I like Sonic games from 1991-2009 + Mania. What about Yea Forums?
I like Sonic games from 1991-2009 + Mania. What about Yea Forums?
i like not shitty sonic games
>not liking Colors
>not liking Generations.
I like the classic trilogy, 3D Blast, Adventure 1, Shuffle, Advance Trilogy, Battle.
I too enjoy games where I do something besides -hold right + push button to jump-.
I like the classic games, Heroes, Colors, Generations, and Mania. I can't bring myself to every play through the Adventure games.
I really love S1-3&K, I like CD, I really like SA1 and SA2 despite their flaws. Unleashed and Generations are okay but have issues, the werehog and classic sections are not that fun. Obviously Mania was fantastic.
sonic 3&K is among one of the best games ever made as far as pacing, gameplay, music, and art direction
has never been a better game since, you can make a case for mania which was not made by sonic team unsurprisingly
I like the Classics, the Boost trilogy, the Adventure games, the Rush games, and Sumo Digital's Sonic racing games. Haven't played the Advance or Riders games yet but they're on my list
>hurr durr
That is far closer to Sparkster than Sonic.
I like the Genesis ones, Adventure and Generations.
Don't know why, but couldn't get into Mania all that much. Maybe I'm getting old.
is that a bad thing?
Pretty much same but with the exception of Mania. Every game since Sonic 4 has just been Green Hill and nostalgia pandering so there’s nothing new to actually like.
I liked generations but I think its time for sonic team to give the boost formula a break, especially after they fixed what wasn't broken with forces
I like Sonic 1 more than Sonic 2 and 3k despite acknowledging its flaws.
I never clicked with CD
Haven't played Adventure.
1/3 or Adventure 2 is fun.
Sonic Unleashed for the Wii/PS2 is a good game.
I really liked Sonic ATS/BTS and even Chrono Adventure. I was excited to play Spark, which I liked.
Sonic Classic PC was pretty nice, but needs more polish
Sonic Robo Blast 2 is great.
Still need to play Sonic Time Twisted.
Markey Jester is a genius.
Why do people like 3&K so much? It levels are too long and draged out with stop and go mechanics all over.
>1/3 of Adventure 2 is fun
Sonic 3, Adventure 2, and Unleashed capture the spirit and essence of each era perfectly.
Adventure 1 and 2 are okay
4 new zones? Yeah it's small but it's still new
It's generally alright, yeah.
I played majority of them from Sonic CD to Sonic R even the critically bashed Sonic Boom. His 3D games were mostly bad but it didn't bother me like others do. In the end I don't care I love the blue speedster no matter what variations he's in.
Well said, user.
I bet most people here didn't play Colors and they usually just shit on it because it was a Wii exclusive.
Same user, same
I played it tho
>Forces styled 2D level design
>Boring 3D sections
It's an alright game but i still get peeved when people call it "the return to form" when it's thanks to this game that Forces happened
I feel the same way. I like Colors as a one off game which is what it should have been, the real problem is the direction it took the series in. I mean... Classic Sonic finally got a proper return to form after years of failed attempts. Maybe it's time for the same to happen in 3D.
Honestly, the only Sonic games I genuinely did not have fun with were Secret Rings and the Rivals games.
I will always love that edit
I was THE sonic fan, I was obsessed since the age of 4. I bought all the Sonic Action figures, the movie, I taped episodes of the adventures of sonic the hedgehog and sonic x. My first game was Sonic 2 and mean bean machine for the genesis, but I begged my dad to get me the first game as well and he did. Then I got this CD pack for windows 98 with Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic R, and Sonic CD. But nothing and I mean nothing felt as good as when I got the sega dreamcast and played Sonic Adventure for the first time. That game changed everything for me. Ever since that game I never liked another sonic game again besides adventure 2. Every game that would come out would be dissapointment after dissapointment. Nothing could recapture that magic of Sonic Adventure 1 for me. I fell into deep despair and depression and would scour the internet for 3D sonic fangames and found nothing relevant for years. My friends suggested Sonic Robo Blast 2 just didnt feel right. Then one day many years later a faggot by the name of Ozcrash made a game called Sonic World and it was everything I had hoped for. It included classic stages from Sonic Adventure and other 3D sonic games and gameplay from Sonic Adventure and a full roster of like 30 characters. I was amazed and my hope in Sonic was restored. That shitty fangame saved my life I was going to end it. Never underestimate the power of autism.