are there any recent games you guys here like? Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Attached: 2CsvFkpQlXjvnTaGbBxUynnjz5AwP2bfZzGNTUa8IVI.jpg (487x500, 71K)

are you a male or female(male)?

>My boyfriend
Tits or GTFO

I don't believe this is real, however that image makes me fucking hungry for a stack of pancakes.

You literally can't go wrong with a blowjob.

Dragon dildo.

Just let him fuck you in the ass.

are there beers that taste like pancakes and syrup?

Ask him.
Also tits or gtfo

That stack of pancakes looks delicious.

3d sex villa

>My boyfriend browses this site a lot
And he didn’t keep a secret from you very well.
Everything on this site is what your bf likes, think about that.

Attached: 6DEF51C6-87E5-4338-81D0-F4F230519591.jpg (700x1016, 44K)

This or a combination of the two.

Attached: 1507253720377.jpg (420x300, 13K)

Buy him Anthem or Fallout 76

let him poop in your mouth

Post bussy.

yeah his favorite gift would be for you to stop baiting

Post feet.


Get him an old school console that he doesn't own. Something like maybe a Dreamcast whatever together with a couple of games. If he's into games he'll appreciate it.

haha what a faggot

He said, as he bumped the thread.

retarded newfag

Attached: Mvp.gif (260x260, 2.25M)

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buy him bastard bonds

maybe you should both fuck off back to

>Says the redditor who thinks a sage is a downvote.
Nigger, if you sage a thread, the next post will bump it, not matter by which IP it was posted. If you sage a thread you always give the OP/samefags a free bump.

Most people don't give a fuck about the Dreamcast. In fact most people didn't give a fuck about it in 1999 which is why it didn't sell.