How will this be handled in the remake?
How will this be handled in the remake?
>Raw Gachi
Hopefully it will be cut and btfo the trapfags. I hope the whole honeybee side area is scrapped.
Even if they have it it'll be censored for western release.
Machinabridged handled it the best.
If they include it then I will buy the FFVII Remake, no matter how shitty the new battle system is.
But if it's gone, then that just proves that they're not dedicated to remaking the original to it's fullest potential.
Probably a hard gay fucking scene.
have sex
There's far more offensive stuff in 7 that they'll probably cut
terrible meme for a terrible game
kill yourself
In case you retards forgot, Nomura already said that scenes like this will have to be changed, so if you're expecting dudes to run a train on Cloud in the remake be ready for disappointment.
The version of the Honey Bee Inn we got was already heavily reworked to tone it down from its original design. That said, the envelope has been pushed pretty far since 1997, so aside from Sony being prudish as hell, I can't see some really minor sex comedy being an issue in the remake.
Sauce? When did he say this? He said theyd be keeping all the silly shit in the game to not upset fans in an interview.
I wonder if they're even going to keep the cross-dressing part in.
They'd better keep it in. God damn how sad would it be that the FFVII Remake would be neutered in such a way. They're already scrapping the iconic gameplay, but they have to scrap all the iconic moments as well?
It was mentioned several years back that the Honey Bee Inn segments will probably be changed because of "changing trends"
When I was a kid I thought I caused a bug by forgetting to equip Cloud's dress before doing this scene. It wasn't until a later playthrough I realized what went down
It will be removed entirely.
Wall Market will just be you going to the tailor guy to get a dress.
the whole honey bee inn thing made very little sense to me. i got the impression that a lot of it was cut and the remainder was mostly lost in translation. the localization was really bad and confusing and all i could really tell was that cloud got groped by some muscular dudes.. or something
DLC explicit gay porn for only 5.99$
so you learned what gay sex was from Final Fantasy?
>no more gay guys in game
>changing trends
is japan living in an alternate universe?
>tfw they change that segment to make Cloud consent
How pissed do you think the LGTB community would get once they realize there is no gay sex? Will they go as far as to try to make it bomb with negative articles about toxic masculinity and privilege and whatnot? I mean, nothing they say can make VII R bomb. It can be a shit game and it still won´t bomb.
I'm thinking of buying a Playstation classic, there aren't any changes in the game from the original, right?
It's the same game. But honestly if you wanna play FFVII I'd recommend the rereleases that have the 3x fast forward function. Makes the game much more bearable to play.
I heard all of those ones have a souundtrack glitch though
>I'm thinking of buying a Playstation classic
I hope it's all scrapped just to prove to snoyfags that their retarded shit does indeed come around to bite them in the ass.
>Proclaim that it's only niche gay jap games that get the axe
>FF7 remake gets hacked away on
Emulate with beetle psx or use a real ps1
Ps classic is dog shit emulation
It's honestly nothing. The fast forward function makes it worth it.
Apparently the tracks restart after each battle, that's it. Like I said, it's nothing.
Why emulate when you can just pirate the pc port you mong
Pirating the pc port of steams is always updates behind, and the old pc port is dog shit
I've never played FF7. Does Cloud get raped here?
They're only 40 bucks now, i wanted it for Wildarms and Persona
for real? like how bad?
i see, how does fast forward benefit it exactly? which versions have it?
People that are asking "What's your Point' in all of the Remake being episodic and censored.
What would your responses be?
OoT was censored for blood, there's nothing we can do to stop it.
The screen scrolls up but you see their heads and get dialog, it's implied they did something with his ass.
>"it hurts"
> "you'll get used to it, count to ten"
Anything even remotely controversial/"problematic" will be culled. It'll be a sterile facsimile of the original in almost every way.
If you want to indulge in FF7 nostalgia but with improved graphics :
>get FF7 PC
>get the 7th Heaven modpack
>enable improved field and battle models
>install Remako HD's backgrounds
>use xPadder with FF7 profile because the PC's controller setup sucks balls.
more seething trannies is a good thing
they're gonna cut 90% of the locations because this shit is too expensive to make with current tech
just get the ps4 version. or just emulate it any pc from the last 10 years can easily run ps1 emulation. also the ps1 version of persona 1 is trash emulate the psp version and get the ps1 soundtrack mod.
Yup. But they'll likely add a few of them back in via paid DLC packs.
>>>if the remake ever gets released
Fast forward makes the battles go faster, makes walking faster, it's in the Steam version and all the modern console releases.
>spreading lies on Yea Forums
Don't you people have better things to do?
it'll be cut
>the iconic gameplay
It's like regular RPG turn-based stuff but your enemies don't have to wait for their turn to beat on you, so iconic.
Well then, i guess it's just a Wild Arms and Metal Gear machine then
also, any advice for getting Persona 2 on an emulator? like how do i get the rom and what emulator?
Persona? As in Persona 1? As in the PS1 version with the awful localization? Don't. I wouldn't even advise the PSP version because it ruins the soundtrack, and the encounter rate drove me insane.
>There's far more offensive stuff in 7 that they'll probably cut
You mean like the gameplay?
Holy shit what game is that?
I like the older JRPG's i've played. if it's where the series started i'm sure i can adapt
Luckily Atlus learned their lesson after the bad reception to Persona 1 PSP's butchered soundtrack, Persona 2: Innocent Sin has an option to use the original soundtrack. Just use PPSSPP.
Boku no Reading 101
If you take Barret to the play in the gold saucer the announcer says you got a prize for being the 100th couple, then says nevermind since you're obviously not a couple.
Of course there will be gay couples in the new version, you homophobic pigs, so they'll change it.
God fucking imagine if they rip the Trap Cloud model. I will be drained and glowing. But to be honest they will remove it or at most tune it way down.
leaked FFXVI footage
Lmao, there's no way that shit is getting in the remake unless they change the dialog to imply something else.
Considering all of Nomura's recent works, I have no hopes for this to be any good.
They already confirmed censorship and changing things that would be "inappropriate" in current times for the remake in an interview and specifically cited the Honeybee Inn sequence as an example.
It's also gonna be an episodic release.
They're probably going to shoehorn in lore from Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus, and Advent Children. I'm guessing a mixture of DLC and ways to extend their episodic releases.
Oh, and it'll probably be a shitty "Hold down one button to win" pseudo action game like XV.
did you forget the "muslim" crescent moon on the blocks in the spirit temple? the fire temple "muslim" chants?
and this WAS talked about in Nintendo Power like a few months after the game came out in 1998.
they will shoehorn in CC lore because that game existing makes it CANON now...sadly.
no one gives two shits about DoC or AC since they are after FF7 and therefore, not canon and pieces of shit.
Very graphically
Gachimuchi is holy beyond human comprehension.
The gameplay was nothing special, they already improved on it by making it real time but with still having the Materias and spells and items.
I'd still put money that they'll have DoC and AC stuff. It's already written, so they may as well use it in some capacity for DLC, episodic release, etc.
All I know is that I'm not buying it. I'm not buying episode releases of a game that I already own and can play through in its entirety. Censorship is also stupid, especially considering that they didn't censor the rereleases that came out on PS4 and Steam.
I also have no desire to play Final Fantasy XV reskinned as VII and using VII's story.
It's gonna be a shit remake, so I'll stick to playing through the original whenever I happen to be in a Final Fantasy VII mood.
I want Cloud to start the game skinny and twiggy then slowly gain back his meat until he's a toned muscular twunk.
What do i do to get this in that game? is the other image user posted real?
Will be sent to the Sony SJW ratings board here in the states and depending on what they see on tumblr about the scene it may or may not get rejected.
Because SJWs are literally that.
More hardcore. All the cross-dressing and gay shit will get extra attention to appease the 'muh representation' crowd.
What is that pleb resolution?
its an mmorpg. just emote and wear whatever you want
They only censor girls. This scene will be mandatory to progression and the time you have to spend in the tub will be extended to no less than thirty minutes, and a minigame where you have to service everyone with your boyholes has been added.
I love how Yea Forums always dreams up the worst case scenarios for everything then acts like their fantasies are reality.
Oh boy can't wait to play a game that they butchered and cut up to sold to almost full price each. Why do you retards keep falling for this shit? I really hope this flops and this bullshit practice is never used agin. But again this might sell really well and we will be getting cut up games forever
I too always think the imaginary doomsday timelines in my head are the reality in which I live.
Same here. That way I'm always the victim which justifies my shit attitude and outlook on life. I'm not the problem, everything else is.
He will actually take it up the ass this time.
It's good to admit it, that's the first step.
surely nuSE will keep it? Especially since their other FF game does this
it will be handed great because modern society loves faggots.
after you
>SE removes this entire arc worldwide release thanks to sonyfornia executives
geeze talk about a series that crashed and burned. does anyone even talk about Chio-chan anymore? afaik the anime was horrible too
Too bad FFXIV's models have so little detail or aesthetics.
learn to read faggot
funny how the removal is because of them known to whine about anything and yet they will complain for having it removed
So what are they going to do to replace that entire three-hour segment of the game?
Why are you guys so homophobic? They just wanted to help the manlet Cloud get buff.
I still dont understand what happen in this scene.
I unironically hope they add a word filter to make "have sex" say "have sex with my sister, leon!"
It was great for like 4 episodes but it just went to shit.
This was only implemented because faggots constantly asked them to, it's not comparable